IELTS Speaking Band 9 Fluency India, So Why Band 8???

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[Music] welcome to ielts test preparation videos you will now see lartica from new delhi india get a very good band 8 for her performance on the speaking interview i will explain what she did well and how she could improve just a little bit more to get that perfect band 9 score for lots more help with the academic outs visit and join our premium package at now watch and learn welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test the test has three parts and i'm recording this for marking purposes the candidate number is 735 the time is 13 o'clock and we're conducting the exam in new delhi can you please show me your identification my pleasure here is my passport which i used for my registration please have a look thank you and what is your full name my first name is lartika and my family name is katri as you can see in my passport please call me by my given name latika okay lartika for part one i will ask you some questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic do you work or study i'm both working as well as studying so whenever i get time i volunteer a few hours in a week at an animal shelter and i'm also doing my biochemistry and probably i will be graduating in this coming june what is your favorite activity i am really into dance so whenever i get chance i participate in the dance competitions as well as go to the dance clubs with my friends i usually dance the traditional dances since ever i'm a child let's talk about celebrations do you like to celebrate birthdays or other events yes obviously i would like to celebrate the birthdays as well as other personal celebrations so if i'm celebrating the birthdays i will be with my friends as well as their family but whereas if it is a personal celebrations like anniversaries or marriage it will be definitely with their relatives and neighbors what is your favorite celebration and why that's a tough question but if i have to choose one i would definitely go with the holy which is definitely the festival over light over darkness it is the biggest celebrations in india which last for about five days and also i get to wear my beautiful clothes on that day i also prefer to eat like delicious meals and meet my favorite friends and families over there have the way people celebrate these days changed compared to a generation ago i think there have been a few changes comparatively with the past as well as nowadays one of the thing which come to my mind is that the use of cameras nowadays since people have the phones with them they usually take pictures and make videos using their phones and i don't think in the past they have the phones also nowadays i think the music as well as the dance remain the same when compared to past if you could make a new celebration what would that be if i had a chance to make one then i wish i could celebrate a day for the dogs obviously because they are the ones who give the love and caring to the humans so it's someday it should be needed for the dogs to celebrate with them that is the end of part one we will now continue with part two for part two i will show you a card with some questions on it please do not touch the card you will have one minute to read the questions think about your answers and then you will have two minutes to speak you have your pen there in front of you and there's some note paper you can use that note paper to take some notes during the one minute i will tell you when to start when to stop talk about an object with many uses your one minute don't touch the card please your one minute preparation time begins now before continuing with part two of this speaking interview i want to emphasize that lartica's strongest criteria for her high score is her fluency her fluency is a clear band 9 and you will see this in part two and part three in order to become fluent in english like lartica it's very important to practice as much as possible and a great way to do this is with cambly a world-class app that lets you practice your english with a native english speaking tutor 24 hours a day seven days a week anywhere anytime in fact cambly is the only app that allows you to have one-on-one lessons with native english speaking teachers from the us canada the uk and australia you can select the ielts course to practice specifically for the speaking section in fact some of cambly's tutors have experience as ielts examiners and cambly has given us this discount code to save 25 on three month plans you will find this below in the video description with a link with cambly you can choose one or three month plans or simply pay by the minute it's up to you choose the plan that suits your budget and needs check out this brief interview between myself and a cambly tutor so you can get an idea of exactly what to expect hi my name is wen and welcome to the islets speaking exam i'll ask you a few questions so tell me what do you like to do in your spare time in my free time i enjoy reading books to expand my mind and if i'm feeling energetic i like to participate in sports either team sports such as football or basketball as well as individual sports such as running this morning i went for a 10 kilometer jog try cambly today and begin learning for your ielts success to improve your fluency now let's continue with part two part three and the lesson okay alertica your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking for this cue card question i would definitely go with a white a4 printer paper this is usually 20 centimeters in length and 30 centimeters in width this paper can be usually seen in a person's home as well as in supply stores and the very common use of a4 paper nowadays is people usually use this for printing the documents from a printer as well as for writing informations which helps them for exams as well as for writing in essays apart from all these different kinds of purposes a4 paper can be also used for entertainment purpose for example it can be used for drawing pictures for folding airplanes and all i can tell that my cousin usually she makes a lot of afo paper hats which we place in our backyard so i dare to say that it has a multitude of purposes uh nowadays that is the end of part two now we will continue with part three can you please just turn over your note paper and put it to the side thank you now it will ask you a question related to your response and i will ask you some questions connected to the topic of part two and what unique ways do you use a4 paper in your daily life nowadays a4 paper can be used as a light diffuser what i meant is that while taking pictures or videos if we are putting the effor paper in front of the light it provides us with more balanced form of light so that means it helps to get the pictures and videos which with much more clarity wise okay let's talk about creativity what kinds of professions require people to be creative there are a couple of jobs which come to my mind when speaking about the creativity i think that architects and engineers need much more creative this is because they have to be more critical and they have to consider the challenges they should be more aware of considering the physics as well as aware about the things which have to be come across can you give examples yes as in new delhi since the space is very limited but the architectural designs is like very much stunning for example the nova east and east buildings over there where are common places for people to see the creativity of others there are many places where people can enjoy the professions so which the some of the places which come to my mind is like art galleries and restaurants in art galleries we can see many varieties of pictures which depicts the beautiful and the stunning visualizing arts and also in restaurants we can see some chefs who make extraordinary and delicious meals over there how can people improve their imagination there are a couple of ways which the people can improve the imagination some of the things which come to my mind is through taking classes from other people regarding writing as well as drawing pictures and also reading books can help them a lot this can increase their imaginations their ideas and all let's talk about problem solving what are common problems around the world that are challenging people to come up with solutions some of the problems which we can see nowadays as the global warming as well as environmental pollution which creates a great harm to the land as well as oceans what kind of solutions have been suggested to these some of the solutions which come to my mind is that by reducing the carbon emissions by converting into solar energy and also by implementing more solar plants which can reduce environmental pollution too which skills are necessary for effective problem solving as far as i'm concerned i think that first of all we have to analyze the situation and then brainstorm the solutions and then implement these solutions so that we get better results do these skills always help yes it helps a lot this is because when individuals as well as group work together mostly the solutions can be applied in solving many of the problems if you could solve one problem in the world today what would it be obviously that will be the environmental pollution which is causing harm to the land as well as ocean nowadays so it's like heating two birds with with one store so i can also reduce the pollution as well as the carbon emissions too okay that is the end of part three that concludes the speaking portion of the exam you will have your mark in about two weeks time with the other sections for your official certificate and you'll see it online in about three days okay have a great rest of your day remember to take your passport with you thank you thank you bye now that you've finished watching the interview with lartica let's discuss her score in more detail overall lartica would score a band 8 which is a very good score according to the ielts band score descriptors she has to be proud of achieving such a high score and this is certainly enough for university and immigration so why does she lose that one band well let's take a look at the detailed marking criteria as i had mentioned before her fluency score is a band 9. as soon as i ask her a question she's able to come up with clear fluent answers right away speaking quickly and continuously giving answers explanations and examples using a variety of vocabulary she does not pause to think about grammar or words so clearly she's able to hold a conversation on general and in specific topics her coherence score is a little bit lower her coherence is a band 8. some of her answers are slightly awkward and don't make a hundred percent sense in the real world i would stop and follow up on some of the points that she says to get a bit further clarity however she does not say any answers which are very confusing or which have no connection to the question being asked so in this case her coherence is a band 8. a couple instances where lartica's coherence is a bit confusing is when she uses the expression over there to finish her sentence it doesn't make clear sense what she is actually referring to although this may be a part of her diction it still needs to make sense for the listener as well she has that one idiom to hit two birds with one stone when she's speaking about pollution and carbon emissions the idiom is somewhat forced in this answer and it doesn't quite make sense in this context be very careful not to force idioms into your speaking responses only use them when they come naturally and when they make absolute sense going into more detail lartica's lexical resource is a band 8. she uses a broad range of vocabulary she uses expressions correlative subordinating and coordinating conjunctions well she also often provides synonyms for words which she uses again and again and overall she does show strong command of english vocabulary i would estimate that her vocabulary base is anywhere from two to three thousand words minimum however there are a few instances where she is redundant specifically in part two when she is talking about the a4 piece of printer paper she repeats the word purpose quite frequently ideally for a band 9 instead of repeating the word purpose she would use words like for the goal or for the aim for this reason using different kinds of synonyms and expressions to express the idea of a purpose in addition she could have used some more advanced vocabulary in certain questions to give more specific concepts and make clear ideas this is especially true for part three her grammatical range and accuracy is somewhat similar to her lexical resource mark she does show a broad range of grammar including present perfect progressive form passive form but there are some cases where she could use some more complex grammar to add an extra layer of clarity and accuracy to her language again this takes a lot of practice but a band 8 for grammatical range and accuracy is very good indeed her pronunciation score is again about a band 8. all of the words that she uses are clear and comprehensible however in some cases her pronunciation is slightly awkward but it does not lead to confusion if pronunciation leads to confusion it will decrease the score further because it will also affect the coherence score in larticus case her pronunciation does not affect her coherence keep practicing your ielts speaking and i'm sure you can do just as well as lartica has good luck the next time you say your ielts exam for many more video lessons like this one including original practice exams a fully interactive course and over a hundred hours of video lessons visit and join our premium package at good luck the next time you sit your ielts exam i took the official ielts exam in budapest hungary and you can now watch my band 9 ielts journey exclusively on our websites at and when you sign up for our premium package in this series you will see me register for the exam get prepared take the test and receive my marks with some feedback i give you strategies throughout the series to maximize your scores begin learning with us today subscribe to our channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our ielts hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 269,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, IELTS speaking, India, New Delhi, cue card, band 8, score 8.5, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, master, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, tutorial, IELTS learning, easy
Id: ALsYscKaZ3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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