IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 – Excellent Answers for Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian i am streaming to you from beautiful budapest here in central europe i hope everybody is having a good week so far staying healthy getting lots of vitamins staying strong in this class we are looking at the speaking section of the ielts exam the 12 to 15 minute interview and we are focusing especially on part one so the first part of the speaking interview from the three parts hi victor hi milland hi jay neil nice to see many of our members in the class hi lydia hi makbuba hi david manpreet good to see many of our regular students as well welcome everyone to today's class uh so again we're focusing on those excellent band nine answers i will be giving you tips feedback strategies uh throughout the lesson so make sure to follow along this lesson is presented to you by for academic english help visit us there and for the general ielts please visit us at g we have some of the best online resources to improve your ielts band scores on these websites we're always adding new resources we are world leaders when it comes to online ielts education this is a speaking class everyone so make sure to speak and repeat repeat questions answers copy my pronunciation copy my intonation and follow along as best as possible again these classes are recorded so you can go back to review later on that's really really nice with this platform is that you have a chance to review later okay all right my sound mukba is as loud as usual so if it's quiet for you just turn up the volume on your end it should be nice and loud use a headset if it's quiet as well students it's definitely a good connection on my end i can see it in my feedback screen if anybody has questions about our products or about the alts exam just reach out to me by email to adrian i will gladly help you and just really quickly i want to show you where you can practice your speaking for free with other ielts students and maybe a reminder for some of you to do this so if you go to our websites either the academic or the general this is the academic one here you can create a premium account by clicking the red button or you can create a free account by clicking the green button once you do that you will have a my student account so when you go in there and this is why i darken the screen i know it's darker it's just so you can see this you'll have access to all of these great resources so computer-based practice exams interactive courses we have over 40 videos for speaking interviews sample mock interviews so lots and lots there we'll have more than 50 by the end of next week so 50 sample interviews ranging from band 6.5 all the way to nine and then here on the right hand side of the website we have editing services for writing task one writing task two and then right underneath that we have some speaking functions for you this first one is student partner speaking so that's where you can click to speak with other students you have to accept the terms that you will be nice and then when you go in here you will see some other users in here as well so right now you can see me and here it says master and then when you have this page open you'll find other students here searching for uh speaking partners throughout the day so make sure to keep this page open and then make sure to use it it's absolutely free so just use it and the general ielts is the same and you can also find questions uh for the ielts here about objects people places and so on so make sure to use it okay all right everyone so that's uh just a useful piece of information for your ielts learning let's get back to today's topics i'm just gonna brighten up our day here here we go okay um all right so and there's lots and lots of ielts questions there for you okay all right um so let's get into today's lesson uh just before that the schedule of course um so today we're doing speaking and then we'll have classes tomorrow and on friday okay we'll have lots more speaking on friday but no class on saturday this week so usually we have a class on saturday also uh this week i'm going to a wedding on the weekend on saturday so there will be no class but i will be back on the 30th on wednesday with more classes as well so uh make sure to take note of that you can always see our schedule on our youtube community posts on the channel okay all right so um let's get into it usually your speaking interview is a day before or a couple days before your reading writing and listening part of the exam your speaking interview will be about 12 to 15 minutes face to face one on one with a an examiner and that examiner might have a british accent an american accent or they might have a non-english accent and they're just very high users of what very high level users of the english language so be ready to listen to different accents okay that's why it's good to listen to different kinds of accents on youtube and online before you go so that you can catch the words and the questions okay so you get to your speaking interview make sure to go early okay so arrive one hour before your interview starts all right um find other people to practice with a little bit have your mental checklist okay so remember that you have to answer give explanations give examples if you're nervous visualize that the examiner is maybe your grandpa or your grandma so you speak loud and clear and in full sentences okay all right and then they will welcome you into the interview room they will introduce themselves by saying hi welcome to the speaking section of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test please have a seat of course you should say something like thank you i'm happy to be here or i'm excited to be here i'm a bit nervous to be here those are all okay and then the examiner will just start with some introductions so they'll say something like uh can you please introduce yourself what is your full name okay now answer this question comfortably what is your full name give a clear answer sound natural okay amanja kaur says my first name is amanjat and my family name is kaur you can call me by my nickname aman it's more polite to say please call me by my nickname you can call me by my nickname it's okay it's a little bit impolite for an examiner okay so it's better to say please call me all right uh carolina says my full name is carolina asanyo uh as you will see in my passport please just call me carolina that's nice and polite fluent carolina good victor says my name is victor and my surname is korlenko please just call me by my given name victor nice victor that works okay up he says my full name is abhay nathani but please just call me by my nickname which is abi yeah obje that works okay so again lots of ways to answer this be fluent be polite and introduce yourself they're matching um what you say to your passport okay so definitely give a full fluent answer all right so my given names are richard david and my surname is mackenzie please just refer to me as dave okay so uh some people have multiple names this could be one way to express that um make sure to say it the same way that it's in your passport so if all three names like this are in the passport you should say all three of your names if only two of your names is in are in the passport like richard mckenzie then just say the two names that are in the passport okay so repeat after me what is your full name my given names are richard david and my surname is mackenzie please just refer to me as dave okay dave very common nickname for david the next question will always be may i see your identification may i see your identification please they might ask you that first they might ask you that second but they will ask you that and they're asking for the same identification that you use to register they have that on their sheet they need to match up your identification with the id that they have on file for you so make sure that you have the same id otherwise they'll ask you to leave or produce the same id okay all right carolina says yes here's my id that i use to register please have a look sure nice simple straightforward clear clean gets a good band score uh kits says yes sure this is my passport which i used uh to register okay good kit a little bit of interesting uh grammar at the end they're careful um pusa says my exam will be on saturday 26th of september please god help me um puzzle yeah it's okay to send a prayer out also of course be prepared so study lots stay focused on strategies and presenting good communication and good luck on your exam on the 26th i hope you do really well i'll keep my fingers crossed all right makbuba ooze says sir mostly samal's teachers state that the best way to learn to speak fluently first is to learn all speaking book answers and ideas and recite them during classes is this really useful makbuba wrote memory it's um an okay way to learn but it's definitely not the most useful way to learn okay the most advanced education systems in canada in the us and australia move away from rote memory systems they create what's called problem solving and critical thinking systems that become much more effective in the long run so the best way to learn to speak is to understand the principles of good communication so how to produce quality communication meaning that you're able to answer the exact question that you are being asked you're able to provide clear explanations with not just qualitative information like big and fast but also quantitative information like two meters tall and uh 280 kilometers per hour and provide good examples so understanding the structure of good communication is much more important than just memorizing answers okay and then practicing that uh practicing visual communication okay so uh to the question uh may i see your identification os says absolutely this is my id card i used to register here uh you may take a look all right os depending on intonation that's good all right okay manpreet says certainly here's my passport that i used to register for the exam please have a look yeah manpreet it's used past tense right because you've already done it okay that i've used you can even use present perfect for that as well all right okay sure so may i see your identification yes of course here's my id that i've used to register for the exam please take a look all right and then pass them that id okay now they will ask you a few more questions if you're sounding really fluent they might just ask you to introduce yourself in a few words they might say please introduce yourself in a few words and then you might want to talk about where you live some of your hobbies whether you have a family or your bachelor bachelorette so those kinds of um points are good to mention if they ask to introduce yourself if you have a pet where you work or they might just ask you some questions like what helps you to relax okay what helps you to relax so for part one i will ask you a few more questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic um what helps you to relax okay these very common kinds of questions amanjad says well there are a lot of ways that i can unwind starting with exercise to sleeping during the daytime i usually prefer music to energize myself okay i'm on john good i made a couple of slight adjustments to make it more natural lydia says there are several activities that can help me to unwind and boost my confidence specifically walking for at least half an hour as well as doing some yoga meditation okay lydia very nice yeah i actually went for a nice run just before this class and maybe you can hear it in my voice but i'm definitely feeling quite relaxed right now energetic but relaxed as well so exercise is a great idea students by the way before your exam as well now i don't mean that the the first time you should start running is right before your ielts speaking exam that's probably not a good idea but doing regular exercise can help a lot with your performance on exams including the alex exam so it helps the brain work better it helps the mind be more focused so i highly recommend jogging and swimming as part of your indirect preparation for the ielts exam muksud says well if i'm feeling energetic then light exercise like walking in the fresh air helps me to relieve stress and if i'm feeling exhausted then taking a hot turkish bath helps me to unwind very nice muksud i love your use of conditionals that's great so you're introducing your complex language structures by using the conditional twice which is very nice it's really clear that you're confident with that grammar and that works okay very good all right so for doves it says oh in my case if i want to unwind i listen to classical music in the evenings uh aside from this i do sports to relax namely yoga and meditation yeah i do yoga as well i do stretch yoga which i find really useful i do that before i run so absolutely a good idea khalsa cover says usually i listen to music when i feel tired because it's the best way to release tension um and other than that i like reading books or playing games with my friends and siblings very nice okay khalsa couple of corrections but overall very nice okay mobina says well in order to relax i do several activities especially listen to music while sleeping and also having a cup of coffee hmm interesting coffee tends to make people tense usually but sure some people maybe will relax over a hot cup of coffee all right i know i get really hyper if i drink coffee if you think i'm hyper in these classes wait till you see me after a cup of joe all right so what helps you to relax when i feel energetic i relax by doing some exercise like half an hour of yoga or a five kilometer jog and if i'm feeling exhausted i will watch a bit of netflix as i did yesterday after a long day at the office all right so this is my answer here take a look what helps you to relax again remember to speak and repeat so repeat the questions and answers and i'll explain why an answer like this will get you a good band score okay so repeat after me what helps you to relax when i feel energetic i relax by doing some exercise like half an hour of yoga or a five kilometer jog and if i'm feeling exhausted i will watch a bit of netflix as i did yesterday after a long day at the office okay i'm careful not to over speak i'm staying nice and fluent right away i'm showing a condition and i'm using the real condition because all of us at some point in the week will feel a bit of stress or tension so i use the real condition here when i feel energetic i feel energetic at times so when i feel energetic i relax by doing exercise okay like half an hour of yoga so right away i'm throwing in that quantitative language okay or a five kilometer jog okay some more quantitative language and if i'm feeling exhausted i will watch a bit of netflix okay so again i'm creating a conditional sentence i'm being very specific and i'm joining here i don't say for example i just go right into my example as i did yesterday after a long day at the office long day at the office is an idiomatic expression okay spending many hours at the office long day at the office okay a lot of students ask do i need to use idioms during my speaking to get high band scores the answer is kind of you need to use idiomatic language okay you don't have to use idiomatic phrases so you don't have to say don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house okay that means don't be a hypocrite you don't have to create these or use these long idiomatic phrases you can use much shorter phrases uh phrasal verbs okay and you will still be considered as using idiomatic language so long day at the office would count as idiomatic language all right okay and then perhaps the examiner will ask you another kind of typical question like uh what is your favorite color okay again have a good answer for these kinds of everyday questions be confident be fluent so what is your favorite color so seni says my favorite colors are earth tones such as khaki which brightened my eyes especially for clothing yeah um senny not a bad idea just be really careful with it we say earth tones usually like beige brown different shades of green and they're referred to as earth tones when i was in my high school that was the most popular color for clothes so they're called earth tone colors earth tone t-o-n e okay my favorite colors are earth tones such as khaki uh which um brighten my eyes when i wear khaki pants or uh beige top okay sunny uh for dobbs says my number one color is green uh maybe it's related to the surroundings where i live i live in the countryside we're nine months of the year um there's a lot of greenery aside from this the color green helps me to feel calm okay for dobs it's quite a tricky answer as well again students for these warm-up questions icebreakers in the interview don't get too fancy okay be careful don't get too fancy all right you want to have good clear clean answers all right uh kevin bowie says let me see if i can find kevin again i usually love kevin's answers there's kevin okay kevin bowie says the color that i love more than any other is white as it symbolizes innocence and purity as well white t-shirts are really versatile when i have one on i don't usually have to rack my brain thinking about matching pants see that's what i mean i love kevin's answers they're brilliant fluent get high band scores yeah uh why not white t-shirts i sure know i have at least five six white t-shirts in my closet and i love them for that very reason that they are versatile um they're useful for a lot of different situations whether underneath a dress shirt or going out to play some sports or just going out in the hot weather white t-shirts are versatile so good answer kevin i like it okay um that would be considered a restrictive clause kevin so the color that i love more okay instead of which because it's a restrictive clause victor says my favorite color is white because it means freedom and luck and if i look at this color i feel comfortable and relaxed very good all right i like blue more than any other you don't have to say color students because once you say the color it's clear that you're talking about the color so i like blue more than any other color because blue is not only the color of my dog tom's eyes but also it's the color of the sky and water and nature i think this color is very classy especially royal blue right very nice answer okay carolina says i am keen on the color turquoise not only because i wear at least one item of my outfit every day that's this color but also i love the gradient of blue colors that the ocean has when i go to the beach i take lots of photos as i like this color a lot okay turquoise very good carolina careful it's quite complex what you're stating there piusch says well i love all the light colors however i would choose light pink as my favorite because it shows the sign of peace and a little excitement in my mind moreover i have lots of towels in my bedroom that are this color okay piece not bad colors in english of course other languages as well are often divided into hot colors and cold colors hot colors include yellow orange red cold colors will have blue um green okay so some people like warm or hot colors and other people like cold or cool colors okay keep that in mind as well all right i love the color blue as it signifies life and prosperity it is the color of water and the sky as well as my wife's beautiful eyes at least half of the clothing in my closet has some blue in it all right so here's my answer uh what is your favorite color i love the color blue as it signifies life and prosperity it is the color of water and the sky as well as my wife's and daughter's beautiful eyes at least half of the clothing in my closet has some blue in it all right so that's my answer it's original i'm not actually sure if blue signifies prosperity i think that might be gold or yellow but ielts examiners aren't going to check whether you're speaking the truth or not as long as it's believable and you're staying fluent good on you you'll get banned scores okay all right then the examiner will continue with the topic of part one let's talk about city and town life now as soon as you hear the topic of part one being introduced you should immediately think of some ideas and when you have this kind of introduction like city and town and these are popular part ones where they kind of give you this contrasting topic okay so let's talk about paper and the computer okay or let's talk about fruits and vegetables or let's talk about meat and vegetables or something like that so right away you want to think of the contrast so when you think of city and town life what kind of ideas come to mind so what do you think about when you hear these two words presented next to each other okay so muksud says vibrant metropolitan city okay uh lipay says job opportunities amman john says more health facilities opportunities good salaries ahmed gali says hustle and bustle it's a nice expression for dave says overpopulation ahmed says tranquility tranquility for towns obviously manpreet says education system prashant says polluted versus clean air not pure air clean air okay prashant so polluted uh versus clean air it's very good [Music] nirmal patel says handsome guys okay raghav says serenity simran says transportation and infrastructure seni says skyscrapers maybe you can think of farms good so those are all the words coming to mind fantastic so that's what should happen when the topics are being introduced you should have a lot of these kind of ideas flashing in your mind and these contrasts right so um crowded peaceful uh loud quiet okay uh infrastructure um lack of infrastructure so these kinds of contrasts absolutely okay so let's go to the first question uh here we go why do people like living in cities give me a nice full sentence answer for that one so why do people like living in cities an says well i think people love residing in cities mostly because it's easy access for job opportunities and entertainment not only do these factors bring people income but also satisfaction on good can you throw an example in there on i think you might be able to i it's fairly uh straightforward i think some ideas there um os says uh most individuals prefer living in cities for many reasons because there are big universities and theaters and they can get a chance to watch movies at cinemas and try different foods and restaurants sure os if you live in a big city you can maybe say that's why i live in the heart of and then say the city and say i like going to a different restaurant every saturday sure ayushi says being in 2020 and belonging to a city i feel cities are more fast-paced and the growth rate is high compared to towns um which are upcoming and growing but comparatively they are cleaner okay ayushi make sure you're answering the question why do people like living in cities this question will only come after you answer this one they won't ask you both not in part one in part three they might throw two questions in to one but not for part one here they will keep them separate okay all right so here you have to answer why do people like living in cities okay all right uh neha says well mostly people adore living in cities because there are more amenities available um rather than the countryside like schools hospitals and more uh not with amenities niha we actually mentioned the location rather than the construct so you're saying education health but instead you should say schools and hospitals okay everybody catch that so when you say amenities then you should mention the physical amenity okay it's an it's a physical noun so you shouldn't say education but you should say school you shouldn't say health but you should say hospital all right so with amenities like the amenities in a hotel include a swimming pool a bar a meeting room and a games room okay so you mentioned the actual amenities right so why do people like living in uh cities here you can use one of these popular catch words there are a plethora of reasons that people enjoy residing in cities much of it has to do with the convenience of amenities such as stores schools theaters and hospitals aside from these cities offer many opportunities for jobs and social circles i live in the city of budapest and i have at least a dozen friends all within walking distance of my home all right so uh here we go uh somebody sent me an email the other day and asked me if it's weak to start a sentence with there uh no it's totally okay i'm not sure where that student got it from i think they said that their teacher said it's weak to start with there that that's absurd there's no such uh rule as you shouldn't start a sentence with there because it's weak okay so it's totally fine uh if anybody else had that question um here we go repeat after me why do people like living in cities there is a plethora of reasons that people enjoy residing in cities much of it has to do with the convenience of amenities such as stores schools theaters and hospitals aside from these cities offer many opportunities for jobs and social circles i live in the city of budapest and i have at least a dozen friends all within walking distance of my home natural fluent clear complex answer explanation example you're getting points okay let's keep moving um how about towns so if they've asked you why do people enjoy living in cities now they're asking how about towns this means as a full question why do people enjoy living in towns okay so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one roshni says well folks prefer to reside in the countryside because it's not only less chaotic but also the beautiful scenic places which provide peace just the other day i experienced a spectacular view while sitting on my porch okay roshani nice that works all right good well done and i can see that many of you are realizing now that you need to basically say as much as you can fit into one comment okay all right ayushi says uh in town life um people are more laid back um but it's hard to meet the expenses as the source of income is limited um ayushi don't go off topic how about towns uh means why do people like living in towns not why do people not like living in towns so even if you might have an opinion don't express that keep it to yourself answer the question only that's really in important okay so really important all right here we go so um ash isden says towns are more relaxing places than cities there's absolutely less air and noise pollution also people can have a chance to enjoy nature and grow their own vegetables ashley ozdin very nice i like the answer say it fluently with the intonation that i just used okay all right nick hill says well from my perspective people adore to reside in towns that have clean air and pleasant environment as well so sometimes i visit my town to enjoy a vacation very nice i like nikhila you float into that example very good i cannot read the korean name but i can read the comment there are plethora of reasons that people enjoy dwelling in the countryside for example they can take in the fresh air and the picturesque landscape which helps them not only improve their health but also their mood okay um you don't need to say for example it's more of an explanation than an example anyway try to stay away students from words like for example and for instance those words unfortunately scare the examiners because when candidates use them some candidates really start talking about the birds and the moon and the sky and the tigers and everything in between um so examiners will often interrupt candidates when they start saying for example especially if the student is stalling like uh for example and then the students stalling for some ideas and the examiner will just go to the next question okay so careful with that how about towns well in contrast to metropolitan life the countryside offers peace and quiet the air quality tends to be much better and of course there's a lot more nature to enjoy usually uh life is much slower paced and many people prefer this to the rat race of cities for these reasons i love to visit my relatives living in small towns around hungary all right there we go so uh repeat after me how about towns well in contrast to metropolitan life the countryside offers peace and quiet the air quality tends to be much better and of course there's a lot more nature to enjoy usually life is much slower paced and many people prefer this to the rat race of cities for these reasons i love to visit my relatives living in small towns around hungary all right so that's a bad nine answer again i'm giving you fast fluent english that's natural and i'm including some idioms as well um anybody catch the idiom in this uh response so notice how i'm not saying any kind of idiomatic phrase but i'm including idiomatic language anybody catch uh what that was yeah rat race exactly it's kind of an ugly idiom but definitely i think most people will agree that it makes sense so the rat race yeah rat race means that we're all kind of trying to get ahead in life and climb on top of the hill become the best the wealthiest and all of that jazz so that is the rat race of humanity okay um next question do you prefer living in a city or countryside and why okay so the question comes back to you now from the examiner so they've asked what's better about the city what's better about the town now they'll ask you hey what do you like which do you prefer so you can refer to your previous answers and give some more details muksuit says well it's a difficult question but if i had to answer i would prefer to reside in the heart of the city as it offers not only major cinemas which i love to visit after a stressful day but also top universities and currently i'm at the phase in my life where i'm studying for my profession which is to become an engineer okay muksud so kind of maybe finish that idea all right samuel says i prefer living in cities as i like the fast-paced nature of these metropolitan places and in the process interacting with people working in different fields additionally i love eating food from different cultures so i love eating different cuisines from around the world samuel it's more specific different cuisines from around the world all right victor says i love to live in cities because of the conveniences such as modern transportation systems and education uh in the city i don't have problems related to finding a job victor don't use for instance or for example it's unnecessary okay you can and in the real world we do but in the ielts again it scares the examiners so you don't need to use them it's unnecessary language pandya buren says i prefer to live in a city if i'm working in this city i can leave to the countryside as well because it will be hard to manage but it's worth it okay pandia it's a little bit of a confusing answer you might want to rethink that okay carolina says i'd rather live in a city than the countryside because as i had just mentioned living in big cities is more beneficial for job opportunities and i'm currently working in a multinational company since last year and this wouldn't be possible if i'd be living in the countryside yeah carolina perhaps true but with covid many people are working from home and a lot of people have moved to the countryside and are working at big companies from their countryside homes i think the price of real estate in cities will go down for these reasons in the not so distant future kawal says at the moment i'm living in a rural area so i completely understand the disadvantages and i prefer to live in a city uh right now okay and then you've repeated that three times uh students please only type your answers once okay don't spam the um the chat okay uh manashi says although living in a city could be beneficial in many ways small villages and towns are calm and tranquil and there is almost no pollution or traffic okay so manashi we already had that answer that question previously so here the subject is you so you have to answer you even though countryside life is enticing i prefer to live in a large city simply for the reasons that i had stated before i'm an outgoing person so i like to meet with a variety of friends throughout the week and enjoy different venues last week i went to an italian and japanese restaurant and the cinema all within one kilometer of my home all right so here's my answer uh repeat after me do you prefer living in a city or countryside why even though countryside life is enticing i prefer to live in a large city simply for the reasons that i had mentioned or stated before i'm an outgoing person so i like to meet with a variety of friends throughout the week and enjoy different venues last week i went to an italian and japanese restaurant and the cinema all within one kilometer of my home again lots of details connecting with other answers in the communication natural and original good fluency staying on topic and staying specific to the question that's what you have to do to get those high high high band scores okay so keep practicing this kind of language okay uh next question let's keep rolling here a little bit um what are common kinds of buildings in big cities give me a nice fluent answer for this one so what are common kinds of buildings in big cities all right amanja says well in cities there are huge and beautiful buildings that are just eye-catching these large infrastructures attract consumers okay um all right it's not bad uh but again you are kind of going off topic amanja so stick to the cities what they look like okay or sorry stick to the building so describing the buildings nara gopi says if i had to say i would say cities have job opportunities and better health care services okay um naragapi i think you're answering a different question and you're off topic for that question so stay on topic okay prathiba says there's more modern infrastructure in cities there are plethora of buildings like malls hospital schools where i often go also these are eye-catching okay kinds of buildings sure hospital schools are okay uh os says most buildings and cities are made of concrete and steel and are four stories or more some buildings have even more 15 floors uh either in towns or each family has a single house or relatively uh tai says skyscrapers ty put that into a sentence so i can give you some more band scores okay all right kevin says typical architectural style of buildings in metropolises involve high-rise buildings and skyscrapers or sometimes super slim buildings due to the imbalance of land ownership although this might create a sense of diversity some areas look incoherent like the southern part of downtown hanoi super nice answer kevin i love the fluency i love the use of the word architectural style okay it's a little bit wordy kevin you could just say architecture but i like it okay lydia says the most common types of buildings and cities are residential buildings educational buildings such as schools and universities importantly institutional buildings like hospitals and healthcare centers yeah um the most frequently visible let's use it architecture and downtown areas of cities are high-rise buildings and skyscrapers made of concrete steel and glass many of these are either businesses office buildings or residential apartments moving towards the outskirts or suburban areas of the city family homes become more commonplace okay all right uh so here we go uh repeat after me what are common kinds of buildings in big cities the most frequently visible architecture in downtown areas of cities are high-rise buildings and skyscrapers made of concrete steel and glass many of these are either businesses office buildings or residential apartments moving towards the outskirts or suburban areas of the city family homes become much more commonplace all right so in this response i'm also teaching you some vocabulary okay so architecture that's a good paraphrase for the types of buildings okay high-rise buildings and skyscrapers are common in downtown areas of many large cities and they're made of concrete steel and glass okay many of these are either using a co-related conjunction businesses office buildings or residential apartments moving towards the outskirts uh or suburban areas of the city family homes become more commonplace what type of language am i really focusing on in this answer as well so in this response um what are you able to do when you listen to my answer uh what do i enable you the audience to do okay so what am i focusing on as i give this answer carolina says vocabulary partly carolina right i go from the center of the city to the outskirts of the city that's right alex yeah visualizing it so you can see it right you can see the center of the city which are these high buildings made of glass and concrete and then we can move to the outskirts or the suburban areas of the city so there's a very visual description absolutely okay good all right um let's go to the next question how about towns so what are the most common types of buildings that you see in towns okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one ayushi says in towns we can usually find barns and large fields of crops soft roof houses made of wood with big surroundings and mostly for animals such as cattle or horses okay ayushi good now keep in mind that you were talking about the building so barns farms a-frame houses those are okay careful not to talk too much about animals and so on because those aren't buildings okay amanjad says well in towns big houses along with less puka infrastructure found usually the houses are koocha houses but nowadays the condition is improving and people are preferring okay i'm on judd stay on topic okay some more answers samuel uh typical architecture in towns involves family homes barns and pups for people to hang out the houses are built to interact with nature and enjoy everyday living okay samuel good i made a couple of slight adjustments there sure oh it says people living in towns live in big houses there are a lot uh long distances between each house uh they're usually made of wood and cement i live in a small town with a in a big wooden home with a concrete basement very good okay all right so um towns tend to have lots of large homes and farms with barns and other utility buildings to store work vehicles like trucks as well as some community buildings like a town hall school and library okay so here we go uh repeat after me how about towns towns tend to have lots of large homes and farms with barns and other utility buildings to store work vehicles like trucks as well as some community buildings like a town hall school and library okay uh students couple more questions here that you can try on your own if you could live in any city where would you live has city life changed much in the past 20 years how about town so there are a couple of challenging questions for you to try in partners or on your own and if you'd like to get access to all of our hd videos we have over 40 speaking interview examples mock interviews with students from around the world you can check us out at for academic ielts and for general ielts that's it for me for today i will be back tomorrow with two more live classes one for members that of course everybody can watch and another all chat class have a fantastic rest of your day if it's late in your country sweet dreams to you much love to everyone i'm adrienne signing out from budapest bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,416
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Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9
Id: jBYfkK3cB6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 42sec (3642 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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