IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Band 9 Table Explanation

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live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from Budapest here in the Central Europe I hope everybody has had a safe and productive week at home hi muck sood hiya waz hi Michael hi Angelina nice to see a new member in the class as well I hope you're all doing well this is a Members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch to become a member you can click the join button beside the subscribe button if you don't see that just send me an email my email is Adrian at AE help calm and Angelina I see that you just upgraded your membership status to tier 2 the videos the request and the exam so Angelina just send me an email after this class or later today to my email and then I'll hook you up with those perks ok cool happy to have you in the class hi Abhishek hi Lapage - all right students this class is presented to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS please visit us there join our Premium Package to get access to all of our products and for the general version of the exam check us out at G IELTS help calm that's general IELTS I'll quickly show you what those websites look like this is the academic here with the blue background click that big red button to join there and this is the general with the green background again same idea click that big red button we keep the general and the academic training separate it makes sense these are two versions of the exam and people do these for different goals so make sure you know which one you need and join the right program students if you want to get our products our exam books in paperback hardcopy you can order the books from Amazon if you search for a helps academic IELTS or GE he'll GE helps general outs on Amazon so you can get the books from there if you don't want the digital but you want the physical books okay so today task one writing this task one was requested by Baek Jun and Baek Jong I'm happy you're in class right now so you can chime in whenever you want and this was requested by Baek Jong so again members you can request classes all of the members levels have that ability to request classes okay so this is a task one for the academic and it's not for the general okay general I'll it's it's different task one you're doing letter writing so make sure you know the difference okay here we go IELTS task 1 writing you should spend about 20 minutes on this task the following table shows the sales made by a coffee shop in an office building on a typical day ok read the question carefully so it's a coffee shop in an office building on a typical day ok so it's not a specific date it's just an average day describe the main features and make comparisons where relevant alright so let's take a look at this table so this is a table type question let's see how well you can see this it's maybe a little bit dark if I have it let's see and just brighten it up a bit okay all right can you see the numbers students I know it's a little bit hard to see this table I'm trying to get it to be visible ok let me do this another way here yeah this table is a little bit tricky to get visible okay if you don't see it that's fine no just give me one moment I'll I'll see if I can make it work better for us here and just give me a second Papapa Papapa just two moments I do have a brighter version of the table but I'm afraid that's gonna be maybe too bright so let's check it out anyway so let's insert that one all right okay so there's a brighter version of this and I bet you're gonna tell me that's too bright okay but you should be able to see it all right how's that version there's that looking a little bit better let me try to find the happy middle ground always finding the solution students always finding the solutions you might not see me as well but you'll see the table okay all right Angelina I will post it later into the into the community board as well absolutely so you'll see this question there as well okay all right so here is the table all right and it looks kind of simple so here you have the times in the day 7:30 in the morning of course going up all the way till 5:30 and then here you have the products at the coffee shop so you have coffee tea pastries sandwiches and then here you have the numbers what do you think the numbers represent it's clearly not dollars it's not the money that that they earn but it's the number okay so it means that they sold two hundred and sixty five cups of coffee during this time all right so these are the numbers okay all right so students I'm going to show you how to write a really nice high band essay for this one okay the first step of course is the overview so for the overview what you want to do is you want to paraphrase the first step is just paraphrase the question with more details okay yeah it's quantity very good Mohit but John yeah Elena it's the quantity it's the number so if they don't you if you don't see the dollar sign then it's referring to the quantity very good okay so go ahead members paraphrase this and use the information in the table to give more details so the following table show the sales made by a coffee shop in an office building on a typical day describe the main features so paraphrase it give it more details I'm going to do the same here's another look at this table okay coffee tea pastries sandwiches okay so okay so there's my paraphrase let's see what you come up with okay let's see what you come up with Tito says the given counter depicts the auction built by a coffee in a coffee office building on a common day Tito you're using synonyms but you're not using them accurately in context so students be really careful when you paraphrase and use synonyms you're using synonyms that you know work in that context ok Tito that's kind of awkward it's hard to understand what you're actually writing even though you're using synonyms because we wouldn't use most of those words like auction built doesn't really make sense ok the given counter counters a little bit weird for this I would just keep using table ok so careful with word choice students that's a very common mistake ok and it's very awkward in comprehension awaaz says the given table depicts the trade caused by a coffee tea pastry and sandwich store in an office building on a common day in different times same thing as with Tito there's some really awkward use of words there so be careful Bek John says this table this table illustrates or the provided table illustrates four types of products coffee tea pastries and sandwiches served in an office building on a typical day ok bet John that's much much better the comma it's right after the last letter sandwiches it's there's no space ok just after charlie says the presented table gives the number of coffee tea pastries and sandwiches sold in a coffee shop in an office building in a day not bad charlie students you need to use the passive voice here is sold it's sold by the employees or the cashiers or by the coffee shop so use the passive voice in the sentence okay does that make sense hopefully no pavan you do not need to use capital letters for coffee tea pastries and sandwiches you can use lowercase letters they're just common nouns so you do not need to use capital letters if you do it's okay because it's the title of those columns but you don't have to okay I'll be shek says the table compares the sales of given products namely coffee tea pastries and sandwiches at a coffee shop during the given time periods okay MUC sued and says the table depicts a conventional weekday sales of coffee tea pastries and sandwiches of a coffee shop which is located in an office building muck suit that is really nice paraphrasing so so far muck suit has the highest band start to the overview one correction muck suit you don't need the brackets around coffee to sandwiches okay students careful with that so this is just a tip here don't overuse brackets we don't use these so often in writing okay so there's kind of a very special way to use parentheses or brackets so here's a tip okay do not use overuse brackets which are these symbols okay in your task one writing all you usually need I see this often with students and you usually don't need that all you usually need is a comma or two okay so you just need to use the comma all right in this case okay so don't overuse those brackets okay so Angelina says the given data depicts the main products sold in a coffee shop during a regular day Angelina it's good paraphrasing but you're missing details so notice Angelina how much soot and the other students are putting in some details into that paraphrase so to get a better band score Angelina don't just simply paraphrase the question but give it some detail that you can see from the graph or the table so here is my paraphrase with details the given table depicts the sales of four products coffee tea pastries and sandwiches at a coffee shop during four time frames breakfast lunch dinner and supper on a usual day okay so that's what we have now if you look at the times here students you can see that this is kind of breakfast time this is more or less lunch time this is more or less dinner time and this is supper time okay so especially in Western culture that's kind of how it works so if you can use those words then again you're going to get a better band score because you're changing data into more human language again it's an expository essay so you're explaining the information not just simply describing or reporting that is is that clear students so is that does that make sense okay so always try to take the information that you see and translate it don't be too creative so don't make up information that you can't see but when you realize okay that's breakfast that's lunch that's dinner that's supper that makes sense okay Alena supper would be a late dinner okay so if you think about it it comes after dinner okay so dinner comes after lunch supper comes after dinner okay all right okay I'm just gonna read the other ones here I can't read all of them students for every sentence otherwise we'll never get through it but roshni says the given table illustrates data about the sales of coffee tea pastries and sandwiches in an office cafeteria on a particular day yeah you don't need the coffee shop on roshni that's redundant okay kazeem says the given scheme below demonstrates the sales in a coffee shop in an office building cuz even add more detail same thing okay Alena yours looks good I just read that as well okay so we're not done yet the overview has two components the second component of the overview is the main feature or features okay so now we need to add that sentence into the overview this is not separate from the traduction so the introduction and the in the overview are the same paragraph please don't separate the these it looks really awkward okay so I know you see these examples online and you hear from people but it's it's unnecessary okay the introduction meaning the paraphrase with the details and the main features that should just be one paragraph it makes sense to group that into one nice introductory overview okay so here now we want to write the most observable feature so what we can most clearly see from this this table so what can we see here what's the most observable what can we identify right away by looking at this table okay there's a couple of interesting pieces of information all right so Michael fan says when looking at this table in more detail it's obvious that the sales of coffee tea and pastries dominated during breakfast time Abhishek says overall the maximum sales of coffee can be seen in all four time frames followed by pastries okay all right I'll be check you mean that the coffee sales had the highest amount highest amount of sales right Alois says overall it's so obvious that pastries were the most sellable product while the least was tea okay BEC John says that first glance that is evident that the most number of commodities are served in the morning with the exception of sandwiches came all right so what you're doing and what's interesting here is some of you are reporting on the type of product and some of you are reporting on the actual time okay so how do we get this and this is what you need to do with tables students if you get tables like this then you should do some quick simple math all right so you can look at these numbers here these are the columns okay and you can also look at these numbers here these are the rows all right now sometimes for task one in the academic IELTS you get a very complicated graph you get a line graph together with a table or you get two bar graphs together or two maps so it's quite complicated so you have to be careful to simplify take out the most important information sometimes in task one you'll get a simpler graph like this table so you have to look at the information in a more global and detailed way to get some better ideas now if I look at this table and I look at the row then I can say that the breakfast time had the highest number of sales and coffee was the most sold item throughout the day okay now here's an interesting phrase that you can use and we'll do this in the analysis actually so I'm gonna leave it till that but you can look at the columns and you can look at the rows so you can look at the objects and you can look at the times so my main feature would be that okay that's my most observable so I can see that coffees definitely the most sold item and the morning time has the highest sales for the lowest sales it's a little bit difficult to see it looks like tea but I leave that out and the time is even more difficult to see okay so my main feature is this at first glance and when you say at first glance it really should be at first glance at first glance it is apparent that coffee had the highest number of sales throughout the day and the morning time had the most sales in the day okay so that would be my observation all right if somebody had something similar to that great okay so the given table so this is my overview go with me the given table depicts the sales of four products coffee tea pastries and sandwiches at a coffee shop during four timeframes breakfast lunch dinner and supper on a usual day at first glance it is apparent that coffee had the highest number of sales throughout the day and the morning time had the most sales in the day okay so that's what it looks like Charlie sense says should I write in the present tense or past tense that's a really good question so you can choose either or here charlie because these are the sales on a given day on an average day so this day seems like it happened so you could use the past tense but you could use the present tense because it is general came so you could say it like like this charlie and that was a good question and I think yeah Charlie I would say that using the present tense might even be better I don't think you'll lose band scores for that using the past or the present in this case but general does sound better because the question says on a usual day so it's Jen role and the present tense is used for general okay so at first glance it is apparent that coffee has the highest number of sales throughout the day and the morning time has the most sales okay in the day all right good that was a good good catch charlie good for you okay all right so now we do the analysis and for the analysis we want to identify six to eight points okay before we begin writing so here if you were to get this question your point number one should be this here so what you want to do is you want to do some quick math all right now your math does not have to be perfect it doesn't have to be accurate this is not a math test it just has to be roughly accurate so 200 265 145 185 what is that so that's about 400 right that's about 400 as well roughly so it's roughly 800 right and I think pooja said that I caught that number 800 it's very close Abhishek says it's 795 that's good so T so I want to quickly do some summation here and yes for Ben 9 band 8 level students you're expected to think at this level during the academic IELTS exam okay so T we have roughly 200 and another 85 so we have roughly about 275 here roughly okay pastries we have a hundred 250 + 275 is let's say 525 plus 80 is 605 roughly 600 right and then sandwiches help me out here if you can see them I see some number coming up so if you can see them here okay so here we have exactly three four hundred right okay ninety two hundred four hundred and when you have a table like this in the IELTS you'll see that the numbers are relatively easy to sum together so again IELTS is testing your ability to add like this right okay so 40 plus 50 is 90 plus 110 is 200 plus 200 is 400 so quick numbers right doctor krishna michael fan muck suit I'll be Scheck very good right so quick numbers so that's what we do and now we can actually see some very interesting information here that's much more interesting than just looking at these little numbers here we can see that coffee there were twice as many cups of coffee sold as sandwiches right in the total day and there were roughly three times as many cups of coffee sold as tea okay pastries outsold sandwiches by 50% so we start to see a lot of really interesting information come out of this table now okay so now we want to see the same for breakfast lunch dinner so we can compare the items and then we can compare the actual times of the day as well so summing the rows okay so morning time okay here we go so to 65 to 75 roughly 550 600 710 so 710 items total for breakfast right coming up for lunch we have 300 plus another roughly let's say 250 so we have about 530 roughly okay and here's where you can use words like approximately about roughly so on okay so these words will help you so 530 let me put these in this place here okay 710 all right anybody figure out the last two for me while I was speaking here okay so again 300 300 plus 75 375 okay and last but not least here 200 400 about 470 okay so now we see that dinner time actually had the lowest sales right and the highest sales were in during breakfast time and lunch and dinner roughly had the same okay so now we have some interesting numbers there all right so that's some interesting data so now we can go into more details about the main feature of the overview we can compare the highest and lowest sales for items right so what I would do now is I would compare this as my number one to this okay so that would be my number one my number two point would be maybe comparing this to this my number three point would be stating maybe this time here sticking with x okay actually I might save that until I finished comparing items so sorry my bad just a second so I would compare this to this for number one then number two I would do these here okay let me explain that a little bit more clearly so my first point for analysis I would just compare items so coffees were sold the most on a typical day tea was sold the least by about a third as much and then for my second point I would name that pastries were the second most paw popular and sandwiches were in at 400 and then I would go to the times so I would go to most and least sorry three here and then comparing it to the lowest sales here and then fourth would be this one here and then if I want to go into even more details and I have more time then I can go into specific times and items so I could go into coffee in the morning being the most popular item and then tea during dinner time being the least popular item okay all of the other pieces of data I would ignore does that make sense hey Sammy welcome aboard so does that does that make sense so that would be you know I'm showing you band 9 here so keep that in mind so first I would identify the sales of coffee as the most at the place on a given day the sales of tea as the least then third and fourth pastry sandwiches and or second and third sorry and then the times of the day popularity and then maybe if I have enough time these here okay does that make sense students those analysis now I hope somebody is keeping track of these numbers because I'm gonna have to kind of erase these okay back John Abhishek says yes okay so that's the most valuable information if we're think about it this way students if we own this coffee shop this is what we would want to learn from this table right that's a good way to think about these graphs is who is using this information and what do they want to know so if I ask who is that using this information then I would say ok the owner of the coffee shop and what do they want to know well they probably want to know their average total sales of each of these products they want to know their busiest times in the day their highest selling times in the day and then in more detail they might want to know what's really working well for them and what's not working so well so that they can make better decisions okay all right so I'm going to start writing these together with you and I'm going to teach you a couple of really cool phrases so that you can get these nice high band scores if you get a table question like this and of course use it for your university studies also okay here we go students so let's get into the analysis the first one is comparing total sales of coffee to total sales of tea okay so that's what we're doing now alright so analysis point number one now this is how I would start by summing the number of sales in each row and column further insight can be gained from this data the total number of coffee sales on an average day hovers around 800 which is the greatest of all four products conversely the lowest totaling sales of any product is T just a third of coffee around 275 units okay so that would be your band nine description okay now notice this very interesting language here that you can use for this okay so by summing or the other way you can say it is by adding okay so by summing the number of sales in each row and column further insight can be gained from this data if you have a nice sentence like that in your analysis I promise you that your examiner will be going aha now there's a band 9 student that I've been looking for all day okay so everybody picking that up making a note of that statement by summing together by adding together the rows and the columns please make sure you note that in your study book okay Preeti says to begin coffee sold the highest quantity roughly 800 throughout the day whereas pastries are second in sales moreover teas show the lowest interest by individuals compared to coffee and pastries not bad Preeti there's a couple of slight errors there that are a little bit confusing but overall it's not bad Beck John says going into more detail it is evident that coffee had the most sales with about 800 cups compared to tea which was sold at approximately 300 units nice Beck John very good ok comparing that tea and coffee now back John makes sure that you mentioned that tea is the least okay Alois says looking at the table in more detail coffee was the most sellable product yeah and we can stick to so Charlie sent says hey let's guys girls this is an average day so let's stick to present tense okay yeah so I'm staying with present tense here as well I'm just checking to make sure if we're following Charlie's good advice here that was sound advice use the present tense it's not a past day it's not a past year it's just a general day so let's keep using that present tense in this case okay all right roshni says as stated on a typical day coffee is sold Markley higher in total at eight hundred cups compared to tea which is the lowest total sales at merely 275 cups right roshni roshni one sentence don't split those Angelina people are more into coffee according to the data around 800 units are sold per day closely followed by pastries which summed around 605 units during the day then followed by and finally least is tea so Angelina would just roll the rest of that in there so I would roll sandwiches and tea in with that sentence might as well if you're going most second third least it's okay to do that you don't have to go most and least you can go first second third fourth I just do it all in one sentence in that case okay Angelina just keep going with the other two products Elena says after adding up the rows and columns okay so Elena put that information in there after adding up the rows and columns it's easily visible that coffee is the most is the most sold product in that case use the past participle because it's passive the most sold product with roughly 800 cups for a normal day whereas tea is the least sold product among all four which is just a third of coffee around 275 okay all right not bad not bad slow down student and slow down I see some of you already going towards the time and so on okay so here we go let me finish up the other two products here the second most popular product on a typical day are pastries at 600 units and in third place our sandwiches at about what is it San which is at about 400 pieces okay all right good so now we're looking at the times okay and make sure you don't confuse these so we got this information by summing together the columns now we're looking at the information by summing together the rows okay and here is where you can use the connective word furthermore furthermore because you're giving more information in addition is okay here too I would prefer furthermore okay yeah roshni you don't need a full stop there in that previous okay okay Beck Jones has further more pastries which was the second highest sale has 605 units while the number of sandwiches is sold at 400 okay yeah all right Beck John that's good again present tense when possible unless you're using passive voice students okay now we're comparing times so I'm going to compare most with least just because most and least it's a nice comparison for this kind of a table okay so I'm comparing breakfast 710 to dinner time 375 which is roughly half okay so I'm going to get into that okay furthermore by adding together the columns it can be learned that so here learned because I'm using the passive voice right it can be learned that the highest sales are in are for breakfast at roughly seven hundred and ten items total while the lowest sales are during lunch at about half of breakfast just two hundred and or what is it 375 yeah 375 add just the 375 pieces total okay so that would be comparing breakfast and dinner okay sorry not lunch dinner sure somebody's hadrian it's dinner it's not lunch during dinner all right let's see did anybody else have something similar so pooja says moreover pastries were preferred over sandwiches proving to be the next most popular item on the menu with sales figures of about 605 per day pooja that's really nice writing I love that comparison okay really nice charlie send same idea very good Elena in addition pastries is the second most popular product which is just two hundred quantities less than coffee followed by sandwiches in third place with roughly sandwiches 400 pieces Elena okay dr. Krishna says furthermore focusing on time slots and individuals preferred to buy breakfast over dinner which are 710 items and 375 items accordingly yeah the number dr. Krishna is the adjective so you need the noun okay units items food items so you need a little bit more there okay I'll be shacking aliy the total number of rows including coffee tea pastries and sandwiches are around 710 units for breakfast while the lowest sales are during dinner time with just 375 pieces total I'll be check that's good I made a few Corrections there okay and then here I have 530 and 470 for lunch and supper okay so 534 70 those are roughly the same because it's a typical day on another day they could be even closer all right so I'm just going to summarize those in my next sentence and I probably have easily a hundred and fifty words already so I might not focus on going into details about coffee and during breakfast time and tea during dinner time but you know if you're really fast you can go there I don't recommend it I think if you have a hundred and fifty words at this point you might as well just write a summary okay so here before I do that the second most popular time in the day was lunch at 530 units sold and a close third was dinner at 478 um's purchased that's paraphrase here a little bit all right now again if I really so if I'm really pushing I'm fast and I have plenty time maybe I'll write about coffee in the morning and tea but it's kind of detailed I don't really need it instead I'd probably want to write a summary ok roshni's asking sir is passive voice being verb plus by rusty passive voice uses be plus past participial and you use by to represent the agent of the action ok send me an email on that roshni and I can send you a little bit more detailed information if you're not clear on passive voice ok so summary I know a lot of you have heard that all you don't need a summary or a conclusion for task 1 yeah you don't need anything for task 1 but the question is what should you write to get a high band score and if you can see some interesting information that you can summarize from the graph or the table and it's not a conclusion okay a conclusion and a summary are not the same okay they both come at the end of the writing but they're not the same idea okay we use a summary for descriptive and expository writing and we use a conclusion for persuasive and narrative writing mm-hmm okay is everybody clear on that I'm gonna say that one more time for all of those people who love literature and love writing and communication it's a good point to remember for the future okay I'll write it down for you here so keep this in mind I don't think I've said this to you in the past okay so tip remember that a conclusion and summary are not the same idea okay summary or a summary is used for expository and descriptive writing for essays whereas a conclusion is written for persuasive and narrative essays okay so make sure to remember that all right I'll be check if you don't have time to write the summary don't worry about it you can still get a pretty good mark okay but for those of you who really do need that band-aid for like a PhD or some kind of really fast-track visa or something like that you should consider writing a summary for task 1 okay so conclusion is for task 2 summary is for task 1 okay and the summary is just a simple summary of what we learn from this table okay so summary in summary what do we learn from the table now here's where you can get really clever right coffee beverage tea beverage pastry food sandwich food which is the most popular food pastry which is the most popular beverage coffee what do we learn in summary the most popular beverage is coffee over tea and the most popular food as pastry over sandwich right I think it's a clever summary to say that and I bet you if you write that for this question in the real IELTS you'll get some more bands promise you okay so in summary after analyzing all the data it is clear that coffee is a much more popular beverage than tea at this shop while pastries are 50% more popular or a 50% more popular food item than sandwiches okay so that would be your ban nine analysis summary and overview here we go students let's read through this together so the given table depicts the sales of four products coffee tea pastries and sandwiches at a coffee shop during four timeframes breakfast lunch dinner and supper on a usual day at first glance it is apparent that coffee has the highest number of sales throughout the day and the morning time has the most sales in the day by summing the number of sales in each row and column further insights can be gained from this data the total number of coffee sales on an average day hovers around 800 which is the greatest of all four products conversely the lowest totalling sales of any product is tea at just a third of coffee around 275 units the second most popular product on a typical day are pastries at 600 units and in third place or sandwiches at about 400 pieces furthermore by adding together the columns it can be learned that the highest sales are for breakfast at roughly 710 items total while the lowest sales are during dinner at about half of breakfast just 375 pieces total the second most popular time in the day was lunch at 530 units sold and a close third was dinner at 470 items purchased in summary after analyzing the data it is clear that coffee is a much more popular beverage than tea at this shop while pastries are 50% more pop you are a 50% more popular food item than sandwiches okay pooja is asking can we use preferred instead of popular yeah you can pooja preferred popular yeah same idea okay Elena very good it's the same so Elena says in summary the most popular beverages coffee over tea whereas most preferred food as pastry to sandwiches all right so a couple of important points students for these kinds of tables don't be shy especially if the numbers are really easy sum them that you it's not a math test so you don't have to have perfect numbers so don't stand there like drawing up your equations but just a rough addition of rows and columns okay compare the obvious your analysis matters a lot for those high band scores okay bet John thank you for this request it was BEC John's request Elena sent me some more task 1 requests for next week so that's fantastic Elena will cover one of those in class for sure as I mentioned to you I have seen those in the past Thank You Angelina for joining make sure to send me an email so I can hook you up with your perks later today ok and for all of our viewers to get access to all of our products videos interactive courses applications and so on just join us for academic IELTS @ae help calm and Jihad's help calm for a general okay Mohit we wrote three paragraphs because the overview and the introduction are just one paragraph you don't need to separate those ok that's unnecessary Preeti you're very very welcome dr. krishna thank you for joining in today that was awesome hopefully I'll see everybody in 30 minutes for speaking part 2 so that will be an all chat class everybody can join the chat speaking part to stay safe stay healthy much love to all of you from Budapest bye for now see you soon
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: 9zGzh4g2tE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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