IELTS Speaking Band 7.0 Mock Test with Feedback

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hi Hi how are you I'm good how are you good good thanks uh to start off can you just tell me your name my name is to Kim you and can you spell that for me j-i-w-o-o and then k-i-n great are you working or studying right now I am actually a graduate student right now studying English literature and where is your hometown I am currently living in ilsan which is not a part of Seoul it's a part of kyongi province in a city named kuyang and it's I guess you could call it a suburb the suburb area um and I have been living there for for about 10 years uh what do you like about your hometown I like that it's less crowded compared to Seoul because I sometimes work in Seoul I sometimes I go to school in Seoul so I know how crowded Soul can be but when I go home it's a lot more relaxing I have a very big park in front of my apartment building so it's a it's a it's a lot calmer and is there anything you dislike about your hometown I dislike the transportation system around my hometown because it's very far and for me to get to a subway station it takes about 30 minutes by a bus and even the bus doesn't come very regularly so that's a bit of a pain but other than that I'm okay with it and can you tell me about some of your hobbies what do you do in your free time I usually lie down in bed and play games on my phone I like to joke that I'm an invertebrate because I lie down like a spineless animal but yeah that's that's my favorite thing to do just play games on my phone have a podcast playing in the background and that's about it um okay we're gonna talk a little bit now about studying for a student right now um what do you study I study English literature I'm a master's student right now and I heard that it's a little weird to talk about what you're focusing on as a master's student but to be a little bit more precise than literature I study Irish drama and do you enjoy it I have a love and hate relationship with it I mean I definitely enjoy it enough to choose the path of pursuing my studies but I hate it at times because it makes me feel very stupid fair enough fair enough um do you do you look forward to finishing and beginning work in the near future yeah I am planning on it because this is my fourth semester as a master's student and usually a master's program would end about in a in a two-year three-year type of situation I am plan I haven't gotten started on my thesis yet so that's a bit of a problem but other than that I'm planning to graduate next summer okay so after that maybe I could start working good good and one final question do you prefer to study in the morning or the afternoon or the evening I am a night owl so I definitely prefer to study at night or in around 3 A.M 4 a.m that's when I function the best I'm definitely not a morning person I usually sleep till around noon or 1pm okay great very great well that's a good start um from there we can transition to part two okay and in part two of the exam as you may know um we have one prompt and this is the prompt you'll have a minute to take notes and prepare and then you want to try to speak for two minutes okay so take a moment to read that make some notes um and in a minute we can get started okay that's a minute okay are you ready yes I am okay all right uh so the person that came to mind um was a sing is a singer named yunha and I think she just popped up in my head because I was just listening to her song while I was on the subway here um and she is a singer uh I think she's been I think she debuted around around the early 2000s so she's she's been singing for quite some time as far as I know and I know that she is currently uh a very big hit because of this one song called Event Horizon and from what I remember this song came out around um like February this year so it's been a while but then um during the fall she's been performing in a lot of University festivals and that's when a lot of people who didn't know about this song um started recognizing it and they started listening to it and it's now back on the charts and everything so uh that's what she's done and I think she's popular because she sings really effortlessly you know all the high notes all the vibrato and stuff she does it so amazingly yet effortlessly and I am sort of in awe of this person no so she comes to mind she's the person that came to mind okay great um one or two follow-ups what style of music would you say uh I think she does uh like a soft rock slash band type of music she plays the keyboard and there's like a backup band behind her whenever she sings Live um I can't say uh that I'm sure for all of her songs though because I haven't listened to that many songs of hers yet okay good and is she really popular at the moment I think she is yes okay great okay very good very good um with that we can move on to part three all right ready uh so I'll just ask a range of questions here um and the first one is what kind of people are popular at work at work I think people who are uh hmm I think for Koreans I think people who are really good at drinking and love alcohol are usually very popular I I wanted to say that people who do their jobs really well would be popular but I think that that's not always the case so yeah people who are outgoing and are always always willing to go for a drink afterwards are very popular um and do you think bosses are more popular than employees at work thanks so normally because if you say in a Boston employee type of situation there's always a hierarchy and even if you're a very outgoing person and you're very casual it's hard to uh forget that that person's your boss and you know they have the power to stop giving you money at one point so yes I think it's uh it takes a lot of um effort for a boss to be very popular at work okay okay good um and which do you think is more important keeping a good relationship with colleagues or being well or doing well or being good at your job huh I personally want to be the person who is good at their job but uh to be popular I think maintaining a good relationship with your colleagues is a little bit better and therefore it seems like that's the better person that's the a better employee to have at workplace sometimes yeah and one more question um what benefits are there when a child is popular at school benefits um I I think they would get a lot of Valentines or gifts they would have a lot of friends wanting to come to their birthday parties yeah yeah and how would that impact the child's life in school um I think being very popular from a very young age would impact a child to not have as many problems uh in their social life probably because normally because they would always have people who want to be with them who would want to be with them and but at the same time I feel like that would always also help not help them impact them in ways where they won't be able to fulfill certain things as well when they have like you know challenges faced in front of them because they wouldn't have had to try so hard in the past yeah all right well really nicely done um and with that we can move on to the feedback all right so as you probably know the IELTS has scored on four categories there's fluency vocabulary grammar and pronunciation um you are a very strong speaker across the board you did an excellent job on this exam so we'll take them just make a few comments on each category in terms of fluency you speak naturally really no pauses other than the natural pause that is needed to find a word or find a phrase so that's really as as strong as it can get I noticed no additional hesitation your vocabulary is great um I noticed not just a range of words but but also idioms and uncommon words and and native-like collocations you said things like a love and hate relationship which is very common natural phrase instead of just saying Transportation you refer to the transportation system which is a good Advanced way to say that and then there were really uncommon words like an invertebrate to describe how you relax at home that was great hierarchy is another one of these more academic kind of words that are very good to use and also I think refer to yourself as a night owl oh yes again good idiomatic language that that reaches into the top top IELTS bands uh moving on more good things to say your grammar is very good a range of tenses present perfects perfect continuous so things like she has been performing which are very good to Mark when things are happening and the relationship and also good um Advanced phrases like I guess you could call it to introduce some some uncertainty or to show how you feel about something you also said from what I remember which is a very good way to say that I'm not 100 sure exactly yeah to add that Nuance so that was very good um your pronunciation is also very good um clear throughout no no issues with with um with single words or stress um and there is a sort of natural rhythm of a rise and fall to your speech so that was overall uh excellent um and in terms of the parts um you really you answered all of the um all of the questions in enough detail the part two answer was about the right amount of time the only area that um maybe for improvement would be part three and it's not really language it's more of an approach to the question right yes um I know it's a little bit hard because we just sort of changed topics and there's no pause here come questions um but if there were any way to give a slightly longer answers right yeah in part three that would be the only um that would be the only area I can think of to work on okay um so for example explaining you know why people might be popular at work maybe going on to elaborate with a short reason would be helpful I felt like I was going off in a rant that they're sorry I was trying to cut myself off a little bit it's okay it's a very good job um and then I think it's it's a somewhat tricky question the way it's phrased um which one is more important keeping a good relationship with colleagues or doing well at work it feels like a strange choice right um so and I think you struggled as a partly as a result of the question but practicing those if you really um really wanted to push forward um you did an excellent job thank you and uh really thank you for coming in and it was nice to meet you oh it was nice to meet you too all right thank you
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 372,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL, 7.0
Id: Hjl3Cu6PceY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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