IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Top Cue Card Answer for Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a fantastic weekend so far i hope you're all healthy and strong and being productive and i hope you're all happy welcome aditya our new member uh this is a member's chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch and join in this class we are looking at ielts speaking part two looking at the cue card question to get those top answers to give your best possible answer in the speaking interview this lesson is presented to you by that's for academic ielts visit us there and for the general ielts check us out at g-i-e-l-t-s help dot com now this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat throughout this lesson it's good practice okay so it's great that you're watching it's great that you're listening hopefully you join in on the chat but at the same time make sure to speak okay be brave be confident and just speak hi kyber hi harvinder good to see more students joining in while we wait for a few more of your peers our academic ielts website looks like this with a blue background you can click that big red button to join our premium package we're an ielts registration test center certified agents when you join you will have a my student account in your my student account you will have computer-based ielts practice exams a full interactive course workbook study plans lots and lots of hd lesson videos audio cds and more including help for your speaking and writing so you have writing task 1 task 2 help and then you also have student partner speaking and speaking interview practice so check that out uh same idea for the general ielts it's the green background you can click that big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access and it really doesn't cost very much hello back at you in uzbekistan good afternoon there it's very early morning here for me it's 5 30 a.m on the west coast of north america pacific standard time students we have apps um for your mobile these apps will also connect to your web accounts so academic ielts help and general ielts help you can get those from your app stores you can log in and connect those for some integrative learning and if you have questions uh you can send me an email to adrian i will happily help you out we have lots of classes coming up next week today we have speaking part two and speaking part three right after sunday monday tuesday we have no live classes and then wednesday to thursday we'll have lots more live classes uh and uh the schedule will be up on youtube on our channel so make sure to subscribe hit the notification button so you know when these live classes are going on hi fargus i'm doing great thank you for asking okay so let's get into our ielts speaking part 2q card for today so you're in the ielts speaking interview the speaking interview is about 12 minutes part 1 will take about five minutes it's basically questions about some general topic about you like your hobbies sports that you play books that you like to read and once you're done part one the examiner will say okay that is the end of part one and now we will continue with part two for part two i will show you some questions you will have one minute to read the questions think about your answers take notes in the one minute if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak i will tell you when to start when to stop so part two all together takes about three minutes it is the most important three minutes of your 12 minute interview because it will also greatly impact your part three speaking performance okay part three is connected to part two and we're actually going to have our part three speaking um after this class as well so you can see that okay uh good morning june good morning paulo os um at mall very nice jyoti good to have lots of you in the class now hi gopal good to have you in the class all right um so the examiner these days basically they show you a booklet they have a book with questions they'll flip to the page with one of the questions for that exam day and then they'll show you uh the questions they'll ask you not to touch the booklet because of covet and so on but you can clearly see the questions and you might see a question cue card like this okay now when they show you the questions they will actually read this topic statement or the topic question you can say and then they'll tell you your one minute preparation begins now so basically the examiner says okay i will show you some questions uh talk about an object that you own which needs training to use you should say what is this object what do you use it for where did you get it what kind of training does it need and what is uh what is the best place to learn this skill okay so you've got lots of questions here and it's very important to practice especially part two of the speaking before your ielts exam because even if you have really good english like even if you're like oh i'm fluent in english this will be easy peasy and you know it's kind of interesting because we see like students who have really good english they've been learning it since childhood on our youtube channel and they're like oh hey guys don't worry about your ielts exam i didn't study i just sat it yesterday and i got a band 8 or i got a band 8.5 in my speaking it was easy peasy um and i tend to write back to those people like yeah but imagine if you study just a little bit to understand the format of the speaking you could have probably gotten a nine and how amazing or how awesome when you can get that perfect uh score so it's always a good idea no matter how good you are to at least understand the format and it's probably because they didn't expect part two or didn't practice for part two that they didn't get that perfect band nine okay part two is not something we do every day we don't go around giving little two minute mini speeches about objects that we own that need training for people so it takes practice okay everybody got that so no matter how good your english you should definitely practice part two because part two is not natural everyday language okay it takes skill right kyber says yep thumbs up awesome kyber i am glad you are on the same page as me so your first step um is to really just look at the question carefully look at it twice so that you can make sure that you're um on the right topic now um being able to give small presentations or speeches is an extremely valuable uh skill in the english language and there's an international club that focuses on public speaking it's a free club to join it's really amazing a lot of people love it it's quite amazing i've had a little bit of experience with it and i know that people who join this club regularly really speak greatly about it anybody know what that is what is that international club you can find out about them on the internet they're all over the world they might be in your city as well you just have to check anybody know what that international club is called that helps you to do public speaking it's free everybody gets a chance you get to um evaluate each other and give feedback for each other anybody know what that club is you might even know it without me helping you anybody know what that club is called and i'm going to give you this huge tip to start you off today absolutely free there's no catch here they've been around a long time way before the internet even it used to be a paper and pencil club i don't know why it's freezing like that that's so weird um just give me one second if you hear me okay still that's great uh let me see if i can fix this freezing here um anyway i got a new camera connection for next week so this shouldn't happen but let's try this okay so let me try to uh start this back up again okay uh meanwhile uh let me know you don't need to see me move around for this um what is the club okay so tell me what is the club that uh helps you to uh improve your public speaking and try to i mean you can always google it obviously but um you might know the name of it okay so here we go all right so anybody know the name of this club okay paulo says i don't know it please tell us okay um so the name of this club is called toastmasters so to improve your public speaking uh check to see you guys can see the screen move now because i can see it move now so it's all good so uh to improve your public speaking check to see if you can join an english they actually i think they have it in other languages as well but check to see if you can join in english uh toastmasters so the name of this club is called toastmasters club in your area okay so the club name is toastmaster toastmasters anybody heard about that now that i'm saying it okay um so toastmasters is a club that um that indeed uh helps you with public speaking okay and that will definitely help your part too okay um anybody know what the meaning of toastmaster is okay all right um so a toastmaster is the person who is appointed uh to give a speech at a gathering like a big family dinner with all your relatives and then somebody uh gets up with their glass and usually a spoon or a knife at the dinner table and they go okay everybody i'd like to say a few words thank you all for coming here to this wonderful evening to be in the company of friends and family and in love and happiness uh and then you keep going right so that's what a toastmaster is a toast atmal is yeah a short speech so definitely if you're googling how to give a toast or tips for giving a toast or toastmaster then you will find lots of great tips for short speeches in part two and again do yourself a huge favor check out your toastmasters club in your area no i'm not sponsored by them they are absolutely a free club they always have been for many many years okay they've been around i think longer than i have been alive okay um and paulo has never heard about it there's club around my area great right on paulo i'm happy there you go so that's a gem for today always a good idea to come to these classes right paulo all right okay um so you've let's read the question again and then we'll get into this so talk about an object that you own which needs training to use you should say what is this object what do you use it for where did you get it what kind of training does it need and what is the best place to learn this skill you will have one to two minutes to talk about this topic okay um you will have one minute to prepare what you're going to say so if you're using our course if you're watching these classes you know that step one is read the questions twice quickly and carefully okay step two is identify that you are talking about an object to clearly talk about an object you need to say a its appearance b its origin so where did you get it where does it come from c it's function how you use it d it's utility or value okay for you all right and of course you want to make sure to answer all the questions on the card okay so you're going to look at the card two step three or it could be included in step two but step three is identify the primary tense of verbs that you are going to use and so in this case it's an object that needs training so you're going to use the present present perfect tense for the most part okay and maybe some past tense as well so i'm going through these steps fairly quickly so that you can see that it's fast when you know what you're doing it's fast okay all right um so step four is come up with a original be easy to talk about i never fear i'm doing great thank you i'm easy to talk about and see lots of content ideas uh for your response um think of at least uh two to three possible answers okay so here you have an object that you own which needs training to use uh what are some objects that you own that need training to use that you could easily talk about for two minutes that's original that you have lots of vocabulary for what do you think okay think about it in a way that it's easy to talk about it's easy to describe it's easy to explain its function so give me some objects give me some objects that you can find in your home that you think need some training to use that not every other candidate will be talking about okay uh jyoti says it maybe could be a musical instrument like my violin okay yeah violin or piano uh harmonium yeah i think kyber falls in that same category uh husna says maybe my computer printer okay i'm sure my laser printer yep absolutely uh paulo the sopolo says it's difficult for me to come up with some ideas uh visualize paulo so think about objects that you're using throughout the day and then think about um which one of those actually needs some skill or some training okay uh husna says maybe a 3d printer okay yeah uh os says how about a chess board yeah absolutely some kind of a game like uh chessboard yep could be a very very good one also uh harwinder says skipping hard winter i love the simplicity of that very nice okay maul says my hair dryer um yeah absolutely okay so hair dryer why not uh pressure cooker okay uh even think of something simple like pen a paint brush okay so uh what i want to show you here is that you can think real simple so if i were given this question i might go with something as simple as a pen or a paint we tend to ignore such simple ideas because we think oh yeah everybody has one everybody can use it but wait a second a pen or a paintbrush they actually can take a lifetime of training to use well right so uh sports equipment skates tennis racket ice skates if you want to talk about skates right so the trick here okay this is an important trick is think simple often the best ideas for part two are simple ideas okay so often the best ideas for high band part two responses are simple ideas okay um so that's really important so uh who was asking me that paulo paulo keep your thoughts uh simple robin hood says how about a washing machine yeah a washing machine would be very good too it's original and i'm really happy that i haven't seen um my mobile phone or smartphone or my computer come up okay and that's great i'm really enjoying how none of you have said that because i think a lot of ielts candidates are realizing now that it's best to stay away from these complicated machines that everybody wants to talk about right so it's great that you're staying away from mobile phone all right now the one thing about um so the one thing about uh things like a laser printer or a pressure cooker or a violin or even a washing machine as it could be difficult to talk about okay so make sure to recognize that some items are much more difficult to talk about than others especially when you have to talk about an object okay so be careful that some items are much more difficult to talk about than others because they require specialized vocabulary okay so for example a pressure cooker violin laser printer 3d printer um could be good examples of that like for example uh violin you need to know words like uh music notes score bow resin pluck string okay uh so when you're talking about a violin to describe a violin well you would have to know the different parts of the violin using english you would have to know the specialized vocabulary about learning to read music and learning to play music so if you don't know that in english you're getting yourself into a very difficult conversation or a very difficult presentation so be really really careful about that okay everybody picking up on that because that's one of the very common mistakes that i see and sometimes students who are band six or seven score a band five in their speaking because for part two they choose a topic that's really tricky to talk about it takes a lot of vocabulary and then they freeze and they get frustrated and they get confused so be super super careful about that okay thomas i probably wouldn't go with my smart tv because it's going to be i think a very common answer tv okay yeah so apollo says don't put yourself in a situation of difficulty absolutely so talking about medical equipment and so on okay yeah absolutely always don't put yourself on the on an edge okay this is kind of what toastmasters can help you with you realize that oh some things are easy to get into some things are difficult to get into okay so um i like the idea of the skipping rope okay um so let's do that for today okay i'm gonna kind of veto here and go with something that's simple it's kind of a sports equipment it's used for exercise a lot of us have a skipping rope in our home i know i have one somewhere as well okay and uh there's a lot of information that you can say about a skipping rope and it's fairly easy language so i think it's a beautiful choice okay or it's original it's easy to talk about and lots of content there okay all right um so the next step uh step five here is to take some notes or write some notes or make some notes british american english however you want to say it first is the appearance okay so what does your skipping rope look like okay what does a skipping rope look like uh give me some information um describe it okay there are lots of different types of skipping ropes so this is where um you'd want to you know uh tell me what it looks like so i can picture your skipping rope the one that you have not the one that i have not the one that somebody else has but you're skipping rope okay paulo says it's plastic so it's green mine's yellow it's green um with black plastic handles okay uh a thorough very good it's made from nylon i like the vocabulary okay black plastic handles there's a bit more that we can say about it here as well okay osma says mine has a counter on the end very good yeah i've seen those those are cool that show you how many times you've actually skipped okay yeah digital counter in the handles okay uh june says string a braided cotton or nylon uh two to three meters yeah um let's make it two meters okay i think three meters would be a bit long uh so it's one or the other june okay and i like the description june it's braided yeah it's usually braided braided nylon uh very good okay i see a lot of two meters and three meters hey if you're thinking quick maybe you'll say okay it's two and a half meters okay there you go so 2.5 we'll find that happy middle ground okay that's the appearance that's good where'd you get it okay so these uh these parts here like the appearance in the origin you just want to be really quick you don't want to spend a lot of time on this just a few sentences nice and quick for the examiner so they say oh yeah here's a person who is a visual speaker they can create imagery they can give detail a robin one meter long would be a little bit too short one meter would be extremely difficult so careful make sure robin that the answers are accurate okay all right okay so origen apollo says gift from my wife sure okay maybe wife sending a message about fitness paulo i'm not sure okay uh gift from wife um two years ago uh sports shop okay um all right good so it was a gift from your wife a couple of years ago she got it from a sports shop she figured hey husband needs to do a bit more jumping um so let's give him uh rope follow says yeah absolutely all the time maybe you bought it from amazon asthma sure all right okay um so it's function how do you use it okay um now think here really visualize when you when you do this okay so what is the function of a skipping rope it's also called a jump rope so jump rope skipping rope you can paraphrase it uh what is the function of it so how do you use it okay visualize and if you got some tips i'm ready because i've been doing skip rope for a long time but i'm always learning newer and newer ways to uh use it so skipping rope or jump rope okay uh those are different ways to say the same okay um says to be taller uh okay uh fardu says jumping so um jump over the rope right so okay all right give me some more information robin hood says i bought it from an online sports vendor at a discounted price last halloween sure robin i love the description there our window says you can do double unders okay sure double unders double jumps yep so there's different kinds of tricks okay asma says it's to tone the calves that's going to be the next one it's the importance of it but how do you use it okay so students when you're thinking about how to use something try to imagine it like you're explaining it to a child who's doing it for the first time and i'm sure for those of you who are parents you know what i'm talking about here okay so tip explain it in such a way that a child using it for the first time will understand okay so try this again because you know i think a lot of you are explaining this in a way that the person already knows how to use a jump rope and then you're like okay you jump in and it's like okay all right when i first i have to laugh when i first explained jump rope to my young daughter i'm like you have to jump it so she put it on the ground and she jumped over top of it and i was like yeah that's kind of the idea i guess you jump over it right so um she literally just put the rope on the ground and jumped over it and i was like okay fair enough right um so there's more there's more to skipping rope than um than just jumping over the rope right okay osma says you use your hands and wrists to swirl the rope there you go asthma that's what we're talking about yeah so use your uh hands arms wrists shoulders to swirl the rope around the body i mean i wouldn't actually write this many notes here but i'm just doing it so that you learn the language and you learn the description here right so swirl the rope around the body and jump over it as it comes to the feet right so that's how you do it okay yeah apollo says jump over it and let it pass over your head so you can jump over it again and again okay all right so now we've got a good idea of how to do it um it could be also done right with partners okay so it can actually be a group activity right okay so the notes here are obviously a little bit uh detailed you wouldn't be writing notes like that but um your notes for this one would be something like this okay so it would be team of three okay that way you'd realize that oh yeah i could talk about um how this can be a fun group activity uh with multiple people right multiple people exercising right um osma says setting a pace okay so now what's its utility what's its value for you okay okay um i think it was was it asthma that says get a good calf workout okay calves are the bottom parts of the leg sure so it's a very good workout for the legs the feet the ankles the toes right what else so what else is the utility i think we can think of definitely a few different uh answers for this okay atharwa says reduce belly fat build stamina yeah all right um what else do you get from that okay thomas robin get in there let's hear some more answers i think if you have the vocabulary cardiovascular health right you get a really good heartbeat going it's a very good type of exercise for cardiovascular health hasta says to be happy absolutely skipping rope is a very good way to relieve stress yeah stress relief and happiness okay all right oh it says i lost 10k yep absolutely 30 minutes of skip rope a day i guarantee you'll be fit as a fiddle there you go we'll get the violin in there another way to say violin is fiddle and there's the expression fit as a fiddle okay awesome everyone so we're doing great and again remember to answer all the questions on the card so the one question that we haven't answered yet in our notes is where is the best place to learn how to use it okay remember that question there so what kind of training does it need and what is the best place to learn this skill so um where's the best place to learn the skill of skip rope okay what would you say like if i walked up to you and i said i've been trying to figure out the skip rope for like 20 years ever since i was a child and i can't so where can i learn how to use the skip rope okay okay fardoua says park in the gym so lots of space um yeah absolutely training center youtube videos yeah okay good so we've got lots there now step six and a very important step is to have uh your first sentence ready okay so everybody get your first sentence ready and for the first sentence directly answer the uh cue card question okay so the original question here is uh talk about an object that you own which needs training to use okay all right um so for me i'm going to write this and then we'll compare give your own answer first don't really look at mine so think about your own answer and then i'll write up my answer here in a few seconds and then we'll look at each other's responses for this first sentence and compare and see how we did okay so yeah robin hood burning calories for sure with that skip rope so one object all right there is my first sentence uh keep your first sentence fairly simple don't make any grammatical vocabulary coherence uh mistakes with your first sentence because that just sounds really bad imagine you're starting a two-minute speech for a group of people here it's just the examiner but even worse if you're at a company meeting and your first sentence has some difficult to understand words or ideas because of grammar pronunciation and so on right okay uh paulo rhys says an object that i possess and it's very tricky to use without previous training is a jumping rope very good paulo i love it there you go see paulo you can come up with ideas and they can be very very good husna says i would say the skipping rope takes a lot of practice though it seems easy to use remember the important parts of the question an object that you own okay that's part of the question so make sure it's a part of your answer hasn't okay so i would say a skipping rope takes a lot of practice though it seems easy to use i have owned one for the past five years and i'm still not very good with it okay so make sure you put that in there somewhere hustle and that opening element okay harwinder says an object that belongs to me and requires practice to use is uh skipping rope yeah harvinder very good i like it i like how you're being original it's different than the others so far and it works oh it says the item that really needs training that i have bought two years ago is a skipping rope okay oh it's not bad you need a little bit of grammatical correction there okay june says one of the items that i that one of the items i have that requires specific training and coaching to use is an orange skipping rope very good june okay that will work farduous says i would like to talk about a green skipping rope with black handles about two meters long it was a gift from my husband at my birthday party fardious two mistakes number one don't say i would like to talk about you're talking about it so you don't need to say that okay so just say it i would like to talk about is not considered high-level communication okay in university for presentations your professor will say don't say that just talk about it okay the other important point fargus is you're missing a part of the topic so uh which takes training to use or takes practice to use so you have to include that in there okay uh depica that's so awesome depica is a longtime member of the channel and student and is just sharing uh some scores you got 7.5 8.5 8 and 7 overall 8 which means you are a very good user of the english language depicta that's a score to be proud of put it up on your wall and smile when you walk past it because you really should be proud of that congratulations yeah that's a that's a beautiful achievement it really is it really is okay um so very nice okay asma don't start that way okay asma says although there are many objects which i have and still need training myself but the one i would like to talk about is no asma asma you have really good language i can tell from your comments so don't make those weird template mistakes um that we see online where people are like well there are a lot of objects in my house that need training no no talk about an object that you own okay so asma very important start directly okay start more directly especially someone with your english level you should not be filling your language with these kinds of templates okay all right so don't do that asthma okay all right so um here we go everyone so an object one object which i have in my possession and takes a fair bit of practice to use well is my green and black skipping rope okay now i'm going to give my two minute response using my notes follow with me and then we'll go over it together in the end at the end so all i'm doing here is i'm basically just taking my notes okay and i'm going through my notes and if i get stuck i look at my notes okay so that's all i'm doing okay so to be more precise this is a two and a half meter long braided nylon rope with thick plastic handles that even have a digital counter in them to show the number of times i have jumped in a training session uh this uh skipping rope this particular maybe i've owned other ones a skipping rope was gifted to me by my wife for my birthday three years ago when coven started as she knew i would be spending much time at home and she wanted to make sure that i would uh stay fit and healthy so she bought it from our local sports store sport check okay and then uh how do i use it right so it took me a bit of time to figure out how to use this exercise equipment well the way it works is i need to hold the handles tight so they don't fly out of my hands even when they get sweaty and then by twisting my wrists arms and shoulders i can fling the rope around my head and jump over them as they pass under my feet of course there are lots of advanced techniques to double jump or twist the rope to either side of my body and this makes the exercise more interesting the best place to learn about skipping rope is at the gym from a personal trainer that has years of experience however because of the lockdowns at the time that i got my skipping rope the best option for me was to learn the right techniques from instructors uh on youtube certainly having and using the skipping rope uh has brought me lots of benefits including improved stamina cardiovascular exercise and my calves have doubled in size all right um so just kind of flying along there and i can see that uh many of our members are also writing some nice sentences into the chat and that's great paul that's great os i'm kind of reading those out of the corner of my eye okay so here i wanted to show you how quickly you can put this all together provided that you know what you're going to say and when you get stuck all you do is you look at your notes uh you look at the cue card and you're ready to go all right so here we go everyone let's do this together so this is a speaking class and i want to build fluency at the end of today's session here so make sure to speak and repeat with me okay we're gonna go back to the question and then we'll go through the answer together one more time all right so here we go so here's the original question uh speaking part two talk about an object that you own which needs training to use what is this object what do you use it for where did you get it what kind of training does it need and what is the best place to learn this skill okay here we go everyone and i'm making this up just like you i don't actually use my skipping rope every day i don't even know when i used it last so it's no different than anybody else but it's easy to make this up okay i think we've all had enough experience with a skipping rope and we can make this up if we know what we're doing okay all right so from the top three two one one object which i have in my possession and takes a fair bit of practice to use well is my green and black skipping rope to be more precise this is a two and a half meter long braided nylon rope with thick plastic handles that even have a digital counter in the handles to show the number of times i have jumped in a training session this particular skipping rope was gifted to me by my wife for my birthday three years ago when covid started as she knew i would be spending much time at home and she wanted to make sure that i would stay fit and healthy so she bought it from our local sports store sports check it took me a bit of time to figure out how to use this exercise equipment well the way it works is i need to hold the handles tight so they don't fly out of my hands even when they get sweaty and then by twisting my wrists arms and shoulders i can fling the rope around my head and jump over them as they pass under my feet as it passes under my feet of course there are lots of advanced techniques to double jump or twist the rope to either side of my body and this makes the exercise more interesting the best place to learn about skipping rope is at the gym from a personal trainer that has years of experience however because of the lockdowns at the time that i got my skip rope the best option for me was to learn the right techniques from instructors on youtube certainly having and using the skipping rope has brought me lots of benefits including improved stamina cardiovascular health and my calves have doubled in size and then you can show the examiner here check it out no don't do that don't show your caps to the examiner but uh just a funny visual there for you anyway um see check out my calves oh those are strong okay cardiovascular health let's make that correction um and then the examiner will say okay uh your two minutes is up roughly right um now i will ask you a question or two connected to your response and some questions related to this topic and we're going to do just that in 30 minutes okay we're going to take a short break now and i'll come back in 30 minutes and then we're going to have some questions related to this topic for uh part three yeah don't show your calves to the examiner that was just a joke okay um check out these biceps all from the skip rope mmm the beaches that way and the water's this deep okay uh so jokes aside um i will be back uh that will get you a band nine okay simple is beautiful remember to check out toastmasters if you have a club in your area i think maybe they even do online kind of sessions and meetings now as well uh students don't forget uh ae help dot com for academic ielts for general ielts tons of great videos and materials there for you to improve your english and communication and it's just uh again one-time payment for lifetime access all you need to do is click that big red button okay everyone i will be back shortly stay with me hang in there uh maybe do a little bit of uh skip rope in the next 30 minutes get the heart pumping i don't know if you have one might be time to dust it off take it out of the closet um it's a bit early for me but anyway i'll see you soon i'm adrian signing out from victoria for now i'll be back shortly bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: ElZ4zzEFZnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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