CELPIP Speaking Task 1 - TIPS!

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mmm this woman is going to take the selfic exam and she's studying for task 1 of the speaking test which is giving advice and she's using my book to practice Wow I'm so excited about that I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has bought in my book and using my book to help them practice and prepare for the self up test it's a real honor that I can help you in this way you know I know how frustrating and how much of a struggle this can be to pass the SEL pip test it's not an easy exam it's hard and a lot of people have told me you know I failed like three or four times I'm trying so hard to pass this test I know I just want to acknowledge how hard it is and how frustrating it can be but hey keep going keep going you can do it so I just I wrote this book to really help you and I just want to say thank you for buying my book and helping me supporting my work you know subscribing to my youtube channel liking my videos commenting encouraging me I just I really appreciate that so thank you so much for helping me hey if you want to get a copy of my book you can just visit my website m ET v dot cool and then you can download a PDF format of my book it's just in PDF format now the reason I did that in made it in PDF format was just so that you could have it on your computer or you could have it on your phone like here I have it on my phone anywhere you go here you can just be looking at this and learning English for example if you're using the bathroom you can just be reading my book Oh hmm that's what that's a good tip for task 3 on the test okay so it's really easy to get this book and sometimes people they email me and they say mark I've booked myself for next weekend how should I study for it okay yep you're only giving yourself one week to study for the self up exam that's not enough time you need more time but I get a lot of questions like this so because of that I thought it's better if it's in PDF format because then people can download it instantly okay if it's like a hardcopy that I would sell on Amazon or something like that you know the shipping time will take like four or five days so a lot of people they don't have four or five days to wait they need something instantly okay so if you want this book right now you can go to my website and get it but hey in this lesson today we're going to look at task one giving advice and so in this question you have 30 seconds to prepare and 90 seconds to speak what's your strategy going to be when you answer this question well let's take a look at one of the questions from my book okay your brother recently got his driver's license and wants to buy his first car give him some advice on how to buy a car what would you say in your answer for this question what would you talk about well I made a lesson a few months ago on how to answer task 1 on the cell phone and we looked at this example in that video ok your friend is looking for a summer job advise him about different ways he can find work for the summer Kate now after I made that video a bunch of people commented on the video and they said wait maybe you you you you didn't answer it right you made a mistake you didn't answer it properly you're not answering what the question is asking and so I mean ok let's take a look what did I say so I answered this question by by saying you know by talking about an outdoor job maybe my friend could get an outdoor job or a pizza delivery job or maybe you know a night time job okay so I gave these you know I gave these answers in my advice to to my friend and people said well that's not answering the question well okay let's take a look at what the question says it says advise him about different ways he can find work for the summer different ways hmm so the question is asking wastes about ways to find a job right and my answer talked about the different kinds of jobs that my friend could yet so you're right there is a bit of a difference there right this way this is talking about the ways and here I'm talking about the jobs so yes you are right but let's look at mean how would you answer this ways to find a job what are the different ways a person could find a job well we could say you could look online you could visit a job fair you could apply in person okay a job fair is something that usually universities or colleges hold to help their students get a job basically they bring employers and students together in a job fair okay that's a you know that could be a good option I was looking online could be a good option okay these are all different ways a person could find a job so this is actually great okay this is a really good way to answer the question the problem is that you only have 30 seconds to prepare for this answer okay you what are you going to say it's going to take you at least 10 or 15 seconds to read the question so you won't even have like any time to take notes okay so your answer will not be perfect that's the first thing I want to say your answer won't be perfect don't try to get perfect answers and after you finish answering a question just forget about it don't don't worry about you know maybe that you didn't understand the question or you answered it wrong it's probably okay so just forget about it and move to the next one okay here's the other thing don't overthink the question a lot of people they overthink the question like my example about finding the job I think that's overthinking the question look if you asked me in real life could you advise me on different ways to find work this summer I would think sure I mean summertime yeah the weather is really nice you might want to work outside have you considered you know looking for a construction job or you know maybe a painting job or a landscaping job or something Oh what about maybe a pizza delivery job you know here in Canada in the summertime the the evenings are really long and they're very often they're nice and warm so it's really nice to be driving at night here or in the evening here in the summertime delivering pizza you could make some great tips what about working a nighttime job sometimes it's fun to work it okay look so you can see how I'm answering that question naturally if you ask me on the different ways to find work that's how I would naturally answer the question so look it's it's it's important to be natural just just try to use natural English that's more important than being really technical with your answers so with a lot of these questions there's flexibility you can answer them however you want okay so look at this question your brother recently got his driver's license and wants to buy his first car give him some advice on how to buy a car is there one right answer for this question no I mean you could talk about anything there could be so many possible answers for this question okay let's take a look at at my tips for this okay so remember when you give advice to your brother you're not telling him what he should do you're just giving him suggestions after listening to your advice he will make his own decision okay that's really important you're not telling him you should do this you should do that you're just giving him some friendly advice and he's going to make his own decision okay in this question how to buy a car is referring to the general process of getting a car you know what should your brother do first just tell me what you should do for some people take these kinds of questions to literally they might focus on the word how and think hmm pay money sign papers you don't get the license plate you might think about but how do I buy a car okay like look you could you could you could answer that this way okay like I said if you give an answer like that it's probably okay but really this question is not that technical don't overthink it just give him some practical advice on where he should start looking for a car and then maybe tell him some other aspects of the process if you have time okay so this is just a lot of ways you could answer this okay so let's take a look at some some words that I will use in my answer okay the first one is budget a budget is the amount of money you want to spend on something that's a great word to use in this situation for example if you asked me mark what kind of computer should I buy my first question would be what's your budget what's your budget how much money do you want to spend one hundred dollars five thousand dollars from this what's your budget that's the most important thing right second hand that means not new so if you're buying a car a used car the car is secondhand okay kijiji Kijiji is a popular Canadian website for buying secondhand things I've bought a lot of things on Kijiji okay Craigslist that's another website that's very similar to Kijiji dealership dealership is a place that sells cars it's a building it's a business that sells cars okay lemon a lemon is a car with serious problems so you don't want to buy a lemon okay if you buy a lemon I mean something major is going to happen with the car you know the engine is not going to work properly just other you don't want to have all that headache after you buy a car right so don't buy a lemon it's just going to give you a lot of problems okay private sale that means you buy from a person not a business okay haggle haggle that means bargain okay for example if you're selling a car and I ask you how much are you selling it for and you say $5,000 I'd say hmm I'll give you 4,000 you say hmm 4500 okay that's called haggling we're bargaining for the price okay lowball offer a lowball offer is means an offer that is much less than the seller is asking for okay so if you say you're selling your car for five thousand and I offer you two thousand that's a really low ball offer right some people make lowball offers when they when they buy things through private sales okay now a counter is the reply to your offer okay so if I offer you let's say four thousand for the car and you say I'm 4500 okay that's the counter you're countering with your counter in my offer my offer you counter then maybe I counter then you counter them that's called countering okay insurance registration auction okay these are all words that I would use in my answer here so an auction is a place where people bid and the highest bidder gets the car have you ever been to an auction an auction doesn't just need to be for car it could be for anything okay it's a really interesting place that the auctioneer the person who who talks to the crowd is called the auctioneer he talks really fast like 1,000 who wants 1015 I really really do the 2000-2003 233 he three three four four who wants for over four thousand okay it's stuck really really fast it would be interesting for you to go to an auction sometime it's it's sort of a fun experience okay so here's my answer to this question about giving my brother advice about buying a car okay hey Mike I'm really excited for you that you got your driver's license and you're looking for your first car I've bought and sold several cars in my life so I think I can give you some good advice since you just graduated from high school you probably don't have a huge budget for a vehicle the good news is that there are always lots of great second-hand vehicles for sale I just bought a 2008 Toyota Corolla on Kijiji for 2800 have you browsed Kijiji yet that's a great online community for secondhand things another website is Craigslist I would start by taking a look on those sites and figure out what kind of car you want to buy some people prefer buying vehicles from a dealership because there's less risk of buying a lemon or there's less risk of the car being a lemon personally I prefer a private sale because you can haggle more over the price anyway after you've found one you like you send a message to the seller and ask if you can look at the vehicle and go for a test drive if you like the vehicle then you make an offer on it personally I always start with a lowball offer for example if the vehicle is 3000 I would offer 2,100 they might counter with 2700 and then you could meet somewhere around 2500 okay after you buy the car you have to get insurance and registration for it it's a pretty easy process anyway I hope you find a great vehicle just let me know if you need any more advice there's a vehicle auction once a month that I go I usually go to if you want to come along sometime you'd be more than welcome okay so that's basically how I would answer the question you know just just talking about sort of the process of buying a car you know where should he buy it private sale car dealership you know you could talk about these things or you could talk about other things you know - like there's more than one way to answer the question that I think is very important for you to understand you could you could answer it in a lot of different ways okay so some people will have a very structured answer and some people's answer will probably be more free-flowing which is better well I think they're both great you could get a perfect score using a structured answer or a more natural you know some people they're very structured you know first you should do this the second thing you should do is this then you should do this okay that's a great answer okay but if it's more free-flowing you know hey Mike boy that's a really great question about you know advice let's see do I have any advice ooh yeah one thing don't buy a Ford you should buy a Toyota yeah you could just have a more natural free-flowing answer like that both of them are really great look on the self up exam they're testing you for your English they're not testing you on your IQ okay it's not an IQ test it's an English test okay now I mean you have 90 seconds that you have to speak some people have a problem you know coming up with enough things to say and that's why I would recommend you know telling some stories or using some examples if if you sort of you know are struggling so I'll give you I'll give you an example okay you could say my friend is a mechanic he told me never to buy a Ford he told me never to buy a Ford because Ford stands for found on road dead Ford found on road dead okay so this is sort of an English a joke that people people often use when they're talking about car brands Toyota Ford oh don't buy a Ford Ford stands for found on Oh dead okay so if you'd said something like this talked about you know your mechanic friend and the advice your mechanic gave you not to buy a Ford would that be would that be good I mean is that is that is that answering this question yeah I think so it's related to the question right it's relevant the question is give him some advice on how to buy a car yeah you're giving advice you know on how to buy a car you know maybe your advice is buy a Toyota because in Canadian winters you don't want your car to break down you know you could talk about what kind of car you you you're recommending you could talk about you know when to buy a car is it better to buy a car in the winter or the summer you could answer this in so many different ways okay so I mean just relax and just just talk now if you talk the whole time about Toyota versus Ford that would be bad okay the question is not asking what kind of car lichte that's not really what the question is s is not asking you to compare different makes of vehicles so if you spend your whole time praising Toyota and bashing Ford that's not that's not good you need to actually answer the question give him some advice on how to buy a car okay so you know that might be one aspect you know with what the brand is but that shouldn't be the whole answer so does that make sense you have a lot of flexibility with this question but you need your answer needs to be relevant and you can't just talk about something way far out there but I hope you can see in this example and in the example about the giving advice for the summer job that you know there's just there's a very natural way to answer the question and you don't have to overthink it so so try to practice that not overthinking it hey I want to know do you think there's a difference in how you give advice in English versus your own language what language do you speak what's your mother tongue do you think there's a differ and how people give advice in your mother tongue versus English you know I think there could be a difference there could be a difference you know for example people from Russia they might be more direct they might say you should buy this car you should you should buy a car there you should do this you should do that they might be a little bit more direct whereas in Canada our culture is a little bit more indirect we use words like you might want to consider buying a Toyota you might want to consider you know buying a car from a dealership that way you can be sure it's not going to be a lemon okay so I mean there's just sort of different cultural ways to to give advice so let me know what your answer is to this question down there in the comments and I'll see you over in the next episode of Mad English TV take care
Channel: Mad English TV
Views: 585,684
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Keywords: celpip speaking task 1, celpip speaking tips, celpip speaking examples, celpip sample speaking, celpip speaking samples, celpip giving advice, celpip speaking tasks, celpip speaking practice, celpip, celpip practice
Id: OpgEpe-wKow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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