IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Band 9 Answer Strategy

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come to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest here situated along the banks of the Danube River I hope everybody is having a fantastic weekend in this class we are looking at speaking part one for the IELTS exam for the speaking section of course hi princess oh five oh eight oh four hi cavea hi NS hype achoo hi violet nice to see many of our regular students and get to see some members joining in on time as well hi Rajveer and himand while we wait for a few more of our students this lesson is presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS help please check us out there and for general IELTS please visit us at G IELTS help calm on both of those websites we have over a hundred hours of HD video lessons with myself and other IELTS experts as well as original practice exams and a fully interactive course for your phone tablet PC and you can use the code our forty y-j to get a 20% discount so use code our four tyj when you register an account at a help calm or gee IELTS help calm hi Ruslan nice to see some more of the members joining in our websites they look like this this is the academic here with the blue background that AE help dog calm click that big red button to join and apply this code are for tyj for the general it's a green background click that big red button there and again you can use that code to get the 20% discount if you have questions students just send me an email to Adrian at AE help calm if you want to get our exams in paperback book version you can go to Amazon search for a helps academic IELTS or GE helps general Isles scheduled for today and tomorrow again today we're looking at speaking part one tomorrow a little bit earlier we will have speaking part two for members and then we will have speaking part three for everyone this is a speaking class students so make sure to speak and repeat so speak and repeat as much as possible repeat what you hear repeat questions repeat answers repeat the corrections that I'm making as I go through your comments and responses know me these live lessons are automatically uploaded to our channel once they're completed so you can definitely check them out there later okay hi Tito nice to see you in class okay everyone let's warm up those speaking muscles with a little bit of icebreakers for part one when you get into your speaking interview there will be a few kind of general type questions the examiner will ask you so just warm up on those the examiner will always ask you for your full name as it appears in your identification so let's begin with that what is your full name give me a nice full sentence answer so don't just say my name's John say a nice full sentence answer first name last name middle name if you have it especially if it's on your ID okay so please give me a full sentence answer for that okay so Kadir Aamir says my name's Abdul Qadeer of Abu Lemire ok Kadir and what should I call you ok remember students that the follow-up question to this question by the examiner is always what should I call you so try to answer that question right away ok so the question the examiner will ask you if you don't answer is and what should I call you so if you have a nickname or if your name is Abdul Rahman but you just go by Abdul then make sure to include that ok Raman Singh says my full name is Rahman Deep Singh you can call me just Rahman Rahman deep that's good okay that works nice all right Tito Botti says my full name is Tessa's chef shot Fras but you can call me by my nickname Tito ok Tito good nickname I believe it's just one word guys let's see what else Mustafa goon Adam says my full name is Mustafa goon Nair just call me Mustafa ok or you can call me Mustafa ok that's good Jean Carlos Torres says my name is Jean Carlos Arturo please or call me please Jean Carlos Arturo okay Wow you go buy all three Jean Carlos Arturo alright Rajveer Singh says my full name is Reggie you're saying please just call me Rajveer that works well nice use of the semicolon Roger you can use it in that context okay Jesse says well my name is Yvonne and my family name is Yvonne oov please call me Yvonne for short okay Yvonne is not for short it's just your given name so please use my given name Yvonne okay all right let's see some more again students want to see your name in as many different ways as you possibly can when you're practicing just so you can be really natural fluent and confident when you're in the real exam okay come on says hello my full name is Himanshu dama please call me himand for short girls guys when you say please call me something for short it means the shorter version of your long name okay so I'll give you an example okay so if you say my given name is Aleksandr and my surname is Ivana of okay then you can say please just call me Alex for short okay so you can't just say call me Aleksandr for short that's not for short okay short means the shorter version of your name okay so here Alex is short for Aleksandr careful when you say call me something for short it's not the same as your nickname okay or it's not the same as your full name so careful with that repeat after me what is your full name my given name is Alexander and my surname is even of please just call me Alex for short okay the next question is may I see your identification give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay so may I see your identification again never be bored by these questions when you're practicing try to say them in different ways work on your intonation work on your pronunciation so always look to improve whenever you're repeating the same answers okay so may I see your identification Luis Ramirez says yes UMaine okay it's short and sweet and that'll work Nikhil hada one day says yes here's my identification which I used for registration it's a nice way to show your adjective clauses okay EBU khun ani baba says yes you can have it here it is you can have it is a bit awkward it sounds like you're actually giving your identification to that person which you should never do so we probably wouldn't say that in most situations okay let's all says yes absolutely I brought my passport with me for identification that works it's a nice novel way new way to say that Taylor Reese says your lesson helped me so much Taylor did you get a good score in the IELTS I'm not sure if you mentioned that I'm wondering if you did if you got a great score good for you Taylor army yep I do miss Canada a bit but I will be going back later this year so I'm okay with it I like traveling the world off topic alright so again may I see your identification it's a good chance to show your use of adjective clauses yes most definitely here is my passport which I used for registration please take a look okay alright so again repeat after me may I see your identification yes most definitely here's my passport which I used for registration please take a look nice fluent natural complete answer and it's showing also that you're being expressive okay so what you want to do students this is a really important tip when you're practicing and when you're in the exam is you want to show as quickly as possible so this is a really important tip here so as quickly as possible that you are being expressive but you are not over speaking or going off-topic okay so that's your goal you want to show to the examiner that you can speak fluently clearly completely but you're not speaking too much you're not going off-topic okay all right so again a good time to show adjective clause and your ability to speak nice and expressively is with this may I see your identification okay some more icebreakers coming up here where do you live so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one where do you live now when you're thinking about your answer think about your geographical location so country city and also think about your shelter so your home you live in a house or in an apartment okay and try to combine both of those into one response okay dong Pham says currently I live in a semi-detached house on the outskirts of Vinh City my house is not huge but it's really cozy I have a modern kitchen dining room and three bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms very nice dog thumb I like it case you're being expressive I have a very clear picture of where you live all right I can probably leave him maybe find you if I were traveling Tito Botti says I live in a very small city which is in the southern area of Pakistan it consists of some famous landmarks like a fort and a tomb Tito that's okay Patito what's the city okay you told me it's small city it's in the southern area of Pakistan but you never actually told me the name of the city and also you never really told me where you live in that city so is it an apartment a house condominium duplex do you rent a bachelor suite do you have a mansion maybe okay so give me that information Ruslan says I live in the capital of Kazakhstan Astana in a two-bedroom apartment in the downtown of the city Ruslan that's exactly what you want to answer for this kind of question again students when I'm reading your peers responses make sure to repeat and fluently keep up with what I'm saying okay for daav says I live in the northwestern part of Russia st. Petersburg which is the second largest city in the ultra-modern second largest city and I live in an ultra-modern high-rise building on the third floor with my family very nice for does Rajveer says I live in a one-bedroom kitchen apartment in a multi-story building in Gurgaon which is an IT hub in the northern region of India there around 1,000 people living in this area okay one thousand really maybe more no all right but good Rajveer I'm not sure what you mean by BHK apartment you have to explain that acronym for me I'm unfamiliar with it Sara and some gore says I live in an apartment in the suburban Midtown Landshut near Munich in Bavaria the southern state of Germany okay not bad sarin careful with your grammar okay all right so I live in a two-bedroom apartment on the 4th floor of the building in the heart of Budapest which is the capital of Hungary with my wife and daughter okay so that's exactly what you want to answer nice and fluent detailed complete repeat after me where do you live I live in a two-bedroom apartment on the fourth floor of the building in the heart of Budapest which is the capital of Hungary with my wife and daughter intonation is really important when you're giving these kinds of detailed complete clear answers so make sure to pay attention to that next question what do you like about your home give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay Taylor I'm catching a little bit of what you're putting up there there's a lot of comments coming in but I can see that the examiner kept asking you about parks thanks for sharing that all right so what do you like about your home again don't overthink it think general what most people would answer to this type of question don't try to be too unique or too honest in the exam that can get you into trouble you can get stuck okay mixed videos for Android says I mostly like its location because it's situated in the central part of the city it's easy for me to access many different venues like shops and movie theaters ok be more specific all right Ellen amore says my bedrooms are very spacious I have a study in my home and I love my study so much because it's full of books and I'm an avid reader it also gives me peace and quiet so I can read without interruption right Elena that's what's good about a study is that you can grab a book close the door and have peace and quiet so that you can really submerge and indulge in the book that you're reading pay attention to vocabulary students as I'm giving it to you make sure to write it down okay so again think about the most kind of common concepts when when somebody says what do you like about your home the words that should be coming to mind or words like cozy spacious bright convenient location quiet okay so these are the kinds of ideas and words that should come to your mind don't try to be too fancy don't you know say words like well there's a an incredible mosaic on the outside of my building which captures the imagination every time I walk by it on my way home from work nice English you'll get a high band score if you can quickly express that in such a short time but if not just stick with the generic types of concepts okay so that's my second tip for today you want to be original on the exam you want to be unique but you don't want to be special does that make sense what I just said there so here's a tip to get these high band scores okay your language or your diction diction means your style of speaking should sound original clear and accurate but and this is a big but it does not have to be special okay so you do not and you should not introduce fancy and unique concepts that are difficult to express okay unless you're certain that you have a band 9 level because you've used English all your life you read lots you do presentations and you can express really complex ideas quickly and impress the examiner but that's only about one in a hundred thousand students so you should not do that okay instead you should focus to give generic answers with your own [Music] diction okay does that make sense does everybody kind of understanding what I mean by that so with this question what do you like about your home you can definitely get a band 9 mark if you say well my home has large windows and the apartment is south east facing so it is bright for most of the day and I love that it keeps me in a positive mood okay so generic right bright big windows but I make it my own I love that I stay positive because my home is bright all right you don't need to be too fancy okay a lot of times when students try to be too fancy they become incoherent it means we don't understand what the student is trying to say and their mark goes right so careful with that all right we Sloan Rajveer Elenin home on thank you for the reflection on my question sayyida thank you as well it's good to know that you're listening to me all right gotcha of Abdullah says I really love my living room because I have a constable sofa when I'm at home I often have a nap on it just like yesterday after a hard day of work okay I'm guessing you mean comfortable so far there maybe cushaw right instead of constable just different word all right good fantastic let's keep going so now that you're all warmed up you're feeling positive you're feeling confident remember you paid to be at the exam you're there to do a job the examiner is there to do a job keep your eye the price the examiner will introduce a topic for part one which usually deals about you okay so use the word I me my let's talk about making food mmm yummy yummy I hope everybody's had lunch or dinner or supper otherwise you're about to get hungry how often do you make a sandwich how often do you make a sandwich give me a nice full sentence answer to this question okay and try to stay away from I never make a sandwich unless you're going to express yourself in more detail of why okay so uh good quite good answers coming up I can see them alright violet says well I really love sandwiches you can use plural violet on sandwich I really love sandwiches but I only make them few times a month because I like to make food that is unusual and only me and my sister can eat and also I don't have the ingredients okay violet knew and that's what I mean about being too special it's I'm not making too much sense of what kind of unusual foods you're making okay so if you're going to go down that road you have to be clear Tito Botti says well as I am living alone in another city there are some times when I have to cook food so I would say that I make a sandwich twice a week with an omelet okay Tito what kind of sandwich chicken cheese ham what do you put in that sandwich and Tito when you live alone a better word vocabulary you can use as bachelor I'm a bachelor living away from my family so I make sandwiches a few times maybe twice a week with an omelet usually my sandwiches have cheese tomatoes and lettuce okay Gopi Sundeep not very often we'll get you a band for okay it's too short it's not extra so I can't mark you for that all right flower sound says sandwiches are student sandwiches are countable countable okay you can count a sandwich so sandwiches are my favorite food we often use the plural for sandwich sandwiches are my favorite food so I guess that I make them five to six times a week just last Saturday my family and I went on a picnic so I was the one who prepared the food spreads and sauce which I brought at a grocery store all right good answer Hemant says I have a sandwich kids countable him on so I have a sandwich every morning for breakfast I like trying out different styles of sandwich using a variety of sauces yesterday I bought five sandwich spreads and sauces from a grocery store near my place that's nice a menthe good it so himand its expressive okay you're staying on topic you're using quantitative language you're giving an answer explanation example you're using your own diction your own style so I really like it that's gonna get you a high band at least seven if you say it fluently just make sure okay to be careful with grammar grammar students always work to improve your grammar one trick for that is reading regularly reading aloud will help your speaking as well fun Chi tree says I rarely make sandwiches but if I have the opportunity I usually mix chicken with my sandwich which has a mouth-watering flavor okay fun you never mix chicken with the sandwich cuz that would just be weird it means you take a sandwich you take chicken and you mix them together but if you're trying to say that you make a chicken sandwich that's okay so I usually make a chicken sandwich which has mouth-watering flavor I mix chicken and mayonnaise together to create a spread for the sandwich so here we go all right how often do you make a sandwich I frequently make sandwiches for either breakfast or lunch I would say at least three to four times each week in fact I had a delicious BLT this morning which as many people know is the popular bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich all right there's my answer repeat after me students how often do you make a sandwich I frequently make sandwiches for either breakfast or lunch I would say at least three to four times each week in fact I had a delicious BLT this morning which as many people know as the popular bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich I don't know about you but us Canadians we really love our BLTs and you can go into many places and just order it by saying I'd like a BLT all right why is this bad nine well multiple reasons okay it's natural the diction's there I'm using either/or which is called a correlative conjunction case the paired conjunctions correlative conjunctions they emphasize the language I start with a qualitative answer frequently and then I define the quality with quantity with numbers three to four because maybe for some people free when Lee is once a week for some people frequently as maybe 10 times each week but for me it's 3 to 4 times each week so and then I give a nice smooth flowing example in fact I had a delicious BLT this morning which as many people know is the popular bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich if you use an acronym like this like BLT it's a good idea to explain that to the examiner don't just assume that they're familiar with all the acronyms you know especially if you're talking IT okay all right so next question students next question what do you use to make food hmm that's pretty it's a pretty big question what do you use to make food my camera thought so and decided to take asleep its give me two seconds I'll bring you back up on the screen here or bring myself back up on the screen meanwhile you get a glimpse of my daughter when she was a little baby okay so again think generic so don't try to be fancy keep your thoughts simple be original okay so what do you use to make food what do you use to make food but Saul says I do not know how to make food so I never try to make food but sometimes I show that what we can use to make food when my mom makes food hmm really you've never made food you've never taken a piece of toast or bread or naan bread and put something on top of it or maybe even making a cup of coffee you take coffee beans sugar there has to be some concept of how to make food even if you're just boring what you've seen on television okay our meat sing I use is too simple okay sayyida Mahara aqua it says I use vegetables mostly because I don't like meat that much in fact I only eat chicken besides being a South Asian I love to mix different types of spices in my food say you do what kinds of spices what kind of spices okay Garf tendon says I used some spices vegetables and flour to make food often and on weekends I usually make something interesting like a burger pizza or pasta okay good all right that's nice expressive ruslan says right so now you have sound right of course I can hear you yes okay I'm paying attention to the comments all the time okay yeah of course that's what happens when the batteries die in your wireless microphone a lot of moving parts in these live lessons right so again just a quick review okay so to get bad seven or more you have to show that you can fluently use and dynamically use complex and compound grammar this means effectively using subordinating and coordinating conjunctions okay if you're not sure what these words mean then you have to google them okay all right keep that in mind okay so let's get back to point here do you like to cook why or why not okay do you like to cook why or why not give me a nice full sentence answer answer explain example all right muck Lynda John says Sabido of says I like to cook because I have a gift to make tasty dishes and I enjoy it the day before I cooked in our national dish Paula which contains rice carrot and meat and my guests loved it MUC we did John very nice answer okay dong Fong says honestly I have a passion for cooking especially baking cakes because I love tasting cakes and I have a sweet tooth however I am a terrible cook yesterday I tried making a delicious chocolate cake and I burned it okay dong Fong I colored your response a little bit to be a bit more natural all right okay and this let me see a an s Tesla Callie says yes I love to cook I think it's a great way to both unwind and learn unique tastes last Saturday I made a Mexican casserole with my sister with the help of YouTube videos right on an S and s not make a cook just cook cook is the verb okay and not unwind stress just unwind unwind means to decrease stress you don't need to use them together okay all right I cannot read the cyrillic maybe Rebecca I don't know cooking is my obsession I like it so much it is my favorite hobby every now and then I cook various dishes to serve for dinner for my wife she always likes it such as the meat pie I made yesterday okay get that smooth flowing example in there students always to pick up more lexical resource marks and coherence marks pea BoSox says I love to cook since my childhood I've tried many different recipes when there's whenever there's an occasion at our family like the birthday last week for my sister I cook for the guests last Sunday we celebrated the 25th anniversary of our parents and I made stroganoff right pea very good all right I love to cook it is one of my hobbies and I'm extremely passionate about it I think it's the greatest form of art there is as it combines all of our senses sight touch taste and smell also it is a very benevolent form of art as we share as I share the food I make with guests they enjoy it and then it's gone such as the delicious tuna salad I prepared yesterday for my friends okay it's a bit of a long one but I thought I'd expressed my own belief on cooking here a little bit for you do you like to cook I love to cook it is one of my hobbies and I'm extremely passionate about it I think the greatest form of art there is as it combines all of our senses sight touch taste and smell also it is a very benevolent form of art as I share the food I make it with guests they enjoy it and then it's gone such as the delicious tuna salad I prepared yesterday for my friends all right so again be expressive be original but you don't have to be special okay you don't have to be special Fon Chi tree says actually I don't like to cook because the cooking in my family depends more on my mom and grandmother however in the near future I think I need to learn cooking because I'm going to be wedlock and it's a useful skill all right fun very nice for using the word wedlock that I taught last week fun good okay it's great that you're practicing new words that you're learning in these live classes boomy chat bar nice to see you in the class says yes I enjoy cooking in fact I cook four to five times a week I believe that homemade foods are healthier and more nutritious than eating at restaurants like yesterday I made supper for my parents and myself not super moving but supper - peace - peace Mohammed Wahab says although other people do not like cooking I love preparing food with my own two hands because I am very concerned about the ingredients that I put in my body for instance yesterday I prepared all three meals for my family breakfast lunch and dinner very good bet John Omer Zach says I like baking rather than cooking since there are fewer actions such as putting all the ingredients together and pushing the on button of the oven also baked food tends to be healthy okay beg done good I like it all right okay let's go to the next one I'm interested to see what you give as an answer what is your favorite ingredient what is your favorite ingredient give me a nice full sentence for this question flour son says vanilla is the ingredient I love to put on my shopping list and on my cooking list when I bake not only does my family love vanilla but also I want to create cakes that smell great and tastes great and vanilla is just right for that okay flour son not bad a couple of grammatical mistakes so I had to improvise a little bit khyber Jen says my most loved ingredient is the Timmy nope it's tomato paste because it's not only cheaper than tomatoes but also has a rich flavor I bought five cans of them in the Bulow supermarket just a five minute drive from my home yesterday good Khyber Khyber paraphrase okay taste flavor pooza guru who says my favorite ingredient is coriander I love to add it in meat especially chicken and pork it looks amazing and tastes delicious okay coriander is definitely a nice spice there's a nice scent if you're talking about spices students it's the scent or the aroma of the spice that gives its unique flavor or makes the dish special Kevin bui says I'd say cinnamon is my spice of choice because of the pleasant scent it adds to food and it makes it irresistible every now and then I find myself daydreaming and salivating about cinnamon rolls very good Kevin boy I like it daydreaming and salivating over a cinnamon rolls all right nicely put coz neem Road as Lee says just lost you in the chat just a second toss me Monroe deadly says although it makes me feel although it gives me heartburn doesn't does mean we say it gives me heartburn okay so although it gives me heartburn I personally like peppermint in all my food even when I go out with friends for lunch I ask for extra peppermint in my food okay good let's see pea BoSox says one of my favorite ingredients as the egg I try to explore different dishes which can be made using eggs in fact it is one of the most used ingredients which can be found in many jeans around the world okay pay a little bit of paraphrasing careful not to repeat okay so uh here we go the ingredient that I adore above all others is honey not only is it sweet and healthy but there are many different kinds which can add a special unique flavor to many different dishes such as sweets and pastas all right so what is your favorite Indian repeat after me the ingredient that I adore above all others is honey not only is it sweet and healthy but there are many different kinds which can add a special unique flavor to many different dishes such as sweets and pastas I meant to kind of maybe say cakes here all right hmm interesting okay students here we go a couple more questions have you learned to make any special dishes why okay that's a good one and then the next question if you could learn to make any dish what would it be and why so these last two questions I'm going to leave for you to try for homework you can record your answers on your mobile phone and send it to me by mp3 and I will tell you roughly what score you can expect on the exam so but answer both of them and record it on your phone okay so I can hear your fluency your pronunciation your intonation so the two questions for work have you learnt to make any special dishes and if you could learn to make any dish what would it be so that's your homework send it to my email and I'll say hey that's a band six seven eight or a perfect nine you can record it a couple times it you know it doesn't matter practice send me your best one my email is Adrian at AE help calm again if you liked this lesson and you want high quality HD video lessons by me and other teachers as well as practice exams an interactive course and our applications academic IELTS help in general odds help go to our websites AE help calm G IELTS help calm he helped out comments for academic IELTS GI LT has helped alchemists for general and you can use the code are for tyj to get a 20 percent discount ok I'll maybe put that code down here for you as well so you can kind of see it ok so the code that you can use is our 40 Y J and then you can get a 20% discount ok our 40 YJ okay students that's it for me for today tomorrow I'll be back with speaking part 2 and speaking part 3 so members speaking part 2 at our usual time and then speaking part 3 so these are extra classes this Sunday to make up for some classes missed last week you're very welcome nagura by Elena nice to see you Cali tuned oh wow color tuned you got an eight point five on your aisle it's amazing good job you're very welcome color tune send me an email I'd love to have your testimonial because I know you used our products quite a bit and I'm super happy that you got an 8.5 ruslan you're welcome see you tomorrow bye Abhishek keep working on that writing all right check you tomorrow students bye for now much love from Budapest to all of you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: f5CvEDUtDfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 31sec (3331 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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