IELTS Speaking Test | BAND 9 | Must Watch

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this is the speaking test for the international English language testing system the candidate is Ana Sharma and the examiner is Jonathan Lewis number 41380 good afternoon my name is Jonathan Lewis good afternoon can you tell me your full name please it's an Shera thank you and what shall I call you please call me an in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself do you work or are you a student no I'm not working at the moment I'm just studying what are you studying I'm doing Bachelor's in media and communication studies why did you choose that course um mainly because uh I think this course offers you a variety of diverse options to choose from you could be a filmmaker or an actor or a journalist and also because I think this course offers you a chance to use your creative skills and let's talk about weather is summer your favorite time of year why or why not no it's not absolutely not why not um I think because um in my country it's mostly Summers for like 6 months in a year and they're even hotter now because of the whole climate change situation and it's just very sweaty your hair get frizzy your makeup keeps melting so it's it's horrible in my country in summers I see so what do you do in summer when the weather's very hot and why I get annoyed and cranky and other than that I try to stay home or I try to drink plenty of water so I don't get dehydrated and I also have to use a lot of insect repellent at night because the mosquitos won't let you sleep so would you like traveling during summer no not really to be honest I hate going out in summers it's it's miserable outside I try to stay home mostly even if I go out with my friends I make sure we go to a restaurant or someplace that's properly air conditioned I say did you enjoy the summer holidays when you were at school yeah I did maybe because when I was a kid I did not care much about the hot weather as much as I do now um or may maybe because I did not have to attend my school but it was fun my parents would take me out on lunch or to a park anywhere my cousins would come over we would play different in indoor outdoor games summer were fun now let's move on to the second part of this speaking test I'm going to give you a topic and I would like you to talk about it for one or two minutes before you talk you have one minute to think about what you are going to say you can make some notes if you wish do you understand yes I understand here is your topic describe a time when you started using a new techn logical [Music] device your preparation time is now over remember you have one or 2 minutes for this so don't worry if I stop you I will tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please okay so you asked me about a new technological device that I have started using recently so about technology we all love it don't we I myself like to um own or use technological devices but it's not always easy for me to obtain them because most of them are very expensive so fortunately um a new technological device that I started using recently was an iPhone now in our country young children are not allowed to have their own personal mobile phone till the age of 17 or 18 same was the case with me I used to take my mother's phone for a few hours and then I would have to return it to her but when I got my own personal phone before University at first uh it was really hard for me to understand all the features because they're very different from Android but slowly but surely I got a hold of it and then I installed all the social media apps I tried connecting with all of my friends the old ones and it was F I started using uh watching a lot of Netflix shows and then my University started started and I had to um travel by myself and there we have a an app a transport Transportation app that's similar to Uber so you could easily navigate all the maps and also the Google searches so I think the main uh purpose of technology is to make your life easy and it did fulfill the purpose for me uh uh during the time of Co we uh were taking online classes and it really helped me at that time uh it was very easy for me uh to get enrolled in my course modules and see video lectures online and yeah I think it did fulfill the purpose which latest technology items would many young people in your country like to buy um I think it depends on your gender mostly I would say the young boys would go for things like any new technological Gadget probably the latest smartphone or laptops or some video games and I think young girls as they're uh mostly focused on fashion and beauty related items so they would probably go for equipments that can help them in styling themselves probably something for their hair or a smartwatch anything now let's talk about expensive items that people purchase how do the expensive items that younger people want to buy differ from those that older people want to buy as I mentioned in my previous answer that your gender has an impact on your choices I think similarly your age has an impact on your needs now the younger people uh below the age of 25 as they are not most of them are not earning themselves so they usually buy things to show off to their friends so they buy things like gadgets and stuff that their friends have so they can tell them that okay they can afford it as well but for adults who has just started earning has a job now they are more cautious on where to spend on what to spend how to spend because they just start learning the financial management so they don't over spend on stuff while for the older people they have more money and lesser years so they don't really care much about the prices or how expensive the things are but as they have more experience and they're wiser so they're mostly focused if the thing they're purchasing is profitable for them in the long run do you think that people are more likely to buy expensive items for their friends or for themselves I I think mostly if you can afford it people mostly buy it for themselves because you know how human mind works acquiring luxurious items temporarily increases your self-esteem so even if you buy it for your friends on let's say special occasions on their wedding or their birthdays they're mostly a showof because if you're really close to the friend you don't care much about how much the thing you're buying how much it costs it's more about if they like it if the gift will make them feel happy it should be wonderful not expensive so I think it depends if you can afford it they buy it how difficult is it to become very rich in today's world I honestly have no idea about it but I think um if you're well educated and you're doing what you've always wanted to do like your dream job and if you work hard you're determined you're consistent then you can be successful and also your surroundings have a great impact on your mind so I think if you surround yourself with successful intelligent people with great minds so you can learn their Innovative schemes of getting rich do you agree that money does not necessarily bring happiness money H happiness is tangible I think you cannot me it you cannot buy it so no money does not buy happiness but it does uh provides you peace of mind like um if you have good amount of money so you don't have to stress about the day-to-day hustles you don't have to worry about the electricity bills the hospital bills all the other things so it mainly depends on you as human beings we always have this desire to achieve more and we're never fully satisfied with ourselves um it could be there's no specific definition for happiness um for example for someone who's not in a good good health condition for him happiness would be you know being healthy again or for a beggar it could be having a million dollars and similarly for someone it could just be having a supportive loving partner but there's a person who has all of these things but he's still unsatisfied with himself so we cannot say that money is the source of Happiness no if you expect things in people to bring happiness to you you will never be satisfied in your opinion what are the ways might rich people use their money to help Society through a lot of different ways they could build schools hospitals or provide services for the poor or you know they can donate to Charities they should donate more I think because the problem I see in my country is that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer so there's this unbalanced um financial situation so I think they should try to help them the wealthy people should should do more for the society we have reached at the end of this speaking test thank you thank you
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Keywords: ielts speaking test band 9
Id: 1rnlrvsoUAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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