IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Questions Answers Practice

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hi students and welcome to today's alive IELTS class my name is Adrian and I am streaming to you from beautiful Central Europe here the capital city of Hungary Budapest and I see we have students joining us from other corners of the world I couldn't Chiron from Beijing China hi Jose Ramon from Spain hi hung from Taiwan and I believe hung if I remember correctly welcome students as usual the materials for this class come from our web sites the strategies you can find lots of IELTS help there AE help calm for academic version of the test of course we have two websites it makes sense it's different groups of people for general module check out G IELTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm and on both of those websites you can use the code Li ve 20 to get a 20% discount to our premium full course the websites look like this this is a e help dog calm click that red button to join then you can enter the coupon live 20 by clicking that giant use coupon code button that you see in the bright screen behind me this is the general version of the website with the green background same idea click that big red button and to the code Li v20 enjoy our premium course all right so today students we are doing speaking part 1 for the IELTS exam speaking is the same for general and for academic a lot of students I think get confused they think that they need to speak differently if they're taking the academic exam no in both cases whether you're taking the general exam or the academic version of the exam you need to communicate clearly coherently completely fluently naturally with a good range of grammar and vocabulary that's it in a nutshell okay all right so we'll get right into it lots of students have joined in which is great this is a speaking session so make sure to repeat repeat questions and repeat answers students remember practice questions as well as answers in the speaking section so it's great to do it in partners I know often students are searching for partners even in our chat in these live classes hi for dobbs hi roshni hi Zeinab I see lots of members joining in wanted to give a shout out to the members if you have questions students about the IELTS exam you can always contact me through my email adrienne at AE help calm or about our products this is our schedule here I posted this on our community board in the YouTube channel and let's get into some part 1 speaking question so the speaking section of the IELTS exam it has three parts each part is more and more difficult they're a little bit different okay part one is usually about you okay and it's easier topics like hobbies sports movies so easier topics to talk about at the same time you do need to show your skills right from the very beginning so you walk into the exam room with for this interview same for the computer-based exam same for the paper-based exam speaking is face to face okay alright so you walk in and you are face to face with the examiner they welcome you in they might look very serious they might look very happy they might look concerned don't worry about it don't worry about what they look like okay worry about yourself and doing a good job all right doing a good job dudes I'm a guard good luck on your writing listening reading part of the exam tomorrow I hope it goes well dudes ah alright so they will try to make you feel comfortable okay again imagine that the examiner is your grandfather or your grandmother speak respectfully completely don't assume they know what you know they don't know what you know okay you need to tell them what you know so here we go with the first question part one of course when you walk in they'll start with me I see your identification please so how should you respond may I see your you've just come into my room I'm your examiner thank you for attending the speaking portion of the IELTS exam may I see your identification please they'll ask for your passport or your national ID you cannot do the test without it so make sure to remember to bring it fir dog says yes sure have a look uh Margie says why not here it is please check it out uh margitta it would be please check it out okay please check it's not bad it's just a little bit less natural okay poni Connie Judah yessiree says yes sure please take it please take it as unnatural point Akana putting - Connie you wouldn't because that sounds like you're giving your passport to that person and of course you never give your passport indefinitely to another person so please take it and have a look but even then I I wouldn't use please take it just please have a look or yes sure here you are okay all right I love pannu says yes sure please have a look and those are all good responses try different ways to say this so that you sound natural a nice respectful way again is just to say yes certainly here it is please take a look okay so that's a very respectable way to say and natural as well an intelligent way to say it so repeat after me yes certainly here it is please take a look okay that's not going overboard again it's polite it's intelligent it's a good way to do it alright and then the next question is always what is your full name the reason is they are matching your name with what they see in your identification so what is your full name okay left Preet Singh says my full name is left Preet Singh Bhullar please just call me by my full name which is love Pete love Pete I think you want to say please call me by my first name which is love Preet I think that's what you wanted to say Omar you're watching this live stream from your speaking exam fantastic good luck in 10 minutes just remember Omar relax keep thinking speaking in English and speak in full sentences Omar think answer explain example answer explain an example and stop okay Omar just keep thinking about that and you'll do just fine I'm with you and spirit okay all right hyung says my full name is Sai Shang hyung please just call me hyung okay that makes sense it's great hyung okay it's good it's clear it's simple for Dobb says my name is nub yeah for Dobbs you may call me as my first name for NAS okay do tell me what your first name is because you know in some country students family names are said first and in other countries given names are said first so always clarify for the examiner what your first name actually is okay sign up says my full name is cyanide knife so just call me by my given name which is zeyneb okay so again sign up same thing make it clear what your given name is don't assume that your examiner can guess that you might get a question like and which one is your given name so just include that all right sure so let's take one of those my family name is Mackenzie and my first name first name is Aleksandr please call me Alex okay so that's another way to do it again just repeat after me students so nice and loud okay be confident be brave Omar if you're hearing this be brave be loud don't be quiet on your exam and just do your best okay so my family name is Mackenzie and my first name is Aleksandr please call me Alex all right that'll work and then the examiner will ask you one or two more questions just to get to know you better they might even say I'll ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and then start part one some questions on a general topic so those icebreaker questions they're called icebreaker questions they're designed to make you feel more comfortable they're supposed to be easy and simple to answer and definitely the examiner is using these icebreaker questions to get an idea of your level so that they can kind of start thinking of how to approach the speaking okay so you do have to show that you are confident and fluent right from the very beginning a very common question is do you work or study okay do you work or study so give me some nice full sentence answers for this one okay remember in the speaking always give an answer explain an example as much as you can okay answer explain example that's what you have to be studying at home all the time alright so cigar Jose says currently I'm working as an audiologist at Coimbatore Tamil Nadu I have been working there for three years that's good okay that works Harminder Dinge de says I'm a student Harmon duritz I'm a bachelors student of Commerce in puja me University at potala and in the future I hope to be an entrepreneur okay alright that works again students I'm correcting these replies in real time so you can repeat them I am giving the correct response grammatically naturally as much as possible of course roshni Kay says I not only work in a pharmacy as a pharmacist but I also prepare for the IELTS exam to pursue higher studies and get a better paying job in the future get a high paying job in the future roshni is okay as well I would make it relative to my work as a pharmacist so I would say to get a better paying job in the future okay that's what I would say all right again I have my own style of diction it's natural for those of you who don't know me I'm Canadian west coast so that's where my diction comes from and I graduated from the University of Victoria and psychology so that's a little bit about my background and my style of English alright c'mon says currently I'm working an RN in a United Mission Hospital in the pediatric department for the past four years since four years ago students be really careful with that for the past four years or since four years ago all right don't make the confusion with the since a certain time or for a certain time for a certain time as the time period since a certain time is the time in the past until now so it's a little bit different when you confuse that then that's a problem fairy Buddha Mon yes you Vic you Vic is the University of Victoria British Columbia it's a nice fairly large University with about 20,000 students HM says I work as a software engineer in a Japanese based IT firm for the past year would be more natural hm for the past year okay so yeah let's throw in a correlative conjunction which is the not only but also not only do I work as an electrical engineer for Whirlpool let's say but I'm also studying to get a band 7.5 on the IELTS exam so that I can pursue higher education at MIT in the US all right so that's a nice correlative conjunction there again everybody repeat after me nice and loud so do you work or study not only do I work as an electrical engineer whirlpool but I'm also studying to get AB and 7.5 on the IELTS exam so that I can pursue higher education at MIT in the US all right students if you don't catch what I say my speed is natural when I read or say these then just come back later in this lesson and repeat again you can always write down in a document or on a piece of paper the timestamp for these statements so right now we're at 16 minutes so you can write down 16 minutes on a piece of paper to remind yourself that that's where this question is explained and then you can go back and practice saying it a few times okay so don't panic if you miss it okay all right um so well more of these icebreaker questions again very common to hear this one what do you do at weekends British English at weekends in Canada or us we say what do you do on weekends but British English it's at weekends up to you which one you choose it's totally fine just be correct okay so what do you do at weekends I just breathe if you're lacking in speaking go on our website a help calm check it out we had you can book practice speaking sessions with us okay fir Dobbs says at weekends I like to go for walks in the central part which is located near my house with my sons taking the fresh air and on one from the grind of everyday life for Dobbs that's very nice I know you've practiced expressing that a few times it's nice natural again for Dobbs focus on saying different concepts in different ways just so it really comes across naturally in the real situation land few says well I usually spend the morning well land few let's start one more time well I usually spend Sunday morning sleeping in because I feel exhausted after a long working week then I have brunch with my friends to catch up on what they have been doing okay hard kieran cutter says on weekends i just want to take it easy and pursue my hobbies such as reading and gardening hard quran that's a good start i would add a little bit more to push your band score a bit higher so hard quran color I would say on weekends I just want to take it easy and pursue my hobbies such as reading and gardening just last Saturday I planted a beautiful cactus into my garden okay something like that heart courage just give that little example in there to tweak it that much more gives that visual idea to complete the communication okay ger Korat s says I usually play badminton at weekends because I love this game and I play it with my friends at a village sports centre that has good facilities so it's very enjoyable ok Gor caught the second half there was a little bit awkward you need to rethink that alright our vendor ninja says well I love to watch new movies and enjoy shopping for different kinds of items and also I hang out with my friends that's not bad Harminder but instead of jumping around to a lot of different activities focus on one or two go into detail and give some examples ok so since my work is very tiring I like to take it easy on the weekends and kick back at home with my hobbies like reading and reading novels and watching movies just yesterday I saw the new spider-man film it was entertaining and relaxing now you have to say this kind of a response with some fluency otherwise the examiner might interrupt you if you say it in a very broken way so again when you express your ideas in full sentences with answers explanations examples then you need to be fluent otherwise you might find the examiner interrupting you so be very careful about that okay so here practice this with me okay so repeat with me what do you do at weekends since my work is very tiring I like to take it easy on the weekends and kick back at home with my hobbies like reading novels and watching movies just yesterday I saw the new spider-man film it was entertaining and relaxing so to get it out you really need that fluency so good I miss your answer but don't worry keep writing and saying your answers students I will catch different students at different times there are 280 of us in this session so it's tough to catch everyone but I'll do my best to focus in on different names okay kick back gunk I ran means to relax yeah it's an expression that means relax students when you see new expressions that I'm teaching you like kick back at home with my hobbies you can say kick back at home with friends write those down so you can learn them practice saying them okay all right so again notice that here since my work is very tiring I have reason okay so that's my explain now that's a complex sentence since here is showing cause and effect so since a be happened so since my work is tiring I like to take it easy on the weekends and kick back at home with my hobbies that's my answer okay like reading novels and watching movies that's my detail okay and then here just yesterday so I don't say for example these days the examiners don't like to hear for example or for instance because they feel the student is just going to bla bla bla bla bla bla bla and go off-topic and they don't have time for that so they interrupt students when they hear for example or for instance so we stop teaching students to say that instead you want to quickly force your example with expressions like just yesterday just yesterday I saw the new spider-man film it was entertaining and relaxing even if the examiner cuts you off here you already have your example so again why is this a band 9 because number one I give my answer number two I explain number three I give an example at the same time I'm using a complex sentence okay so I have complexity I'm using natural language only use expressions that you're familiar with okay so I'm using natural language I'm using complex language I'm giving an answer I'm explaining I have detail with a good example that's why it's a band 8 band 9 ok that's high level communication that's what you need to focus on I hope that's clear ok all right so let's keep going here now we're going into the part 1 questions and today's part 1 question is a very popular topic it's frequently seen they always have different topics but this one is tends to be common on the IELTS exam so this one is let's talk about your hometown okay let's talk about your hometown now before we get going here just a very quick piece of advice okay your hometown is maybe where you live or where you grew up those could be different places which one should you talk about the place where you grew up or the place where you live now if that's different if it's the same no question if it's different then this is a question that many students who live in different places ask should I talk about my hometown as the place I grew up or the place I live now of course given that it's different okay what do you think should you talk about the place where you grew up or should you talk about the place where you live now okay Surya says the place where we grew up Sharn Baath says it's the place where I live now Charlie sent agrees that it's where you're living now Mohammed says it's the place where you're born okay all right Alvina very clever Alvina says that depends on you okay clever answer Alvina the trick question students okay talk about the easiest one for you alright there's a trick question for the examiner it doesn't matter doesn't matter if your hometown is where you grew up or where you live now you can say I spent most of my time in this city it's my hometown it's what you call home okay your hometown is what you call home so it can be where you live now or it can be where you grew up it's up to you the trick or the key is talk about the easiest one if you live in a big city right now where there are lots of different activities a lot of culture a lot of restaurants it might be much easier to talk about that than talking about maybe a small village where you grew up and there's not too much action okay so fake facts are absolutely okay gun chiron absolutely and you can specify that while speaking ahman absolutely right so think about always think about what is the easiest for me to talk about alright so here we go where is your hometown okay you should be able to answer that question in English if you are at least a band three point five four all right so hopefully more but you need to be able to answer that question so give me a nice answer for this where is your hometown okay obviously this is asking about location okay love precincts as my hometown is in the northern part of Punjab India which people can find easily on Google Maps okay love free it's an interesting answer name your hometown love Pete what is the name of your hometown I can't find it on Google Maps if I don't know the name of it okay you just said it's in the northern part of Punjab there's probably multiple places there so remember rule number one your examiner doesn't know what you know okay Asaf timber says my hometown is Muzaffarabad it's located in the northern area of Pakistan it is a beautiful city with lots of historical buildings I can't read this Cyrillic above in South but she he says my hometown is located in the south of Russia where between the Caspian and the Ural or what's the name of it so try to be more specific students think of north west east south relative location to other cities or towns okay Nia mutulu shakur Rani my hometown let me try to get you back there it's swimming away all right says my hometown is located in the center of F Afghanistan and it is very famous for its almonds it's okay to include a little detail like what it's famous for Ania Mutulu but you still more importantly have to give me the name of your hometown okay and maybe even give me the continent especially if you're taking IELTS in another part of the world like if you're taking the exam in London you might say my hometown is located in the center which is called is located in the centre of Afghanistan which is of course in South Central Asia okay so include those details all right okay let's take one more Jin Eun U says my hometown is quite soon city which is located in the south of Taiwan and it is one of the biggest in this area as well okay good yeah so I'll give you my answer my hometown of Victoria is on the most southern tip of Vancouver Island which is the most western part of Canada and of course it is the capital city of the province of British Columbia okay yeah and notice how currently I'm living in Budapest and I love Budapest it's a beautiful city I consider it my home away from home but my hometown I would definitely say is victorious where I've spent most of my life so again repeat after me where is your hometown my hometown of Victoria is situated on the most southern tip of Vancouver Island which is the most western part of Canada and of course it is the capital city of the province of British Columbia all right next question what is the weather like in your hometown give me a nice answer for that one what is the weather like in your hometown again students we want to keep the ball rolling but I will read different people's comments at different times so just keep going be brave keep going okay keep pushing your ideas using your English typing and speaking don't forget to speak students so sometimes take a break from typing and speak okay all right I'm on Dylan says the weather is very unpredictable in my hometown students be specific again the more specific you are with names the better so instead of saying hometown if you told me your hometown is viktoria then say the weather is very unpredictable in Victoria why I'm on Dylan because and then give me some information because it is in a valley and the winds move in very strange directions throughout the year okay so give me some information neo bilham says my hometown geographically is located in a warm climate zone however it is cold in the winter and hot in the summer okay that's a little bit of confusing information so try to tell me a little bit more again student sorry that I can't read Cyrillic but that's another one of our maybe Russian students says since I live in the southern part of Russia the weather is pretty warm all year round namely 15 to 17 degrees winters are mild there's not much snow and summers are quite hot that's really good I like the quantitative language 7 15 to 17 degrees that's great quantitative language is really good now when you think of weather you think hot cold temperature degrees and you should also think wet and dry right so Sundeep Kumar says the weather in Shree gun gun God is all Four Seasons it's a very beautiful summer and in the winter there are chilly monsoons ok let's see some more Kenan who sins Allah says my hometown is Baku which is the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan and located in the Caucasus west coast of the Caspian Sea the weather in my country is hot right now but mostly windy throughout the year and chilly in the winter down - -10 degrees Celsius okay kanan that's good alright I'm just giving a little bit more there let's see um our GPS says in my hometown the weather is extremely hot during the summer and winter it reaches around 48 degrees in the summer and four degrees in the winter MRG try to organize that a little bit better okay let's see Charlie Sen says as I have already said that I am from the east part of India so the mo the weather is mostly warm especially especially in the summer the temperatures nearly 45 degrees centigrade winter is a more comfortable temperature at about 10 degrees okay good alright so the weather in Victoria is temperate since it is located in the banana Belt of Canada and gets a warm Hawaiian current for most of the year so temperatures hover between 15 and 26 degrees and it rains about 170 days of the year alright so again quantitative language and using a good range of vocabulary is important to get those higher band score Victoria it's a very southern part of Canada so believe it or not Victoria Vancouver in the city there are years when we do not see snow most people would not guess that for Canada because Victoria and Vancouver are in the banana Belt of Canada as we call it so here's the answer what is the weather like in your hometown the weather let me just correct that very quickly okay one more time the weather in Victoria is temperate since it is located in the banana Belt of Canada and gets a warm Hawaiian current for most of the year so temperatures hover between 15 and 25 degrees and it rains about a hundred and seventy days of the year hence the rain forest that surrounds the beautiful city okay alright so again quantitative language remember it quantitative language gets you points okay so notice this fifteen to twenty five degrees that's quantitative okay it means numbers that explains this idea here which is a temperate climate temperate climate students maybe it's new vocabulary for you temperate means that it doesn't get very hot it doesn't get very cold so the temperature is kind of stable for most of the year okay so temperate explained by numbers and then here I threw in a little bit more for the rain it's a very rainy city hundred and seventy days of the year it gets rain okay all right next question when is a good time to visit there why when is a good time to visit there and why okay so notice that the examiner is trying to ask different types of questions so what way here it's when okay so when is a good time to visit their tool Z you can say moderate instead of temperate but temperate is more accurate it's better vocabulary than moderate it's more accurate okay but you can say moderate temperate is better temperate is a type of climate okay so the Umi Japan says I think spring is the best season to visit Japan so you can enjoy the cherry blossoms called Sakura yes the famous cherry blossom is also quite popular in Victoria who meme on the other side of the Pacific Aman Dylan says the best time to visit Kapurthala is the winter because the weather is pleasant and you can enjoy yourself more it's not too hot easier to move around for dogs has st. Petersburg is one of the most popular places among tourists and the best time to visit is from May until October ok Alvina says the most convenient time to have a trip to my town is the summer as the weather is warm and comfortable so you can enjoy taking in the Sun bathing in the ocean and eating fresh ripe berries gathered from the farms and Gardens Alvina ok alright please like my channel says you can come at any time to my hometown because mostly if you visit in the winter season you can enjoy different activities such as skiing which is not available in the summer when you can do surfing ok so please like my channel give me a little bit more explanation give explain to me what I can enjoy in different seasons ok alright hanifa phi phi z ax actually the spring season is the best time to visit garut City at that time you can go hiking and see the beautiful scenery okay honey fog good couple of small mistakes notice my Corrections alright so when is a good time to visit there the best time to travel to Victoria is in July and August not only because there is less rain at that time but also you can witness some incredible events like the migration of killer whales alright so there's my answer the best time to travel to Victoria again repeat after me and students don't forget what I said practice repeating questions as well when is a good time to visit there why the best time to travel to Victoria is in July and August not only because there's less rain at that time but also you can witness some incredible events like the migration of killer whales alright those are those black and white whales beautiful creatures that swim in families and we got quite the group of them around Vancouver Island so again specific July and August quantitative using correlative conjunction not only but also okay using complex language because using specific vocabulary killer whales seems simple but it's not okay if it seems simple it's because it's quality and you will get high band scores it's not dangerous to visit the killer whales Gorka rot you're in the safety of a boat and killer whales don't attack humans they like humans so if we don't attack them they don't attack us they're not like sharks okay so again pay attention to using different kinds of joining words subordinating coordinating correlative conjunctions use specific vocabulary alright here we go next question students keep going don't give up if I don't catch your comment I might catch it next time okay uh Margie I'll catch it next time so just keep going what are the people like in your hometown go Fordham RG tell me that one promise I'll catch it this time okay so what are the people like in your hometown tightener Singh is asking a good question so Tanner says sir can we use our we you us and speaking thai in der especially in part one the questions are most often about you so definitely you need to use us we you its first second person for part one in speaking okay for the writing tender it depends you can use us we are in task one of the general IELTS for the letter writing okay so send me an email tender if it's not clear alright new son do says in my hometown most individuals like to play kabadi a famous game in my hometown and old men mostly play cards in the center of the village son do I don't think that really explains what the people are like in your village it sounds like they are down-to-earth they are very relaxed they like to play games but I'm just guessing from what you're saying okay you need to be more specific okay satisfying times says among all the cities in my country so chorus is famous for the kindness of people they don't just make you comfortable but they also are very helpful and welcoming to all religions ok satisfying times very good so that's a good explanation I had a couple of Corrections there make sure you take note of that ok sham ster debt says people in my hometown are very friendly and accommodating so you'll have no problem visiting this ethnically diverse group of people okay good Kim Salma says most of us are amiable but some may seem intimidating when you meet them for the first time especially those from the older generation nevertheless people in my hometown are very hard-working Kim Salma very good okay always name your hometown especially for me because I'm not catching all of yours from the beginning right Reba good to see you comment Reba says in my hometown people are very quiet not only are they friendly but helpful in nature as well most people always find at least a bit of time to chat very good okay good job all right i Margie Singh says visitors not only relish in a variety of foods but also participate in festival I'm RG that would be off topic so your band score would be a little bit low on that one okay so what are the people like in my hometown most people in Victoria are quite friendly and helpful however there are some people who can be snobbish since they are wealthy and pre-occupied okay so some vocabulary here for you repeat after me what are the people like in your hometown most people in Victoria are quite friendly and helpful however there are some people who can be snobbish since they are wealthy and preoccupied yeah Victoria is one of those wealthier parts the world snobbish means that they kind of hold their noses high in the air as they walk around and they think that they are the center of the universe that's snobbish snobbish alright here we go next question is there any special place to visit in your city or town think of an easy answer okay is there any special place to visit in your city or hometown again when you see new vocabulary students like snobbish make sure to write it down okay satisfying times says there are a plethora of mind-blowing places in my city to visit the one I would strongly recommend is camisa as the best because you will have a chance to see an old Romanian building architecture that will leave you breathless yeah satisfying times careful not to overdo the slang or the expressions otherwise it can become kind of awkward okay but not bad satisfying times not bad all right all right Lumi japan says special places to visit in tokyo include disneyland of course and what else let me Japan give me a little bit more okay shoosh grubaugh shoosh God abuja says yes there are many special places to visit in my hometown I would definitely recommend love Hill as a beautiful picturesque mountain which is very romantic especially for couples came so in need Victoria is regarded as the garden city and is home to butch art gardens that is acclaimed as the sixth most beautiful garden in the world so visitors should definitely go there before leaving the city all right here we go indeed Victoria is regarded as the garden city and his home to Butchart Gardens that is acclaimed as the sixth most beautiful garden in the world so visitors should definitely go there before leaving the city all right that's my answer let's see a couple more from students pachoo says yes there are historical places situated in Janakpur which is famous for its tourist attractions it was the place where the god Ram and goddess Sita were married together but you very interesting thanks for sharing that and that was a good recommendation okay Khalifa kij is asking a good question Khalifa says what if we don't know or we don't have such a place Khalifa make it up okay I'm guessing that your city has at least one temple or river or forest or a garden or a library a museum that people can visit it's very difficult to believe that even a small town wouldn't have a tree or some interesting lake with fish that you would recommend for tourists to check out so try to be creative okay don't get yourself into awkward situations all right students two more questions how has your town or city changed in the past 20 years this is present perfect how has so your answer has to be present perfect and one final question and conditional if you can change one part of your hometown what would it be and why this is a conditional so your answer should be conditional I will leave these two questions for you to do on your own for homework record your answers on your phone and mp3 send them to my email and I will give you a score estimate I will tell you roughly what you can expect don't type your answers record and send it as an mp3 so I can hear your fluency your accent your actual speaking send them to Adrienne ADR ia n at AE help dot again that's from our websites AE help calm for academic IELTS G IELTS help talk comfort general on both of those websites students you can use the code right now live 20 Li ve 20 to get a 20% discount we already gives the best prices for the best IELTS products available online and now we're giving you a 20% coupon code to make your life that much simpler this is the general version it's at G IELTS click that red button then you'll see a blue button that says apply coupon code you can hit that and type it in there this is the coupon code there this is our academic website here with the blue background you can use it on your phone tablet PC we have an app coming out very soon for the academic we already have one but we're coming up with a brand new app that will fully integrate your account an app format as well that's it for me for today students thanks for all of your comments and participation effort practice it's the key to success so all of you who were commenting and answering in the chat whether I was reading or not your responses good for you I tip my hat to you keep up the practice keep pushing forward don't let life and people discourage you you all have incredible minds okay you all have incredible minds bye for now see you tomorrow tomorrow more IELTS classes starting at 1330 Central European Time much left to all of you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: AnCAHxmelyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 25sec (3445 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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