IELTS Live - Speaking Part 2 - Answer with Confidence

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students in welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe I hope everybody is having a healthy and productive and restful start to their weekend hi Kyra hi pavani doctor Krishna Nazir nice to see our members in this members chat class if you are not a member of course you're welcome to watch we will have an all chat class coming up in 90 minutes hi in a shot inés ear hi huh son good to see many students in the class already in this session we are looking at IL TS speaking part 2 talking about answering these questions with confidence and I'm going to give you some tips on how to do that better so for academic IELTS health as usual please do visit us at AE help calm I keep saying this at the start of every class for new students and to remind older students definitely tons of help there for you if you're an academic IELTS student and for general outs G IELTS help calm general IELTS help calm on both of those websites we have loads and loads of great materials for you this is the academic and we're always adding new materials members have some of you seen the blog's that we just recently added some sample speaking questions and answers and also some tasks to anybody check out the most recent blogs if not check those out we're updating a lot of blogs these days so check that out okay this is the academic blue background click that big red button to join us there and this is the general version here we're uploading a lot of blogs here we will be putting some tasks one letter examples in this one as well and click that big red button to join us there okay so of course there's over a hundred hours of video lessons original practice exams interactive courses and of course the websites are supported by native apps as well academic IELTS help for a help calm in general Alex help for G Alex help calm so keep looking at those students because we're always expanding and adding if you have any questions feel free to contact me about IELTS or our products any questions Adrian at AE help calm for those members who don't have our perks make sure to send me an email with your membership level and then I'll make sure that you get those perks all right so today right now speaking part two the cue card and then we will follow that up with speaking part three in the next class of course these will be connected so speaking part two speaking part three like in the real exam they are connected and students for those academic IELTS pupils doing the IELTS indicator exam the speaking questions are still the same except you're doing it kind of like a Skype or whatsapp style over the computer but you're going to have the same kind of part 2 part 3 as well for the IELTS indicator speaking section okay so this is great practice for you and then of course we'll continue classes live classes on xx with speaking part 1 I'll put up the schedule for next week after the classes today okay so let's get into speaking part 2 here the first step I think we've got a lot of students in here the first step everyone is to read the card carefully so you're finished with speaking part one you're feeling good you're feeling confident you're waiting for the examiner to give you the cue card as they say that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two here's a cue card for the IELTS indicator they're going to send you the question through text of course and then they'll say ok you'll have one minute to look at the questions on the card think about your answers and then you have two minutes to speak you can take notes in the 1 minute if you wish okay all right so you're feeling good your 1 minute starts now you turn over the card and this is what you see okay so let's read this carefully part 2 talk about an idea or an innovation for the future that is not possible today and can greatly help humanity ok read that twice so you have a really clear idea this topic sentence so talk about an idea or innovation for the future that is not possible today and can greatly help humanity ok you should say what is the idea or the innovation where did you learn about it why is this idea beneficial for the future why is this idea not possible yet and what is needed to make it a reality okay so lots of questions in this one and it's quite a an interesting topic as well obviously you recognize that here the topic is an idea or an innovation right ok so when you have so you've read this carefully when you're talking about an idea mostly here it's an idea or an innovation so it could be an object as well but I think an idea is easier so the topic is an idea to help humanity controlling idea what's the controlling idea so the topic is an idea that that helps humanity what would you say is the controlling idea in this question members how would you identify the controlling idea or the controlling ideas it's basically the rest of the cue card but in your own words what would you say is the controlling idea here okay so Khyber says it's not possible today yeah absolutely so not possible today but perhaps in the future and the requirements okay so it's kind of all of those together yeah so not possible today yeah so Bek John if we take what you just said and what Khyber just said and we put it all together then we're good to go right so it's not possible today but perhaps in the future and the requirements or what it's needed for the future to become reality okay all right so we have the topic we have the controlling idea now what's the next step so step number one we read the question carefully we read the topic sentence twice step number two we identified that it's an idea or some kind of an innovation so some kind of invention and we've recognized that it's meant to help humanity it's not possible today but perhaps in the future so you're thinking about this very very quickly okay okay so Charlie says think of two to three ideas yeah and of course Khyber you're mentioning what we need to remember what has to be included when we talk about ideas right so let's just quickly include that here so it's an idea an idea we need to think about its origin its requirements its utility right its usefulness so those are all important considerations and now we need to think about two or three right okay so you want to think about two to three good ideas and choose the best one all right now here for most students I'm sure their minds will start racing and trying to think of all these different ideas where do you start okay so here a good question is where do I start with my ideas how do I bring my thoughts under control for such a grand question okay all right so before we start shooting ideas out there like a flying cab charlie-san or a Hyperloop okay we definitely have to remember that it needs to be something that we can talk about so we have the vocabulary we can clearly explain it here that could be really tricky right if you start talking about a Hyperloop charlie unless you have great vocabulary and knowledge around that it could get really tough right so here's an important tip an important strategy okay think of the grand constructs in the human world and then deduce your ideas okay so what I mean here okay is that human activity and existence can be divided into some major categories okay so I'm going to give you one or two of these categories let's see if you can give me more of them okay so Bhoomi I think you're kind of already on this right track so bloomie says one of these would be the medical so these are basically the different fields right another one that comes to my mind is communication okay what's another one that comes to your mind so what are the great constructs of humanity whereby if we think about these then we can get some really good specific ideas okay so we have the world of medicine right we have the world of communication nazir very good we have the world of transportation okay what else do we have in these kinds of grand ideas so Rajveer says robotics but I don't think it's well okay Rajveer maybe machinery right sure we can say that who just has artificial intelligence but artificial intelligence and machinery you're getting actually more specific okay so dr. Krishnan are very good energy okay so energy production is a really good one so these are the ones that I would think of medical communication transportation technology technology is quite subjective but let's put it here okay energy production okay agriculture so farming would be another one right absolutely if you think about it right you think of the main departments in university so if you think of some of the biggest departments in university like the medical department right or the engineering department for machinery and so on right or the agricultural department then you start to realize oh yeah these are the main the the massive domains of human existence right so good ok so that's fine I'm sure we can come up with a few more Naseer space is comprehensive right because space could be connected to medicine it could be connected to robotics it could be connected to transportation so space is again something else Begg John same thing with manufacturing manufacturing could be related to medicine so what I'm looking more for here are the main kind of fields of humanity that allows you to think of more specific answers for your part to questions ok they give you direction if you just think of space or you think of manufacturing Begg John it still won't be enough to guide you into a specific idea same thing with industry Mashhad industry is it's a mechanism of humanity it's not actually a field of humanity like these ones here ok alright so remember these for your IELTS exam specifically remember these because these will greatly help you for your part 2 part 3 speaking where else could these really help you so thinking about these fields of human perceptions and knowledge or information like medical communication transportation technology energy production where else could that help you aside from the speaking section to keep those in mind okay where else in the writing section that's right Rajveer yeah specifically in writing tasks to write so keep these in mind okay and I'm sure there's a couple more especially in the social sciences that we could look at as well like politics for example but we don't need to go there okay so now let's hop back to our step number three step number four think of two to three good ideas and choose the best one so now think about these so think about medical communication transportation an idea that's something energy production something that's not possible today but maybe in the future and is useful to help humans I wouldn't talk about poverty for this one so much social sciences are quite tricky students so I recommend staying away from social science topics if it's not absolutely necessary okay Beck John a heart rate check app I think that's possible today there's actually apps out there where you can check your heart rate so that's possible okay charity raising funds Musafir that's possible today students if you talk about something that's possible today and exists today you're not gonna get a very good score because then the outs examiner is thinking that you didn't actually pay attention to the question talk about an idea or an innovation for the future that is not possible today and can greatly help humanity you have to be very careful okay think of a specific idea all right you think of communication energy production transportation and I'm sure you can come up with some of these okay Pavan says drugs to treat diabetes Pavan why not go a step further so be creative here students and let's go a step further now I'm gonna add these to the actual ones here so medical what do you think would be one of the biggest medical breakthroughs in the future that's not possible today yet I'm sure a couple of you will right away think about this okay and it would be a very good choice so let's just go step by step so Charlie senses coronavirus vaccine charlie be a little bit more creative or imaginative a vaccine to cure all viruses right so a general vaccine against all types of virus that would be a quite innovative okay but what else what are a lot of scientists working on today in the field of medicine spending billions of dollars remote surgery lepue jiz already in the works okay I think covin nineteen vaccine it's it's not a bad idea but I don't think you're there we go pub on there we go so now you're thinking of a good one cure for cancer okay so cure for cancer so not just treating cancer but an actual pill that can easily cure cancer all right that would be a good one okay dr. krishna says ultimate immunity with genetic mapping sure that would be a good one right so a general vaccine let's say to guard against all pathogens okay sure all right communication give me an innovative idea for communication that is not possible today but would be something that could help humanity and would be very innovative for communication okay so communication internet sure access anywhere on the planet yeah we still don't have that and it's not possible today so there even though we have internet in most big cities and in many places there are still a lot of places on the ocean in forests on mountains where you don't really have internet yet so global Internet access that would be interesting okay Pavan I like it holographic communication so holographic projection in 3d yeah we're getting there but probably not quite there yet okay all right so there's a couple ideas for communication what I'm trying to show you here is that when you get creative and you start thinking quickly about these main categories and what can happen within these you can really come up with some good ideas quickly okay all right let's go to transportation so what could be a good idea for transportation okay I'm sure you can come up with a couple of really clever ones there I'm wondering if anybody knows the word for that one that's always used in science fiction movies like Star Trek and so on so what could be Naseer Internet of Things I'm not sure what you mean by that careful not to get yourself into a difficult explanation so muck suit says flying cars okay so yeah sure why not flying cars are flying drone cars boomy auto drive cards arguable because it's already kind of in existence so I'd be a little bit careful with that one but automated cars I'd be a little bit careful there we go Karen veer and Hasan at the same time kind of like reading my mind teleportation that would be a brilliant one if you if you thought about this answer for this question I think you would definitely have a good chance to be on the path for a band aid or a band 9 car or marks or car mark so teleportation yeah teleportation students if that's a new word for you it means basically being zapped from one place into another place instantaneously so it's like you're being sent through a telephone line basically your molecules are pulled apart and then sent at the speed of light to another specific location where they're reassembled and bada-bing bada-boom you have teleportation so teleportation would be great one that comes to my mind as well is zero emissions transport so basically no carbon footprint now that would also of course be connected with energy production okay so let's go with energy production I'm gonna skip Machinery and agriculture for now because there's a lot there a boomy what people think of as magic in the past we just call technology today so in the future what we think of as magic today like teleportation they're just gonna call it technology in the future ok charlie solar planes exist so again be careful students talking about ideas that already exist ok this is saying not possible today but will be in the future energy production I bet a couple of you will come up with some really clever ideas for energy production solar power exists but there's definitely one that Humanity is working on big time to try to figure out because we basically believe that we will have limitless energy if we can use this type of energy ok you should be able to visualize this and come up with it there's a lot of talk about this Sobek John says nuclear without risk keep going on that thought back John you'll get there ok again once many of you think about these main categories you'll come up with these answers quickly what is it's connected to nuclear power so dr. krishna says hydrogen and helium engines yeah so everybody knows the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion ok so nuclear fusion reactors right a lot of research is going into that does everybody know what I mean by that nuclear fusion versus nuclear fission reactors so if you can come up with this one then again you're as good as teleportation right so the concept of binding atoms instead of splitting them apart according to scientists that is much more powerful than what we have today so these days we have nuclear reactors which work with nuclear fission I hope I have my signs right here splitting the atom and the much better version of this is nuclear fusion reactors which means combining okay supposedly it's a much more powerful form of energy and we're working on that it's kind of like what happens in a supernova okay all right so if you know nuclear fusion that's great if you can come up with that for this one if you don't hey don't worry about it of course don't talk about topics that you don't know all right so now we have lots of good ideas so we have cure for cancer vaccine ol vaccine to guard against all pathogens we have a holographic communication global Internet access let me bring this all into one page and then you can vote for which one you would like to do in this part too now remember students that whatever we do in this part two in the next class in part three you're going to have to connect to this okay so of course there are a lot of other ideas but let's go cure for cancer taking a pill for cancer is number one general vaccine is number two global Internet access is number three holographic communication number for teleportation number five flying cars that could be interesting as well nuclear fusion reactors number six so let's take a vote here what would you like to do so a lot of you are thinking well cure for cancer would definitely be a good one I agree that would be a brilliant choice for sure because we still don't technically have a proper cure for cancer chemotherapy and the like is still very rudimentary for sure okay all right so it looks like your favourites are number one taking the cake with most of the votes and then for many of you teleportation I think teleportation you could actually talk about a lot as well the only tricky word is teleportation itself but after that I think you could really describe it and talk about it and give examples of how that could help people of course teleportation could lead to zero emissions and less pollution on the planet as well so teleportation could be a great try okay dr. Kirsten says two three five I'm all-in all right Khyber is number five as well so let's let's go with cure for cancer okay let's do that one you can try teleportation on your own at home I challenge you I think that could be a fun exercise over the next couple days while you're going over your notes to do teleportation all right so of course our next step is to take some notes down let's go with a cure for cancer then as our topic okay now the important point here before we talk about our notes is again students remember that when you get your task to writing and you're speaking part two questions keep these main kind of domains of human knowledge and existence in mind is that clear can everybody give me a thumbs up on that so think about communication think about transportation think about energy production think about agriculture and when you have these in your mind you can quickly come up with some specific and good ideas okay so make sure you hold on to those because that can really help you to pick out the right idea thumbs up everyone dr. Krishna thumbs up Charlie send good awesome okay so don't be like oh where do I start what do I think oh no don't do that just go okay yeah there are these main kind of domains and I know where I'm going all right cool okay we're all in the same page fantastic so cure for cancer useful notes okay so give me some useful notes give me some useful notes I'm happy everybody's on board obviously not something that you know or that's easy to remember but some specific think of quantitative information so keep the questions of the card in mind where did it come from so where does your idea come from why do you have this idea okay so Pavan says no side effect that's a very good one okay cheap or free sure yeah cancer treatments very expensive okay Bhumi says six months ago why did you have the idea blew me okay so where is the idea coming from so the origin of the idea should be BEC Jen says reading a book about cancer sure I think many of us sadly but truthfully know somebody in our group of friends or family who has suffered from cancer as well I can unfortunately think of at least a couple people in my close group of relatives and friends so okay so I'm writing a bit long here but let me just shorten it up here maybe something like okay so grandpa leukemia leukemia is a type of blood cancer obviously so there are lots of different kinds okay Natalie says tumor for sure okay yeah maybe you're reading science magazine as well alright so six months ago give me some more so think about the question so where's it coming from what is needed for it okay alright so don't get lost in too many technical ideas okay think about how will this help humanity okay until just a simple pill or injection okay no chemo yeah sure so how how does this help okay Charlie says it helps because it's painless how would this help humanity okay curing just a couple of days let's be really optimistic sure okay so what is it doing how is it helping humanity think of quantitative right so what I would think of here is I don't know how many people will suffer from cancer each year but I'm sure the number is very high I would be safe to say maybe 50 million people annually something like that okay increased life expectancy yeah sure okay I'm good so remember students you only have a minute so you can't write down a thousand and one things now I know that you're going okay wait Adrian there's a lot of us giving you ideas here and that's true let's go to the next one what do you need that what do you need to make this happen so again remember you need to think about what you need to talk about an idea okay so origin requirements utility we're talking about that and the question also includes those why is this not possible yet and what is needed to make it a reality so why is it not possible what's needed to make it a reality okay so what do we need okay more money more science sure so scientists medical improvements absolutely more scientists more money okay more research sure okay good so now the examiner says your one-minute preparation time is up please begin speaking before that happens hopefully you've remembered to get your first sentence ready so let's do that give me your first sentence okay I'll go back to the top of our notes so cure for cancer six months ago Grandpa leukemia and the question starts with talk about an idea or an innovation for the future that is not possible today and can greatly help humanity okay give me your first sentence here and again it's speaking students so don't just write also speak okay also speak first sentence let's go nice and smooth here okay and since you've come up with a really good idea I think you'll do really well so I think you'll be able to really talk about this nice and natural and connect it okay attack it directly don't say there are lots of important ideas for the future remember students this is the future so you might be using some future participial will you might even use some future perfect like will have came okay pooja I think that what you're saying there is a little bit later that's like sentence two or three where the idea came from for the first sentence pooja always just use the topic question and directly answer okay so awaaz says one of the best modifications that can highly benefit humankind for the future that is not available yet today is cure for is a simple and effective cure for cancer okay all right Hasan says in the near future I believe cancer will become a curable disease however it's not quite there yet okay notice the corrections here students Elena says six months ago my grandpa suffered from like like oh my which is a life-threatening cancer that has no cure at this moment okay again that's where the idea came from your first sentence again just use the topic so Musafir says there has been a surge of new technologies aiming to help the immune system identify the cure for cancer Musafir i think you're getting a bit too creative as well Rajveer says an innovation for the future which is absent these days is the discovery of a simple and effective cure for cancer Rajveer has the best start so far that would be your ban 9 first sentence ok reflecting all elements of that topic question students are you following me here that I want you to give me another thumbs up here use the question for your first sentence so only a couple of you actually have done that so I think an amazing innovation to better humanity in the future which is not yet quite possible is a simple and effective cure for cancer ok so that would be my starting sentence ok all right Kyra gives me a fist that works thumbs up use the question I think an amazing innovation to better humanity in the future which is not quite possible yet is a simple and effective cure for cancer use the question and then explain where you got this idea from okay okay so everybody use the question okay very important all right then you can use this second sentence I thought about this deeply about six months back when my grandpa was first diagnosed with life-threatening leukemia okay all right yeah so now I was and himand are adding these parts Oh ever since I lost my grandpa to leukemia six months ago I'm always occupied by the idea of contributing to future cancer research which will help humanity okay good so follow from here give me the next sentence so describe the idea right so what is the idea so here is where I would add what is the idea basically my strategy here is to follow a set of clear connected questions right so what is the idea what do you mean an amazing innovation is a simple and effective cure for cancer so okay we know what your idea is generally we know where it came from but what is your idea specifically so what specifically are you thinking about as a simple cure for cancer and this is where of course your notes come in handy right so all of these okay put them together into a sentence for me all right I'm gonna do the same and then let's see we'll compare so okay so hopefully you're coming up with some similar kinds of ideas Rajveer says since approximately 50 million people died due to cancer each year a cost-effective vaccine which has no side effects and is readily available can save humanity from this deadly disease yeah absolutely so pooja says when I learned that there is no cure by stage for cancer and people are in a shock it is then that this idea came to my mind came back John says the idea is just the pill that can easily treat any type of cancer week without requiring much time and money which is available to all humanity or all people of the earth Bhumi says it would be a simple oral pill which would not only be available free of cost but also free of side effects nice use of correlative conjunctions Bhumi I like it dr. Krishna says by the advancement of genetic medicine we can identify cancerous genes and destroy them prior to the development of the disease even taking place which would absolve the possibility or the occurrence of this terrible and terminal illness nice vocabulary dr. Krishna terminal cancer it's what it's called when it's when cancer is deadly it's called terminal cancer terminal that's right very nice vocabulary doctor Krishna okay good good so some nice writing there nice composition students good job all right this is what I wrote specifically I'm hoping that by 2050 humans will have come up with an easily administered Injection or an oral pill that can cure any form of cancer within just a couple of days of course without any drastic side effects like chemotherapy today now one important point here that I wanted to show you of course this is going to earn you banned scores is when you can use future participial present perfect is everybody catching that humans will have come up why because it's an achievement in the future that stands the test of time so I'm using future present perfect everybody catch that okay remember one of the main reasons one of the main reasons we use present perfect in speech is to emphasize achievement right Canada has won the gold medal in the Olympics so we emphasize achievement now of course an innovation that helps humanity in the future is a great achievement so using the present perfect is very well-placed Musafir absolutely nice okay all right so this great advancement in medical or this medical breakthrough breakthrough is another nice synonym for innovation okay welcome marina a new member happy to have you so this future medical breakthrough will save the lives of over 50 million people each year and put an end to one of the most deadly diseases ever faced in human history not only will it greatly reduce suffering among humans and even animals but also improve the overall quality and length of the average human lifespan ok so yeah not most deadly deadliest deadliest the correction here all right so here I'm just moving along I think many of you could do a great job here finishing this up because now you're on a roll you know what's going on you know what's happening so you are on a roll am I done so here I'm moving along I'm good minute minute twenty seconds in to come up with all of these ideas am I finished at this point should I stop and just stare at the examiner until they say Oh your kit your time is up you're feeling so good you're like yeah I did such a good job cure for cancer I'm gonna get a band 9 whoo so you're just stopping and you're staring don't get overconfident careful with overconfidence k Bumi says no no no no don't stop I was not yet not yet Rajveer says read the card read the card yeah absolutely ok make sure you don't miss any questions if you miss questions you lose marks it's that simple all right so don't do that because it's here why is this idea not possible yet and what is needed to make it a reality absolutely we have not tackled those last questions and they are very important the examiner is looking for that information so why is this not possible yet okay unfortunately such a cure for cancer is not yet possible because not only are there many types of cancer that are complex and require different types of treatment but also cancer is a very aggressive illness where in some sense the body becomes its own enemy and this is an exceptionally difficult riddle to solve I believe that it will require massive amounts of money and brains in order for humanity to eventually realize this simple and elegant cure okay all right so I kind of just blasted through the end there for you just so that you can get a complete response here it's important for us to get a complete response because of course we have part 3 speaking coming up next and we're going to connect our answers to this response okay so let's go through read this with some nice intonation so this is speaking and this is another reason I kind of blasted through the end here because I want you to speak and repeat follow with me if there are new words in there that are unfamiliar it's okay just write them down all right come on I did read your response meanwhile while talking and it looks good I like your use of R&D alright so here we go read with me if you're feeling confident about your fluency and your listening and speaking then don't read just repeat through hearing me okay I think an amazing innovation to better humanity in the future which is not yet quite possible is a simple and effective cure for cancer I thought about this deeply about six months back when my grandpa was first diagnosed with life-threatening leukemia specifically I'm hoping that by 2050 humans will come up with an easily administered injection or an oral pill that can cure any form of cancer within just a couple of days of course without any drastic side effects like chemotherapy today this future medical breakthrough will save the lives of over 50 million people each year and put an end to one of the deadliest diseases ever faced in human history not only will it greatly reduce suffering among humans and even animals but also improve the over overall quality and length of the average human lifespan unfortunately such a cure for cancer is not yet possible because not only are there many types of cancer that are complex and require different types of treatment but also cancer is a very aggressive illness where in some sense the body becomes its own enemy and this is an exceptionally difficult riddle to solve I believe that it will require massive amounts of money and brains in order for humanity to eventually realize this simple and elegant cure and your two minutes is up please pass back the card with the questions now we will continue on with part three and part three we will continue on with just after a short 30-minute break students a riddle by the way a riddle is like a puzzle okay if that's a new word for you riddle is like a puzzle okay all right again students remember you can always go back to this reading at the end of this video it's at 55 minutes and tried a couple times to build your fluency and intonation I highly recommend that and in 30 minutes everyone you've all done a great job and I couldn't have done it without you that's with your help okay so that's all of us there in 30 minutes we'll take a look at speaking part three questions that will be connected to the speaking part - so hopefully I will see all of you in half an hour for the continuation and some detailed questions and follow-up questions on this topic much love back at you Khyber Bhumi amant Rajveer dr. Krishna bye for now see you shortly
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: uudqFBq3JKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 20sec (3380 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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