IELTS Speaking Band 8.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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all right let's start so could you tell me your full name please I am sorry only and my English name is Angelina perfect and are you working or are you a student I was a student until this year June and I am now taking a gap year and what do you like to do when you have some free time I like to listen to some music I am also a singer myself so I practice singing as well okay now we're going to talk about public transportation so what kind of public transport do you usually take [Music] so there are a few options in Korea if you want to take public transportation my favorite one is the Subway because it always makes you get places on time and unlike the bus there is no traffic or unexpected events that you need to consider when moving and when do you usually take public transport I take public word I had to get to places when my parents aren't able to take me give me a right and because I have a driver's license I can drive but I'd say I take the public transport when my parents don't trust me with their cars okay and do you think most people in your country prefer public transportation or private transportation but because we live in the busiest city in the country I think it might be better for some people to take public transportation um and did you take public transport when you were a child but mostly I think I traveled by car um because my parents thought it might be safer okay now we're gonna talk about science so do you like science not really well it depends which branch of science you're talking about but overall I think I'm a more Humanities oriented person okay and when did you start to learn about science I might have had some experimental lessons preschool but I think my lessons began in Year One okay and what kind of interesting things have you done with science something called a stem project so you kind of work as a group towards an investigative goal that you set yourself and you conduct the experiments yourself and write up a report I think that was the most kind of interesting experience for me and do people in your country often visit science museums place but I think it is kind of popular among people to visit museums and one of them would be Science Museum and do you like watching science TV programs [Music] um I think I enjoyed watching some National Geographic videos um when it gets to the details I switch channels but um yeah I think I do okay Daniel all right very nice that'll do for part one so now let's go on to part two keep it going this is your part two question all right I'll just give you a pencil there so I'll give you one minute to prepare and do some note-taking okay all right you can begin all right that's one minute now okay so yeah could you describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store so the problem I had was when I was shopping for my prom dress it happened this June because that's when the problem happened my problem was that I didn't like the design so there were a few options but the one I chose at the end wasn't still like my best choice so I had to ship it early and then do some fixing myself how I felt about the experience was that I was at first very nervous that I might not have a good dress for prom basically and then afterwards I felt that I could um make some changes myself and that I didn't need to just stick to what the shopping malls had for me I could um make it uh more satisfying for my eyes myself all right very nice now we're going going to go on to part three of the test okay so yeah just to answer these questions okay so uh what kind of customer service do you think is good [Music] so when people go shopping like what sort of service do people usually expect a good customer service well I guess you would have to [Music] um be nice and be able to give answers to people's queries like where is this shop um foreign yeah I think that would be like kind of the basics that people would expect what do you think people should do if the customer service they receive is not satisfactory there will be a few ways to deal with that kind of problem um well the shop might have like a complaint service themselves where they can like write like a short comment on their website or submit it to their Superior otherwise there might be out of store review system where you can share your opinion when other customers who might think about going there but maybe you don't want to encourage them as much and what do you think are the differences between shopping online and shopping in store try those clothes on I think the camera technology has evolved very much so that you can kind of feel the texture through screen I think that kind of problem has been less of innocence for a couple of years but I think still being able to try it on yourself and see how it fits is kind of like the biggest crucial thing that kind of divides the shopping styles and why do you think some people prefer online shopping rather than going to stores as Mark um I think it's easier to compare different options you can have we can literally have many windows open and then have a look at what you can buy with limited budgets so I think that's why people prefer okay yes yes and so do you think in the future in-store shopping will become a thing of the past hmm that's a difficult question um in the near future I'd say no if we're talking about like a hundred years time um maybe but I don't think it would be the case for like premium Stores um we still uh we still want to try on kind of like the most expensive clothes before making that large marches and I think there is that extra bit of kind of care you can get from like in-person meetings like I'm sorry um when you go to a tailor to get you a suit um I think that kind of thing can only happen in person so maybe they'd Fade Out like overall but I think some of the most premium stores would remain regardless of how much technology gets better um and what do you think customers should do when they have a problem with something they bought online um online shopping malls also have a similar process of how they deal with complaints but it might be harder because you don't have that um personal kind of experience with a with the seller um so I think the response would be also similar to what you would do in an offline shopping mall you can post complaints to their superiors or like a representative kind of board of that shopping company or you can share your opinions with other customers I think that's much easier for online shopping malls because they they require like a review section so that people can have more trust in their products so yes I think those would be the responses okay perfect that'll do thank you thank you uh yeah so to start with the feedback I think that was really good test I would estimate the score to be 8.5 today really clear the hallway uh one thing I would say in part two try to speak a little bit longer your speech was like about a minute or a little bit less than a minute so in part two it should be from one to two minutes long so try and get into a little bit more detail if you can right but the only thing um part one questions yeah just make sure and always give a reason for your answer and I know science is not really your thing but in in the real exam you can say that that's fine like you can say I don't really like science but just the examiner will continue giving you science questions so don't be surprised if you say I don't like science and they come back and keep asking you that's normal but just always explain give reasons why yeah reasons why Empire one um in terms of like grammar errors very few right maybe one time you said about your prom dress I had to ship it early instead of ship it I would say like get it shipped using like the the passive voice I had to get it shipped early because the company are the one shipping it yeah um you said as well in part three in an offline shopping mall I would say like just in a shopping mall I don't think you need to use the word offline yeah so I'd say usually we say online or in-store yeah with either one but yeah fluency pronunciation it's all really good so that was a really nice test thank you for coming in yeah thank you
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 135,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL, 8.5
Id: SUaJDd4hSok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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