Advanced connectors and phrases for IELTS Speaking: How to give opinions

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hello my friends you know in ielts speaking especially part three you need to give opinions right but many students just use the same expressions um i think i think yes i agree i think right well today i'm going to give you some advanced phrases and connectors so you can give opinions confidently in ielts speaking let's do it [Music] hello this is keith from the keith speaking academy here to help you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score on the ielts speaking test so ielts speaking right especially part three is your chance to give opinions and develop your ideas you must do this right and you also need to be flexible because the examiner will challenge you and ask you to justify your opinions and when appropriate you want to show off your language so i'm going to show you starting today how you can use a variety of phrases and connectors that will help you build that flexibility they'll also help with your fluency because many of them are like connectors that show or tell the examiner what you're going to say so that helps with the coherence of your speech and finally they will also help build your vocabulary score but i'm not talking about kind of fancy vocabulary that's not very natural i'm talking really about advanced natural phrases and connectors that native english speakers use and band 9 students use so let's get into it so first of all let's just have a look at some of the kind of typical question types that you get in ielts speaking part three where you are being asked to give and justify your opinion you may see questions like what do you think about blah blah blah how can we solve this problem should we blah blah blah why do you think blah blah blah blah blah tell me more that's a common one tell me more so let's take um an ielts speaking part three let's take the topic of food and let's take maybe a typical question you might be asked about food in part three right it could be something like why do you think some people eat a lot of fast food right let me give you the first part of my answer maybe something like this they're addicted to it because it's just so tasty even though they know it's bad for their health okay so what i'm going to do is show you how we can take the first part of an answer and add some different connectors to make it better i'll start simple and then get more complicated as we move along okay great so the question was why do you think some people eat a lot of fast food the most basic connector you can add that is supernatural is just well well they're addicted to it because right well they're addicted to it because that's it as we go through i want you actually to just repeat with me so you can pick up the intonation which is really important as well okay well they're addicted to it because right well i guess they're addicted to it because or well i suppose they're addicted to it because or well i reckon they're addicted to it because right i reckon just means i think so we can add well i suppose i guess or i reckon right i reckon is i think i suppose and i guess is more speculation that you're not 100 sure but possibly okay that's a very simple and easy connector to start with let's move on so the question was why do you think some people eat a lot of fast food well to be honest i think they're addicted to it because right well to be honest and then pause so that you're chunking your answer well to be honest i think they're addicted to it because can you see we've got little chunks of language that help you be more fluent okay here's another between you and me i think they're addicted to it because okay between you and me i think they're addicted to it because between you and me it's almost like you know you're telling a secret but you're just sharing your opinion with the examiner or well it could be that they are addicted to it because right that's a nice way of putting possibility so if you're not 100 sure well it could be that it could be that and you can say this quite slowly with different intonations well it could be that they're addicted to it because or well it could be that they're addicted to it because right notice how i'm using pause and pauses to chunk my language great let's move on to a different question and some more connectors let's take for example the topic of pollution so a typical part three question you might get is how can we solve the problem of noise pollution in big cities right a possible answer here and i know this is part three you would give a longer answer but i'll just give you the first sentence right i think we can solve this issue by introducing regulations limiting noise in certain parts of the city okay simple answer we could do that now then let's put in some connectors let's take a situation where you may have more than one idea you may have different ideas okay what we could say here is i've got mixed feelings about this i suppose we can solve this issue by introducing regulations right i've got mixed feelings about this right which means you've got different feelings about it so actually here we would often then have a second connector later something like i've got mixed feelings about this i suppose we could solve this issue by introducing regulations but then again it might be better to do this but then again it's a bit like on the other hand or introducing a different idea but then again this might be better right great or we could say i've got mixed feelings about this we i suppose we can solve this issue by introducing regulations but on the other hand it might be better to do okay so you've got a couple you've got your first one i've got mixed feelings about this but on the other hand those are really nice connectors in a similar way we can also say i'm in two minds about this i suppose we could introduce regulations to solve this issue but on the other hand okay i'm in two minds about this and then but on the other hand but then again for the second idea and then you can start adding some of the other connectors right so how can we solve the problem of noise pollution in big cities i'm in two minds about this actually um i reckon we can solve this issue by introducing regulations but then again it might be better to do this okay so you're chopping up mixing up mashing up some different connectors once you've got them in your bag right you can pull them out and start mixing them up build up your flexibility so other things for this question we could say first of all we can solve this issue by introducing regulations right first of all and that again is a chunk first of all first of all it's almost it sounds like festival right but slightly different first of all first of all pause we can solve this issue by introducing regulations let's chop it up well to be honest first of all we can solve this issue buy right or even more natural well for starters we can solve this issue by introducing regulations that's nice for starters we sometimes use that for food right at the beginning of a meal you have the starter but when you're beginning an idea for starters you can do this it's a nice connector great so let's move on to another question let's look now at another topic what about mobile phones right technology computers mobile phones is a popular a popular topic it's a popular topic i've got spoonerismitis go and look it up um and one question here that you might be asked is about children right should children be allowed to use a mobile phone at school that's quite a controversial question and controversial topic right oh there's a nice connector that's quite a controversial question i think i'm making this up as i go along i'm playing it by ear let's let me start with a very basic answer right so should children be allowed to use their mobile phone at school it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games and now let's see how we can improve the answer with some connectors should children be allowed to use a mobile phone at school i was mulling this over recently um and i think it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games i was mulling this over recently that's great to mull over is to think about or to ponder so i was thinking about this recently and i think it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games but even better right i was mulling over right no i was mulling this over recently and i think nice we could also use i've been thinking about this quite a lot recently and i think it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games right nice use of the um present perfect continuous i've been thinking about this a lot recently maybe that's true so you can use it right it's nice it's it's complicated it's showing off your language use but the more you use these the more you'll build that flexibility and that's the key here's another the way i see it it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games the way i see it it's a bad idea right from in my opinion from my point of view right in my opinion it's a bad idea that's okay but this is quite idiomatic right the way i see it the way i see it it's a bad idea listen to the intonation the way i see it emphasis on the eye right the way i see it it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games excellent here's another what i reckon is it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games what i reckon is it's a bad idea the connector what i what i reckon is reckon is what i reckon is and can you see how that becomes one of your chunks and just practice it what i reckon is what i reckon is what i reckon is it sounds like one one word right what i reckon is it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games nice sometimes also we want to give a general opinion like overall i think this we could say by and large i think it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games by and large by and large and becomes an by and large again chunk it by and large try again by enlarge try again repeat with me and focus on those chunks right by and large it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games that's good very good keep chunking let's move on to another the next one is a little bit like when you've got two ideas so you have a first initial opinion but then you have a second one that may be a bit different right and here we can use at first sight or at first glance and then for example right at first glance it's a bad idea because they'll just use it for playing games mind you it could be a good idea because it can help them learn more mind you great intonation right mind you you that's falling and rising great way to break up your fluency or not break up your fluency i mean it adds to your fluency right because it's also a signpost indicating to the examiner that a contrast is coming right mind you it's the same as butt but but but it's a bit dry right a bit boring but mind you whoa that's really interested it's got texture it's got feeling right at first sight it's a bad idea because they will use it you know just for playing games mind you it could be good because it can help them learn right much more interesting another one similar at first glance it's a bad idea because they will just use it for playing games that said it could be good because it might help them learn more right that said similar to mind you or but great let's move on to the final section okay so giving the opinion you may also give actually at the end of the answer as a kind of summary or final opinion so let's look at the topic here of teamwork another popular topic when it comes to work working in teams questions that sometimes people may ask you or should we encourage children to participate in teams is that a good idea or a bad idea um my simple answer might be yes they need to get ready to live in a competitive society and then blah blah blah blah if it's a part three answer i will give more detail right but yes they need to get ready to live in a competitive society and i might put this at the end or as a summary with all in all i'd say yes because they need to get ready to live in a competitive society all in all right all in all just means overall all in all it's a lovely sound right all in all i'd say yes and they need to get ready to live in a competitive society or another one at the end of the day i'd say yes because they need to get ready to live in a competitive society at the end of the day i'd say yes and listen again listen to the chunks and the pauses at the end of the day i'd say yes because they need to get ready to live in a competitive society can you hear how it breaks up and the really powerful way of using pauses to mark your speech try it with me at the end of the day i'd say yes they need to get ready to live in a competitive society nice and here's another one should we encourage children to participate in teams yes we might as well um because they need to get ready to live in a competitive society we might as well this means there is no harm in doing this so yes right we might as well we might as well make it into one link into one we might as well we might as well yes we might as well because they need to live in a competitive society so meaning you know there's no harm in doing that it's probably a good idea you know for example oh it's 11 o'clock in the morning we might as well go for a snack or a coffee there's no harm right we might as well go for a coffee great okay so there are lots of connectors and remember you can mash them up right mix them around right um to be honest at the end of the day i think they can be really useful for you the way i see it actually is that they can help you be more fluent um so you might as well start using them right now i reckon it's a great way to build your flexibility and by and large it will improve your fluency so start using them now get flexible get fluent and that's it thank you very much for watching today um if you want to find out more about my work do go to the website at the links down below if you've liked this video please do subscribe turn on the notifications and look out for the next video i can't wait to see you here again soon best wishes take care now bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 340,933
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, ielts speaking 2020, ielts speaking confidence, keith speaking academy, how to use connectors in ielts speaking, ielts speaking better connectors, ielts speaking advanced vocabulary, ielts speaking band 9 vocabulary, ielts band 8-9 vocabulary for speaking & writing, ielts speaking test band 9 vocabulary, connectors, connectors english grammar
Id: MVT2aL4L9Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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