IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Starting Strong

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five IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming t live from beautiful Europe I hope everybody has a good week so far and is staying healthy and strong students in this class we are looking at the IELTS speaking section specifically focusing on part 1 questions and strategy on how to start strong making sure that you get those maximum band scores hi violet neuen hi flowers son get this your regular students and welcome new students hi it was nice to see our members in the class Michael Phan hope you're having a good day students these lessons are presented to you by AE help comm for academic IELTS perfection visit us there and join our Premium Package and for general Isles check us out at GI IELTS help calm now I will show you these websites really quickly and a feature which is a free speaking feature on the website so I'm just gonna darken up our screen for one minute so you can see this clearly so this is our academic IELTS website here with the blue background and you click that big red button to join the Premium Package when you do that you can log in through your my student account as soon as you log in you will have a tour of the website and then you have all of these goodies here computer-based practice exams and these are all original materials of course over a hundred hours of lesson videos in HD of course and then lots and lots of other goodies and off to the right here you have the student partner speaking this is absolutely free you can use this in the free account also how many of our viewers are using this speaking function of the website so you open that up you accept the terms so that you can speak with others and then you see there's already people in here avi Scheck is in here there's an oz in here that you can connect to and you could write now a text video chat or audio chat with us and of course the website includes questions as well that open up in another window places people where you can choose these practice speaking questions so make sure you use that run Vere says I'm using it khyber says I use it a lot says I found a speaking partner they're fantastic super happy to hear that okay so the general IELTS website has the same if your general out student you can click that big red button to join of course the speaking part of the IELTS exam is the same for academic and general so the two websites actually connect with each other for speaking partners and later this summer your applications will also connect to this speaking function as well so look forward to that that's going to be super cool of course our applications our academic IELTS help links with your a help calm account and general Al's help which links with your G outs help account okay so far you're right on time we're starting right now we're just getting into it I was showing everybody a really good feature for practicing speaking on our websites again students this is a speaking class so make sure to speak and rip heat as much as possible okay all right so here we go students let's get into it if you have questions you can send me an email adrián @ae and the schedule is on our YouTube channel for these live classes we're kicking this week off today and we're going until the 9th Saturday usually classes are Wednesday to Saturday and today of course again speaking part one tomorrow speaking part two or sorry task to writing for members and then a reading class for everyone all right so students here we have our speaking and for the speaking we will start practicing in just a moment in order to start strong okay just a couple of quick points very very important okay so important alright to start strong in the speaking section interview you must show fluency right away and let's separate these into two clear points here so you must show fluency right away and you must show originality do not seem memorized or using template answers let's use a little bitter English here give memorized responses or using template answers you can't get high marks with that okay the examiners know when somebody is just practicing saying the same sentence over and over again and then they're not being original okay so make sure that to start strong so you get those high band scores seven and more show fluency right away okay and make sure to show originality so be yourself it's a very important part of of getting high band scores okay so that's just a couple of tips to begin with I'm just increasing font size here so let's practice that with a couple of questions let's include the very first questions into class today what is your full name give me a nice response for this one what is your full name I'm going to do the same then we'll check and compare so all right this is what I wrote repeat after me what is your full name my full name is Peter Simmons please just call me by my nickname Pete all right and again nice and fluent with that be confident okay show right away that you can be fluent ah funny Genting says hello my name is Tiffany Genting but my friends and family usually call me TIFF so please just do the same please just do the same Fabri on says my name's febri on chin you can call me Feb all right nice pea bye sock says my full name is pea buy sock but you can call me pea which is my given name I pay I'd say please just call me by my given name pea it's a little bit more natural of course you want to sound natural as well students especially for these first few questions okay all right Virender Multani says my given name is but in there Cour and my family name is neeti you can address me by my family name neeti okay yeah if you're a missus or a mister maybe you might say please refer to me as mr. neeti or if you're a doctor you might say please refer to me as dr. neeti okay that's fine all right good so far so good let's go to the next question students I will look at different people's responses for different questions so keep practicing keep writing and make sure to speak of course nice and loud okay so repeat and speak enunciate practice your enunciation febri on is asking a question it's a good question February's asking can I use the words gonna and wanna instead of going to and want to absolutely okay it's a little bit colloquial but it's not bad a lot of students are not sure about this and they think they're going to lose marks it's not true we often use these words as native speakers as well so one of meaning want to and Ghana meaning going to are okay to use in the exam these will not cost you band scores okay they are a natural part of daily language use okay which is okay so it's okay to do that it's natural language there's a lot of confusion some people think it's too quilo kiyul it's not true I've spoken to many of my friends who are examiner's and they're like nah we don't we don't take marks for that unless you use them incorrectly okay all right so next question this is always at the beginning may I see your identification Vinita Rishi says yes sure here's my passport which I used to register for this exam please have a look careful near the end there Vinita okay Macha cor Bonnie says sure here's my passport which I use to register for the exam please take a look Richard Rodriguez photography says sure Richard fluency right show that fluency sure here you go this is my passport please take a look Sammy our member says yeah sure let me dig out my passport from my pocket which I used to register for the exam please have a look very nice Sammy I like how you remembered that expression to dig it out of your pocket dr. Krishna says certainly here's my passport that I used for my identification documents let me try that one more time dr. Krishna is certainly here's my passport that I use as my identification document and I used it for this exam also present tense if you're using it constantly or generally okay Richard retrying yes sure here you are okay not bad Richard a little bit more fluent yeah okay absolutely fluency right away show fluency show natural language right away yes of course here is my national ID card that I used for registration please have a look and confirm my identity because that's actually what they're doing so here's a kind of a different than usual way to finish don't be smug which means you know don't be too cynical but you can say this in a nice polite way so just repeat after me may I see your identification yes of course here's my national ID card that I used for registration please have a look and confirm my identity okay because that's what they're doing it's okay shows that you're familiar with the process and you've prepared for the exam all right and then the examiner will give back your ID in most cases if not remember to take it at the end and then the examiner will say okay now I will ask you a couple more questions to get to know you and some questions on a general topic for part 1 where is your hometown because of course many students will travel to another place to take their exam so don't be surprised by this question even if you live in the same city where is your hometown make sure that you have a good response lined up for this as well okay roshni Khun Tay says my hometown is in Nagpur India which is exactly located on the Indian Peninsula and most people also call it as the second capital of Maharashtra okay Charlie says I'm from Burdwan which is a small town around 80 kilometers away from the capital city Kolkata of West Bengal not only bored want not only is bored Wan situated beside the banks of the Damodar River but it is also one of the prettiest places in the country okay charlie good I like it careful with your grammar Shido ji Dean says my hometown termes is located in the southern part of whose Becca Stan in addition it is the main city of the souq under the region it is the largest city Shido ji Dean I think is what you're trying to say it's the largest city or largest metropolitan area okay all right muck Sood says my hometown is vibrant cosmopolitan Tashkent which is the capital of Uzbekistan okay all right good let's say that your hometown is where your exam center is so you would say something like I live right here in the heart of Budapest which of course is the capital city of Europe and situated on the two banks of the famous Danube River fluency show fluency give details repeat after me where is your hometown I live right here in the heart of Budapest which of course is the capital city of Europe and situated on the two banks of the famous Danube River Buda on one side and Pest on the other if you must know Buda on one side and pest on the other yeah so it's divided into these two regions and the two together are called Budapest and of course seven or eight famous bridges cross the two sides and join these two together all right students follow-up question the examiners looking for fluency and coherence right away what do you like about it meaning what do you like about your hometown ok what do you like about it what do you like about your hometown so Natalie what do you like about Camero vu the mining center of Russia what do you like about it Nick Haines unn from Vietnam says Hanoi is an extremely dynamite city with delicious food and attractive tourist destinations it is becoming more economically developed as well most importantly I was brought up in Hanoi so it has a lot of sentimental value it's close to my heart right Nick Haines good students make sure that you're using accurate adjectives when you're qualifying your nouns so nice food Nick Haines is okay but it's much better to say delicious food okay so use accurate word choice Ranveer Singh says the most beautiful aspect of my hometown are the public parks and lots of children playing football in the evening time and people doing exercise my city is full of vibrant healthy and energetic people very good run beer run beer don't use the word thing in your speaking always choose a better noun okay murasa says well I like the transportation system in my hometown the government has provided Metro buses and individuals can easily arrive to their destination in just a few minutes for 20 rupees this makes moving around convenient and allows people to access all of the wonderful sights and sounds of the city good morosa good alright see one more Massey huh fellow traveler says although I'm living in a pretty small city it really gives me a sense of relaxation and also being away from the noise and bustle of big cities so I like that it's calm and relaxing okay always on the positive side well Budapest has incredible history and heritage there are incredible buildings to visit such as the Parliament and the Basilica however if I had to choose I would say that it's the Turkish baths which I enjoy the most for rejuvenation after a tough day at the office all right partly a mint with an eye and rejuvenation even a shin alright there we go so repeat after me what do you like about it well Budapest has incredible history and heritage there are incredible buildings let's not repeat words so to get those high band scores you want to avoid word repetition and you want to avoid saying the word things so one more time well Budapest has incredible history and heritage there are amazing buildings to visit such as the Parliament and the Basilica however if I had to choose I would say that it's the Turkish baths which I enjoy the most for rejuvenation after a tough day at the office all right again give details explanations sound original be fluent okay that's how you get into those high band scores and now the examiner after getting you to relax a little bit that's the goal of these first few questions is to get you to just relax feel at home be calm remind yourself to be fluent to be natural to be original give answers explanations smooth examples okay and then the examiner will say okay let's talk about parties how often do you go to a party now of course this question is asking for adverbs of frequency how often always sometimes never rarely and numbers once a month five times a week okay so let's see what you come up with Kevin Bowie says I don't hit parties a lot as I can't stand the deafening music and the fact that people tend to go overboard with booze and other addictive substances really puts me off so I'd say about once a month thank heaven I guess you're still quite young at my age once a month is even frequent but that's great okay it's a good answer Elena Mori says I consider myself a party animal I go to a party every so often last week I attended my friends Jon's housewarming party Elena very good of course I know that because of the Cova 19 even party animals and partygoers are a little bit more tied to their couch and their homes but yeah so let's move past that and just express yourself express yourself all right Qyburn moment says I always go to parties whenever somebody whether my relatives or family friends arrange a party I'm there because I like to spend a good time with people last week my brother had arranged a dinner which I was also invited to and I sat there and had good conversation for three hours okay Khyber very good the end is a little bit off yeah couple of natural expressions that you can use notice what some of your peers are using so a party animal is it a person who loves to party okay and goes often to parties so very good Elena for sharing that okay another one that's used by Kevin is hit parties that's also an expression to go to parties to hit parties go from one party to another another one that we use is what's called a party goer it's a person who often goes to parties of course party goer all right and then of course there's also another expression called a party crasher and that's a person who goes to parties uninvited I'll teach you that one as well okay party crasher a person who goes to parties uninvited right sometimes people will even say wedding crashers for those who go uninvited to wedding parties alright let's see some other answers here back John says since my exam is nearing I rarely frequent parties I'd say about once a month also I don't really like the party scene just last month and I went to a party and it was really dull yeah party scene is another good expression to know for parties meaning the trend of partying okay there's a lot of vocabulary there for you pooja says well I'm not a party animal but I don't abstain from attending family parties and connecting with my distant cousins like last month we had to get together followed by a party we had a reunion pooja is better followed by a party and it's instead of far cousins pooja distant cousins distant cousins okay good all right well although I enjoy parties quite a bit I seldom go to them these days since I'm busy with my family and work I'd say I go to a party about once every three months the last one I remember is my friend Mike's 40th birthday party alright so here we go again sounding natural fluent answer explanation example not necessarily in that order but usually in that order especially in the beginning when you start off I definitely do recommend going in the order of answer example then X sorry answer explanation then example so in the beginning you should go in that order okay answer explanation example then you can mix it up a bit and go example explanation or explanation answer example try different ways here is my answer well although I enjoy parties quite a bit I seldom go to them these days since I'm busy with my family and work I'd say I go to a party about once every three months the last one I remember is my friend Mike's 40th birthday party back in November okay would be a nice natural way to finish that back in November alright notice what I'm doing here so immediately I'm showing a complex sentence although I enjoy parties quite a bit so it's a complex sentence quite a bit is a nice natural expression I seldom go to them these days so I answer the question in that first line I have a very clear answer seldom seldom matches with the how often question okay and then I continued with my complex sentence since I'm busy of course in speaking I'm using contractions I'm busy with family and work what am I doing here this is my explanation I'm busy with my family and work continuing with my contractions I'd say I go to a party about once every three months so here I'm giving a very clear quantitative measure numbers to the idea of seldom because seldom is what some of you said once a month once a month for me would be more frequent okay or often even it depends on your age and your style in your culture right some cultures party a lot some cultures party less some age groups party a lot some age groups party less the last one I remember is my friend Mike's 40th birthday party back in November so again not for example or not for instance but just clearly stating a party that I went to as the example right now again speak and repeat students next question and this one's kind of fun for sure I'm curious what you'll come up with for this where is a fun place to have a party okay where's a fun place to have a party Vinita Rishi says actually in my hometown there are several party venues however I enjoy most of all the parties at the chill thrill restaurant since it caters to the needs of customers well okay Benita a few Corrections in real time to make that sound a bit more natural that's a 31 minutes so you can come back and check that later came shy eek Faizal says I would say that there is a friends and relatives there would be fun whereas with a big room considering mammoth speakers and small tables with a colorful light and candles and elated people okay a little bit awkward shake I'll be honest with you here I'm thinking more of a specific place like my house or the park near my home or a dance club or a bowling alley more of a specific concept than describing what's required for a fun party okay Ranbir Singh says a very big hall is the best place to organize a party for lots of fun moments for people to do fun activities they're like what run beer what can you do in a large hall dancing for example right so be more specific be more specific pooja says I believe house parties are the best it's all about inviting my friends and having a little chat followed by lots of drinks and fun in fact you always have an option to crash on the bed or the couch if you're not able to make it home okay pooja nice explanation I like it house parties another nice good collocation right Pooja house parties yeah absolutely house parties are loads of fun they're common in some cultures not so common in other cultures Richard Rodriguez says I think a good place would be at the Coco Bongo or at a good restaurant where I go with my parents but usually we have the best parties at my home okay Richard you're kind of jumping around so it's better to just stay with one and explain it Coco Bongo that sounds like a fun place why is it so good what's so special about it does it serve drinks food they have a dance floor maybe a billiard table darts so what's available there for the party okay all right so Swati says I think restaurants and halls large halls are the perfect place for parties they are not only spacious but also quite Decker yeah okay I like how you're using a collaborative or correlative conjunctions as Swati then not only but also alright here we go okay where's a fun place to have a party I think the best place to have shindig there's a nice synonym for party it's a shindig I think the best place to have a shindig is a restaurant with a dance floor both because they serve good food lots of drinks and because you do not need to now let's change you to and because the attendees do not need to clean up after it's all done the place I would recommend in Budapest is boat 42 all right so here we go where is a fun place to have a party I think the best place to have a shindig is a restaurant with a dance floor both because they serve good food lots of drinks and because the attendees do not need to clean up after it's all done the place I would recommend in Budapest is boat 42 alright so again answer explain example thank you for the suggestion of the correlative conjunction right so not only but also be very visual try to paraphrase so shindig use different words as much as possible alright let's jump back to a previous question here just gonna rearrange this a little bit Thank You Elena for reminding me to address that question here is the next question which is your favorite kind of party so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one which is your favorite kind of party all right so house party wedding party family party anniversary party birthday party lots of parties out there think of one please don't try to think of your most honest answer during the IELTS just come up with one quickly okay yeah bet John a gig could be used synonymously with party in some Cohn context yeah Natali nikiforov afore the previous says in the summer the best place to have a party is the countryside house it's a perfect location for a barbecue loud music and it's possible to invite loads of people Natalie that's a great answer for the previous one okay Kevin Bowie says I'm into small gatherings with five to six people it's cheerful yet not overwhelming and as as everybody has ample room to mingle with others I just had some friends over yesterday for brunch and we enjoyed our quality time cooking and laughing very nice Kevin so you like small intimate crowds small intimate crowds Musafir hoon says house parties are amazing I can call my friends feel comfortable with them and I can recall the memories and crack some jokes that might not be appropriate in a restaurant or in public right Musafir we're a little bit more confident in house parties a little bit less worried about public opinion Hassan Sadiq says usually like casual parties of course open and spacious areas of the best place to party like on a field loaded with lots of activities such as build a bonfire and and have a potluck potluck party yeah a Sun potluck party is when everybody brings some food potluck party yeah that's a good one huh son I'll use an example answer for that okay that's a that's a good one good word for sure Perkins Sully EV says I personally prefer close friends parties and cafes as I really enjoy meeting with friends just recently we had one that was tons of fun or can try not to repeat yourself right okay my favorite kind of party the parties I like most our pot Luck's with my close friends and family because everyone gets to share good food which they can be proud of and it's not over whelming lis loud and crazy perhaps the one that comes to mind at the moment is previous Thanksgiving okay so potluck parties that's a nice vocabulary and cultural exchange their potluck parties are when everybody cooks something usually a list gets sent out so people aren't bringing the same dish somebody brings dessert somebody brings appetizers somebody makes soup another person often the host or the person having the party is the one that makes the main food like the turkey during Thanksgiving okay so that's a good one repeat after me which is your favorite kind of party the parties I like most are potluck switch with my close friends and family because everyone gets to share good food which they can be proud of and it's not overwhelmingly loud and crazy perhaps the one that comes to mind at the moment is previous Thanksgiving although I must say I'm sure there are some pretty crazy family Thanksgiving parties in the US and Canada as well okay all right let's keep going next question who do you usually invite to your parties so who do you usually invite to your parties again pay attention to usually that's always fishing for that adverb of manner okay always think of your explanation as well alright and keep going students I'll try to catch different students at different times rusty says to all of my parties both my parents and relatives are invited as well my friends who are sometimes party crashers but they are strongly bonded with me and as a result the parties go well with conversation okay Russian tea good a little bit of adjusting Elena says I mainly throw two types of parties at my home one is very personal kind of parties like with family and friends for occasions like birthdays anniversaries as I mentioned earlier the others are more general for colleagues and even strangers coming off the street right Elena I can't see the other part of it Elena but it looks good okay looks good I like again your use of natural English there throw parties it's another way to say host parties when a person throws a party it's usually a larger party it's usually a little bit more on the crazy side or on the wild side that's throwing a party high school teenagers throw big parties okay all right it's a nice nice expression thank you for sharing that here we go a couple more Amira said excess actually I prefer family parties since we can make some unforgettable memories together just as our gathering every month in order to celebrate a relative's birthday or a family member's birthday okay Amira good and Bowie says to be honest I usually invite my relatives and I don't have many friends so I just invite my best friends to the party I like the intimate social sphere and I like getting into deep conversations good Ruru says I usually invite people close to me my friends and family because I like hanging out with those people I know them well and I can be myself very good all right excellent most of the time I invite my close friends and family to the parties that I throw just because that way everyone feels both comfortable with each other and can be them selves this is exactly what I did last June for my daughter's third birthday party okay good all right repeat after me who do you usually invite to your parties most of the time I invite my close friends and family to the parties that I throw just because that way everyone feels both comfortable with each other and can be themselves this is exactly what I did last June for my daughter's third birthday celebration now some more unusual questions and these start to pop up at the end of part 1 speaking in the IELTS exam here we go have you ever been to a party in another city if yes where that's a good question give me a nice full sentence answer again answer explain example notice the use of present perfect okay you have to reflect present perfect Mario's gr says yes I have joined a party and mala casa about 40 kilometers from my hometown to enjoy my favourite band which is prodigy very good Mario's I like it I like how you use the present perfect you were specific when was it came last year a couple years back so remember details bump up those scores show lots of fluency Elena says yeah certainly I have been to a party in another city last month my ex colleague John invited me to his house warming party in Seattle I took a flight that day before his invitation to reach Seattle the end of that is a little bit confusing Elena it sounds like you're a telepath you knew the party was gonna happen before they knew it was gonna happen charlie send says yes definitely I remember in 2016 when I was in Jamshedpur which is approximately 400 kilometers from my city I attended a wedding party there actually it was my friend's wedding so I had to go I charged the present perfect okay use the present perfect three or tree says well I haven't had a chance to partake in any parties in other nations but I wish to join one if possible in order to know about their customs and culture a tree this one is another city not another nation so be careful here okay be careful Jonna janardana Sharma says it was not in a city but I have attended a party on a cruise it was my birthday party thrown by my best friend it was an amazing party and with lots of interesting games okay good that works you have to be careful though if you answer off question but in this case it works because you start with while not in another city but I have attended a party on a cruise away from my hometown in that case I would mention that as well so show the present perfect very quickly yes I have I've been when you have present perfect it's a really good idea to even double reflect the present perfect yes I have I've been to parties in several cities around the world I often go to celebrations in Vancouver which is a short ferry ride from my hometown of Victoria one of the biggest bashes I had the privilege to attend there was the closing ceremony for the 2010 Winter Olympics all right here we go repeat after me have you ever been to a party in another city if yes where yes I have I've been to parties in several cities around the world I often go to celebrations in Vancouver which is a short ferry ride from my hometown of Victoria one of the biggest bashes I had the privilege to attend there was the closing ceremony for the 2010 Winter Olympics all right students one more question I'll leave this one for you to try at home on your own or with your speaking partner at AE help calm or GL calm remember you can speak to other students for free and you can find lots more speaking questions on those websites the challenge question of the day if you could host a big celebration for any reason what would you do what kind of a party would you throw I'll leave you that one for homework you can send me the recording as an mp3 I'll gladly let you know what level response you gave tomorrow tasks to start for members and reading for everyone make sure to attend those classes as well if you have questions Adrian at AE help calm again for those of you who want to improve and increase your band scores quickly and effectively check out our premium package at AE help calm for academic outs in GL comm for general you're very welcome her son a great job everyone I love how so many of you had such wonderful vocabulary for the topic of partying that's fantastic I hope you have a safe healthy and happy rest of your day much love to all of you from Budapest bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: EWKn1eQemag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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