IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Winning Strategy

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest I hope everybody is having a fantastic a week so far in this class we are looking at the speaking section specifically part 2 the cue card the long response section I love Jima High satisfying times hi Marisa Karolina good to see you all in class again students this lesson is brought to you by AE help calm that's academic English help calm check us out there for the academic IELTS exam module and for the general check us out at GI e LTS help calm that's general else help calm both of those websites we have over a hundred hours of video lessons covering all sections we have help for speaking and the writing as well as an interactive course and six original practice exams while we wait for students to join up just quickly show you these websites this is our academic web site here with the blue background at AE help calm click that big red button to join and for the general version that go to G IELTS help calm with the green background and click that big red button to get the Premium Package there again students you can download our app from your App Store just download academic IELTS help and again if you have questions you can contact me Adrian at AE help comm classes are according to Central European time for these live classes again 1330 o'clock for members chat classes and 15 o'clock where everybody can chat of course viewers are always welcome so let's take a look at the speaking part two question for today so again the speaking section has three parts for part 1 the examiner will just ask you some questions to get to know you a little bit better some questions on a general topic that will take about five minutes six minutes you will hear roughly six seven questions always answer those in full sentences use the questions in your answers to stay on target give examples and explanations iowa's hi Russian II get to see more members in the class and then once the examiners through part one they will say all right that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two here's a card with some questions here's some note paper and here's a pencil you will have one minute to look at the card think about your answers take notes in the 1 minute if you wish and then you will have 2 minutes to speak I will tell you when to start when to stop are you ready when you respond by yes I am ready let's do this so you turn over the card and on the card you see this ok and Rohan TV 99 yeah you're in the right place we're looking at speaking strategy today for cue card part 2 so you turn over the card and you see this card what do you do first what's your first step so as soon as you turn over the card what should be your first step step numero uno step number one should always be wow that new and says read the question that makes sense can you give me a little bit more detail about that violet so read the question carefully yes satisfying time says carefully but uses carefully and what we mean by that okay by carefully is it's a good idea to read the question topic sentence twice okay let me even bold that for you kaboom twice okay so what do I mean by that I mean when you read this question this part of the question read this part of the question twice so talk about a time when you had to give a formal complaint so that's one okay let's read it again talk about a time when you had to give a formal complaint that's twice all right now when I read this okay I should notice a couple of important points right away what should I notice so what should I immediately keep in mind when I read this sentence roshni says will right away we notice that it's past tense okay absolutely so right away we notice it's past tense okay that's one good point to notice what else should I notice right away so yes it's a past event so I have to use the past event it's an event it's a first-person yep very good so using I you're not talking about talk about times when people have to give formal complaints that would be off-topic sugan dica says it's a formal question very good sue gundica so sue Gandhi kakari is paying attention to the adjectives in the question which is really good okay so not just a complaint you're not just complaining about a situation or an occurrence but it's a formal complaint okay that's very important if you're just talking about all there was the time I really had to complain but you're not emphasizing the concept of formal complaint then you're off topic so pay close attention to those adjectives okay so it's a formal complaint very good so all of these elements must be considered in your response in order to get a truly good band score very good alright so this is why my first tip to you students today is for step one read the question carefully it's a good idea to read the topic sentence twice so you can get these key pieces of information right away it's past tense it's first-person it's a formal complaint it's not just a complaint okay don't rush through that part of the question okay so then we read the other parts of the question with a card when was it why did you need to make the complaint what did you do to complain what happened in the end and how did you feel about it so definitely there's two questions here okay so all together we have one two three four five questions that we have to respond to very good now step two what should I consider and I practice this at home so step two I've read the question I paid attention what's my next step what do I do next I've identified that there are five questions to answer sure so roshni says think about your answer okay think about a few different occasions that's gonna be step three okay sometimes I skip step two I know and that's probably why you're not referring to step two step two is identify that it's an event it's an event oh you need to talk about time location people right so you need to talk about the time the location the people and what okay there's one more here I know that most of you will think about time location and people but what other element do you need okay Juan Pablo says visualize the circumstance yeah whenever you're thinking of there you go pretty very good pretty seen how or member says think about your activities your actions yeah okay this one is super important and it's the one that many students forget to focus on when you're talking about an event don't just think about the people and the location and the time but think about what happened there okay so what happened there and then maybe your opinion if you include all of this information you will be on the right track okay all right now step three is identify two or three easy and unique possible responses and choose the best one practice this at home because this has to be fast okay when you're in the exam alright so what are some common situations where we need to make a formal complaint okay so chubby says complain about an application complain about information in a newspaper okay application information in newspaper all right what else do you have I think that's a little bit unique online shopping I love the one that I just saw come up by Karolina lost luggage excellent brilliant thinking Carol you know lost luggage okay chubby says hotel room what about the hotel room okay you might want to think about that the hotel room is a it's good but it's a little bit tricky because you have to think about what is the problem with the hotel room okay work situation okay instead of work situation so when you have an idea like something at work okay and I think somebody said salary deduction charlie-san it's not bad what could be another one for work situation that could be unique and easy to talk about what would be another one lost phone Calvin possibly see Tiki says poor patient care at the hospital that's a good one as well that could be a little bit tricky to talk about Harpreet says restaurant service it's a very good one okay so bad restaurant service yeah and yeah Hugh Newman says Co bad co-worker sure okay service at a train station sure all right very good so let's hypothetically say that you were able to think about all of these which one do you think would be the number-one choice so which would be the best choice here that's kind of unique maybe not everybody's thinking about it and it's fairly easy to talk about even if you have to make up the information which one of these do you think would be the easiest one to discuss for two minutes where you can give lots of new information okay we definitely have a very lopsided approach with lost luggage online shopping is coming up as a strong second it's interesting online shopping could be a bit tricky to find the right vocabulary but lost luggage is definitely a good one so let's go with lost luggage okay most of us have some experience with that or many of us and definitely a situation where we make a formal complaint you can't really just run around and scream your head off that doesn't really get you anywhere so let's talk about lost luggage all right so step number four is what so i've identified my topic i know that i'm talking about an event i read over the question carefully a couple of times now what do i do murasa says ready the first sentence karolina says before we do that let's take some valuable notes yes yeah valuable meaning useful notes okay Step five murasa will be ready your first sentence okay but first let's take some valuable notes so when you're taking your notes do take a peek at the card okay so when was it I did you need to make the complaint what did you do to complain okay so all of these points what happened in the end how did you feel about it so let's go through that so give me some notes what would be some useful notes to write down on your piece of paper when discussing your lost luggage complaint okay give me some ideas so these are notes that you can use that you can actually look at during your speaking to help you expand hmm just breed don't preload idioms onto your sheet because that will not help you just breathe says write down some idioms I don't recommend that that could actually lead to problems okay so roshni says read Samsonite luggage with silver handle sure yeah describe the object that's clever okay let's see what else okay three months Spain I like that hobby yep sure so again helping you to expand give some ideas okay Karolina says Buenos Aires Colombia December 2018 good okay sugan dica says documents so what else might you have so you have documents roshni says 3:00 p.m. okay job E says Heathrow Airport okay and he then says blue tiger keychain Santa says laptop credit cards and keys camera clothing good okay sue 40 120 100 says Airlines name that's a good idea name it what's the airline okay what is the airline let's just pick one United Airlines sure okay all right don't forget your other questions so you're thinking about the situation in the item think about your other questions as well why did you need to make the complaint what did you do to plane okay so think about some notes you should have a couple of notes for each of these remember you only have a minute so you need to have notes for each of those questions okay when was it that's clear why did you need to make the complaint we have some responses there okay or we might want to add more there what did you do to complain okay so what did you do to complain give me some notes for that okay so hikmah tillow says fill out a form sure what else online email murasa says okay airport staff yeah very good okay helpdesk su 41:21 good all right so that's some good vocabulary okay next one what happened in the end give me one or two notes for that really quickly what happened in the end okay again make sure if you do if you don't think of a couple ideas or notes for each of these then often students will get stuck for ideas and they get frustrated and they don't get task completion they start losing marks okay soma-rasa CEO probably not okay chief executive officer of an airline would not be involved in lost luggage so careful don't overstate yourself okay so Maru so the word is resolved problem in 24 hours okay resolved in 24 hours sugan dica says got luggage how did you get the luggage we don't want to write words like got luggage because that's easy you'll be able to think about that okay okay so got luggage so luggage delivered to hotel maybe yeah that there you go na that's what they usually do they deliver to your address okay all right good maybe you got compensation okay you don't need to write this much but just so you see what I'm discussing here so maybe you got a little bit of money to help buy some clothes so you can at least get a change of clothes while you wait for your luggage to be delivered to your hotel room that's possible okay you're happy to have your belongings good you have in what that's about all the time you have to take notes so maybe a little bit less maybe a little bit more depending on your English skills okay always take notes in so a couple of important points here always take notes in English remember the students that high band candidates will think and use English only in the IELTS exam okay I don't really ever meet with students who use their own language in the IELTS exam in any section including the speaking and get over band 7 so that probably gives you an idea of the band level difference so bands under band 7 yes I see students writing notes and other languages and thinking and using their own language to help them out but for students who are scoring band 7 or higher I basically never see them using their own language so they're thinking and using English throughout the exam including for their notes ok so take notes in English keep your mind in English remember interestingly my major was psychology in school and I learned about this that when we use different languages we use different parts of our brain so it doesn't really make logical sense to use a different language when you're doing an English exam ok you need to use that part of your brain so keep that in mind okay so always take notes in English and your notes should be ideas and not phrases or idioms to use okay so you shouldn't preload phrases or idioms to use in your response those 99% of the time come across awkwardly so don't preload phrases or idioms to use your notes should be ideas that you can integrate into your response okay so think in English and integrate ideas not idioms okay now step five is have your first sentence ready so no matter how many notes you have you should always have your first sentence ready to go so that you can maximize your speaking time okay you must maximize you're speaking time and start with an accurate response okay so reading your first sentence is extremely important okay it's one of the best tips I can give you to get a better band score on your speaking section is ready your first sentence and for that make sure to use the topic sentence or statement of the question so think about a time when you had to give a formal complaint okay give me your first sentence students so how would you start your response so when the examiner says okay your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking you should literally begin with this sentence you can even read it if it helps that's totally fine okay so Calvin figure says I'd like to talk about the time the airline misplaced my luggage and I had to file a formal complaint okay Calvin not bad watch your grammar and yet you knew in even I'd like to talk about it's not necessary just talk about it you don't need to like to talk about it or want to talk about it just talk about it so a time when I had to go right into it her son says the first time I had to make a formal complaint was in Spain when I lost my North Face backpack before passing passport control okay huh son it's a careful let's try to stay with the luggage but yes you're on the right track huh son okay Preeti says I remember a year ago I filed a complaint against the airport staff because they lost my luggage very good Preeti so that would be a great first sentence okay roshni says oh gosh six months ago I had written a formal form for my lost luggage at Heathrow Airport good roshni appliques in this case is not correct because you're not applying you're complaining you're filling out a form an application is when you are getting a job or going into university and you're applying in this case you're not applying roshan and careful with word choice csabi says a miserable occasion was three months ago when I had to complain about lost luggage at Heathrow Airport very good murasa says last year on the 25th of December I logged a formal complaint at P ia airline for my misplaced luggage very good murasa nice use of quantitative language Shum C Dean Huk Huk Imam says beyond a shadow of a doubt a formal complaint makes up workers more responsible for their jobs some see Dean you are off topic the question is asking about a time when you had to file a formal complaint not about filing formal complaints again you can use all the idioms and vocabulary in the world if you're off topic you will get a low band score be careful students be really careful okay for Dobbs nabiyev says as I remember I had to write an official complaint at Madrid Airport when I visited Spain for my holiday three months ago really good okay so those are really really good all right so of course Heathrow Airport is in London so we'll go London here and we'll begin first sentence not so long ago about three months back on the 20th of August I had to submit an official complaint to United Airlines as they had lost my luggage on my trip from Spain to England all right so it's somewhat similar to what many of you wrote that's my first sentence keep it fairly simple this isn't perhaps a bit complex only do this if you're confident so not so long ago about three months back on the 20th of August I had to submit an official complaint to United Airlines as they had lost my luggage on my trip from Spain to England students again this is speaking so make sure that you repeat repeat repeat repetition is good practice it's not the best but it's good practice so make sure that you repeat okay [Music] next sentence so we'll we're all going to work with this response let's work together use your notes hopefully some of you wrote down those notes so you can check them here they are and give me the next sentence so what can I follow with okay so I opened up with this sentence now I need to continue all right give me the next sentence and then later on students later in the day you can try this part to response on your own again make sure to use your notes okay one very common mistake that I see many students make is they take some great notes and then they don't use them maybe because they're nervous or they've completely just forgotten that they've taken notes but the don't use the notes and that's not a good idea you should use the card and your notes during your speaking to help you be more fluent and coherent okay so give me the next sentence what happened what did you do where did you go so Calvin figure says the luggage contained not consistent Calvin the luggage contained a lot of important documents as well as my passport sure that works some seating says there was a strange situation which was embarrassing for me I'm not sure how that connects to this okay Cintiq he says the luggage contained my clothes laptop and food I don't know about food Cintiq you're not supposed to take food across borders so much but maybe he had some souvenirs that you were bringing for friends and family okay and he says why don't give some background I'd gone to London for a vacation and to my horror I didn't have my luggage at 3 a.m. when it was chilly outside all right any not bad just careful not to go into very rich story it's not a two minute response but a thirty minutes bedtime story for children so careful any don't go too far off topic Joby says what happened is that they probably mixed up my luggage with someone else on the airplane and another passenger took mine by mistake okay choppy again you're going into some dangerous waters with that kind of detail you might get yourself into trouble explaining what actually happened while still making sure to answer all of the questions on the card okay Hassan says it was a leather bag I bought it from Amazon for 250 bucks and included in my job contract the next month invoice and a sub contract for the company again huh son it's not really it's too much too much information for two minutes it's it's off-topic okay hick Mattila says when I was in the airport waiting for the plane landing my luggage contains some luxury things that I had to keep carefully all right stop yeah many of you are sitting let's talk about the luggage contained okay so it was a red Samsonite bag with a silver handle and contained some important documents as well as my laptop and some clothes importantly there were some souvenirs also that I had brought back from Madrid for my friends and family okay so the contents of the luggage kick all right after getting off the plane I went to the luggage carousel to pick up my bag and after standing there for nearly a half hour I realized that it was missing okay so this sentence students after getting off the plane I went to the luggage carousel to pick up my bag and after standing there for nearly half an hour I realized that it was missing that's where visualization comes in so that's where you need to actually see what you're doing so you should see yourself sitting on the plane you should see yourself getting off the plane you should see yourself standing at the luggage carousel okay luggage carousel is that that place in the airport where you see all of the bags going around and around on that metal conveyor belt okay and that's called your luggage carousel it's a good piece of vocabulary to note okay and then you're standing there standing there and you realize that it's missing okay that's usually where people realize this alright so far so good again repeat after me students so not so long ago about three months back on the 20th of August I had to submit an official complaint to United Airlines as they had lost my luggage on my trip from Spain to England it was a red Samsonite bag with a silver handle and contains some important documents as well as my laptop and some clothes importantly there were some souvenirs also that I had brought back from Madrid for friends and family after getting off the plane I went to the luggage carousel to pick up my bag and after standing there for nearly half an hour I realized that it was missing okay now continue with the next sentence okay what's the next sentence came Calvin says I was a little scared and confused so I directly contacted the airport police to file a complaint and give all the required details Calvin that's good okay that works Santosh Jun Jun says when I went to Spain for three months on vacation I lost my luggage at Heathrow Airport the carrier was United Airlines ok Santosh I think you're a little bit back in the speaking ok heartbeat says I was nervous yes you're feeling okay Charlie senses I immediately ran for the help desk and talked to a receptionist sure yeah sue says I panicked and looked around for a bit and then headed to the helpdesk to file a complaint right yeah so most many of us might panic a little bit okay ajit says I was scared and I went to the passenger care center to complain about my luggage ajit good Ajit don't use the word however there's no opposite or contrast here Joby says a friend of mine advised me to talk to the police at the airport and they directed me to the Lost and Found services where I had to fill out a complaint form sure okay so me I ran to the United Airlines help desk talked to receptionist and she gave me a form to fill out and file a formal complaint ok students be really attentive for using the topic of the cue card in your response that will help your examiner to make note of oh they're being coherent they're talking about the correct topic so it's a really good idea to once or twice use the actual topic the formal complaint in your response ok that's a big tip for you to make sure that you're getting the best band score possible okay in your part to cue card response be sure to reflect and state the topic of the card at least twice ok so here the example is formal complaint so I want to use the words formal complaint or some form of that like complaining formally submitting an official criticism or review so some form of it you should include at least a couple times so that the examiner says okay good I can see that this student is really talking about the right topic all right so make sure to do that okay so immediately I ran to the United Airlines help desk and talk to receptionist and she gave me a form to fill out a formal complaint then I went home disappointed about the turn of events even though the receptionist had reassured me that the luggage would be found I was skeptical and had a poor night's sleep to my surprise the next day and then you can continue my sentence okay so again visualizing further of course you're not going to hang around at the airport waiting for your luggage they're going to give you a case number or case ID a file number and then send you on your way so what happens you go home you're disappointed about what happened even though the receptionist is being confident and reassuring it means they're saying hey it'll be okay don't worry about it this happens all the time the luggage will turn up the luggage will be found I was skeptical skeptical means I didn't really believe it okay anonymous says doubtful doubtful is another word for skeptical and had a poor night's sleep of course your luggage just went missing keep visualizing you're turning and tossing in your bed you're disappointed all of your belongings are gone and then to my surprise the next day and continued my sentence to my surprise the next day what okay what happened the next day so for dodge says the next day my the luggage was delivered to my home with compensation for $100 very good for dogs excellent that's exactly what I was thinking shoe bomb says they called me in the morning and told me that the luggage is found and I could pick it up in the evening and he says my luggage arrived without any damage and a cash cart of a hundred dollars as help an apology from the airline very good any absolutely very good okay I see some other similar answers coming up excellent so to my surprise the next day the luggage my luggage was delivered to my home with all of its contents as well as $100 Visa gift card and an apology note from the airline good okay am I done so should I just be like okay I'm finished and then just stop talking and wait for the examiner to stop me and say okay that's the end of your two minutes let's continue on with part three I see a couple of sharpnose coming up for table says no no no murasa says no so what do I do at this point so here I have my visualization kind of stops here right oh my luggage arrived everything is hunky-dory I'm super happy and chipper and it's a great day raza says read the card look at the card very good advice merasa a lot of students because they're so confident in their answer and they're feeling good that they forget they haven't answered all the questions on the card so tip look at the cue card before you stop talking make sure that you have answered all of the questions on the card okay that's really important if you miss some questions even if you have done a good job you're not going to get full marks you have to answer all of the questions on the card so did I do that have I done that okay have I answered all of these questions Miraz is his answer that last question you're very welcome hikmah till oh I'll put you why do we make the complaint I think that's clear in our answer because they lost our luggage okay so fur table says I had found myself super excited and I went to the nearest restaurant to use the hundred dollars to eat something delicious and celebrate the return of my luggage for doves I love it it's a brilliant answer and it's that kind of thinking and response that will get you those high band scores very good for doves excellent okay so this last part here how did you feel about it really good and I love for doves how you took the creativity to stay that you even use that hundred dollars to celebrate the return of your luggage okay very good it's a all's well that ends well happy ending pachoo yeah absolutely so so in the end I felt s ecstatic that I had gotten back my bag and I took my family out to a restaurant with the gift card to celebrate this fortunate turn of events alright fantastic now if you still have some more time you can elaborate on some parts in the future I will make sure to put an identifying marker on my luggage so that it's not taken by someone else or you can just fill in some more spaces there okay my laptop was really important for me as it contained work contract so it was especially good that I got the luggage back as soon as I did to be in work the next day so you can keep expanding on points but make sure to answer all of the questions in the first 80 seconds of your response time all right let's go through this one more time together here we go again practice your English repeat after me nice and loud not so long ago about three months back on the 20th of August I had to some official complaint to United Airlines as they had lost my luggage on my trip from Spain to England it was a red Samsonite bag with a silver handle and contains some important documents as well as my laptop and some clothes importantly there were some souvenirs also that I had brought back from Madrid for my friends and family after getting off the plane I went to the luggage carousel to pick up my bag and after standing there for nearly half an hour I realized that it was missing immediately I ran to the United Airlines help desk and talk to receptionist and she gave me a form to fill out and file the formal complaint then I went home disappointed about the turn of events even though the receptionist had reassured me that the luggage would be found I was skeptical and had a poor night's sleep to my surprise the next day my luggage was delivered to my home with all of it content as well as $100 Visa card and an apology note from the airline in the end I felt ecstatic that I had gotten back my bag and I took my family out to restaurant with the gift card to celebrate this fortunate turn of events again students remember that for success in part two you have to follow strategy and technique you cannot just wing it okay you cannot just fly by the seat of your pants that means be spontaneous okay you have to have strategy step one read the question carefully read the topic sentence twice identify key parts of the question step two figure out if it's an event place person idea or a location step three think about a couple of different possible choices don't just go with the first idea that comes to mind it might not be a good one all right write useful notes notes that you can use to elaborate and give details think of quantitative information step 5 have your first sentence ready that's very very important all right students that's it for this original cue card part 2 response for lots more videos sample speaking interviews with different band scores no advertising HD quality check us out at AE help comm join our premium package there and for general IELTS G IELTS help comm join us there hopefully I will see all of you tomorrow for now I wish you a great rest of your day or a great night and a restful sleep much love to all of you bye from now for now from Budapest
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: 5XqcVVLkbz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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