IELTS Speaking Part 2 | Sample answer from Band 6 to Band 9

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hi there it's asiya and today i'll show you  two things you should do to improve your ielts   speaking part two answers we'll have a look at  some sample answers too okay let's get started   in part two you get a card with a topic and  several bullet points you have one minute to   prepare and then two minutes to speak today's  topic was reported in one of the recent exams   thank you so much guys for sharing your topics  on our telegram channel here it is describe an   occasion when people were smiling you should say  with whom you were when it happened why people   were smiling and explain how it made you feel now  let me show you some of the common problems with   part two answers i'll try to answer the question  and you'll be my examiners okay here it is   last weekend i went to the opera and all  the people were really happy to be there   they talked to each other laughed and smiled it  was a great event i went there with my husband   we used to be regulus at the royal opera house  but it's been our first event in almost two years   we went there last saturday in the evening  so we spent the afternoon wandering around   central london had a quick sushi dinner and  went to the theater for the 7 30 performance   i think people were smiling because they were  really happy to be there the theater had been   closed for over a year because of the covered  outbreak and a number of lockdowns finally a   tree opened at the beginning of september and  after such a long break it was a real occasion   and i was excited and slightly nervous about it as  i guess most people were what do you think about   this answer it wasn't very convincing was it it  was a bit boring and the language was quite basic   and the sentences were quite short and they were  not really connected to each other i noticeably   struggle to develop ideas and eventually run  out of things to say in just over a minute   this kind of answer is common if you start  following the bullet points like i did the problem   with bullet points is that they ask such basic  questions that the answers are short and basic too   and a lot of information i could talk about was  left untouched for example i didn't even say which   opera it was there are two main ways to improve  your task to answers the first is to practice use   topics from recent exams you can find them in our  free guide on telegram i'll link it below take a   timer set it to two minutes and try to talk until  your time is up you don't have to finish your talk   and if you'd like to get feedback on your answers  a place to do that is Cambly this is an online   learning platform where you can practice your  english with native speaking teachers and it's   a sponsor of today's video with cambly you can  choose a teacher you like or book lessons with   different teachers and get used to a variety of  accents you can suggest a topic for your lesson   or take the ielts speaking lessons or  even a mock speaking test lessons start   from just 15 minutes a day twice a week and  you can take them at any time that suits you   at the moment you can take one 10 minute class  for free and if you like it subscribe using the   link in the description to get an extra discount  you save the most if you take a 12 month plan   and if you change your mind you can cancel your  subscription and get a refund i encourage you to   take your free lesson while it's available all  the links are in the video description box below   and now let's talk about the second way to improve  your part 2 answers an important point to know   here is that you don't have to follow the bullet  points in ielts writing you have to describe each   bullet point but not in ielts speaking these  prongs are simply there to give you some ideas   to speak about concentrate on addressing the main  question find a story and tell it let me try again   i'd like to tell you about my recent  visit to the royal opera house in london   last saturday my husband and i went there to see  varidis opera called rigaletto it was such an   occasion the performance was sold out and the room  was absolutely packed before the performance began   people were chatting laughing  and smiling at each other   i think they were really happy to be there and  to see other people and in the end the audience   just rose to their feet in a standing ovation of  course rigaletto is an impressive opera which was   masterly performed and totally deserved innovation  but i think another reason for this atmosphere   was the fact that the royal opera house had  been closed for over a year because of the covet   outbreak and this series of lockdowns we went  through and when i think about it it was my   first theater outing in almost two years  although i used to be a regular i suppose   we used to take a lot of things for granted and  now we've learned to appreciate them much more   and this is the reason why people were more smiley  than usual at the performance despite a certain   anxiety that i'm sure many felt in such a crowded  room for me personally it felt like a big occasion   i was excited and slightly nervous about i hope  we'll all be able to freely attend events again   in the near future this answer was much closer  to two minutes which is already a good thing   now let's have a look at the bullet points  again without trying i actually covered   all of them with whom i went there when why  people were smiling and how it made me feel   the answer itself was easier to follow wasn't it  that's because when you tell a story you usually   link ideas naturally but adding a few linking  words never hurts so here they are and because i   was telling a story it was easier to talk without  effort which is needed for a high fluency score   my vocabulary was more complex too i used  a number of collocations or words which are   commonly used together by native speakers such  as to deserve an ovation to attend an event   or to take things for granted and i used many more  grammatical structures and different verb tenses i   mainly talked in the past simple but i also used  used to to talk about things i don't do anymore   there is also the past perfect  and past continuous tenses   and i use the present simple and perfect to  describe my thoughts and the future tends to   wrap up the story plus there was a number  of complex sentences and the passive voice   the last criterion examiners use is your  pronunciation just to confirm this is how   you pronounce words and sounds your rhythm  and intonation an accent is not a problem   these are all the things that examiners assess all  in all it was a much better answer to improve your   part two answers you should practice answering  topics and you can use topics from recent exams   and concentrate on telling the story rather  than following the bullet points from the task   speaking about accents and exams i actually  have a video with the mock speaking exam where   the candidate's accent is quite noticeable but  nevertheless a real ielts examiner awarded him   band 9 for his pronunciation you can watch  this video right here and don't forget to   download the recent ielts writing and speaking  topics for your practice on our telegram channel   and check out cambly to practice your english  with native speaking teachers thank you so   much for watching me today good luck  with your preparation and your exam
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 66,058
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, ielts speaking, ielts speaking part 2, ielts part 2 speaking, ielts part 2 speaking samples, ielts speaking tips to improve, ielts speaking part 2 band 9, ielts speaking band 9 sample answer, how to improve ielts speaking, how to improve ielts speaking at home, ielts speaking tips and tricks
Id: SANP2AhTyzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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