Real IELTS Speaking Sample Answers| Part 2 & 3

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hi guys and it's asiya yesterday i watched a  few sample ielts speaking exams and was really   surprised at how sophisticated and formal some of  the students sounded even though their score was   like 7.5 and i don't want you to think that  you have to be very smart during your exam   i actually speak much more plainly and don't  use any complex ideas and achieve 8.5 so today   i want to show you my candid answers but i don't  have an examiner at hand so i'm just going to   use a book to ask myself questions i'm going to  use parts two and three okay let's get started   okay this book is cambridge ielts academic number  fourteen but ielts speaking exam is the same in   both ielts academic and general training so it  doesn't matter let me find a speaking section okay   that is test number three and now i have to  manage a timer so one minute to read my second task describe a very difficult task that you succeeded  in doing as part of your work studies you should   say what task you did why this task was very  difficult and how you worked on this task   and explain how you felt when you  had successfully completed this task okay well my minute is almost up five seconds left okay  yeah that's it and now i'm setting two minutes and today i would like to tell you about my idea  of filming videos for my business i first had it i   first had this idea several years ago and i wanted  to start a youtube channel where i would tell   people about how to prepare for their ielts  exam and actually as a keen photographer myself   i could use a camera comfortably and i didn't  anticipate any serious problems with making videos   but i was so wrong and the first few videos  was really really embarrassing both from   the technical side and from my performance in  the videos oh first of all i discovered that   using a camera to film videos is absolutely  not the same as taking steel photos and   even though i had quite a good dslr camera not a  professional one but not a very simple one either   i thought that that camera was capable  of doing everything i needed but actually   i had to upgrade to a new camera that  would have more settings to control how   the video looks like that was the first  thing and of course i had to learn about   all the video settings which differ  quite significantly from photo settings   even though you use the same the same buttons but  you somehow use them in a slightly different way   and in terms of my performance i was really  shocked at how at how shy and embarrassed i   looked on those videos and how much i  paused and hesitated and that was some okay apparently that was two minutes dismissed uh and probably you've noticed  that i haven't covered my bullet points   if you look here so i needed to explain  what the task what task i did so i did that   and why this task was very difficult yeah so i was  explaining that in a lot of details and how you   worked on this task um i didn't really i didn't  really tell you about how i filmed videos right   and explained how you felt when you had completed  the task no i didn't get to that point but that   is all right because in ielts speaking  you don't need to cover each bullet point   those points are there to to guide you to give  you some ideas of what you should talk about   but you don't have to cover them one by one and  you should actually concentrate on telling a story   because it's easier to talk for two minutes if  you are concentrating on your story or rather than   answering those bullet points otherwise  you can finish very very quickly anyway um   so top part three uh it should last not more than  five minutes between four and five minutes and   and usually examiners would ask you questions and  they would adapt questions slightly based on what   you said before but i just have to read some from  the book and questions in part three are somehow   related to questions in part two but sometimes  it's quite difficult to get how okay let's start okay part three and we are gonna discuss  difficult jobs and the first question is   what are the most difficult jobs that people do  well it depends i think it depends on how you   look uh and how you define a difficult job so some  jobs are dangerous for example being a policeman   or being a fireman those people put their life  at risk some jobs are just physically challenging   such as mining and other jobs are intellectually  challenging such as being a scientist so i think   that many different jobs can be considered  difficult but from different points of view   the next question is why do you think  some people choose to do difficult jobs some people choose jobs because they are  better paid if a job is dangerous or if it's   challenging then the pay the salary will be  higher than in a simpler job and i think that   is definitely an appeal for some people  but others just look for a rewarding career   or something that would be satisfying in the  long run and those difficult jobs may give that do you agree or disagree that all jobs  are difficult sometimes oh absolutely   i think we get used to a certain level of  activity and then when it suddenly jumps   up or something happens we perceive that this  job is difficult and perhaps for other people   it wouldn't be so because that's the normal way  the normal day for them so i think it all depends okay now let's talk about your  personal and career success   and the first question is how important is it for  everyone to have a goal in their personal life   well i think that goals motivate you to move  forward and to actually achieve something   because um when we do something for a long time  we eventually get tired and we if we don't have   a clear goal we may actually just drop it uh when  it's tiring when it's boring when it's difficult   uh but if you really desire  something that it will keep you going is it always necessary to work hard in order to  achieve career success in short i would say yes of course we hear those stories about some  overnight success but i think what we don't hear   even in those stories is that someone worked  hard for 10 years without any recognition   and then did something for example wrote a song  and that song suddenly became a number one song   in that person became famous but it doesn't mean  that they didn't work hard it just means that we   didn't see their hard work before do you think  that successful people are always happy people unfortunately i think that the relation  between success and happiness is quite indirect   uh on the one hand if we want something for  example a successful career and we achieve it so   we become successful then we do get satisfaction  from that and it gives a certain sense of   happiness however there are other aspects of our  lives such as health or our relationship with our   family and our loved ones which are ultimately  more important and someone may be very very   successful in their professional life but feel  absolutely miserable because of something else in   their private life and also i think people always  need this okay five minutes so that's enough this means okay so these were my answers and  you've probably noticed that sometimes i didn't   quite finish my thoughts because i didn't really  know what else to say but that's all right it   happened during real exams as well and according  to my score i wasn't really penalized for that   you know those senses are not perfect because  we don't really talk perfectly and that is fine   and ielts examiners understand that and i think  during your exam you should just let yourself   speak be friendly be chatty don't try to control  what you want to say too much because otherwise   you kill any ideas just trust yourself and speak  don't care about your mistakes if you're not   fluent in english you will make some but that's  all right and i hope that this video was helpful   and it will inspire you to practice your  speaking and to will help you to perform   better at your exam so thank you very much for  watching me today and good luck all the best bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 99,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking, eilts speaking, ietls speaking
Id: 4DPv-FDnpIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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