My IELTS Reading Strategy 2021 | Question order

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hi there hey it's asiya in this video i'll  show you a strategy that can help you find   answers to ielts reading questions more quickly  and as a result answer more questions correctly   many years ago this strategy helped me achieve  a band 8 score in ielts reading even though i   couldn't understand a fair deal of what i was  reading so i think it can help you too i'll   tell you about the strategy and then we'll discuss  how you can use it with different types of tasks   just one question before we begin do you  regularly watch my videos if yes please   subscribe to this channel it means the  world to me and now let's get started   there are two main approaches to ielts reading  the first is to read the passage and then answer   the questions the second is to answer questions  as you're reading the passage for the first time   people who are fluent in english and can  read fast can use any but for those who   aren't fluent yet the second strategy can be much  more beneficial here is what it involves in ielts   reading you can find answers to many questions  in the same order as you see the questions   this means that you can read the first question  and then read the text until you find the answer   then read the next question continue reading  the passage until you find the next answer and   so on in this case you don't have to read all the  passage attentively which may take a lot of time   instead you read the question carefully and  then you read quickly ignoring things you   don't understand perhaps and just looking for that  place where the answer is because you don't spend   too much time trying to understand things which  don't matter you have more time to concentrate on   sentences that do matter i still remember  one of the topics in my very first ielts exam   it was about optics and how light  is reflected by different surfaces   and i remember how difficult it was to understand  some bits because i simply didn't know some key   words and i generally found the topic complex and  confusing because i never liked physics but i was   still able to answer 35 questions in that test  and got banned aid the trick is that some types   of questions come in order as i was describing but  others don't and you need to know which is which   then as soon as you see a task you know what to  do and it saves you a lot of time for this video   i've analyzed a number of official ielts practice  tests and will tell you which question types   tend to come in order and which  don't and what you should do then   please note that there is no guarantee that your  test will be exactly like that but as far as i can   see at the moment the types of questions that come  in order are missing words this is one of the most   common types of tasks in ielts reading the task  reads complete the notes below choose one word   only and then you see gaps which you need to fill  in with the missing words from the passage the   task may look slightly differently you may need  to complete the table below or complete a summary   whatever it is as soon as you see these gaps you  know that you need to find some missing words   and the answers in the passage come in the same  order as the questions with this question type   be careful with the number of words sometimes you  may need to choose one word only and sometimes   one or two words so don't exceed the limit  the second question type that comes in order   is the notorious true false not given which is  used in every test here you need to say if the   following statement agrees with the information  in the passage or not these questions almost   always come in order a similar type of questions  is yes no not given here you need to say if the   following statements agree with the claims of  the writer so these questions are about opinions   and not information like true false not given but  generally they're very similar and in most cases   the answers do come in order occasionally when  you get this task in the very end of your reading   section they may not but in other instances they  do i have a detailed strategy for true false not   given and yes no not given questions in a separate  video and i will link it in the video description   box below by the way don't worry about writing  anything down if you go to my telegram channel   you can download the images with all the question  types that come in order and that don't come in   order and use them for your reference later  the channel is called fast track ielts   and if you search for the hashtag ft10 you get  straight to these images the next question type   that comes in order is sentence endings here you  need to complete each sentence with the correct   ending and there are some other questions where  you need to match information but this is the   only one that comes in order next multiple choice  questions if you see several questions with three   or four options a b c d and you need to select  one correct answer these questions come in order   please note that sometimes you may need to  find two correct answers out of five options   and those answers may not come in order  but we'll talk about them later answers   that do not come in order okay let's talk about  all the questions where answers do not come in the   same order as questions are asked in many cases  what you can do instead is to read one paragraph   and see if it answers any questions then  read the next paragraph and so on so what   question types do not come in order matching  information questions there are several types   of questions where you need to match something  and probably the best known is matching headings   usually this type of question comes before  the passage i mean in a paper-based exam   first you see the task it takes the whole page  and then the passage comes on the next page   and the task reads choose the correct heading  for each section from the list of headings below   and headings are in a box numbered using the roman  numerals and a list of paragraphs or sections   is underneath and you need to find a suitable  heading for each paragraph for each section   obviously the first heading will not be about  the first paragraph they don't come in order   and my strategy for this type of question is  to read the first paragraph then read all the   headings find the right one read the second  paragraph match it to its heading and so on   and i suggest matching all the headings  first and then transferring all your answers   to the answer sheet that's because  in this task you may want to change   some of your answers as you go and i have a  separate video about this type of task will be   linked in the description box below matching  paragraphs this task is slightly different   it reads which paragraph or section contains the  following information even matching headings you   need to match each section of the passage with its  heading in matching paragraphs you may have just   four or five questions and they're usually  located right after the passage they belong to   again i find that the best way to answer this type  of question is to read a paragraph find the answer   read the next paragraph find the answer and  so on it seems that if you have let's say four   statements you'll be able to match them with  the first four paragraphs just not an order   and that means uh that you will answer the  remaining questions using information in the   remaining paragraphs which you haven't read yet  and in this case you will answer all the questions   about the passage by reading it only once there is  one little thing you should pay your attention to   in some tasks you can use each section only  once but sometimes you may need to use some   paragraphs twice then you worried you may use any  letter more than once check if that's the case in   your task if it is you will definitely use one of  the letters more than once matching information   quite often you need to match surnames of  people with what they did like in this task   match each statement with a correct explorer  and if you see this type of task highlight   all the surnames in the text then you'll be able  to find the part of the text where the answer is   located very quickly actually you can read about  the explorers in the text in the same order as you   can find their surnames on the list so hardy  is first but he's not on the list at all but   then we have peter fleming ren chris robin and  finally wilfred so statements are not an order   of course read information about one explorer  and then match it with the correct statement   read information about the next explorer and so on  to summarize matching headings matching paragraphs   and matching information do not come in  order however matching sentence endings   usually does multiple choice questions with five  options and two correct answers the task reads   choose two letters from a to e and here you see  five options two are correct and some of these   come in order and some don't and it really  varies questions at the end of the reading test   usually don't come in order if you have a couple  of questions at the very end of your reading test   they usually don't come in order whatever type  of questions you may find there the last few   questions are usually the trickiest and it's just  one more way to make it more difficult for you   if you see yes no not given questions about  the last passage particularly at the end   then they usually don't come in order either  basically everything i told you in this video are   the general rules that i deduced from the official  practice tests and from the real tests by paying   attention to where i could find my answers there  is no guarantee that your tasks will be built   in this exact way but even if some of them are  different this strategy can still help you find   answers more quickly giving you a chance to answer  more questions don't forget to see the images with   the list of questions that come in order and  that don't have an order on our telegram channel   to learn about the strategies for other types of  tasks and how to prepare for your exam quickly   download my free ielts study plan it includes  links to all the free official practice tests too   thank you for watching me today good luck  with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 119,911
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts 2021, ielts reading 2021, ielts reading structure, ielts reading exam, ielts reading strategies and techniques, ielts reading tips and tricks, ielts reading band 8, ielts reading question order, ielts reading hack, ielts reading matching headings tips, ielts reading yes no not given, ielts reading true false not given
Id: HHaRq80Rk6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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