IELTS Live - Speaking Part 3 - Tricky Question Strategy

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest situated on the two banks of the Danube River I hope everybody is having a fantastic weekend so far and looking forward to a great week ahead I just read hi Mohit hi Juna hi being hyeyeon V good to see many students in the class we are focusing on speaking part three some challenging questions and looking to give those nice high band 9 answers hi Preeti and hi pretty are two members in the class as well hi flowers son students while we wait for some of your peers to join up a little bit about us this lesson is brought to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS help check us out at AE help calm for general outs do visit us at G IELTS help calm on both of these websites we have over a hundred hours of HD video lessons to help you with all sections of the exam listening reading writing speaking with strategies and tips as well as six original practice exams and a fully interactive course for your phone tablet PC this is AE help calm here click that red button to join us there and for the general IELTS Geoff's help dog calm green background click that red button to join us there if you have questions students send me an email adrian at AE help calm I will gladly get back to you as quickly as I can and if you like physical books for your studies you can get paperback books from Amazon a helps academic IELTS G helps general IELTS today speaking part 3 no classes tomorrow and on Tuesday and I will be back on Wednesday with more classes so I'll put that schedule up on the channel bulletin board so everybody can see it there okay so we will have classes on Wednesday but no class is tomorrow or on Tuesday students this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat speak as much as possible and repeat repeat both the answers and the questions okay so often times students don't practice questions enough so make sure to repeat the questions as well Nesmith Dean Tehran I enabled your phone number just be really careful not to share sensitive or personal information if you're looking for a speaking partner Yujin I'm doing great I'm just as happy as those emojis that you've put up there all right so here we go students part three follows part two it's the last part of the speaking section so you just got finished with your cue card okay and the examiner will say that's the end of your two minutes your time is up please pass back the card with the questions the note paper the pencil pen and now we will continue with part three for part three I will ask you more questions related to the topic of part two anybody remember what the part two topic was this week that we covered we did that yesterday I think that was yesterday part two anybody remember what that part two topic was that was in class yesterday what did we talk about hi ex-nun flower son says project that wasn't it flower son it wasn't a project khyber Jen says it was a person yet says a hi Karolina it was not a project that you did with someone else the topic was the person remember students it was a person who you worked with on a project so again that's what I was emphasizing yesterday's you have to focus on the person a person you did a project with okay that was the cue card not the project all right okay everyone so keep that in mind as we go through the questions for part three again remember that to get high band scores here's a tip you have to or you should link your part three responses with your part two response okay so make connections and earlier in the week for speaking part one I said that if you want a high band score you need to make sure that you have three important elements in your answers anybody remember what that is so what three aspects should you include into your answers to get those high band scores when we looked at part one earlier in the week I talked about that anybody remember what was that what should you focus to have okay what are the three parts or three aspects and your answers that you need to focus on okay so this is a reminder you should [Music] always be thinking Kay Khyber says a clear answer explained example yeah that's right that was it so clear answer explained example Carolina says paraphrase use the question and your answer explained example that's right so answer explain example you need those alright let's get into some questions and then we will explore and expand these tips a little bit more let's talk about project management so the examiner will introduce this idea and then they'll get into that first question which personality traits are the most important for successful project completion okay well give me a nice full answer for this one which personality traits are most important for successful project completion give me a nice full sentence answer for this one yex thought I really liked your previous answer to my question reflect grammar answer explained with quantitative information and an example from real life that's right okay so hey if the questions a bit quick and you're not sure you can always say that's a very important question please allow me a moment to think of an appropriate response okay it's okay to do that Kelly says the most essential skills for successful project completion are leadership problem solving and delegation beautiful Carolina all of these traits empower a team to achieve a goal very nice Carolina very very nice I like it that's a bad nine answer Carolina say that nice and smooth and you doing great okay next on optimism is the noun so a person has to be an optimist or optimism is a key trait okay Firdaus says essential features for good project management or creativity hard work and punctuality as these are crucial for success very nice for Dobbs again students remember speak and repeat I am reading and correcting the student responses in real time I'm Reed bogan the main attributes for an individual to have a successful project can be organization leadership and time management that's nice summer eat one more time I'm going to read your see if I can get it closer I'm rate says the main attributes important in an individual or important for an individual to have for successful project completion our organization leadership and time management charlie careful with your words I think punctuality is the number one personality trait beside patience and good problem-solving skills for completing projects don't lose the target of the question Charlie its completing a project okay but you says personalities like good communication skills planning and some soft skills are important qualities which are required for successful project completion okay nice nice answer students I'm not sure if you were preparing for that question but definitely some great answers tamir con calm mirzayev says to succeed in any joint project everyone in the group must be conscientious and reliable and of course there must be a leader to coordinate the members Tammy R Khan very nice okay Kyra as well I think above all others both patience and hard work are vital for a person to have in order to complete project successfully Buda Agnes says no doubt that honesty and clarity are essential skills in terms of good in terms of a good route in any business when working on projects or when collaborating on projects okay nice sake ani quasi mob says I think patience is the most necessary skill because for doing a project successfully a person can manage patients another important feature is discipline and hard work kay careful with your word choices well done students so key attributes that individuals should possess for successful project completion are critical thinking punctuality goal orientation and hard work with these any obstacle can be overcome like my IELTS preparation with Mike anybody remember that part to that we were talking about Mike and working together with Mike on my study project to get that ban 9 in the IELTS exam that's what we covered earlier and remember that was my first tip for today right is to get a high band you should try to link some of your part 3 responses with your part 2 response so here is my answer repeats after me students which personality traits are the most important for successful project completion key attributes that individuals should possess for successful project completion or critical thinking punctuality goal orientation and hard work with these any obstacle can be overcome like my IELTS preparation with mic okay alright students and then you will have a follow-up question can you elaborate ok so what should you say if the examiner at this point asks you can you elaborate ok so can you elaborate give me a nice answer for that charlisse in says sure what I'm trying to say by punctuality is to finish the project on time and my Master's I submitted my project late though was great but as I submitted it late I got a penalty they write charlie-san very good I like how you elaborated with that example for Dobbs says yeah as I mentioned in part 2 we had success with my coworker Mike because of his creative thinking hard work and being punctual throughout the period without these traits we wouldn't have been able to achieve my desired band score very nice for Dobbs I love how you expanded the example with those traits that's good Karolina says sure at work I've led many successful projects that had some issues during the process but at the end everything was resolved by the team members like I said in part 2 very nice Karolina Karolina speak speak speak ok lots of talking talk talk talk I hope you're still keeping up with some of your speaking partners same with the other members that got some speaking partners through the YouTube channel make sure that you talk as much as you can in the week okay practice all right I'm Rita bogan says sure if a person lacks any of these attributes there can be a price to pay like I was not able to manage time in my last outs writing exams which resulted in a lower band score okay I'm read that works I like how relevant you kept that example Rudra says yes certainly as I said in part two Mike owns critical and creative thinking which were imperative to achieve my goal to get ban nine nice okay IDO nater says sure in order to give an example of determination I can mention my friend to Ron he is a bodybuilder and he has been working out for four years eventually achieved his goals this year in competition he donut her nice alright good absolutely as I had said in part to Mike's critical thinking skills were crucial when it came to explaining grammar and idioms in a variety of ways so that I not only understood them but am able to use them in both writing and speaking also he was always punctual so we got much done in the previous three months okay so yeah absolutely you you got it students so using your examples to elaborate not saying for example or for instance but just going right into it are great ways to do that so repeat after me can you elaborate absolutely as I had said in part to Mike's critical thinking skills were crucial when it came to explaining grammar and idioms in a variety of ways so that I not only understood them but I'm able to use them in both writing and speaking also he was always punctual so we got much done in the previous three months okay nice nice let's keep going students if I'm a little bit fast if you're having a little bit of trouble keeping pace with my fluency no problem just go as fast as you can and once this class is finished the video will be on the channel so you can go back review repeat and practice more okay alright next question what are some of the most important steps when starting a project okay so what are some of the most important steps when starting a project give me a nice full sentence answer for that one okay for dobbs nabiyev says before starting any kind of project there are two essential steps critical thinking and good planning without these steps there is no success for dobbs nice okay I like it I like it yeah it's good Juna poke karela says before starting a project we should plan and analyze the possible risks we may face why Juna give me an explanation okay to maximize our time or money minimize our effort is that what you're thinking Juna tell me that so I can give you more bad scores okay so answer explain example students answer explain example Taylor Reese says to kick-start a project we have to follow certain steps in the industry we call them s wo T which stands for strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats so we start by setting clear points and deadlines Taylor really nice I like how you explained your acronym oftentimes students will use acronyms with no explanation like they'll say oh I'm taking this out it's exam to get my PR in Canada PR or what do you mean you're gonna be the prime resident permanent residency visa so it's a good idea to explain your acronyms I like that okay so we said SWAT which is the acronym for strength okay so anytime you have multiple letters together where each letter is is a word it's called an acronym in English okay so strengths weaknesses what were the other ones opportunities and threats so SWAT sorry not SWAT SWAT okay opportunities and threats strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats right that's an acronym all right so let's see a couple more what's some other students wrote yeah always explain your acronym same thing in task 2 writing students explain your acronyms puta Agnes says if a person would start a business projects and it's important to do an overall economic study of the market needs and offer unique quality items with reasonable prices okay people die honest I think you're reading into this question a little bit too much starting a project it's not a business project it's any project okay so I think the most or the critical measures to put in place when embarking on a project are planning and personnel management what I mean is people must make sure that they assess the needs and parameters of the project and make sure that they have the correct for the right people working on it like choosing Mike to help me get ready for this exam okay all right so repeat after me what are some of the most important steps when starting a project I think the critical measures to put him place when embarking on a project or planning and personnel management what I mean is people must make sure that they assess the needs and parameters of the project and make sure that they have the right people working on it like choosing Mike to help me get ready for this exam that's my argument always have the right people on the bus it is the one single most important step for success in business and other projects all right follow-up question students how about after finishing a project so always those follow-up questions in part three so what are some important steps when you start a project now the examiner no surprise asks you how about after finishing a project what are some important steps all right Juna says after finishing the project we should hand hand it over to a particular company or individuals who can support and monitor the project and maintain when required so that customer satisfaction is achieved yeah careful students projects aren't necessarily just for business it could be for school as well so don't overthink it okay don't think too too much a project can be a school project for Dobb says after completing any project there are also two steps pre-check the whole process and make a quality summary these steps can help ensure and reduce any kind of mistakes in the future all right pachoo Yadav says for finishing the project people should work together as a team brainstorm when the project is finished within a given time it saves both time and money pachoo I think you're a little bit off topic with that answer Charlie says I think after finishing a project the integral step is to recheck a-to-z and analyze it whether the purpose of the project was fulfilled or is fulfilled or not next focusing on proper presentation is also important all right charlie that's good eat donuts Eze after completing a project it is crucial to learn from past mistakes and correct them in order to specialize in any particular subject a donut or I like that that's a very clear natural English answer professional answer alright I can't read those Chinese characters unfortunately but I can read the English in my perspective reviewing the whole project is the most important step it can help people know and highlight any shortcomings and strengths of the project sequani quasi mob says for my opinion or from my opinion when a project is finished then paying attention to value are necessary such as after doing my school project successfully I want to get an excellent mark Prince Cho on says checking the project again to see if it has any problems and after that giving it to the right hands are essential upon completion karolina says from my point of view after completing a project it's time to consider changes and revisions focusing on the goals and the visions of the team sitting down and writing a mission statement to identify the do's and don'ts in the next steps ok beta yogi says after finishing a project one should pre-check the whole project and make sure their information is reliable and accurate very good reliability and validity are very important you should probably check validity before you start yes next on after completing the project makes sure to check that everything was done according to plan if not then fix it in this way you can retain credibility and ensure success next on finished that idea it's not a complete idea okay you can definitely give me a little bit more there all right Rajveer Singh says after completing the project people must match the outcomes with the expected results this helps them to check the quality and other parameters which were planned for successful completion like doing an audit very good nice vocabulary auditing the project yeah so it's highly advisable to audit the project once it is completed and compare the expectations to the outcomes then identify the steps and individuals responsible for the merits and shortcomings of the completed goal so as to reflect and implement improvements for future work this is exactly what Mike and I are planning to do once I get my results from this exam okay don't forget about Mike and I in the project okay so repeat after me how about after finishing a project it it's highly advisable to audit the projects once it is completed and compare the expectations to the outcomes then identify the steps an individual is responsible for the merits and shortcomings of the completed goal so as to reflect and implement improvements for future work this is exactly what Mike and I are planning to do once I get my results from this exam just a couple of parallel grammar there alright I'm also showing you some vocabulary here for this idea so the word audit was very good reg vir nice job on that okay expectations outcomes as nouns those are some nice words if there are some new words here for you make sure to write them down in your vocabulary book okay merits shortcomings that's some nice vocabulary there implement means to apply keep that word in mind also and again link your answer to your part two whenever possible okay all right so here is the next question coming up students how has technology helped people and companies manage their projects more efficiently okay oftentimes there will be questions regarding technology as we live in the technological and information age so how has technology helped people and companies manage their projects more efficiently let's see what you have okay flower son says with the help of technology the project is more attractive and people save time we can share just a sec flower son I'll come back to your we can share the project with every member and the team so everyone can give their opinion and get the project to the next level I'm I have some clarity flower son of what you're saying but what kind of technology are you talking about here like the internet using software like Google meat so give me some details here okay name the technology that you're referring to okay for Dobbs says advancements in technology have transformed management activities on projects for better quality there are many apps to help individuals create or make efficient decisions through pattern systems like what KB specific ladies and gents remember the examiner is your grandpa they don't know what you know so be specific I'm Reed bogan says technology has helped in numerous ways through modern gadgets like projectors introducing media it is much more efficient than before to present work on just PowerPoint slides okay I mean PowerPoint is also a modern piece of technology so a little bit confusing Oni seem says technological advancement significantly enhance the efficiency during the management of business as offering patrons the possibility to store company data and make real-time analysis all right a little bit of clarity there violet neuen says these days people usually use technology to make slides or see people in their group do their work for example last time I was in a group which had five people in it but there were only three of us present hulu two people were mi a missing in action right Pusa guru and says technology has helped immensely for projects to be successful like using computers for doing presentations and surfing the net in order to search for project related information very nice pooza that is the type of answer that most people I think would think of Rajveer Singh says technology has revolutionized the way organizations manage their projects engineers use graphical tools like CorelDraw to create blueprints of their projects and map milestones with completed work yeah very good Rajveer very very good okay so hmm technology has helped or has assisted both individuals and businesses immensely to organize and complete their projects with greater efficiency both the advent of new hardware like small powerful laptops and software like lead square have enabled organizations to research communicate and deliver ideas with exceptional speed and accuracy at times I met with Mike for our sessions online through Skype this helped us keep our project on track all right Linc the answer but all of it is relevant and so the examiner will let you complete this kind of an answer especially if you're fluent because you're on track ok as long as you stay with the answer the correct answer you will definitely have ample time to complete you need to be fluent so repeat after me and notice how its present perfect so we reflect the present perfect in the answer how has technology helped people and companies manage their project more efficiently technology has assisted both individuals and business immensely to organize and complete their projects with greater efficiency both the advent of new hardware like small powerful laptops and software like lead square have enabled organizations to research communicate and deliver ideas with exceptional speed and accuracy at times I met with Mike for our sessions online through Skype this helped us keep our project on track alright so that is your clear high band answer again I'm always reminding you to link link your answers ok all right a next question is technology always helpful now obviously here were asked about is technology always helpful in project management okay give me a nice full sentence answer for that one now this is where you can use a leading expression like hmm that's an interesting question because it is an interesting question right so hmm that's an interesting question please allow me a moment to think okay that's where you might need to consider that question charlie senses no not necessarily completing a project will be difficult for a non tech savvy person I remember during my Master's all my PowerPoint slides of my projects are on my laptop but due to a virus I had to format it ooh I hope that didn't really happen so relying on technology can also be bad if that technology suddenly stops working right Charlie that's what you're saying Juna says sometimes misuse of technology can generate negative results but most of the time technological development is helping numerous people all around the globe do their day-to-day projects a say with projects junuh not tasks okay all right muhuali says technology does not always help us people can misuse it also which leads to negative outcomes like what mehek give me an example pooza says yes technology acts as a boom for the project since without technology completion of the project is meaningless and it also serves as the backbone of allocating tasks possibly Kevin Bowie says as useful as technology can assist us in streamlining our projects it can sometimes be hazardous in the sense that hackers from rival companies may attack these systems and steal valuable information quite possible Kevin quite possible I like your answer it's a good answer a doughnut er says I don't think it's always helpful to in my mind it has countless advantages but for example my Skype conversations with Mike were not efficient as face-to-face meetings helped me learn more okay you don't it or not bad I'm read says technology is not always helpful because sometimes troubleshooting happens like when I was delivering my culture presentation the computer stopped working which resulted in a lower assignment grade yeah okay so hmm that's an interesting question please allow me a moment to think although technology certainly helps most of the time I do believe that an over reliance on computers have decreased many people's creative aptitude which leads to less imaginative results it's no wonder that the greatest inventions belong to the previous to the previous generation that predates computer aid like the television airplane and train or automobile okay yeah all right so that's kind of my answer there I'm getting a little carried away but I thought I'd have fun with this one one of my worries is that as we rely more on more on technology to do the steps that we used to do with our brains in the past we get less and less creative so is technology always helpful hmm that's an interesting question please allow me a moment to think although technology certainly helps most of the time I do believe that an over reliance on computers have decreased many people's creative aptitude which leads to less imaginative results it's no wonder that the greatest inventions and projects belong to the previous generation that predates computer aid like the television airplane and the automobile are right people's showing possession with the apostrophe and projects stay on target okay so if you're doing a great job the examiner will then introduce another topic to you let's talk about working with others and then they'll have a set of questions like this why is it a good idea to work together with Pete with other people on difficult assignments when can this be a problem instead of a benefit what are good ways to create effective teamwork which of these is the most important and why those last two questions and their follow-up questions I will leave for you to do for homework record it on your phone send it to me by email and I will gladly give you an estimate of your answer and you're speaking my email is Adrian ADR I am at AE so I look forward to receiving those and giving you a band score estimate in the meantime definitely check out and join our Premium Package at AE help calm for academic IELTS and for general IELTS check us out at G IELTS help calm both of those websites have loads of materials to help you quickly and effectively improve your IELTS band score is it's important that you do the work on those websites you can also download and link the apps academic IELTS help in general alt up to those websites for further help you're very welcome Preeti I hope everybody took some good strategies tips from this class also some new vocabulary maybe to learn over the next few days I am away tomorrow and on Tuesday as usual but I will be back on Wednesday Wednesday with speaking part one at this time so make sure to join the live IELTS streaming class on Wednesday that wealth if I'm not mistaken Tam you've gone you're welcome Karolina wonderful to have you in my class as always bye for now much love from Budapest
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: OSb-j3Sb4iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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