IELTS Speaking Test - Band 9 sample answer with native speaker Vanessa

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hello this is Keith from IELTS speaking success and in this episode of native speakers doing IELTS I put Vanessa from speak English with Vanessa on the hotspot by asking her to do the IELTS speaking test there's lots to learn about simplicity and natural language in IELTS let's jump straight [Music] [Applause] so first of all hi Vanessa I'm delighted to be here with you today maybe to begin you could tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do sure well my name is Vanessa and like you I teach English online this whole new world of the classroom on the Internet and at the moment I make youtube videos for free for anyone who wants to learn English but also have some courses available on my website for those that want to dig a little deeper it's very fulfilling and enjoy and you mean I enjoy it and it's a creative job fantastic I must say your YouTube channel is fantastic I mean I send students there to learn all sorts of stuff vocabulary pronunciation I think it's great well thanks so much brilliant fantastic well Vanessa today we're going to be doing well you're gonna be doing the IELTS test and I will be your examiner for the day and just to let everybody know Vanessa has not seen the questions surprise maybe shocked no it's gonna be absolutely a piece of cake I'm sure let's begin so hi good morning can you tell me your full name please yes my name is Vanessa prophy fantastic what should I call you Vanessa is great great Vanessa so in the first part of this test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself let's first talk about your house so do you live in a house or a flat at the moment I live in an apartment but this is kind of a transitionary time for me because I will be moving into a house in two months so I'm really excited to do that great and what's your favorite room I would say my favorite room in the house is live at the living space it's where we spend most of our time so it's filled with personal mementos and lots of good memories okay is there anything you want to change about that room it be really nice if this room opened up into the kitchen and this is what's gonna happen at our future house is the kitchen when you're in the kitchen you'll be able to look into the living space because I have a toddler it's really nice to always keep an eye on him but when I'm in the kitchen I can't see him in the living space I would love if those two rooms could be kind of combined which they will in the future okay so I'd like to move on now to talk about pets do you have a pet I do in fact I have two pets I have two cats and right now they're cuddling together one is a black cat with some white markings and the other cat is a white cat with some black markings so they're the perfect combination bright do you like animals I do like animals but I don't often like the upkeep of animals so I love visiting other people who have dogs today I visited a farm so I could see some goats and chickens my toddler loves animals too so it's good to visit but it's not always nice to have to do the daily upkeep did you have a pet as a child yes I had a few pets but the main pet that I had was a cat a Siamese cat named Dodger who in fact lived for 18 years and he passed away just two years ago and we got him when I was in middle school so he had a long amazing life okay I'm gonna move on now to talk about rubbish so what do people usually do with rubbish in your country well in the u.s. we often call this trash and usually people just throw their trash in the trash can but it's becoming more popular to recycle and we often for example in my house we have a trash can for things that can't be recycled and then we have a recycling bag where we put glass bottles or plastic containers but there's often some scandal in different cities about if the recycling is actually being recycled so some people feel really skeptical and don't even recycle but for me I tried to do this right so what do you think when you see rub or trash on the roads when I see trash on the road I usually wonder what kind of people could throw their trash on the ground and not pick it up it's kind of mind-blowing to me that this simple act of picking up your trash someone wouldn't do for me it's a no-brainer of course I'll pick up my trash but it's amazing some people don't feel the same way do you ever recycle paper and plastic yes I often recycle paper and hard plastics but in my city something like a plastic bag these kind of soft plastics we can't recycle so we have to just throw them out or try to at least reuse a plastic bag a couple times before throwing it out right okay great so I'm gonna move on now to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes so you have one minute to prepare for this and you can take some notes if you wish you have paper and pencil do and ready fantastic so I will I will tell you your topic I'd like you to describe a friend or a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal okay are you ready so you have one to two minutes don't worry if I stop you I'll tell you when the time is up when you're ready you can start talking all right well I would like to talk about someone who was more than a friend to me because in fact she was actually my French professor in college and my French professor in college encouraged me to reach a goal that not many of her students really truly passionately wanted to reach which was speaking French as naturally as possible and I was part of one of her advanced French classes even though I didn't know any French it was the only class that was available and the other students in the class weren't so interested in answering her questions and participating so I dropped out of the class and asked her personally if she could help me during her office hours time and she said yes thankfully twice a week I went into her office and she asked me Vanessa how was your week what are you doing this coming weekend just simple questions in French and I didn't understand any of it and she helped me really start from the beginning step by step trying to speak in French say something in French and after a couple months I kind of caught on a little bit more and I told her after I graduate I want to do more with French how can I go to France what can I do I thought maybe I could teach English there and she gave me a wonderful idea which was to become an au pair in France now in the u.s. the idea of being an au pair which is like a nanny is not common I never heard of that before but my French professor showed me the web site and she helped me to sign up create a profile I got a lot of responses from families but a lot of the responses were in French and my level was quite low so this French professor helped me to go through the different profiles find the families that seemed trustworthy and legitimate and I found one family we got in contact with each other we messaged each other my professor helped me to contact them and try to explain my needs and their needs and do some translating in the process and in the end when I graduated I went to live with them for a year the sad thing is that I was contact with that professor so I don't know where she is now thank you the horrible examiner bit I have to stop you there thank you that's right we're now going to move on okay three so we've been talking about a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal I'd like to ask you more more questions related to that let's talk first of all about encouragement and motivation in schools how can we motivate children to study how can we motivate children to study I feel like this is the question of every teacher every teacher asks themselves how can I help my students to study I feel like motivation comes from within but if you have a little bit of interest a good teacher can bring that out so I think that a teacher can bring out an interest in study by making the topic accessible and interesting and fun especially for children kids want to have fun and that's the best way for it to stick in their brains and have them want to study math or want to study about birds or grammars to make it fun maybe even make it a game great what can teachers do to motivate adult students to study hard sure I think for adults it's a little bit different than with children because adults usually have a tangible goal that they're trying to reach so if an adult wants to study English for example and they want to get a better promotion or move to a different country this is something tangible that usually self propels them to study and be motivated I think that the teacher of course needs to make sure the lessons will help the student to reach that goal but I feel like usually this adult students are motivated enough in themselves to reach that goal without too many external factors right do you think that people are less motivated to study nowadays than in the past oh I would say not necessarily because we still have goals that we want to achieve I think that the traditional method of studying could possibly be less interesting to students nowadays because of the Internet but in general we all still have goals that we want to achieve and we need to learn about cars if we want to be a mechanic or learn about English if you want to do international relations so there's still things we need to achieve we still have to study to get there but it's maybe a different method of studying right let's talk about encouragement and motivation at work excuse me how can employers have their workers to be well motivated at the workplace hmm I think one of the main things that has motivated me and the workplace and could motivate other people is this feeling like your work truly matters and is important and part of that is working together with other co-workers feeling like your role in the company is valuable and by having a good atmosphere in the company you can feel like you are valuable you're not just a cog in the machine so helping each employee feel like their work is worthwhile could help propel them to work more and work harder why does some people become demotivated I think that some people lose motivation because they might lose sight of the long term goal for example for me sometimes in my work teaching English I get bogged down in some small details and I lose motivation to do the little daily tasks that I need to do but when I take a step back and look at the big picture of either helping people or growing the business or different financial goals that I want to meet then I can gain that motivation back because I'm looking at the bigger picture so hopefully it's the same for other people too Bryant great and then to what extent do you think technology has changed the motivation of people I think that technology is a double-edged sword because in one sense it has somewhat made us have shorter attention spans we can easily click from one YouTube video to another without having to wait until Saturday at 7 p.m. to watch what we want to watch it's always on demand but at the same time we can really delve into our own interests and study what we exactly want to study whenever we want so if you are focused you can really learn a lot in our modern society I'm sorry I kind of the question it often happens that was a great answer and actually that brings us to the end of the aisles test Wow well done you did it you you got there how do you feel I feel a little bit like there was a ball rolling down a hill and it was just going and going this is strange feeling right yeah it's over though how did I do what's what's some feedback for me well this a feedback is pretty good no it was really very very good some very good answers some very interesting vocabulary I was noticing a lot of collocations and phrasal verbs like stick at it and interesting idioms about propelling yourself forwards which was kind of interesting some really nice language so and I'm gonna actually dissect it a little bit if that's the right word and these points in the notes so people can look at the language but what's interesting is it's not full of complex language it's so much about kind of than just the natural simple language the way that we we speak normally gives you that fluency and it doesn't have to be really really complex which i think is a common misunderstanding it's just a language I think that I personally I don't know from your perspective but from mine it would be nice in my mind if I had practiced how to organize my answer I'm like starting with restating the question I thought about that sometimes but sometimes I didn't think about that so I feel like if I were taking the IELTS exam and I were like practicing with you we're practicing with someone knowing how to organise my answer would help me not repeat myself or those types of things I didn't really think about that during the test but next time really good point yeah because that idea of topic development is one of the criteria and so you can knock you back if you are just kind of repeating or going around as we wind up here the recording Vanessa for people who are watching this and they want to find out more about you and then the things that you're doing where should they go to find you they can go to speak English with Vanessa comm or just go to speak English with Vanessa on YouTube I don't have any IELTS material but it's all just daily spoken English which is great for expanding your fluency which is good for IELTS as well hey that's essential for IELTS that's what people need it's time soon great well thank you very much when I said I really appreciate you coming and doing this here this is brilliant I'm sure if they're my students and I'm sure your toddler's gonna be waking up soon right yeah I should probably wake him up oh he's wiggling it okay it's the same it's fine already thank you very much do stay in touch so just once more a big thank you to Vanessa for coming and doing the IELTS speaking test as I mentioned in the video and the podcast you can see a full analysis of the well the questions and the answers and the language that vanessa was using in the test some of that is in the YouTube show notes and also on my website if you go to IELTS speaking success comm and you'll get a full analysis of everything that vanessa has used here she really has some fantastic and useful videos on her YouTube channel if you want to improve your fluency expand your vocabulary work on pronunciation there's all sorts of stuff there check her out on her website also speak English with Vanessa comm and I will look forward to seeing you in our next episode of native speakers [Music] cheerio [Music] [Applause]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 89,574
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Keywords: native speakers, native speakers IELTS, native speakers IELTS Speaking, Speak English with Vanessa, IELTS Speaking Success, IELTS Speaking Test, IELTS speaking test topics, IELTS speaking test questions, IELTS speaking describe a friend who encouraged you to reach a goal, IELTS interview, ielts interview speaking test exam, ielts speaking test band 9, ielts speaking test samples band 9, vanessa english speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking
Id: cQV88RT07ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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