IELTS Speaking Band 8.0 Mock Test with Feedback

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all right let's begin so could you tell me your full name please uh my name is does your name have any special meaning special meaning uh so in Korean means the world and ho means like the shine so my dad gave me the name to like Shine the world yeah so very nice and are you working or are you a student so I quit my job last month because I didn't really like the desk job and I just started working as a tour guide started on Monday actually uh there would be a lot of like foreigners coming and then I would give them like tours around Seoul yeah okay and what do you do when you have some free time uh during free time I like to go to the gym uh uh I've been working out for a while since like ninth grade and I really like watching sports I like watching soccer Baseball American football um this Major League Baseball too and it's just overall watch lots of sports and [Music] watch Tick Tock and Instagram videos a lot it takes me a lot of time yeah you know it's unhealthy amount of food yeah okay now we're going to talk about birthday so what do you usually do on your birthday uh my birthday I usually spend time with my family because they take me out on a nice dinner I go to hotel and I'll go to like buffet and stuff I like to eat a lot just grab like five six plates and I'll usually get like food coma afterwards but that's my best birthday gift okay now and do you think it's important for you to celebrate your birthday oh yeah I I'm a big birthday guy uh at like midnight like going look from August 2nd to August 3rd I would like wake up I'll have my phone out and I'm just waiting until my birthday comes out my family is usually asleep by then but I like walk around with my phone and then I'd say like Hey Dad hey Mom it's my birthday and they're like you're too old to do that nice it's your only day out of you know whole year there's Christmas there are other days but it's it's your day true and whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate who like like my uh my family's gonna hate this but I do have a girlfriend right now so uh I think my girlfriend's birthday is the most important day to celebrate yeah have to think about what gift I have to give her the things to do all right okay now we're going to talk about housework and cooking so do you do some cooking in the evening not when I'm in Korea because there are a lot of kitchen stuff that my mom doesn't want me to break but when I was in college I had to do a lot of cooking there are only like five kinds of food that I could cook uh usually it's not really cooking they're pretty much just put the frozen food and the tray or on the plate and then just let the microwave or the oven do all the work absolutely and do you have breakfast at home every day I have brunch because uh I wouldn't say having a meal at 11 or 12 as breakfast but that is my first meal of the day and yeah I usually just lunch okay and what housework do you like or dislike doing oh I wish I could tell you if I do any of those work um oh wow well I can tell you what I dislike uh just maybe throwing the uh oh actually I like doing the recycles because in Korean Apartments we have to like take out all the recycling out it's actually the only thing I I enjoy because I get to see what kind of food I ate throughout the week and then it's like oh or the cans some soda I drank some food I ate it just the only thing I can help up my family so all right that Lewis for part one we'll move on to part two now all right part two is here to give you this one there's your question right there's a pencil yeah so enough for this part I'm gonna give you one minute to take some notes and prepare for this question all right so you can have one minute now to prepare okay all right mate that's one minute now okay all right so yeah for the part two question could you describe a popular well-known person in your country uh right now it's definitely uh he has done so much he influenced a lot for the Koreans and what he has done last year was he won the golden boots he scored the most goals in Premier League and uh he also scored a huge goal in 2018 against Germany so I think those two are just the biggest accomplishments that gave a lot of hopes for the fans or even like entire population of Korea and he is he's just I mean with the World Cup coming up obviously everyone's just kind of like focusing on him like he's our one of our only hopes that like maybe we'll want like we maybe will win like one of two games I mean he's everywhere in TV you know commercials and you know I I would say that you can ask like the entire population of Korea and then 99 of the Koreans would say they know something mean and yeah I love him because he's the reason for me to uh just kind of realized like Korean like the the Korean athletes can be good like outside of Korea or in Europe which is like the biggest stage for you know the athletes to shine their career yeah all right man that's like a minute 50 seconds all right so in this part of the test the maximum is two minutes oh so yeah it's a good time all right I mean are the World Cups coming yeah that's why are you feeling confident ah hopefully a little all right let's go into part three let's keep it going so part three question the first one is um what kind of people are popular at work what kind of people oh actually when I every time I go to an interview at the company there's always one uh receptionist or that one person who just who does all the all the work that like those the people who are the on like the board couldn't do just kind of knows everything about the company like where the thing is like what do you have to do and basically the person who used meet right when you get uh when you get accepted to job because they would usually kind of help you out so they're much more important than people like on the board because you know they pretty much run things yeah okay and which one do you think is more important having a good relationship with colleagues or doing your work well if you do your work well you usually have good relationship with your colleagues that's for sure uh but I mean for the company honestly it's just if you just sit down and do your work um that's the most profitable work okay and do you think our boss is more popular than employees at work boss is more popular than employees oh I don't think so bosses are our enemies usually they they see a lot of profit they go out of deals from other companies usually and they don't really know all the the pity works all the people have to do so so these are not really late is it possible for bosses to be friends with their employees yeah uh my my past boss I had he tried so hard to kind of like mingle with us he's on his 50s but he kind of tried to catch up on the trends of the MZ generation yeah so I they could definitely be popular they just have to try um accept that things are changing yeah yes right right and what do you think are the benefits when a child is popular at school oh the benefits uh definitely give them confidence that's for sure uh I mean call myself I was popular in high school but I mean I was an athlete obviously and then uh people knew me and back then I didn't really speak English that well but it gave me lots of confidence just speaking in front of people which is very important when you grow up and it gives you a lot of confidence that's for sure so I think it's important and what do you think is the best way to make friends with a new person uh just try to catch up on things I think making friend definitely takes a lot of effort because uh I mean it takes a lot of small tucks so if you know like the reason stuff or just try to have similarities that usually other people do I mean for myself I'm a big Sports guy again and then if I see like another guy I would ask him like oh do you watch any sports and uh if they do it's uh it takes like you know an hour just conversation about you know all the sports if we have something in common so try hard to you know have like something that you can just always talk about that's most important yeah all right man that'll do us we finished there thank you okay that's it all right so yeah let's start with the feedback so I I'd estimate your score I'd estimate around 8.0 okay for that yeah it was a good score uh very fluent uh good pronunciation obviously very very clear very clear the only thing you could do probably to improve your score is try to use a little bit of a higher level vocabulary okay better Expressions try to explain yourself in a little bit more detail especially in some of the part one questions the answers were a little short so okay A bit longer if you can in part three as well when we say you know the questions are more like what kinds of people and what are the benefits when a child is popular that's good so you should keep it like generally speaking rather than your specific story right um grammar like there's not not much to say really um during free time I would say like in my free time or when I have some free time birthday preposition should be like on on my birthday or when it is my birthday either or um your your old boss you said he was on his 50s should be in his 50s in his 50s one verb was influenced so you can say just he influenced Korean people or he had an influence on Korean people those are two things so the rest of it was really good obviously you're very comfortable at communicating in English just yeah for someone like you someone who's higher level the main thing is adding in maybe some idioms some phrasal verbs like uh increasing the the vocabulary you're using yeah that's good man thanks for coming in thank you all right cheers
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 51,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL, 8.0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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