IELTS Speaking Lesson: Topic of WORK

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ah hello good morning nice to see you and welcome to today's live lesson it's all about the topic of work we're going to look at vocabulary idioms language some fun and games to help you speak confidently about the topic of work in IELTS speaking first of all let's begin with a bit of this [Music] [Music] hello good morning and welcome it's so nice to see you all um now you may have noticed today for many people we are starting an hour later actually I'm starting the same time but the clocks have changed at the the summertime has finished the clocks go back here in Europe at least but I hope most of you realize that so listen welcome um for all of you joining me today it's a pleasure to be here our topic today is this one as I mentioned it's all about work how exciting is that um we're going to be looking at different aspects of work and the language that we need to do that lovely now then today is well today it's kind of a sunny day I'm looking out the window the window's behind me it's a sunny day but the clouds are coming over I think Autumn is definitely here I wonder what the weather like is where you are well um today just to remind you if you are here on YouTube please do remember to subscribe turn on the notifications so that you can find out about upcoming videos do remember my videos here if I can get it are the live lessons we do once a month right so it's the first Thursday if you can say that the first Thursday of each month beginning at 10 A.M Spain time so look out for that and today what else have we got I'm gonna share with you something I got a message it was I think a couple of weeks ago from a student who was in the gold course and she sent me a message it was a lovely message I wanted to share with you very briefly um it was from Mariam and Mariam said hi dear teacher Keith I passed the exam with flying colors lovely expression and I got my desired score I'm here to say I'll always be grateful without your support I would never have succeeded and she says later I can vividly remember I first came across your YouTube channel when covid-19 broke out wow so Miriam had been studying with me a long long time um she was watching the lessons the animals lessons on the YouTube on the YouTube channel she later joined the gold course um and wow she says she's done a great job she succeeded in her test so Mariam very very big congratulations and thank you for sharing the message with me and uh I'm sure could be an inspiration for everybody who's going to take the test soon so guys let's see who is in the house today we've got from foramosa Wan Ching Wan Ching in Formosa nice to see you we've got um nice to see you again lovely Lucy here excellent air Fran from Iran I hope you are um staying safe my friend who else is here we've got lack how do I pronounce this Lakshmi Lakshmi Priya I think that is right lovely to see you here with a cute little um Avatar Stefano long time no see lovely to see you here excellent Antoni as well hello nice to see you ramazom hello from Uzbekistan getting more and more people from Uzbekistan following me that's great and we've got chandana all the way from Sri Lanka lovely to see you here nice and emerald good morning to you as well so it's lovely to see everybody here and um what I'll do first of all I think is just go through what we're going to do today right to show you the uh the plan for today the lesson whoa is normally about an hour and a half I get rid of the cat it's about an hour and a half the lesson more or less um we're gonna we're talking about the topic of work right so this over here is not my cat I know it looks like it but um this is what sometimes work feels like right hectic frustrated and going so so so fast um so this is what we're going to begin with the topic of work I'm going to move on to talk about the vocabulary that we need in particular the vocabulary to answer this question right what do you do what do you do what do you do I wonder what do you do it's a very very common question in IELTS speaking and I'll be looking at the answer not only if you work but actually also if you don't work right how do you answer this question we'll be doing a listening task testing your uh listening comprehension related to this topic and also as I mentioned we'll be looking at what if you don't work outside the home I say outside the home because of course people working inside the home it still work but it's not paid for work but we still no need to know how to talk about that and how to cook like in The Flintstones lovely we're going to look at the topic of changes in the job market over the past years this has changed so much so there'll be some interesting language and ideas there which will help you especially in questions around part three if that comes up and some idioms of course always like to have a few idioms do you know this one to pull your weight hmm interesting idiom which we can use on this topic right so we're going to be looking at that and then we'll be finishing with the game of kahoot fantastic brilliant we've got a few comments coming up from people um I'm a secretary says fariba um Danielle says to be nephrologist lovely great we've also got um who else I'm currently working in government office in Nepal says Santosh um nilkshi says I'm a nurse right we're going to find out more about your jobs very very very soon but first of all I guess let's kick off with this IELTS speak in work oh let's begin with some vocabulary to warm up I'd like to test you I'd like you to fill in the Gap with one word right fill in the Gap with one word just put in the chat box put number one okay let me know what you think the answers are I'll take this up a little bit answers at the bottom but not yet my friend right and I'll put on just a little bit of a classical music to help you get into the mood [Music] foreign [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] right excellent I'll stop that there lovely listen to some brilliant answers I think you've all got this quite down to a T he works as a chef right that was as I don't think anybody else anybody had anything different we all had as fariba says that Annie says that a trangling juice new says that as well as he works as a chef brilliant he's responsible for again I think you all got the right answer here as for responsible for and notice the grammar that it's for doing something right for doing something um and I don't work I'm ah now a few people put unemployed you can't say unemployed um because because I can't spell it no that's not true because unemployed is an adjective it's not a noun so you can't say ah unemployed or an unemployed you can say I am unemployed right it would have to be unemployed with that app so here because we've got ah that is not possible what we will have is what a lot of you said is student is one possibility housewife a few people said um see if anybody else the same problem here let me show you another I'm having trouble with my mouse today not that Mouse my real Mouse uh come back Julia says self-employed again ah self-employed you can't say you can say a self-employed person possibly right um what else have we got so yeah Nick literally said housewife um I'm a full-time student nice full-time part-time you can have brilliant uh housewife we had quite a few with housewife student anybody else yeah here we go so Sabika Homemaker this has become a popular word in the USA I think more than in England I'm not sure we use it too much in England but Homemaker is the person who looks after the house right you do the housework maybe the cooking looking after the children you're looking after the house um housewife but you see if you're a man nowadays a lot of men look after the house and the woman goes out to work so you could be a house husband or Homemaker covers both right we've got this other expression right a stay at home dad or Mom again depending if if we're talking about a man or a woman so I was stay at home Dad stay at home mum Homemaker all of these are possible right if you're not working excellent good so lovely to see that you're all wide awake and that you've all got this down to a t i mean you've got it perfect right okay let's move on introductions what do you do for a living now some of you put in here a few answers but let's have a look I there are different ways we can answer this before I ask you let me just go through we can say I work in a place right I work in a bank I work in a bank I work in a hospital now what you want to try and do here is get your stress on the last on the place right I work in that is just one sound I work in that I work in it sounds almost like one word right and then you stress the place I work in a bank try that I work in a bank I work in a school I work in a hospital okay I work in a bank I work in a school boom you stress that that last word you can say it for whatever's true for you of course okay um you can say I work in and then the fields of work I don't mean the field as in the countryside I mean the area of work the field or the industry maybe or area let's give an example right I work in a bank I work in the field I work in finance that would be the field right I work in finance I work in education and again we're stressing the stressed syllable of that word I work in finance I work in education really stress that to get the nice Rhythm um I work in building I work in sport I work in Media right whatever it may be and finally of course we've said I work as a Builder as a teacher as a nurse or a or an yeah let's make that clear because it can be at or an of course I work as an engineer or simply I'm I'm an engineer I'm a teacher I'm a chef I'm a nurse I'm a something right okay excellent now I'm gonna ask you the question but I want you to bear with me a moment because we're going to try something here let me see if I can do this can I do this yes bear with me I'm gonna see if I can find something I don't know if this is gonna work I'm always trying new things and I'm not sure this is gonna work but let's see if it doesn't work I'll give up straight away no no no if at first you don't succeed try try try again so they say right so here we go I've got to get this code to stick in here and theoretically I should be able to connect okay here we go I think I could do it I think I can do it bear with me guys what do you do for a living that is the question so I'd like you in the chat just to write down what you do what do you do for a living and let's find out what you guys do if you hear I'm a student hmm I work as a driver truck as a truck driver at Masjid a truck driver I work in a house interesting I work in a HR consultant all right very very interesting let me switch you over to this one I'm going to show you on the website these are your ideas that have come up right we've got pensioner consultant homeworker it's okay hello beauty sales dentist I can see some of these are harder to see aren't they a pensioner comes up quite a lot I've got so many older people here that's interesting a lawyer software engineer I.T engineer quite a few he has been is a piping engineer right interesting a lot of the answers are so long that's quite hard to follow isn't it but very very interesting let me come back to that let me share some of the ones we've got here um uh he says I'm a lawyer I work in a shopping center great freelancer I work at a clinic as a receptionist lovely poo that's really nice shrokita I work in right I'm gonna help you here do you remember in you want a you want to put the a in there to make it really clear I work in a logistics company great chandana an accountant Marlene research support officer at the University of Malta lovely great Mustafa I've been working as a crane operator in a steel company very interesting great ramazon I work as a designer lovely Yasmine says let's bring you in Yasmin you said I work in a shipbuilding industry as a piping engineer very interesting nice Muhammad is a graphics designer RTM I'm a game developer I didn't know that that's interesting great and mehmed says I am a slave of the new system of the business join the collab are we all very nice okay lovely now just going back to the uh the thing here it seems like there are a lot of students and a lot of pensioners which I find very interesting um and mechanics seem quite a lot of their homeworkers seem to be quite common as well so that's stay at home dad or mum very very interesting okay so it's interesting to see what you all do and find out what your jobs are um moving on I'm going to look at some templates and sentence stress if you like here okay um so here templates and sentence stress whoa excuse me as I mentioned I work as a bum right I work as a not as a bum I work as a engineer as an engineer as somebody said it's very nice to use the present perfect continuous I have been doing this or this job for so many years right let's say for three years and I love it hate it don't like it like it a little bit okay so you can say for example right I work as a teacher I've been doing this job for 20 odd years and I love it by the way 20 odd years means about 20 years 20 something years if you're not sure exactly 20 something years 20 odd years what I want you to notice is the sentence stress right and I'm going to underline it to make it really clear I'm gonna try my fingers are not like long enough I can just do this here we go I work as a teacher I've been doing whoa I've been doing this job for 20 odd years and I love it okay so these are the words you need to be stressing I work as a teacher I've been doing this job for 20 odd years and I love it and what I want you to do is really exaggerate right make it really really over the top much stronger than usual because when you exaggerate in your practice then later when you speak normally it'll be perfect if you don't then the stress will be too quiet because in many languages the stress is so different and much less than in English so you need to exaggerate right so do it with me there's a simple practice okay and you can fill in your own job and your own situation if you like so I would say I work as a teacher I've been doing this job for 20 odd years and I love it great you can even nod your head on the stress it's a really good idea I work as a teacher I've been doing this job for 20 years and I love it the thing is just remember when you're speaking to people don't do that with your head your head but them okay great sentence stress so simple template simple sentence stress okay excellent good another one here another example what if you don't love it well I mean not everybody loves their job right um I work as a teacher I've been doing this job for around 20 years I kind of like it I kind of like it or I don't mind it you know it's okay I don't mind it nice expression we often say it's a bit of a joke but it's true maybe that basically you work to pay you work to live right you don't live to work you work to pay the rent it pays the rent do you like your job well it pays the rent even if you have a mortgage we say it pays the rent it's not bad so these are other ways of saying it's okay right of course you could say I don't like it I want to change it's an important point right I think we do remember in in IELTS you can be positive you can be negative if you want to say I hate my job I'd love to change that's fine you don't have to be positive all the time you don't have to tell the truth but you can you can be negative if you want right I work as a teacher I've been doing it for 20 years oh I really don't like it I hate this job I want to do something else it just pays the rent the important thing is not being happy the important thing is using good English in the test in life it's not it's important to be happy of course right so there we go two simple templates that you can use let's have a look if anybody's chiming in let's have a book Glacier Quan I work as a marketing manage manager I've been doing this job for eight years I hate the job and trying to change my job that's great really really good I'm just going to add here I think you've got a typo I know you've got a typo marketing manager great nice Fatima welcome you've made it at last ah right uh gulong John I'm a student I've been doing this job for eight years and I don't mind it now okay being a student is not a job right because it's not paid basically so what you have to do here is just take out job just take out the word job I'm a student I've been doing this for eight years and I don't mind it that is perfect great nice uh we've got peon I work as a software engineer and I've been doing this job for 10 odd years and I do love it that is so nice pione very very nice like it I wonder if I can move myself just up here no I can move you across and down okay GRT I work as Finance controller I've been doing this job for around 10 years and I don't mind it right good remember I work as you need the ah right GLT it's a great reminder that can help everybody remind everybody that we want to put in the ah right I work as a finance controller nice love it very very nice what else have we got says I work as an a civil engineer I've been working this job three odd years and I love my job but I couldn't like my industry oh that's interesting right right very very interesting so that's nice lovely I'm just going to change your here and to ah okay an engineer I've been working I've been working this job I would say I've been working in this job right I think that's better I work as a civil engineer I've been working in this job three odd years you can say four three odd years or just three odd years right battle lovely very very nice excellent so some nice templates we can be using here it's also nice if you say how you help people um it can just add a bit of color to your answer right I think especially if you're thinking not only for IELTS speaking test but also for job interviews and even when you're meeting people at work and not colleagues but other people in other jobs it's an interesting way of explaining your job right um it kind of explains why you do what you do rather than saying well I'm a teacher oh well that's interesting oh no but I'm a teacher right and I help people learn English and build their confidence in speaking it's a much richer answer and a more interesting answer right I work as an engineer oh that's interesting no no I work as an engineer and I help people um and I help people what and I help not people I help create and design beautiful pieces of architecture that can embellish the whole landscape of a city right you can make something much more interesting by using this kind of template I work as a blump and I help do something or I help people do something mine I work as a teacher and I help people learn English and build their confidence in speaking great okay good I'm going to come and check in with you in a moment but let's move on because for this topic you also want to think about the following because these are well they're common questions that come up right now why do you do your job why do you do it and what responsibilities you have so what we can say is for example it's rewarding right I'm a teacher why do you do it well because it's rewarding it's challenging I get to do something I get to I get to do something like let me put in an example at the bottom in my job I get to meet lots of interesting people of course and help them become confident communicators for example right I get to it means I have the opportunity to do something I get to do this I get to do that I get to travel I get to help people I get to see people travel the world because they've passed the test whatever it may be right I get to do or I'll put this in bold just to make it really clear rewarding I get to what I really like about my job is and this is a nice phrase because it's an emphatic phrase emphatic means you're emphasizing something right you could say I like the salary okay but richer English what I really like about my job is the salary the money no what I really like about my job is meeting other people what I really like about my job is the flexibility to work from home for example right so again nice little phrase that you can use to talk about why you do something right why you do it right I'm going to come back to you in a moment guys I've got lots of interesting comments what the other thing is what responsibilities you have actually before I do that let me chime in with some of your comments um let's have a look I work as a secretary and help my boss at the office nice that's it great I'm about to work as a teacher and I help people learning new knowledge very good great I work as a cosmetologist and I help people to look better very nice great bow I work as a bartender and I help people enjoy their great drink love it very nice Santosh says I work as a civil engineer and I help people by building needed infrastructure such as Bridge Road that's interesting that's nice there's a couple of things Santosh that I'm Gonna Change to help you and everybody else I work as a civil engineer and I help people by building needed infrastructure such as Bridges and Roads now roads are oh ohads why is it not changing help r o a d s okay great now I put it in the plural right because you're talking about not a bridge a particular bridge but bridge is generally right and it's a civil engineer but that's great great reminder to help everybody look at that thank you so much um we've got where else have we got we had a nice one up here I get to save lives of those who are suffering with diseases and help them if possible to recover from their complaints very nice I'm guessing you're a nurse or a doctor but lovely very very nice great Layla what I really like about my job is nothing oh dear what I really like about my job is nothing right or there's nothing I really like about my job yes man oh I get to teach children English lovely nice very very nice great good I'm lucky oh gosh the comments are so fast let's have a look at the romelia I'm a biomedical scientist and I do love my job as I can help people to keep themselves healthy in my area of expertise I can carry out experiments and do research wow romilia that is fantastic not only your job but your English is fantastic very very nice love it Okay so we've talked about the why and what you get to do let's talk also about responsibilities um talking about this we can say I have to let's say I'm a nurse I have to look after sick people I'm responsible for looking after six people it's up to me to make sure sick people are looked after my main duties are right so there's a lot of things you can say for example so I'll just put in some examples right I have to look after sick people my I am responsible for looking so notice it's responsible for looking after patience I have to I'm responsible for it's up to me to it's up to me to make sure the correct medicine is given for example right and my main duties are duties if it's plural or my main duty is my main duties are um are what let's say my main juices are oh gosh giving medicine [Music] um caring for patience checking the correct dosage I'm just making this up obviously I've never been a nurse I'm not too sure exactly what nurses do I know although I know you are invaluable so here different ways we can say right I have to do something I'm responsible for looking it's up to me to make sure that or the correct medicine is given my main duties are giving medicine caring for patience checking the correct dosage and so on and so forth great so we can talk about responsibilities as well another question that often comes up is in in our speaking is about future job right would you like to change your job what would you like to do in the future um would you change anything so future jobs you could be thinking about as well and future jobs you may want to say I wouldn't mind being uh fireman or a firefighter maybe I should say I'd love to be a doctor so again very simple Expressions you can keep it simple especially in part one in IELTS speaking you don't have to be over complicated you're just getting warmed up it's the start of the test talking about work and jobs um to recap talk about what you do how you help people um your responsibilities things that you do and maybe your future job what you would like to do in the future right good safnair says I'm as a teacher I am responsible for pupils I am a teacher if you say as you want to say I work as a teacher yeah I work as a teacher and I think I would say I'm responsible for my pupils I think makes it more personal right Linda says I work as a nurse I help patients to recover from their illness great black panther hello says I wouldn't with a T I wouldn't mind being a doctor lovely nice uh what else have we got B says without faltering I'm going to change a job as my government assigned me not belong to my former faculty right I'm going to change I would say I'm going to change my job I'm going to change my job as my government assigned me um to not be long I think to not belong to my former faculty if I've understood correctly so so they've assigned you a new post that is not a part of your former faculty I guess right okay uh Ali says I'm not a job Hopper but I wouldn't mind it to use my untapped potential right a job Hopper of course is very fashionable nowadays it's people moving quickly from one job to another maybe every three months or six months to pick up new skills and contacts and networks so it's yeah very very common nice Ali that's great um Marielle says I wouldn't mind being a spa manager in the future that's an interesting job nice and good English and you add your Forte oh no we've got somebody else sorry that is Mallard says my forte is teaching okay Stefano I wouldn't mind being a dreamer is somebody gonna pay you to be a dreamer maybe they are I don't know okay uh what else have we got foreign black panther I'd love to be a model Anna says I'm responsible for giving excellent knowledge to students right great lovely Anna very very nice so we've looked at lots of different language here I'm just going to share this link with you right this is a a website link um and it's about better ways to answer what do you do and this is not for IELTS right just to make it clear this is a website it's about people who are you know maybe looking for a new job or on networking or looking to grow their career and very often in your work in life people say you know what do you do oh I'm a teacher and it's not an interesting answer and it's about how to give a better answer to this question what do you do I'm going to ask Burns if you can share this in the um in the chat that would be fantastic um and let me just show you on the website over here seven better ways to answer what do you do it's quite interesting right for example you say I'm in sales they think you're a pushy sweet talking charmer it's about what people think if you just say I'm a lawyer people think oh yes you're the argumentative type if you say I'm an accountant people think you're a numbers geek so it's it's better to give more information not just a one do so ideas talk about how you help people we mentioned this right that's really a good idea to explain how you help people with your job you can give a story or an anecdote about your job something that happened to you it's all makes always interesting you can make it a teachable moment by explaining to people you know like if you are an engineer explain if you're a I don't know a an electrical engineer explain what you do explain how the job works because many people don't actually know um I say to people I'm an online teacher and they go what what is that exactly and it's sometimes you have to explain what what it means to people so you can make it a teachable moment be vulnerable be relevant let your friend yeah I will let you go and look at that it's just an interesting little uh article to think about better ways of answering the what do you do question right you can go and have a look at that in your own time excellent good I'm gonna add it actually to the Facebook group as well I'm gonna have to go in just bear with me for a moment talking about websites um as we are here on websites of course it's not going to let me switch come on talking about websites here we go I'm just going to put the post in here um I've made a few changes to my own website and I was just going to share them with you in case you're interested in getting more materials for learning if you want to visit the website it's the key speaking Academy it looks like this and on there you will find lots of stuff right you'll find the free live lessons which is what you are watching right now of course okay you can download the PDF of the latest lesson but you can also access lots of lessons on every topic under the sun right there's loads of them here if you want to find out about the test the format evaluation speaking topics you can just go up here find out all about topics and vocabulary lots of information and resources there again for all the different topics you may need and the tips area I've changed this just to make it easier to access what you want so if you're interested in fluency you can go here and you can read articles or tips about speaking like a native speaker how to think in English if you're interested in vocabulary you can find 15 phrasal verbs you can find all the lessons and articles related to that area like ways likewise for IELTS exam preparation I've got a new book about pronunciation A pronunciation guide and if you want to get that you can just click there and get it as well all you have to do is just leave your email address so I can send you more stuff to help you more resources to help you with your your study okay so just to let you know and if you are new here today the the notes that we're taking will be put up on the website so the notes I'm making here later today will go on the website you can download those for free as well so you can carry on studying in your own time excellent so um where are we let's have a look what we've been doing let's come back to the cat the topic of work so we've looked at lots of vocabulary right we've looked at the question what do you do um what's coming up next listening task okay I'm going to do a short listening task with you um it's on this topic and this is what I'm gonna do let me just put this over here I want you to listen to someone talk about their work and can you guess their job can you guess their job let me make this a question right so I want you to listen it's it's a it's an interesting listening because some of the words some of the audio is taken out I've deliberately taken out the important words um but if you listen generally see if you can capture the overall meaning and what the job might be so the person says well I am a blank and then it cuts out but listen and see if you can guess okay what their job is um if you're ready just give me a thumbs up in the comments just give me a thumbs up so that I know you're ready right George says hi sir learn much great love it oh yes let's do it hello I'm a big fan of you great the gistro Emilia exactly get the gist the general idea alishba I'm impressed by your way of teaching great more important the thumbs up are here okay so you guys are ready that's excellent let us do the listening here we go so I work as a I've been doing this job for around 10 years and I I help people create spaces where they feel comfortable and happy with their friends and family yes it's and I have to coordinate with the client and other workers on site but I get to my creativity problems always pop up right in the implementation stage and it's up to me to make sure that Solutions are found and of course I'm responsible for making sure that are met and the students are going what what right okay let's see Stanley glad it's your first time lovely to see you here great Richard very nice very nice now some ideas romelia says indoor designer interior architecture uh landscape designer wow you guys are good you guys are very good a designer a lawyer that's interesting Rashid interesting what was that sir what thank goodness IELTS listening isn't that difficult right architect or personal designer interior designer is an interesting one right coordinator hmm Carpenter oh love it love it nice uh psychology could be Rosanna says architect very interesting very interesting oh this one I like that safety officer because I can see why you've said that very nice oh my God I am tone deaf don't worry that was a very difficult listening by the way very difficult listening um consultant it's a bit like when you're on the phone and the phone gets it's cutting out hello Keith can you and would you like and it keeps cutting out it's really distracting so don't worry if you didn't get the answer engineer um Okay so we've got a lot of designers interior designers uh shatau says a builder manod also Builder designer Enigma psychologist psychologist I'm thinking about that oh happy spaces yeah ah interesting um great what else have we got we've got my mouse getting lost this mouse not the other Mouse engineer could be accountant hmm interesting ideas okay gosh lots and lots of ideas I'm not going to give the give you the answer yet not yet right what I'm going to do is ask you to watch again but I'm gonna help you this time okay um here we're gonna watch again but I'm gonna give you the text and see if you can fill in the gaps let me see if I can just make this a tad smaller there you go okay so this is what I said right I want you again to listen of course the job is number one so you can get it I work as a blank number one I've been doing this job for around 10 years and bum I boom okay number two so in addition to guessing the job this time I want you to try and fill the gaps there are five gaps you can put number one number two number three number four put your gaps and then in the message as well okay um so have a quick look at this and let's see got some interesting ideas supervisor I love that idea yeah coordinating people right manager yeah you're coordinating people um blacksmith absolutely why not could be civil engineer a plumber Rodell could be a plumber right could have been okay civil engineer gardener hmm Okay so let's watch again and see if you can also fill in the gaps I'll give you both you can have the the list the audio and the writing as well here we go give me a thumbs up if you're ready for listening number two Stanley says his State dealer could be Patel mechanical engineer okay listen thumbs up it's number two listening number two great got your thumbs up I've got your permission here we go here we go let's do it so I work as a I've been doing this job for around 10 years and I I help people create spaces where they feel comfortable and happy with their friends and family yes it's and I have to coordinate with the client and other workers on site but I get to my creativity problems always pop up right in the implementation stage and it's up to me to make sure that Solutions are found and of course I am responsible for making sure that are met what you can do is also look at the mouth moving right I'm it helps you guess the word right when you're in conversation and communicating with people you need everything you can to help you communicate so looking at people's face looking at the mouth looking at their expression as well as listening is so important in being a good communicator right let's have a look some of your ideas um I'll put up the words again and see what you've come up with Kiki fish I love it yes it's challenging expand my creativity that's interesting that's very interesting nice anybody else Samir says I work as a supervisor it's a good idea number four Julia says I get to bring up my creativity huh Stella interior designer I love it challenging I get to use my creativity ah yanny number two I loved it number five I'm responsible for making sure data are met data are met hmm stink Rana says number two is love Ziad also says number two is love right good I work as a influencer interesting interesting glutamon it I get to broaden my creativity oh interesting possibly developer love let's see what else we've got love love her love challenging use deadline make sure my deadline are met oh interesting okay show I get to show my creativity that's nice I get to show my creativity very very nice okay Huda says unleash my creativity whoa that's interesting designer loved and I loved I've do I've been doing this job for around 10 years and I loved it if you say I loved it it means but now you don't if you loved it and you still love it you have to use the present I love it so an Amica that's possible what you've said but it has a slightly different meaning it means that now you don't right Muhammad says to improve my creativity it could be could be right and the last one from Tandra interior designer love challenge develop my creativity okay interesting right so so I'm very very very good ideas we're getting closer right we've gone from a strange man speaking and dropping words now we understand a bit more the context let's watch a final time and check your answers you've got loads of ideas some of them are great some of them are fantastic they're all good not all of them are correct and sometimes because of the gramatic the grammar doesn't fit let's check your answers with the final uh playing okay here we go are you ready give me a thumbs up if you're ready to go brilliant I love all your suggestions some really good ideas thumbs are up excellent Dennis thank you so much that'll do me if Denny says yes then it's yes let's begin here we go so I work as a builder I've been doing this job for around 10 years and I love it I help people create spaces where they feel comfortable and happy with their friends and family yes it's challenging and I have to coordinate with the client and other workers on site but I get to unleash my creativity problems always pop up right in the implementation stage and it's up to me to make sure that Solutions are found and of course I'm responsible for making sure that deadlines are met well look at that listen well done so all of you guys who said Builder Bob the Builder you've got it exactly right lovely very very good well done this is actually what it was I can maybe just make this a bit smaller to fit on the one page oh no it's missing the first bit I work as a builder I work as a builder Bob the Builder can he do it yes he can there we go so Builder love challenging unleash my creativity right to release my creativity um and then deadlines are met to meet a deadline right is to reach to do the work in time when it must be done right excellent good unleash yeah so B does what does it mean unleash it means to release my creativity exactly to release yes good let's see anybody get the right answer a lot of you got the right answer right yeah Kiki the the coat is trying to show you I work as a builder um I was actually going to have a hammer in my hand but I thought that would make it a bit too easy right so we've looked at this you can see all of the language we've been using to unleash I'll just make that clear for you all right is to release it's to release boom in a big way to unleash your creativity problems always pop up to pop up right is to appear I think you know that in the implementation stage implementing the building of the house I'm responsible for making sure deadlines are met excellent good very very nice okay good um what's next let's have a look listening task after the listening task we move on to what if you don't work outside the home what happens then I've noticed it's got very very dark listen let me um turn my light on bear with me of course it was also an excuse to get a drink and stay hydrated I think is the word over um over the months in fact over the years a lot of students have said to me Keith what about us people who are not students and we don't work because you know in IELTS speaking at the start the examiner will say what's your name do you work or are you a student and a lot of people say but Keith I don't work I'm not a student I'm a housewife or I'm a stay-at-home dad or I'm a homemaker what do I say what do I talk about um Don't Panic don't worry you just have to say um I don't work I'm a I'm a homemaker right and then the hopefully the questions will be adapted to you um if you're not a student but to be honest all of you are studying English and studying IELTS so although you're not a full-time student you could say well I'm a homemaker and I'm a part-time student because I'm preparing for IELTS and then you could talk about studying right but don't worry it's absolutely fine I'm going to share some vocabulary right with you about talking about being a Homemaker which is a very American word but I like that word I think it's a nice word so I'm gonna use it first of all let's have a look because there are other situations right of course um it may be that what if you don't work I mean work outside the home maybe you're unemployed maybe you've left school so you're not a student you haven't got a job yet right you could be unemployed the problem is unemployed is fine actually no problem at all another way of saying that because some people some people feel bad about being unemployed of course it's not a great situation and it is it can have a very negative stigma attached to it for some people I'm unemployed and people think not good no money lazy blah blah blah which is not necessarily true so there are other way other phrases we can use to say I'm unemployed right so people often say I'm between jobs I've left one job and I'm looking for another job I'm between jobs right um or you could say I'm looking for a job at the moment maybe you say I was a student I've just finished University and now I'm looking for a job right so you could also say I'm looking for a job another way of saying it is I'm transitioning careers and what this means is you're changing career and this is more and more common nowadays um especially as people are losing their job and this happened in during the pandemic a lot right people lost their job um and they actually have to retrain excuse me they have to retrain and look for a new job or a new career so to say you're changing career you can say I'm transitioning careers that means I'm changing into a new career and in that change you're not working so you've left your job um I mean this happened to me right I was transitioning careers in a way because before I taught for a long time and then I was an education manager in Asia and I was managing projects for many years and then I left that I was without a job for several months and then I came back into online teaching and that was transitioning careers and when I arrived in Spain I could say to people well I'm transitioning careers actually I was unemployed I had no job um I actually I also said to people I'm a freelancer but even when I wasn't working for the first month it was I'm transitioning careers right so the different ways you can say it I'm transitioning careers or just I'm not working at the moment I'm whatever you're doing right I'm taking a gap year some students leave University they don't work they just travel for a year I'm taking a gap year um the other situation is to take time off work so that is the idea there are two ways is I'm taking a gap year for students so that's for uh if you like X students so students who have stopped for a year they're not studying they're not working they're taking a gap year to travel I'm taking time off work so to take time off work is the the other expression taking a sabbatical a sabbatical is when you stop working usually for a year and you do something else sabbatical tends to be not always mine but it tends to be for teachers like University teachers and professors who during their career they stop working for a year and they stop teaching and they do something else maybe they write a book maybe they do a research project maybe they go and work for another government Department you know or something they take a sabbatical so they leave their job um it traditionally comes from the Bible apparently the in the Bible they talked about um people anybody the farmers for example would stop working every seven years they would stop working for a year to let the land um grow I think if I'm right but that's where it comes from so basically you stop working for a for a time not maybe less than a year usually it's a year right right good um I'm retired well a very good absolutely I'm retired um so here what do you say well actually I'm retired so I no longer work so if you're retired oh you can't see sorry actually I'm retired so I no longer work I used to and then explain what you used to do and what will happen then is the examiner will ask you questions about work but in the past right what were you responsible for did you like your job etc etc okay so you can talk about that about what you do now um and remember being a student studying anybody can study so even if you're retired you could say well I actually I study I study English in my spare time right Aram says job oh my God I could join this is this real Eddie it's real sure it's real job hunting yes I'm looking for a job I'm job hunting I'm job hunting you could it sounds a little bit I'm job hunting at the moment yes it's not my favorite and I'm trying to think out why it sounds a bit strange it sounds a little bit formal on job hunting we talk about Job hunters and a headhunter but yes I mean you can say that yes job hunting at the moment cosmin I'm not working right now I'm Couch Potato funny nice good Dominica says I used to be a researcher in the field of marine biology prior to the pandemic but now I'm transitioning careers as I've been studying English as a foreign language for two years Domenico wow fantastic that is really really nice great Nara says I'm sabbatical for the moment right I'm on so we would normally say I'm on sabbatical I'm taking a sabbatical or I'm on sabbatical right let me bring that up and add that I'm unsabbatical the moment nice very very nice ranks hello Joyce from Hong Kong nice to see you here at last I've been waiting for you Eddie says I had worked for several years then I stopped now I'm studying great absolutely fine I'm currently employed what is the model answer the model answer I don't think there is a model answer right I'm currently employed I'm currently employed and I work as a teacher I help people right as we said before those templates could help you develop that if you are employed a job Seeker yep you could say I'm a job Seeker I'm job hunting I am a job I'll add that one as well I'm a job Seeker at the moment that's nice if I'm a student but I've not studied in University yet what could I say what I am now well just say I'm a student at school and I'm studying and just mention one or two of the subjects you're studying right The Examiner will know if you say school that you're studying many many subjects so it's fine you can talk about that as well okay uh may I make a joke for the examiner for a good mood uh uh my honest recommendation is not to do that because different people have different senses of humor so what you think is humor The Examiner may not think is funny you can do if it's very very simple um but I would recommend not doing that but of course you can and a good mood is is great I think the best thing for a good mood is just smiling just smile at the examiner right great so cute I'm on sabbatical at the moment as I'm preparing for the IELTS test great good excellent good so we've got that uh we've got taking time off on sabbatical I'm retired um and then as we said before I'm a homemaker I'm a stay-at-home stay at home mum or a stay-at-home dad and then some of the activities so this is all connected with the stay-at-home mum idea or stay at home Dad I take care of the housework look after the kids and what not this is a very natural way of saying um and so on right a lot of students say I do this I do that and so on and so on is okay but it's not that natural much more natural in spoken English is what not and what not right I teach English and French and Spanish and whatnot and so on so I take care of the housework look after the kids and whatnot it just means and other things right and so on I do the school run which means take kids to school so to do the school run is a nice expression if you do that if you don't just make it up just to practice the expression um it's up to me to again do you remember that kind of responsibility language I am responsible for I'm responsible for sounds kind of formal for a job I think if you're at home you could say it's up to me to do the weekly shop prepare for the meals and whatnot it's up to me I handle different things I handle the children I handle the washing I handle the cooking I handle family finances again if you do if you don't you can make it up just to practice I handle all the different things right family finances cooking the washing when we say the washing we mean the clothes right washing of clothes maybe you say I do some part-time work right I know a few stay-at-home dads I know one stay at home dad does some part-time work I know a stay-at-home mum she does some part-time work online she sells things online so that could be an option as well um and talking about jokes if you want to make a joke this is my joke but maybe it's not funny I have to be a multitasking genius it's true right people working at home I mean being a homemaker they have so many things to do and to balance all of them you have to be a multitasking genius so there you go right lots of things there to talk about those things that you um if you're not working outside the home let me check in with you all right let's see JJ says have you guys ever encountered The Examiner that intentionally pretend not to listen to you while you're talking on the speaking exam or something bitty snail whilst I was talking yeah that sometimes happens JJ yes I know that happens um I don't think I don't think it's intentionally pretending not to listen I think they're listening but some people just don't show their attention the same way some people when they listen just look like that and and like their nails right different it's like you oops it's like you know when some people are listening in school and they they doodle they're writing and they're drawing right some people listen really well but they have to be drawing but it looks like they're not listening I think it's just ways different people are Jasmine preet wow thank you so much that's very very kind of you to say very nice thank you um Huda says I'm a stay-at-home mum I look after my kids take care of the house and what not lovely and you're a fantastic student that's really nice okay greetings from Iran Anna says it's up to me to handle all the house stuff great all the house stuff just to add that in for you uh Anna all the house stuff I like that because that encapsulates the washing the cooking the kids the cleaning right and whatnot excellent good I'm gonna move on because where are we Keith you're in Santander what's next after working in the home changes in the job market oh lordy look at the time okay let's do this because I've still got a couple of things to do but we've got time it's okay bear with me I have a question for you guys here's the question how has the job market changed um well that's not the question sorry how the job market has changed is a statement the question is what is the biggest change in the job market hmm what's the biggest change in the job market what do you think are the changes in the job market in recent years right maybe have a think write something down for me and I'll put on some um some quiet music maybe hip hop this time it gives me a moment check something thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign good brilliant some really really good ideas there so people have talked about working at home um the studying and teaching online um e-shopping has come up a lot um salaries changing the inadequacy of jobs not enough jobs there's a lot of stuff there some really good ideas I'm going to share a few collocations with you collocations are just two or three words that go together so these are useful collocations and these are really the challenges right not in any order so now we have more workplace flexibility right workplace flexibility flexi time is where you choose the time you start and the time time you finish remote working right that idea of working from home notice the difference working from home and working in or at home um I'm working well let's see I'm working at home in the home I'm working in the home working in the home right it's the housewife or house husband working from home means that you're working for a company or a freelance you're paid you're doing paid work but you're remote working like I do the gig economy has grown so the gig economy is a collocation the gig economy is basically a gig is a piece of work so the gig economy refers to Freelancers Consultants people with short-term contracts or no contracts who are working uh in the economy right so such as Freelancers and Consultants so people who are doing they're doing um yeah pieces of work rather than a job and a contract for life they have on off pieces of work increasing online working means a growing demand for more technical skills so again online working is your collocation growing demand also for technical skills somebody mentioned this Zero Hour contracts so these are contracts that are unfortunately I guess unfortunately very common in the UK where people are contracted but actually they don't they're contracted for zero hours so they're contracted but they don't get any um Social Security no benefits no job security at all um but it's super convenient you can work in a very flexible way but you're not protected if you like we have the shift or the move towards e-commerce means fewer shop assistants and more warehouse workers logically right there's more e-commerce we don't need people in shops but we need people in the warehouse to move the goods and to sell the goods just notice when you talk about people we talk about fewer not less but fewer right less is for uncountable fewer is for countable fewer shop assistants because of that s right more warehouse workers so just be careful with your grammar here when you're talking about this we've got rises in the minimum wage many countries have had a rise in the minimum wage which I guess is a good thing obviously less job security Now notice job security is uncountable so it's less job security more Freelancers again that was in the the gig economy I would put that up with the gig economy here more Freelancers and Consultants unemployment the unemployment rate has risen the unemployment rate there you go is the the number of people who are unemployed as a percentage um more people do part-time work I should say do part-time work okay um let's see there's lots more lots of great ideas Cesar Cesar says technology has brought a lot of changes in the job market today and meetings can be done online rather than in person makes it easier for everyone yes so technology changing everything uh moving to new technology rather than human labor yep rather than just to add for you nice demand for virtual marking assistance has raised now virtual marketing assistants absolutely look at the language here right because I've said unemployment rate has risen has gone up so likewise krishika for you and for everybody this is such a common mistake right is to say demand for virtual markings the demand has risen it has risen okay you can say I raised something but something has risen okay nice that's lovely krithika so thank you so much for that because I think that is going to help everybody as well it's a very common mistake um people like to do their own businesses rather than paid jobs very true and that is exactly the growth of the gig economy so this has made the gig economy grow more and that has meant we've got more Zero Hour contracts where people are not given Social Security and such okay right the cost of production have increased it costs an arm and a leg and also the GM food expanded yes the GM food is another topic you're right but the cost of a production has increased or the costs of Productions I know you're spelling you're writing too fast have increased we've got country inflation so the price in the market can go up and down well yes the inflation in many countries is going up and up and up right it's going up a lot okay excellent so a lot of phrases there we can talk about um the the changes in the job market given the time I'm gonna move on um we can come back remember all of these notes they've gone but all of these notes I will share with you on the website later okay let's have a look at idioms okay to pull your weight what does that mean so here are some idioms on the topic of um work right talking about work idioms about work okay the first one to suit someone down to the ground to suit someone down to the ground means to be perfect for someone so very often we use that to talk about jobs we say this job suits me down to the ground it's perfect so if the examiner asked well do you like your job oh yes I think my job suits me down to the ground Ting Ting tick nice okay um sorry I'm late wow you are super late we're almost finished not to worry you can always come back and watch it later number two to never do a stroke of work a stroke is like a pen stroke when you write with a pen and you make a strike or a stroke or a paintbrush stroke if you're painting to do a stroke of work um or to never It's usually the negative I never do a stroke of work is to be lazy and do the least work possible right um in the office you always have one person right one person who's super lazy never does the work you can say she's so lazy she never does a stroke of work not even one thing similar expression again for the workplace is to pull your weight so to pull your weight to pull your weight you can imagine right as you're moving your body is to do your fair share of work again this is often used in the negative somebody in the office is always lazy they don't do what they should so we always complain about him because he doesn't pull his weight he doesn't pull his weight he doesn't do his job doesn't do the work he should so you can use both of those right if the examiner asks do you get on well with your colleagues yes I get on well with some of them but there are one or two in the office who never do a stroke of work and it's frustrating because when we do group projects they just don't pull their weight and other people have to work harder right so these are nice Expressions you can use to talk about that moving on the glass ceiling you may have heard of the glass ceiling a glass ceiling is basically an invisible barrier that stops someone from rising up this is used a lot lately in the context of women who are working more and more with the intention of getting promoted and moving up to be an executive or a director but in many companies they can't and it's not because there's a policy against them but there's an invisible barrier so basically there are unspoken policies which stop women getting up not only women it depends but it's often used in that context so we can say a glass ceiling stops many women from advancing in many Industries right that may be Prejudice discrimination bias all sorts of policies that indirectly stop them moving up it's called a glass ceiling because you can see it's an invisible barrier right to hit a glass ceiling okay great let's have a quick look just as I'm coming up to the last Expressions some of you here Yasmine says yes this job suits me down to the ground great April says he's never done a stroke of work since oh this is a good one yeah Chanda my manager asked me to finish the whole project by myself it's a big ask that's a lovely idiom right it's a tall order or it's a big ask is it's it's a lot of work for me to do right to do your part is another good idiom to make your contribution there's a lot of idioms here yes Jen says my co-worker does not pull his weight yeah what can you do right with co-workers who don't pull their weight this is nice Kiki working as a freelancer suits lots of youngers down to the ground youngers that's an interesting word I put it with it not with a capital now that may be maybe that's an American word yongers I'm not sure in the UK we don't use that we say youngsters youngsters right Anna says it's a tall order to do it yes yeah um yes so somebody asked you to do something that's difficult it's a tall order let me add that one in I'll let a couple of those in because those are good expressions if someone asks you to do a difficult task you can say it's a tall order it's a big ask a tall order it's a big ask um there's another one what was it in my head it's a tall order it's a big ask it's uh ah it's gone oh well never mind it'll come back whoa it's all order big ask Expressions to say I'm very busy I have a lot on my plate nothing to do with being greedy and eating too much but just too much work I have a lot on my plate I'm snowed under you can imagine the idea there's all this snow and you just can't move because of the papers the work the tasks I'm bogged down same idea the idea that you're under all of this the swamp the grass sorry the swamp the grass the the bog a bog is like a swamp basically I'm bogged down with work just I have too much to do right those are nice Expressions you can use in the workplace as well you can say Assad Ali Ali the lion love it I'm swamped with work yes you can say um yeah let's add that I'm swamped with work it's the same idea it's a swamp right and the bog I'm swamped down I'm swamped with work I'm swamped with work I'm up to my neck in work yes these are all Great Expressions up to my neck I met my neck with work in work in work with work nice to all of these Denny quite rightly says I will be snowed under tomorrow since I got a day off that's the trouble with having a day off the next day you're snowed under up to your neck swamped with tasks to do Lisa says I'm exhausted me too uh Noah says today I had a lot on my plate so I'm a bit run down run down that's a great expression just to make sure it's clear for everybody it's without the D right run down I'm run down I'm tired yes I'm exhausted up to my neck up to my ears some people have said ears as well we do say that as well up to your ears in work great yes nice bombarded with too much work similar expression very very good April says to have a lot of irons in the fire yes that's not only busy yes it is busy but it means you're doing lots of different tasks at the same time yes but similar expression fantastic okay so all of these um idioms there's a lot of them there again you can get all of these all of this it's actually over here Keith all of these will go into the PDF at the end so do remember um with the idioms that do remember at the very very end I'm gonna put all of this into here it goes into the website the free live lessons so you'll be able to get this you can watch it and you can get it here this will be updated later today um but for the moment we're gonna finish up today with a game of kahoot kahoot many of you know it's a fun game to help us review some of the language from today um what I'm going to do is set it up if you don't know how to play Let me just explain it's very very easy you have to go to and when you're there what you can do is you need to watch me here but maybe on a phone or another tab that's where you play the actual game okay so kahoot let's set it up let me find it in the website and as I'm setting it up I'll put a little bit of um a little bit what a bit of rhythm and blues yeah yeah [Music] okay good enough of that we're there let's move in straight into kahoot so you need to go to put in your name and then you put in the PIN 5508509 5508509 and like hero you can join us oh I love all of these uh avatars lovely okay I'll just give you a minute or so to get in there kind of get as many people in as we can if you can't get in don't worry you can always just put your answer in the chat box as well that's fine Jasmine says hard yakka is work hard in Australian slang I had no idea about that hard yakka nice Jan's you are welcome my pleasure Jasmine you're just in time to play kahoot so go to put in your name hello somebody's stolen my name Keith the owl and uh putting the game pin 5508509 we're going to be starting very soon Estella eight so game pin five five oh eight five oh nine come on hammy get a move on right let's do it guys let's start car people are still joining how many have we got I can't see how many are in never mind I'm gonna I'm gonna get going before we all fall asleep Fabrizio welcome here we go work I'll read the question I work as a teacher and I'm responsible blank making sure students learn effectively okay I work as a teacher and I'm responsible blank making sure students learn effectively at as for two those are the choices as at four two so you have 30 seconds to give your answer well that's interesting so yes the majority got four which is correct I'm responsible for or I'm responsible for I'm responsible for making sure students learn great that no you can't use at with responsible so remember that guys responsible for something or for someone I see lots of answers in the chat that you're all correct well most of you are well done Great quest well here's the uh the leaderboard whoa gong you're out at the top well done Alan a Elvis Medco OG let's move on to question number two I'm not working now I am blank jobs next to between beside in front of I'm not working now I am blank jobs next to between beside in front of rodel I rather I saw your message thank you whoa look at that 69 got between well done I'm between jobs basically means you're unemployed at the moment I'm between jobs excellent well done none of the others really work here right okay good let's have a look is gong still on the top no no no no no Alan a the cowboy monkey has gone into first place Elvis into second um and up 19 places Sam is the highest climber question number three she is so lazy she never does a blank of work stroke stripe stripe strip she's so lazy she NES she never does a blank of work stroke strike stripe or trip great photo so a well done mashed well done oh there's a lot of interesting answers here stroke yeah absolutely it's she never does a stroke of work a lot of people said strike I noticed in the comments as well um so a stroke of work it's a stroke a strike can have a similar meaning but it's not the right word in this context right this is an idiom with a specific word a stroke okay you can remember it by looking at the O in stroke and the O in work so it's o o stroke of work the O and the O match that's one way to help you remember okie dokie here we go Allen is still at the top well done we've got Street D second and Chien as coming to let's come into third place excellent rehab highest climber I think we're on the last question I can't come to the party I'm too bogged blank with work under over up down I can't come to the party I'm too bogged blank with work under over up or down let's see what you guys say well done mochi Ronald well done half us be careful MD well done oh this was a tricky one right um it's bogged down so down was the right answer 34 got it right um I'm bogged under with work no you're snowed under but you're bogged down yeah difficult to remember but think of snowed is that you're under the snow but the bog you can't really be under a bog because that's like a a lake or a swamp so it's more that you're well how can I say just bogged down it's the old English uh it's what it's what a lot of English teachers do that and it's true because sometimes there's no rule to explain it and we just say well it just is no but teacher why well it just is right that's sometimes what we say I'm bogged down with work okie dokie let's have a look where are we on the uh are we on the podium we are number three oh Chen well done number two Suki out of the blue a number one yes Sal look at that well done congratulations runners-up were ashkin amirian hooray I love the little bouncing head that's great well done Round of Applause again well done to San fantastic job you've done a really good job so brilliant nice to see all of you today that kind of brings us towards the end of today's lesson it's been a busy lesson we've had a lot on our plates um essentially cats all cats we've been looking at the topic of work right um like this cat that is bogged down with work snowed under up to its little ears we've been looking at the vocabulary particularly around the question what do you do and how do you answer that question we did a listening task with Bob the Builder um testing your listening and practicing those templates to answer that question we've talked about what to say if you don't work outside the home so if you're a homemaker stay at home mum stay at home Dad uh retired unemployed or in between in between jobs or transitioning careers maybe right nice language we've looked at changes in the job market especially where this topic develops into kind of a more of a part three question and all of those things around technology the rising prices inflation um the growth of the gig economy more Freelancers um fewer shop assistants the growth of e-commerce etc etc and whatnot and the collocations you need to talk about that we've talked about idiom some fantastic idioms to talk about your day-to-day job right um and then we finished up with kahoot to show that you are not asleep that you are all still here active and well even after my two hours you must be exhausted two hours of English well done if you've stayed the whole time seriously I take my hat off to you fantastic I'm so pleased you've done that um so just as a final word to let you know right the website I'll take the notes from today so I mean all of these notes that we've been looking at over there um we'll go onto the website you can get them in the free live lessons bit over there if you need more information um do visit the website go and check out my um ebook common mistakes in IELTS speaking you can download it here just put in your name and email and then I can send that to you it's a really nice ebook I think give you some great tips and ideas if you're preparing right um just called my most the most common mistakes that you know people make when they do the test and and what to do instead right how to avoid those so go and check it out it's all at the Keith you can find out information there's information about my courses there if you're interested as well I'd be delighted to to have you on the courses and I think that's it guys um the next class is in a month's time right so we're on the first Thursday of each month which will be the first of December wow okay our next class will be the first of December do remember that these are on the first once a month the first Thursday of each month if you want more live lessons you can get them in the the course the gold course that I have um that you can find out about that whoops over there it's on the website it's up here it's the gold course um we have two extra live lessons each month to help you practice and study all the different and latest Topics in IELTS speaking so go to the website and go and check it out keep speaking economy a key speaking economy no the key speaking Academy that's it thank you so much all of you for joining me it's been a pleasure and I will see you well I'll see you maybe in the next video that you're gonna watch that would be nice let's do that okay my friends take care all the best I'll leave you with some music I know you told your friend you're not okay [Music] [Music] as you fade away [Music] yeah I'm about to fade away cause every time I wake up I feel like it's Monday something's going wrong with all the chemicals I bit my brain all of a sudden I don't look at anything the same way gotta build up of my thoughts sitting in an ashtray I'm sorry that I'm so inconvenient okay just let me be me and I'll stay out of your way I could see the way you look at me I'm such a disgrace I never really asked to be brought into this place you wanna love me well then baby have a taste all the highs and the lows know you'll never be the same I don't really wanna hurt you but I can't control the pain if you're sticking by my side maybe we could be okay okay okay maybe you could be the change I need today I promise I'll this this will stay through your friend [Music] [Music] brilliant that's it see you soon take care bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 135,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 118min 52sec (7132 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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