IELTS Speaking Sample Answers - The Ultimate Guide

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do you want to find out how best to use model answers then stick with me hi if you don't know me my name's Keith and I run IELTS speaking success helping you speak better English give better answers and get a higher score on the IELTS speaking test so I've decided to talk about model answers because I think they pose a lot of problems for students as many problems as solutions right model answers can be great but here are the problems where do I find good model answers how do I know they're good does this model answer have enough band nine words and vocabulary there are so many how do I learn all of these by heart and if I don't learn them by heart what do I do so let's begin at the start shall we so first of all let's talk about good model answers so I think you need to find a handful of good websites where you know the English is correct where the people running the site have experience of IELTS maybe they've been an examiner or a trainer and they give good quality model answers so I'm gonna show you here four or five that I think are good there may be others but just stick with three or four that you think are the good ones so here on this work website we have Liz and IELTS Liz this has been around for a long time it's probably a website you're familiar with but she has here some nice and well a full speaking test with model answers it's great because with SoundCloud you've got the audio so you can actually listen to what she's saying and as well as that you can see here the transcript so you can read and listen at the same time it's a really good model to follow so that's great he or she talks about home films greeting goes on to the part to model answer again you've got the audio you've got the cue card and you've got the whole transcript so can be really useful there's not a huge variety of model answers but what's here is really good moving on next to Simon again a website you may know IELTS Simon some excellent stuff across all the skills that with speaking what I like here is Simon gives tips and advice on how to handle speaking how to look at vocabulary as well as some written model answers here for the speaking although it's written he does it in a very colloquial and spoken way so you've got good quality answers for the speaking and let's move on to another one IELTS buddy also been around a while some excellent written model answers here again they're all written but they are written in a very colloquial and spoken way but there's a huge variety pleasure trains there's lots of material for you to work with here so a very nice site to get model answers from and another one here we've got Ben's IELTS podcast which has some great stuff across all the skills but speaking here is nice and I like it because Ben actually gives you the cue card and then starts analyzing the language so he points out the useful language for you and in the transcript it's in bold so it's clear helps you focus on the right stuff and he does that with all of the cue cards here for part two useful phrases and the transcript so lots of stuff that helps you focus on the right area and we've got IELTS speaking success which has some sample answers here about burg watersport his statue tell the truth so all of these here are part two answers this is quite a newbie oh hello it's me it's Keith O'Hare so quite new but some good stuff here I think on my part so you've got the cue card you have some ideas you may want to talk about some advice on how to use this you've got the sample answer which is recorded so you've got the audio and along with that you've got the script so similarly here I also highlight the language you may want to focus on which is useful to learn so you can listen and watch if you want you can download the tape script as well sometimes there are YouTube cartoon or videos so you can watch somebody me perform the part to model answer as well so you have visual as well as audio as well as written so a nice selection of model answers there you can also be working with okay now let's talk about the elephant in the room the elephant in the room that that's the thing that nobody really wants to talk about it's benign vocabulary so here's the problem right everybody talks about band 9 vocabulary but it doesn't exist there is no such thing as band 9 vocabulary okay a band 9 speaker will use and but because all of the same words that are band 1 or a band 2 speaker will use now it's true for a band 7 and above you need to use less common idiomatic vocabulary less common vocabulary so yes a band 8 7 8 and 9 needs to use the less frequent may be unusual vocabulary that's true but it's it's wrong to say that a word like exacerbate is a band 9 vocabulary okay it doesn't it's not well I don't know I'm trying to say it's kind of wrong to say exacerbate for example or pollution is a band 9 vocabulary the idea of Van Nuys vocabulary doesn't exist and it's really better for you to stop looking for it okay because the biggest problem is if you take these fancy complicated words and you can't use them correctly and you do that again and again and again you just make it very clear to the examiner that you're a band 5 or a lower level so stop chasing the fancy words instead look to slowly build up your vocabulary collocation how the words go together how to use them correctly within a grammatical structure and how to understand the nuance or the connotation when that word is used focus on that with the words that you come across as you study and build and build and build that's the way to build better English and to get a higher score you know speaking okay let me show you a very simple example we have a band five student who comes across some words that they like like environment pollution exacerbation location smoke and so they take these nice fancy words that somebody has told them our band nine words and they use them in a sentence and this is what they say the environment pollution is exacerbating in my location mainly due to too many car smoke there unfortunately those fancy band nine words have produced language that is probably a band five and let's break this down let's have a look why okay so first of all the environment pollution well that's not a good collocation we may say air pollution noise pollution traffic pollution but not environment pollution you can say environmental pollution and if the student had learned the word family environment environmental the adjective then yes that can be used but not the environment pollution is exacerbating well that's a really nice fancy word that here in a spoken test it may not be the best choice you could just say it's terrible or overwhelming or too much location is a nice word but we don't normally say in my location you say the place where I live and then he says or she says mainly due to too many car smoke well first of all smoke is non countable so it would be too much car smoke so knowing the grammar but car smoke is not the collocation we talk car fumes not car smoke and then car fumes is countable so it would be too many car fumes so a much better answer actually would be the air pollution is terrible where I live mainly due to too many car fumes now that is a better answer you can't say it's a band 9 answer because there's no such thing as a band 9 answer there's a band 9 performance across the whole test and all of the little building blocks help and this could be a building block in a band 9 answer or a band aid or a band 7 it's part of the building blocks now also I notice a lot of mud a lot of model students know a lot of students find model answers that are written on the Internet and so of course they read them and they recite them and they try to memorize them of course you can see the problem right is that first of all a written answer is more likely to be written English rather than spoken secondly you don't pick up any pronunciation so no word stress no sense and stress no connected speech no intonation you're missing all of that and next it's not going to be showing your fluency all it gives you is the vocabulary and the grammar which is kind of half the story really so I think with model answers you really really need to look for audio answers yes you can have the written transcript transcript and use both so you can listen and read so you can see the words but you can also hear the intonation and develop your fluency as well so it's really important I think if possible to use the audio when you're listening analyzing noticing and practicing notice I said noticing and I'm going to come back to noticing in a few moments because it's the key to speaking better English okay another problem students sometimes ask me is there are so many topics so many answers how do I memorize them all don't don't memorize them all don't memorize answers don't even memorize sentences it's not helping you really it's not going to help you because the examiner will notice it and memorized reciting is a sign of a low level speaker and so your score will come down because the examiner will know they would interrupt you they will bring down your vocabulary score because you're showing limited flexibility and use of vocabulary and grammar in your memorized answer also when you recite your pronunciation goes all weird and strange because your citing and again it's very noticeable so the quick answer is don't memorize answers what you can memorize is the chunk or the phrase or the clause or the collocation just two or three words normally memorize that yes so memorize air-pollution memorize it causes air pollution yes those are good things to memorize but not the whole sentence okay so how exactly do we use a model answer then so this is what I think is a good way of using a model answer right so first of all you find a good model answer with an audio and then you learn to pick out the useful things for you that you can learn practice and build better sentences with and I'm going to show you a couple of examples how to do that so you can then go ahead and do it so first of all what you pick out well I would start by picking out the the beginning of the sentence because that is normally your connector sometimes we call it a discourse marker the connector is the signpost kind of showing what you're gonna say next and also connecting your sentences things like first of all or I really think that these the start of the sentence notice how that is done so notice the connectors notice that collocations so the words that go together notice phrasal verbs so the verbs with a preposition that normally sometimes idiomatic not always so you know put off for the meeting kind of edema idiomatic to delay the meeting so notice phrasal verbs they're useful okay and notice the grammatical use so the grammar that surrounds the vocabulary let me do this with you on a very simple question-and-answer so here's a question do you like wearing jeans heads one of my favorite questions do you like wearing jeans and why so do you like wearing jeans so here is a possible answer a model answer for sure I wear jeans an awful lot because they're just so comfy and practical that said I don't wear them in the summer so much because it's usually too hot I think they're more suitable for the cooler seasons so how did I begin so notice notice I say notice the key to building and improving your English is to notice language don't just listen and passively let it come in notice things so let's notice the start of the sentence are used for sure that said I think these are nice connectors a very quick answer for sure that said which means but basically and I think and you'll find other examples of I guess I suppose I reckon all of them are good connectors secondly notice the collocations the words that come together for example an awful lot which means a lot really a lot an awful lot I wear jeans an awful lot just so comfy they are just so comfy just so comfortable just so nice so that collocation just so plus the adjective the cooler seasons the cooler seasons the warmer seasons notice the collocation next notice the grammar that surrounds them one that I notice here is I don't wear them in summer so much I don't wear bah-bah-bah so much I don't wear ties so much as you can see I don't wear to do this so much simple present but there's so much is a slightly different but really useful grammatical structure so we've noticed collocations sorry so we've noticed the sentence start collocations the grommets the gray matter the grammar the grammar surrounding the vocabulary and all of these are things now to move on to in the next step and that is to start substituting so very simply take the example repeat it but substitute one of the words like this I wear jeans an awful lot I wear striped shirts an awful lot I wear glasses an awful lot of course not all the time I wear slippers an awful lot at home I wear em oh I wear my favorite blue jacket an awful lot okay simple substitute sorry substitute practice next change the tense okay change the tense I don't wear that's not changing the tense sorry but negating I don't wear ties an awful lot I don't wear shirts an awful lot I used to wear shirts years ago I used to wear ties when I worked in an office I wore ties an awful lot before I wore hats no I wore a hat and a scarf an awful lot in the summer in the summer in the winter when I was living in Manchester okay so I'm just changing the tents so we're practicing an awful lot but actually actually I'm struggling today aren't I actually we're secretly practicing the grammar two birds with one stone and now to really hardwire it into your head make sure your examples are true for you because now you have to think not just repeat like a parrot so what do I wear an awful lot okay I wear jeans an awful lot it's true I wear black socks an awful lot nearly all my socks are black I wear trainers an awful lot great that's it so by making it true for you you're getting it hardwired in your brain and that is very very simple practice but it's hugely effective and it really helps you build your sentences and build flexibility because what makes AB and seven and eight is flexible use of the language being able to manipulate it to change it to use it in different context this is just the starting point right you're at home you've got your model answer your repeating and repeating but it's the starting point and then you go out and you start practicing and speaking to other people and trying to use these new structures or collocations right so model answers or sample answers are fantastic because they give you the language in context and that is so important you can learn the language in context they so know they can give you ideas as well and language you can practice so you can build flexibility and really work your way up to AB and seven that's it now if you want the best sample answers that you can start practicing with then click on the link below thanks very much for watching take care bye bye [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 53,443
Rating: 4.9447188 out of 5
Keywords: IELTS speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts, learn english, ielts speaking success, ielts test, ielts speaking part 2 topics,, ielts Keith, ielts speaking part 2 questions and answers, IELTS, ielts speaking, IELTS Speaking part 2, ielts speaking model answers, ielts model answers, band 9 vocabulary, ielts speaking band 9, model answers ielts speaking, ielts speaking model questions and answers, sample answers ielts speaking
Id: 6eQgTJOt1ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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