IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Off the Mark Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live isles class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a great start to their week so far is enjoying life staying healthy and staying productive welcome hi nisa hi ashazi welcome members gineal in this class everyone we are looking at ielts speaking section and we're specifically focusing on a part one and of course we're going for that off the mark band nine off the mark is an idiomatic expression which means uh from the start okay so when runners start running they're off the mark they start from a line or a mark on the ground and that's what we're going to do in our speaking today while we wait uh for some more students to join up this lesson is presented to you by ae for academic ielts success check us out there for the general ielts visit us at g i e l t s help dot com that's on both of our websites we have lots and lots of great content videos practice exams courses that will really help you to bump up your score and get those higher higher bands so that you can be successful in your learning and in your work and immigration this is our general ielts website here with the green background you can click this big red button to join the premium package we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents and it's the same idea for the academic it's blue background click that big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access doesn't cost very much we want to help a lot of students around the world that's our goal udit srivastava good luck on your speaking test tomorrow you've joined the right class to give you some tips on how to maximize your scores that's fantastic all right everyone uh in your um my student account on the websites you can practice your speaking for free all you have to do is log in and then you click on this student partner speaking and once you're in there you will find other students just like with skype or whatsapp right now mohal is in here and you can just simply video or audio chat so you just click on one of those and off you go to the races all right um yeah this sunday we'll be premiering the next episode of my band 9 ielts journey so a couple months ago i took the official ielts exam we filmed it um and in the last few weeks we have been releasing the episodes part one was registration part two was preparation and this sunday we'll have the exam day the actual day when i'm taking this exam i filmed it and you will see that there is a very interesting part in this video coming up on sunday so this is a little bit of a spoiler but um you'll actually see that when i go to my speaking exam and this is the real test at british council in budapest i go early and i actually found another candidate who was waiting for their speaking exam and i asked him to practice with me a little bit before the actual speaking interview and he was very accommodating he said yeah that's a great idea i took some questions with myself and and then we sat down on a bench outside the building and we practiced for about 10 15 minutes asking questions uh from each other like the interviewer it gave both of us confidence it helped us to calm down it got our english fluency going and you're actually going to see that in this episode this sunday so you'll see that uh interview or at least a piece of that interview and that's a very very powerful tip or skill or strategy let's say uh to increase your ielts band scores by the way if anybody has questions for us just send me an email to adrian okay so did everybody pick up that strategy that i just mentioned because that's a really important one okay so i'm going to write it up i know a lot of our regular students know this but you're actually going to get to see this strategy in the real world this sunday when we release um this third episode of my band nine al's journey okay so go to your ielts speaking interview at least i would say one hour before your test take speaking questions with you on paper two copies one for you one for the other guy or gal okay so don't rely on your phone okay um you want them to actually have the piece of paper just like in the real interview okay so is everybody clear on that so far is everybody following me i see a lot of chatter in the chat but i want to make sure that everybody's on the same page as me with this one because it's an extremely important strategy it can easily help you to get a half band maybe even a full band more on your ielts speaking interview okay udit says yes sir natalie says sure yeah so go to your out speaking interview at least one hour before your test take speaking questions with you on paper okay so not just on your phone print them out before your exam okay then find another candidate to practice with right this will build your confidence and fluency it is a very very smart maneuver all right sharman says that's great um okay fantastic all right um so you get to your speaking test 20 minutes before your interview starts you have to go in and you have to register for your exam at that point in time they're going to take your picture they're going to look at your identification you're going to have to leave all of your non-essential belongings in a plastic bag because of covet in a room so you're gonna have to leave your phone your jacket uh basically you walk in with your shirt your pants your skirt your shoes on and a pencil and that's it oh and your id okay they'll ask you to take your id with you usually your passport and that's it you're not allowed to take your keys or anything else with you basically um just yourself your clothes your pen pencil and your passport and that's it all right they want you focused and they don't want you to uh be distracted or potentially cheating or anything like that okay so make sure that during the 20 minutes registration time you're going to meet with some invigilators so people who volunteer to help with the exam or work to help with the exam make sure you're speaking english with them okay it's very very important okay all right um sure nc is asking is it real that you don't gain points on the first part of your speaking no that's not true okay um the examiner is marking you right away okay so every single word that you say once you meet your examiner will affect your mark um so when i did my speaking interview i actually met the examiner outside of the interview room as we were going in and already the examiner said oh good morning and i said oh hey good morning and we entered the room kind of together so even at that point they're already listening to how you're saying good morning your pronunciation how natural you sound okay okay so it is false belief that the introduction does not affect your mark and i've heard that before so that was a good question that was a good statement i've heard that before from other students that they think that it doesn't have an effect on your mark it absolutely does i mean both the speaking and the writing are subjective so every single word that you say or use has an impact on your mark okay it says okay and to make this more clear it may be that the introduction does not officially count towards your mark however the examiner is assessing your ability from the very beginning okay so it's very very important to keep that in mind okay so what you have to do what's really really important is you have to use those first introductory those icebreaker warm-up questions strategically what do you have to do with those so what should you keep in mind to do when you hear these warm-up questions like what's your name may i see your identification where do you live what should you keep in mind okay nick's the cue card question is not repetitive they'll come up with a new one every single time okay so with the icebreaker questions it's very very important to keep this strategy in mind what is it uh frederick says to show confidence yes and how do you do that charman says have a mental checklist sharman the mental checklist is even before you go into your speaking so remembering to um reflect grammar for instance yeah artist arda very good so arda has the right answer artist says show off your fluency okay so right away you want to show the examiner that you're fluent okay now that doesn't mean talk talk talk talk talk but it means give full sentence answers okay so you must remember to show fluency do not ramble ramble means talk talk talk talk talk okay so don't ramble but do give clear complete and professional responses okay so we're going to practice that right now how to do that what is that right amount so what is the amount where it's clear that you're being fluent but you're not just speaking about anything and everything okay so you get to your speaking interview the examiner will ask you to take a seat let me say thank you um when the examiner says please sit down say yes sure thanks okay so even respond to that i've seen it where students the examiner says please take your seat and they don't say anything they just like quietly sit down that first of all shows that the student is really nervous or it seems that they're really nervous and it's kind of awkward in natural settings at least like in a canadian culture for instance if somebody says please have a seat um usually the person responds so they say yeah okay thanks so or thank you very much or it's good to meet you or some kind of a response okay um so don't just mutely sit down it worries the examiner as well all right and then um they will begin by saying welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test i will give you instructions for each of the three parts i'm recording this for marking and clerical purposes the candidate number is 79512 um and we are currently conducting this ielts exam in vancouver canada at 14 o'clock let's begin and then you begin now the examiner is going to be professional they're going to be um very focused okay don't worry about the examiner's mood all right um they should be serious and they should not be smiley they should be concentrating that's what they're told to do as examiners that's what they're trained to do so you just focus on yourself right and then the examiner says may i see your identification and it's the same one that you use for the check-in so may i see your identification give me a nice full sentence answer to this question fahim red one says yeah sure here's my passport that i used to register for the exam please have a look yeah that's good um let's see just sewer says definitely just let me flip to the page with my credentials here's my passport that i used to register please have a look yeah very good just you're in saying give me a moment to flip to the page with the credentials is a good phrase because sometimes especially with passports they're just awkward documents they're very hard especially if you don't use them often and it's hard to get to the page where you have your picture and if you're quiet if you're like yes sure and then you're like here um it's kind of like whoa okay let's try to make that a little bit more smooth right a little bit more um interactive so it's a good phrase to use all right so i'm gonna use that one today as well so certainly i like certainly a little bit more than yeah sure certainly please allow me a moment to flip to the page with my credentials and of course look at the nice vocabulary here right away flip to the page credentials you're picking up lexical marks i don't care if somebody says oh that won't count for your mark yes it does um they're listening for all of your vocabulary during that interview okay so please allow me a moment to flip to the page with my credentials okay got it when i find something i often say okay got it uh here you are please take a look okay so lots of nice natural ways to interact for this question okay all right um so instead of like doing the awkward here it is it's like oh okay thanks um all right so uh repeat after me may i see your identification certainly please allow me a moment to flip to the page with my credentials okay got it here you are please take a look okay all right now when we're doing this class students make sure to speak and repeat we're going to really get into some questions here so speak and repeat when you are practicing uh your speaking at home in your classroom with friends with family before your official interview make sure to practice not just the answers but questions as well so say questions don't just always read them from a paper but sometimes just ask questions naturally from your mind okay why is that important students so when you are practicing at home in school for your speaking interview it is very important to also practice asking questions and not just giving answers why why is that so why why would i reckon why would i make that suggestion um that as you're getting ready for your exam make sure to ask your partner questions like where do you live or how did you get to this exam or where do you go to school so why is it important to ask questions sami says to get familiar with the questions absolutely sammy and why is that important so why do we want to be familiar with questions what does that give us okay what does that help us to do practicing questions well hopefully you come up with this in this way you will gain confidence and you will understand the communication from the perspective of the examiner okay and that's very important so that you are clear on the quality of the communication okay so when you're practicing this if you're the examiner and you say may i see your identification and somebody goes yeah sure then you'll be like okay that was a bit awkward um so you'll actually feel that so you'll realize that okay that's an awkward answer i have to be a little bit more clear or more fluent or more professional when i answer this kind of a question like yes of course here's my passport this is what i used to register for the test please take a look so you realize that okay that's saying like yeah sure here it is it's kind of awkward okay so ask those questions all right let's get it let's really get into it now um so the next question that they will ask and this is going to happen likely while you're still holding your uh passport they're going to say what is your full name okay and again when you ask this question in practice if somebody says my name is thomas jefferson then you're going to kind of be like okay sure so um fahim says my full name is fahin redwan please call me by my first name fahim that's a nice introduction fahim bakarat says my given name is bakrat and my family name is sharma please just call me by my uh first name as you can see in my id okay very good bacharach so you're referring to your id good sami says my full name is siva sankar and my surname is poliwarthi please call me by my nickname sammy that's what my friends and family call me and i'm comfortable with it very nice sammy make sure you say that fluently it's a long answer but it's a good answer as long as it's fluent okay so my given uh names are uh sandra alexander probably wouldn't give that name sandra uh louisa uh mckinley just coming up with it um please call me oh louisa and my family name is mckinley please call me by my nickname sandy if you don't mind okay all right uh so here's an example again be fluent be interactive i know that if i meet somebody in an interview uh and we're going to have a 15 minute discussion 10 15 minute discussion i want to introduce myself clearly and i want them to call me by the name that i'm comfortable with that i'm used to so um here we go repeat after me what is your full name my given names are sandra luiza and my family name is mckinley please call me by my nickname sandy if you don't mind and in this case the examiner would probably say oh no i don't mind sandy okay sandy uh now i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and then i'll ask you some questions on a general topic where do you live okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one where do you live now again when this question comes up where do you live if you think clearly about it you realize that you can answer this question in several different ways and you can answer it by giving your residents the country the city the locality the province or state also you can give information about your inhabitants so your shelter your house your apartment um your condo okay so what type of dwelling you live in and uh you can either go from macro to micro so country to dwelling or you can go from micro to macro so you can say i live in a two-bedroom apartment in in the state of california uh in the u.s okay so you can go from micro to macro macro micro it's good to have structure okay all right divya says i live in the heart of uh delhi near uh nacrew stadium uh in a two two-bedroom apartment okay so divya include your dwelling it's really a good idea the more visual information that you provide the clear your communication visual information is very very powerful in communication because humans are primarily visual creatures okay we see the world around us that is our main sensory input among our senses okay sharman says i reside in a two-bedroom apartment with my parents on the fourth floor of a high-rise building which is located in the area of muhammad poor in the central dhaka division that is a beautiful answer sharmin very visual i can literally see you on in your apartment on the fourth floor okay so visual information is extremely powerful zeravan says i reside in a single bedroom apartment on the sixth floor of a seven story building in duhok city which is located in the northern part of iraq and i have been living there for about 15 years not 15 years ago zuraban just 15 years okay it's very good again just like charmin extremely detailed and visual make sure you say that nice and fluently okay all right jynil says i reside in a two-bedroom condo on the third floor of a building which is in the heart of surat gujarat i have been living with my family there for 20 years danielle very good i put on a couple of small nuances to make it more natural like i have been living there with my family instead of i have been living with my family for 20 years okay um there means the location right so it's good to add in that nuance all right depica says i live in karaikal which is a town in the union territory of panda cherry india my house is a four bedroom home it's an independent house in a private community called green gardens a very nice depica that's beautiful description that's the best description to pika that i've seen from you so far um [Music] mahi says i have been living in amrest amritsar which is situated in the northern part of india along with my extended family in a large six bedroom detached home okay so mahi i would finish that sentence all right akshay says currently i'm living uh in surat uh which is located in the southern part of gujarat and the eastern part of india okay and also your dwelling akshay so apartment or condo so be specific all right okay so where do you live i live in a three bedroom so i'm going from micro to macro okay so small to big i live in a three-bedroom town home in the heart of victoria british columbia which is one of the most western cities in canada i have been living here for more than 30 years all right so here we go repeat after me where do you live i live in a three-bedroom town home in the heart of victoria british columbia which is one of the most western cities in canada i have been living here for more than 30 years okay so again you want to give clear visual information all right i'm going to uh add this to the notes you can review these notes at the end of the class again right so for clear communication you must use visual language such as quantification meaning numbers okay and that means like i live in a three bedroom condo okay so that's countable people can see the one two three bedrooms um maybe kitchen living room so they can visualize it okay numbers really help to visualize i keep emphasizing quantitative language so descriptive quantitative language all right okay so the next uh question what is your favorite food so again these warm-up questions they'll kind of just come up with any random popular question kind of like your questions in your first english classes that you get like what are your hobbies what is your favorite color what is your fit what is your favorite food in this case what is your favorite food so give an answer explanation and an example a fahim just one time if i catch it i catch it if i don't i don't but if you spam i have to time you out just one time okay fahim so fahim read one says pizza is my favorite food because it tastes and smells fabulous the pizza itself looks so yummy crispy and cheesy i had a pepperoni pizza just last saturday with the movie it was really good okay um enter in uh an example okay why because examples are very visual as well so if i can see you fahim eating that pepperoni pizza and being like this is great then you're going to get more marks because it's clear communication okay examples really seem to be missing from many candidates interview okay you have to work on those examples shahan pereira says my favorite is rice and curry which is one of the most delicious and popular foods in sri lanka um and there's quite a variety of different flavors so it never gets old this week i had three different types of rice and curry okay so again finish with that example and i'm starting to my mouth is starting to water with all the delicious foods that i see going up there learn english says the food which i like the most is um [Music] pedoda bread with tea as it has a very good taste i like to eat at least once a week at a local restaurant okay kunal singh says well i'm kind of a foodie person i love various types of foods but my all-time favorite is italian such as pizza and pasta uh kunal focus on only one so not what's your favorite cuisine like italian french indian or other but food one dish okay now pizza seems to be a really popular answer curry seems to be a really uh popular answer so careful with popular answers in the beginning it's okay for these warm-up questions but you do want to sound original so keep that in mind okay gang queen yuan says my favorite food is dalat's pizza it's a kind of rice cake with eggs fried on top it also has sausage cheese and onion on it people should come to dalat to taste it because it's delicious okay dang good try to avoid saying you it's a dangerous slippery slope when you start talking to your examiner like you you you it's easy to lose the quality of communication so don't say you okay so what is your favorite food yeah i love pizza and i eat it every chance i get the combination of pizza dough with cheese onions sausage and mushrooms is so delicious and fragrant my mouth is watering just thinking about it in fact i had a mushroom and sausage pizza just the other night with the movie and it was so yummy okay um it's okay to answer these warm-up questions in this kind of really natural way the ielts examiner is testing how natural your english sounds so uh here's some nice natural language with you just repeat or for you sorry just repeat after me so what is your favorite food i love pizza and i eat it every chance i get the combination of pizza dough with cheese onions sausage and mushrooms is so delicious and fragrant fragrant my mouth is watering just thinking about it in fact i had a mushroom and sausage pizza just the other night with a movie and it was so yummy okay all right yeah very common expression okay my mouth is watering just thinking about it right keep that expression in mind whenever you see new expressions idiomatic language in this class write it down and use it so that you remember it okay all right um so let's go to the questions then the examiner will say all right now i'll ask you some more questions on a specific topic how many hours do you sleep in a day so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one how many hours do you sleep in a day whenever you're thinking about your answer make sure to think about answer plus explanation plus example okay as long as you keep that routine going you're going to do well you're going to be off to a band 9 start all right uh fajim says usually i sleep for seven to eight hours every day in order to let my body recharge but if i want to do something very important at night i may sleep uh for less than four hours okay fahim that's a little bit off topic so don't say i usually sleep seven to eight hours and then suddenly say well on the rare occasion i only sleep four hours um that starts to get confusing so don't tell all just tell one be specific and clear okay uh shinju says i usually sleep for seven to eight hours a day why okay give me an explanation for that patel's uh viral says i sleep at least eight hours a day as it makes me feel rejuvenated as this is enough for me to be rejuvenated patel okay as this is enough for me to be rejuvenated okay or to get a full charge for the day all right let's see some more so proud nerd says uh well i consider myself a sleep lover as i really don't mind sleeping for more than 12 hours a day however i'm imposed to leave my bed with only seven hours of sleep to go to work all right it's a little bit awkward so you can say i love to sleep any chance i get i'll sleep for half the day but i usually only get seven hours because i have to go to work and i have to uh do my responsibilities okay all right arcana says life has changed completely in this era of technology because i sleep four to five hours in a day because of leading a very hectic life and time is of the utmost importance arcana that's a bit confusing so you need to say that clearer okay so my life don't talk about people in general my life is quite hectic so unfortunately i only get about four to five hours of sleep each day uh this is in large part because of technology i have to answer emails early in the morning and i have to deal with clients late at night okay so i kind of give a clear answer to that all right on most days i get at least seven hours of sleep as this is the right amount for me to feel energized throughout the day if i don't sleep at least seven hours i really feel grumpy for this exam i got a good eight hours of sleep last night so that my uh widths are sharp and i'm focused okay so here we go repeat after me how many hours do you sleep in a day on most days i get at least seven hours of sleep as this is the right amount for me to feel energized throughout the day if i don't sleep at least seven hours i really feel grumpy for this exam i got a good eight hours of sleep last night so that my wits are sharp and i'm focused all right confident confident next question where do you like to sleep okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so where do you like to sleep location ielts interview they like to ask the w questions like what when where why how so be ready for that where do you like to sleep give me a nice full sentence answer for this one okay um artist says that's going to be a usual answer i like to sleep in my bed it's very big because it's designed for two people so i can sleep in comfort it's also soft and it doesn't hurt my back okay are there good don't say butt i like to sleep just say as i like to sleep okay usual answer as i like to sleep it's not a contradiction all right uh wits gino means you're smart so you're clever okay wits is clever um let's see kunal says usually i always sleep in my own bed because um it is the most comfortable place for me and i need to be relaxed so i sleep in my bed yeah kunal and this is a tricky one because you sleep in your bed not on your bed okay um like most people i really enjoy sleeping in my own bed as it is very comfortable and familiar so i get a good night's rest in fact i don't much enjoy sleeping anywhere else even in a bed in a hotel room okay all right yeah i think uh one point people kind of forget about their own bet is we really like it because it's familiar so even a comfortable big bed in a hotel sometimes just doesn't provide that rest because it's foreign it's it's not ours it's not familiar right so uh here we go repeat after me where do you like to sleep like most people i really enjoy sleeping in my own bed as it is very comfortable and familiar so i get a good night's rest in fact i don't much enjoy sleeping anywhere else even in a bed in a hotel room okay so clear fluent complete answers don't just say in my bed okay and notice how it's in my bed it's not on my bed the reason you sleep in your bed is because when you lay on your bed you kind of just sink in and you actually put your blanket on so you're kind of in your bed if you will under your blanket okay all right let's take a look at this last question so i'm going to skip a few questions here and i want to jump to this last one because i have one more very important point uh to make in this lesson so here's the last question have you ever had difficulty sleeping if yes why give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so have you ever had difficulty sleeping if yes why alright give me a nice full sentence answer have you ever had difficulties sleeping if yes why jahaja says yes sir i'm not sure if that means you've had difficulty sleeping or if you're agreeing with something that i've said make sure to give a full full sentence response here okay all right uh proud nurse says indeed yes especially the past few years as i'm having insomnia and also suffering over thinking all right proud nerd good answer but you're missing something important what are you missing proud nerd you're missing something very important in your answer uh patel viral says yes i've experienced difficulty sleeping when my exam is near okay patel great so you've remembered to include the present perfect now you're missing the explanation and an example and it's a very easy example patel because you could just say like last night it was really tough for me to go to sleep because i was very anxious about the speaking interview this morning okay kunal singh says yes sometimes i have uh some difficulty sleeping because sometimes my mind is up to something by which my mind gets a little stressed and overthinks something uh kunal very confusing answer my mind is up to something it overthinks something what are you overthinking what is it so my responsibilities failures successes the next day next day's tasks so you have to be a little bit clearer there okay henry johnson jr says if i've been to my relative's house i would find it difficult to sleep because it's unfamiliar for me i hardly sleep the first day after that i find that it gets a bit better okay henry not bad so you've used the previous question which is good okay koldeep singh says certainly i do have some sort of difficulty during sleeping as i am very fond of watching adventures in action movies so i obviously suffer from nightmares which i discover reducing my sleep okay koldeep there's some awkward language in there you need to correct that and you have some awkward grammatical structures as well all right arda says yes i have had difficulty sleeping when i was preparing for my final exams i was nervous to death and when i hit the bed i had anxious sleep i have had anxious sleep uh about two years ago all right arda not bad the end of it's a little bit off but overall very good so here the big tip is reflect the present perfect okay so you must reflect the grammar of the question in this case present perfect okay the examiner is looking for that so yes i have had trouble uh sleeping in the past this has happened to me when i'm anxious about the next day's events such as final exams in school or asking a girl out on a date in fact it took me a while to get to sleep last night knowing that i had this exam coming up in the morning okay all right um so here we go have you ever had difficulty sleeping if yes why yes i have had trouble sleeping in the past this has happened to me when i'm anxious about the next day's events such as final exams in school or asking a girl out on a date in fact it took me a while to get to sleep last night knowing that i had this exam coming up in the morning okay so notice how here have had and has happened it reflects that have you ever had okay and that kind of reflective grammar will get you more band scores on your speaking interview okay so i've given you lots and lots of tips you've done some good practice throughout this class now take this information and keep practicing it okay practice makes perfect i can talk to you all day long but at the end of the day you need to practice okay you need to practice what i've shown you and you need to implement it in your everyday communication improving communication whether it's in english or in another language is a lifelong learning skill we keep doing it okay never be a hundred percent satisfied with your communication always find ways to learn and improve communication because that leads to a successful and happy life and ielts is a great way to start that actively in your everyday learning so keep it up remember you can practice your speaking for free on our websites and this week students tomorrow i will host a reading class for members and we'll do a speaking part two for everyone and then on friday we'll do task 1 for members and speaking part 3 for everyone this week only no class on saturday so i'm taking an extra day off keep that in mind and then of course wednesday i'm back as usual so hopefully tomorrow i'll see everybody for the reading and the speaking part to cue card okay i think everybody's done a fantastic job aditya sami janniel a at maul and arda thank you members rashika for your support and thank you everyone for watching i'm adrian and i'm signing out from beautiful victoria for now i will be back tomorrow again check us out at for academic ielts and for general aisles goodbye everyone have a great rest of your day you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: LqFnCmN9D4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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