IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Band 9 Skills for Cue Card

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe I hope everybody is having a great start to the weekend I put you high satisfying times by Monica Samir chanyeol Park Tina Chun min Samir good to see many students today IELTS part 2 for speaking the cue card we're going to be looking at what you need to do to get those ban 9 scores or at least get close to get over that 6.5 all right everyone quick announcement there are new membership levels if you are planning to become a member of our channel then look carefully at the membership levels choose the one that fits your budget you can join our premium full course through our website of course at AE help calm for academic IELTS and G IELTS help calm for the general version of the test I'll give you a quick glimpse of those websites hi Danish I'm doing great thank you for asking the websites students they look like this this is the academic website here you can click on the big red button to join our premium full course and as you can see from this new graphic we are now partners with British Council for their as an IELTS registration centre so you will see that on both of our websites here is the general version of the exam website green background click that red button to join if you want to register for the IELTS exam for students in Saudi Arabia we can help you out we will have more countries available soon ok all right students talk back here to today's lesson this is the last lesson for this week next week of course we will pick it up on Wednesday if you have a question send me an email Adrienne ADR I am at AE and I will post next week's schedule on the YouTube community bulletin board let's have a look at the speaking question for today so this is again IELTS speaking part to make sure to speak and repeat after me when you hear phrases and sentences that you feel are useful definitely repeat them okay I use West Coast North American English it's a very clear accent in English I'm from Victoria beside Vancouver so repeat questions repeat answers vocabulary as you hear them do the best that you can students for those of you who are new to IELTS in the speaking section the speaking part of the exam is done separately from the other three sections you will have an interview face to face with usually a native English speaker and it will take about 12 to 15 minutes it will have three parts you will get instructions for all three parts of the speaking speaking part one and three are question and answer format part one are general questions concerning you part three usually some more specific questions concerning the world around you so be clear about these three parts today we're focusing on part two hi Shang Hong good to see you in class as well so part two is a little bit tricky it's it's unique it's challenging even for native English speakers simply because it's not a common way to express ourselves in our daily lives okay I'm sure most of you will agree that we do not go walking around during the common day getting cue card with questions on it and then speaking for two minutes doing little mini presentations so you have to practice part two okay it's kind of like practicing giving little presentations in your classes in high school or college when you have a group project and you have to give a speech in front of your class it's kind of the same idea and it's even a little bit trickier than that because you really only have one minute to prepare your answers so time is the enemy here you have to use your time wisely hi Priyanka good to see you in this class alright so here's the cue card that we're looking at today part one will finish the examiner will ask you the final question you will give an answer and then the examiner will say okay that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two here is a card with some questions on it you will have one minute to look at the questions think about your answers and then two minutes to speak you may take notes if you wish are you ready go ahead turn it with a card you turn over the card and this is what you see IELTS speaking part two what should you do so when you turn over the card what should be your very very first step okay what should be your very very first step is you turn over this card what do you think step one yeah Karolina says we'll read the questions and Karolina yeah read and make points carefully okay satisfying time says read carefully yeah that word carefully is very important students and that's why I'm emphasizing it and I'm glad to see that some of you have stated that so read the questions at a comfortable pace carefully okay the number one mistake and I still see this no matter how much I say this I still see it the number one mistake in part two cue card is students do not read the card carefully or the candidates they talk about a different idea a different topic they miss questions and for all of those reasons your band scores go down so you really have to be cautious you really have to just read it carefully and I know why it's because you feel time pressure you're like I have one minute I have to really think quickly and I have to be ready so students go like this they go okay talk about a time when you return something he bought at the shop what was it when where was it what was the reason you returned it what happened okay okay here we go notes notes notes I returned a pair of shoes what were those shoes they were basketball shoes all right why did I return them well because the laces were broken so that's not the right way okay that's that's a bad approach all right here the turtle wins the race not the rabbit okay the turtle wins wins the race one minute students is a lot of time if you're not panicking okay if you're not panicking one minute can be quite a long amount of time if you're panicking it's gone in the blink of an eye okay now Mohammed Wahab clearly says that the next step is you should identify whether it's a person place an event or objects of what it is okay what is it so step one read the question at a comfortable pace carefully step two Thank You Muhammad for helping us with that identify whether you are oh not weather like that whether you are talking about an object person place event or idea and here obviously we're talking about an object an item that I returned okay so when we're talking about an object and make sure to practice all of these for speaking part two so practice talking about objects practice talking about people about places about events like birthdays and weddings about ideas make sure that you practice all of these topics because you never know what is going to come up now roshni says that it's an object pachoo likes to say that hey this is an event because you returned the object and yeah it's primarily an object but pachoo is kind of right to there is a little bit of an event here as well so this isn't just an object we're not just talking about what we return but we're talking about the situation as well so there is kind of an event hidden here as well however the focus is an object so when we talk about an object what do we need to state in order to clearly talk about it okay so what do we need to make sure to include in the two minutes so that our listener goes okay that's really clear I get what you're talking about okay so what you saying you should talk about its appearance what it looks like yeah absolutely ideas are made clear especially objects when we can visualize them when we can see them we talk about its function yep so what is it used for right we can talk about its significance that basically means why it's important to us okay so appearance function significance Chanyeol parks says maybe the price in this context yes but not always Chanyeol all the prices a detail what else do we talk about I don't see it up there yet and we talk about its origin okay so these are important the appearance the function its significance and its origin where does it come from okay those are what we talked about and the function is is the utilities so how do we use it where do we use it okay all right so we got that step three what do we do so this is all happening very quickly in the one minute in fact this is happening in the first 20 seconds okay hi Eugene thanks for the emojis hello panda and what is that a cat I think it's a cat back to you all right so what's step number three here yeah so roshni says choose a topic that's unique and simple to talk about if possible absolutely so think of a couple so think about two or three possible answers and choose the one that is somewhat it doesn't have to be really unique so that can also be a problem if it's difficult to talk about something that is somewhat unique what I mean by that is not all candidates are talking about it and it's relatively easy to discuss okay so you don't want to talk about a decompression chamber that you bought for your dive school which you had to return because the pressure valves weren't functioning properly that might become a very difficult piece of object to talk about for two minutes if you don't have some extremely high level English and very specific knowledge of decompression chambers that are used for diving situations so think about a couple objects so muhammad' Wahab says mobile phone okay so let's hear some some suggestions here mobile phone is one okay what other objects do we commonly return if you can think of one or two that you actually have returned in the past that's good too ok so Sean yellow says shoo be BEC says maybe a bicycle curliness says TV so shoo bike TV Tina says an IELTS book maybe I would probably stay away from that one Tina Joanne Jesse says a wallet now remember join you're returning this to the store that you bought it from so wallet shoes from Amazon Sameer might get to be a little bit tricky Bashir a hot-air balloon I don't think I would go with that one nobody really returns a hot-air balloon oonh to the place they got it from but yeah you never know so some goggles ceiling fan I like that one who came up with ceiling fan Huey Newton says ceiling fan I like that that's a clever one a teapot or a chair yeah so my opinion on these so far students mobile phone definitely not first of all mobile phone it's probably one a lot of candidates are choosing secondly a mobile phone is actually a very complex little pocket computer that can get really tricky to talk about okay a shoe probably another popular topic shoes we usually return because our they're too small or too big for our feet again you might get into some awkward vocabulary describing what is wrong with a pair of shoes bike is okay TV is all right it's not too unique ceiling fan is a very good choice teapot again might be a little bit difficult to explain technically what's wrong with a teapot chair if it's an office chair might be a good choice okay so there's some good ones there may be a some kind of an electronic device that's got a simple use okay like a microwave or an oven alright that could be easy laptop again Hermes could be tricky to describe why you'll return your laptop but it's alright okay let's choose one of these so again don't overwhelm yourself you only want to think about two or three all right so let's a bed jo-ann is not a bad one as well that could be a good one okay alright so let's let's choose one of these and talk about it create our two-minute little mini speech all right so which ones which one of these do you think is going to be a good one to talk about give me your opinion just choose from the ones here and the one that I see come up most in the chat I'll choose that one so write up the one that you think is a good one okay I see bike has quite a few votes ceiling fan has a good number of votes as well yeah it looks like ceiling fan all right sure let's try it see how it goes so ceiling fan it is one beautiful part of the ceiling fan okay is that it's definitely unique okay so the examiner is very unlikely to have heard another student that day talk about returning a ceiling fan and that already kind of gives you a little bit of an advantage in your marking so let's choose ceiling fan so our choice drumroll please is ceiling fan alright so we have our ceiling fan we have some notes that we want to write down here okay don't write notes this is just for us and the one minute you have about 40 seconds so first of all think about when you're thinking of your notes the key points with an object so appearance function significance origin okay so what it what does it look like what does this ceiling fan look like and now we'll discover whether it truly is an easy topic or if it's difficult Thank You Shanghai ceiling fan okay so what does it look like it's round and cylindrical blades okay that's what Danish says all right circular sure okay how big is it give me some numbers use some quantitative language okay it's white colored or it's black colored we don't need new lines for that so four blades cylindrical it's white okay twenty centimeters around typhoon oh I would say that's pretty small let's make that a little bit bigger so let's make a 1.5 meter diameter okay diameter means a cross okay you could also say that one blade is roughly a meter long if that would make it two meters okay all right Abdul Gayoom says it's got three wings wings is okay Abdul I think that would be acceptable they're usually called blades all right so three to four blades sure okay so four blades cylindrical white in color 1.5 diameter that's Lots for the description fine so keep going what's its function what is it used for okay but you says it's got 400 rpm so rotations per minute that's not bad sure we can add that in it's a clever suggestion for its description but you so what is it used for it blows air I don't think so Juan Pablo it doesn't blow air so jaggedy says to cool the temperature in the room so to cool the room temperature sure what else let's see anybody up let's see if anybody's come up with a couple other ways to describe that or to describe the function of it I think it's just more than just cooling the temperature in fact the fans don't really cool much that's air conditioning systems so cool temperature move the air keep the air fresh okay sure that's fine anything else create a light relaxing breeze in the room okay so just from what you're writing students I can tell that you're having a little bit difficulty to explain what's going on with this ceiling fan other than cooling the room temperature it's moving the air it's keeping the air fresh it's creating a light relaxing Breeze in the room this is why at home when you're practicing for the exam always test your theory about your choices so that you know whether or not it truly is easy to talk about or if it's a little bit tricky okay it's decorative sure that's a good one though it makes the room look a little bit nicer as well sure people have ceiling fans for decoration also alright good so that's the function significance it's kind of included in the function to make us feel more comfortable more relaxed we might be able to add a little bit more to it so why is it important holidays are hot summer days depending on what part of the world you're in yeah so keep us that's supposed to be an S so keep us in comfort during the summer months or hot summer days sure reduces heat there's one other very important aspect of a fan and it comes to mind so when you're visualizing and this is a big tip here for you so I'm just gonna add this as a tip okay when you're visualizing remember to think of all of your senses touch taste smell sight and hearing why did I say that so there's a logic here to why I just mentioned this so when you're thinking about your object or the event whatever you're talking about for part two it's very very important in that one minute to stay calm and visualize create the situation in your mind and think about it not just from your vision that's often what we tend to focus on but try to think about also your other senses like the sensation on the surface of your skin from the fan moving the air what else might come to mind with the ceiling fan if we think about all of our senses what is a very important feature of a ceiling fan yeah be back thank you you got me so the backcountry says the sound can be really annoying yeah so people usually look for ceiling fans that are silent okay so silent so it's not annoying right Karolina says also can remove the bad smells from the room absolutely so you can turn on a ceiling fan if you burnt some food in the kitchen sure so that's another one clever Karolina I didn't think about that but very clever now of course in the one minute it's unlikely that you're going to have time to get lots of notes down however your brain is capable of visualizing and sensing a lot of information in the one minute time okay so one more here the origin where did you get it from so where do you get a ceiling fan from where does it come from yeah satisfying time says it can keep insects away even so now we have lots and lots of great utility and function for the ceiling fan so Shenyang Park says an online shop from Amazon from the internet ok yeah all right where else if I want to physically buy it furniture stores that's right so Beshear says furniture stores okay great now students for this task - what do you think is a better choice talking about getting it from a furniture store a local furniture store or talking about getting it from the internet which would be the wiser decision so if you got this cue card and you're thinking okay do I want to discuss buying an item online that I had to return or I actually went into a shop to return this I'm really curious what the balance here will be of responses so most of you are saying furniture store notice that most of you're saying furniture store a couple of you are saying maybe the Internet but I would say furniture store is easier to talk about okay keep in mind everyone that your goal on the IELTS exam is to take the easy path to your band 9 or band 8 score okay talking about buying a ceiling fan from your local furniture store is going to be simpler than talking about how you made the order online there was some problems with the delivery when you unboxed it it wasn't quite what you had in mind then you had to print out a prepaid postage voucher to return the item if you don't know that if you don't know vocabulary about postage and the post office and returning items through internet claims then you're going to get yourself into a heap of trouble finding the correct vocabulary to truly express your ideas so be very very careful okay again choose the easy path to the high band score that's the key okay so we have its origin now we have one more step in the one-minute preparation time what is that what's the last step okay so we have step one we read the question we have step two we figure out we're talking about an object we know we need to talk about it's appearance its function its significance we have step three we thought about a few different objects we decided to talk about a ceiling fan great next step we wrote down some notes about the appearance and so on and now we have one more step and educational Guruji has the right idea along with gunas think about your first sentence okay you have to get your first sentence out quickly you must not wait 15 to 20 minutes to start speaking I see it way too often where students are like so an object that I had to return not so long ago and by the way thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak about this ok and then it's like don don don don don don don your two minutes is going and you're not getting points and the examiner is actually taking points because you're not being fluent okay so one way to show fluency is to speak right away when the examiner says your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking so step four is have your first sentence ready to go okay let's do that okay give me your first sentence so how would you start this response for daav says a month ago I returned a ceiling fan which I had bought two weeks earlier to the furniture store named antoshka very good for dogs I loved it that is a band 9 start my good man okay Dobby 2 says a week ago I bought a ceiling fan the cost was around 20 dollars and I had to return it students right away showed the target or showed a focus of the cue cards so the examiner feels confident and comfortable that you're actually answering that card you're not talking about some ideas that you memorized you're not lost in some other world but you're actually talking about this cue card so show them that right away in that first sentence okay Chung me and says Chung mean I'm not sure what you're saying there you might want to rethink that as your first sentence roshni cont a starting with some nice natural English Russian he says oh gosh I can still remember this ceiling fan I bought from a furniture shop about six months ago and I had to return it unfortunately roshni very good practice that intonation so oh boy I definitely remember this horrible ceiling fan I bought about a month ago which I had to return three days after to a furniture store called let's go with the name that for Dobbs gave us antoshka okay all right don't overcomplicate your first sentence just make sure it has the key elements if you complicate it too much you run the danger of making mistakes and that can cost you band scores so keep it as simple as it is comfortable for you to know that it's clear and accurate okay NEMA doula says an object which I vividly remember was last May a terrible ceiling fan from a furniture shop that I needed to return NEMA to LA that's good okay couple of Corrections Danish says a month ago I bought a ceiling fan from an online store called Amazon and unfortunately it was a defective product so I complained and returned it through the carrier kay Danish are going with the online store I advise against it you're already making a couple mistakes in that opening sentence so careful careful Cheong mean let me see where your sentence is and I'll let you know if you can start with that so Changmin says so as I mentioned earlier I bought a ceiling fan to feel cool Cheung Mian it's unlikely that you're going to have the chance to start that way because it's unlikely that in part one you're discussing your defective ceiling fan so I think you're thinking more about part three but yeah if you can make a connection you could do that if you had some earlier discussion with the examiner about a ceiling fan that you returned sure Amira says I remember two months ago I bought a new blue dress from the mall which is in south part of the city and when I went home I felt that the color of the dress doesn't work with my skin tone Amira that's good again careful not to over complicate the first sentence and Amira Samira Hamed make sure that you include the I returned it to the store so I had to return it to the store okay then you can explain more why you returned it and what was wrong but just show the examiner that you're on the right cue card okay so here we go oh boy I definitely remember this horrible ceiling fan I bought about a month ago which I had to return three days after to a furniture store called antoshka all right so what's a good way to continue let's go with the next sentence what would be a good sentence to continue with here remember students use your notes use the cue card use your visualization that's the three elements that will keep you fluent and keep it clearly structured okay so while you give me the next sentence I'll remind you of this so use your visualization cue card or sorry yeah cue card and notes to stay structured and fluent okay those are what help you yeah so Marwadi says maybe talk about the reason why so why did you go get this fan what was the plan here why did you make the purchase Vanessa says first of all I called the store to know what I needed to do to change the product they gave me all the instructions such as making sure that I have proof of purchase and the product invoice Vanessa that's great that's some good information I would probably precede that with some other information so that would come just a little bit later Vanessa a little bit later just a touch later okay Firdaus says I bought it not only to create a light relaxing breeze in the room but also to keep my room clear as I am a dad and fresh air is good for my children okay yeah that's right for dogs that's what I would do music's first express my goal with this fan why do they want to get it in the first place that makes it a lot clearer for my audience why I returned it okay so my original goal was to install a ceiling fan into our living room to keep the house a bit cooler and create a nice comfortable breeze also we have a couple of dogs just making it up visualizing and this way we could keep the air fresher okay yeah so give some underlying information give a basis to what you're saying absolutely ok so let's see Sofia says maybe talk about its appearance as well in the beginning so as a beautiful fan with designs on it but unfortunately it didn't work the way I had wanted it to yeah so Sofia that's good absolutely I agree with you so now it's a good time to talk about its appearance why did you choose this fan right so think about your answer as a series of questions right what was it why did you buy it why did you return it what happened so think about it as a series of questions that's why I said use the cue card okay the cue card helps you with that series of questions so initially I decided on this fan because it is quite large about two meters in diameter and the specs were quite good 400 rotations per minute and claimed to be very silent my wife really liked its pearl white color so we brought it home okay again natural language students natural language keep repeating after me okay Margie says I purchased it for keeping a breeze in my living room but due to problems with its circuitry I had to return it Electric problem margitta is unclear in english we wouldn't use that came to mean says it was working well for a few days but soon it was making some weird sounds the remote controller wasn't responding with the ceiling fan I called an agent but nobody came okay true mean I think you're kind of losing yourself so students one danger is to go into a deep story and go off-topic careful not to do that so the way to avoid doing that is to come back to the card okay not just in the one minute preparation time but during your speaking I highly highly suggest looking at the card at least once okay so when and where was it what was the reason you returned it happen with the item in the end okay so you need to focus on those questions all right Khulna says the reason why I returned it is that it had a scratch on the tumbler switch and the sound after installing and switching it on was a was irritatingly thunderous yeah cool noise I loved it I loved the the sensory information that you're giving me irritatingly thunderous okay you can create similes here gunas and students you can say it sounded like the propeller of a helicopter okay are the blades of a low copter the propeller of a plane alright so those are some good reasons for returning the ceiling fan alright so it took me over three hours to properly install it and at first it was working quite well however within three days time several problems appeared firstly the fan stopped responding to the remote control this still would have been okay had the fan not started making [Music] irritating noises like the blades or like the propeller of a b-52 bomber okay so just kind of creating the language as I'm going along visualizing it initially I know that my big problem with this fan is the sound okay satisfying time says unfortunately after installing it on the ceiling not the wall satisfying times on the ceiling the motor was not working as expected at 400 rpm the blades were turning much more slowly and it was very noisy which was extremely annoying okay all right for daug says the reason why I had to return it was that my dogs were scared of the sound the ceiling fan was making yeah okay I realized that I had to return the fan ASAP because my dogs wouldn't start barking at the sound and my family couldn't sleep at night okay good so really getting into details about the problem and why you're returning it that's a big big part of this response and then of course you can keep the rest of it shorter depending on how much time you have but it's very very important that you answer all of the questions on the card okay so you can simply say I took it back the next day with the purchase receipt and the store customer service exchanged it for a different fan without question in fact they were quite apologetic okay so probably been talking for a while now from what I assume now am I done here so is this it am I done should I just stop now and stare at the examiner like this signaling I'm done should I do that is that my next move on the exam Karolina says no but you says look at the cue card Karolina says continue talking yeah look at the cue card look at the cue card okay that question should always be looming in your mind have I answered every question on this card if you haven't you're going to be in trouble you're going to lose marks you can't get AB and 9 if you miss questions on the cue card so you look at the cue card so did I answer all the questions am i missing some information what do I do okay so did I talk about what it was yeah did I talk about when and where it was yeah I talked about that did I talk about why returned it I sure did I don't think I talked about that last question what happened with the item in the end well I get kind I returned it but I want to be more specific with that okay so Shang Gong says that's the item I bought and returned and will definitely go back to the store to buy other furniture because of their good service yeah Shang hung that's okay let's be a little bit clearer okay I'm not sure what happened to the original fan I purchased but I imagine it got recycled or sent back to the manufacturer in either case I will return to this store in the future as I was truly impressed by their customer service yeah so that's how you would wrap it up okay students so there is my response for this cue card let's go through this together again so repeat after me students this is the last class for this week until Wednesday Wednesday will be the next class so let's finish strong repeat nice and loud after me okay here we go oh boy I definitely remember this horrible ceiling fan I bought about a month ago which I had to return three days after to a furniture store called antoshka my original goal was to install a ceiling fan into our living room to keep the house a bit cooler and create a nice comfortable breeze also we have a couple of dogs and this way we could keep the air fresher initially I decided on this fan because it is quite large about two meters in diameter and the specs were quite good 400 rotations per minute and claimed to be very silent my wife really liked its pearl white color so we bought bought so we brought it home it took me over three hours to properly install it and at first it was working quite well however within three days time several problems appeared firstly the fans stopped responding to the remote control this still would have been okay had the fan not started making irritating noises like the propeller of a b-52 bomber I realized that I had to return the fan ASAP because my dogs wouldn't stop barking at the sound and my family couldn't sleep at night I took it back the next day with the purchased receipt and the store customer service exchanged it for a different fan without question in fact they were quite apologetic I'm not sure what happened to the original fan I purchased but I imagine I got recycled or sent back to the manufacturer in either case I will return to this store in the future as I was truly impressed by their customer service say that nice and fluently with that level of detail answering all of those questions giving a unique answer so you're not talking about your mobile phone that didn't turn on okay because every other student is talking about that and then they're measuring you against those other students even if they don't want to so be original all right choose the easy path students remember these steps okay read the question carefully focus on whether it's an object person place event or idea practice each of these for your next exam if it's an object talk about its appearance function significance very important step three a couple of choices pick the one that's the easiest and it's slightly unique okay then don't forget this very important step have your first sentence ready to go before your one-minute preparation time is up keep these in mind and I promise your band score will be better all right students that's it for me for today for lots more tips and strategies and practice check out our websites AE help calm for academic IELTS and gee IELTS help calm for general you can also download our app academic IELTS help just look for our shield in your Apple Store or in your google play store see you next Wednesday guys put you thank you see you next Wednesday and I wish a great rest of the weekend to all of you bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: lFBXzvo0_8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 26sec (3326 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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