IELTS Speaking Free Live Lesson: DAILY ROUTINES

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hello good morning everybody nice to see you welcome it's Thursday the 2nd of March we're already in March today we have a lesson all about daily routines we're going to look at vocabulary Expressions idioms listening tasks it'll be really really good I hope so but listen let's begin with a little bit of this thank you [Music] [Music] hello good morning everybody nice to see you how are you it's great to be here nice to see you again um remember the first Thursday of every month we have a live lesson here on um well wherever you are whether you're on YouTube you might be on my Facebook Channel um but this is it once a month the first Thursday 10 a.m Spain time great to see you here we have an interesting lesson today um we're going to be looking at daily routines right daily routines looking at what we do every day um how we do it and I guess most importantly how we talk about it so if you've just joined welcome nice to see you here let's have a little a little look a little look at who's in the house um we've got fariba all the way from Tehran nice to see you we've got guljacon all the way from Korea great to see you here mad from Turkey I hope you are well my friend nice to see you here um all the way from I guess bonjour Monsieur could be France or a french-speaking country Agata nice to see you all the way from Poland that's great um baram says we are waiting for Mr Keith yes I was a couple of minutes late did you notice I was out of breath because I had to run downstairs to get my cup of tea to keep me it's Christmas again to keep me um hydrated is the word a nice word keep me hydrated throughout the class so lovely to see you um Monica nice to see you here Monica says that my daily routines are based on my cat's routines ah very very good um we've got Masood from Iran as well good to see you Zora from Paris nice to see you so many people from all over the world great let's kick off yes let's kick off let's do that let's begin so daily routines um to begin with I'm just going to go through the lesson today it takes about an hour and a half so if it's your first time welcome have a seat relax good if you have something to make notes although I will share the PDF with you later okay so this is what we're going to do today I'll come over here daily routines um we're going to talk about first of all we'll look at the vocabulary of this topic so you know exactly what to talk about after that well we'll look at different morning routines people are talking about cats people are talking about going for a walk um me I often crack an egg crack a fried egg actually boiled eggs much healthier I prefer boiled eggs in the morning we'll be looking at different morning routines um and then deciding right the idea of routines is it good or is it bad our routines a good thing or a bad thing you may think like this gentleman they're both good and bad we'll find out later I've got an interesting listening task for you today um somebody talking about routines and you have got to listen we'll be looking at that later we'll do some idioms today to help um beef up your vocabulary beef up make stronger we'll beef up your vocabulary and we'll finish today with a game of kahoot which is where we review the vocabulary from today's lesson and uh we find out who of you is the fastest and the best in the world so that's it my friends that is what we've got going for us today if you've just arrived welcome the topic is daily routines um a big welcome to all of you who are here okay great good um just to let you know just to let you know what that if you want to find out more about my work I mean for those of you who are on YouTube if you are on YouTube by the way remember that little subscribe button can you press that if you like and if you want to find out about more videos turn on the notification right if you're not there then you may be on um Facebook um I've got a Facebook page it's at Keith speaking Academy um I've actually also got Instagram but I've not used it for a long time but I am about to start Instagram again so you can check out it's at Keith underscore speaking underscore Academy I'll put that up later or check out more importantly check out the website Keith's Keith you'll find lots of free ebooks resources PDFs to help you study and some online courses summer free some are paid for um to help you particularly improve your spoken English so you can be more confident and if you're preparing for IELTS get a seven or more in your IELTS speaking test okay if you're doing that that's the idea let's begin with this um we're going to look at daily routines I'll just do bring this down this is a little test for you okay so what you can do is in the chat just write down number one and number two the missing word okay fill in the Gap with one word number one says I have a steady routine in the mornings I blank get up at 7am and then have a shower what's the missing word number two I'm busy at work it's true but I like to study Chinese it's true every now and blank what's number two so put in your answers in the chat and as you're doing that uh I don't know let's have a little bit of uh r b i like r b [Music] you need to put the number ideally like Powell has [Music] huh Afrin thanks for your message [Music] okay [Music] Eric my advice start practicing keep it simple start practicing [Music] so we've got lots of ideas here let's begin with usually as my ref says I usually get up at 7am absolutely I mean that is absolutely fine usually gets up some people said always yep I mean it's a routine so it's probably usually or always um other possibilities people have said now this is interesting there are two things that came up um somebody said used to I used to is for a habit yes in the past here here I'm talking about now I have a steady routine so used to we cannot do that right we can't say used to because it's I I have if it was I had a steady routine I used to yes but not here right can't do that sorry my friend likewise somebody said would wood is a habit in the past so if I said I had a routine I would get up in the past yes but here my friend I'm sorry no um what else can we have some people have said usually mostly that's nice I like that nice I mostly get up meaning most days excellent excellent let me just check any others just I just get up at 7am it's not it's possible but it doesn't give the idea of a routine so well yeah I mean just is okay I see a few of you but just um okay those are the main ones that I can see I mean there are others and I'll show you in a moment some others okay for the second one I like to study Chinese every now and then that was the most popular absolutely every now and then notice right now and then excuse me it's okay to say now and then but and in spoken English we would put the and as a now now and then so the UN is not and certainly no D now when then try now when then slow down now when then speed up now and then I study Chinese now and then that's it nice good so um then is good what else some there were some other ones now and again somebody said now and again yep absolutely good answer uh any others that came out for number two then then then then then then then everybody has done and now and again that's it to be honest I think those are the only two that I know don't think any others go okay excellent so answers let me give you what I had as the answer which are very very similar right I put my answers here um I have a study routine I usually get up I always get up I will will expresses a habit in the present do you remember we talked about wood is a habit in the past will is a habit in the present right I will get up at 7am right um I have a steady routine I will get up at 7am I will have a shower and I will go to work this is not the future this is now it's a regular routine very nice English right will I will get up at 7am you can contract to I'll I'll get up I'll have a shower uh often or often you can pronounce it either way we were I was having a live on Instagram with Alex my friend a brilliant teacher um and often we were just debating whether it's often or often and in fact both in Britain we say both often or often both are absolutely correct another nice word is inevitably inevitably inevitably inevitably means most likely or mostly right I will inevitably it's going to happen it will happen as a routine inevitably is good I'm going to add mostly because I really like that thank you for those of you who said mostly I'd forgotten that that's really good I mostly get up at 7am and then I have a shower number two then and again and that's it very very nice lovely excellent good um Eileen says in my morning routine I always have delicious breakfast lovely very very nice I'm gonna help you a little bit Eileen um because and this will help everybody um we say to have breakfast yes but if you put an adjective it's have a delicious breakfast have a big breakfast okay noted excellent Edgar thank you for that comment good to see you yes remember fun watching you and Alex last night glad you enjoyed it great um there are so many comments what is the meaning of now and then now and then means um sometimes sometimes now and again now and then sometimes basically excellent good okay I'm going to move on we're going to switch just for a moment and see we were looking at right so we're looking at daily routines the first thing I want to do just so everybody knows if you're arriving late why are you late sir Madam vocabulary um let's have a look then a vocabulary let's start with this daily routines I want to start with ways of expressing habits and routines okay um now you can quite simply say I every day with your habit I'd go to the gym every day I get up early every day get up nice if you can link you don't have to but if you can link get tub get tub get tub tub I get up every day you can say remember I will I will get up early regular habit I always get up early and we've seen always inevitably mostly usually right I tend to is really nice right I tend to means yes it's a habit um usually most times I tend to get up early I tend to get up early for pronunciation here right we would say I ten get up I tender I tender like 10 I tend to get up early I tend to get up early the tend the duh kind of drops because you've got to later tender I tend to get up early try I tend to get up early what about late get up late I tend to get up late what about at eight o'clock I tend to get up at eight o'clock nice tell me the truth about you really I tend to get up at eight o'clock because then everybody gets up I wake up my daughter my wife gets breakfast ready and we have have a big breakfast we have a big breakfast nice and then she takes my daughter to school great uh good Rodney I generally have a monotonous routine interesting or not interesting at all um Johnny Beck nice to see you I get up early out of habit out of habit that's a lovely expression great um Hanan says hello Hanan what a surprise in the mornings I often get up to walk briskly great lovely always Lem all the best students in the world are here I tend to get up early because I'm a morning person that is a lovely expression everybody I'm a morning person I used to be an evening person uh but now actually I'm a morning person yes Tanda I tend to get up late Zenith says I tend to stay up late every night so always late in the morning right yeah it's a it's a vicious cycle it's not vicious it's not negative why not I tend to get up at eight o'clock add the fatah how can you be late seriously what's going on sort your life out [Laughter] don't worry about it I'm very happy that you're here Louisa I tend to get up early lovely great guys so we've got those expressions right another one which is nice is typically I typically get up early I mean I typically have a shower um in the evenings I typically go to bed at 11 o'clock um I typically work from home right and finally you could say more often than not I more often than not which means more yes than no so if sometimes it's like 50 this is more than 50 of the time more often than not more often than not more often than not we've kind of stressed the knot more often than not I get up early right more often than not I what do I do more often than not I have a cup of tea in the morning more often than not my wife does the school run I sometimes do the school run but more often than not my wife does the school run good cheers excellent so we've got all of these um ways to talk about habits and routines lots of different and interesting ways now um the people talk about routines right you can also talk about your schedule again me and Alex last night were talking about American and British English um schedule I think in America maybe or in I can't remember the West so there are two ways you can pronounce it right you can say schedule schedule or schedule and actually I say schedule my schedule or my routine goes something like this that's a nice expression I've heard that quite a lot where people say yeah my schedule goes something like this I get up at six o'clock I have breakfast then I go to work so you can say something like this now we've talked about usually often sometimes here's a question what are other ways of expressing always so you can say usually often sometimes but always stream alive is our I'll show you in a minute but always is a very interesting word and there are different ways of expressing always um and I'm gonna take you over here to show you this question on streamer live this is an interesting software if you're a teacher um what's another way to express always in the chat can you just write down what you think and I'm hoping it will come up in this word cloud right different ways of saying always now some of the words won't be accurate but that's okay because it's getting everything that you're saying but think about always all the time religiously every time occasionally hmm every time is coming up that's interesting that is interesting I'm going to talk about that in a moment habitually I can see predominantly okay now we're getting some interesting Expressions Afrin I am British I am not American um yeah I'm definitely British I'm from Manchester in England but I live in Spain at the moment now every time um every time is really unusual in British English I get up at eight o'clock every time no wouldn't say that um I always what say I always have um I always have tea in the morning I every time have tea no no um I have tea every time you could put every time at the end yes I have tea every time but you need to be talking about times like once or twice or second it's not a very natural synonym of always that's interesting because everybody has put that that's interesting um constantly good continuously yep mostly usually this is interesting it's getting bigger and bigger okay I'm gonna let that grow regularly over here yeah regularly absolutely okay regularly um let me come over here back to our sheet and let's have a look other ways of expressing always I'm gonna take this up here uh religiously regularly absolutely I regularly go what do I do regularly I regularly um have coffee no I don't I regularly have tea in the morning I religiously have tea in the morning um I inevitably I constantly maybe constantly um another one without fail I have tea in the morning without fail is a nice one it's an interesting one um what else have we got let's have a look without fail without exception without exception right I always do this I do this without exception can I get some more rows please thank you um if I would say instead of every time I would say all the time I think all the time is better um all the time I have tea in the morning all the time I go to the gym all the time every day um what else Come What May come what me I have tea in the morning come what may or I go for an early morning walk Come What May right good so go going back to the uh the regularly right regularly is coming up is taken over constantly yeah constantly I think constantly is good I'll add that to habitually I habitually yeah it's used to be honest habitually is is not used that much um for speaking right I think for writing yes for speaking maybe less so continuously normally inevitably frequently frequently yes so I'd put frequently over here actually let me bring us back here um so we're looking at now at the other words usually often sometimes uh frequently I think usually and often are very similar right uh regularly could be often usually I'm looking at your thing again mostly mostly is nice sometimes what else can we say from time to time now and again sometimes I'm gonna switch us back to see your comments in here on a regular basis good invariably says Sarah nice I invariably have coffee in the morning invariably I'm going to put up here because although it sounds like without changing like always we use it more about more as a usually I invariably have coffee in the morning not always but invariably I think when we speak it it's more about usually but nice routinely so I routinely have usually yep routinely we can also say nice make use of that regularly ever not really ever we normally use with a negative right I don't ever do that or with a question do you ever have coffee in the morning but not with a statement right Sayed is a bit like me I'm addicted to having a cup of tea in the morning yeah me too it's a bit like um a subconscious thing it's just automated I'm addicted to having a cup of tea Saiyan thank you so much for sharing can we say I eat breakfast yes I eat breakfast I mostly eat breakfast I always eat breakfast at seven o'clock generally is good yep Sharif generally that's a nice one yep I generally occasionally it's a good one as well occasionally occasionally is is maybe a bit less than usually occasionally is more sometimes right let's move that over here let's make this one bigger come on no it won't let me won't let me never mind can I go this way yes no never mind generally basically hmm day in day out epic this is really good day in day out so without a without a just day in Day Out and this is always we're gonna add that to always day in Day Out I have coffee in the morning day in day out so there are lots of different ways right of saying um always usually often and sometimes the important thing to notice right is if it's a single word normally it goes before the verb because these are adverbs right just to be clear these are adverbs we call them adverbs of frequency because it's how often you do something um so because they're adverbs normally they go before the verb I religiously have I regularly go but if the adverb of frequency is long it usually goes at the beginning or end of a phrase not in the middle so you don't say I on a regular basis get up at seven no no no no no no no if it's long put it at the beginning or the end I get up at 7am on a regular basis from time to time I get up at 9am got it so if it's a long like two words or more then put it at the end or at the beginning so without fail without exception um I what do I do I I go to work every Monday without fail I put that at the end okay good there we go let's see what else is coming in Rona you've been snoozing welcome nice to see you here um okay I'm just going to go back and close this because we've got nice all different ways of saying always so just be careful with every time that's the one that I kind of disagree with with you all okay nice good how do I close it I say let's close it I've got no idea how to close it there we go closed what's next Keith what's next I don't know what's next I forgotten what's next I need to check my um this is why I have this it helps me decide what's next we've looked at vocabulary morning routines okay what people do um cracking an egg I regularly have a egg or I crack an egg in the morning um let's have a look over here I'm gonna ask you which of these which of these is true for you which of these is true for you so what I'm going to do is show you different options different morning routines and you tell me which is true for you just put the number right again I'm going on streamer live great software thank you guys I really like it which of these is a routine for you so let's go over and let's start this interaction right so here are the choices number one I sleep in at the weekend meaning you sleep quite late number two I get up bright and early most days um number three I have a light breakfast number four I brush my teeth before breakfast number five I run the kids to school number six I waste hours scrolling on tick tock and number seven I go down the library most days and I'm sorry that it is quite small I've just realized it may be too small but let me try and make it a bit bigger which of these is true for you and just as you're doing that let me put in a bit of a bit of jazz [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so it seems that I brush my teeth before breakfast that's interesting because for me personally I always brush my teeth after breakfast but I know quite a few people brushed their teeth before look at that 40 brush your teeth before breakfast the next most popular I get up bright and early most days a lot of you have a light breakfast notice have breakfast but have a light breakfast interesting um and yeah a lot of you sleep in at the weekend I'm very pleased to see that very few of you waste hours scrolling Tick Tock good keep it up okay [Music] I got kind of addicted to the music I was really into the music that was so cool great so interesting let's have a look in a bit more detail at these um common routines right um things we do daily routines particularly in the morning just note the phrase is in blue here are more colloquial colloquial means spoken English informal which by the way is perfect for IELTS speaking right so to sleep in just means um to stay in bed a longer time so I noticed a lot of you sleep in at the weekend you stay in bed longer than usual notice this is different from to oversleep to oversleep is where you stay in bed a longer Time by mistake right so that's the difference to sleep in is where you decide to stay in bed but if you stay in bed a longer Time by mistake so maybe your alarm clock didn't go off then you you stay in bed too long then that's to oversleep you can say to get up more informally to crawl out of bed right it's quite funny because the idea you're tired right so we often say that colloquially a bit of humor right will I crawl out of bed I crawl out of bed finally at 805 I mean typically right I typically get up at eight o'clock no I typically wake up at eight o'clock because my alarm clock goes off I put it I put on the snooze and then I fall asleep and then I finally crawl out of bed at 10 past eight right to crawl is what the baby does to move slowly on the floor to have breakfast we talked about um remember if you're putting an adjective we say to have a heart a big or a hearty breakfast that's a nice expression a hearty breakfast means a good heavy big breakfast but just notice the app right we can say to grab breakfast means to have quickly or to take quickly so to to grab it means to take quickly we often talk about grab a coffee if you're rushing a lot of people rush to work and on the way they grab a coffee at Starbucks and then they take it to work so to grab a coffee um another nice spoken English is I get myself a coffee and this is more at home rather than going to the shop but when you're at home and you prepare your own coffee I get myself a coffee much more colloquial nice right I get myself a coffee other routines to brush my teeth you know that right brush your teeth to have a shower here it is a have a shower to go to the gym I know a lot of you guys work out down the gym which is great well done if you want to be more colloquial you can say I go down the gym I go down just means I go to I go down the gym I go down the library I go down the shops it means to go to informally or hit I hit the gym you know we've got the expression um I hit the books is to start studying to hit the gym is to work out right to go and work out we've got in addition if you're a homemaker whether you're a housewife House Husbands stay at home mum stay at home Dad if you're working at home you can say uh I get the kids ready for school or more colloquially I sort the kids out sort the kids out is to prepare get them dressed get them fed kick them out of the house sort the kids out right is help get them ready or prepare get the kids ready you can say I do the school run now this does not mean run no it means take the kids to school now depending on your country and your family in England most people do the school run by car but you can do the school run by bicycle when I lived in Beijing many years ago and my daughter was three years old many years ago I did the school run I took my daughter on the bicycle had a bicycle and I had a seat on the back and she would sit on the back and we would I would do the school run right on the bicycle um ah those were the days oh nice nostalgic so School run do the school run but just means to go to school I'm sure a lot of you guys do the school run could even be walking right that can be walking so it's to take the kids School I do the cooking we use do a lot in English right I do the cooking I do the washing I do the cleaning all of these rather than I clean I cook it's often more natural to say I do the cooking yeah I do the cleaning uh I do the wash I do the washing yeah I do the washing that means clothes by the way if you do the washing I do the pots means wash the dishes hey we had a we had a live lesson on housework right do you remember we had a live lesson on YouTube about house housework housework go and check it out if you want more information about this um great let's have a look um I'm going to share this with you as well household routines check this post and video oh that's it that's the link haha that's that I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about um if you want to go to that link on the website there's a lesson about housework um you can get the PDF you can download it there and basically we talk all about household tasks IELTS speaking the topic IELTS topic um yeah look at this all the household chores there's lots of information there right I'm going to ask Burns who works with me to put the link oh did I send you the link I'm not sure if I send you the link whoops um I'm not sure if I've sent you I think I have sent you this one but it's how to do the housework it's on my website right it's on the it's on the key speaking Academy you can see it up here if you go to the key speaking Academy you'll find it if you go to the key speaking Academy and actually just click on the free live lessons and scroll down you'll find here it's going to be one of these this one is going to be most likely this one housework there you go free lesson about housework click on there and you'll find it foreign website can I say that no I can't say that can I it's my website Burns you've got it thank you so much she's sharing that with you all the way now lovely alien says I drop my kid off ah let me help you again Ellen because you're such a good student and you're always practicing um instead of two because you go to but if you're at or drop off at a place it's I dropped my kid off at school right nice Xena says I do all the household chores good for you good for you teenage I do the dishes yes I said do the pots you can say do the dishes yeah let me add that on my list there I do the dishes nice um pradeep says I really tend to do the washing clothes yeah um you don't need to say you don't need to say clothes it's better without clothes actually make it this is clearer samilla says I do the cooking now remember you can take all of these and the Expressions at the beginning of the lesson I will do the cooking I typically do the cooking I tend to do the cooking I do the cooking without fail right make your answers bigger and bigger and build up your confidence as you go Boba Fon says I do the ironing oh I hate I hate the ironing uh great lovely anything else as I added the days those were the days those were the days yeah great Lilia says thanks a lot I'm glad that I met you I'm glad I met you as well great I do the homework with kids I do the homework with the kids ride you help them right don't do your homework for the kids and just help them um great Lafayette Dominique I habitually do the washing up after lunch and dinner great student and also a great Homemaker well done nice very very nice good we've got others laundry but listen let's move on lots of really nice Tran thanks very not thanks very much for that that's great so Homemakers what if you're a a worker what if you work well you may want to say I commute to work which means when you go from outside the city into the city so you you typically catch a train or a bus to work um you can drive as well but when you travel a distance normally from the suburb or the countryside or outside the city center then you commute to work um to work is normally some distance right if it's just a five minute walk it's not a commute it's a longer distance I check my emails I waste time scrolling on Stick talk don't do that if you're a student I hit the books meaning to study or to start studying or to study let's just say yeah I hit the books to study to start stand to study I go down the library remember I go down the library is a bit more what we would call colloquial or I hit the library it's also I think a bit more colloquial excellent good okay lots and lots of Expressions here remember the this PDF over here later I will organize and put on the website and you can go and get it in the free live lessons area right that's later right now let's discuss this routines good or bad so oh what's happened here I don't know what's happened here that's a bit strange um morning routines good or bad I mean not morning routines General routines oh do they good I don't know I think routines can be good right they give you a sense of security they give you a sense of regular I don't know a sense of security safety sense of progress when you've got a routine you're progressing towards a goal you're doing the same thing every day it makes you feel comfortable you're inside your comfort zone but there are downsides right routines can be incredibly boring the same thing every day day in day out how boring and that can affect your mental health actually I think um you can get stuck in a rut so good or bad I don't know what do you guys think what do you think tell me what you think in the comments is it good or is it bad routines let's have a look let's see what we've got daily routine keep me stumbling through my through my life right okay good I'm very well thank you nice comment uh or seni instead of cumud for a shorter distance well just go I go to work I travel to work I go to work um a lot of you commute right let me see I can't find kanwal hey nice to see you again well I'm getting in a rut so mundane life so yeah routine's good or bad that cat they can be bad fire gaming says good Rambo says mundane jaffrin not good at all Donatella don't like routines okay Julia both Frederick says good uh Noah all the way from Canada I'm guessing so it's good um I reckon oh nice I reckon I think I reckon it is good because it helps me accomplish my tasks yeah sense of progress right but sometimes we should break this routine and have some fun nice break a routine good English nice says good lovely Academy we can reach the good result through using routine in terms of studying that is true very very true yes I'm in two minds uh what else we're still talking about commuting pradeep says regularly doing things is absolutely mind-numbingly boring yeah good pradeep I'm gonna help you with my numbingly because absolutely is an adverb boring is the adjective so my numbing must be also an adverb you need two adverbs absolutely mind-numbingly boring love it are so rich a rich English very very nice yes good except working maybe okay depends on your mood fair enough yes uh Ola says it organizes life makes you feel you are not lazy yeah it gives you a sense of productivity right yeah great nice Ola thank you so much um so good let's say build productive habits gives a sense of well productivity activity gives me a sense of progress especially in study right um can lead to good study study results gonna lead to good studying results up but studying I think is a better adjective um Perfection comes through repetition what else did we have um Paulina new glasses yes they are these are the new glasses yes yes gosh you've got good eyes wow uh had you it's good for our life um let's see I'm bored to death oh these are very good comments yes Tran routines can help you keep this yes they help us stay disciplined whoops if I can spell it right that's that's what you want to say right they help us stay disciplined stay on track and stay on track especially with work and study nice love it very very nice gosh you guys are really good today very very good um okay that's good let's have a look at bad because a few of you said bad um a lot of you said boring I'm gonna borrow pradeeps it's it's hang on because it was so good ABS so abs olutely uh mind numbingly boring uh great well instead of boring let's say mundane mundane boring right boring monotonous bad I'm gonna say it I'll give you a sentence it might be better right it makes our lives boring routine makes our lives our lives boring and monotonous boring and monotonous are the same but you can repeat right to emphasize um I feel I am stuck in a rut so you're stuck in a hole oh help I can't get out I'm stuck like the idea is right you know the idea of the the not the rat the guinea pig or the mouse that goes on the wheel and it's going it's going round and round and round round like the mouse going around this wheel and it's stuck and he can't get out you're stuck in a rut you're stuck in the rack Chase you're stuck in yeah you're stuck in a rut good what else have we got avoid press well that's a positive Dora hey Dora great avoid Pro procrastination yes um Anna there's a very good point right routines are definitely good but you have to wisely manage your time not to get stuck in this routine I love your English wisely manage your time not to get stuck excellent and a very very good um what else build efficiency and work I'm looking for negative ones help us stay on track we've mentioned great katian great any negative ones dull boring dull your Mac is about to lose power what how come I'm not plugged in oh no bear with me can't reach [Music] seriously seriously how did you forget to plug in your computer that is madness I tell you what you don't get this on the BBC News do you hello here's the news oh by the way just a moment I have to plug in the camera okay so here are some bad things then nobody's got any bad things cause anxiety says Dora right yes anxiety um it could lead to depression Maybe [Music] if you're bored Luna says lacks freshness yeah um let's say our lives I'm going to take this up our lives end up lacking freshness Our Lives end up lacking freshness great Luna thanks that's great okay that's good and bad I'm gonna move on because there's probably a lot more we can do here but uh I want to move on I want to move on um so yeah I'm just gonna share something because those of you who are maybe preparing for exams if the question of routine comes up or is it good or good or bad the other thing to consider right is good or bad for whom good or bad for old people good or bad for children good or bad for working people so you can also look at examples right I think it's good for working people because it gives you a sense of productivity but maybe it's bad for uh young people because they young people who are still at University because they want a sense of freshness and it can be it can lead to anxiety and a sense of boredom and they can give up their studies so think about for whom as well right when you're looking at this maybe old people it gives them a sense of certainty it can reduce stress this routine for kids it can give a sense of safety I use this a lot don't I give a sense of it's a nice expression it can establish clear boundaries for working people can make you more productive um easy to organize it's easy to organize and control staff if you're a boss so it's easier for managers to organize and control staff um that's why we have a lot of routines at work actually is to control our work and our organization there's an article here I don't know if you guys know headspace um this is not a promotion by the way I just found it a very very interesting article by the guys at headspace uh I'll Burns if you could share the link in the um in the group and in YouTube this is I think it's a really interesting article the secret benefits of root routines it won't surprise you have a look at this later right laughs it talks about um in recent years there's been a quiet swelling of interest in what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle remember Sherlock Holmes once called the dull routine of existence researchers have found that routine can have far-reaching psychological benefits including alleviating or reducing bipolar disorder h a d and insomnia here's the lowdown here's the the results if you like if you you can always check if you don't know words just check them here's the lowdown um the relevant information or the facts on some other ways a routine might benefit you and it goes on and it's really really interesting talks about daily journaling um creativity right creativity uh making time for what matters to you now I share this article with you for two reasons one is some interesting ideas I share this article with you for three reasons one is some interesting ideas two some interesting language and three check out headspace headspace is an amazing app this is not a promotion right I've nothing to do with headspace but I use I used to use headspace I've become a bit lazy but I used to use headspace and it is amazing for meditation it's a meditation app and it can really really help you relax and get into the now if you like um so go and check out the guys it tells you it tells you to start your free trial and uh you can check it out I mean this is the app but basically it's a it's a mindfulness app I'm a big fan I don't know why I'm telling you this this has got nothing to do with IELTS well it has it has actually I mean learning English you want to be focused right you want to be the more that you're relaxed the better that you learn and the more confident you can become so I think I think it is relevant but there you go go and check it out that is not a promotion this is a promotion right I have recently made a free course um it's for people preparing for IELTS speaking and the free course is called crack IELTS speaking part one crack IELTS speaking part one and I've done this to well mainly to help students who Maybe are not sure if they want to do IELTS they're not sure if it's beneficial for them or they're new to IELTS they're gonna take it but they don't know how to prepare it gives you a very very simple introduction to part one and how to improve your part one answers right it's a very short course it can take you about an hour it's absolutely free if you click on the link or go to my website um you can find it right I'll show you on the website very very briefly if you go to the Keith speaking Academy do you remember if you go and have a look over at the the Keith speaking Academy and you'll see this on the website go to top right corner online courses there are different online courses here there's my gold course we have lots of students on that which is great got fluent grammar to improve this is a slightly lower level but to improve your grammar and fluency intonation pronunciation this is like the gold course but a smaller version cheaper but this one crack IELTS speak in part one if you go here um it's a free course you can enroll for free straight away um and it will just take you through basically what happens in part one the question types what the examiners testing um straightforward PDF quizzes enroll for free it's there right so you can go and check that out Burns if you could share the link as well that would be fantastic good now that was an advertisement a kind of advertisement uh great um I've got a frog in my throat and I don't know why it's really strange okay good brilliant let me just have a quick drink and then we'll move on moving on we're going to look next at a listening task so just to put this in perspective we were looking um throughout our class here we've been looking at good and bad routines right I want to move on and look at a listening task related to this topic to test your listening and build your vocabulary so let's do it together I want you to watch this person talk about a routine they have listen carefully and tell me what is the routine you can just type in the chat box um and tell me what is the routine one question that's the first bit right dead easy Rona thank you gargle with warm water and a bit of salt yes I think whilst you're listening I might do that actually it's a good idea excellent Julia says I love headspace yeah it is right it's very very good excellent so if you're ready just give me a quick thumbs up in the chat so that I know that you're ready give me a thumbs up and we'll start with the listening task Irina I have an obstacle in my esophagus I have a frog in my throat yes okay I think we've got quite a few thumbs up excellent so let's do the listening activity watch listen and answer the question what is the routine the person is talking about okay let's uh let me get the right camera and let's do it I will tell you something I do every day religiously and that is to go for a morning stroll day in Day Out Come rain or shine I always do it and I really feel the benefits um so I typically get up reasonably early around seven o'clock I get myself a glass of water and then I'll put on my exercise clothes if it's cold of course I'll take some gloves so maybe I had a scarf even and then I grabbed my phone and my headphones and I head out as I start walking I will be choosing a podcast because I love to listen to podcasts as I'm walking um I start quite slowly and then pick up the pace as I move along all in all I guess it takes me anywhere from 40 to 50 minutes um to do the stroll I think I would say I do it mainly for health reasons but also to clear my head it's just a really good way to start the day I mean it sets me up for the day ahead it's also nice to have a some me time before everybody else in the house gets up so yeah that's something that's a routine I I always do nice okay that's the routine what is the routine just write in the chat tell me what you heard hello ever nice to see you Layla nice to see you here as well we've got nasamiha lovely good lokendra also Marco nice okay good and jelly good noek okay we've got two Luke yeah okay there so you're picking up different routines right brisk walk stroll golden good to see you here great grab a cell phone I'm not sure maybe that's a habit it's not the main I should have said what's the main routine Daniela always good to see you here great well done spot on um Layla says listen to musical podcast that's true while I'm walking yep morning stroll stroller stroll morning stroll the stroller is the machine is the piece of equipment to help you walk right okay excellent there's a lot of things so I would say a morning walk as Mahmud says morning walk morning stroll so let me bring us over here what is the routine the main routine um to have early morning stroll that's the main routine right there are other routines getting up early um and then different things that I do pick up I grab the phone put on the headphones I listen to the podcast Etc okay now next I want you to watch again and this time note write down any useful phrases and collocations okay so look for phrases maybe idioms or interesting chunks of language or collocations and just write them down in the chat as we watch so just make a note same thing same piece of speech I'm gonna help you by putting subtitles on that will help you with the spelling maybe and to pick out these useful phrases and collocations okay Let's Do It Let's watch again and let's see if you can get them here we go I will tell you something I do every day religiously and that is to go for a morning stroll day in Day Out Come rain or shine I always do it and I really feel the benefits um so I typically get up reasonably early around seven o'clock I get myself a glass of water and then I will put on my exercise clothes if it's cold of course I'll take some gloves so maybe I had a scarf even and then um I grabbed my phone and my headphones and I head out as I start walking I will be choosing a podcast because I love to listen to podcasts as I'm walking um I start quite slowly and then pick up the pace as I move along all in all I guess it takes me anywhere from 40 to 50 minutes um to do the stroll I think I would say I do it mainly for health reasons but also to clear my head it's just a really good way to start the day I mean it sets me up for the day ahead it's also nice to have a some me time before everybody else in the house gets up so yeah that's something that's a routine I I always do okay great that's the routine so let's have a look at some of the things that you've said uh had you fought morning stroll excellent good yep all in all it means overall generally um oh you're going too fast slow down uh rain or shine yep rain or shine and I'll explain these in a moment clear my head right to get clear in your head well done um what else have we got see if I can get you here um all in all or no rain or shine I can't find any of you are there any comments wait a minute come rain or shine day in day out religiously good we had that one I religiously do something um religiously Keith what's the difference between stroll and ramble so a stroll is when you're walking um at random without a deaf defined Place ramble is the same actually a stroll or a ramble a ramble is much more random it's without any goal a stroll you don't have a goal but you may have you may have a stroll around the block every day or you may stroll to the shops and back it's more fixed ramble is you've no idea where you're going you're just going to all these different places right um pick up the pace right go faster just when I want to click you start moving around uh what's happening uh stop it uh head out right to go out um grab the phone we've talked about grab to get quickly um to have some me time to have some time for myself for health reasons excellent yep sets me up it sets me up for the day It prepares me for the day uh all in all great yep clear my head pick up the pace um okay good to have some me time feel the benefits is a good one feel the benefits as well the messages are coming too fast so I'm just going to switch over here right and have a look at some of the phrases that come up okay useful phrases let me just put this over here I will tell you something I do every day um religiously so to we have the idea of religiously I religiously do something morning stroll right to go for a walk day in day out should we have a comma here meaning every day right every day without fail basically um every day without fail come rain or shine is the same thing so the idea is it doesn't matter if it rains it doesn't matter if it's sunshine I always go without fail come rain or shine nice expression feel the benefits it can be plural or singular I typically do something right I typically get up we've had we did this at the start of the lesson get myself something I get myself a coffee I get myself so I prepare myself basically yeah prepare myself something very simple English but very powerful because it's so informal and such spoken English and put some exercise clothes on if it's cloaked grab my phone we've said to grab is to take quickly I head out is to to go out and start a journey if you like not a journey but start doing something to head out go out and go somewhere go out and go somewhere it's the kind of thing head out where um I don't know where for example you've got I oh hello I head out if I say um I'm at home with the family I say I'm just heading out to the shops I'm going out to the shops oh it's time to head out it's time to go out and do whatever we're doing right okay good as I start walking I will so I will do something I will choose a podcast I use the present continuous as I start walking I will be choosing because I want to give the idea in your head of me walking there's an action and choosing I want you to see the action of walking and the action of choosing right to make it very Vivid and very active in your head I use the continuous present continuous um I will is is not the future it's a habit so as I start walking I will be choosing a podcast that I want to listen to and you can see the action it's very very Vivid it's a nice technique pick up the pace great collocation right meaning to go more quickly so I start slowly and then I pick up the pace all in all basically all in all um overall overall it takes anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes and I do it mainly for health reasons that's a good collocation for health reasons for health for health reasons to clear my head right is to just to oh to stop thinking about problems right it sets me up for the day right it sets me up for the day basically um It prepares me for the day It prepares me for the day ahead sets me up for the day and finally have some me time to have me time is to have you know have time for yourself [Music] I think especially um well if you're with a family and you're always together you have no time to do things on your own it's it's nice to have some me time okay brilliant excellent so you've got here lots and lots of uh Expressions right all of these from this listening activity so do remember right all of these um all of the these notes over here I will put on a PDF and we'll put onto the website so you can get it later this live is recorded online on YouTube and Facebook so you can come back and watch it again and again if you like as many times as you want if you want to do that so that's the listening task let's move swiftly on and let's have a look at three idioms right which are going to help you with your um speaking and speaking fluently on this topic so three idioms let me get them up here idioms about daily routines as regular as Clockwork as regular as Clockwork like clockwork so if you imagine a watch or a clock it moves the same time it's very regular it's very predictable so this just means very regularly right I brush my teeth every morning as regular as Clockwork I brush my teeth every morning as regular as Clockwork so anything that you do on a regular basis in a very predictable way you can use this as per usual as always or as usual you can say as usual but as per usual is nice it's different my girlfriend is late again as per usual as per usual finally to be a creature of habit is someone who likes to have the same routine let me take this down um so if you always like doing the same thing you are a creature of habit a creature is an animal all right I hate to miss my early morning walk I guess you could say I'm a creature of habit I'm a creature of habit probably true right I think I am okay so there you've got different um excuse me let me bring them all up together I'm struggling today three idioms that you can be having a look at Irina cooking up a storm hit the books give something a wool yeah good good hit the books definitely is good pradeep says I do yoga every morning as regular as clock wise which gives me a sense of keeping fit excellent very nice very very nice yes after work I need to have me time yes okay good excellent good so those are some nice idioms you can start using great Layla thank you so much for your comment that is so nice very very nice um okay good from idioms let me move on to our next activity which is kahoot so if you're new here then you may not know kahoot kahoot basically is a game where we're going to play together um what you need to do is stay here with me but on another tab or another device go to and there you enter your name and the pin and you can start playing the game okay I'll I'll show you we'll talk through it together and I'll show you what we're gonna do kahoots I've got to log in bear with me as I get this done and let's find the library let's find daily routines let's set it up so I'll show you what I'm doing maybe that's better right you'll see what I'm doing daily routines we're going to play the classic Mode get ready to join so you join at or with the kahoot app there is a mobile app you need to put in your name and then the pin number three four three three seven oh one right three four three three seven oh one [Music] okay good three four three three seven oh one right some of you are coming in that's great um so if you're not sure go to put your name and the pin number for you is three four three three seven oh one and I'll just wait a moment whilst we get more of you in here kahoot great someone was asking me um the other day can I see your room where you work so you can in a way look I've switched it around you can see what I do is I've got my microphone here I've got my computer up here and the lights are over there but then you've got the background over here but you can't see this desk so much but you can see how untidy my desk at the back is this is it this is where I work hmm so let's see how we're doing um on that kahoot we've got a hundred wow 100 people great let's move it over a little bit I'll just give you a few more seconds to join in my lady which that's an interesting uh handle I'm new here welcome but you're at work yeah don't play Cahoots at work you'll get into trouble uh Johnny Beck absolutely you can also write your answers in the comments so don't worry if you can't get into kahoot you can write your answers here here and you can uh you can play that way right let's see how we're doing 130 okay I think we should start given the time it's already half past let's get the go let's get let's get the ball rolling let's get the ball rolling here we go so remember you've got a choice right you've got a choice of four answers different colors um I'll read the question and read the answer and choose the right answer as fast as you can okay we go daily routines I study Chinese from time to now then time again I study Chinese from time to blank now then time again whoa that's interesting that's interesting so uh time to time is the expression time to now a lot of people said time to now no no no doesn't exist you cannot say time to now right the expression is from time to time from time to time okay excellent let's go back in and let's uh see the leaderboard this is the fastest person Majid uh if I pronounced it right excuse me I hope so majida is first rookie second ever in third place question number two yeah more often than blank I get up early never no don't not more often than blank I get up early never no don't or not 30 seconds of course yeah well done we've got the right one it's 29 of you got not more often than not interesting right quite a few people said never some said no but the expression the correct expression more often than not not more often than not um I do something right more often than not well done guys let's see how the leaderboard is shaping up oh there's a big change oh Zuki has come up first again ever has moved into second and Ellie into third my from Vietnam I think is there in fourth okay question number three I like to exercise in the morning it sets me blank for the day in up out off I like to exercise in the morning it sets me blank for the day in up out or off what do you think it is it sets me in sets me up sets me out sets me off right well done we've just seen this one right in the listening task it sets me up for the day to prepare me for the day It prepares me it sets me up the other prepositions can be used with set but they have very different meanings okay right let's see the leaderboard oh Suki is hanging on in first place at least second ever down into third again Roni is the highest climber and oh my it's time for the last question here we go question four I had a shower this morning as blank usual my on per always right be careful with this one I had a shower this morning as blank usual my on per always 44 excellent 44 got it right as per usual as usual right as per usual you cannot say as always usual you can say as always or as usual but as always usual no no no no no no it's as per usual right in this case as per usual 44 got it right let's see what the podium is the final result third place Mariam out of the blue my from Vietnam you moved up number one Ellie she managed to get into first place laughs Great Well Done Ellie congratulations fantastic very very nice very very pleased for you ding ding well done nice very pleased to see Ellie at the top out of the blue so that's it listen let's just go through very quickly what we've been um what have we been up to today I hope well I hope that you've enjoyed the lesson today we've been talking about daily routines right um we've been looking at the vocabulary things like I typically get up early I tend to get up early I tend to get up early um or looking at always usually different ways of saying that like without fail without exception things like that right we've looked at mauding routines from cracking eggs to grabbing a coffee going for a stroll doing the school run we'll be looking at whether routines are good or bad and probably both right they can be good they give you a sense of progress sense of productivity but maybe you're stuck in a rut sometimes right it can be boring mind-numbingly boring we've done a listening task um listening to somebody me talk about daily routine um going for a stroll and analyzing all of that language that has come up there finally we looked at three idioms um on this particular topic and you can see I've got a check because I forgot as regular as Clockwork as per usual and to be a creature of habit I wonder if you guys are creatures of habit maybe you are I don't know we finished up on a kahoot just testing you to see how much you've remembered I think you guys have done very well and remembered quite a lot um as a reminder the the notes which are over here um I will put into a PDF and you can get those on my website um the website is the Keith speaking Academy so do go and check it out later I'll show you again where it is and then you can uh you can go and find it later I mean give me a couple of hours to organize the notes and then I'll put them there of course this is um recorded and you can come back to YouTube and watch again or to my Facebook um page and go and watch it again if you go to the website keyspeakingacademy you can go to well if you haven't got this book go and get this book if you're doing IELTS speaking um you can find out about the test up here but go to the free live lessons and you'll be able to download the PDF of the latest live lesson last month it was the economy if you haven't got it go and get it just leave me your email put your name and your email address down here and I'll send it to you um and then I can send you some other information that will help you resources lessons to help you with IELTS as well you can unsubscribe at any time so as I said I just need a few hours to upload the information in the meantime well that's it a big thank you to all of you guys for joining today um as always it's been great fun and I hope you've learned a lot and please do come back right we have these um live lessons are on the first Thursday of each month so the next one is going to be is gonna be when it's gonna be the 6th of April it'll be the next one getting close to Easter but if you want more live lessons you can join the gold course because the gold course which is on my website um it gives you another live lesson next week and the week after so you get two extra live lessons each month on the second and third Thursday at 12 p.m we do that in the Facebook group there's a private Facebook Facebook group to help support students to help students connect with other students so they can practice together and to help support students on the course to learn more and more so you can check out the gold course through the links or through the website uh again the Keith speaking Academy and you can find out all about it over there okay that's it thank you so much for joining um let's see how you guys are doing nice to see all of you time I'm looking at the the other comments they're from the kahoot thank you so much uh matadi and everybody else thank you so much see you all here I will see you well pretty soon Remember on YouTube um do subscribe and turn on the notifications because I am putting out um videos every Saturday recorded videos every Saturday to help you with your spoken English that's it for me I'm gonna go now take care all the best let's leave with a bit of a I don't know a bit of this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] take care see you soon
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 123,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A2X3G0DbkI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 14sec (6074 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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