NEW IELTS Speaking Questions 2021 | Sample Answers

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hi there it's asiya with a new video where i  selected the most difficult ielts speaking part   1 questions that students reported in recent  exams you'll hear questions sample answers and   learn some useful vocabulary to improve your  answers there is also a pdf guide with ielts   writing and speaking topics from recent exams  for you to download okay let's get started   our first topic is flowers and the first question  is do you like receiving flowers as a gift i could   say oh yes i love fresh flowers as you've probably  noticed a nice bouquet makes me smile every time   i look at it luckily my husband often buys me  flowers and if it's time to film some videos   and there are no flowers i buy them myself so the  vocabulary you can talk about a bouquet of flowers   and please note there is no t sound  it's a french word a bouquet next   what kinds of flowers do you like to be honest  i can't think of any flowers i don't like   i would say peonies in tulips are amongst my  favorites and perhaps i'm not a skin on roses   as some people to be keen on something is to  like something very much in ielts speaking   a lot of questions about your likes and dislikes  so it's handy to know a few alternatives to   i like and i don't like and you can learn them in  this video here i'll link it in the description   the next question is on what occasions  do people give flowers in your country   i guess on most special occasions such as  birthdays and weddings and also on certain   holidays i would say since valentine's day and  international women's day the 8th of march are the   two most popular so that's my answer and you know  it's funny that in the uk international women's   day is all about gender equality and equal pay  and in the former ussr countries it's more about   restaurants and flowers so the culture is quite  different do you celebrate this day in your   country in any case let's go back to the questions  have you given flowers to someone recently   just a few days ago actually my mom had an  anniversary and because of all this pandemic   i couldn't go and see her i wanted to surprise  her and so i ordered a big bunch of peonies to   be delivered to her in the morning if you pay a  florist and they deliver flowers you order flowers   and you can order flowers to be delivered it's a  passive voice you don't really know who delivered   these flowers so the flowers are delivered or  we order flowers to be delivered the next topic   is smiles do people in your country often smile  thinking about it i'd say people in kazakhstan   don't smile that often definitely not as often  as in the uk particularly in official situations   for example when you go through the border control  at the airport no one will ever smile at you   know the proposition to smile at somebody there  is a different phrase to smile to yourself i've   nailed the job interview she thought and smiled to  herself next in what situations do people usually   smile well all people smile when they are happy  or amused that's universal they may also smile   to make someone feel welcome for instance good  salespeople usually greet customers with a smile   and in some cultures people smile just because  they want to be polite when talking to others ok the vocabulary to be amused is to be  entertained or to think about something funny and   to greet with a smile is a good collocation or a  combination of words which are often used together   and ielts examiners check if you know collocations  the next question is who smiles more men or women   i would say i'm not sure this is something  that's determined by one's gender i'd rather say   it depends on one's personality some people  have a more cheerful disposition and always   have a smile on their face while  others are more serious or reserved   i think in ielts you still occasionally get  questions about comparing men and women but when   you say that all men are like that and all women  are like this it's called gender stereotyping   so try to avoid it and when you talk  try to include both men and women   for instance the word police officer is preferable  to a policeman which implies that it's a man   similarly a sports person includes both  men and women while a sportsman doesn't   you see what i mean so here are some words  for you a disposition is your character   one may have a cheerful or a nervous disposition   and a great idiom you could use is to have a smile  on your face he always has a smile on his face   and you say that someone is reserved if he or she  tries not to show emotions or share opinions in   this video i'm showing you my sample answers but  you should practice giving your own and if you'd   like to get feedback from a teacher a great place  to do that is cambly the sponsor of today's video   this is an online learning platform where you  can practice your english with native speaking   teachers at any time that suits you with cambly  you can choose a teacher you like or book lessons   with different teachers and get used to a  variety of accents you can suggest a topic   for your lesson or take ielts speaking lessons or  even a mock speaking test lessons start from just   15 minutes a day twice a week and you can take  them at any time of the day or night if you wish   at the moment you can take one 10 minute class  for free and if you like it subscribe using the   link in the description to get an extra discount  you save the most if you take a 12 month plan   and if you change your mind you can cancel your  subscription and get a refund i encourage you   to take the free lesson while it's available all  the links are in the video description box below   the next topic is traveling by car do  you like traveling by car i could say   sure i love the comfort and flexibility of a  private vehicle having said that i wouldn't   drive to central london because of traffic  congestion and extortionate parking fees   you can refer to a car as a private vehicle   and if there are a lot of cars on the roads you  can talk about traffic congestion extortionate   means too high unreasonably high indeed a couple  of weeks ago i went to an area in central london   where i had to pay 6 pounds per hour to park  the car so the parking fees are extortionate   next where do you prefer to sit in  the front or in the back of the car   i prefer the driver's seat but if it's already  taken i still like sitting up front i find that   the view from the back seat is usually more  restricted especially if the windows are tinted   when you're talking about your car and car seats  say in the front in the front seat if you say in   front without an article in front of the car it  means that you're outside of the car looking at   it a view can be restricted if you can't see  much or unrestricted if you have a better view   and when windows of a car are darkened they  are tinted some people love tinted windows but   i'm not one of them and you may think why  i'm giving you these very specific words well   if you're able to describe detail you show the  examiner that you know topic-specific vocabulary   and your vocabulary is wide so it helps you  to achieve a higher lexical resource score   the next question is what is the furthest you have  traveled by car and before answering this question   let's have a look at the adjective furthest  we can say far further furthest or far farther   farthest when you're talking about distances  or time it doesn't matter which ones you use   further and furthest are perhaps more  common but when you mean extra or additional   you can only use further any further questions  so what is the furthest you have traveled by car   last year we went on a road trip around europe  driving across france italy and switzerland   we covered about two thousand kilometers in  three weeks it was amazing and quite exhausting   you can say a three week trip and here  you don't need an s but you need a hyphen   that's because the words three week together serve  as an adjective a long trip or a three week trip   but if you say we traveled for three weeks then  you add a nest and if something is exhausting it   makes you feel very tired the next topic is a  bbq and there are two ways to spell this word   in full or as an abbreviation both are correct  you can also use it as a verb to barbecue   so do you often have barbecues i'm not sure i've  ever had a barbecue myself i loved barbecues as   a child and i still do but i now live in a flat  and we share a garden with neighbors as far as   i know we're not allowed to make barbecues there  next what kinds of foods do you like to barbecue   the word foods as plural  means different kinds of food   i wouldn't say no to a good steak or marinated  chicken i also love barbecued vegetables like   corn tomatoes and onions in short i'm not fussy  whenever someone invites me for a barbecue i'm   happy to oblige when someone is fussy they care  a lot about having something exactly as they want   he's so fussy about the house you can also use  it to talk about someone's eating habits i'm   a farcy eater it means that there are a lot of  things i don't eat which is true and if you say   i'm not fussy it means that you are  happy with whatever you are offered   what should we have for dinner anything you  want i'm not fussy to oblige means to help   somebody by doing what they ask for example call  me if you need any help i'm happy to oblige next   what is the best place for a barbecue i suppose  for people who own a house it's their back garden   some parks provide great facilities too but you  still need to drive there carrying the barbecue   and coal and food in the boot of your car  a boot is a space at the back of your car   in america it's called a trunk okay we've  discussed four topics today i have other videos   where you can find sample answers and vocabulary  for other difficult topics and all the questions   from this video and many more are available  in our pdf guide with recent ielts writing and   speaking topics on our telegram channel the link  to download it is right under the video thank you   so much for watching me today good luck  with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking questions & sample answers, ielts speaking questions 2021, ielts speaking 2021, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking sample answers, ielts speaking band 9, ielts vocabulary speaking, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking
Id: wdyAjsOVj0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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