Toughest IELTS Speaking Questions 2021

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hi there it's asiya and today i've  selected for you some of the most   difficult questions that students reported  in ielts speaking part 1 in recent exams   i'll give you some sample answers those are  around band 8.5 and some vocabulary to help you   improve your score please don't memorize any  answers because you'll be penalized but feel   free to learn any words or phrases that will  enrich your vocabulary okay let's get started   our first topic is borrowing and lending  and i know that many people mix up these two   verbs so let me explain to borrow means to  take and use something and return it later   and we say to borrow something from  somebody i've borrowed a book from my friend   or when i was a student i borrowed books  more times than i can count and that's   simply because i couldn't afford uh to  buy all the books i needed for my studies   so whenever one of my friends had a book and  didn't need it anymore i would borrow it or i   i also heavily relied on our university library  yes and to borrow a book from a library is a   good phrase you can borrow from people you can  borrow from a library you can borrow from a bank   the next question is is it good to borrow money  from friends that's a tricky question isn't it   i would say if someone borrows a small  amount of money for a short period of time   it's not a problem i wouldn't mind but borrowing  large amounts can be problematic and if   this amount is not repaid on time it could break  the relationship and i know that it's happened to   many people and it's happened to me once as well i  personally would feel too awkward borrowing money   from friends and i would prefer to take credit  card debt instead okay you can say to borrow money   and if someone borrows a lot of money and  quite frequently you can say that they borrow   heavily to owe money well once you borrow the  money you owe the money you can say to be in debt   and then you need to either repay the debt  or to pay off the debt the meaning is the   same the next question is do you like lending  things to others it depends i wouldn't mind   if someone borrowed something small like a  book and actually if i know the person well   and i know they are a very responsible person then  i wouldn't mind lending something more important   and i would actually feel happy to be of use to  my friends but if that's a person i don't know   very well and they want to borrow something  more expensive like a camera or a laptop   uh i don't think i would agree that simply  because those items can be broken so   easily oh you will know me better by the end of  this video now let's have a look at the next topic   some people were asked about picnics so let's  talk about them the first question is have you   been on a picnic recently well not that recently  it was in summer and our autumn was actually quite   cold and wet not ideal for picnicking this answer  is not too long but you actually don't have   too much time in part one and that's all  right okay so you can say to go for a picnic   or on a picnic or to have a picnic or simply to  picnic as a verb are we picnicked by the river   okay the next question is do you often go on  picnics i'm afraid not too often and that's   because uh on weekends i like uh having long walks  and sometimes i walk over 10 kilometers in one day   and carrying all the food and a blanket with me  wouldn't be that convenient and actually in london   wherever you go you can find something tasty  to eat really easily so to go on a picnic   or to take a picnic with you it means to take  the food with you and to do that you need a   picnic basket and a blanket to sit on what kind  of places do people choose as their picnic spots   or in london parks are magnificent and they're  really popular picnic spots but some people   prefer to go to the countryside and eat their  picnic by the river or on the hilltop with a view you can say to eat a picnic  to eat our picnic by the river   and to find a nice spot for a picnic the next  topic is clothes and this word is quite tricky   in itself because it's th followed by s clothes  and if you struggle to pronounce it in this way   some dictionaries already give another  pronunciation just close just z at the end   for example the oxford dictionary gives these  two pronunciations so you can choose the first   question is what kind of clothes do you like to  wear at the moment i work from home so i tend to   dress fairly informally so i wear jeans and  t-shirts most of the days but when i go out i   like to dress up and look more smartly okay so  you can say to wear casual clothes or to dress   more smartly when you're dressed more  smartly it means you wear trousers shirts   skirts dresses that kind of thing to dress up  means to put on your nice clothes to look better   and yes some people are actually asked about  buying designer clothes which is very expensive   something like chanel dior or money so another  phrase is to spend money on designer clothes   the next question is do you think your preferences  have changed over time absolutely i used to work   for a bank and i had to obey this dress  code so i would wear either a black suit   or a black dress every day but since  then my wardrobe has become more colorful okay so many companies have a dress code it  means that they expect their employees to   dress in a certain style many  schools have a dress code too   and your wardrobe is where you  store your clothes but that's also   all your clothes together your wardrobe and you  can say my summer wardrobe or my winter wardrobe   the next question do you follow fashion not  really because whatever comes into fashion   inevitably goes out of fashion and i personally  uh prefer to pay a bit more for each i for each   item of my clothes in order to buy something  of nice quality and wear it for several years   here are the collocations to follow fashion to  come into fashion then to be in fashion and to go   out of fashion and finally you need  to update your wardrobe do you think   older people dress differently from younger people  yes i think there is a clear difference younger   people tend to dress very casually and you can  often see them in their jeans shirts t-shirts   flip-flops and that kind of thing but older  people are often dressed more smartly with the   women wearing a dress or a blouse and a skirt  and then a shirt trousers and a jacket some   people get even more specific questions about one  particular item of their clothing which is jeans   for instance how often do you wear jeans oh that's  really one of these staples of my wardrobe and   particularly in winter i wear jeans on most of  the days and i actually own several pairs of them   okay a staple is something very important so a  wardrobe staple is something that you wear a lot   such as your jeans and a white shirt you  can also say my go-to choice for clothing   jeans are my go-to choice for clothing and the  next question is did you wear jeans in school   absolutely not my school had a very strict  dress code and girls were supposed to wear   a white top and a black skirt and  that's it sometimes there about and wore   formal black trousers in winter but i never  dared to wear a pair of jeans to school   you already know the word a dress code a strict  dress code or no dress code if you're lucky next   why are jeans so popular i suppose that's  because they really go with everything   and the fabric itself is just so durable  you can wear denim for years and what's   more there are so many different cuts of jeans  that one can really choose the one they like   some people wear a straight cut black jeans  and others prefer distressed skin engines   let me give you a few words to talk about jeans  so the fabric jeans are made of is denim and   denim is durable jeans can go with everything  so you can wear them with all your other clothes   and you know those jeans which are torn and look  old already they are called either distressed   or ripped and jeans can be a straight cut or  skinny you know examiners pay attention if you   know topic specific vocabulary so knowing a few  of those words is a great thing the next topic   is really fancy recycling so let's talk about  rubbish do people recycle things in your town   in london everyone is supposed to recycle a number  of different materials but some people do it   thoroughly while others don't and there  is definitely some scope for improvement   i know that in many countries people don't  really recycle much so you need to know   a little bit about it to answer those questions  so for example you could say in my town there   is no recycling really and it's just such a waste  that all those materials that could be used again   are simply thrown away let me give you  some vocabulary so people are supposed to   sort rubbish into general waste and recycling  so rubbish includes everything general waste   consists of things which are not recyclable and  recycling is what you can recycle and reuse again   a rubbish bin is what you have inside to store  your rubbish and a dustbin is what you have on   the street garbage and trash are american words  british words are rubbish and general waste   environmentally friendly that's a nice expression  this is an environmentally friendly initiative   and some scope for improvement it means  that something could be done better   there is scope for improvement or it's already  perfect there is little scope for improvement   next what kind of things do they recycle well  people are supposed to recycle a number of   materials mainly glass cotton paper tin cans and  also plastic but with plastic it's not that easy   because actually there are many different kinds of  it and some plastic is recyclable and some isn't   and we're supposed to check the packaging label  to see if we should recycle it another topic is   multitasking and concentration so i want to  share some ideas with you which you could use for   your own answers the first question is do  you like to multitask i definitely don't   i find that it's just so exhausting to constantly  switch your attention from one thing to another   i much prefer to work on one task complete  it and then switch to the next what is better   to multitask or to concentrate on a single  task wow it's actually almost the same thing   well i think it's been proven that we actually  can't multitask it means we can't really do two   things at the same time we can just switch  our attention from one thing to another   very very quickly but then we need some time  uh to concentrate on the thing and really   start working on it and then if we switch our  attention too often we just waste a lot of time   what distracts you when you try to focus or  i would say different notifications you know   your phone notifications when different messages  come every few minutes or email notifications   those are even worse because i receive dozens of  emails every day and they just flush on the screen   every few minutes so i've actually switched off  all the notifications even whatsapp messages on   my phone are silent and i only receive a sound if  someone calls me and that helps me to concentrate   and do my work what helps you concentrate well  as i've mentioned eliminating any distractions   is a good thing but also having a  clear goal so before i start working   i decide that's the task i'm gonna do and then  i work on it and i try to ignore everything else   if something pops up i just take a note  but i don't start working on something else   and when i finish i choose the next task and so  on and also i like to take regular breaks that's   because if you work for a long period of time or  study your concentration goes down and you start   making mistakes and your productivity decreases  significantly so some people like to take breaks   every 20 minutes so they work for 20 minutes take  a 5 minute break another 25 minutes and so on   i personally prefer to work for about 50 minutes  and then take a 10 minute break do you find it   hard to concentrate in noisy places i  think it depends on the type of the noise   for example i actually like working in a cafe uh  when there is a bit of music and people talk but   not too loudly and this ambient noise actually  helps me to to concentrate on what i'm doing   and not get distracted but by different sounds  but if this sound is unpleasant for example some   mechanical noise or traffic noise then yes  then it's distracting okay so some words are   phone and email notifications that's when  something pops up on the screen to have a clear   goal and to take regular bricks and if you talk  about noise you can talk about mechanical noise   background noise that's just something on the  background or ambient noise for example i like the   ambient noise of coffee shops okay these  are some of the most difficult questions   that students have reported in their recent  exams you can hear some more in my other videos   they're going to be on the screen in just a few  seconds actually the ielts speaking database   is quite large and the probability of guessing the  exact questions is very low even though topics are   reused over and over again the only  topic which you can reliably predict   is your first questions at the beginning of part  one and one of those topics is your family so you   can hear some sample answers and learn more  vocabulary for this topic in this video here  
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya
Id: cTlkVQ26tjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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