IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Cue Card Success

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to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Central Europe and Budapest near the Danube I hope everybody is having a healthy and good start to their weekend in this class everyone we are looking at speaking part two and how to have success on this cue card question hi everyone hi I'm kit hi navneet nice to see our regular students murasa violet new in and hello members Sammy Hassan while we wait for some more of your classmates this lesson is brought to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS help check us out there and for general outs visit us at GI e LTS help comm that's general IELTS on both of these websites we have loads of materials to help you just taking a quick peek at these this is the academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join the Premium Package or try it for free click that green button and for the general version of the exam it's the green background again click that big red button to join the Premium Package there now when you are in your my student account I just want to again show this to our newer viewers and remind our viewers from before in your my student account you have lots and lots of helpful materials practice exams and videos in HD of course and then you have interactive courses and audio lessons and again because this is a speaking class I want to remind all of our viewers that you do have speaking opportunities where you can either book speaking interview with me of course that costs money but you can also speak with other students on the website we have over 20,000 users on our website every day so when you click this student partner speaking this is a new feature and there's more and more people using it then of course we're here we have our fair usage policy so you have to accept that means you're going to play nice with all of the other students and then already you can see a couple of users here waiting for somebody to join in this is like Skype or like whatsapp okay once you click on one of the users you can do voice text or video chat and then there's even some IELTS speaking questions for you divided according to objects people places events and ideas so you can open up for example objects and then here you'll see some questions like let's talk about drawing how often do you draw pictures so you have lots of questions there for you ok how many students are using this that I've seen it and know about it who is using it ok so again make sure to use this there's a really good chance you'll find somebody else looking for someone to speak with and you should use it ok and they came says I tried it once may gaym try it again ok keep using it keep using it students ok trendy says I use it but I can't connect trendy if you can't connect to someone try to connect to somebody else ok also check your internet settings Musafir says i tried it it's an awesome feature yeah and we'll be linking our apps to this as well okay so we have apps and the apps will link in to this also so you can actually chat this is coming in the next couple months you'll be able to chat through the app and the website it will all be connected okay so make sure to use it okay all right everyone so and that's free by the way I don't know if I said that that's free so you can chat with other students who are aisle students for absolutely free okay Natalie says I tried it once but nobody was there Natalie in that case keep the window open and when somebody comes and sends you a message you'll get pinged so it'll say things somebody just sent you a message so don't close the window just keep it open okay and you'll be able to ping the other person all right okay students so that's a little bit about that feature and what you can do there murasa try it it's a great feature okay if you have questions you can always send me an email Adrian at AE okay yeah Kevin Marvell ping the notification will ping you ping is becoming a verb these days on the computer in the world of computers okay so students let's get into this today it's speaking speaking part two of course this is for everyone so speak and repeat as much as you can we are focusing on the cue card and we'll have more classes as usual from Wednesday okay these live IELTS classes go from Wednesday to Saturday according to Central European Time at 13:30 and 15 o'clock starting so make sure to join us for the live classes as well and I will put up next week's schedule later today on the YouTube community chat okay so you'll be able to check it out there okay aleksander it is for the IELTS test preparation that chat but you can definitely try different topics and I'm sure people will be happy to help you if you're studying for TOEFL or something else as well okay so you can Alexander try it for a different topic also okay um here we go everyone so you're in your speaking interview and the examiner asks you some questions for part 1 to get to know you some questions on a general topic and then the examiner will say ok that's the end of part 1 now we will continue with part 2 for part 2 I will ask you some more questions related to the tour sorry I will ask you some more questions faites later so more time the examiner will say that's the end of part 1 now we will continue with part 2 for part 2 here's a card with some questions on it here's some note paper and here's a pencil you will have one minute to look at the questions on the card think about your answer take notes in the 1 minute if you wish and then you will have 2 minutes to speak I will tell you when to start when to stop you ready then you say yes I am we're sure they might not ask you if you're ready they might just say your one-minute preparation time begins now so your one-minute preparation time begins now you turn over the card and this is what you see ok this is what you see so talk about a person you know that is good with computers ok now always read that twice so the topic statement read it twice so talk about a person you know that is good with computers pay attention that you're talking about a person that you know not just a random person so you can't answer Bill Gates you don't really know Bill Gates ok you know who he is but you don't know him ok this kind of question is dealing more with somebody personal so when you see this a person you know think about somebody personal a brother an uncle a cousin a friend a teacher okay all right and then read the rest of the card carefully also pay special attention to the first statement but of course pay careful attention to these as well so who is this person what is this person like why are they good with computers and what would you suggest to them to do with their computer skills to be successful okay now again pay really close attention to these last couple questions most of your response should focus on these last two unique questions for good task completion okay all right and then of course it gives you the instructions on the card as well just so you're very clear about that so we read the question carefully and then our next step because you have one minute to prepare students use that one minute wisely okay the one minute preparation time is very important and it's very important that you practice your skills for this before the exam so one minute preparation time okay use it wisely so one read the question carefully especially the topic statement okay to identify that you are required to talk about a person okay and when you need to talk about a person what should you include yeah so the this is about a person what should you include when you're talking about a person okay let's not get to the answer yet what should we include Abhishek says they're a per their appearance their personality back by actions yet so quickly their appearance so what they look like plus personality backed by their actions okay and we'll talk more about that in a couple minutes okay and then number three so you've identified that it's a person you know that you shouldn't give an idea of what this person looks like their characteristics their actions and then what should you do think about it some people right think about two or three people that you know who are really good with computers right that's your next one is think about a couple people okay so think about two or three people who you know that are good with computers and decide who is the best to talk about okay so that's going to be unique for everybody because you're choosing someone close to you so brother sister uncle aunt okay so somebody that you know alright colleague maybe a co-worker okay neighbor uncle sure so here we'll just pick a person it's arbitrary which means it could be anyone in this case so let's say it's a colleague okay so someone that you work with okay this is gonna be our choice now choice colleague sure let's make our colleague Mary okay now of course the next step before anything is take some useful notes right so in the one minute you have about 40 seconds 30 40 seconds for your notes okay so in the 30 40 seconds you should write about six to eight points okay so in 30 to 40 seconds you should write down six to eight good points that you can reference while you speak okay students make sure to use your notes all right so many times I see students in the one-minute preparation time writing down ideas and I can tell that they're really thinking them they got some good ideas going on and they're writing it all down and it's one word next word couple of words and then I say to them okay your 1-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking and they start talking eventually and then they get stuck for ideas and they're like and then they start repeating and the IELTS examiner's cannot hint for you to do a couple of important steps so the IELTS examiner's can't be like notes look at the card so they can't point they can't nod or they can't be like right they can't do these kinds of things because they'll get fired they're not allowed to help you but we're always amazed when students don't look at the notes and don't look at the card and they just get stuck and I know it's because they're nervous or because they didn't practice and they're just at the examiner like when is this terrible horrible two minutes going to be over look at the notes look at the questions okay it happens so many times that it's as if the notes just magically disappear when the two minutes speaking time starts they don't disappear they're there you just wrote them down use them okay all right so make sure to do that all right so use your notes that's why they're there make sure you write useful notes so not notes like you know colleague at work yeah okay you know it's the colleague at work you don't have to write that down write down marry in the IT department okay so something that's useful all right something that's useful all right so that would be my first note would be marry an IT department okay that's useful not colleague at work okay I can't use that all right okay give me some useful notes so give me some notes that you think could be valuable to help me get going with ideas and that I can use for my speaking okay so rusty says five foot six inches so five foot six tall you don't need to write inches because it's included there smiley long dark hair sure big round eyes slim all right that could be useful okay so Karthik says kind and passionate now when you have something like kind and passionate then back that up with actions always okay so when you write down a personality trait like kind then what does that mean when you write down hard working what does that mean when you write down clever what does that mean so always do this as personality and then action okay so what do we know about kind tell me so you're telling me she's kind okay how is she kind why why are you saying that she's kind okay so when you tell somebody's personality or characteristic you need to give an example of an action otherwise it's kind of like okay they're kind everybody's kind these days right murasa cells help other people but be more specific okay so sure ready to help others but what do you mean think about the topic the computers so this is where you have to be quick thinker okay so what is she helping with give me something more specific the more specific you are the better your fluency the better your vocabulary the better your band score right so ready to help and being helpful is not enough help with what we're talking about computers okay Summa a little bit better solving problems what do we call that in the world of computers when we're solving problems with the computers I bet most of you know this word okay so she helps co-workers with computers even more specifically helps me write the word that I'm thinking of starts with a T and again this there you go hemant of course you got it very good himand so okay so the student that is able to come up with she's kind she helps people with troubleshooting their problems on their computer when I had a system crash she came over and worked overtime to solve the situation and restore the data otherwise I could have lost my job that's going to get you the ban 9 okay because you're thinking specific okay so helps troubleshooting that's useful notes all right hard-working okay give me action that says hard-working what is hard-working okay so how do what do you mean hard-working how to give me notes that aren't automatically going to be in my head but that I can use if I get stuck I can look at the paper and go oh yeah she's hardworking because this is what she's been doing okay okay so ten hours a day sure it's nice quantitative language alright that's useful yeah sure okay so 10 hours a day Saturday and she's a mom boom visualize her life outside of work okay so visual detailed information let's try it for clever so she's clever okay what do you mean she's clever okay give me something that is new that not everybody else is saying like she's clever because she can solve problems on the computer Wow okay that's general let's try to be a little bit more creative right that's what we're thinking creative answers in the cue card will get you higher band scores what is clever not a definition not a general idea like she has great ideas or solving problems but give me a specific concept okay so saying that she's smart or works smartly you're just repeating the same ideas okay so what is she what is clever I see most students they'll just repeating the same concept okay okay roshni says saved two dollars for the company by solving problems sure it's okay let's see a lot of answers coming I'm still not seeing specific okay be creative degree from MIT five computer languages Wright's own software okay so those would be what comes to my mind so when I'm thinking of the topic good with computers and I'm thinking of Mary and I'm thinking of her in the company what does it mean she's clever well I can think of her specific degree right her specific degree would be from MIT that definitely shows that she's cool ever she's can use five computer languages fluently or you can even go higher and say ten okay Elena that's clever okay clever smart intelligent they're synonymous so you can use clever like that as well okay you can use clever as a synonym for smart I know what you're thinking Elena like clever like a fox but it doesn't have to be that way okay and she writes her own software okay she only uses the keyboard doesn't need the mouse she knows all the control commands so those kinds of ideas alright that's clever alright now of course take so this is just a tip here and I'm gonna give you okay so tip take a couple useful notes for the last two questions on the card okay so why are they good with computers okay and what would you suggest them to do with their computer skills to be successful so you really should figure out at least a couple notes for these last two questions to remind you to speak about those okay so why are they good with computers so what makes this person good with computers okay the speaking 10 computer languages are five computer languages that's good all right I would say 120 words per minute touch typing right so thinking of their speed okay maybe another idea what would you suggest them to do let's see what else you can give me as an example okay so give me some notes for these last two it doesn't matter which one whatever one comes to mind why are they good with computers what would you suggest for them ok Charlie says 10 years work experience yeah good 10 years work experience ok in your notes use short form that was a good one charlie so 10 years work experience ok that one works that's a good one okay Alex develop software yep complex analytic software sure ok new software technology wrote her own computer language those are all good ok built a social network site ok Rajveer says apply for Google Suggest that sure very good create own app says syed okay sure great all right so a couple of notes so there you have it ok so look we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 that's about all the time you have if you practice a lot and you're quick you're good at visualizing your thinking about the card the topic you know that you need good notes to be specific then you can come up with about 6 to 8 maybe even 10 points like this that can really help you go through the full two minutes and not repeat and give new information and get that high band score does that make sense students so doesn't make sense how important it is to use this one-minute preparation time effectively staying calm focusing on the question focusing on specific useful notes okay that you use while you speak if you look at the notes while you're speaking to think of ideas you will not lose marks for fluency in fact the examiner will be thinking in their head ah what a smart student they're using their notes they realize that's why we gave them the one minute okay all right so we have one more step here students before we get going and that step is build your own first sentence okay so build or get your first sentence ready for when the examiner says okay your 1-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking you have to start right away okay so you must start right away with a very direct answer and I'm sure I'm going to see some of those from our students so here are the notes again and you remember the question talk about a person who is good with computers okay muck suit says the person who's a genius and IT is my teacher Adrian Lux sued not about me okay about the co-worker Mary everybody we're focusing on the same notes and the same response okay so talk about Mary talk about Mary okay not your friend deep on pea let's all focus on not your sister Sarah murasa but everybody focused on Mary you can try your own answer after for the class for this class for practice purpose everybody concentrate on Mary okay using these notes please all right so let's do this one more time all right Sammy good he says the person who is good at computers is or good with computers is my colleague Mary who is also my best friend I don't know if you need the best friend parts Annie but sure okay Elena says my colleague Mary is a real computer buff working in the IT department at my company I love it Elena that is a band 9 start for sure so take a look at Elena's first sentence she's doing well she's got some good paraphrasing good natural language as well computer buff is good Elena another way that you could say this computer whiz computer whiz is a popular expression so my colleague Mary is a real computer buff working in the IT department at my accounting firm ok that's a fantastic first sentence great job so nice and direct showing the examiner that you're not using template cookie cutter sentences like I know a few people who are good with computers but today I would like to talk about my colleague Mary nono directly okay my colleague Mary is a computer whiz at my company working in the IT department okay so get right into it all right very good so soir so Swati says Mary my colleague is a tech-savvy person working with me for the last three years in my company okay so Swati that's good Karthik con car says my colleague Mary is a computer freak who works in the IT department at my company I like it Kartik alright great so any nice ways to start this off Nabila Hana says I have this colleague in the IT department Mary she is tech-savvy person and the mo reliable if any of the staff in the IT section of the company okay maybe a little bit complex keep your first sentence fairly simple so you start with good grammar good fluency okay all right so let's all focus on Mary roshni says Mary my coworker and Edie our company is the one person I know who is squeaky clean into computers with the MIT degree Oh sh t too much information and squeaky clean is not correctly used in that context it's strange okay Shh let's see all right some good answers okay um so I went with Alana's here that was good look it's not too complex one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 words which is good okay your first sentence should be max 20 words or less okay maximum 20 words or less so my colleague Mary is a real computer buff working in the IT department at my accounting firm okay nice now let's keep going in the first 20 seconds okay give the personality with action and their appearance personality with action okay so first describe Mary a little bit use the notes or remember the notes okay so five foot six inches smiley long dark hair big round eyes slim so give me a little bit about her looks right now I've heard some say but Adrienne that's so strange why well because we want to see the person visually right if we're talking about a person we want to be able to see them a little bit okay we want to be able to picture them xayide Nawaf uh says she is a hundred and centimeters tall has long dark hair and she's a little bit fat as I did instead of a little bit fat a little bit chubby chubby okay chubby chubby the word I'm gonna teach you that a little bit fat is a bit awkward okay she's a bit chubby is better okay if you're not using slim bit chubby okay alright let's see what else we have Heena Arshad says she is five foot six inches in height faired colored and dark brown hair always a smile on her face good roshni says she is five foot six inches tall and always carries a smile on her face with inquisitive eyes very nice yeah inquisitive eyes is good roshni I like it okay Charlie scent says she is five foot six inches tall with long long dark hair and she has big round eyes also she's a little bit slim where she's on the slimmer side sure those are all good alright so yeah now we can kind of picture Mary a little bit and that's gonna help my band score because humans are visual thinkers and the more visual or communication the better it is received by our audience so she is roughly 5 foot 6 inches in height has long dark curly curly hair a fair complexion complexion complexion anyway a fair complexion big round eyes and a bit on the slimmer side most of the time she's wearing a smile on her face ok good that is an X without the team all right good so so far so good we've introduced Mary we've introduced what Mary looks like again this is speaking students so speak and repeat my colleague Mary is a real computer buff working in the IT department at my accounting firm she is roughly 5 foot 6 inches in height has long dark curly hair a fair complexion big round eyes and a bit on the slimmer side most of the time she's wearing a smile on her face all right good keep repeating students if it's fast don't worry about it come back to the lesson and repeat after ok all right now a little bit about her personality and of course backing it up with actions now here when you're thinking about personality backed by actions try to roll in the examples as well okay so when you're saying kind and helps troubleshooting in your speaking try to add an example like what okay give an example of troubleshooting alright try that okay try that and I see lots of good writing for the appearance so now let's go for a couple of points on her personality and then of course give some examples okay so Nick Haines says Mary is the kindest person I've ever known she always helps her co-workers especially with me with such complicated software and apps she's really clever and has a bachelor's degree in IT from MIT Nick Haines that's good you're jumping a little bit quickly to different ideas I would focus a bit more like helps her coworkers especially me with complicated software give me an example of complicated software that you couldn't figure out it doesn't really have to be like how to do masking in Photoshop or how to do how to use the editing suite in Microsoft Word so just make one up right how to do deep level formatting in PowerPoint what whatever comes to mind right Rajveer Singh says she helps in troubleshooting her co-workers when they work on critical issues she's definitely a generous person okay all right again example right get into an example that will make it more unique it'll make it more specific be creative right so she is very kind often times she'll go out of her way to help me troubleshoot software just the other day she put in an extra 30 minutes of overtime to help me recover some corrupt files from a very important project that I was working on okay so that's the kind of example that you want to include all right repeat after me she is very kind oftentimes she'll go out of her way to help me troubleshoot software just the other day she put in an extra 30 minutes of overtime telling me recover some corrupt files from a very important project that I was working on okay that's what's gonna get you the banned scores these specific developed responses not only that but remember students that the more you develop your ideas the more content you will have for part three when you're continuing on the same topic and making connections so by giving more detailed answers and examples you're going to create content for part three okay musafir says she's always trying to help everyone and keeps resolving issues very quickly moreover she's trying to upgrade her skills watching useful videos in her free time again jumping around with ideas write what you want to see is the person in real time not the person going I'm helping someone and then I'm watching videos and then I'm upgrading my skills and then I'm working over time and then I'm doing this okay so you want to see the person systematically in their personality and actions alright that's how you want to develop your communication okay because otherwise your listener will be like okay so she's like this oh and she's like that oh and she's like that also home and she's like that too so what does she actually do right all right all right so let's keep going don't worry about it Nikhil focus on the gist of the information okay all right so here we go next point right so that's her helping and then we developed the next point which is the hard working right she is an extremely hardworking person let's use better vocabulary hard-working employee and puts in ten hours a day at the office almost every week to make sure that all of the computers are working as expected now at this point you should be thinking answer the last two questions on the card okay so make sure that you're leaving at least a good minute minute and a half for those last couple of questions okay the examiners are really waiting to listen for those so here is where you should be checking the card and going okay I haven't answered these last two why are they good with computers I've kind of talked about it but not enough and what would you suggest for them to do with their computer skills to be successful so you want to focus on that at this point okay you really want to emphasize that and we have the notes for it so it shouldn't be hard mit speaks five computer languages writes your own software that's definitely answering those last couple of questions okay all right murasa says furthermore she works for more than ten hours in the office and also teaches online on the weekends very good Marissa bring some online teaching in there what if she teach she teaches C++ computer programming or Pascal or some other okay whatever computer language JavaScript whatever you come up with on the fly be specific okay all right give me some of the answers now for those last two questions that's what I'm scanning the chat for I'm going to include the same okay she is clearly a computer wiz and this is reflected by her honors degree from MIT as well as her thorough knowledge of six different computer languages came in fact I've heard that she recently completed writing an award-winning analytic software for our company's finance department that saves half a million in expenses each year I've thought about talking with her a little bit about her future ambitions and giving her some advice that could lead to great success namely applying for a high-level position at Google and creating her own app I definitely think she's got what it takes to make it in the world's number one computer company and to create successful apps that may earn a boat load of money all right so I went to town a little bit there with the last couple questions just because I wanted to introduce some new vocabulary for you some natural expressions so let's go over these okay let's go over these now let's go back to the beginning of the speaking and again speak and repeat and don't worry students I do see a lot of your comments meanwhile in the chat and you're doing fantastic ok there's some good ideas in there if you're coming up with ideas that are similar to what I'm writing you're on the right track ok ask yourself are you being specific right so here we go again let's look at the card and then let's read the response if you can don't read just repeat so don't read but just repeat from listening and hearing okay so talk about a person you know that is good with computers who is this person what is this person like why are they good with computers what would you suggest to them to do with their computer skills to be successful so you did a great job in the one minute preparing choosing the right answer writing down notes getting ready the first sentence and here we go three two one my colleague Mary is a real computer buff working in the IT department at my accounting firm she's roughly 5 foot 6 inches in height has long dark curly hair a fair complexion big round eyes and a bit of and a bit on the slimmer side most of the time she's wearing a smile on her face she's very kind oftentimes she'll go out of her way to help me troubleshoot software just the other day she put in an extra 30 minutes of overtime to help me recover some corrupt files from a very important project that I was working on she's an extremely hard-working employee and puts in 10 hours a day at the office almost every week to make sure that all of the computers are working as expected she's clearly a computer wiz and this is reflected by her honors degree from MIT as well as her thorough knowledge of six different computer languages in fact I've heard that she recently completed writing an award-winning analytic software for a company's finance department that saves half a million in expenses each year I've thought about talking with her a little bit about her future ambitions and giving her some advice that could lead to great success namely applying for a high-level position at Google and creating her own app I definitely think she's got what it takes to make it in the world's number one computer company and to create successful apps that may earn a boatload of money meaning a lot of money all right so that's pretty much what you need to do for that band 9 at this point the examiner will say all right your two minutes is up pass back the card and the note paper and the pencil and now we will continue with part three I will ask you some more questions related to the topic of part to that part three everyone will do in next week's classes starting on Wednesday so hopefully I will see most of you next week as well okay come on yeah you can speak that much in two minutes that's roughly two minutes if you're fluent if your fluency is lower than that or less than that hum on then take out a little bit of the information from the middle okay and if you want to see more videos with practice speaking interviews and mock interviews just visit us at AE help comm join our premium package there are GLSL comm for general IELTS as well and remember this free speaking option students okay so there's that speaking so if some of you want to keep speaking go to a help calm and you have this speaking interface there it's a little bit bright so you won't see it but that's there I'll show it to you again so there's the speaking interface and there's still some students in there waiting for others some new students have joined since you can also refresh it to get more students so yeah practice your speaking practice practice practice much love to all of you have a great rest of your weekend stay healthy wash your hands often and hopefully I'll catch you on Wednesday bye for now have a nice rest of your evening
Channel: GeneralEnglishHelp
Views: 720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, English examination, high band, band 9, conversation, English, speaking practice, dialogue, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, easy
Id: GXVFu1mKrbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 19sec (3259 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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