IELTS Speaking Band 7.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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all right let's begin okay okay so could you tell me your full name please okay um and it spells c h a e w n and e-u-n okay and first of all could you tell me are you working or are you a student um I'm working now as a dancer and performer since I met your dance and I mostly work as a freelancer in South Korea but I start my new season abroad on this January okay and do you like your job yes I love it it's my favorite thing in the world what do you like most about your job um to perform travel and get paid okay now we're going to talk about writing so do you write a lot yes I um when I was young I tried to write my diary every day to record my practice like it was kind of practice note but these days I these days I don't really write every day but when I want to write I think I right yeah and what do you like to write about my feelings usually and also if there are something like special um some occasions or some certain thing happened then I write about that but usually about my feelings and do you think the things you like to write will change in the future um I don't know I think about the feelings I'm going to write like maybe forever because that is my like the main topic of my diary but maybe some other exceptional subjects or external subjects will be changed of course because I'm going to be changed okay and do you prefer writing by hand or typing on a computer um usually by hand because I like the feelings of the pen and pencils but if I don't have the notes or paper then I like to write my with my phone by typing all right and now we're going to talk about puzzles so did you do puzzles in your childhood [Music] remember I think there was a one maybe only one puzzle in my room and it was like a princess like puzzle so all the princess characters were there and I was just puzzling but except that I don't really remember other puzzles okay and do you think it is good for older people to do puzzles well maybe but um people because if that the person likes to do it uh yes it will be helpful because you know it's going it's going to it makes to use your it makes you it makes you use your brain a lot but if that gives like more stress then I wouldn't recommend it all right now we're going to talk about singing so do you like singing no not at all I am really weak at singing um actually I like to use my body more and about the vocal part I have no idea so I don't really like it and do you think singing can bring happiness to people ah yes but like um not for me really I don't really like to sing so I just like to hear somebody singing so it depends on people who do that yeah yeah all right that'll do us for part one we're going to part two of the Tesla okay so there's your question here there's a pencil for you so you can have one minute now to make some notes all right okay that's one minute now all right okay so could you describe a photo you took that you are proud of well it was really difficult to choose but I would say um there was a local election this year on June and uh my mom is actually she is uh the council person of the city and she also participated in the election because after that she started her second term so I was uh her I was like helping a lot for the election I gave up my job or a while and I just focus on her camp and then we took a lot lot of photos that we need for the document and I am proud of all those photos that we took during those periods like from May to June and that's because not only as a daughter but also has a supporter and also has a kind of comrade I could help my mom and um that was very encouraging not only for me but also for my mom and also for other people who support my mom and I think that photos kinds of shows um I would say my decision to help her and that's why I am proud of also the result and because that photos contains all the time that we put a lot of effort for the election so I was just choose them yes of course of course it was took in the city so it was since it was the local election and uh what's in this photo it's me and my mom and yeah okay that's two minutes now all right thank you very much so we'll move on to part three now all right all right so let's keep going so why do some people like to record important things with photos with photos because it brings the memory uh back very I think clearly like it's um much is easier much easier to remind all those moments by photos than maybe just write things or text but I think the feature of the text or the photos or even the videos are so different and um for some people it's very convenient and clear so why that's why and why do some people dislike taking photographs because I think that was me in the past and I was like that because I was not very like confident with my appearance and I didn't uh want to be recorded in that look so that's why okay and what can people learn from historical photographs oh because photos shows are very directly the lead feelings in the situation of the moment it's something more than explaining uh sometimes instincts are like they are strong they are stronger than just some Logics or explanation and people can feel it directly from the photo so that is I think that is more powerful that's why they use a circle photos to inspire people and do you think schools in your country use photos to teach their students I don't know maybe maybe no because I don't really remember that like impressive photos in the textbook maybe no okay and what do people in your country usually do with their photos [Music] or Facebook most of the people do that for their like normal daily life and if the photo is something more professional I think they would participate in some compensations because there are many many photos and videos competitions and uh is that is more professional maybe the journalist or the reporters they will use it for their job and also the news yeah so I can divide that way yes and what do you think are the main reasons people upload photos to social media um we're recording and also to show that I am being good uh and also for people who are doing social media for their profession or for the reason of the job they're kind of making their name card through the Instagram for example the dancers or performers nearby me they use their Instagram account as their name card so they try to show their like I don't know like their work or pieces or their jobs to promote them yes and are there any disadvantages to uploading photos on social media sometimes it brings the past which I don't want to remember or which somebody doesn't want to remember so that will be the bad part of it so that's why everybody is taking so like being careful to choose the photo to choose like uh to go on the Instagram okay that will do thank you very much all right so for the the feedback Parts really good test I would estimate your score to be at least 7.5 and up yeah around that um I'll just point out a few few grammar things that we'll look at right when you're talking about a month you were saying this year on June on January it should be in for the month all right that's always confusing it's all good no problem in January in June um other one you said a couple of times right it depends on people it should be it depends on the person ah so uh every time you use depends on you should use the plus singular noun okay depends on the weather depends on the person whatever um yeah good Expressions I'm weak at singing that that's fine no problem but maybe a better expression would be I don't have a good voice or I can't hit the high notes or you know try to use um Expressions related to the topic gotta be good okay there's nothing wrong with that expression but if we want to just upgrade our vocabulary a little bit all right um what are we saying uh during those period it should be that period because I know it's multiple months but it's one period yeah okay yes um yeah and part two asks you to describe a photo so I'd be more specific again about one photo but it was really difficult to choose yeah yeah it's a hard one to choose exactly one but yeah yeah I would say definitely in in the second part just try and focus on one and describe it totally and clearly yeah okay um but yeah that was always good um I had just the last one in part three I think there was a little bit of misunderstanding uh the question was why do people dislike taking photos so taking photos means like the person actually clicking the camera okay I think you are answering people don't like getting their photos taken yeah so just between like active and I said no no it's no no problems like I think that's a common error right so taking photos or getting photos taken yeah okay I'll go with that um he said making their name card maybe a better expression would be like online portfolio people can make their online portfolio through uploading pictures and videos it's easy to remind of okay it's easy to maybe a better word would be recall here recall it's easier it's easy to recall woman's recall memories yeah um but yeah it was really good overall nice tests so thank you for coming in thank you all right cheers
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 87,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL, 7.5
Id: iVo-rc6QQXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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