IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Cue Card High Bands

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welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest in Europe it's the capital of Hungary I hope everybody has had a great week as staying healthy staying strong and looking forward to a good weekend in this class we are focusing on IELTS speaking part 2 the cue card and I'm going to teach you some steps to get those high band scores these materials these strategies they come from comm for academic IELTS success visit us there and join thousands of other students on their journey to get high bands and pass IELTS for general owls check gee IELTS help calm on both of these websites we have lots of materials for you including help for speaking you can book speaking interviews with professionals as well as practice your speaking for free with other IELTS students in this class also make sure to practice your speaking so speak and eat ok it's very important that you're speaking English as much as possible hi Hina hi genial hi Khyber good to see our members pachoo nice to see you in class hi roshni get to see our regular students students you can download our apps academic IELTS help the app links with the web account a help calm 4G I'll help calm download the app and link general IELTS help from your App Store's if you have questions just send me an email Adrien at AE help calm I will gladly respond to your enquiries in due time all right everyone let's get into it just a quick peek at our websites this is our academic website here at AE help calm you can click that big red button to join when you do there's lots of goodies including speaking opportunities here's general Isles green background click that red button to join there alright so let's get to it today's question was sent to us I believe by khyber one of our members one of the benefits of being a member is you can request classes and I believe khyber you sent us this question and I believe this question comes from one of the past IELTS exams as well okay now students here's a quick tip to kind of start you off don't try to predict the so this is just a tip okay do not try to predict the speaking interview topics this is basically impossible okay I know there are some videos online and there are some people that say hey I know what topics they're going to ask in the next month or in the next two months it's not true okay the I really want all of the students to know that the topics for the speaking the topics for writing they're kept confidential they're secret they're not revealed to candidates until they sit the exam so please don't believe these videos and people who tell you that hey these are the topics for 2020 August it's not true they're just guessing okay the only information that you know basically is the questions will be either about a person object place event or idea but within these categories there can be millions of questions okay so keep that in mind so you really want to to practice the right strategy the right steps so that it doesn't matter what question they ask you you feel ready you feel confident okay so most important here is strategy good strategy is much more important than guessing and practicing for specific topics okay so that's the key here all right so what is good strategy well good strategy starts with careful reading in part two in the cue card okay so when you finish part one in your speaking interview you're speaking interview of course is made up of three parts part one will be about four or five minutes just some general questions to get to know you maybe about hobbies the weather using a paper or pencil so it could be a few different ideas for sure there as well and then when you're finished part 1 the examiner will say okay that's the end of part 1 now we will continue with part 2 for part 2 here's a card with some questions on it you will have one minute to think about your answers prepare notes if you wish here's some note paper and a pencil and then you'll have two minutes to speak and we'll tell you when to start one to stop your one-minute begins preparation time begins now turn over the card and please begin preparing okay alright so you turn over the card and this is what you see okay so this is what you see and of course step number one is to read the card carefully especially the topic sentence okay so step one read the card carefully especially the topic sentence read this twice okay so let's do that now so talk about an important choice that you had to make in your life one more time talk about an important choice that you had to make in your life so this is not a current choice this is not a future decision this is a past decision that you had to make in your life okay you should say when you made this choice what you had to choose between okay so multiple options whether you made a good choice or a bad choice how you felt when you were making the choice not after but while you were making the choice you will have one minute to prepare what you are going to say and you will have two minutes to speak that's on the card that's not so important okay all right so we've read this twice and now the next step step two is identify what category you are looking at and the tense of the question so remember what I said that one thing is for sure you're going to get a cue card that will be about a person an object to place an event or an idea in this case what is the category is it an event or is it an idea okay so khyber says I think maybe it's an event and Koosh says I think it's a tense yeah it's more of an event than idea because it's actually happening it's something that you're doing okay so the way that you can decide whether it's an event or an idea which one it's more so is to think about is it something that I'm doing or is it something that I'm thinking okay because that can be confusing sometimes so to figure out whether you are talking about an idea or event ask yourself is this something that I'm thinking or doing if you are doing it it's an event okay so keep that in mind and in this case you're doing this right because you're making a choice so it's more of an event than idea when you're making a choice you're doing it so it's an event if you're thinking it then it's an idea a choice is an idea until you put it into action at which time it becomes an event okay so it's more of an event than an idea all right so in this case it's an event and it's past tense right it's something that you did plus past tense which means you need to use past present perfect this is the grammar that you're going to use you're going to use some past perfect as well hopefully in this description okay now also it's a choice so because you're talking about a choice what other grammar do you think will come into play here so what other grammar are you going to really have to focus on here and pay attention to because it's a choice so past perfect present perfect simple past past progressive sure those are all given it's a choice so a very likely type of grammar that you're going to use is what and it should pop into your mind yeah conditional very good MUX ood absolutely conditional right if I did this if I had done that so you should be thinking conditional and you should be thinking real plus unreal when I did this had I done that okay so real and unreal in this case okay because the choice that you made will be the real condition the choice that you could have made would be your unreal condition okay so you're thinking both real and unreal condition here as well so that information is quick okay it's coming to your mind fast so now you've identified these parts that's fantastic okay and this is all happening in the one minute so this is quick okay this is quick hmm alright now when you're talking about an event what should you include when discussing an event okay and don't think about the questions think about the statements okay think about the statements not the questions of course the question is when but think about the statement instead time okay so IB check says time attendees yeah who was at this event right it's in your decision the reason the result very good I'll be check experience and activities now especially for this one because I think a lot of students if they got this cue card about an important choice they had to make they would say the choice they would say what happened and then they would run out of ideas very quickly okay so sometimes it's easy to run out of what you're going to say and get into repetition okay so for some questions like this one it's easy to run out of ideas and just get into a lot of repetition this results in low band scores okay to avoid this always keep in mind the components to describe the category as listed above okay so I think here what could really happen on I'm sure what would happen to a lot of students is they would just say the choice they would say what happened and then that would be it and then they would forget that way maybe I can talk about some other people that my choice affected maybe I can talk a little bit about the reason for my choice maybe I can give a little bit more about the results of that choice or an alternative choice another choice that I could have made and maybe then I can get a little bit more into the experiences and activities that are connected to that choice right so keep that in mind all right so nicely done Abhishek thank you for that very thorough list of what is included when talking about the event okay let's um move activities a little bit because the order is important here to here okay all right so now the next step step three of course is come up with a couple of let's not say a couple let's say two to three ideas to answer they should be unique and well let's not say unique I think that confuses they should be original so that means not all students are thinking about the same idea they should be original and easy to talk about okay alright students so give me some ideas for this okay here's the question one more time okay so talk about an important choice that you had to make in your life you should say when you made this choice what you had to choose between whether you made a good choice so give me three ideas four choices it's an important choice okay that that word important is key all right let's see what you're coming up with you visualize when you're doing this so Nick Haines says choose a book to write an academic essay to pass an exam okay so I'm going to say choose a book for an essay okay that is Nick Haines sure khyber says choose a major for university all right that's good then Frederick says pursuing bio technology at Christ's College Singapore sure Zen that would be like choosing your major for and university okay all right Rahul preet says buying a bicycle or a motorbike for 10th grade to commute to school and college okay so bike or motorbike okay that's an interesting one some good ideas there roshni koonta says pursue education or a job after high school sure that's a good one all right pachoo Yadav says choosing a partner but choosing a partner for what putt you so choosing a partner for a project's choosing a business partner right so there's a lot there so choosing a business partner or choosing a life partner right I was saying yes to the question of marriage so those could be good ones all right [Music] Abdul hold the e says studying abroad or at home okay let's be specific so studying abroad in the US or at home okay that's a big one that's a good one all right okay good so I see that they're kind of are some repeats there as well marriage or further study by pratima that's another good one yeah and we're gonna stop there so I'm gonna just number these and then we'll take some votes on which one to do today I think a lot of these are good ideas okay so a lot of these are good ideas now when you vote okay so when you vote for which one to do today again think about these two important questions is it original so does that mean that not everybody who is sitting the outs exam this turn and getting this question will choose the same answer so is it kind of original can you make it original and the second question that's maybe even more important is can you talk about it so is it easy for you to talk about for two minutes that's what you should be thinking when you decide which one now you don't need this many choices you can just have three in the real exam but here we have a bigger group so we have more of them okay so on two three four five six seven eight so we have eight choices here excuse me so we have eight choices let me know which one you think would be the most satisfactory the muck suit says five khyber votes for to muck suit only one vote okay all right three seven four two so four seems to be quite a popular choice okay and seven seems to be a very popular choice as well great okay students okay I didn't miss bike or motorbike that's that's number three so there's just an extra comma there okay students to looks like a popular one as well choosing a major for University all right so the two very popular three very popular one is a bomb so the very popular ones are two and four so what you're telling me is that choosing a major for University that's popular job or higher education after high school that's very popular and studying abroad in the US or at home is a very popular one as well okay cool that's great so we can stop voting which one of these three do you think is the easiest to talk about to four or seven so this is a new vote new vote students I just want to see what you're thinking here which one do you think is the easiest to talk about two four or seven to four or seven which one do you think is the easiest to talk about please answer that one for me okay realistically try to visualize try to picture you're speaking try to picture what you're going to say okay all right so a lot of you are saying 2 is easy some of you are saying 4 is easy and a few of you are saying 7 is easy if I had to rank order these from what I've seen students say okay I would say four easy maybe number four then number seven and then number two I actually think that it's quite challenging for students to talk about the major because if they're talking about biochemistry versus microbiology I think you're getting into a difficult topic okay if you're talking about chemistry versus physics or psychology versus sociology I think you're getting into a difficult topic so I think two is definitely more difficult than four or seven okay now let's take another vote which one do you think is most original okay so this is what you should practice at home when you're getting ready and doing these cue cards so which one do you think is most original choosing so which one let me ask you this way which one do you think the least number of students would pick for this cue card okay choosing a major for university job or a higher education or going abroad to study or at home what do you think a lot of you're saying maybe seven maybe two okay I would probably say that the most common one it's very difficult actually I think they could all be popular topics but I think probably number two would be the most popular so likely it would be something like maybe seven for two that would be my guess okay again these ones would be very kind of equal these ones are very equal okay or sorry these ones are very cool all right so I definitely think two would not be the best choice if you're thinking of these three I think you'd be better off with four or seven we got a lot of votes seven so let's do seven for this class but then students I challenge you to try different answers so see which one okay we'll do seven for this class but one really good practice for home when you're getting ready for your exam is to try your top two top three choices and see which one's work better for you okay so what we're going to choose here is study abroad in the US or at home okay now here's a tip for studying the speaking part - at home try your top two or three choices and see which one you feel you gave the best answer for okay this will open up your eyes to choosing the best possible responses to maximize your score okay so everybody get that so does everybody kind of get what I'm saying with that okay so everybody gets what I'm saying with this so at home try try it's a really really good strategy to practice at home just feel like oh I thought it'd be easy for me to talk about choosing my major but after trying it I realized that was really challenging and it worked way better for me to just talk about whether or not I should do work or go for more study after high school okay so try that out all right so now we've figured okay studying abroad so now our next step in our preparation time and this is happening quickly students is write down some usable notes in the order of the components of the category okay so in this case it was time attendees the reason the activities results and that's actually not as good as it could be it should be attendees coming after reason so time reason attendees let's go that way so time reason attendees activities and experience feeling okay and out come here okay alright so this is important okay this order of time reason attendees activities outcome experience that's really important you want to keep the same order when you're coming up with the with the responses yeah RAF RAF you're in the class I got your email by the way as well and I'm really glad that you succeeded on the IELTS this time so congratulations I got your email as well hey RAF RAF if you're up for it send me your experience and we can put that testimonial on our website with all of the other great testimonials as well so just send me an email RAF RAF and we'd love to use your testimonial so it's great I'm happy that you also decided to share that experience in today's live class it's cool okay so we want to write down some useable notes that means notes that will actually help us give extra information in the two minute speaking okay so let's do that let's do that okay so give me some notes students so their choice was to study abroad or at home when did we have to make that choice give me at least one piece of note for time okay Abhishek says Jan 19th all right after graduation sure give me the reason so give me a usable note for a reason okay we're just going to do one or two notes for all of this right now so give me the reason for your choice to study abroad versus locally so here you're thinking about the why okay why so why do you want to at home or abroad what's your reasons okay abroad so again remember you're making a comparison here abroad better education at home it's cheaper okay now remember your quantitative information half okay living cost for example or tuition right so those are your notes all right why else would you study in the u.s. so you have better education that's something that you'll remember ok flour says says culture and language good okay now notice how my notes are very short form US culture and Inc right so culture and English sure okay now locally you probably would don't need to write local this is just to help us in life class family and friends okay good so that's an important one right the reason okay now attendees so who is involved in studying abroad or locally okay so when you think about attendees think about people this is just your notes and entities okay so this is where you'd want to say this specific University okay so what would be a university in the u.s. some of you are writing ACCA at the UK but let's let's go with one in the u.s. so let's go with MIT okay the Institute of Technology it's one of the best ones in the world so you're learning at MIT sure who else is involved mit engineering sure and who else is involved who else is involved family teachers friends that's right so fam friend teacher homestay if you're doing homestay parents sure that could be another one right okay so those are the people involved now the activities okay what are the activities alright and it might seem funny because if you're sitting the IELTS exam in your own country and this is something that will happen in the future it hasn't happened yet but hey the examiner doesn't know that right it's possible that you went you came back and you decided to do it differently right so who knows that the examiner will judge you as long as you're using past tense okay so the activities would be exams right visa you definitely does student visa to get it as well admission okay better education good okay so travel all right okay good and the outcome the experience okay so a little bit on that so the outcome and the experience couple of notes for outcome and the experience okay there now see you have a lot of good ideas around it this is already giving a an indication that you've picked a good topic okay so culture shock yeah lonely excited okay so there's a couple of notes there okay good so you're getting these done fast now when you have picked a good topic you're going to be quick to do this and then you can go to your next step and this is a very important step this will be our step for now is write down your first sentence okay very important so when the examiner says please begin speaking you can start right away with an accurate sentence alright so give me your first sentence give me your first sentence okay that you can start with here all right give me your first sentence and for your first sentence it's always a good idea to refer back to the topic statement talk about an important choice that you had to make in your life so Zen says I chose to pursue my postgraduate degree in computer science at MIT in 2019 okay so one of the most important decisions I ever had to make right kuru says leading my hometown of my family to study abroad could have being one of the most vital decisions that I've made in my life in 2019 after I got my passport good Carew's good start watch your grammar students this is where you want to do a lot of repetition pea bucks says I would like to talk about a life-changing decision of mine which paved the way for my bike food future studying in the u.s. pea don't want to like to talk about it you have to talk about it it's the assignment so just start more directly pea so a life-changing decision which paved the road for a bright future for me was studying abroad in the u.s. in 2019 of January okay so very directly pea okay maka says last summer my professor suggested for me to continue my studies at MIT which brought about the most important decision that I ever made in 2019 so maka get right into answering the question it's very important for the examiners to hear you directly answer the question in your first sentence okay super super important business has 12 months ago when I finished secondary school in Bulgaria I chose to continue my education in either Bulgaria or the US and this was one of my most important decisions so far in my life yeah so emphasize the topic statement students in that first response in that first sentence okay it's very important very very important okay emphasize the topic statement in your opening sentence super important okay so one of the most important and difficult decisions I've ever had to make in my life was just this past year when I graduated school and I was thinking about studying at my local university or going abroad to MIT okay so again use the topic and reveal the direction of your response right away repeat after me one of the most important and difficult decisions I've ever had to make in my life was just this past year when I graduated school and I was thinking about studying at my local university or going abroad to MIT okay most people will know MIT so you don't have to explain it there all right so you open with that and now you're ready to continue on all right so of course you're following the logic of your notes and of the elements that we discussed so the first is the reason right so here we have the time January 19th and then we have the reason abroad better education culture and English home it's cheaper half the cost and you have your friends and family to support you so give me the next sentences that follow here okay so give me the next sentences and I promise to read the responses of different students so what do you think would be some good ideas to include here revealing the reasons for this decision okay so Nick ham says I remember it was June when I unexpectedly got 7.5 in the IELTS pace has two years back just after graduating I had to choose between studying in my country of Bangladesh or MIT in the US which was really challenging for me okay pea that's a good opening sentence so now we're looking for the following sentences here students and of course you're thinking of the reasons for this choice okay the reasons for the choice so keep going I don't want to spoil it for you I want you to tell me what you think would make sense here timoni says I chose to change my major in 2019 I'm not sure where you're going with that Tom Aneesh but if you keep going maybe it will make more sense Thanh we see says none Dean says this choice had been unexpectedly hard since I had to choose between either better education or to live closer to my family very good Tom me see nice okay that works all right Sarah deep says the choice was a really confusing one Charlie said and says actually my professor encouraged me to study abroad luckily I got band aid in IELTS which was good enough okay say he says although studying at home is cheaper I had to choose MIT because of its high educational quality okay good Rajveer Singh says it was an important decision at the time as I just graduated and I was looking for options for my post graduation okay Kash Hall says for me choosing the US for my degree was the best I ever made okay you're far ahead they're crucial you're jumping towards experience and the challenge Co shawl is that if you say that now what's going to happen is you're going to start repeating yourself and oftentimes when students talk about their experience how they felt about their decision so early then they just keep repeating and it was a really good choice I'm very happy about the decision that I made it was the greatest choice of my life and it's like okay okay but you're just repeating so you want to follow the steps of the time the reason the attendees and at the end you want to get into your feeling about it and so on okay so that you avoid repetition okay so I would write here something like since I had been an a top student in my school MIT gave me conditional acceptance into their engineering program and of course as one of the top schools in the world not only would my learning be outstanding but I would also where I could also gain valuable cultural and language experience on the other hand I also I knew that this meant both leaving my family behind and having to pay at least twice as much for school not to mention living expenses okay so that would be talking about the reasons for this difficult and important decision and what you're choosing between so want to repeat after me again students lots of practice years to repeat after me one of the most important and difficult decisions I've ever had to make in my life was just this past year when I graduated from school and I was thinking about studying at my local university or going abroad to MIT since I had been a top student in my school MIT gave me a conditional acceptance into their engineering program and of course as one of the top schools in the world not only would my learning be outstanding but I could also gain valuable cultural and language experience on the other hand I knew that this meant both leaving my family behind and having to pay at least twice as much for school not to mention living expenses all right okay so let's keep going give me some more information here give me some more information okay so mmm nevertheless okay give me your sentence this year I'm gonna write a little bit students to move the class along but I want you to give me your sentences as well how would you continue from here okay how would you continue from here so nevertheless all right let's see Rahul Preet says after receiving counseling from my parents and teachers who pushed me to pursue my education in the u.s. I agreed very nice Rahul Preet Raul Preet you wrote almost exactly what I wrote but in your own words that's fantastic okay big Haim says after lots of thinking as well as considering many aspects I had decided to study abroad in the US as I can get more benefits while studying at MIT rather than staying at my local school okay very good nickname what are those benefits right a better job higher salary more international experience that's exciting use the notes use the questions but you're definitely on the right track and they came very very good okay very very nice well done well done good students when we're kind of reading each other's minds it means that you're doing a good job okay all right let's see Thanh wissy says nevertheless after some convincing and gaining my parents support I had grant gone abroad for my education I was very excited to go to a very good school but a bit sad to leave my family behind now yeah that's good Thanh me see if you're in this IELTS exam talking to the examiner of course and you haven't yet gone to MIT you can say that I'm currently taking this exam to pass the language requirement for MIT so you're still in the process but you already made the decision to go to MIT right so the decision is done so it could easily be that you're still in the process to carry out the steps necessary for this decision as well right okay we haven't gotten to that part yet now if I'm stuck then this is where I want to look at the cards okay and look at my notes so look at the card and look at the notes make sure that you're answering all the questions on the card okay so what do I need what are my requirements exams visa travel okay those are my requirements what are my feelings that I'm worried about culture shock being lonely but at the same time I'm kind of excited as well so that's great so here I look at the card make sure that I'm nailing all of the questions so I can get a full mark for this whether you made a good choice how you felt when you were making the choice okay I don't think we've answered those clearly yet so let's do those using the last pit bit of notes okay so and you can continue like this I'm currently in the process of managing all of the requirements to fulfill this choice such as sitting this IELTS exam right now and I'm not totally sure yet whether or not I've made the right choice I am sure that time will tell this is a nice expression for you so I am sure that time will tell time will tell means time will reveal this initially I felt very nervous and excited to make this decision recently I've been feeling a bit anxious about becoming homesick but I'm sure that this will be a great adventure or let's use a nice expression here will be the adventure of a lifetime and I don't regret choosing to study in the u.s. rather than here okay so there is our completed answer more or less students and I know many of you have been working hard to get these ideas out and that's great a lot of you are getting some very synonymous ideas out into the chat as me pooja says despite the financial assistance it was quite challenging for me to mingle with the crowd in fact there were times I sat isolated with just my diary's as days went things were not as bad as I had expected that's good pooja so you're discussing it as if it's a past event okay all right good I'm talking about the decision as a past event but the actual event of studying in the u.s. hasn't happened yet in my case okay all right so let's look at the question one more time make sure that we tackle it and answer all of the elements of the question here it is so talk about an important choice that you had to make in your life when you made this choice what you had to choose between whether you made a good choice how you felt when you were making the choice here is the answer the examiner says okay you're two minutes begins now please begin speaking let's start speaking repeat after me one of the most important and difficult decisions I've ever had to make in my life was just this past year when I graduated school and I was thinking about studying at my local university or going abroad to MIT since I'd been a top student in my school MIT gave me a conditional acceptance into their engineering program and of course as one of the top schools in the world not only would my learning be outstanding but I could also gain valuable cultural and language experience on the other hand I knew that this meant both leaving my family behind and having to pay at least twice as much for school not to mention living expenses nevertheless thinking about my bright future I decided to pursue MIT in order to achieve this goal I had to search for a homestay family in the US and explain my plans to my parents siblings and Friends this was very emotional and challenging I'm currently in the process of managing all of the requirements to fulfill this choice such as sitting this IELTS exam right now and I'm not totally sure yet whether or not I've made the right decision I am sure that time will tell initially I felt very nervous and excited to make this choice recently I've been feeling a bit anxious about becoming homesick but I'm sure that this will be the adventure of a lifetime and I don't regret choosing to study in the US rather than here and roughly there the examiner will say okay your two minutes is up please pass back the card and now we will continue with part three part three I will ask you some more questions related to the topic of part two and part three will be tomorrow students at this time so speaking part three questions related to the topic of part to make sure you're in tomorrow's class for those part three questions we're get into them in more detail pay I'm glad you like that students if you enjoyed this class you want lots more HD videos do yourself a favor spend a few dollars money well invested join the Premium Package at AE help calm for academic IELTS ng Al's help calm for general outs that's it for me for today much love to all of you stay healthy stay strong I'm Adrian signing out from Budapest bye for now everyone
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: qlkfJkiaieg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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