Sample IELTS Speaking Test | Band 8.5 Mock Exam

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hi there it's asiya and you're about to  see a full ielts speaking mock test with   a candidate from france i believe that his  score is band 8.5 after the exam you'll hear   some feedback on olivier's performance and  some tips for you okay let's get started   hi my name is asiya welcome to this ielts speaking  exam i will be your examiner today for marking   purposes i'm going to record this interview  is it okay with you hi yes yeah okay yeah sure   thank you first of all let me ask you  some questions for identification purposes   what is your full name my name is olivier miart   thank you and do you have your passport with  you yes sure can i have a look please thank you thank you olivier where are you from i'm  originally from paris thank you okay there will   be three parts in this exam and before each part i  will give you instructions are you ready to begin   yes sure in this first part i will  ask you some questions about yourself so please tell me are you from a town or a village uh that's an interesting question uh i i was  born in uh i would say a village in the suburb of   paris and on the other hand it's part of the  greater paris suburban area so it's not a village   in the middle of nowhere so i would say a town  okay what kind of jobs do people do in this town i don't know many people in this town to be honest i guess very typical mix of professions  that would be expected from uh people in   that suburban part of paris so some public  service some some commercial activities and then   anything else that would be  typical of a town in that part   okay thank you would you like to live  there in the future no i would think it's   a little bit remote and far from what i consider  home today which is which is not anywhere near   paris or suburban paris thank you  what is your favorite wild animal oh um the fox because i like to see them  around where um i live in london i like to   have them wandering around and making me  feel that despite being in greater london   there is a part of wildlife around me that  is more impressive than simply mice and rats what do you like about it i find them cute i think that the color and their  attitude is uh is interesting and the fact that   they can be very different from one  another sometimes extremely shy and   departing as soon as i show my face in any  corner of any street and some other times   simply crossing the street in front of me a  few meters away behaving like i did not exist okay and do you think it's a good  thing that people keep animals in zoos well yes provided that they are kept in  good conditions and and that there is no   particular harm done to them which might be the  case in certain regions of the world but i think   in in europe typically it's an opportunity for  people who cannot travel far to actually see   the wildlife as it is in as it could look like  in its natural habitat very close or reasonably   close to their home giving them the opportunity  to have access to that wildlife okay thank you   let's talk about the next topic have you  ever visited a farm uh yes that was a very   long time ago when i was a at school in france  it's called um the green class and it's a day out   in a farm outside paris where we are being we  were being explained um all the businesses and   and intricacies and activities around the farm  and although i was very young i actually still   remember some of it and i did enjoy that that  day out yes thank you why is farming important the short answer i would say because people  need to eat and we need to   produce the food that we need to eat and as  a topic in general i think it's important   from a political standpoint that people need to  ensure that the production of food is appropriate of a good standard healthy and sufficient to  feed the population of a region okay thank you   this is the end of part one now we're  moving to part two in the second part   i will give you a card with a question and  several sub questions you will need to talk   about this topic for one to two minutes okay  and you have one minute to prepare your answer   okay you can make notes if you wish thank  you okay i will tell you when to turn it okay please turn your topic while olivier is preparing his answer let me  tell you about a place where you can take a   mock speaking test and practice your english  speaking skills with native speaking teachers   this is cambly the sponsor of today's video  cambly is an online learning platform where   you can take lessons with teachers from  the uk canada australia or other countries   this means that you can practice your speaking  and listening skills at the same time and get   used to the accent of the country you're going to  you can choose topics for your lessons yourself   or take ielts speaking lessons or even a mock  speaking test lessons start from just 15 minutes a   day twice a week and you can take them at any time  that suits you i have a link that will give you   a 10 minute class for free if you like it  you can subscribe with an extra discount   you save the most if you take a 12 month plan  and if you change your mind you can cancel your   subscription and get a refund i really encourage  you to take your free lesson while it's available   all the links are in the video description box  below and now it's time to return to our exam okay remember you have one to two  minutes and don't worry if i stop you   i will tell you when your time is up please  start talking now okay so the conversation was taking place at my physics exam  at university and exams are always an intense experience and so this this exam  was available and so i remember it because   it went beyond uh the context of the the  topic that it was meant to to master and   it was the question i picked was about light  transmission in solids and fluids and gas and and   how light behaves uh in these and um and i found  it interesting as a topic and i scored very well i   was also lucky with picking a question that i very  much like that part of that physics course and the the professor then told me that i did very well at the  end and um and i responded that i was   not actually finished and i could tell  him more such that like why for example   the sky is blue and why is it not black  even though the space behind it is black and   and he told me that that's something i should  i should keep to tell my girlfriend because   it's a it's a romantic a romantic aspect of the  course and that we had no time to to discuss it   anymore in the context of the exam and  that in any case he was not my girlfriend   that i should keep that for later so yeah  that that's something i would always remember   okay your time is up thank you in a conversation  do you prefer listening or talking um   i would say that i'm typically more a listener  but i also like to give my view and my opinion   but in the in the right balance between  listening and talking i am i like to have   all the facts at hand and be able to formulate a  complete an informed opinion based on a complete   view of the situation so i was thank you i think  it's time to move to part three we've been talking   about a conversation now i'd like to ask you some  questions about media and communication in general do you think the way people communicate  has changed over the last 20 years yes very much so i believe that  the emergence of technology   and new communication means have  changed significantly the way   people do communicate and um that's that's  both i think having an impact on the   on the channels the the the means used to  communicate and the substance of what and how they   they communicate the tone of the communication  so definitely a significant acceleration of   of communication a speed of communication is now  much faster than it used to be in the past and and the nature of the communication is  also much more immediate and reactive   and spontaneous than it used  to be is it a good thing it has advantages in the efficiency  of the whole process in the sense that   faster communication makes any business  around it actually occurring uh   in a in you know at a faster speed which is good  for for productivity and for business but it it   also has some some drawbacks in the sense that  people may tend to overreact or express their   opinion without taking a step back and do it  in a way for example on twitter or some other   live channels in a way that is based on a  heated reaction and that they may regret um   later on um thinking that if they took a step back  and so the holistic situation through they may   have either not said or written the thing but or  perhaps say something else less less controversial   in many instances okay do you think people  can trust everything they read in the media no   and that's that's a good point because the the  fact that so many people now have access to   publishing whatever they want  to say with very low latency means that the readers on the  other side have a multitude of   information coming their way and  it's increasingly difficult for   the audience for the target readership to  actually balance what is there a subjective   objective true false who to trust and we probably  have an increasing problem in today's world where   whereby a large number of people are not sure  what source of information to trust and and what   to believe as a result and cannot really make an  informed decision because they are receiving mixed   accurate and inaccurate information and opinions  that they may or may not share do you think fake   news is a real problem yes so in the context of  what i just um explained i think that there is   a lot of what what is called  fake news in the sense that   is there a news being put very quickly very easily  by anyone on the internet or on a on a visible   medium can be false or inaccurate and it  may actually be deliberate or or simply   not intended and the the impact is  unfortunately the same that people may   be tempted to believe things that are inaccurate  and sometimes maliciously communicated by some by some some bodies to to influence the opinion of  of the population it can happen in in the context   of votes elections in other contexts okay thank  you this is the end of part three and the end of   the speaking exam olivier thank you for your time  today and good luck with the rest of your exam   thank you asiya have a nice day you too bye  thank you so what do you think about olivier's   performance i think he did really well perhaps  his answers were not as smooth as perfect as some   sample mock tests you can find on youtube but  they were real he had no idea what the questions   would be he didn't rehearse his answers he heard  them for the past time and he delivered answers   and as a serious adult man he was caught out by  some questions such as what is your favorite wild   animal and sometimes he hesitated and he thought  about what he wanted to say but that is not a   problem even for band 9 you can hesitate if  these hesitations are content related ielts   examiners check if you hesitate because you can't  find a word in english or you are thinking what   verb tense you need to use or if you're just  thinking what you actually want to say examiners   are real people and they understand that sometimes  it's just difficult to find what to say so that is   not a problem alivia answered all the questions  precisely fully all his answers were straight to   the point and he expanded them and he went into  detail and that's where he could use more complex   vocabulary for example did you notice that in  part two his topic was about a conversation but he   started talking about some physics terms and he  knew what they're called and it really shows that   his vocabulary is really wide and he can use it  very naturally he can express all his thoughts   and ideas in english naturally his grammatical  range was really wide too even in part one at   some points he used really complex structures for  example the past continuous passive and he didn't   make any pause before saying the phrase it just  came out in a flow automatically and that again   shows the fluency and the grammatical range as  for his pronunciation perhaps you could hear his   french accent i find it very cute and it's not a  problem ielts examiners can hear your accent the   criterion the requirement is whether the examiner  needs to make an effort to understand you or they   can understand you effortlessly of course today  all exams are taken in masks so that means the   the examiner will not be able to see your lips  and you need to speak even more clearly and   a little bit more loud than you would naturally i  think a really good thing while you're preparing   for your speaking exam is to take a mock exam  and record yourself on video and then watch this   video and check could you easily understand  yourself if not think what you could improve   at the end of the day that's only your performance  during the exam that matters so make sure that you   speak loud clear and you look at the examiner even  if the examiner is not looking back at you you can   learn how to meet all the requirements  that ielts examiners use to assess your   answers and how to perform better during your exam  in my online course called ielts speaking boost   it also includes some practice tests that you  can take on your own to get used to the exam   format if you'd like to take some more speaking  tests with a native speaking teacher check out   cambly all the links are in the video description  box below in ielts speaking test you'll feel more   confident if you know exactly what to expect  on the day and in this video i talked about   how to introduce yourself correctly and make  a great first impression please watch it and   thank you for being with me today good luck  with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 116,258
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking mock test 2021, ielts speaking mock test band 8, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking 2021, ielts speaking mock exam, ielts speaking practice, ielts 2021, eilts
Id: 9vLn6q5H9v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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