IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Adventure

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hi everyone and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I am streaming to you beautiful people from Budapest in Hungary near the Danube River I hope that everybody is having a great week so far hi clever good to see you in the class Saima but you welcome this class this lesson is brought to you by AE help calm for the academic IELTS 6 practice exams over a hundred hours of video lessons as well as a fully interactive course check us out at academic English help calm and for the general version of the test do check out G IELTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm where we also have many many videos practice exams and more to help you get those better band scores download our app academic IELTS help link the app with your website account learn from the app learn from the website same account learn from the most advanced online IELTS learning software hello everyone joining in good to see you all this is our academic website at AE help dog comm click that red button to join us there and this is our general website here with the green background click that red button to join us there if you have questions comments concerns about our products or the exam send us an email Adrian ABR I am at AE help calm now in this class we are focusing on speaking part 2 cue card and well look at the cue card in just a moment so in this speaking section of the it takes about 14 15 minutes and even if you have amazing English skills the cue card is one part of the speaking exam that you have to practice before you sit your IELTS and the reason why is because it's unnatural okay we don't get a card given to us on the street or in school or at work by our colleague or friend or some stranger and says here here's a card with some questions you've got one minute to read the card and after that you've got two minutes to answer okay go so that doesn't happen in everyday life and even very well-spoken native English speakers would have difficulty if they were surprised by such a odd question on the street while crossing the crosswalk by a stranger okay so you really have to practice these cue cards before you sit your IELTS exam and you have to time yourself so in the beginning it's okay if you're not using a stopwatch or the stopwatch app on your phone but after you do practice a few times start timing yourself so time your one-minute note-taking preparation time your 2 minutes speaking Gurjeet I'm doing very well back Mirada there's a dog back hi to you as well good evening again on each good to see many students so again focus on these points now when you are practicing your cue card part 2 at home how should you choose what topics and which cards to practice I think some of you might know what I'm getting at might know the answer to this that's why I'm asking you so when you're at home how should you choose like okay I'm gonna do this one today this one tomorrow this one later today so how should choose is a very very important question for your speaking confidence and band score okay so how should you choose which let's do that in big letters which cue cards to practice for your weeks leading or during your weeks a little bit better English during your weeks leading up to your IELTS exam this is a very good question to ask okay so okay John you will not be able to guess what is coming satisfying times as a familiar subject but you says people places I think those are the most popular and then objects events and ideas but you you are on the right track yeah absolutely so that's what I was getting at ok so the cue cards in the official IELTS exam remember this you will get a topic about either one a person to a place 3 an object for an event or five an idea okay so your cue card will deal with one of these five no surprise I mean we've pretty much covered just about any topic that you can speak of so either a person place object event or an idea and each one of these five has some basic rules on how to talk about the okay so for example when you talk about a person okay it's not what we're doing today but just an example so when you talk about a person you talk about their appearance what they look like so we can imagine them just one or two sentences you talk about their actions so what these people do and their personality or I should say personality and their actions so they're kind they help children okay they're hard-working they work six days a week 12 hours a day at the office alright so that's how you talk about a person now you don't know which one you're going to get so put you one of our students who is frequently in classes I think that person in place are the most common but they're not okay they're about equal balanced so maybe person maybe is a little bit more popular but to be on the safe side I would say that each of these is about 25% probability okay so it could be a person or twenty percent okay so it could be a person it could be a place it could be an object it's all twenty twenty twenty roughly twenty twenty percent okay so keep in mind that you need to practice each one of these because if you're always practicing talking about a person before your exam and then suddenly you get a topic that's an event you might find yourself really lost and you might be like well what what so don't get into that situation okay practice each of them equally know how to talk about each one of these well all right so that's how you should spend your time oh and by the way sometimes student like oh my friend told me that on their last exam they they they talked about a person in part two so I'm sure that next time it has to be maybe a place or an object maybe an event no definitely not it could be a person and then the next exam it could be a person again okay all right so let's get into today's specific card here we go many people dream of having an adventure step number one is always read the card carefully word by word visualize pay attention to the tens the grammar talk about an exciting adventure you would like to go on if you have the chance what's the grammar here so the introduction to the topic this is very important on the card sometimes it's just very short sometimes it's a couple sentences like this what is the grammar of this okay it's a so you have to combine suka Raj Singh and putana J with Karolina here but Shu has the complete answer here it's a future conditional right so we're talking about a possible future event okay so here it's future plus condition right talk about an exciting adventure you would like to go on if you have the chance now so that's your grammar what is the qualifier for the adventure topic Adventure what's the qualifier for the topic so what defines the topic think about adjectives here okay so this is what you want to realize very quickly as you read this card so the grammar is future condition you need to use that obviously in your response you're talking about an adventure in the future that you would like to go on what is the qualifier but you don't paraphrase yeah just give me the direct word that they're using exactly so Gio Ming says it has to be exciting okay so that's important maybe some of you will intrinsically that means intrinsically means naturally or from within in trinsic you might think about an adventure that's exciting but the student who will actually voice clearly literally that this would be a very fun exciting adventure we'll get a better band score okay so it is an exciting adventure alright so keep these in mind these are all important points when you read the introduction to the cue card okay talk about not just an adventure so the exam and as the exam makers wrote exciting adventure you would like to go on if you have the chance okay good so we read the rest of the card where would you go who would you go with what would you do what would make this adventure exciting and memorable okay so exciting is in there again and then we have a little a bit more with memorable okay Daniel you don't have to use accents just speak natural okay just speak natural all right so so far so good now what are we talking about here so I told you that it could be a person a place and object and event or an idea so here which one is it one two three four or five what are we talking about satisfying time says we're talking about a place or an event yeah we're talking about an event plus a place absolutely mostly we're talking about an event so keep it simple I know that these aren't always mutually exclusive they can be mutually inclusive but mostly we're talking about an event and when we talk about an event we talk about its location the time it happened or the time it happens attendees okay so who is there all right it's significance so why is this event important and you talk about its importance to you if they ask you okay if it's about you okay all right so so far so good we have that it's an event we know what we need to include to make this a complete answer and then we think about some possible choices okay always think about a few choices so this is a very important step then choose the best one best one means that it's somewhat unique and easy to talk about okay so give me some give me some choices so what would be an adventure that you would like to go on that would be exciting and memorable for you be creative okay so satisfying times says hiking in the Amazon safari in Alaska okay Kleber says Disneyland all right Sudan shoe says river rafting in himachal okay Vanessa says a bungee jumping all right C oming saying says parachuting from an airplane so here C oming make sure you know the vocabulary that you're going to choose you're talking about skydiving okay so parachuting from an airplane is skydiving all right Joe and Jesse says visiting Paris city of love I don't know Joanne if that is an exciting adventure all right Yvonne says a popular rock concert again Yvonne in a foreign country that might be difficult okay so Kleber you should definitely choose one that you have the vocabulary for just fear says racing a Formula One car johan says walking in a jungle you mean hiking in a jungle like hiking in the Amazon okay possible how about sailing around the world Kim that could be another one yeah all right [Music] climbing I'm surprised nobody said this we have a lot of students in the region climbing Mount Everest in the Himalayas okay really surprised nobody said that oh he go early Teague I like it it's one of my hobbies is Sir fing so big wave surfing in Hawaii okay we have lots o Hawaii yep been there done that okay so we have some great ideas sometimes it's tricky students to think of ideas sometimes it's easy I can feel that for this question many of you are getting surge of ideas and you're getting a lot of different ideas so here the trick is you have to control your mind don't let your mind slip away with too many ideas try to focus on one or two which of these do you think is the best choice so we have hiking in the Amazon Safari visiting Disneyland river rafting bungee jumping skydiving sailing around the world lots of interesting adventures here climbing Mount Everest in the Himalayas big wave surfing in Hawaii so which of these do you think is going to be a unique answer that you're going to be able to speak about well okay so John Dylan says river rafting game over says I think climbing Mount Everest is the best one Kleber says visiting Disneyland is easy to develop Charlie says maybe river rafting in himachal is okay shaheed is the second one to agree that Mount Everest might be the easiest one dealing with nature okay Scottie Owen says all of them are difficult hahaha okay so here we go this is my thought on all of these okay I think hiking in the Amazon is a really good choice I think that could be an exciting adventure and you could talk a lot about the jungle the animals the rainforest and it could be exciting dangerous a little bit safari in Alaska if you know about Alaska sure visiting Disneyland no ok if I'm the examiner this would be a popular answer and perhaps it's rehearsed by the student so I don't suggest visiting Disneyland I think a lot of people choose Disneyland for many answers so you have to be really careful when you choose Disneyland if somebody asks you a theme park where you want to go have fun maybe choose Disneyland but for an exciting adventure be careful okay Disneyland might be a very popular choice that many people have rehearsed before the exam so the examiner might be a little bit like I hope this isn't gonna be some memorized poetry by the student because I can't give you a good band score okay river rafting in himachal that sounds fantastic I think that's a very good choice as well bungee jumping might be a little bit tricky to talk about skydiving also if you've never done it a lot of unique words as well sailing around the world may be a little bit tricky as well climbing Mount Everest in the Himalayas I think that would be a fantastic choice okay and big wave surfing in Hawaii could be a really good choice as well make sure you don't choose something too crazy I saw I think it was Carolina that says walking on the moon I think that would be a little bit too extreme to discuss clearly okay so I don't recommend it Juan Pablos is skydiving skydiving is okay I've done it definitely a great adventure and if you know about it then then sure now if you've had an adventure like if you have done skydiving or if you have climbed mountains then you can choose that one and pretend like you never talked about it pretend like it never happened and talk about it as if it's something you want to do in the future okay so that's a good trick for speaking section - all right this is a good little trick so I'll keep that in mind why because we probably talked about it lots to our friends or families so we know a lot about it okay so this is a little trick alright you could choose an idea or an event that you have experienced and talk about it like you never did it but you would want to in the future you likely have good information and vocabulary for such an event alright but we're not going to do that we're going to pick climbing Mount Everest for today the choice is you can try some of the other ones later students and send your responses to me and mp3 recordings but for today we're gonna do climb Mount Everest okay so we want to get our first sentence ready and we want to take some notes so give me some notes okay that you would write down and I'm picking Mount Everest because I hope to teach you some vocabulary as well so what would be some notes that you can write for this choice so you go okay I'm going to talk about a Mount Everest adventure what would be in my notes that I can actually use during my speech so I got about 30 40 seconds to write down my notes I used the first 15 seconds to think of this idea to plan it out okay so roshni says I need funding and training for six months sure Hassan says highest peak how high is it remember that quantitative language soma-rasa says I have to make a plan yep smog says it's 8,848 meters and it's still-growing yep good so use that quantitative language and she says it's high I love it okay so satisfying time says frostbite it's not cold bites satisfying times but good try it's called frostbite so one word yeah one word frostbite frostbite is when your fingers your toes freeze and they have to slice them off that's okay Punjab items for the climb so climbing gear Charlie sent says go with my friend let's go with something a little bit more specific best friend who so best friend who who would you go with just name your best friend okay my best friend's name is Corey let's go with that all right and then also explain why okay loves climbing an adventure so think about your detail so think of an idea follow the idea keep going with more ideas all right how do you Peck says it's very expensive you need to pay a lot of money maybe get a guide a Sherpa okay all right how long would it take you yeah Charlie says Sherpa to guide the way sure Prince Daniel super ambitious says three and a half hours okay I think it takes a little bit longer than that to reach the top yeah so how long would it take you to reach the top Smaug that's what I'm asking yeah absolutely okay say three days roughly okay site says take pictures take pics yeah if you're gonna climb to the top of Mount Everest might as well do a selfie when you're up there all right fantastic so you have some really good ideas okay good so this is one way that you know you've chosen a good topic all right so keep this in mind again this is a little bit of a tip or a trick when you're doing this practice at home if you are coming up with ideas for notes quickly and easily you have picked a winning idea for your response the opposite is also true if you're really having difficulty if you're like oh what do I need to say and you can't really write down any ideas then you've probably chosen poorly okay now we do want to get our first sentence ready again remember to look at the introductory sentence or sentences of the card to get your first sentence in mind so many people dream of having an adventure talk about an exciting adventure you would like to go on if you have the chance you're absolutely right Marah so you need to get your first sentence ready so you're fluent and you show the examiner that you're on the topic okay so give me your first sentence here students give me your first sentence okay using that introductory part of the cue card yet Kleber I mean paraphrase the introductory sentence as much as possible but most importantly just have it ready so satisfying times has a mind-blowing trip that I'd go on if I'm fortunate enough to have the time and finances would be climbing the monstrous Mount Everest at a height of 8,848 meters the highest peak in the world also making it the coldest I don't think it's the coldest satisfying times I actually think there is a colder peak in Canada Mount McKinley but it's definitely one of the coldest yeah Charlie says I would like to climb Mount Everest with my best friend Abhishek alright not bad okay Hut he says I'd like to take my water bottle with me as I mentioned in my last part - speaking yes I don't think that's going to happen that situation in the IELTS exam howdy but clever clever alright Vanessa I really like your response you've incorporated the topic sentence nicely so Vanessa says one dream I've had for a long time and I'd like to realize one day is to climb Mount Everest with my best friend Cory yeah so alright that is your band 9 start very good alright so a dream that I've had since my childhood is to go on an incredible adventure with my best friend Cory and climb Mount Everest the highest peak in the world boom right away your examiner goes alright so you obviously read the question correctly you can use present perfect well you're answering directly right away and you are giving me clear direction about what you're going to discuss thank you fantastic fluency check grammar complexity check vocabulary lexical resource check ok accuracy to the question details check all of those are getting checked off all right super so let's continue now students so we're all going to work together to produce this two minute response using our notes and just building sentence by sentence so here we go let's do it together I'm going to read your responses give you feedback and then I'll choose what you are writing to continue on with this part 2 response ok Juan Pablos has a second to none experience I imagine I could have one day would be to climb Mount Everest solo as proof that I am able to get the impossible done by myself Juan Pablo careful the question is who would you go with and if you answer no one that's ok but then make sure to use vocabulary that earns you points and make it clear why you don't want anybody with you so you would go solo and it's solo is important there because one we actually say solo climber it's solo climbing ok we use that specifically in that context game over says I want to climb Mount Everest to conquer careful with your spelling of conquer to conquer my fear of heights which is also known as acrophobia alright a punish there's a lot of different ways to improve your lexical resource it's a really good app called word up that you can use to improve your lexical resource so as I eat says we would climb the mountain build our camp and take selfies too much information too quickly zyi you need to go into more details okay so Sudan susharma says for the next sentence firstly I would have to learn more about climbing through movies namely Krrish in that movie I found this adventure of climbing yeah there's a lot of movies of Mount Everest I think there's one called Everest that came out not long ago which was really good but it's a good it's a good continuation so at first my friend and I would need to learn more about climbing through instructions and practice okay sure the reason I would want so this is porn IJ says my friend is an adrenaline junkie just like me so the reason I have always wanted to do this with my friend Corinne is because he is an adrenaline junkie just like me sure now students using these kinds of colloquialisms like adrenaline junkie that's fine just make sure that you're also showing your ability to form complex grammar okay so it's even more valuable to use present perfect the reason I have always wanted or I've always wanted okay to do this with my friend Korey is because he is an adrenaline junkie just like me adrenaline is a medical term used by a pharmaceutical company the exact term for adrenaline students who are especially in biology it's called epinephrine and it is the hormone that makes you feel super excited when you're skydiving and you're like wow this is the craziest thing ever you're getting an adrenaline rush okay and a person who loves adrenaline is called an adrenaline junkie alright okay so let's keep going so far let's review what we have and then tell me what comes next a dream that I've had since my childhood is to go on an incredible adventure with my best friend Cory and climb Mount Everest the highest peak in the world at first my friend and I would need to learn more about climbing through instructions in practice the reason I've always wanted to do this with my friend Cory is because he is an adrenaline junkie just like me Mount Everest sits at a height I'm getting this from one of our students by the way of over eight thousand eight hundred meters in the Himalayas in a section of the Himalayas located in Nepal that's right very good thank you for that information John Dylan John Dylan says that's in Nepal India and we want to say that why do we want to say that because you have to answer the questions on the card first one where would you go okay you'd go to Mount Everest sure but where is that so Mount Everest is in the Himalayas in Nepal be as specific as you can be who would you go with with your friend Cory hidden question why because he's an adrenaline junkie he's my best friend what would you do we started that so we would get some training okay in this last part what would make this adventure exciting and memorable that's still coming up okay so let's keep those in mind remember to use your notes way too many students do not use their notes highest peak frostbite climbing gear best friend hire a guide blizzard snow ice Sherpa three days take a selfie give me more sentences students give me more sentences okay yes Kleber you definitely have to answer all the questions on the card if you miss questions you lose band scores okay satisfying times us following careful rules from our tour guide from our Sherpa is to check my head with the surrounding high level danger everything could turn bad in a fraction of a second okay careful satisfying times I think you're losing yourself okay we ought to take a few lessons about Mount Everest this is mr. Beck we ought to take a few lessons about Mount Everest so we can know what kind of difficulties we are going to face as we experienced diving in Dubai okay diving in Dubai would be off-topic speaking is alike writing ideas why you like it explain example conclude it task over says game over I yes that's the basic idea game over you just need to fill in the information now charlie sense us as the peak is so high it's possible that we could face respiration problems so it's better to pack oxygen masks not mosques Charlie said yes but don't get lost in details Charlie you need to be more specific okay Nashawn thank you so much for coming back and thanking me for the speaking lessons I really hope that you'll get a nice high score so thank you you Nishant you're and you're very welcome for the help okay Vanessa yes you can definitely look at your cue card and your notes while you're speaking and it's a very good idea to do that so you don't miss questions and information that's why for the whole time in the three minutes you have the cue card and your notes in front of you they don't take the cue card away after the one-minute okay they only take it away at the end of section two okay all right so we want to keep going here all right in order to get there I would need to raise a lot of perhaps through some publicity stunts like taking a company's flag to the Sun because the ticket to call to climb Everest is around $25,000 person sure how much of cost but I know it's very expensive okay so I'm basically checking off the points here and I really have to remember that last part of the card so here again the card is what would you do what would make this adventure so exciting and memorable so you need to go along with these ideas okay don't get lost in off-topic details so yes you would have to exercise you would have to be fit and I really like how some of you now are using those modal's and conditionals so Fahim ieader Chaka says [Music] or asks if I would look at my cue card while speaking would I lose bands no you wouldn't in fact probably you would get banned scores because you would speak better okay so it's a good idea to look at your card every now and then okay just keep your fluency going while you look at the card okay all right so let's keep going with our answer give me more sentences charlie very good so there's some modal's coming up so Charlie sends us after reaching Nepal we would hire an experienced Sherpa who would guide us to the top of Everest it's always covered with snow and it's definitely important to hire a Sherpa guide a little bit of repetition Charlie but the beginning is good Karolina says even though the blizzard weather the snow and the ice it would be a challenge in a memorable adventure good Karolina so you're going towards that question and you are on the right track so I'm gonna use what Charlie Sen said first so we would certainly hire and experienced Sherpa to guide us so we do not get lost on our way up and this is what the examiner is looking for these words like would could if when conditionals okay so we would certainly hire an experienced Sherpa to guide us so we would not get lost on our way up and once we reached the summit once we reached amusing past in the future because it's a conditional we would take pictures videos and selfies to put on Instagram just made that up but sure why not alright this adventure would be super exciting because of the many challenges we would certainly face on our ascent to the summit including bad weather blizzards frostbite hunger cold and exhaustion nevertheless it would be a triumph in the end triumph in the end so I hope that one day I have a chance to do this with my best friend okay at the end here students what I did is I just kept going because I wanted you to see how you can actually build fluency okay so once you have the visual cues once you have the vocabulary and the right notes then you can build fluency and even if you don't get all of your ideas in there like game over you forgot to do your time you know I forgot to talk about my essential climbing gear sure you don't need every little detail in there okay just get the main points and make sure that you cover all of the questions on the card okay students this is a speaking class so speak with me repeat let's read the card one more time and let's say this response together work on your fluency lexical resource and grammar so here we go the card one more time read and repeat try to just repeat instead of reading so many people dream of having an adventure talk about an exciting adventure you would like to go on if you have the chance where would you go who would you go with what would you do what would make this adventure exciting and memorable a dream that I've had since my childhood is to go on an incredible adventure with my best friend Cory and climb Mount Everest the highest peak in the world at first my friend and I would need to learn more about climbing through instructions and practice the reason I've always wanted to do this with my friend Cory is because he's an adrenaline junkie just like me Mount Everest sits at a height of over 80 800 meters in a section of the Himalayas located in Nepal in order to get there I would need to raise a lot of money perhaps through some publicity stunts like taking a company's flag to the summit because the ticket to climb Everest is around 25,000 dollars plus we would need to pay for airfare and all of our expensive climbing gear we would certainly hire an experienced Sherpa to guide us so we do not get lost on our way up and once we reached the summit we would take pictures videos and selfies to put on Instagram Facebook and other social media this adventure would be super exciting because of the many challenges we would certainly face on our ascent to the summit including bad weather like blizzards frostbite hunger cold and exhaustion nevertheless it would be a triumph in the end so I hope that one day I have a chance to do this or at least something close to this with my best friend all right roughly about two minutes okay Achmed says I'm not sure how many sentences I need during that time document it depends on your speech okay it depends how fast you speak how fluently how methodically okay Mohamed it's not a good idea to write your notes in your own language it looks bad if the examiner sees that it shows a lower level of English knowledge plus it's less effective because you're having to translate into English when you're looking at it and that could cause problems so Mohammed that was a good question mom and Nasser no I do not recommend writing notes in your own language write your notes in English students to learn a lot more tips like this one that I just said to Mohammed where I do not recommend writing notes in your own language you can learn a lot more tips a lot more skills to get those better band scores spend a couple dollars visit us at AE help calm which is our academic IELTS website it's this blue one here click that red button to get your my student account and for the general version it's this here with the green background click that red button to join us there and begin your road to success that's it for today students and I challenge you to practice this again with a different choice on your own time do your best remember that you're all very smart individuals and all it takes really is practice practice practice practice much love to all of you and see you tomorrow for two more live IELTS classes bye for now
Channel: GeneralEnglishHelp
Views: 674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, English examination, speaking practice, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, easy
Id: b3obDVrpGT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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