IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1, Complete and Correct Answers

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrienne and I am streaming to you live from beautiful Budapest I hope everybody's week is off to a good and healthy start today we are looking at speaking part one giving complete band 9 answers hye-rim sha hi Michael Phan I'm glad you're able to become a new member of our channel I know you've been trying that for a while hi Kyra Beaumont I'm doing well thank you for asking us our welcome students students this class is brought to you by AE help comm for the academic version of the exam check us out there where you have lots of help and for the general version check us out at G IELTS now I'm very excited to show you a new feature of our website that's working beautifully and students have started using it so this is the academic version of our website here with the blue background the general version looks like this with the green background you can join the Premium Package by clicking that red join Now button and when you join our websites you have lots and lots of help there to improve for all sections of the exam I'm going to darken it up so you can see this clearly while I show you this so with the academic website for the academic IELTS here it's the same in the general you can click up here to go into your my student account when I showed you this last week and I'm happy that many students started using this I checked a few times and I saw students talking to each other you have this really nice feature so you have lots of great materials and help and interactive courses and videos but you have this feature too which is called student partner speaking how many of you tried this I just want to know members have you tried this have you found people to talk to we're really promoting the don't be shy if you see somebody in this part of the website just click on it ok I'm going to brighten the screen up in a moment once I show you this back John I know you tried because you had a live speaking interview with me on this part so that's great ok alright so when you click that button you have to accept the terms which means that you play nice with others and then once you do that you'll be logged in and then you're going to see a list of students in here and again students keep logging in and keep this page open don't be shy kind of wave to each other say hello and then just start speaking khyber you will find someone because I see people jumping in all the time ok so keep that window open and you will find people to join there ok and then we're going this week we're adding a whole bunch of speaking questions to this part of the website so you will have lots of speaking questions as well khyber ok so go there use it students ok keep waiting khyber so keep the window open if you're at home just keep it open keep looking at it ok that's the right step we're going to promote it Lots so you will see students in here ok there we go see somebody just jumped in there's ferry OHS Beck and now if another student joins in then you can connect and you can connect by text video and by phone and it's really really good ok so keep trying it students keep trying it alright there's Lapage now if Lapage wants to stop start talking to ferry OHS back all you have to do is you can start a text message and say hi I'd like to speak with you and then ferry let me make this bigger now there's Sammy see and that's what you need to do is just connect if you click on one and they're not available it means they might be talking to somebody else later this week will have a feature that shows you who's talking who's not talking yes absolutely free so Sundy has asking is that free yeah it's absolutely free student so you don't have to pay for this it's a hundred percent free okay and don't be shy so if you don't want to see each other's face just do an audio chat okay if you're okay with showing your face then do a video chat you can discuss that okay all right and it's free yeah that's the good news is this is totally free okay there's Beck's on in there now of course if you have pears that's better great there you go you get the idea okay so that's in your my student page again you just click on the student partner speaking after you log into your my student account awesome okay Vincent it's free and you can use it as many times as you want and later this week we're adding a whole bunch of speaking questions in there that you can choose from and use okay and general I'll students you have the same in your green okay so they're linked together all right because the speaking section is the same awesome students so I'm happy to share that with you we'll be promoting it lots talk to each other use it okay keep that window open when you're at home on your computer and we're constantly developing that part of the website as well okay thank you grave eSports okay let's brighten up the screen a little bit so you don't just see my silhouette where I am hi alright if it's too bright let me know here we go student so today we will practice some speaking in this live class also and again it is a speaking class so make sure to speak and repeat okay don't just type typing is good you're practicing your writing but also speak okay yeah all right knock you can use it on your phone as well it's fully responsive okay so you can use it on your phone also okay so if you have questions about our products or apps our websites just send me an email adrián @ae help calm okay here we go students so this week our schedule we start today with speaking tomorrow we will have some reading and that's for members and then we'll have some more reading for everyone so tomorrow's classes will focus on reading okay for the rest of the week the schedule will have speaking we'll have a question and answer session we'll have task one writing you can always see the schedule on the YouTube channel okay you're very welcome knock Ravi absolutely okay so again this class is focusing on giving band 9 answers so just a couple of strategy points this is review for some of you for some of you it's new okay what you want to focus on for giving complete answers is answer using the question give full explanations and smooth examples okay we'll work on these and I'll show you these as we cover the questions and today I want you really to focus on using some code related conjunctions as well one of the or a couple of the cold related conjunctions that we rarely hear used in the exam is either or whether or neither/nor okay so try to use these alright in today's class so use either or whether or neither/nor okay so you get into the IELTS interview you'll be greeted by the examiner they will welcome you you paid good money to be there be confident don't be scared they see lots of students that day they've been doing this a long time just be yourself imagine the examiner is like your grandfather or your grandmother that means speak in full sentences speak respectfully clearly loud right grandma grandpa maybe they don't hear so well anymore so speak loud and remember grandma grandpa grew up two generations before you they don't know about whatsapp they don't know about Instagram they don't have the same ideas that you have explain your thoughts clearly okay all right so once you have this I see somebody's trying to call me but I'm teaching a class on the speaking and the website okay so once you have this this introduction they'll ask for your name they'll ask for your identification make sure you have the identification with you that you used to register or they won't let you continue okay and then they'll ask you a few questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic that's part one so let's start with these today okay today we'll skip the identification and the full name and let's just get right into this one what did you do this morning so just a couple of questions to get to get feel you get you to feel more comfortable okay so what did you do this morning give me a nice full sentence answer for that one okay Muhammad thanks for answering that question muhammad husayn okay all right uh Tito Botti says I woke up early this morning and freshened up after that I prayed to God as I usually do then I went for a nice healthy walk I believed that waking up early in the morning is not only a good idea but it keeps me fresh all day okay a little bit of repetition there Tito the expression we use as I got freshened up so I got up this morning around 6:00 a.m. and then freshened up okay that's the expression Tito freshened up it means wash your face brush your teeth maybe take a shower freshened up okay flower son says this morning I had an online class with my high school the class took me about one hour after that I had some work to do and then studied new vocabulary to improve my English okay good flower son now again students remember you want to explain yourself as much as possible so keep practicing explanations also so I got up this morning around 6:00 a.m. and then freshened up because I had to start work by 7:30 at which time I was hosting an important meeting in my company to discuss the new budget plan okay so remember this answer explanation and then of course smooth example all right so here the example is part of the answer so you don't have to say anything different but you should explain so why are you waking up at 6:00 a.m. because I like to go for an early run because I like to make breakfast for my family before they wake up okay so give reasons to your ideas always I really want you to focus on that so I got up this morning around 6:00 a.m. and then freshened up because I had to start work by 7:30 at which time I was hosting an important meaning in my company to discuss the new budget plan okay next question I'm going to look at a lot of answer students I just want to get going here and make sure to repeat what I say okay so speak and repeat and repeat questions also so read the questions repeat the questions aloud nice and loud hear yourself move your mouth okay here we go what do you plan to do on the weekend give me a nice full sentence answer for this one what do you plan to do on the weekend Panther lyrics says my plan on the weekend is having fun with my friends by going out for some food and cracking some jokes and then having some fun in the midnight okay Panther lyrics sounds like a good idea give details rim shot classes says I woke up early in the morning at 5 a.m. I've completed my daily activities like brushing my teeth washing my face till around 5:30 and then I prayed okay why why did you do that again give me some explanations that was obviously for the previous one Ramshaw Tito says I mostly plan to spend my time with friends and family I believe that it's a great way to relieve stress we usually get together on the weekends and share our life experiences while having barbecue Tito not bad it's general though here I'm asking you what you plan to do on this weekend okay so this is specific to this weekend what do you plan to do this weekend make sure you're accurately answering questions students for those high band scores your answers have to be very specific to the question all right okay so Shiro Jadine Abdul Haq ov says due to the pandemic I will neither hang out with friends nor go hiking so I'm staying at home and likely reading a book currently I'm really into the Life of Pi Caicedo Judean soul really nice she told you didn't you get my first thumbs up for using that neither/nor right everybody catch how she doji didn't did that remember students these will get you points for grammar vocabulary fluency either or whether or neither/nor so that was really good alright I like that you're paying attention to my instruction so due to the lockdown since the outbreak of this Co vid 19 pandemic I will neither be hanging out with friends nor meeting up with family rather I will likely just hang out at home watch a few movies and read my book The Life of Pi okay really nice so explanation is in there answer is in there co-relate of conjunctions are in there details are in there but a boom bada bing ban 9 okay that's a band 9 answer especially nice and fluent so repeat after me students always repeat question and answer question and answer here we go what do you plan to do on the weekend due to the lockdown since the outbreak of this covin 19 pandemic I will neither be hanging out with friends nor meeting up with family rather I will likely just hang out at home watch a few movies and read my book the life of pipe perfect nice and fluent high band good grammar complex grammar lots of vocabulary that's how you get those high scores all right that's how you get those high scores very good Rajveer Singh says on Saturday I'm going to catch up with my friends to watch a movie and on Sunday I will rest and stay at home and play cricket with my parents ok good Rajveer so reg veer you're doing a nice job of explaining that your weekend is Saturday and Sunday and what you will do on each of those days very good all right again students remember neither nor is used in the negative either or is used in the positive ok practice these I'd love to see you use these in your answers here we go so here's a nice topic for today in our current time the examiner will continue with let's talk about helping people ok now when you hear the key verb or the key noun alright this is a strategy here immediately try to think of synonyms so don't rush into your answers yet but immediately think of synonyms so when the examiner introduces the topic of part 1 pay careful attention for the topic words meaning noun or verb usually okay and immediately think of synonyms okay all right just give me a second year students I have to get out of the chat on the website here because I keep getting invited to talk and that's annoying me for now so girls and guys keep chatting with each other who are there but I have to jump out of that okay so here we go so the key word here of course is helping helping let's underline that so what you should do is you should think of some other ways to say that so before we get into the questions here what are different ways to say helping what are what are some other words that you can use to say helping so Sammy says ade Beck John says assist yep those are good anything else come on Preet serving people maybe not as much Neha that's good support yeah support there's lots of ways to say this in English by the way we've only touched a few if you think of some idioms or phrasal verbs that's good too okay HIPPA caring is okay MD rolla very nice give a hand okay lend a hand is a good one is a tillow as well so give a hand or lend a hand yeah let's see what else is coming up contribute is okay that could work in some contexts as well yeah back up is something that can work okay yeah so that's what you want to do okay I see somebody's looking into a dictionary secure as good as well well we rarely use it all right okay good so that's what you want to do let's get into the question so now you can use all of those beautiful synonyms for help to make your answers really nice okay all right how often do you get help from others give me a nice full sentence answer for this one how often do you get help from others pay attention to the question carefully so Leeza says since I'm far away from my family every time I have a problem I asked my friend for support like I have a problem on my phone okay Leeza and how often is that in numbers once a week roughly a couple times a week Karen veer says I believe I'm lucky to have friends and family we're all who always have my back when I need them this previous Sunday I lost my keys for my car and my friend helped me find them good again though Karen Vere it's a good answer but you have to answer the how often okay so that's frequency so think of frequency students all right think of frequency let's see Beck John Oh music says whether it's household chores or my homework assignments I get frequent assistance from my flatmates since my university assignments are quite challenging like yesterday my buddy Jack helped me do the dishes and that was really nice of him okay back John good just finishing that for you I guess you were thinking of some example like that students when it's adverbs of frequency in your mind you should always think of qualitative than quantitative x' like often twice a day okay or rarely once a month okay so when you hear this question how often immediately think adverbs of frequency always often rarely never and then immediately think of the quantitative numbers so twice a day ten times a month okay always something like that all right so I often get help from my family and colleagues whether for work or for personal advice someone is always available to lend a hand I would say at least four to five times each week just yesterday my wife helped with some emails while I was on some important business calls okay so again answer explained example that's what you want to do and remember what I said the weather or neither nor either or use them okay use them you're doing a good job I saw a couple of you using them so that was nice here we go repeat after me students how often do you get help from others I often get help from my family and colleagues let's change often because it's in the question and I want to paraphrase that so let's change that to frequently okay so one more time I frequently get help from my family and colleagues whether for work or for personal advice someone is always available to lend a hand I would say at least four to five times each week just yesterday my wife helped me with some emails while I was on some important business calls okay work on that fluency students these classes are recorded if you catch something you like but it's going too fast you can always look back at the video later on in the day okay and again all of these videos are available on our websites and of course our HD videos so here we go next question if I don't your question in the chat students don't worry about it I will get different students at different times so here we go next question what do you usually need help with what do you usually need help with so kind of like a follow-up question here give me a nice full sentence answer for this one what do you usually need help with ok sin ISA Ronny says I usually need help doing something which is not included in my daily activities like preparing new accounts on me and on the net and subscribing for classes at school sending not bad instead of subscribing use the word enrolling okay so and enrolling in classes at school alright Nick I'm on says as I just mentioned I usually get assistance when it comes to cooking as I'm a little clumsy with it my mom always is beside me and gives me a hand yesterday she helped me make some chocolate or some cupcakes I see that now some cupcakes okay not bad not bad a Maratha nice to see you in class murasa Baraka says as I told you in my previous answer I take help either to enhance my reading writing listening and speaking skills like yesterday mr. Adrian helped me two times when I sent some of my sample work by email as you do murasa sometimes I know that's good all right let's see couple more MUC Sood says for the most part I need support on my math projects or in my math projects my elder brother helps me about four times a week by explaining some equations just yesterday my brother helped me with an arduous task involving irrational numbers very good muck suit I gave you a little bit more vocabulary there to get those higher band scores it was really nice k-kevin bowie says it's embarrassing to admit but I'm in need of support with practically all kinds of tasks like household chores by my parents as I'm cramming for this IELTS test and because the exam is really challenging okay very nice Kevin I like how you explained it alright that was really good Elena Mori says I need help in my IELTS studies there's nothing better than online resources like academic IELTS help and IELTS speaking success teachers are very friendly and those websites are useful Thank You Elena for the ad there and that was a good answer by the way so use your real-life context absolutely okay well I'm slightly embarrassed to admit but I often need help finding my belongings I have a bit of the absent-minded professor syndrome and at times I will lose a pencil that is behind my ears nevertheless I'm fortunate to have a very clever wife who always seems to know where I put my things usually you don't want to use the word things but here it's okay I'm teaching you a new expression as well the absent-minded professor the absent-minded professor is that kind of attitude or person where they're clever they're smart but they will accidentally forget where they put their cup of coffee okay so repeat after me what do you usually need help with well I'm slightly embarrassed to admit but I often need help finding my belongings I have a bit of the absent-minded professor syndrome and at times I will lose a pencil that is behind my ears nevertheless I'm fortunate to have a very clever wife who always seems to know where I put my things not but my things but put my things all right let's keep going here's a good question when is it important to ask for help give me a nice full sentence answer for this one when is it important to ask for help okay when is it important to ask for help Chanakya says I need help with shopping because I don't have a car I asked my boyfriend for helping me do my weekly shopping due to not only heaps groceries but also the shopping center is far away chana chaat don't use the word stuff okay don't use the word things too I shouldn't use it either these don't make a lot of sense in speaking and they're too ambiguous so instead of stuff use the word groceries okay for Dobbs WF says it is essential to ask for help during economic crisis to sustain a family with food and to pay for bills like during the kovat 19 pandemic just yesterday I asked for money to pay rent very good for doves so during a crisis nice thinking good thinking Elena Mori says there else there are several situations when it is necessary to ask for help like when someone does not have any idea about the task or or that he or she has been given at their workplace okay alright Charlie I don't see the other part of your writing there and that answer is really short a lock Hyder says sometimes I need help with unfamiliar situations in these cases I should ask someone who has good experience because they can give me helpful advice to avoid trouble ok a lock I had to change that a bit to make it sensible review that when you have some time it's at 34 minutes okay pipette chewie says it's essential to ask for help when you haven't got the information just ask when you're in a difficult situation it's good to reach out to someone for assistance okay explanation example Cappetta explanation exam very important otherwise it's just a broad general idea I can't give you full marks for ban nine especially for this kind of a question students you have to give an explanation and it's a time question when so you have to think of time right and what time or what situation come on Sherman says I believe that we should ask for assistance only when it's really impossible for us to achieve the task just like nowadays since it's logged down it's totally okay asking people for essential items like food if you are unable to go out and buy it on your own where if people are unable to buy it on their own avoid the word you students K avoid the word you Sammy rocky says it's compulsory to ask for help when our life is in danger or at risk just the other day one of my friends met with an accident then immediately called me and I rushed to help him very good Sammy yeah so when our life when our lives are threatened that's a really good example came so AM uni says even though helping each other is a positive I don't it doesn't mean you're allowed to be chill every time you have a problem just asking for help just ask for help when you really need it okay again students avoid the word you it makes for a better conversation pachoo Yadav says it is important to ask for help in a situation when it's an emergency and it requires the knowledge of others to escape from that problem absolutely okay I'm still looking for those examples students I'm sure you can come up with some good examples for when it's really important to ask for help come on sharma says well I think it's important to ask for help when people are really stuck in a perilous situation during a crisis like at this time people are facing food problems due to logged down and it's the right choice to request someone for assistance before starvation right starvation well my camera decided to chill out as well give me one second and I'll get you back okay just a moment I got really excited with the answer is there I mean while you can have a peek at my baby girl when she was just a little teeny-weeny infant here we go just give me two seconds all right we'll get you back here meanwhile think about those examples that I mentioned okay think about those examples all right there we go a little bit of a mental break their technical break as well okay so let's see a couple more couple more and then we'll continue on Greek Greek says it is essential to ask for help when the task cannot be done one by one person like plumbers when they have to lift a heavy pipe they always ask to give them a hand from others yeah very good thank you our punt Thank You flower son okay so here we go in either perilous situations where a person's life is in danger or in challenging tasks where one person cannot do the job it is the right call to ask for assistance like being lost in the forest and calling search and rescue or lifting a heavy couch sure so I used some of your suggestions there and put it together so here we go repeat after me when is it important to ask for help in either perilous situations where a person's life is in danger or in challenging tasks where one person cannot do the job it is the right call to ask for assistance the right call is an expression which means the right decision okay so use that the right call alright and then here's a smooth flowing example so I didn't say for example or for instance it's much faster to just use like like being lost in the forest and calling search and rescue or lifting a heavy couch so smooth flowing examples alright and then you can give a little bit more explanation after the example as well so otherwise a person could lose their life or strain their back right being lost in the forest or lifting a heavy couch all right next question students here we go you're doing a great job we're almost there have you helped someone recently how that's a great question try to be truthful here students I'd love to see some nice honest answers of how you have helped someone recently okay EC music says sure just 20 minutes ago before coming to this room I offered another candidate to practice speaking because he was too nervous and his hands were shaking I tried to help him to acquire confidence before the exam and I bet I succeeded EC music that is a beautiful answer okay all right say nice Errani says I tried to assist by recommending cheap prices for special medical accessories due to the Cova 19 pandemic students this is a present perfect question so really work hard to give a present perfect answer okay sumaya here's a correct here's the correct way to start if I remember correctly around three days ago I helped my friend choose a university which she will enter it was an important choice and I felt that it was important help in her life ok so my a couple of Corrections there to be more natural all right for Dobbs says I have just given my hand to my neighbor to bring food from the shop as she worries about her health because she's in the vulnerable group of seven at the 8th at the age of 77 and I'm so happy to be able to help someone very nice of you four Dobbs and that sounds like something you really did good for you okay Elena yes recently I have helped some homeless in my community by giving them hand sanitizers and masks to safeguard them from the corona virus outbreak a couple of corrections there Elena that also sounds like a CH from your real life really nice Elena good for you for helping the needy in such challenging times Nick Heian says yep yes actually I have helped my brother to review and prepare for his upcoming math exam he usually gets in trouble with statistics I've searched and taught him some tips to perform better and faster okay Nick aim better faster very nice good and it came again that sounds like you actually helped out your brother good for you Kevin boy says of course lately I've instructed my mom to create online Google Forms which can aid her in her teaching during this lockdown despite not being tech savvy I was also I was able to guide her quite well with this task as after two hours of intensive study she was able to work with the site independently which was quite a stride at her age very nice Kevin very nice helping your mom to be a little bit better with the technical side of life good for you okay these are very encouraging and motivating students so thank you so much for sharing these with us JC Lynn says due to the recent Cova 19 pandemic I haven't had the chance to give a hand to many people nevertheless I'm at home so I have had the chance to help my parents with some tasks and I'm glad about that k JC so nice so you're helping your parents again a couple of Corrections there pay attention to that Sammi rocky says yep I've helped one of my colleagues when he was unable to finish his that task due to hey is Mother's critical health problem he felt very happy and thanked me yeah good for you Sammy okay murasa says yes just last week I have helped my best friend Sarah due to the tough situation of The Cove in nineteen she ran out of money not only did I give her some cash but I also did some grocery shopping with her very nice murasa very nice okay all right so yes I have helped some students recently improve their English and communication skills by creating a new interactive speaking feature on my company's website whereby they can connect with each other and practice for the IELTS speaking section this service is absolutely free and students can study from home without risking infection all right so just like I showed you at the beginning of this class there is that speaking feature which is working beautifully now we had it in the past but it didn't work so well and we made sure that it works for everyone now so that's how I have helped some students is by offering you this chance to freely interact with each other through this interface and like I said later this week you will also have access to lots of speaking questions for people places objects and so forth so check that out repeat after me students have you helped someone recently how yes I have helped some students recently improve their English and communication skills by creating a new interactive speaking feature on my company's website whereby they can connect with each other and practice for the IELTS speaking section this service is absolutely free and students can study from home without risking infection all right last question students last question if you need assistance during work or school who do you ask for help that's the last one for today give me your best give me your best possible answer give me your best possible answer for this one if you need assistance during work or school who do you ask for help roshni Kunte says without a doubt I will get help from my best friend sure be if I'm required assistance from my work or study because she resides just next to my home and it only takes me 10 minutes to reach her from my office good roshni nice answer back John says if I need help during my studies at university I would definitely ask my friend whose name is Herman because he is very intelligent and can solve any task that I challenge him with very good back John what kind of tasks have you challenged him with okay all right Komal Preet says yep as I have a delicate nature I'm easily touched so I love to help everyone who I can even animals like I remember last month I helped a lady whose leg is paralyzed to cross the road okay that's for the previous one Vanita are' she says frankly speaking at first I try my best friend to solve any difficult task however if I need a helping hand then I would rather seek help from my colleague Sangeeta as she is an expert with computers Vinita not bad a few Corrections there pay attention to that Irene Domingo says it's a very inspiring to help the needy during this situation like today I helped our community provide relief needed for people to live okay Irene I think that was for the last one Rajveer says if I need assistance in my work I will ask my friend Rahul for his helping hand as he has all the technical knowledge about the project and he had helped me in the past as well very good Rajveer good to have a friend like that all right so Swati says in my school if I need assistance I go to the HR department straight away I never come back empty-handed like last week I didn't receive my paycheck so I went to HR and they fixed it right away so Swati nice answer explanation and example all right so whenever I need some aid during my work I usually reach out to our company's lead tech Mario because he is an expert with all kinds of computer knowledge and this is my weakest area of knowledge of expertise just yesterday I had to get a hand from him to debug a critical server issue all right so again reflect the grammar of the question its if you need assistance so it's a conditional make sure to show conditional in your answer if you need assistance during work or school who do you ask for help so we're looking for a person here give me a nice full answer here speak and repeat whenever I need some aid during my work I usually reach out to our company's lead tech Mario because he is an expert with all kinds of computer knowledge and this is my weakest area of expertise just yesterday I had to get a hand from him to debug a critical server issue students that's speaking part one in a nutshell give answers explanations examples practice your correlative conjunctions tomorrow we'll have two classes for reading make sure you join us there check us out at AE help comm for academic IELTS G IELTS help comm for general and if you want to keep practising your speaking don't be shy ladies and gentlemen go to the website remember it's here you just have to click it's free you just have to click on that student partner speaking if somebody's not available it's because they might be in a chat ok so of course you have to accept the terms and conditions that you're going to play nice and then here you can already see that ah Taz's is waiting for somebody to join and hang out with him and have a conversation you can do just audio or you can do video as well ok continue so now is a good time you're rolling you've been using English practice with others jump in there get in there and connect with each other don't be shy you can send each other a text first if that makes you more comfortable so send a text and say hey are you available can we talk for 5 or 10 minutes keep that window open ok and tomorrow I'll be back with some reading I see lots of people jumping in now ok so connect with each other practice your English alright there there's lots of people jumping in now and don't be shy use it okay hey you can always close the window if you get scared and freaked out but don't do that alright that's it for today students thank you so much for your contributions I wish you a great rest of your day if it's late in your country then get some rest sweet dreams bye for now much love everyone from the heart of Europe Budapest see you tomorrow
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: XStahfEFl3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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