IELTS Speaking Band 7.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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okay hi welcome let's go ahead and get started to begin can you tell me your name my name is Sam Park and my Korean name is Zhong ah Park can you spell your name first and last name my Korean name or my Korean name is j e o n g and a uh yeah and you have an English name also yeah my English name is Sam Park Sam okay yeah nice to meet you um are you working or studying right now Sam um I am none of them okay I'm looking for a job okay because last year I graduated from uh University okay and I'm looking for a job recently but the market in Korea is not that good right now so I don't have any job right now understandable what did you study in University uh my major is psychology and I major in Psychology because I wanted to be a profiler before because I'm a big fan of Sherlock Holmes but then it was different from what I thought so I regret it and what is your hometown my hometown uh my hometown is in Korea Chang Wan yeah I was born there can you tell me about Chang won is a place next to Busan so people are more uh the Busan is more popular than chiangon however changing is popular with the cherry blossom you know there's a very long Trail Road um the full of cherry blossom during summer during spring yeah I'm good sounds like a nice place um and what do you like to do in your free time free time I like to watch Netflix and listen to a lot of music okay what kind of music do you like I like hip-hop yeah I like hip-hop all right now we're going to talk about clothes oh yeah what's your favorite color of clothes oh my favorite color is green because it switched me a lot and I like the color of green because um I like nature and green is a color of nature so it's my favorite color and what kind of clothes do you never wear oh never um black and white clothes okay like mix of black and white because I like colors a lot so if there is no color in it I don't like it okay yeah um and what kind of clothes do you usually wear I usually uh brown or green yeah as I said earlier I like a nature so and brown and green is a color of nature so I usually really like those colors okay maybe there's one more question do you wear the same style of clothes on a weekday and a weekend it doesn't depends on weekdays or weekends because uh it depends on whom I meet like if I am meeting a person um who's much older than me then I will wear a more unpolite clothes but if I'm meeting friends there that are younger or same about same age with me then I wear um some kind of like a hip-hop clothes yeah sure all right good uh very nice start now we can move on to part two okay so in part two you get a topic and you get one minute to prepare this is your topic you can take notes uh to prepare or any way that you would like here's a pencil just set a timer and in a minute we can start okay and that is a minute so um in this part you're going to describe an energetic person you know and you want to say who the person is how you know this person why you think you're they are energetic and explain how you feel about this person are you ready yeah all right so the energetic person that I know is Tony Stark so I know Tony Stark from the movie called Iron Man their series of Iron Man uh one two three but I'm a big fan of Tony Stark in the movie um the reason why I think Tony Stark is energetic is first of all he is he I saw him dancing while he's working and I think it's really really hard to dance and enjoy what he's enjoyed his work uh when it comes to um like making money so I thought he is very energetic and second of all I consider him energetic or when he's dealing with the villains like I never saw him um being depressed or um very uh very or how to say sad about what when the villains were villains for um overtaking him so I thought he I'd consider him as energetic and or what I feel about him is that he's very confident about himself and he's very cool and very um independent person yeah cool um just a couple of follow-ups about Tony Stark uh do you know any other movies or shows that he has been in besides Iron Man um I've never seen him in any other movies other than Avengers or Iron Man Avengers okay what kind of clothes does he usually wear suits suits like a business suit a business suits yeah is he a sharp dresser a good dresser um he's a good oh no he doesn't wear suits he wear um jeans and t-shirts okay yeah casual clothes yeah okay good good good all right we can move on to part three um first question what kinds of jobs need a lot of physical work um for me I think uh jobs such as cameraman needs a lot of physical work because what I know about camera is that it's really heavy I thought I heard it's about five kilograms but they are holding it on their shoulders for about um 12 hours at least 12 hours I think that requires a lot of physical work okay and what's the difference between the payment for physical work and that for brain work oh I think brain work should be paid more than the physical work because brain work um requires a lot of time to be um how to say uh professional in the job field however physical work is doesn't really take a lot of time to be professional in that work field so why does it not take as much time um because for the physical work if they go to gym and work for um for a month work out for a month they can be um very strong and get a lot of muscles but the brain work they carry a lot of at least one year one year to study in the field for example for me I studied um for I would say 33 years three years three years about um 12 12 years I started 12 years so I think it is more valuable than the physical work yeah um and can physical workers receive higher salaries in the future in the future um Maybe maybe about like maybe 70 percent I'm 70 sure because recently um there is a digital transformation going on very fast so um the AI can be can can be more useful in the future than humans brain so I think in the future maybe physical work can be more paid off okay yeah and do you think machines could replace human workers in the future um not all of them but maybe 50 percent um for example like the work such as that requires creativity that then robots cannot replace humans however if it's not the creativity per se uh if it comes to such as like Excel or typing just like simple works then then robots can replace human okay yeah all right really nicely done we've come to the end oh really come to the end okay um so I think you did a really nice job there so now we can go into some of the things to to work on and remember the IELTS is scored on four categories so there's fluency and coherence there's pronunciation then there's vocabulary and grammar um in terms of both fluency and pronunciation you really have no problems you speak with uh with only natural pauses occasionally as you're looking for a word and your pronunciation of single words is very good and your your sentences have a rhythm um so both of those categories are really good in terms of vocabulary and grammar it's also really good I was writing down a lot but there's nothing to worry about but those would be the two areas to uh if you wanted to move up at all and we can take a look at a couple of um a couple of things to think about um there is there's not one single error um because you did really well in the test it's a little small thing here and a small thing there um one part in in part one when you were talking about your studying you switched a little bit back and forth between the present and the past tense it was mostly in the past tense and then a few verbs uh uh there was a few there was an is um but is important in those in those questions about the past to keep all of your verbs in the past tense so keep on that uh keep keeping in mind of that um there was small things about subject verb agreement to I think at one point you said it it doesn't depends on but we want to remember that it depends it depends um and really minor things around word order as you were talking about your hometown you mentioned that it was very popular with cherry blossoms we'd actually want to reverse those two we want to say that cherry blossoms are really popular yeah yeah so just minor sort of minor things um and uh the similar things in in part two and part three the other um the other point might be developing your answers just a little bit more as you get into those higher IELTS bands you want to give slightly longer answers um part two was was a good answer but I could tell that at the after we got past a minute you started started to run out of run out of things to say the only thing to do to to hit the two minutes is to just practice over and over again um to give more details to give just a little bit more detail but it was a really well structured answer um you started with describing who the person was and then got more detailed so I could follow along and again with good pronunciation and good fluency it was good within that part two answer there were a couple of times where I think you were looking for an adjective yeah yeah at that higher end of vocabulary uh the thing to work on is just just expanding the range of adjectives that you can um that you can call to mind in a test situation um but overall I thought it was a really good test um part three was also it was like good answers that could have been slightly more developed um but but overall really nice and these these grammar and vocabulary points are very small so I think um well done and thank you for coming thank you nice to meet you nice to meet you
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 331,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL, 7.5
Id: dqjyfQXxfXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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