IELTS Speaking Part 1 SAMPLE ANSWERS | Hometown

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hi there it's asiya do you know that there are  just a few topics that each ielts speaking exam   begins with in this video i'm gonna talk about one  of them your hometown i'll show you sample answers   and give you some useful vocabulary to help you  improve your answers there is also a pdf guide   where you can find questions and sample answers  for the other topics okay let's get started   first of all what is a hometown that's a place  where you were born or lived as a child i've been   living in london for 10 years but this is not my  hometown actually i have two i was born in almaty   and grew up mainly in bishkek so i can talk about  either if you're in a similar situation just   choose one to keep it simple the first question  is are you from a town or a village listen to this   answer and think if it's a good one i was born  in almaty the largest city in kazakhstan with a   population of about 2 million people almaty served  as the capital of kazakhstan in the past and it's   still its main commercial and cultural center  benefiting from its location along the ancient   silk road can you feel that something is wrong  that it didn't sound natural well that's because   this answer sounds like a wikipedia article  because it is the wikipedia article i just   copied it that won't do you'll be penalized for  using memorized answers because they don't show   your english they show your memory so give an  answer you would normally give in real life   i could say i'm from a city called almaty it's the  former capital of kazakhstan or here is another   option i'm from a small village called take in  south kazakhstan and that's enough in these two   examples i directly answered the question and then  gave a bit more information to explain where it is   there will be questions where you can say  more so don't feel the pressure to just talk   a lot all the time the next question is what is  your hometown like okay so here i can say more   it's quite a large and modern city of over 2  million people it's growing fast because many   people move there to work or study i like  its hustle and bustle the city is located   in the foothills of the alatau mountains  which means that the views are beautiful   and we can easily go hiking in summer and skiing  in winter here are a few useful phrases hustle   and bustle that's all the noise and activity we  associate with a busy city you may love the hustle   and bustle of living in this city center but then  require a break from all this hustle and bustle   you can also talk about a bustling city or  neighborhood that's the one that is full of   people moving around okay what kinds of  public transport are there in your hometown   there are buses electrical trolley buses and  trams and one metro line which took about 20   years to build that's definitely not enough  for such a large city and as a result most   people use cars and traffic congestion is a  major problem so public transport is british   and public transportation is american and it  includes buses trains taxes and so on if you   live in a small village there may be no public  transport you can travel by public transport   traffic congestion that's when there are so many  cars on the roads that they move very slowly and   a traffic jam is when cars stop in one particular  place as a result of congestion or a car accident   next what are people like in your hometown i find  that people are generally friendly and quite open   i mean they share personal information with you  freely so it's easy to make friends but i must   admit that not everyone respects the queue so cue  jumping is quite common which stresses me out to   respect the queue means to wait in line for your  turn and that's what people in the uk do very well   there is even a joke that if you've been waiting  for 20 minutes to discover that there is no queue   you're british cue jumping is quite rare  here before we move on to the other questions   i just want to say that you should practice your  answers to these questions but don't learn them by   heart to keep them natural and if you want to work  on your speaking skills with the teacher a great   place to do that is cambly the sponsor of today's  video it's an online learning platform where you   can practice your english with the native speaking  teachers at any time that suits you you can choose   a teacher you like or book lessons with different  teachers to get used to a variety of accents you   can suggest a topic for your lesson or take ielts  speaking lessons or even a mock speaking test   lessons start from just 15 minutes a day twice a  week and you can take them at any time of the day   or night at the moment you can take one 10 minute  class for free and if you like it subscribe using   the link in the description to get an extra  discount you save the most if you take a 12   month plan and if you change your mind you can  still cancel your subscription and get a refund   you should definitely consider taking the free  lesson while it's available all the links are   in the video description box below and now let's  continue you may be asked one of these questions   what is your town known for or what is  the most interesting part of your town or   what would you recommend a  visitor to see or do in your town   think what you could say in advance to  avoid being caught off guard here is my idea   on the outskirts of almaty there is an  outdoor skating rink called medellin   it's famous because of its high altitude and  it's even hosted some international competitions   i think it's definitely worth seeing even for  people who don't skate because the views from   there are simply breathtaking on the outskirts  of the city that's near the edge of the city far   from the city center to be worth seeing that's a  good phrase breathtaking that's something that is   so beautiful that it takes your breath away  a breathtaking view is a common collocation   what kinds of jobs do people in your town  or village do that's a common question but   quite a tough one even people who speak english  very well may find it difficult to answer it   you can actually see a mock speaking exam  with this question linked in the description   so here is what i would say i suppose that  most people work in manufacturing i know   that there are some big factories in elma  team others work in small businesses such as   shops and restaurants also almaty is known as  the financial center of kazakhstan which means   that some of the country's largest banks and this  stock exchange are based in the city when you're   talking about your city or village you can start  by saying that most people work in manufacturing   agriculture fishing hospitality the services  industry just choose the ones that suit you   usually a lot of people work in small and  medium-sized businesses such as shops and   restaurants and you can say if there are  banks or if there are no banks where you live   and that will basically be enough next has your  hometown changed much since you were a child   a lot when i see old photographs of almaty  i can hardly recognize it it used to be a   quiet medium-sized town but in recent years  big developments have sprung up like mushrooms   the city center is now dominated by glass and  concrete offices and big shopping malls i think   the city has almost doubled in size in the last  20 years and has completely changed its appearance   okay it used to be that's something you can say  when something was true in the past but it's not   true anymore it used to be a quiet town to spring  up like mushrooms that means to grow very quickly   and that's a common idiom to talk about  buildings glass and concrete offices   shopping malls to double in size that means to  become twice larger and basically this question   is a great opportunity to use the perfect tense it  has doubled in size or it hasn't changed much next   would you say it's a good place to live and  why you know there are a lot of great things   about living in almaty i like its climate the hot  sunny summers and snowy winters i also think that   almaty's universities are the best in the country  and the city offers good work opportunities   however traffic congestion and the related air  pollution are big problems for those living there   so you can talk about great and limited job  opportunities traffic congestion and of course   air pollution right now you can download the pdf  guide with the sample answers from this video and   answers to other topics used at the beginning of  ielts speaking exams right here and don't forget   to check out cambly if you like to practice  your english with a native speaking teacher   thank you so much for watching me today good  luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking, ielts speaking sample answers, ielts speaking hometown, ielts speaking hometown vocabulary, ielts speaking 2021, ielts speaking band 8, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking part 1, prepare for ielts speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking test, eilts
Id: rETE_GoIwXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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