IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Band 9 Tips

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest here the capital city of Hungary situated in central europe I hope everybody is having a fantastic day so far and has had a great week looking forward to a nice weekend today for this members chat class we are looking at speaking part two of the speaking section in the IELTS exam hi roshni there is one of our members joining in I hope you've had a great week the speaking of course is the same for general academic paper and computer-based versions of the test it's a 15 minute interview face-to-face with an examiner where you have three parts part one some questions on general topics about you part two a cue card and then part three Makonnen Preity kisi Jayaram Zeinab Chantel amar Jeet and Liang good to see all of you leaing I just sent you an email about your premium package membership so fantastic looking forward to having you on board any questions members all you have to do is send us an email contact us hi Danish hi for dogs students our IELTS world class materials are available at AE help calm that's academic English help calm and gie LTS helped calm for the general version of the test you can download you should download our app for the academic called academic IELTS help look for our shield in your App Store Alexander a konichiwa to you as well our right students again this is my email numbers you can send me requests Adrienne ADR I am at AE today for this members chat class again speaking part two and speaking part three coming up after where everybody will be able to join in on the chat all right members without further ado let's warm up our speaking okay so everybody watching members make sure to repeat okay repeat questions repeat answers write down new vocabulary to learn for later learning vocabulary in context is exceptionally effective and that's certainly what you're doing in these kinds of classes so when you catch a new word don't let it slide write it down not just words but new phrases like what I just used don't let it slide don't let it slide as an expression that means don't lose it okay or don't ignore it don't let it slide all right so let's warm up a little bit here just answer these questions give me some nice full sentence answers okay what do you do for fun roshni yet you can if you're if you feel that you're speaking interview was rushed might not get too far but absolutely you have the right to ask why was it so short why was it only ten minutes yeah you can you can definitely make a complaint to the test center sure they might not do much about it but you can you can send an email to IELTS org roshni if you felt that was the case okay all right students so let's get into the speaking what do you do for fun what do you do for fun okay give me a full sentence answer this is just to warm up this is just to start getting you thinking about using full sentences paying attention to grammar paraphrasing the words of the question thinking about interesting answers with examples so what do you do for fun this is just the warm-up then we'll get to the cue card in a moment here I just want to kind of switch your brain into English mode so that it's working very well by the time we get to the cue card of course in the real IELTS that's why you have part one first this could be a part one question and it's kind of nice to get these easier thoughts out first so what do you do for fun liang i'm glad that you read my email make sure to log into your account make sure it works if you have any trouble let me know okay for dobbs says i frequently play football with my friends and go to the nearest park to participate in activities yeah and four dogs use the question so whenever i want to enjoy life i frequently play football with my friends and go to the nearest park to participate in activities sure for dogs since you're the first one to answer i'll use your answer and i'll add a little bit to it okay go to the nearest park for some activities like sport discs in fact I was just there yesterday for a picnic with family okay so for dobbs there's a little bit of an adjustment there so here I'm reflecting the question everybody repeat after me whenever I want to enjoy life I play football with friends or go to the nearest park for some activities like sport discs in fact I was just there yesterday for a picnic with family okay that's a nice high level answer for dogs all right let's take a look at some other ones here Liang sorry we'll go with Danish first Dina says most of the time I'm a bit busy with my job but of course in my leisure time I play cricket with my friends and also go to a recreational place to have fun okay Danish it's good that you got the word fun in there umm Danish you don't need to say most of the time I'm busy with my job but it's kind of like you start off topic okay I've seen a lot of students do that Danish where they start off topic it's not a good idea you really want to start on topic so start with in my leisure time I play cricket with my friends and also go to a recreational place to have fun unfortunately I'm often busy with my work so if if anything you can finish off topic but you shouldn't you should just focus on the question there's so much content that you can give for the question Danish that you really don't need to go off topic like I'm usually busy with work it's like oh what I'm not asking you about that I'm asking you about what you like to do for fun Liang Liang says I like to do sports for fun actually like badminton playing with my colleagues and friends we usually during lunch hour in the weekdays cool li yang Yan Liang it's a good answer be very careful with your intonation when you're using actually in an awkward flow like that so leaving it has to sound like this I like to do sports for fun actually like badminton playing with colleagues came I like to do sports for fun actually it's kind of weird most of the time Liang we would go it's actually I like to do sports for fun but that's a it's a very colloquial form of English and I don't recommend using actually like that in your speaking ok all right Harminder says I do lots of activities Harminder don't use the word things zero value so I I do lots of activities for fun like listen to music at high volume hang out with friends and family just last week I went for I went to fun city in Patiala with my family and enjoyed a plethora of water games cool Parminder I love your example at the end it's great one important correction Harminder is don't use the word things it's a very low value or zero value word always find a better noun key see I usually hang out with my friends for enjoyment nice paraphrasing key C such as shopping and playing badminton just yesterday me and my girlfriend went to the mall and got new pair of shoes right Kesey nice little example to finish it off our ji says I like to listen to music and hang out with my family and friends for entertainment nice paraphrase MRG it's lots of fun and frolic for me just last Sunday I went to the Golden Temple with my best friend man creep good careful mr jeep frolic is a little bit different we usually say frolic in the swimming pool frolic is like when you're kind of doing this okay you are having fun and you're throwing your body around so you're for all King we usually frolic in water so keep that in mind Oh Margie we frolic in water okay frolic means to move the body sporadically Preeti says I hang out with my friends and family at the Lakeside just last Sunday I visited and enjoyed what something a lot Preeti so I enjoyed the something Lake a lot there's a missing object there to be clear okay sign up says I usually watch TV shows as an activity for fun as well as read books for enjoyment I just finished a big little lies or lease on Saturday sign up good don't use use to when you have a general question like what do you do for fun it's not what did you do for fun or what did you use to do for fun it's what do you do for fun all right um let's skip the next question I want to get to part two let's just go to this third question here if you could go on a holiday anywhere where would you go so if you could go on a holiday anywhere where would you go so we're gonna skip this question just to give us more time for cue card part two and one more warm-up question for our members here if you could go on a holiday anywhere where would you go to all of our viewers make sure you repeat these sentences so many of our members are very strong band six six point five seven students and once I correct their responses they become band 88.5 maybe even nine responses so make sure to repeat them as I say these okay next class you will be able to comment also so in this class make sure to practice your speaking it's a good chance for viewers who are not members to focus on speaking since you're not focusing on typing came for dogs I know you pre-loaded your answer for the animal because you saw it behind me on the board just careful with that because we're skipping that question this time so we're going right to question three if you could go on a holiday anywhere where would you go so for doves record that response and send it to me later in an e-mail Makonnen says I really want to go to Israel because it's the place Jesus was born and I believe that this is Holy Land I believe with one L on holy Makonnen okay Makonnen it's not bad make sure to reflect the full grammar of the question okay now I know unnatural speaking we don't always do this but on the IELTS you should okay so you should use the conditional part of the question like if I could go anywhere I would really want to go to Israel because it's the place Jesus was born and I believe the land is holy okay hermus says if I went on a holiday I would go to the UK because it's a great place with a loving culture landscape and women alright armas some nice explanation Makonnen hermes both of you gave some good reasons for why you want to go which is good Ava good to see you in class Ava says to be honest I have never been in Japan before but I heard it is beautiful so if I could go on a vacation anywhere that would be Japan not that's would be Ava but simply that would be the apostrophe s is that is it's kind of strange okay it's not the right grammar so that would be Japan now if you want to paraphrase Japan Ava so you're not repeating Japan Japan then you could say that would be the Land of the Rising Sun Japan is called the Land of the Rising Sun because it's so far to the west okay so the Land of the Rising Sun of course for Europeans it's the East but for us North Americans it's so far to the west so one more time a vie it should sound like to be honest I have never been in Japan before but I've heard that it's beautiful so if I could go on a vacation anywhere it would be the Land of the Rising Sun Dana says I would love to go to a place called Ladakh which is located in the state of John John John mu the northern region of India this is famous for its freezing temperatures and a most elegant location with all types of activities like what Danish ice climbing skiing perhaps mountaineering so give me a little bit I'm curious what you mean with all types of activities okay fir Dobbs says if I could have a chance to go on a vacation it would definitely be China because there are many different types of historical buildings yeah and China is very rich culturally there are many different kinds of cultures as well all right Oh Danish I see like skating and skydiving okay kisi says if I had enough time I would like to go to Paris there's a missing two there key see if I had enough time I would like to go to Paris because I've never been to France and this is the land of art and my dream place to visit since childhood okay Casey make sure you get there sometime kisi if you've been dreaming about it make the time set aside the time life is short it's meant to be lived France is beautiful Paris is great I have been there have had the fortune of visiting Paris so check it out Kesey you don't need a period after Paris it's just one sentence so the because is a small B and continues from the if alright Liang I would like to go to Portugal which is situated along the coast of the Mediterranean and partly the Atlantic Ocean I've heard from my friends who just visited last month that Portugal is a beautiful country with great food indeed leaing I would actually like to go there as well Portugal is great for surfing and I would love to do some surfing in Portugal as I like to surf liing Portugal is not close to the sea it's on the sea okay so the Mediterranean and I believe the Atlantic of course as well are along the shores of Portugal so it's situated on the sea on the seaside okay and people are open-minded sure amar Jeet says I will go to Goa beach on holidays if I have the opportunity because there are a lot of adventure activities like skydiving scuba diving and bike riding also very good Jayaram says I would love to go to Sri Lanka I would love to go Gerry ROM the wood is important because it's a conditional question okay I would love to go to Sri Lanka because it's the best place to visit for its famous history and it's located between the Bay of Bengal and the Pacific Ocean therefore I could relax on the beach and enjoy the beautiful scenery Jai Ron very good okay I'll borrow a little bit of Portugal alright given that I had the opportunity to vacation anywhere I would love to visit Portugal for a couple of weeks to relax and enjoy the beach as well it is a surfers paradise and as an avid surfer this would be a ton of fun okay so there's my answer repeat after me if you could go on a holiday anywhere where would you go many of you cleverly realize you should give the reason for why given that I had the opportunity to vacation anywhere I would love to visit Portugal for a couple of weeks to relax and enjoy the beach as well it is a surfers paradise and as an avid surfer this would be a ton of fun for me all right students so good warm-up hopefully most of you are now thinking in English your brain is working in English and we can go to our part to cuecard here we go part two part one is over so the examiner says that is the end of part one now for part two here is a card please do not turn that over until I tell you to do so the card has some questions on it you will have one minute to think about your answers here's some note paper and here's a pencil you may take notes if you wish in the one minute after than one minute you will have two minutes to speak I will tell you when to start and when to stop are you ready to begin and then you say yes I am the examiner will say okay turn over the card you're one minute begins now and your 1 minute is lots of time so you don't panic you remember your steps okay so you turn over the card step number one you read the card carefully okay so part two think of a time when you were lucky where did this happen when was it who were you with why were you lucky and how did you feel about it whew okay so we've carefully read the questions we know that there's one two three four five questions to answer in this case and then my next step is what what do I do after I carefully read the card in about ten seconds so I've read the card it took me about five ten seconds maximum and then step number two is what what's my second step again as long as you stay calm you go through these steps you'll do just fine okay this item says determine this subject yeah that can be part of step two sure and in a way it is what is the subject sign up in this case so what's what's the subject yeah furred up says it's an event okay so determine that this is an event it's a lucky time that's the subject right that's what we're talking about and I can see that many of you have realized this that okay this is an event sure all right so what do I need to keep in mind when I talk about an event so if I'm talking about an event what do I need to make sure to focus on in my two minutes and this is very important because sometimes students might try to just answer the questions on the card run out of ideas to say so they stop after 30 seconds then they just start repeating the same information again and again I see that very often in part two where students run out of ideas and then they just repeat repeat it's not good okay you have to remember that when you're talking about an event Preeti says you have to think about the location where it happened the time okay so Preeti that's good just instead of thinking about when and where think about instead of the question marker think about the actual noun so the time the location okay the time the location liang says the reason for the event absolutely that's a big one okay fir table says who was there yeah and instead of who was there again students I know that I've done that in the past too where I use the questions but it is better to think about this is the actual noun so location time reason because in your speaking you don't want to say when it happened was instead of you want to say the location of this event or the time that it happened the reason for it so these are actually usable words in your speaking when where who they're not really usable words in your speaking does that make sense now for Dobb says the attendees and that's the useable word right for dobbs so attendees or people present yeah Kame so you talk about the location the time the reason the attendees and there's one more and amazingly this is the one anytime I say event this is the one that somehow is forgotten but it's the most important one to think about okay it's the forgotten but very important element when you're talking about an event if you talk about the location the time the reason the attendees you will often run out of ideas very quickly but with this last one you can keep talking for two minutes no problem and I still don't see the word anywhere okey see there you go I see it in key sees he sees gone yeah he's like yeah I wrote it um kisi it's very close but instead of action I want you to think about activities okay so anytime that you have a part to cue card make sure to not forget about this word this word should be the first one okay activities location time reason attendees all right activities and Amarjeet says feeling and that's a good one Margy feelings are good to include as well especially if it's about you so the feeling of the event that's definitely a smart inclusion MRG I agree with you okay all right so step number three and what's my next step so step three I've now figured out okay this is all happening very quickly step one step two so step one reading the questions step two identifying that it's in event a lucky time I need to talk about location time reason attendees activities the feeling of it that happens very quickly that's in the first 10 seconds then I have 50 more seconds for step three and step four that's where I want to be precise that's where I want to take some time to really narrow my ideas so what's step number three it's very important step it's goal members let's go get it to me I know that there's a bit of delay in the video roshni says think about a unique topic which is easy to speak about okay yeah exactly so students yeah exactly fir Duff so think about two or three events lucky events in your life you might have to make one up maybe it's real maybe it really happened to you but think about two or three that you might be able to speak about okay practice this at home train yourself to think of at least two okay it can be very troublesome if you're only thinking about one such situation so think of two to three possible choices if if you have to spend a few extra seconds on this it's worth it okay this is a worthwhile investment of your time because it could really make a half AB and even a full band score difference what you choose to answer okay so think of two three possible choices and pick the one that you feel is the easiest to talk about and hopefully somewhat unique okay so not all that means not all students are picking this topic came so let's do that so what would be an event where a person is lucky give me some events where a person is lucky or is considered to be lucky what are some common situations where people feel that Lady Luck is on their side so give me some give me some thoughts on that one all right so Dana says getting sick before an exam and still doing very well okay so let's simplify that Dana's doing well on an exam yep so we doing better on an exam that you might have otherwise thought you do poorly on for Dobbs says becoming a father yeah yes and for those of you who are parents that would probably be a good choice I'm a dad as many of you know also and certainly I feel extremely fortunate to be a parent a father Preeti says how about the casino okay so winning money at a casino sure Makonnen very good not school our ship Makonnen but a scholarship it's a scholar different word Makonnen but you're you've got the right idea it's a scholar not school scholar scholarship a scholar is a student a scholar as a person who is an academic kind of like a school scientist it's called a scholar or somebody who writes reads discovers scholar yeah there you go Makonnen scholarship so okay getting a scholarship absolutely that's a smart one so getting a scholarship Margie says winning a singing competition and here I'll throw one out at you yeah Dana says getting better after an accident for DAF says winning the lottery okay Lots now students that's enough so winning lottery how about winning money at a horse race can I'll explain why I threw that in there in a moment okay Avis has to go to a place or concert where you have never been before but you really wanted to go Ava that's conceptually good but in the IELTS exam you would want to have a specific idea like a Guns & Roses concert front row okay so you'd really want to have a specific idea it's you have to be careful even not to try to think of a general idea and then really get lost in your speaking so you have to be specific visualize the specific event okay all right so we have lots here I'm doing well on an exam becoming a parent winning money at a casino getting a scholarship winning a singing competition winning the lottery winning money at a horse race and let's go avoiding a car accident throw one more in there okay I really want to train you to pick the best possible choices which one of these do you think would be the best choice that is unique and it's fairly easy to talk about making this choice viewers members can be the difference of a half a band to a full band score so making the right choice can absolutely be the difference between a six point five and a seven band on your IELTS speaking okay so you have to be very quick and critical in this step of your - okay so for dub says winning the lottery that would be number one so we have one vote there roasty says just pick one rosh name don't be divided so avoiding a car accident or winning money at a horse race could be number one okay so we have one there Preeti says how about scholarship or a casino kisi says scholarship or casino and there was one Preeti says scholarship er because you know Preeti I'm just gonna go with your first one which is scholarship okay decide on one not to winning a singing competition Avis says it's quite unique so that one okay alright so i'll so liang says scholarship yeah okay sure okay so I'll give you my thoughts on this and then you can decide there is no perfect answer student so there is no I'm 100% right you're wrong this is debatable this is subjective it's up to the individual if you grew up with horses if you know a lot about horses then a horse race could be a good choice because you have probably talked about horses lots in your life you know about them you maybe know a little bit about horse racing and so on so that could be the right choice if you've applied for scholarships if you've received the scholarship then this could be a good one okay especially since many of you are students it's very likely that getting a scholarship is a good choice of course with scholarships we never know who the competition is it's kind of hidden from you so you do have to be kind of lucky to get a scholarship because perhaps there's a very very smart student who just did not apply for that scholarship so you were the best choice in that particular situation so highly agree that scholarship is a very clever choice okay avoiding a car accident it's strange luck it's luck that's your lucky because something bad didn't happen not because something good happened so avoiding something bad is lucky but it's a different kind of luck than gaining something positive and I think it's easier to discuss talking about getting a positive in life and being lucky than avoiding a negative in life and being lucky so this is a little bit difficult to clearly discuss okay maybe you might want to try it could be okay winning a singing competition that's not really luck that's more hard work in my opinion so winning a singing competition unless maybe there's an amazing singer there who happens to fall off the stage and they can't sing and that's why you win but that would be kind of weird okay it's possible but that would be kind of weird I think getting a scholarship is a very good one for this okay becoming a parent only if you're an actual parent winning money at a casino I think would be not unique so many students would talk about that winning the lottery for dogs I think that would be one that many people would make up and talk about okay so money at a casino or money on the lottery that's something that a lot of students would try to make up and discuss in the two minutes I definitely would not choose these ones so the lottery and the casino are no-go okay those are absolute no-go the ones that you could are maybe horse race scholarship doing well on an exam or becoming a parent if those if that's a part of what you've experienced dana says finding the love of your life that could also be one too so that's kind of like danish that's kind of like becoming a parent so finding true love okay now of course finding true love that would be very unique to each person so Danish if you have a great story about finding the love of your life in a coffee shop or in the gym in an exercise class or wherever then absolutely that could be a good one to talk about yeah absolutely Danish if you found the love of your life that can be considered a very lucky situation okay so you can be very fortunate and you can talk about that because that's going to be unique that's even if others talk about that each situation is unique so that's a good choice Danish all right for our purposes why not let's talk about getting a scholarship so getting a scholarship and being lucky to get the scholarship let's do that one all right so let's focus on gaining this scholarship of course we need to plan when was it where was it so location to apply for the scholarship okay this is our next step so we've chosen get a scholarship okay so where where do you apply for the scholarship let's do this planning as quick as possible just give me some notes members give me some notes when where who why give me your thoughts quickly as possible let's build this up very good Preeti Preeti says quickly sure why not Cambridge University okay give me more great start Preeti just get it out fast so Cambridge University what kind of a scholarship studying what jayaram University study sure what kind of okay it's the Indian scholarship Indian government scholarship for higher education all right how much how much money what kind of support okay so visualize the situation you have about 20-30 seconds to get all these notes down okay fur dog says $30,000 yeah yearly let's say yeah don't be shy students shoot for the stars Cambridge University is very expensive 30,000 pounds per year came covered tuition and living costs okay notice the nice vocabulary that's coming into this one okay Danish careful with that you might get lost in details so try to think big in two minutes if you're talking about being lucky to get a scholarship there's a lot of information there okay give me some more information so Cambridge University Indian government scholarship for higher education why were you lucky don't forget that question why were you lucky who participated in this scholarship how many other candidates were applicants for this scholarship give me some more information so think about that okay liang says [Music] there were it's one out of a hundred or 1000 yeah Leanne good yeah a little bit more realistic so a thousand applicants okay that's why you're lucky you have to remember the focus of this of this question right okay good so needs Bend eight-point-five on IELTS and a GPA grade point average of 95 percent for undergraduate sure okay what do you want to study - don't forget that right so okay alright get your first sentence out I'm pushing you right now members to move a little bit faster not only because our class time is running short but I want you to move quick okay so step five is your first sentence give me your first sentence students what could be your first sentence for this cue card topic again when you're coming up with your first sentence maybe look at the card really quickly again think of a time when you were lucky okay roshni says they loved my statement of purpose my SOP yeah I'm sure Joanne says it's for medicine yeah so those are all good elements I think we all have a clear picture in our heads now let's get our first sentence down on the paper so that we can say it quickly as soon as the examiner says your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking as soon as they finish that Eng speaking it's like you should almost be ready to go a time when I felt very fortunate was recently two months ago when I got a scholarship to study at Cambridge University boom away it goes okay that first sentence has to be coming right after within one to two seconds of the examiner finishing the word please start speaking good one one thousand two one thousand a time when I was very fortunate cam that quick don't waste time there well give me your first sentence students give me your first sentence here's mine an exceptionally lucky time for me was just two months ago when I received a full scholarship to study medicine at Cambridge University okay fir DAF says I was very happy and fortunate when I got a scholarship from my government to study at Cambridge University for dogs that's good put the word lucky or fortunate for dogs in there somewhere so that the examiner right away knows that you're focusing on the card so lucky time is essential so either lucky time or a fortunate time one of those two you have to make sure that's in your first sentence so the examiner strongly feels that you are focusing on the card okay Dana says well I was lucky most of the time but the most memorable no Danish don't do please stop doing that too many students do that the most of the time I was like really Danish no a very memorable and lucky moment of my life start like that Danish a very memorable and lucky moment of my life is when I got a $9,000 waiver from the Indian government I feel that in for lack of applicants I choose from four to two complicated Danish on the end okay keep that first sentence simple Danish it's something that you need to just be able to get out as soon as the examiner says please start speaking keep it simple keep it focused Danish a very memorable and fortunate moment of my life is when I got a 90 thousand dollar scholarship from the Indian government to study at Cambridge University that's it Danish that's it you can talk about it being for medicine or thirty thousand dollars a year and what yet to do and how many students that's the other one minute 45 seconds okay Danish roshni says two months before two months ago roshni two months ago two months ago I received a notification through Cambridge University that I got a scholarship and I feel so lucky roshni that's very good it's nice natural English and I feel so lucky that's good it's a good way to do it Amarjeet says well I vividly remember a lucky moment in my life , not yet I Margie just life , I got an Indian government scholarship during my bachelor's degree of art at guru nanak dev university okay i'm RG that's good that works alright just I'm not sure what the yet is there it means like until now but we don't use it like that I Margene okay so take that out Casey says few years ago in 2011 I was lucky to win a full government scholarship to be an exchange student in Cambridge University for one year Kesey good kisi word order few years ago in 2011 I was lucky enough to win a full government scholarship to be an exchange student in Cambridge University for one year not Cambridge Cambridge University for one year Preeti says I still remember three months ago I was in seventh heaven and feeling extremely fortunate when I got a scholarship from Cambridge University for public health education Graduate Studies Preeti okay Preeti I still remember is a bit weird because of course you remember three months ago okay winning a scholarship especially so I still remember is strange use of that expression I still remember Preeti we only say I still remember if it's like in my childhood I still remember in my childhood when I was 12 years old I won a box of chocolates in my school then you could use I still remember but three months ago pretty of course you remember that so I still remember is weird li yang says two months ago I received a scholarship offer finally from Kent okay I'm gonna fix that Lee it's going a little bit weird there so two months ago I received a scholarship from Cambridge University which was my dream come true because I have wanted to attend this institution all my life and I was waiting more than a year for this scholarship to be decided I was thrilled and felt fortunate leading it's a bit complex you're putting a lot of ideas together in the four lines just be careful with that okay all right Joanne says an unforgettable moment in my life is when I go to full scholarship for a nursing degree from the Haitian government ten years ago Joanne you have a lot of repetition there careful okay an unforgettable moment I could never forget it's like you're repeating repeating okay the exact same so I could never forget the moment in my life when or an unforgettable moment in my life is when one or the other don't do both sounds very awkward alright okay students so then you discuss where did you apply how it happened and all of this fun stuff if you're looking at the time as I am here is going to be your homework send it to me by email as an mp3 recording please don't write it say it so say your two minute response and I will give you a little bit of feedback as best as I can and give you a score estimate I'm out of time to finish up the rest of this I know we only got to the first sentence here but I thought I would just focus on that and make sure that you're on the right page with that so focus on finishing this up I know you can do it okay you have the notes you don't need me to give you the fish you a lot of you now know how to fish I will put a sample response up on the community chat okay so I will include a sample response just like the essays that I put up yesterday so if you checked our community board I put up the task 1 task 2 essay on the YouTube channel for those band nines so I'll put up a sample response as well for you but send me your part 2 responses to my email my email is Adrian at AE help calm so send it to me there and I'll have a listen and I'll let you know how you did ok and then you can check a band 9 level response and practice that on the community board later in the week awesome members coming up in 30 minutes speaking part 3 make sure to be present and participate for all of our viewers you can become a member of our YouTube channel we have four different levels of membership it's up to you which one to choose you can also become a member of our premium course on our website AE for academic gie LTS helped calm for general those websites they look like this this is the academic click the red button to join it this is the general click that red button to join there with the green background and that's it for this class hopefully see most of you in 30 minutes you're very welcome mr G good to have you the Liang and keep up the good studies everyone bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: HtLOchssm00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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