IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 – Mastering the Interview

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest I hope everybody is having a good start to their week staying healthy and being productive hi Khyber nice to see our members hi satinder hi Alex hi violet new and hi Hina nice to see many of you in class today speaking part one practice talking a little bit about answering with confidence and this lesson is presented to you by AE help calm for the academic version of the exam please do check us out there and for the general version check us out at G IELTS now this is speaking so make sure to speak Lots today speak and repeat as much as possible alright as much as possible students one of the first steps to answering questions with confidence and we're going to create a list here it's practice okay so one of them unavoidable as I'm sure many of you know steps that you must take to improve your confidence in speaking in any language is just doing it just practicing right so tip one is nothing builds your confidence more in speaking than regular practice okay there's just no way around that you have to do it now to practice what can you do of course you can record yourself talk on your phone and you can talk to other students and to do that you can use our websites so I'm going to show you that really quickly I'm going to darken up the screen you can see this some of our students know this already so it's a reminder for those of you that don't please use this so this is the academic website here at AE help calm and this is the general website here at GL's help calm now this is not just an ad for our websites because this is absolutely free to use so you can create a free account by clicking this green button the try demo and when you do that then you'll get a my student account which you can login to ok and once you're in your my student account you actually have a lot of free materials so some practice exams some videos as well and right here you have a button that's student partner speaking so if you click on that button you have to accept this agreement that you're going to be nice with other people on the website and once you do that it will open up a new page for you where you will find other students and you're looking at them right now so you see some students in here there's mohit there's G or G there's a Lulu me there's Eldar and they're all waiting for people to chat with them so if I click on one of these then up pops I don't want to do that because I don't know if these people want to be on YouTube right now but if I click on the video then a video chat opens up ok and you have some questions here all right that you can choose from objects people places that those will open up in a new window the speaking questions that you can use to practice so if you connect with one of these people use those questions you can do just audio you can do video you can start by saying hi in a text then you can bill that practice okay is everybody good so far so you're understanding what I'm seeing here and it's absolutely free you do not have to pay a penny to use that service okay it's 100% free if you like it you want more of our materials you can always upgrade to the premium account but that part is 100% free I don't think anybody else does that service for free on the internet today so okay so best first step to building confidence is practice you have to practice regularly so go on the websites open up the window wait for a speaking partner to contact you and say hey do you want to practice some speaking and then get going there's almost always somebody online these days looking for partners yes attender the link for the website is AE help calm orgy Isles help calm GL it's helped alchemist for general a help is for academic but they connect so the speaking students at G IELTS can actually see the speaking students at AE helped calm okay alright happy you like that Alex that's super cool so that's number one for building confidence okay all right let's start with a couple of questions and then I'll give you a couple more tips as we go along for how to be more confident during your speaking interview okay and the IELTS exams are slowly but surely starting up again in a lot of countries so you are going to be doing the face to face interviews again okay canoes the websites are a help calm and Jihad's help calm you can always find those links in the stream descriptions or the video descriptions as well okay let's let's get into a little bit of the examiner questions so we're going to skip the introduction the name and the identification we're always looking at that so let's just get into some questions get you speaking okay make sure to speak not just type it's okay if you start by typing but then speak after so here we go first question very common icebreaker the examiner will say okay couple questions just to get to know you better do you work or study okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay are deep I'm glad that you're finding our apps and websites useful that's cool and we're always building them too alright so again do you work or study let's start with that one okay khyber says currently I not only teach reciting the holy book of Quran but also study so mythology as I want to be a dentist in the future a really good khyber nice answer using a correlative conjunction to emphasize that you study and work very good okay some students are kind of pre-loading questions there but we're jumping the what's your name in that right now we're going right to the do you work or study abdul body side doesn't move says for two years i have been studying at the academic lycium under the international Westminster University in Tashkent and after graduation I'm going to continue my further education abroad Abdul Abadi very nice answer okay it's complete clear good explanation and it's specific specific answers get you high band scores nice evil genius says at this time I've been studying for the IELTS exam because I plan to do my graduate studies abroad okay evil genius good start finish with some more detailed explanations and examples shabih nice to see you in class long time no see aka satisfying times says currently I'm working as an IT technician in a public library in my hometown simultaneously I study English for personal purposes yeah I love how you're doing that and if I remember correctly choppy you passed your IELTS exam with some really nice scores so good for you all right it's always nice to see one of our older students come back to these live classes and contribute some nice information so thank you for that satisfying times Elena Morey says I've been working as a lecturer in an engineering college for the last three years besides that I've been preparing for the IELTS exam since the last six months okay Elena for the last six months more accurate okay since last June so since a point in time in the past or if it's a duration of time then it's for the last six months it's a nice answer Elena also Elena use contractions so students do practice your contractions in the speaking contractions means I have becomes I've okay so that's just a strategy I'll put it up here okay use contractions and contractions means I have becomes I've for example or I am becomes I'm okay that's what we call a contraction and use those practice those enunciate them as these will get you higher scores for using natural language in speaking okay so it is it is a part of that alright hope yeah so do you work or study I'll answer that question as well make sure to repeat me I'll use a correlative conjunctions like Khyber currently I'm not only working as an Educational Psychologist and communication communications teacher but I also study Spanish to keep my mind sharp and for enjoying travel to the fullest extent in Central American countries ok so there we go there's my answer please repeat after me do you work or study students it's important to practice questions and repeat questions as well do you work or study currently I'm not only working as an Educational Psychologist and communications teacher but I also study Spanish to keep my mind sharp and for enjoying travel to the fullest extent extent in Central American countries alright next question again another very popular question for these warm-up questions what do you do in your free time what do you do in your free time so make sure that you have a lot of different ways to answer this sound excited ok welcome our new member Lisa her cold to join us Lisa send me an email ok all right ah she no G Dean says in my spare time I frequently read books and just two days ago I started reading a novel it is is peace and war by Leo Tolstoy by the way I sometimes play pub G mobile with my friends as I did just today also okay Shido GT nice war and peace or peace and war beautiful book I've read it myself it's quite long but a great read one of the masterpieces in literature absolutely a fantastic book khyber says well in my spare time I like to either listen or recite the holy book of Quran because it is a solution to my problems and relaxes my mind in fact I read it every day when I'm not studying for and then there's something else coming up which is good Khyber that works abhishek says well in my leisure time i usually hit the gym for two hours where i can go do some aerobics and physical exercise which helps me to rejuvenate also i like to stroll at night with my family which helps me to relax from my hectic schedule nice i'll be checked careful students with used to used to means that you did it in the past but you don't do it anymore so if i say in my spare time i used to go to the gym that means i don't go to the gym anymore and that's a bit awkward when the question is in present tense what do you do in your free time that means now so the grammar for your answer must match the grammar for the question so make sure that you are on mark with your grammatical agreement okay so tip number two before we go to the next questions for confidence because this class is about building confidence and confidence is a huge part of success for huge part of success on the IELTS exam and for other parts of life as well so one of course is practice strategy so don't just learn vocabulary and grammar but actually focus on communication strategy as well okay so yes focus on improving vocabulary and grammar and also pay attention to improving communication skills okay this means thinking about answers explanations and examples oh just a second like camera decided to take a snooze but we'll get it back here just in a moment so communication strategies are not the same as language strategies it's important to recognize that difference and that's my little daughter when she was just a wee little tiny baby all right a little distraction there to help you relax all right so explanations and examples by communication strategies we mean include communication strategies that's a big field of knowledge and there's a lot that you can learn their communication strategies include visualizing and structuring information and being empathetic with your audience okay this means putting yourself in the shoes of your listener so think about what you're saying from the audience perspective if I just gave this answer to myself for this question does it make sense am I missing any information should I add another piece of detail to clarify what I'm saying maybe provide some quantitative information some numbers so that it's not just clear in my head but it's also clear in the head of my listener okay so you really want to actively practice that don't just assume that that skill is natural we can all improve that okay so think about that as we go through the next couple questions okay I'll answer the what do you do in your free time in my spare time I both do exercise go to the gym and lift weights for an hour or do a 10k run and if I'm feeling a bit on the lazy side of life I'll kick back with a flick as I did last night I watched a great comedy on Netflix okay that's my answer let's practice that and then we'll go to the next question so again just repeat after me what do you do in your free time in my spare time I both do exercise go to the gym and lift weights for an hour or do a 10k run and if I'm feeling a bit on the lazy side of life I'll kick back with a flick as I did last night I watched a great comedy on Netflix all right so I'm not holding back my speed as natural intonation as natural students spare time free time okay both and those are correlative conjunctions they work together okay lift weights that's what we do at a gym 10k run that's a 10 kilometer run okay lazy side of life it's an expression meaning that I am not feeling energetic or I just want to take a rest kickback means to relax so kick back relax flick is a slang way to say movie and of course that gives the name to Netflix right net meaning internet flicks flicks means movies or shows so internet movies in a kind of catchy way is Netflix all right that's the name of the company explained for you there all right everyone hope that makes sense here we go let's continue on so the examiner is asking you some more questions you're starting to feel better about the interview you're in the groove means you're feeling the energy you're on mark and the examiner says let's talk about weddings and birthdays this could easily be your part one topic okay so let's talk about weddings and birthdays how often do you go to a wedding or birthday party seny surrani says I occasionally go to weddings or birthday parties when the party owners invite me and know me personally sending it's not party owners but it's party hosts party owner that sounds awkward although I can understand it it's not a correct use of the word its party host host okay all right roshni koonta says oh gosh I'm not a party person so I seldomly go-to birthday bash or weddings especially when there are parties for my best friends or cousins such as I attended Kate's bday party in 2019 okay roshni that's a little bit confusing because you say I'm not a party person so I seldomly go to to a birthday bash or weddings you can't use that with especially okay you should say I only so to say that clearly roshni it's oh gosh I'm not a party person so I seldomly go to a birthday bash or a wedding I only go when there are parties for my best friends or cousins such as Kate's bday party in 2019 okay so that's the correct way roshni careful students with the word especially in some grammar or with some words it can be really awkward if you don't use it correctly all right chard or yuxun OV says well I often go to parties like twice or three times a month just two days ago I went to my best friend's birthday he turned 18 chard or noticed the corrections there and the words that I used one more time everybody it's a nice answer by chard or so again just repeat well I often go to parties like twice or three times a month and just two days ago I went to my best friend's birthday party he turned 18 okay Alex Joseph says well I used to celebrate birthdays in the past but now I dislike the idea of being surrounded by a bunch of people who burn their pockets for the sole intention of me doing the same on their birth days it's a nice gesture Alex to spend a bit of money and give a gift but I get you I get you okay so alex is using an idiom here saying people who burn their pockets for the sole intention of me doing the same it means they are spending money to buy gifts so that when you have or they have a birthday than vice-versa they or you spend money okay it's an alright idiom Alex it's an okay idiom yeah Ron Ghanim says I hardly ever get invitations either for birthday parties or for weddings but whenever I'm invited I never miss these parties I really enjoy them the good laughs the good times just a couple months ago I went to my cousin's wedding and it was a blast ranganna I added a little bit more natural language therefore you make sure students to practice these okay all right hadith says I rarely attend weddings or birthday parties I'd say about three or four times each year in fact they don't really like these ceremonies there's a lot of people who are unfamiliar and I'm a bit of an introvert okay hadith it's not bad ah Hadees good use of the contraction I'd say instead of I would say I'd say okay good nice you paid attention to that contraction those great all right okay so I frequently attend either weddings or birthdays as I'm a very social person so I have a large group of friends and I'm constantly getting invitations for one or the other in fact I just went to my good friend James's wedding last month and it was a blast it was a blast means it was a really fun time okay alright again repeat after me but students you'll see that I'm looking at different students comments for different questions so keep going make sure to verbalize speak nice and loud students nice and loud that's another way to build confidence is speak loud okay don't worry about people saying hey you're loud if people tell you you're being loud good you're building confidence and you're practising your language good for you so be loud okay here we go repeat after me how often do you go to a wedding or birthday party I frequently attend either weddings or birthdays as I'm a very social person so I have a large group of friends and I'm constantly getting invitations for one or the other in fact I just went to my good friend James's wedding last month and it was a blast now it is good to add quantitative language so we can do it here I'd say at least three to four times a month okay so quantitative language like I'd say at least three to four times a month that's always going to give more clarity for your examiner more clarity more coherence more cohesion band scores go up so that's strategy right so that's strategy okay strategy will definitely build your confidence knowing that you have good strategy going into the speaking interview will help you to sit there and think all right I got this I know what I'm supposed to do answer explain example connect give quantitative information right okay all right let's keep going here next question which do you like more birthday parties or weddings I'm curious with what you will come up for this one okay so which do you like more birthday parties or weddings give me some nice full sentence answers for this one for years Oh Beck says although I like both birthdays and wedding ceremonies I like to participate more in weddings because they take place once in a blue moon okay phrase Oh Beck so I get it once in a blue moon means that they rarely take place but why is that more special so again students remember what I said a few minutes ago that you have to put yourself into the position of the listener your audience so for me if somebody says I like to participate in weddings more than birthdays because they take place rarely as the listener my question in my mind is so what so because they're less common they're more exciting they're bigger there's more people they're more luxurious extravagant so you have to explain to me why that makes the wedding special okay put yourself into the shoes of your audience students it's really important okay jiwon Cowart says well I love to attend weddings as there are a large gathering of people and I'm able to meet all my relatives the best part of weddings is dancing which I like the most and that's the reason that I like marriage ceremonies more than birthdays Javan really nice so that's a clear coherent explanation you told me as your listener that you like weddings more because there's bigger there's more people there you get to see all of your relatives not just some of them so almost all of them and there's a lot of dancing at weddings which you really enjoy so that gives me good reasoning and clarity as your listener okay all right Sammy raki our member says I like to attends kids birthday parties the most more than weddings because I enjoy playing with the cute little ones when I see them I feel I'm totally away from my busy life and I can let go of all my stresses Sammy really nice answer so specifically you enjoy attending kids birthday parties more than weddings because you like playing with the cute little kids and it makes you feel exceptionally relaxed and stress-free very good Sammy nice answer okay it's and that's a very genuine answer and genuine answers do get good marks on the outs exam manohar Kendall says last week I was president of my college son's wedding and as well as my friend's birthday celebration on the same day and which one did you like more Manohar you're not answering my question I can't give you a good band score if you don't answer my question okay it's not me it's the marking criteria it says if the question is not answered specifically an accurately maximum band score even for perfect English is a four point five five that's just what the marking criteria will say okay if you're not answering the question I'm asking you then how do I know you didn't just say something you memorized or how can you communicate right so you have to be really careful okay really careful pay close attention to those questions all right kewal curtisha says I prefer weddings over birthday parties as weddings involve more function in India's in India weddings are very big deal for couple's wedding involves gathering of two families and friends and it connects them and there are a lot of activities like dancing singing a big meal several days in a row right caval so there are definitely some big weddings in India you're on the right track it sounds good the question students for part one is usually about you so don't generalize your answers but keep them personal so the wedding's I go to here in India are lavish there are a lot of guests fine dining with exceptionally delicious food and amazing dancing among a lot of other exciting activities okay all right Abhishek says I love to attend a wedding ceremony because it is a great moment for the bride and groom where they are going to be together forever also I meet a couple of relatives whom I never get a chance to get together with due to hectic schedules or living far apart very nice answer Abhishek I love it some really nice grammar you're using adjective clauses whom I never get to meet so those are getting you points okay those are getting you points max good question I'm giving you some tips on how to improve your bands higher right now okay all right Demon Slayer says I like birthday parties more than weddings because at weddings there are mainly adults I don't feel comfortable around them at birthday parties usually I'm with my friends and I can be myself really nice answer Demon Slayer excellent okay so well if I must choose I would say that I have more fun at weddings at birthdays simply because it is usually bigger celebration that goes from morning until night and sometimes even into the next day there are tons of people including distant relatives who I enjoy catching up with alright just like at James's wedding alright cuz I just said that right James's wedding last month okay so here we go repeat after me which do you like more birthday parties or weddings why well if I must choose I would say that I have more fun at weddings than at birthday simply because it is usually a bigger celebration that goes from morning until night and sometimes even into the next day there are tons of people including distant relatives who I enjoy catching up with just like at James's wedding cool everybody doing great so far alright so let's go back to tips tip number three for being confident okay one tip and I've said this before for students is if you're really really nervous getting into your speaking interview have a mental checklist okay and even if you're doing the IELTS indicator exam which we just released the video on yesterday that's the home based IELTS exam that you can do if there are no test centres open in your area for academic students so even if you're doing speaking test online that's temporarily available you should have a mental checklist of four to five points that you remind yourself of prior to starting the interview Kim so for example and different people will have different kinds of points okay I'll be shocked I'm glad you checked out that video okay so for example think of the examiner as grandpa or grandma which means they are serious they love me I feel comfortable hopefully you feel comfortable with your grandparents I feel comfortable with them okay also another checkpoint that you might have is if I get stuck just give an example okay that might be another point on your checklist all right maybe another point would be use the question in my answer to make a smooth transition and stay on topic okay some people you might have the point on your mental checklist of don't over speak and go off-topic okay that's a good one to have some students do that all right so those are some of the points that you might have on your checklist and then three four minutes before the start of your interview look at your checklist review it keep it in mind and listen to yourself read it alright so again remember nothing builds your confidence more than regular speaking you can do that on our websites practice strategy improving communication skills not just your vocabulary and grammar and also have this mental checklist so those are three important points okay let's do a couple more questions students so here we go with the next one who is invited to a wedding party hmm okay give me a nice full sentence for this one ud Rafael welcome I'm glad it's your first time and you're enjoying it that's fantastic alright Ajay Kumar says please sir suggest to me a sentence formation how to improve send me an email AJ of what you mean and I'll help you out satisfying times says depending on cultural beliefs for different religions in the world and the situation of partners in division invitations can be sent to families friends relatives witnesses and maybe even some strangers okay that's a good one satisfying times how about in your culture so in your culture who is invited to wedding so don't just generalize it to the world I still keep it fairly personal in part one even if you don't see the question or you or the noun you in their khyber moment says well I believe that most of the time people in myself would invite the bride's parents guests of the groom and officials of the court in order to be witness and signed the legal documents really nice use of vocabulary khyber of course the parents of the bride and the groom right also the best man and the bridesmaids if you're in a western wedding but there are special roles for certain individuals during weddings and if you can express that you're going to get a higher band score for sure excuse me all this talking is making my throat a little bit dry all right Karen bier says in most cases people who are closely related to the bride and groom such as family members colleagues friends as well as neighbors are invited to the wedding really nice Karen yeah definitely bride and groom are good words to include here and hopefully the bride and groom are present otherwise it becomes a very interesting wedding roshni says hmm I would have to say according to Indian culture relatives play a crucial role in wedding ceremonies in exchange of love and respect that's why relatives are invited as well as the best friends of the bride and the groom right Alex Joseph says well most people want to celebrate with their loved ones though I think the poor simply are not their priority when they want to celebrate in a traditional way they invite people with higher status okay Alex I'm not quite sure where you're going with that you're gonna have to do some more explanation to clarify careful students not to get into a too philosophical idea and get yourself into trouble okay all right Sundeep coli says well I recently went to my friend's wedding we spent all the time together in school but at that time we were also good friends Sundeep it's off-topic not answering the question alright I can't read this Cyrillic but I can read the answer I probably invite all of my relatives and my close friends to the wedding party because they're always they always stand by me okay how can I not invite them if their significant parts in my life all right that's a good answer stay on topic careful okay Rena belly Jew says in my culture weddings are always held where relatives of the bride and groom are invited their friends neighbors and sometimes even strangers okay we know one more time Rina in my culture what is your culture is that Indian culture okay so you have to make clear what your culture is especially if it's a specific culture in the Hindi culture or in the Punjab culture right so be specific students to weddings people who are always invited are the relatives of the bride and groom their friends neighbors and sometimes even strangers okay all right good be specific okay Rina says Albanian culture Thank You Reena yeah so especially for me Canadian guy in Budapest I'm trying to guess by name who is from where and I've certainly met a lot of people with a lot of unique names but I can't know so you have to tell me and you have to think about your examiner or the same that's why I also mention to people to think about the examiner as your grandfather or your grandmother because that will remind you that GRA hey grandma grandpa we don't know what you know okay they don't know about whatsapp and Instagram if you start talking to Grandma about Instagram grandma might just go say what now Sonny so you have to be clear Instagram is a communication app like the phone but we can share picture right so you have to be really clear alright let's keep going here let's keep going so who is invited to a wedding party certainly the bride and groom's parents relatives friends and colleagues get invitations and of course religious leaders who authenticate and validate the marriage sure okay so let's jump a question here let's go to this one have your birthday parties changed compared to before I'm curious about what you will say to this so I know my nav let's see what you say so pay attention to the grammar full sentence answer reflect the grammar present perfect have your birthday parties changed compared to before yeah Shiro did GG and photographer videographer also get invitations sure okay so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one have your birthday parties changed compared to before okay Bobby Singh says birthday parties became major celebrations for people they invite their friends neighbors cut the cake play games and music sometimes they dance with each other I think Bobby you're answering a question that we're not dealing with right now mm-hmm all right students pay attention here have your birthday parties changed compared to before that's the question we're looking to answer I want you to practice working in real time and quickly not just thinking ahead okay you need to really get along and move and be fluent here okay Georgie says I would say my birthday parties haven't changed there's still quite noisy and fun with my friends and family members we still play a lot of games cut the cake and exchange or I get gifts as I had in the past Georgie nice okay use your contractions I would say my birthday parties haven't changed all that much there's still quite noisy and a ton of fun with friends and family members we dance we listen to music cut the cake and I get presents from everyone the students when I'm making these Corrections especially the second time they're very accurate and corrected a natural so make sure to repeat okay temir Lance says my birthday parties have changed compared to previous ones the last birthday party I had was an extraordinary party celebrating an abroad and I want to say that it was fantastic taymyr invite me to the next party on there okay travel vacation parties are awesome alright Alena Mori says yes certainly birthday parties have changed these days previously we invited our friends and family members to our home and enjoyed them together this being said Dudek Ovid 19 nowadays we gather through zoo media and virtually blow out the candles the candles still burning nope the candles still burning yeah that's not as fun but that's changing now I think anyway here in Hungary and in Canada the restrictions are being lifted so hopefully we will get to blow out those real candles soon enough everywhere in the world together c'est la vie says I've never had a birthday party because I don't have anyone to invite besides I like spending time by myself c'est la vie that's okay to say that and I'm sorry to hear that you have such lonesome birthday but if you enjoy it that's great still though c'est la vie you have to answer the question so students even if you have kind of different answers than the usual you still have to answer the question have your birthday parties changed so c'est la vie you still have to say no they haven't really changed I've never really had birthday parties in the past nor do I have them these days because I don't have many people to invite I'm an introvert I like spending time by myself so you're still answering the question okay really important okay really important all right you have to answer the question students all right kina Arshad says of course it's changed drastically like before it was so simple just cut the cake and some refreshments but nowadays it's become more fun like dance and different kinds of games are added I get bigger gifts so I'm really enjoying my parties as of late Hina really good okay so yes my bday celebrations have changed quite drastically over the years in the past they used to be small with just family but these days I like to throw a big bash on my birthday and party all day with games music and food my last birthday party I invited more than 30 people all right it's not quite true but I'm just making it up visualizing sure why not reach for the stars if you're social like me here we go students repeat after me have your birthday parties changed compared to before present perfect make the comparison yes my bday celebrations have changed quite drastically over the years in the past they used to be small with just family but these days I like to throw a big bash on my birthday and party all day with games music and food my last birthday party I invited more than 30 people that quantitative language okay the more than 30 people that just gives such a nice accent to your communication so make sure to do that okay make sure to use that quantitative language numbers in your answers hennya Shahzad bash means party in this quick in this case okay Natalie Nikiforov ax says sure it's changed as I'm really busy with all the chores I gladly stay home and relax instead of throwing a noisy party with cake balloons and booze instead of alcohol Natalie use the word booze in that okay all right okay students great the last question I'll leave to you to practice at home if you could have a wedding party somewhere where would it be you can send your answer as an mp3 recording to my email well glad to let gladly let you know what band score you could expect for your answer so again the question is if you could have a wedding party somewhere where would it be and yeah mp3 recording my email I saw one new member join us today which is great any new members please send me an email adrián @ae help calm with your membership level there are four tiers so send me that and I'll hook you up with your perks of course to get the best help students join our Premium Package AE help calm for academic IELTS G IELTS help calm for general IELTS for a help calm link the app academic eyelets health and for Jia to help calm link the app general outs help on both of our websites you can practice speaking with other students 100% free okay no tricks no gimmicks just totally free we want you to improve your English if you get better in English so do we okay all right Natalie I'm not sure what you mean by how to write it if you're talking about the question then say it mp3 recording on your phone send by email you're very welcome violet new in sorry I didn't catch any of your responses violet I'll get you next time young you are absolutely welcome tamer Lance I'm happy that that was an awesome time for you it was fun for me as well much love to all of you from beautiful Budapest have a great rest of your day and hopefully I'll see you tomorrow for task 2 and reading bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: TrU3RTO78Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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