IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Talk about the Weather

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Central Europe I hope everybody is doing well staying productive and positive hi khyber hi Jan you'll get to see our members in the class I need to shake phrase Oh back nice to see some of our regular students as well hi ranganna students in this class we are looking at IELTS speaking part 1 some questions about the weather which is good to know for the IELTS of course and even for everyday English conversation now these materials are presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS help please visit us there join our premium package for the general outs check us out at G IELTS help calm now this is a speaking class everyone so make sure to speak and repeat so speak and repeat say what I say and repeat the questions copy my intonation I'm speaking with a West Coast North American English accent ok I'm from Canada however it's kind of false to think of accents as Canadian accents there are several different Canadian and American accents you'll find people in Vancouver Victoria will speak very similar in English to people in Seattle which is the States just down south from us we're all kind of this West Coast style of English all the way down to San Francisco Los Angeles even San Diego alright so students if you have questions about the exam or our products you can always send me an email Adrian at AE you can get our exam books from Amazon search for AE helps academic IELTS or GE helps general IELTS this week we are having classes all the way till Saturday again today speaking part one tomorrow we'll have reading and listening and then we'll have more listening writing and speaking in the week now before we get into our speaking questions I'll leave those here for now again I want to remind everybody that you can practice your English speaking 100% free on our websites I'm going to show you that now okay so this is our academic IELTS website here of course we have an app for it also it's the blue background to get the premium package you can click that big red button or you can click this green button to get the free course try it for free now once you do that you can login to your student account by clicking of course your my student account and for this I'll just darken up the screen for us a little bit so you can see what's going on because it will be a bit brighter okay so once you're in your my student account you'll have a tour of the course there are lots and lots of goodies in here computer-based practice exams over a hundred hours of video lessons and here you can see this student partner speaking and that's totally free everybody can use that so you have to accept the terms which basically means that you're going to be polite with other students and then once you have that it'll open up in a new page and you're going to find some students in here I see there are some of you in here right now so you'll find others in here currently we have these four people in here I think Fraser Beck is actually in our live class as well maybe Sammy also maybe not anyway when you open this window keep it open and then you can click on the blue button here to start text chatting video chat audio chat okay and also when the page opens up so it's kind of like Skype or whatsapp you can video chat just the same and also you will have IELTS speaking scripts that you can choose from so you can click on one of these I just clicked on objects and then you get a whole bunch of IELTS questions that focus on objects okay and we're always adding more and more questions now this is 100% free for you to use so many people aren't our channel ask you know how can I practice from home what can I do well this is what you can do okay you can go to your my student account you click on student partner speaking and then open up one of these scripts and you can start talking with somebody who is in here okay so I'll just choose a friend and of course be polite and that's absolutely free and I see there are people trying to chat with me right now but I'm sorry I can't chat with anybody who's trying to contact me because I'm teaching a live class I think it's Oh Who Pulu me who's trying to start a chat with me but that won't work because of course I'm busy with this live class so I'm gonna close this up so we don't get distracted by students who are wanting to chat with me alright everyone so this is our general IELTS website here GL's help calm it's the same idea with this website focus is on general outs the speaking is free for students on both of these sites so make sure everybody uses this okay all right ah there you are Tunde odd i am ii yeah so you're trying to reach out to me I see that I see that okay try to reach out to the other students as well okay I'm happy that you're all using it okay alright Sarah of deep I did start the class okay for people who want to practice speaking this is really useful so this is a part of the start of the class I can teach you through YouTube as much as possible but at the end of the day you have to speak okay all right so that is where you can practice all right okay tuned I hope you're speaking goes well tomorrow make sure to practice online today if you can through the website alright everyone so let's get into some of these questions the speaking section it's 12 to 15 minutes you will sit face to face if you're doing the live version which is the usual version and with the native speaker and it will be of course a private interview they will record it for marking purposes so if you're not happy with your score you can ask to get a re-evaluated and that's why they're recording it so the examiner will greet you the examiner will say welcome to the speaking interview my name is Adrian please take your seat this is the IELTS speaking exam may I see your identification so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one and remember students when you type in your answer into the chat also say it so if you type in yes of course here's my passport please take a look say it while you type it practice your touch typing okay Jack home gear that's very kind of you thank you so much for that it's very nice of you alright Qyburn moment says yes absolutely here you go this is my passport which I used for registration very nice okay Genet kuiba nova says yeah certainly here's my passport which I used to register please have a look Genet notice my correction there which I used to register not used to my registration but used to register or used for my registration not to okay Juwan says yeah sure it's my passport take a look it's my passport as a bit awkward g'wan I would say here's my passport please take a look okay all right those are good so lots of different ways to say this make sure you're fluent don't just be like yeah here okay that works as long as you can show fluency right after but I would definitely recommend showing fluency right away so even with this first sentence don't overdo it so you know don't speak for two minutes giving your passport to the examiner that's awkward as well find the happy balance but definitely show some fluency okay so yes of course here is my passport that I used to register for this exam please take a look also I think that when you say this nice full sentence right away at the beginning it helps to kind of gain confidence so if you're feeling really nervous at the start by saying this full sentence that will help you to kind of calm down and be like okay I got this I can speak English I know full sentences so using just remember this little tip here okay so using full sentences for this question and the next which will you'll see here in a second it's a good idea because it helps you gain confidence early in the interview okay so definitely I highly recommend showing this fluency right away in the beginning okay all right and of course the next question will be what is your full name so what is your full name of course again be polite and give a nice complete answer here okay so what is your full name kourosh good to see a member that I don't usually see in the class here that's great murasa bar rocky says my first name is murasa and my family name is Barack II anyhow you can address me by my nickname which is sweetie alright it's a nice nickname Raza anyhow is okay murasa I would actually say it as in any case in any case it's a little bit more polite than anyhow ok anyhow it's quite colloquial all right sir of deep says my full name is sort of deep Singh and you can call me by my nickname Sarov yeah you can call me by my nickname Saurav I take out the and again these are just really tiny nuances of being overly colloquial ok or being more and more polite it's really feeling the language a Heena are shot or a member says my given name is Hina and my family name is Arshad so you can call me Hina okay nice you know yeah so by your first name right very good all right shun Karpin Cho says my full name is Shawn cotterpin ciao you can call me Shawn car that works ok Mona says my first name is Mona and you can please call me mone mone a little correction there also a Mona if you do have a family name and it's on your passport make sure to say it because the examiner will be looking at you and then looking at your passport looking at you so they're matching what you say with what they see on the passport came so my given name is Thomas and my surname is [Music] Johnson please just call me Tom for short okay Thomas often abbreviated to Tom Tom is a short form for Thomas it's also a nickname for Thomas it's a short form as well so you can say this surname it's another way to say family name family name is kind of American English surname is kind of British English us Canadians we like to use both will save family name or surname so just repeat after me what is your full name my given name is Thomas and my surname is Johnson please just call me Tom for short okay all right showing that fluency right away and again not overdoing it and hey especially if you feel really nervous and it's very visible to the examiner they might actually ask you this question to try to calm you down a little bit and ask you how are you feeling today how are you feeling today so if you get this question it's a common question when we greet somebody or meet somebody then again be confident and answer in a nice full sentence answer khyber our member says I'm feeling a bit nervous and excited as well because it's my first time to take this test and I'm hoping to do well Kyra I believe you've seen that in one of our previous speaking videos which is great I'm happy that you're learning from that students when you learn these phrases and expressions make sure to practice them and use them so that your natural when you're using them okay flower son says well I'm quite nervous and excited about this speaking examination however I'll try my best to control my emotions and stay focused a really nice flower son that second half just a couple directions emotion we usually use it in the plural okay so control my emotions uh right and you're actually saying to nervous and excited so emotions usually in the plural and stay focused we use the past participle there stay focused on the exam okay all right so Swati says I feel quite nervous today as I'm taking this outs exam for the first time and I have a lot of hope to study abroad after achieving a good score nice good fluency okay I hope everybody is speaking and repeating okay as I mentioned before it's good if you're typing but please do express yourself orally say it nice and loud be confident practice confidence okay students you can practice confidence okay I'm quite excited about this exam and I'm also feeling confident as I have put in hundreds of hours in preparation for this test over the past six months okay so repeat after me everyone how are you feeling today I'm quite excited about this exam and I'm also feeling confident as I've put in hundreds of hours in preparation for this test over the past six months good and again students you should practice months before your IELTS exam okay it's not a good idea to start practising for your IELTS exam a couple of days before a couple of weeks before unless you have really good English skills you're basically a fluent user of English and you commonly use verbal and written communication perhaps at work or at school you're a teacher then if you prepare one or two weeks in advance it's probably okay you just need to do a few practice exams learn a couple of key strategies and you'll do okay but if you're not that teacher okay and if you're not using English all the time then definitely do tackle the IELTS exam well before you set the test otherwise you're going to waste money it'll be a disappointment and so on right so make sure to do at least three to six months before you need it okay especially for people who are planning to study abroad because you're not really just studying for IELTS but you're also studying for your university or college where you're going to be using English okay and you're not just studying English but you're also studying confidence confidence is something that you can study okay the more you practice the more confidence you build and you can practice being confident okay so practice confidence in your speaking this means force yourself to make eye contact with your speaking partners speak loud and don't stress too much about mistakes okay think about speaking confidence like a three-year-old child okay don't worry too much about how you say it just get it out a lot of students get really anxious and nervous about their pronunciation and maybe misusing a word or making a kind of an awkward grammar mistake and then they freak out and panic and fall apart at the seams that's not good okay you want to be confident it's okay to make mistakes everybody makes mistakes there is no such concept or such manifestation as a perfect speaking okay nobody speaks perfectly it's not really something that exists all right one more question here that the examiner might ask you just to get you feeling a bit more comfortable what do you plan to do after this exam so what do you plan to do after this exam go out everyone give me a nice full sentence for this one okay Michelle booty Raja says well today was a great day I've spent the first half of the day with my siblings for his wedding anniversary party and post lunch I'm here with you for my speaking exam all right that's before the exam right bishal what do you plan to do after this exam what do you plan to do after this exam okay I'll be Scheck or remember says well after this exam I'll go home and change clothes which makes me feel a little bit stress-free also probably late evening I'll go for dinner with some friends and family nice of you check a couple of slight grammatical mistakes but overall a good idea so you plan to get changed that will help you ease some tension unwind from the exam and then late in the evening go with go for a dinner to celebrate your potential success with friends and family right Sami our member says after this exam I'm planning to go to a movie which I booked last week with my wife just to relax and disconnect from the stress of this very good Sammy Sammy remember and this is for everyone when use ing always take the work verb B okay so I am planning I'm planning I and G always takes B ing always takes B it's kind of a rhyme that we teach in low intermediate English lessons to keep reminding students that you have to combine the be verb with the progressive form always okay so be careful about that students phrasal Beck says certainly I will likely be mentally drained once this exam concludes so I plan to do an activity which is relaxing and entertaining perhaps go to the theater with some friends okay nice that works frieszo back again a couple of corrections students I'm always correcting your comments in real-time so make sure to repeat and you can always catch the time stamp right now I corrected for you so back at around 22 minutes in the video so you can write down 22 minutes Adrienne corrected me check later on make yourself a little note okay remind yourself to do that it's great practice it's a great way to fix fossilized mistakes all right Omar ashraf says of course I will take a long deep breath after finishing this exam and I'm going to go to the gym to get a workout and build some muscles be a little bit active okay well Marv not bad some good ideas there going to the gym building some muscle or muscle toning and also take a deep breath exhale all the stress of the exam careful Omar the way that you say that it has to be natural and accurate so it's okay to say these kinds of complex ideas just make sure that you can say them accurately and clearly it can be a bit tricky to express so what I recommend is early in the exam use English that you're 100% sure of so that you're giving a good first impression and that you're accurate okay all right what do you plan to do after this exam I will take a deep breath and exhale some stress after that I'll go home get changed and do some fun relaxing activity like go to the theater with some friends I've been meaning to watch the new Pixar animation that just came out alright okay so just a reminder again this is a tip all right for the first few questions it is a very good idea to use English that you know is 100% accurate so that you make a good first impression do not get too fancy or unique it's not a good idea you can do that later you'll have a chance to do that in part 3 anyway part three will force you to be unique because the questions are quite intricate and detailed as well okay alright repeat after me and what do you plan to do after this exam I will take a deep breath and exhale some stress after that I'll go home get changed and do some fun relaxing activity like go to the theatre with some friends I've been meaning to watch the new Pixar animation that just came out okay here I'm giving a specific idea okay but I'm not using very complex language I am including some present perfect alright I've been and definitely learn your contractions and your perfect tenses use those native speakers use the present perfect the progressive form constantly and we contractions constantly these will add band scores okay so I'll I've I'm these are all very very useful okay I'll I've I'm I'd these are your contractions make sure that you learn and use these with your nouns and your subjects okay all right now the examiner at this point will say something like okay let's talk about the weather so they'll introduce the topic of part one let's talk about the weather okay all right there we go how often does it rain in your city now these are some very common questions that you could come across in real life as well talking to a native speaker they're good to learn learn to answer these well professionally showing high level of communication so don't just give simple answers like I'm not so often I live in a dry city okay it's not terrible but you got to express yourself more remember they're trying to mark you here so the more you give them the better it is okay all right Alex Joseph says I live in the southeastern part of India so it's raining cats and dogs here most of the time sometimes heavy rain makes life extremely difficult although people here are habituated to this climate okay that's something that's a nice answer there's a when it's really heavy rain and you live in the kind of jungle like area there is an expression it's called a torrential downpour okay torrential torrential downpour okay it's very heavy rain in jungles or jungle like areas they're called torrential torrential downpour downpour you notice it's one word means a very heavy rain okay all right so again lexical resource right of course if you can use the words torrential downpour to express the type of really heavy jungle rain that you get in your area the examiner will give you more points for lexical resource okay Nick Haines on says I live in a tropical area therefore it rains quite frequently especially in the north I would say about four to five times per week it actually rained heavy last night around 11 p.m. very good in a game I love how you answered explained gave an example and included some quantitative information I can really picture what's going on so Nick Haines I'm guessing you're living in Vietnam right I'm judging by your name and it's good to mention that so I live in a very tropical area Vietnam is mostly a tropical rainforest so it rains is frequently especially in the north I would say about four to five times a week actually it rain heavy last night at around 11 p.m. very good ok be specific students Ramshaw classes says nope it doesn't rain much in my area due to global warming the see change in the temperature and timing of the seasons can be seen there for rainfalls are uncommon students be really specific can't be really specific alright so in my City of Victoria it rains quite frequently I think about a hundred and seventy days of the year this part of the world is one of the oldest temperate rainforests so there is much precipitation in fact it was raining from about 9:00 a.m. to midnight yesterday okay alright so that is my hometown although at current I'm in Budapest my hometown is Victoria which is west coast Canada it's just beside Vancouver on Vancouver Island for those of you who are not sure it's a beautiful part of the world actually rains less in Victoria than Vancouver or Seattle Vancouver gets about 220 days of rain per year so we get a little bit less in Victoria Seattle gets even more so that's why they call Seattle the rainy city in the United States the rainy City all right little side anecdote there so just repeat after me how often does it rain in your city in my city of Victoria it rains quite frequently I think about a hundred and seventy days of the year this part of the world is one of the oldest temperate rainforests so there's much precipitation in fact it was raining cats and dogs from about 9 a.m. till midnight yesterday yeah one of you used that expression cats and dogs it's basically an idiom which means a downpour okay cats and dogs if you say it's raining cats and dogs you're basically saying it's a downpour so downpour is the technical way cats and dogs that would be the idiomatic way to express a heavy heavy rain okay there are lots of different words that we use for rain and and of course that's not surprising because the UK is a very rainy part of the world as well I'm sure many of you have heard that in England and London and other parts of the UK there's lots of rain so of course in the English language we have lots of expressions and idioms and vocabulary for the rain okay all right um next question what do you like to do when it is sunny short question but it's a conditional hint hint so do you use the conditional here what do you like to do when it's sunny Lapage says in my city of Abu Dhabi arraigns occasionally it only happens during the end of summer and beginning of winter and vice versa Oh Caleb who's that's for the previous that's okay alright flower son says when it's sunny I enjoy studying surrounded by nature with sunlight because it makes me feel comfortable so I learn faster just last Friday I spent the day in the park on a bench with my friends in a study group at the school garden okay alright flower sand I saw the second half later there but that's good okay a couple of Corrections there khyber says when the sky is clear and the sun is shining I love to sit on the beach beside a pine tree in my yard in order to get some vitamin D soak up the sunshine for about thirty minutes okay nice khyber good so you like to do a bit of Sun tanning really where you can soak up the Sun and get some vitamin D good for you Khyber alright let's see one more rush rob says that's an interesting question alright check that that's an interesting question since it's often sunny I like to walk around town so I can lose some weight also I like to bring some [Music] necessities home Omar you're using a lot of wood I would like to but this is a real condition ok students be really careful when you see the word when okay right away you can see that that's a real condition okay so the conjunction when indicates a real condition so be affirmative and do not use wood ok that's awkward if you say if it's sunny I would do this I would do that mm-hmm it's very awkward to answer in an unreal condition to a real condition so when you hear a real condition in the question your answer should definitely contain a real condition okay and the best way to do that is just use when in your answer don't get too fancy especially in part one okay making awkward mistakes in part one it's not a good way to start the speaking interview so you don't want to do that okay whenever whenever is another way to use the real condition because it includes when right you're just adding the ever part it's just kind of the same as saying when with a little bit of emphasis so whenever the Sun is beaming down on Victoria I like to go out for hikes in nature as the forests come to life with the sounds of birds and it's a great way to get fresh air and stay fit I just went for a lovely hike with my friends this past Saturday and it was a beautiful day all right so repeat after me what do you like to do when it is sunny whenever the Sun is beaming down on Victoria I like to go out for hikes in nature and the forests come to life with because as the forests come to life with sounds of birds and it's a great way to get fresh air and stay fit I just went for a lovely hike with my friends this past Saturday and it was a beautiful day all right that's how you do it now you'll notice of course that I'm also making a connection here right so the question was about how often does it rain in my city I answered that now the question is what do I do when it's sunny so I make the connection to my city especially because I live in a rainy City so we really enjoy the sunshine when the clouds part and give way to the Sun so I make that connection between the concept of I'm still in my city okay all right next question let's keep rolling here students and again for those of you who are finding this a little bit fast or too challenging don't worry just do your best write down new words repeat sentences that you can as best you can if you miss some words that's okay and remember this video is recorded so about an hour after the class you can come back and watch the video again and practice these sentences here we go with the next question and again speak and repeat okay don't just type in the chat that speak and repeat how do you keep yourself cool on hot days so how do you keep yourself cool on hot days Alex Joseph says well I use ice packs and take cold showers on extremely hot days sometimes I eat spicy foods why Alex give me that explanation spicy foods make me sweat which helped me feel a little bit cooler from the inside out it's true people drink hot tea and eat spicy foods because it helps them feel cool it basically tricks your body into thinking that it's even hotter than it is making it work more to stay cool so it's a good trick to actually drink hot tea I know a lot of people in India do that they drink hot tea on hot days that will make them feel cooler okay so interesting it's a good strategy Shiro D gene says thanks to technologies that helped me all the time I can keep myself cool with the air conditioner samsung 3500 that's in my home after 4 hours of study it's really relaxing to turn that on when it's 40 degrees out okay she doji teen good yeah I added a little bit more detail some more quantitative information but you have the right idea technology is helpful air conditioning systems ice cube makers right refrigerator sure so swathi says I usually drink lots of water approximately 15 to 20 glasses a day to keep myself cool as I live in a desert climate characterized by heat during the day yeah that's Nature's Way and the most natural way to stay cool drink lots of water it's a very very good idea I lack our member says apart from that all right I think I like you said something earlier so I'll find that in the chat let me see it there we go Alex says I prefer to stay indoors in an air conditioned environment on a hot day apart from that I take frequent cold showers and practice a courting type of breathing technique that helps my body stay cool okay some type of a breathing technique yeah I know dogs cool themselves through breathing so why not humans right luckily we have sweat glands they don't certainly helpful for us gorge on singh says well I really do a lot of different activities on sunny days especially in winter I play with my sibling in the garden and also I go outside with friends gorge on - I think that's for the previous one that's good Anatoly says I like to swim in a cool pool on really hot day so I feel better on a totally use the question and identify and quantify it okay Anatoly you'll get a better band score so at least put in the phrase on hot days or on really hot summer days okay so when the temperature is up in the high 30s and it's a scorcher of a day I keep myself cool by drinking lots of water staying in air-conditioned grooms as much as possible and finding some shade under a tree fortunately there is a large pine tree in my backyard that shelters me from the Sun all right so here is my answer again getting a little bit creative of course students I'm always pushing you for that high band 9 giving you examples for that and practice for that so repeat after me how do you keep yourself cool on hot days when the temperature is up in the high 30s and it's a scorcher of a day I keep myself cool by drinking lots of water staying in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible and finding some shade under a tree fortunately there's a large pine tree in my backyard that shelters me from the Sun some of you are probably laughing away high 30s what about the 40s or 50s Victoria doesn't get that hot victoria gets rarely up into the mid 30s we consider those very hot days although the sunshine in Victoria is very strong so sometimes when people come from Saudi Arabia to Victoria they say wow it's the first time I got a sunburn or a suntan in Victoria because the Sun is so strong it's not so hot but the Sun is really really strong alright let's go to the next question here we go students getting into some unreal conditions unreal conditions if you could make the perfect weather what would it be and why what would it be and why if you could make the perfect weather okay let's see what you come up with flower son says if I could make the perfect weather it would have to be more breeze and have a little sunlight this weather could help people feel comfortable and release after a hard day at the office rut Vic gondolier says if I could make the perfect atmosphere it would be sunny and the temperature would be around 10 to 15 degrees Celsius because I'm quite livid I'm I live in a quite a hot nation so I prefer cool temperatures yeah okay all right careful with the end there right vicar with the spelling but that's a good answer okay let's see what else is coming up Mario's gr says the ideal weather for me would be a sunny day at 25 degrees Celsius as the Sun is not so strong and it's warm enough to go to the beach for swimming very good meri last couple of Corrections there but good overall pea bus access provided that I could make the perfect weather it would certainly be springtime with lots of blooming flowers and the temperature around 25 degrees all right so spring weather flowers in full bloom around 25 degrees nice toe don't do that says if I could make the perfect weather I would make it like autumn weather all year round and what is that toad what is autumn weather for you like in your country okay is it a bit cool a little bit windy rainy some people like the rain I have a couple of friends who really like the rain I like the rain not always but often nickname says well my dream weather would be something cozy to be specific kind of a cool temperature ranging from 10 to 12 Celsius with strong sunlight which would give me a nice warm feeling okay so given that I'm had some sort of divine power to control the elements I would make the weather around 22 degrees Celsius Celsius cells yes yes yes around 22 degrees Celsius with a gentle breeze and slightly overcast this would provide the perfect atmosphere for ultimate comfort to play sports outside like basketball and football all right in fact Victoria does get this weather does get this type of weather from late May until late September all right so uh repeat after me here we go if you could make the perfect weather what would it be why given that I had some sort of divine power to control the elements I would make the weather around 22 degrees Celsius with a gentle breeze and slightly overcast this would provide the perfect atmosphere for ultimate comfort to play sports outside like basketball and football in fact Victoria does get this type of weather from late May until late September divine power is kind of like a kind of like a godly type of power godlike type of power okay divine power elements the weather another way that we refer to the weather is the elements the elements are considered the weather as well okay wind and earth are the elements fire all right next question have you ever seen snow if yes where this is our final question students give me your best one have you ever seen snow if yes where Ricky says I've seen snow in Europe and on TV yeah good answer Ricky most of us have seen snow on TV I'm sure all right I like it nice full sentences students answer explain example the route to be Josh says unfortunately no I haven't seen snow as I live in India where snow far as snowfall is very rare and it's only in the northern regions especially of course in the Himalayas right if you're in India so rub deep says yes I've seen snow last year in my neighborhood estate himmat sha because my country does not get much snow I went there with my family for a picnic last year on winter vacation very nice sir I'm deep so you went specifically to see an explorer snow fantastic yeah it's a good idea everyone to try to see snow nowadays as much as possible because snow is getting more and more rare everywhere in the world came loose Conrado says yes I've seen it I remember last December on vacation I went to Jammu Kashmir with my family and some friends it was really one of my the best memories and I'll never forget it very nice mooshka and I'm glad that you got a chance to see snow snow is quite a magical part of nature alright men shugie our members says I first saw snow last year when I started studying abroad in Japan before that I was living in Vietnam where it just doesn't snow except for in a few northern villages very good men I'm glad that you got to see some snow in Japan yeah northern Japan definitely gets a lot of snow alright murasa says yes just last year in December in Kabul which is the capital of Afghanistan I've seen snow to be honest it was my first experience and I really enjoyed it a lot with my cousins yeah global warming is definitely bringing snow to some unusual places around the world has a Canadian I've seen lots of snow in fact I'm an avid skier so every winter I spend a fair bit of time playing in the snow I consider myself quite lucky as snow is a very magical part of nature now its present perfect we're using present perfect here because present perfect is used when we emphasize having an experience or not having an experience okay I've never seen the Taj Mahal for example I'll get you back here in just a second my camera just took a little snooze near the end of the class here so I've never seen the Taj Mahal but I in real life of course I've seen it in movies and on TV but I plan to see it sometime in the future okay so again use the present perfect for expressing experience okay it's really really important that was my daughter by the way and she's seen snow as well I took her skiing last year for the first time at the age of three Canadians start skiing and skating at around the age of three so it's a big part of Canadian culture so here we go students repeat after me have you ever seen snow if yes where as a Canadian I've seen lots of snow in fact I'm an avid skier so every winter I spend a fair bit of time playing in the snow I consider myself quite luckiest snow is a very magical part of nature all right students that is our speaking session for today tomorrow we're going to focus on reading and listening if you like this video and you want more videos like this with me then definitely check out academic IELTS ae help calm join the Premium Package over a hundred hours of HD video lessons there for you pre-recorded lessons of course and for general IELTS G IELTS help calm okay so that's general outs lots of videos there for you as well of course we have tons of practice exams and interactive courses and much much more and you can practice your speaking for free with other students No Trix nothing just free speaking on both of these websites so check that out you are very welcome everyone it was a great class lots of fantastic answers I can see lots of improvements from our regular students so keep going keep it up everyone and I will see you tomorrow remember you're all brilliant smart smart people so believe in yourselves much love to all of you from Budapest bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: A2paHHYiwUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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