IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Fluent and Clear Start

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest I hope everybody has had a good start to their week as staying healthy and strong in this class everyone we are looking at the speaking section of the IELTS exam specifically focusing on part 1 talking about how to get those high band scores even that band 9 hi Michael fan a long time no see good to see you in class hi near Maji Grimshaw GOG Dean while we wait for some more of your students this lesson is presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS help please visit us there well IELTS check us out at G IELTS on both of our websites we have loads and loads of great materials for you to quickly improve through communication and through English meaning vocabulary and grammar hi hi Khyber hi Maddie how nice to see many of her members coming into the class as well students this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat speak lots and repeat lots it's great that you're writing messages into the chat keep doing that that's fantastic practice since this is a speaking class make sure to say what you write as well especially when I'm making some Corrections in real time alright just a quick peek at our websites here really quickly this is our academic IELTS website here with the blue background click that big red button to join the Premium Package and this is our general outs website here with the green background click that big red button to join the Premium Package there and because this is a speaking class I want to show you where you can practice your speaking for free I'm just gonna darken up the screen here a bit so you can see this clearly so when you're on either of the websites you can log into your my student account after you create one you can create a free account you don't have to pay and then on the website you'll find this button among the many other goodies called student partner speaking now in student partner speaking when you click that it will ask you to agree to the terms that you're going to be nice with other students so you have to accept that and then into a new window you will travel and when that window opens you'll see some students available for chat like right now we see fazil and we see Sammy in here maybe they're chatting with each other when you find a student in there you can either audio chat video chat or text only of course be really careful with your private information so use the speaking scripts that are provided for you in this interface you can see there aisle speaking scripts that you can open up and then it will open for you when you find a partner that you can chat with kind of like Skype or whatsapp okay so that's absolutely free for everybody to use that's kind of a feature that we included because we really want everybody to speak as much as possible and I know it's hard to find speaking partners so this is a place where you can always find someone just keep the window open wait for somebody to ping you or ping another person and then you'll be able to find some other people there's usually people in here these days so check it out all right let's get back to the lesson for today to practice our speaking all right yeah Khyber I'm feeling great thanks for asking I'm well rested feeling good alright so here we go with some speaking if you have questions of course you can send me an e-mail adrian at AE help calm let's get into today's class we'll have classes all the way till Saturday so today tomorrow Friday Saturday so lots of classes coming up let's get cracking let's get right into it I know a lot of students are anxious and they just want to get going so let's do that here we go you arrive to your IELTS speaking interview make sure to go there early at least 30 40 minutes before your interview starts speak English all day before your interview and then you will get called in by the examiner and the examiner will greet you and they'll say welcome to the speaking portion of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the test what is your full name and again practice lots of ways to say this practice it all the time so you feel really confident and comfortable when this question is asked it will be asked there's no doubt about that so rimshot says my name is rim sha Farooqi and please call me by my first name rim shot very nice rim sha simple elegant Khyber maman says my surname is maman and my given name is Khyber so please just call me by my given name Khyber very good miss ER says my surname is DeMars e EV and my given name is Miss ER please call me by my first name miss ER okay all right yeah somebody um on one of the videos mention that oh you don't need to say my first name as my surname is you should just say I'm Andrew Jamison please call me by my first name Andrew both are okay there are so many different ways that we introduce ourselves so yeah if you want to keep it a little bit simple you feel comfortable saying I'm Andrew Jamison please call me by my first name Andrew that's fine as well you can do it that way we greet each other that way in English commonly we'll say I'm but in formal situations especially when we're meeting with an official like for example customs officer at the airport or in this case the examiner it is a formal way to say that my first name is my given name is you will see this in my passport so it's a more formal way they don't know who you are you're not really their friend or their acquaintance this kind of an introduction it's a little bit more common when we're familiar with the person at least we kind of know who they are through a friend like this is my friend Tim hey Tim hey who are you I'm Adrian okay so that's a little bit more of a casual way all right but it's okay you can do it that way too and I recommend practicing that as well so there are many ways to introduce yourself keep that in mind practice lots of different ways to do it so that you feel confident and comfortable okay definitely definitely don't make mistakes okay don't sound awkward or unnatural when you introduce yourself and then the next question will be can I see your identification okay sometimes they'll ask for that first even before they ask for your name sometimes they'll ask for it after they ask for your name there's no standard here for the examiner which to do first and second so they'll say can I see your identification here you have to show the identification that you used for registration and moose Khan Rana says yes here's my passport and you can check it that's nice okay now once that when I'm saying this students please copy my speed and my intonation okay moose gun so yes here's my passport and you can check it all right Roman Barr Allah says yes here you go I use this for registration say the word this Roman so I used this for registration when you're referring to what's in your hand I used it a little bit awkward I use this for registration okay or say what it is I use this ID for registration I use this passport of mine for registration Tina says yes sure here it is I use this passport for registration please take a look okay shashirekha says yes here's my passport go ahead and check it okay you can check it it's okay kid sound a little bit awkward so yes of course is kind of a very natural lead-in to this yes of course because you have to show it if you say no I don't want to show you my ID they'll say ok no problem there's the door I'm sorry you can't set the exam so you have to show it ok so yes of course here is my national ID card that I used to register please take a look ok it's affirmative it's polite repeat after me can I see your identification yes of course here's my national ID card that I used to register please take a look you don't have to save for this exam obviously that's clear as well but if you do that's fine all right now a very common kind of icebreaker question is coming up here the examiner will say ok now I will give you instructions for each part of the speaking for part one a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic do you work or study now the examiner will be very natural this is not an ESL exam ok don't make that mistake IELTS is not an English as a Second Language exam it is a national or international standardized test of English so they are talking to you just the same as they would if the native speaker were in the test which happens by the way ok so the question is do you work or study let's see what people have come up with so Khyber says currently I'm studying ACCA at American University in Kabul as I want to work as a business analyst in the future very nice Khyber good answer good explanation to the point Bek John says recently I've done my bachelor's degree in the occupation of engineering and now I'm studying for IELTS so that I can continue my graduate education abroad Bek John that's good so it's ok to give lengthy answers like what Bek John just did what's really important students is that if you're giving a robust answer robust means a very detailed clear answer like Beck John you need to be fluent okay you need to be fluent so it should not take you 30 seconds to say that so again back John that's great just make sure that you can say it with this fluency recently I've done my bachelor's degree in engineering and now I'm studying for IELTS so that I can continue my graduate studies abroad okay good let's see a couple more Abhishek says well I'm working with one of the finest IT companies in the Amedda bada as a senior technical consultant but also I'm preparing for this IELTS exam for the last six months so that I can fulfill the basic requirement for admissions at in a university in Canada for further study good I'll be check again lots of fluency there to get that out right also I've been preparing for this IELTS exam I would use the present perfect progressive there Abhishek hi you Jin nice to see those emojis always give me a little extra pep in my step very good Amit Hassan says recently I've completed my bachelor's and now I'm preparing for my postgraduate abroad and that's why I'm taking this exam Amy it very nice yeah so you can use a correlative conjunctions and as I've said before well I both work and study you can directly use the question now students it's really good to paraphrase in the speaking paraphrasing as many of you know means to say the same information using different words so you could say something like well I have a job and I go to school right so this would be paraphrasing will this kind of answer or start to the answer get you a better mark than this yes absolutely so you're showing more lexical resource more comprehension so this will get you more points than this however in the beginning I definitely do recommend for many students to use the question even as directly as you hear it so if the question is do you work or study then well I both work and study the reason why you want to do that in the beginning is because it helps you to build your confidence going into the next questions it helps you to show your fluency early okay it allows you to get comfortable with the situation so I don't recommend students to be too fancy with paraphrasing right away unless you know that you're a very high-level user of the English language you speak in English daily you're comfortable with it you've studied it for years then fine paraphrase right from the beginning but if that's not the case then I definitely recommend that for the first two three especially icebreaker questions just use the vocabulary that's in the question to start off okay so here do you work or study well I both work and study and then you compare a phrase after okay I'm gonna go out at the end here so I have a job as a financial consultant at a local bank here in the city and also I've been learning for this exam to do my MBA in the UK okay so just before we go on to the next set of questions here students just a little tip it's kind of a new one that I might not have mentioned for you okay so for the first two three questions use the question vocabulary in your answer right away to show fluency accuracy and to gain confidence okay I hope that makes sense for everyone all right okay well ginger I think you had a question I'm not sure if it was for me if I miss somebody you can always send me an email students keep in mind there's a couple hundred of us in here so it's hard for me to catch every one but I promise I'll try to catch different people at different times all right so the next question here give me a nice full sentence what do you do to relax okay what do you do to relax and I see Muskaan Rana is jumping the gun moose Khanna says to feel relaxed let's go back to what you just said and give me a second so moose gun says to feel relaxed I usually listen to music and gossip with my friends and sometimes I try to do something different or new at home such as during the quarantine I've been improving my cooking and drawing skills okay moose Khan you have a lot of information there make sure that you say it clearly okay so to feel relaxed I usually listen to music it's good you're using the question not have some glass but simply gossip gossip is a verb Muskaan so you just simply say and gossip with my friends and then avoid using the words sometimes something thing so try to avoid these words students because they make for poor conversation or for poor communication okay so try to use better nouns and often you don't need that word okay so mousse con you don't really need that word you can just say I gossip with my friends and try different and new activities at home especially during the quarantine I've been improving my cooking and drawing skills it just sounds much nicer it's more clear clear for the listener okay so avoid these ambiguous types of filler adverbs like sometimes or something okay muck Sood I remember nice to see you in class MUC Sood muck suit says well if I'm feeling energetic I'm really into playing table tennis with my younger brother and my leisure time however when I'm on the lazy side of life I just curl up on the sofa and watch a fantastic flick very nice muck suit notice the corrections there nice use of some natural and idiomatic language MUC Sood good job I know you've been practicing lots and it's showing in the way that you're using the language that's fantastic okay Bhoomi shut bar says to decompress I mostly go to the park for a walk for about an hour or watch movies on my phone while laying in bed after a long working day just yesterday I watched The Avengers movie and it was fantastic very nice Bhoomi I like how you threw in that example at the end giving nice smooth examples to what you're saying is a very good idea it's a very very good idea okay sometimes students ask me like how many examples should I give while I'm giving these answers I'd say at least every second question in the part 1 and part 3 and even in part - when you're explaining something clearly it's a good idea to at least get one clear visible real-world example into your two-minute answer for those questions in part 2 so examples are really good make them flow smoothly clearly logically avoid words like for example or for instance you don't need these avoid these they can cause some problems okay lee fong says sometimes I spend my free time listening to music which helps me relax after a stressful day at work or I read books which both help me to spread knowledge and take a rest okay not spread knowledge but gain knowledge gain knowledge spread knowledge is a little bit awkward there lean so careful with that okay nicely done students keep going so in order to unwind after a challenging day if I still have a bit of energy in me I'll hit the gym for an hour and do some weightlifting as well as cardio however if I'm feeling a bit sluggish I'll take a hot bath and watch a movie this is what I did yesterday and I watched call of the wild it was entertaining okay cool all right so again nice and fluent students nice and fluent visualize it the more relaxed you are the faster the ideas will come to mind the better your language so being relaxed too during the speaking part of the exam is extremely important when you're relaxed you communicate much much better just think about it as you are on top of the world there's nothing that can stop you your incredible human being you're one of the most amazing living creatures in the known universe so believe in yourself okay here we go repeat after me what do you do to relax in order to unwind after a challenging day if I still have a bit of energy in me I'll hit the gym for an hour and do some weightlifting as well as cardio however if I'm feeling a bit sluggish I'll take a hot bath and watch a movie that is what I did yesterday and I watched call of the wild it was quite entertaining okay all right a couple typos they're not gonna go back to those right now you probably saw those that's why it's usually better students to just repeat me rather than read what I'm writing because as you know I'm looking at what you're seeing in the chat I'm thinking about the next ideas to share with you I'm typing at the same time moving a mouse around something a bit of multitasking you could say and so sometimes I have typos so if you have it in you if you feel confident and comfortable try to just repeat what you hear from the audio rather than just read okay so rather than just read alright so you're moving along nicely and you're gaining some steam your momentum is building you're confident and now the examiner introduces the topic of part one okay all right so the examiner says let's talk about outside and inside activities these kinds of topics are very popular you can really easily face these kinds of questions in the exam so here we go with the first one what do you like to do in your home what do you like to do in your home give me a nice full sentence answer for this one what do you like to do and you home Alex Joseph says well when I'm in my home I do a lot of gardening which energizes me with the smell of fresh plants my other hobby is watching on documentaries online and if I get a bit bored I do some knitting okay Alex right on knitting hey all right yeah so Alex you have a bit of a green thumb okay students it's a kind of a fun expression I can teach for some of you I know many people have gardening as a hobby if you liked a garden and you are good with plants the expression is have a green thumb okay so you can say I have a green thumb I like to garden alright just a little share for you there okay let's see what other answer students have come up with Justyna Martha Nova says well when I'm at home I like to clean and read books also I love to cook in the kitchen all right that's good just do you nut now students when you're listing the activities that you like to do it's a good idea to include at least a little bit of explanation or at least a little bit of an example or maybe both to give a more rounded picture also Justina careful with your tense it's not I'd like to because it's not an unreal condition you like doing this so I like to okay so careful with those okay I'm reet Sethe pathy says sitting at home without any work in hand is in kind of my nature I tried to finish my day-to-day house holding works as soon as possible mmm I'm right you're telling me a bit about yourself but I'm not sure you're answering my question okay careful about that students you don't just want to talk about yourself and not answer the question that you're being asked at the end of the day it's an exam and coherence and accuracy are extremely important and this is why I suggest using the question so while I'm at my house or when I'm in my flat so start with that just so you focus and center yourself on giving a clear direct answer to the question okay Irene Domingo says most of the time I like to do cooking at home I like cooking because it's one of my passions like today I cook my favorite food which is chicken curry it's made with coconuts and potato Irene that's a brilliant answer so Irene's answer is definitely getting up into the band 8 category because she's giving me an answer she's explaining and she's giving me an example ok so that's really really good that's what you want to do alright so what do you like to do in your home there are a few different activities I like doing in my flat such as yoga because a good stretch makes my day go much more smoothly also I enjoy cooking because I'm a foodie and as I'd mentioned I like watching movies okay so there's my answer repeat after me there are a few different activities I like doing in my flat such as yoga because a good stretch makes my day go much more smoothly much smoother also I enjoy cooking because I'm a foodie and as I mentioned I'd like watching movies foodie means that you enjoy food making it eating it smelling it tasting it okay next question coming up let's build some momentum what do you like to do outside not a surprise that that questions coming when the examiner introduced the topic of inside and outside so what do you like to do outside okay all right back John says usually the activity like to do outdoors is taking a stroll in the park near my home which helps me decompress a little also sitting on a bench in the vicinity of my apartment what do you do on that bench back John just sit there stare into space give me a little bit khyber says oh there we go back John and chat with neighbors it's my favorite outside activity I see ok Khyber says when I'm outside I like to go to the library search for a good book there in order to read in my leisure time when I'm at home in fact I purchased three books the old Lord of the Rings Pride and Prejudice and Harry Potter last Tuesday for 50 bucks very good Khyber ok don't go off topic though careful with that nicely nicely done with the quantitative information it's another important point always remember your quantitative information Rahul preet manga remember nice to see you in the class says there are so many activities I do outside my apartment such as hitting the gym as I'm very much health-conscious like yesterday I did a couple of reps and squats with my brother all right Rob Oh Preet you're really going down that rabbit hole which is good but when you introduce your answer with there are so many activities maybe give me at least two ok don't get just hung up on one and go into tons of detail it's not bad but that try to give me another one maybe you ran out of space in the chat box but definitely give me one more I know rash alright Patricia nicole says I like to do outdoor activities like mountain climbing and sunbathing there's a really nice beach near my home where I spend 30 to 40 minutes laying in the Sun reading a magazine every other day okay put your should good a little bit more information for sure so students often ask how much should I speak or you know should I keep talking until the examiner stops me no please don't do that okay that makes for a really awkward conversation so don't just keep talking until the examiner stops you but also don't just give a one-sentence answer one-word answer your responses especially for part one questions should be roughly the amount of information you can fit into one chat here on average in the YouTube chat box that's about I think it's about 200 characters guys right if I'm not wrong girls yeah 200 characters so that's about how much you should be answering to show some good fluency lexical resource and so forth grammar range okay so it should be about that definitely don't keep talking until they stop you okay so what do you like to do when I'm outdoors I enjoy several activities like taking my family to the beach going surfing and in the wintertime skiing just last week we spent a wonderful day at the beach playing all kinds of sports in the sand alright so here we go repeat after me what do you like to do outside when I'm outdoors I enjoy several activities like taking my family to the beach going surfing and in the wintertime skiing just last week we spent a wonderful day at the beach playing all kinds of sports in the sand ok again whatever comes to mind don't overthink it students don't overthink it so just a little bit to remind some students who are not sure about this because I know there's misinformation out there and some people say just keep talking until the examiner stops you that's really awkward and that's not going to go over well to get those high band scores so do not keep talking until the examiner is forced to ask the next question and interrupt you interrupt you that makes for very awkward conversation and it will lower your band score ok you should say about two to three sentences answer explain example that's what should be in your mind most of the time ok that's what you should be thinking all right let's keep going here lots of good questions for you today mmm here we go next one how often do you go outdoors for fresh air pay attention to the object of the question ok it's not just how often do you go outdoors but how often do you go outdoors for fresh air ok give me a nice full sentence answer for this one and Wango says i seldomly do so I barely create time for it since I usually have a very busy schedule which keeps me indoors okay so and some people work outdoors don't forget right so some people are always in the fresh air so give me a little bit more information and because n I don't know who you are so if you're working in an office indoors and that's why you don't have time to go outside you need to tell me that and use the question so I seldomly go outside I barely have time for this since I'm usually very busy with my day schedule working in my administrative job indoors and it's a very high building so I don't even have windows that I can open okay something like that and so give me a little bit more clarity okay the other really important point students when you have the word often and you answer with seldom or rarely or always give a number after okay so I seldomly do so maybe only about 30 minutes a day if I'm lucky okay that gives me a lot more information a lot more clarity as your listener okay pay a bus access to enjoy a refreshing breath of air I regularly go to the nearby sector Park in the morning which is only about a kilometer from my apartment I sit there and look around the greens and stroll around the park to relax and breathe in the fresh air right so it's the fresh air that's the object that's what you want to emphasize all right febri UNH's says I enjoy fresh air while jogging three times a day just like yesterday I was jogging with my neighbor and having a chitchat very nice Fabri on so you're enjoying the fresh air while you're doing some outdoor activity like jogging and you're doing it three times a day which is amazing ok morning noon evening Wow three jogs I never get three jogs in that's a good answer okay I like how you used quantitative language tamo nish Nandi says I go for about an hour of fresh air each day I like to relax on the benches in the park near my home I also go for a stroll I even go out with my friends and walk for about a kilometer okay Tom oh nice not bad couple of Corrections there but good use of quantitative language okay I'm KITT cheer us is when I feel very sad and feel very depressed and I go to get some fresh air because it gives me a kind of sense of relaxation and a lovely feeling so uncute how often is that hopefully you don't feel sad very often but again the question is how often so it's not when do you go for fresh air or where do you go for fresh air it's how often do you go outdoors for fresh air okay in the real world students we often don't communicate clearly with each other but in the IELTS exam you really have to work on that and this is the reason when I coach native speakers who take the IELTS exam this is what I emphasize for them is you have to be really careful with the accuracy of your answers we all make mistakes but it's certainly not just a casual chitchat that we have on the daily basis and we often miss communicate or do not communicate clearly in our daily conversations however on the IELTS exam to maximize your score here you have an examiner that doesn't know who you are they're listening to what you have to say and you need that examiner to have as much clarity as possible so you have to pay extra extra attention to what the question is and what your answer is and make sure that those line up and match each other directly okay so I know I get emails and comments on YouTube videos sometimes from very high level students who said well I have really good English and I still just got a 7 what happened and always in my head I'm thinking well you probably weren't answering the questions directly enough you're going off-topic or you were generalizing right so be really careful about that so I frequently go outside for a breath of fresh air at least twice a day once in the morning when I go for my 8 K run around Marga Thailand and then again in the evening when I go for a stroll with my daughter ok so again very direct ok frequently often adverb of frequency frequently ok how often is that twice a day when is that once in the morning when I go for a run the other time again when I go out in the evening for a stroll ok be specific use adjectives give details then you'll get those high band scores repeat after me how often do you go outdoors for fresh air I frequently go outside for a breath of fresh air at least twice a day once in the morning when I go for my 8 K runs around Marga Thailand and then again in the evening when I go for a stroll with my daughter ok all right now the questions of course do increase in complexity as you go further in the interview and here is the next question okay where do you prefer relaxing in your house or out somewhere and why right so where do you prefer relaxing in your home or out somewhere Charlie our member says I prefer to relax in my home listening to music with my audio system because I really like the environment of my room I turn on my foot lamp in the room sit on an easy chair and listen to some smooth music which okay Charlie and you're going still which is okay don't don't keep talking too much though it sounds like you're getting into a bit of repetition so careful with that all right Ashleigh vlogs says I prefer relaxing at home because I'm an introvert I recharge myself by staying alone inside and just watching movies are listening to classical music I also love to stay home and bake some pancakes Ashleigh you're right after my own heart I'm a Canadian I love my pancakes that's great nothing likes some buttermilk pancakes alright let's see some more answers mr. Jamal says I usually prefer going outside in the evening to a park which is located near my home I think the park is suitable for meeting friends outdoors and doing some exercise rather than staying all cooped up inside mr. Jamal repeat after me rather than staying all cooped up inside staying all cooped up inside means that you're kind of curled into this little ball and you're just really staying indoors okay so rather than staying cooped up inside I think a lot of people have been cooped up indoors because of all the lock downs that we're going on YouTube Roshan says I would rather prefer relaxing outdoors it's because I get to meet my friends outside somewhere and we can get in some quality conversation okay all right not a bad answer notice my Corrections as well Sammy rocky or member says I prefer relaxing at home because I feel lazy and when I'm tired I just lie down and have sound sleep so that my mind is refreshed like yesterday I had a really long nap okay Sammy you like your sleep I don't know if sleep is relaxing I think it's one step beyond relaxing it's actually resting right relaxing is not really sleeping it's more just doing something that's recharging your batteries okay so I prefer to chill outdoors with my family and friends rather than inside not only because I've been cooped up for the past three months due to the Cova crisis locked down but also since I like fresh air and outdoor activities like barbecues in the park and kicking around a football all right so be original you know use your current content and context of situations I'm sure a lot of us have spent quite a bit of time at home these days so now in many parts of the world it's summertime of course so being outdoors is preferable in many parts of the world alright so here we go repeat after me where do you prefer relaxing in your house or out somewhere why I prefer to chill outdoors with my family and friends rather than inside not only because I've been cooped up for the past three months due to the Cova crisis locked down but also since I like fresh air and outdoor activities like barbecues in the park and kicking around a football all right now some of you might be thinking agent isn't that a little bit too colloquial like too casual slang like to say something like I prefer to chill outdoors it's fine it's absolutely fine especially in part 1 part 1 questions in the speaking they're usually casual questions they're asking about you your life your activities your opinions so you can be a little bit more casual in part 1 in part 3 you want to be a little bit more professional you want to be a little bit more technical same in part 2 so again this is a little bit tricky during the IELTS exam because it's not really a natural situation most of us are either very casual talking with our friends or we're very professional talking with our colleagues or classmates but in the IELTS exam you can actually be both and that will help your mark if you can do that or when you do that so if you're going to be casual be casual at the beginning and in part 1 when you're professional that should be part 2 and part 3 so again practice because it's not naturally we usually never have a 15-minute situation in our lives where we switch from casual to professional conversation but that happens in the exam okay so you should be able to switch and practice switching between casual and professional or formal type of conversation okay again it's it's not something that we do all the time but this is an exam they don't have a better situation they can't call you in one day for a casual conversation and then call you back a day later for a professional conversation then the exam would be more expensive plus students probably don't want to do that they don't want it we'll have two speaking parts one on one day we'll have a casual chitchat then we'll call you back another day and have a formal interview yeah not gonna really work logistically so they do it all in one go okay so tip it's okay to use more casual language in part one but be sure to switch to formal and professional language for part two and especially part three okay it's kind of interesting to keep in mind when you're practicing this as well that will also also show the examiner your range of ability okay that will also show your range of ability Karolina a sanyo nice to see you Karolina in the class when should I use outdoors and when should I use outdoor what is the difference yeah very good the outdoors Karolina usually means like nature okay so outdoors a way to think about it Karolina is the great outdoors the great outdoors would be like a forest where you go camping all right so outdoors nature natural environment outdoor means you're outside of your home okay so anytime that your outdoor your outside your home when you're in the outdoors you're in nature very good question Karolina very nice question right that s actually does change the meaning a fair bit so thank you for asking that right if I miss some of your questions just send me an email I see that there are lots of questions the pro I don't see your question so just email it to me okay and don't spam with emojis girls and guys that's not gonna get you what you want because then everybody will be doing that okay all right so let's go to the next question here we go have you ever had to stay at home for a long time without going out why give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay have you ever had to stay at home for a long time without going out why roshni kunde says definitely I had to isolate myself for the last three months due to kovat 19 pandemic which is a deadly disease so to protect myself I had to follow rules like social distancing and the lockdown whereby I stayed at home and ordered food to my house I didn't even go to the grocery store abhishek says yes I'd been at home for the past month due to the current covin 19 pandemic there was a 30-day national lockdown in my city especially in my vicinity because it was a hotspot of infection all right Khyber says just a sec okay Khyber says yes I had to stay at home for a long time due to the pandemic coronavirus because it was a bacteria that was spreading so fast and authorities declared a lockdown for at least three months Khyber that's good Kove it is a virus not a bacteria it's very different careful with misinformation okay they will ding you for that all right yeah kovat would probably be a very popular answer if there is a situation like that sure go ahead and use it also reflect the grammar of the question its have you ever had so it's present perfect okay and maybe be creative okay also be creative yes I've been isolated to my home a couple of times over the past few years most recently like many others around the globe because of the pandemic which forced governments to lock down cities and residents aside from that I stayed at home for a month two years ago after breaking my left leg playing floor hockey all right so when you can go above and beyond the most obvious answer you're probably going to pick up some points so here's my answer repeat after me have you ever had to stay at home for a long time without going out why yes I've been isolated to my home a couple of times over the past few years notice my use of present perfect passive here because I'm not doing the isolating the government is isolating me or my broken leg is isolating me so yes I've been isolated to my home a couple of times over the past few years most recently like many others around the globe because of the pandemic which forced governments to lock down cities and residents aside from that I stayed at home for a month two years ago after breaking my left leg playing floor hockey fortunately in my case that's true all right students one more question here one more question if you had to stay outside for a whole week where would you go and why give me a nice full sentence answer for that one Johan says hmm if I have to stay outside from my house for a whole week the place I would go would be a hilly area as it is summer now and I want to chill out in a cold place where I can feel relieved where is that Javon is there a nice Hill where you can stay cool and in the shade near your home or maybe somewhere further Charlie sense as well if I had to stay outside over a week I would go for a trip to Ladakh which is a union territory in India situated in the lap of the Himalayan mountains it always catches my eye because of its aesthetic beauty very nice charlie good nice answer she'd go for a nice big hike in the Himalayas or at the foot of the Himalayas piya Bucek says if I were allowed to stay outside for seven days I would explore such Akali with camping to enjoy the mountains and waterfalls because that's a nice place and a secluded environment very nice answer I like how you paraphrased a week to seven days very good MIDI huh says mm if I had to stay outside for a week I would love to go back and revisit the beautiful burning mountains in Azerbaijan very nice midi huh good answer I was always a bit curious what people would say to this it's giving me some good ideas for where I should go travel thank you for that all right Fahad ket says if I had to stay out for a week I would definitely spend it in an area which has lots of beaches like go out where I can sunbathe and get a tan right on Fahd sure um okay here's my answer given the situation where I would be outdoors watch this one Carroll enough for an entire seven days I would visit the beautiful or I would say majestic a karmana Valley which is the oldest temperate rainforest in the world and has some of the largest trees on the planet it would be an amazing adventure and I would truly enjoy it with friends and family okay and that's on the north part of a central north part of Vancouver Island which is my home part of the world karmana it's spelled like that I'm pretty sure all right so here we go students if you had to stay outside for a whole week where would you go why given the situation where I would be out divorced for an entire seven days I would visit the majestic karmana Valley which is the oldest temperate rainforest in the world and has some of the largest trees on the planet it would be an amazing invention I would truly enjoy it with friends and family students that's it for today's lesson I hope you got in lots of speaking practice if it's not enough go to the websites where you can practice your speaking for free as I showed you with other students make sure to use that that's free and for you ayyyy help calm for academic IELTS and G IELTS help comm for general IELTS if you like what you see use the premium course that will definitely help you to get better band scores you'll see lots of HD videos with me for all sections of the outs original practice exams interactive courses and apps lots there to help you have a great rest of your day hopefully I'll see you at the same time tomorrow two classes tomorrow make sure to join us for that members make sure to be in the members chat class much love to all of you signing out from Budapest I'm Adrian bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: IaRn5AgbfR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 11sec (3611 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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