IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Band 9 Communication

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students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest in Central Europe capital city of Hungary I hope everybody has had a fantastic weekend and is off to a great start this week hi pooja groom all's nice to see a member in class on time hi happy Singh good to see a regular student Massimo thank you for joining the class violet Newman are right students in this class we are looking at speaking part 1 of the IELTS exam of course the speaking interview was the same for the general and the academic part of the test these materials as usual are coming from AE help calm for academic IELTS help please check us out there and for the general version of the exam join our premium package at G IELTS on both of these websites we have lots and lots of great materials for you including six original practice exams we're adding four more this year over a hundred hours of video lessons and a fully interactive course for your phone tablet PC the AE helped all comm website looks like this you can click that big red button to join the Premium Package or click that green button to try it for free @ G IELTS help calm you will see the same layout with the green background click that big red button to join our premium package there are right everyone if you haven't done so yet make sure to download our apps academic IELTS help and general IELTS help from your Google Play and Apple app stores who's us asking why do I always wear a shirt well try to be presentable for who'sa thanks for that question a common question students actually ask about the IELTS speaking section is what should I wear for my speaking interview and I always tell students that you should wear semi-formal clothing for your speaking interview so don't go with a t-shirt and jeans if possible and you don't need to get dressed up so you don't need to wear a tie and a or a dress or anything like that just kind of the way I'm dressed is okay for the speaking interview so maybe a dress shirt but no tie so I can breathe I don't feel so constricted nervous okay so just semi-formal semi-formal be comfortable be presentable okay so look respectful but also feel comfortable it's very important all right okay so students if you have questions like the one I just mentioned you can always ask me and send me an email Adrian at AE help calm if you have questions about our products or websites or apps or about the IELTS exam just send me an email and we will answer Elena's asking can I wear a sweater yeah absolutely Elena just makes sure the sweater is kind of semi-formal so don't wear like a casual sports wetter if you wear a sweater wear something that's semi formal okay and comfortable it's important that you're comfortable students you can get our exam books from Amazon you can search for AE helps academic IELTS or GLS general IELTS I mean you can order our books and paperback or electronic version live IELTS classes these stream classes I do them every week just about and they are from 13 34 members and 15 o'clock for all chat according to Central European Time or upcoming schedule today again speaking part one tomorrow I will host a task one AK demmick writing class for members everybody is welcome to watch and then that will be followed by listening class tomorrow so the rest of the schedule is on the YouTube community board you can check it out there all right the Cora chick is asking how can I get six bands in IELTS the core a chic to get band six and I II LTS exam you have to be a fluent user of English which means that you have to be able to speak and write fairly fluently and you need to be able to understand a typical conversation or information in reading that's how you get a band six all right some students asking what kind of a hairstyle should we have for the speaking interview it doesn't matter just have a clean cut hair okay so shave if you're a man have clean cut hair look presentable okay students let's get into this so the speaking section again it's a 12 to 15 minute interview for all IELTS students computer-based paper-based academic general the speaking section is the same it's always face to face with usually a native english-speaking person if they're not they'll be very very close it'll be very professional and you will be there for about 12 to 15 minutes it will have three parts part one will be asking about you okay part two will be a cue card part three will be some more detailed questions today we're focusing on part one when you go to your speaking interview there are two really important steps to remember before you go into the interview okay so before you walk into your interview two very important steps to save or gain then scores and I've said these before so let's see if some of our regular students remember this what should you keep in mind before you go into your speaking interview so on the day of the interview you're speaking English you're using English only and then you get called for your interview now a few minutes before your interview what should you remember khyber says check your mental list your mental checklist absolutely Khyber what does that mean so okay so number one is go through your mental checklist all right very very good Khyber I'm I'm glad that you got that okay does everybody know what that means go through your mental checklist five minutes before you walk into your speaking interview it means that when you're getting ready for the exam you should have a shortlist of four or five items to remind you of important points that you often forget when you are speaking so this is going to be different for different students but I'll give you an example so let's imagine that you have a student named John and John is getting ready for the IELTS exam so they're practicing at home they're practicing in school they have a speaking partner that they're practicing with and they realize some important points like use the question in answers and reflect the grammar of questions okay so maybe John is one of these students and we have seen many students like this before who forget to use the grammar of questions okay so here's a question this is just an example don't answer it have you ever had difficulties sleeping yes I have had some difficulty sleeping so here John is reminding himself to use the question in the answer as I just showed you and the question here was present perfect have you ever had so I'm answering and present perfect so five minutes before my exam starts I remind myself of these important points and again each of you will likely have some different points for this so another point could be like use correlative conjunctions like both and whether or neither nor okay so maybe you'll remind yourself that hey I should use these correlative conjunctions because they're gonna boost my score so I'll remember this in my mental checklist maybe you're point number three will be include smooth examples okay your point number four could be focus on the last two questions in the cue card and maybe point number five will be speak loudly okay so again the important point here is when you're learning for your speaking if there's some part of the speaking that you often forget to do then add that to your mental checklist when you go to your exam look at that and remind yourself okay morose is saying like connecting your answers alright so that's your first point okay students it's really really really useful if you do this one trick you can easily boost your band score by half or a full band so have your mental checklist you should have five maybe six points don't have too many otherwise it will be useless okay and again go through it five minutes before your interview begins is that clear does everybody understand what I mean by have a mental checklist for areas of weakness or points to remind yourself that you need to include in your speaking is this is this clear does everybody clearly understand what I'm suggesting you to do by this okay can be very very very effective buy yourself some time for difficult questions okay all right it looks like it makes sense for most people what's the second point so just before you walk in to your exam room for the speaking exam what should you do so number one you're going through your mental checklist that's great you're reminding yourself of all of these important points so what do you do next what's what's one more really important step for preparation right before your actual interview so gaming world says be confident yes that's a big part of it gaming world murasa talking English should happen all day before you're speaking interviews same thing for Dobbs so speaking in English that should be happening for 24 hours before you're speaking interview all day okay Ison Ober says calm down and that's also good there we go who'sa says think about the examiner as your father or your grandfather I like to say grandfather because I think fathers and mothers can be a little bit more judgmental so visualize your grandfather or grandma whichever one you feel most comfortable with and imagine that the examiner is him or her this means speak loud be confident give detailed and full answers be respectful okay so the logic here is that a lot of us are nervous when we have to speak to a stranger especially when they're testing us if we picture our grandfather and I'm really mean picture so close your eyes if you have to and see the face and the smile of your grandfather or your grandmother grandpa grandma they're probably a little bit older they might not hear so well so you have to speak very loud and clear you're going to be confident grandma grandpa they love you they're not going to judge you so that's great give detailed information and full answers grandpa grandma they don't know about social media maybe they don't know about Facebook no mo Twitter Instagram so if you're talking about these ideas you need to explain them what are they it's a website where a person can post their pictures and ideas share them with their friends in the world so speak clearly okay and be respectful okay you can use slang but just be respectful all right so keeping this in mind point number one point number two again you can easily save yourself at least half to a full band on your speaking interview so I strongly suggest you do that all right okay everyone let's get into it so you walk in to your exam and you will be greeted by the examiner and the examiner will begin with some standard questions they have to ask you these questions it's part of the protocol it's part of the system okay first question what is your full name give me a full sentence answer for this all right so what is your full name practice this every time you practice your speaking just so you can be fluent natural find it interesting all right I Sonny yes that's right so people who take the speaking at the same time do get question from the same set of questions it might not be the exact same questions but it's from the same set of questions okay pedram says my full name is Pedram nag yeah please just call me by my nickname peds I like it pedram that's great okay nice answer okay I agree with Khyber everybody please stay in English in the chat there are people from all over the world so be respectful to each other use the global language in the language of this channel which is English khyber says my surname is mo Monde and my given name is Khyber so please just call me Khyber Kyra that works great Rodrigo Duarte says my given name is Rodrigo and my family names are Moreno Duarte please you can call me Rodrigo good Rodrigo that works okay and I see that you're trying a different way there which is good okay so again students you want to try different ways roshni says my given name is roshni and last name is Kunta please call me by my first name as per given in my passport roshni yeah roshni it's good it's a passive voice so it's as per given in my passport as per given in my passport okay it's a passive sentence mr. Beck says my first name is Farah dove's Beck my last name is Mirza yev but please call me fair Dobbs okay for Dobbs I hope I pronounced your name more or less correctly I knew try as much as possible Michael fan says my full name is Michael fan please just call me by my given which is Michael very nice Michael I like how you use the adjective clause which so even here in this question as I showed you the other week you can already prove to the examiner that you can use an adjective clause correctly so you can say similar to what Michael is doing and I'll write something close to that as well so my complete name okay you can even paraphrase the word full with complete my complete name is Jonathan David Anders but please just call me by my nickname which is Joe okay so here I'm using an adjective clause and showing the examiner that I can answer questions nice and fluently so again this is speaking student so you can speak and repeat so speak and repeat okay try to repeat my intonation my pronunciation my English is west coast North American from Victoria Vancouver area so the English that you hear me speak is very similar as what you would hear in San Francisco San Diego Los Angeles Anchorage Alaska it's all this kind of West Coast style of English it's a very clear clean form of English so make sure to repeat what you hear what is your full name my complete name is Jonathan David Anders but please just call me by my nickname which is Joe okay so that's a nice fluent way to give your name and show that you can use an adjective clause already which is Joe okay all right and then comes the next question these two questions are always adjacent they're always one after the other may I see your identification okay may I see your identification so again have some kind of a natural clear confident answer to this question okay vishal cow chick another one of our members great to see so many new members in the chat I'm loving that so Vishal says my full name is Vishal cow chick you can call me by my first name Vishal I love my name as it was the first gift which I got from my parents it's nice Vishal I don't know if you need to say that in the introduction it's a bit awkward but interesting anyway get introduction though alright so Nimmi Patel says yes you may okay Nimmi or Nimet patel 786 that's okay to say yes you may just be careful with your intonation when you say yes you may in this case you want to use a gentle intonation so may I see your identification yes you may if you say it sternly like yes you may it is a little bit degrading so you have to be careful with how you intimate the yes you may okay Oh Marcia Fey says yes of course here it is have a look that's a nice answer Omar okay good queuing Donna says of course here you are please have a look it's also very good answer aha pen de says yeah sure this is my passport have a look good absolutely pedram says certainly here you are again students make sure your repeating me as I'm saying these in the intonation okay Daniel shut shuffle Valle of says most certainly here's my passport please have a look nice I like the most certainly it's a very nice natural expression in English so may I see your identification yes of course here is my passport this is what I used to register for this exam okay I do tell students that this is a nice phrase as well because it shows your examiner that you're paying attention and you've taken due diligence which means that you've looked at how the exam works and you know that you need to bring the ID that you use to register so Rick again students repeat okay yes of course here's my passport this is what I use to register for this exam okay again it's a type of clause here what I use to register for the exam so notice that only two questions have been asked so far what is your full name and may I see your identification both of my answers I'm using descriptive clauses which is Joe what I used to register for this exam and that's good because that's showing your examiner that hey this is a person who's expressive natural and uses complex grammar even for simple situations to be clear that's what you want to do okay so so far so good okay so far so good alright and then a couple more icebreaker questions from your examiner to get you feeling comfortable and fluent what do you like to do in your spare time pad rabbits so far so good so far so good so far so good is the expression all right full sentence students full sentence what do you like to do in your spare time for Dobbs now Jeb says in my leisure time I love to play football with my sons especially on Sundays and on Saturdays I'm keen on swimming at the nearest pool to refresh my mind okay for Dobbs good it when joining those two ideas so playing football and swimming make sure to use some kind of a conjunction like as well or furthermore in addition okay so something to link all right charlie Sen says well in my spare time I like to read books watch movies like yesterday evening in my leisure time I read 100 pages from the book conundrum which is based on the life of India's national hero okay Charlie good especially students in India please be really careful with the word wood okay we don't use the word wood in natural English in the US Canada UK Australia as often as people do in India I think maybe in India people are using wood because they want to be very polite but it's kind of awkward when it's overused so Charlie in my spare time I like to read books not I would like to read books because that means you don't have spare time and you're not actually reading books so careful students especially students in India careful with the overuse of wood I have definitely taken points from students for using wood incorrectly too often okay so be more affirmative all right Taylor Reese well as both a student and a freelancer I don't get much free time however whenever I can I volunteer at the local community center to teach some design and photography that's really nice tailor Reese okay so you do some volunteering Taylor whenever is one word when ever push them together one word okay Kubler sink says well in my leisure time I just relax at home sometimes I go outside with my friends for a movie after that I finished my pending work then I help my mother for kitchens chores Kubler the first part is okay the second half of your answer is awkward because it's no longer describing your free time students do not go off-topic okay so if I say well in my free time I like to read books and then after that I do work on my computer and then start cleaning my home I've gone off topic because doing work on my computer and cleaning my home it's not my free time okay nobody's asking me about that so stick with the right topic all right so I'll suggest an answer here and if I don't read or see your answer students don't threat just keep going I will choose different answers from different students at different times okay so paraphrase your answers try to use different words okay in my leisure time which is usually in the evenings after 6:00 p.m. or on the weekends I enjoy both going for walks in nature and catching the latest flicks on Netflix just the other day I watched a movie called two popes in yeah that's okay let's just stop there all right so here is your band 9 answer all right in my leisure time so I'm paraphrasing spare time in my leisure time and then I define that what is my spare time what is my leisure time which is usually in the evenings after 6:00 p.m. or on the weekends so I tell the examiner that that's when I have leisure time 6 p.m. is numbers quantitative language use that will help your band scores go up higher okay I enjoy both going for walks in nature and catching the latest flicks on Netflix flicks means movies that's why Netflix net movies Netflix just the other day I watched a movie called two popes so answer explanation example correlative conjunction both and okay adjective clause which is quantitative language 6:00 p.m. this is what the IELTS considers an expert user of the English language and this is where they will give you that ban 9 score you're answering the question exactly with details right amount of information complex grammar lexical resource it has all of the elements for a ban 9 okay and the next question where do you go to relax where do you go to relax give me a nice full sentence answer for this one where do you go to relax Mack wish Allie says to relax after a hectic day at work I go for a walk in the park in the evening with my two other colleagues at a nearby ground which is about a kilometer away from our office nice Matt wish we don't say to relax myself just to relax it is generally understood that you're talking about yourself okay couple AC says as I mentioned I go to the football field to clear my mind as well I sometimes go to the park and talk to some volunteers just for relaxation okay couple not bad it's not a football court it's called a football field okay or if you're using British English it's called a football pitch pitch okay British English they say football pitch American English they say soccer field okay soccer field British English football pitch okay completely different in British and American English a fashion each Brown says I'm taking a short vacation on weekends and going somewhere far away from the hectic city to build energy for the rest of the workweek in this way I can be relaxed and enjoy my life alright a 50 on the brown careful with your grammar alright you have some confusing grammar there alright food Rangers says yeah to relax I usually go to the park which is near to my home and I meet my friends I listen to music and I cook something delicious to eat just yesterday I made some pasta and chilled out on the couch okay food Ranger good give me an example students don't forget your smooth flowing examples especially in part one okay so I'm just going to give you a little reminder of that at the top here okay so remember to include some smooth flowing examples for your answers okay this improves fluency coherence grammar and vocabulary scores okay when I mean smooth flowing so maybe some of you are wondering what is Adrian seeing when he says not soothe flowing but smooth flowing what is Adrian saying when he says smooth flowing examples that would be a good question smooth flowing example means that you're not using the words for example or for instance okay so don't say for example for instance that kind of scares the examiner that you're going to talk and talk and go off-topic so instead use the words like just or like or the other day and then say your example okay so don't use the words for example or for instance okay these days the examiners when they hear a student used the word for example will often interrupt them and stop them because they fear that you're going to go off topic and talk too much okay so careful with that all right so where do I go to relax there is a beautiful park about a kilometer from my flat where I like to go after a stressful day in order to unwind there is a pond in the center of the park with some benches where I like to sit and just zone out while listening to the sounds of nature alright so there is again your band 9 answer repeat after me students where do you go to relax there's a beautiful park about a kilometer from my flat where I like to go after a stressful day in order to unwind there's a pond in the center of the park with some benches where I like to sit and just zone out while listening to the sounds of nature alright it's natural it contains complex grammar again quantitative language about a kilometer from my flat again the adjective clause where I like to go unwind relax unwind they're synonyms okay wined unwind unwind is a synonym for relaxed when you hear note new vocabulary write it down okay and then zone out okay zoning out means that you're kind of just staring into space anybody know what another word is for zone out in English there's a quick little vocabulary test before we go to our next question what's another way to say zone out in English what's a synonym for that word okay Vanessa around and about are okay they're they're synonyms usually so what's another way to say zone out there cup there's a couple ways Zakia discern no this urn has a different meaning than zone out discern means like deduce okay chill is close and Cheyenne but it's not quite right gaze up aziz is not correct mmm chill is not so much lost in my piece is not natural English limit Patel forget all things Shere Khan although that might be happening that's not quite right okay space out is closed doze off Tama means you're actually kind of sleeping or falling asleep another way to say zone out is space out shallow is okay but the other way we say it is daydream okay it's actually one word daydream okay so zone out daydream space out is okay as well it's close to zone out but another very clear way to say it as daydream daydream okay daydream if you don't know that word now you know it in the IELTS make sure you do not daydream during the exam okay that's my very important tip to you in the sit down and in the speaking part do not daydream stay focused all right on that note let's go to the part one question so your examiner here will say all right now I'm going to ask you some more questions let's talk about sleep let's talk about sleep and then the first question how many hours do you sleep in a day okay how many hours do you sleep in a day give me a nice full sentence answer for that question okay so how many hours do you sleep in a day for dog says for money to Friday I go to bed at 10:00 p.m. and get up at 7 a.m. so I sleep about 9 hours Monday to Friday right on the weekends I get up at 9:00 a.m. average sleep in a day about 9 to 11 hours as today I got up at 9:00 a.m. Wow four doves you love your sleep that's great I do too to be honest with you Charlie says well I usually sleep around 6 to 7 hours in a day so that I can go to the office in the morning full of energy yeah Charlie instead of with full energy full of energy okay Lakshmi Karki says to be honest I usually sleep 10 hours a day I sleep a little bit long because it helps me to be fresh for the whole day all right Lux mean that's not bad it's good happy Singh says as I belong to a younger age group I sleep approximately eight hours a day which supports me to unwind and helps my body be healthy yesterday at night I slept a little bit more as it was a holiday happy seeing a couple of grammatical Corrections there awaaz ox Madhav's says I'm sport I'm a sporty person I'm a sporty person therefore my body needs six to eight hours of sleep in a day for growth and to regenerate my muscles as well as recharge my batteries okay Juan Pablo Avila says I usually sleep seven hours per day and sometimes take a short nap for half an hour in the afternoon on weekends I sometimes sleep a bit more last Saturday I woke up at 10 a.m. but it was okay because it was not a workday Juan Pablo really nice answer okay so in a 24-hour period I sleep anywhere from 8 to 10 hours depending on my mood and energy level usually I get about 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night and take another hour nap in the afternoon in fact last night I got nine hours of sleep in preparation for this exam I'm pumped well let's connect so I'm pumped and full of energy there we go a nice full band 9:00 response for us there so repeat after me how many hours do you sleep in a day in a 24-hour period I sleep anywhere from 8 to 10 hours depending on my mood and energy level usually I get about 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night and take another hour nap in the afternoon in fact last night I got 9 hours of sleep in preparation for this exam so I'm pumped and full of energy but a big but a boom there you go that would be your quantitative expressive answer with explanation and example ok now next question where do you like to sleep location right where do you like to sleep give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so where do you like to sleep so Pedram says oh I can sleep just in my own bed and this is one of my most challenging habits because I can't fall asleep in a motel when I'm traveling to another city like last month I had insomnia and couldn't sleep during my whole trip insomnia pedram is when you can't sleep day after day okay Alex Joseph says to be honest I like to sleep in a serene place which is usually my own bedroom though it is not possible all the time Alex good okay nice answer for doves I'm fond of sleeping at home especially in the master bedroom even though I like to stay out for a night at my parents house as I sleep in a bed which I got used to growing up okay for dogs you have to make that second part of the sentence a little bit clearer regarding your parents house begs odd Aronoff says it is an axiomatic that i'm really clean keen on sleeping in nature especially on a mountain there's this is mainly because it enables a perfect mood as well as releasing stress okay begs odd not bad not bad careful with your word choice and grammar alright let's see some more nice answers murasa says baa rocky i love my bedroom where i sleep comfortably furthermore no one disturbs me because my room is in the corner of the house so it's nice and quiet okay finish that idea murasa okay Charlie sense as well I like to sleep in my bed at my home keep it simple Charlie well I like to sleep in my bed at home because it's comfortable besides as you can see I'm six feet tall and my bed is six-and-a-half feet long so I can stretch my legs comfortably nice charlie-san all right that works maybe you have a firm bed as well if you're taller all right Qian Kim says the place I like to sleep is my parents house where there's a queen-size bed available in my room which is comfortable I can roll around as much as I want and it's a safe place for me where nobody disturbs me all right cue nice I would give it a little bit more description but a great start nonetheless hikmah tillow says I usually sleep in the children's room because I adore my convenient bed with fluffy pillow and nobody disturbs me there all right great Saki base says in a workday I take short sleeps five to six hours due to work but on the weekends I'm sleeping ten to twelve hours to remove all of the week's stress Saki for the previous answer that's not bad okay that's not bad okay all right so keep it simple all right so where do you like to sleep I like to well let's remove the word like I enjoy sleeping in my king-size bed at home not only because it is quite large and I move around a lot while sleeping but also because it is a very comfortable bed and my flat is quiet so I get a good night's rest all right again repeat after me student so where do you like to sleep I enjoy sleeping in my king-size bed at home in my king-sized not bad it's not a king-size bed a king-size bed one more time I enjoy sleeping in my king-size bed at home not only because it is quite large and I move around a lot while sleeping but also because it is a very comfortable bed and my flat is quiet so I get a good night good night's rest students notice this not only but also I highly highly recommend practicing this conjunction when you're able to express at least two points for your explanation it's a really nice way to build fluency and complexity into your responses so practice this not only but also not only because of this but also because of that especially when it's easy to give multiple reasons clear that's clear okay all right let's keep going next question when do you go to bed why okay now the examiner might not ask you why only if you don't give the reason but they'll definitely ask you this when do you go to bed so give me a nice full sentence answer for when do you go to bed dicey SPB says well usually I go to sleep roughly at 11 or 12 o'clock p.m. as I'm tired while improving my skills and nobody can disturb me dicey not bad just one correction 11 p.m. is time 12 p.m. is noon students remember dicey remember this in your writing and in your speaking in English that 12 p.m. is noon okay and 12 a.m. is midnight okay so you can't say 11 or 12 p.m. that's very confusing for an English speaker they'll be like huh you go to bed at noon or at just before midnight what's going on so careful okay Omar chef a says I usually go to bed around 10:00 p.m. on weekends however I go to bed two or three hours later on weekends as I find lots of joy watching late night movies with my family while eating popcorn Omar repeat after me watching late night movies with my family while eating popcorn so watch your word order in natural English we actually say late night movies okay late night movies it's usually how we express that hi enuine says I usually have to cram for exams so I hit the hay quite late about 11:30 p.m. mm-hmm as I am both a full-time student and work part-time I usually hit the hay late at around half past eleven and I fall asleep deep asleep in a matter of seconds until my alarm clock wakes me up at 6:00 a.m. the next day alright good thank you for sharing that answer hi yen and sharing that nice idiom with the rest of the viewers so as I am both a full-time student and work part-time I usually hit the hay it's nice it's a nice natural idiomatic expression in English I hit the hay means to go to bed of course a long time ago many people used to sleep on hay some people still do hay is the dry grass that we feed to livestock like horses and cows and such as well and we used to use it for bed stuffing as well so this expression to hit the hay just imagine this kind of ball or mound of hay and you just go oh you're so tired that you just fall and you hit the hay it's often used okay it's quite a popular idiom especially in North America but I think in UK and Australia as well it means go to sleep I usually hit the hay so nice thanks again okay next question students let's keep going what helps you to sleep better why okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so what helps you sleep what helps you to sleep and why okay so I can't read this Cyrillic but our student is saying actually I'm very sensitive to air lessness so the ideal condition for my sleeping is a place with lots of fresh air okay I think a simpler way to say that where you could still get some really good band scores is actually I'm very sensitive to stuffy room to a stuffy room when a room doesn't have air we say it's stuffy so the ideal condition for me to sleep better is to have a window open where I can get some fresh air okay Lux me car key says well that's an interesting question I usually listen to music or an audio novel while sleeping because it really helps me provide some positive vibes and I can be calm and that peace ok Lux me careful not to over complicate the end of that all right Rodrigo Duarte says I think that my one hour workout three times a week and my everyday cool bath helps me sleep while the first makes me tired enough to go to bed and tune out the second one helps me to unwind before sleeping ok good Rodrigo remember your question in the answer ok so I think that my one hour workout three times a week and my everyday cool bath helps me to sleep remember students use the question in your answer for clarity always Alain amore says I usually do yoga for half an hour before I crawl into bed yoga helps me to reduce restlessness and achieve deeper and refreshing sleep Elena nice I do the same I think Yoga is excellent stretching out before bed about a half hour before is a fantastic way to get a more restful night of sleep I agree Harry gaba says I sleep better when I do some good activities throughout the day and when I make my family proud I feel like I did something productive and it helps me calm down and sleep better okay Harry gaba careful with your use of capitalizations okay so I find that doing just 20 minutes of yoga about half an hour before I go to bed really improves my overall quality of sleep and I wake up feeling fresh and relaxed for the next day okay so students are repeat after me what helps you to sleep better why I find that doing just 20 minutes of yoga about half an hour before I go to bed really improves my overall quality of sleep and I wake up feeling fresh and relaxed for the next day all right here we go some more questions for you for homework how do you feel when you do not get enough sleep have you ever had difficulties sleeping if yes why I will leave these last two questions for you to do for homework you can record that on your phone send it email it to me by mp3 and I will gladly give you a score estimate roughly where you are currently in you're speaking according to the IELTS band score descriptors mp3 students so if your phone's not recording mp3 just convert to mp3 send it to Adrienne at AE help calm and like I say it will gladly score you for free and give you some more information about us if you like this lesson you want lots more over a hundred hours of video lessons you can get those through the premium package on our website AE help comm that's for academic you can download link the app academic IELTS help the website and the app they link together so you learn from the same account okay so if you buy it through the app it's the same as buying it through the website and for general out students check us out at G IELTS help calm again students these websites look like this this is the general IELTS website at jihads er general Alex help calm and AE help calm looks like this academic English help calm that's also us click that big red button to join our premium packages there spend a couple dollars save yourself some headache lots of time and energy learn from effective materials students that's it for today I will be back tomorrow at the same time with some listening practice and strategy and for members tomorrow some tasks one academic writing so task one academic writing first then listening strategies with sample questions and answers much love to all of you have an awesome rest of your day from the heart of Europe Budapest bye for now everyone
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Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: bSkHD2UziMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 6sec (3666 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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