IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Great Answers for a Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here the garden city of canada on the west coast i hope everybody has had a great start to their week staying healthy and staying strong in this class everyone we are looking at ielts speaking specifically part one and we're focusing on those great answers for a band 9 score welcome carolina our chat moderator welcome arda i see several members in the class that's fantastic hello lei kwang hi jasur good to see many regular students as well while we wait for some more of your peers some announcements uh this lesson is presented to you by ae help dot com for academic ielts success visit us there and for the general ielts and check us out at g i e l t s help dot com that's generality help dot com where we have lots and lots of materials to help you improve your english and your communication i'll quickly show you these websites uh this is our academic ielts web portal here at you can click this big red button to join our premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access to computer-based practice exams lesson videos interactive courses strategies we are a british council owls test registration center and certified agents so you're in good hands with us this is our general ielts website here with the green background for general islets make sure to click that big red button and join us there um so last week on sunday or i should say this week on sunday if we go by the north american calendar north american calendar start with sunday by the way if some of you didn't know that some people start their calendar on mondays in canada us we start our calendar week on sunday so uh this past sunday uh we released a new series called my ielts band nine journey and that was episode one registration now this sunday coming up uh we will be releasing episode two which will be test preparation i sat the official ielts exam a couple months back and now we're sharing that journey with you so that will be premiering on sunday at this time so make sure to join for that it's pretty exciting and of course that's an hd it's not like these live classes that we cannot stream in hd it's just not possible yet um also we have apps academic ielts help app links to ae general i'll help app links to and you can also follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help and gl's help if you have any questions send me an email adrian and i'll gladly respond nice and fast welcome nick hill hi bakrat good to see more members in there imad i'm doing great thank you for asking i'm not sure if it was directed at me but i'd like to think so all right so right now we have ielts uh speaking part one this is for everyone and um we'll have more classes in the week all the way until saturday so there'll be some tasks to writing reading coming up tomorrow some more writing including task one on friday and then on saturday we'll have some more q a and speaking part two classes as well okay everyone let's get into today's speaking so this is a speaking class so make sure to speak don't just type in the chat but also speak as well okay so this is a speaking class so speak and repeat copy what i say copy how i say it copy my intonation my pronunciation let's just start by warming up you go to your ielts exam you have to get there an hour early be confident have a good breakfast take some water with you okay and then you register 20 minutes before your exam starts you find some other candidates to practice some of your speaking with and then you go into the interview room where you will be met by an examiner and that examiner will ask you for the same piece of id usually your passport that you use to register for the test and that you used for checking in or signing in 20 minutes before your interview and they will ask the question um me see your identification okay so that will be the uh first question and basically they're just going to say okay welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam um my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test the test has three parts i'm recording this for marking purposes this is candidate number seven nine three five one uh we are conducting the test in vancouver 14 o'clock now we shall begin may i see your identification give me a nice full sentence answer for this one arda is quick out of the gates artist says yes definitely here is my passport that i used for registration for this exam a couple of weeks ago please take a look okay and practice this every time at home and in your class when you're practicing for the ielts so that you can really show a lot of great fluency and preparedness um very quickly it's good to show the examiner that you prepared for the exam uh arya says yes sure here it is please have a look okay that's good that's about the minimum that i would respond okay so yes sure here it is please have a look nick hill says certainly here's my id that i used to register for the exam four weeks ago please take a look yeah so show fluency right away okay so here's another way to say it a little bit different repeat after me so may i see your identification yes sure here's my passport which i used to sign up for this test please take a look okay instead of register sign up is a phrasal verb so that's a nice kind of synonym you want to use as much paraphrasing and when you're practicing at home you always want to enrich your vocabulary by using different kinds of words expressions phrasal verbs to really show a broad range of lexical resource that's one of the marking criteria for the examiners is how broad is the candidate's vocabulary so you want to do that so if you've been saying register up until now maybe try to say sign up a few times in the future okay bookworm yes sure here you go maybe a little bit too short all right um here's an important tip everyone and i've said this before and i'll say it again okay show your fluency from the very start okay it means right away okay so use the icebreaker questions to give fluent and complete answers all right that's my tip okay so you show your id and the next question that the examiner will ask you while you're holding your id is what is your full name okay so they're going to ask you for your full name make sure to say the same name that is on your passport and then tell the examiner what you want to be called in most cases that will be their next question is what do you want to be called so you can just kind of jump that and let them know right away satisfying time says my official full name is chaby khalil as you can see in my id however everyone knows me as saleem please refer to me with that name if it's possible very nice chaby that's a really nice natural diction my full official name is okay or many people would say my name officially is okay very good artist says my given name is arda and my surname is gerbaz please just call me only by my given name arda very nice natural mojit my first name is mohit and my surname is nagi please call me by my first name mojit this is what i'm used to being called again a very nice natural way to express this so officially as it is in my passport my name is thomas mckinley however i'm used to being called just tom uh please uh refer to me as such if you don't mind okay sure so there's another way that you can express that lots of ways to introduce yourself depending on what your name is what you like being called what your nickname is so here we go um repeat after me uh what is your full name officially as it is in my passport my name is thomas mckinley however i'm used to being called just tom please refer to me as such if you don't mind okay all right and then um the examiner will say okay tom they probably won't so they're not kind of chatty off topic so they won't really say like oh i don't mind i'll just call you tom then it's unlikely that you'll hear them get into that kind of conversation they're very much protocol so they have a very clear kind of way to go step one step to step three okay so they're just going to go okay tom now i will ask you a few more questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic and then they'll say something like do you work or study it's a very very common question do you work or study okay so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one and remember students uh what you want to do is you always want to answer explain and example i say it all the time and i'll keep saying it all the time because still people forget so if you want to have clear communication you always want to give an answer you want to give an explanation and often include real life examples then your listener is going to say oh okay i get what you're talking about all right so uh give that full full sentence answer okay arya says i've recently completed my plus two and i've been preparing for this alts exam for the past six months why are you what's your reason explain yourself techspec says by day i work as a research assistant and by night i'm preparing for this ielts exam why tech spec couple of corrections there pay attention to that okay a lot of you are forgetting to include your explanation in a natural conversation automatically your listener will probably say why so i'm always very curious why students are taking their ielts exams there are lots of different reasons some students are doing masters some are immigrating phds and it's always kind of interesting to find out what those reasons are proud nerd says i used to work as a high school teacher for two years but currently i'm staying at home as i've decided to pursue higher education so i don't really want to be committed to any organization i'd like to eventually start my own tutoring business okay proud nerd uh maybe you ran out of space or characters make sure to finish that idea with something like what i said okay jack williams says currently i am a student uh in high school in a small province of vietnam and i've been preparing for the arts exam for the past year why jack what's your reason for that give me a nice uh explanation for that okay so again answer explain example so i'm both employed as a driving instructor and i've been studying stock investing so that i can broaden my portfolio and hopefully make a ton of money in the future just the other day i invested some money into uh crypto currencies as i believe these will be more valuable in the future okay um so i'm just making this up everyone so this is not an investment tip please uh be careful invest at your own risk um simply here we go do you work or study i'm both employed as a driving instructor and i've been studying stock investing so that i can broaden my portfolio and hopefully make a ton of money in the future just the other day i invested some money into cryptocurrencies as i believe uh these will be more valuable in the future so i have that answer explanation example fluency and paraphrasing so instead of the word work i'm using the word employed okay instead of the word form study i'm using the present perfect continuous i've been studying okay so change up the grammar change up the actual word and you will get higher band scores for showing grammatical range and accuracy as well as lexical resource so these are your goals okay notice that use of the co-relative conjunction both and so it's emphasizing that i both work and study and a lot of us are doing both these days uh in the modern world so keep that in mind okay all right and they might ask you one more kind of warm-up question it's either one or two of these warm-up questions before they get into the specific topic of um part one so the next one is what will you do after this exam so what will you do after this exam okay now after this what will you do after this exam it might mean generally in your life like i'm going to go do my master's studies or right away like i'm going to go home and make some dinner for myself and my family it's up to you what you choose okay you could say both you could say well right after the exam i'm going home making dinner and then watching a bit of tv but in the long term i plan to finish my application for master's in the us and then continue my studies in marketing and finance okay all right so arya says once i get a good score in ielts i'll start applying for admissions to well-known canadian universities to pursue my bachelor's in biotechnology because of my keen interest in research and the living world okay biology artist says i will return home by public transit it will probably take me around 30 minutes and let my parents know how the exam went if it goes well we may celebrate by going for a slap up meal all right arda i'm not sure what a slap up meal is i've never seen that expression before okay so warnesh says i will go home and take a rest until i get the results for the exam if i pass i will submit my registration for universities for biotechnology a lot of people want to do biotech these days i wonder why okay jaz says recently i've completed my graduation jazz i have graduated after that i will take a course in cyber security furthermore i'm planning to go overseas for my higher education okay jess uh careful with your grammar and word forms all right montasha says when i clear this exam i'm planning to travel to canada for my further education as well i want to organize a party with my friends and family near and dear ones kind of old school we don't really use that expression anymore okay jack williams says well i'm just going home and sitting back after this stressful exam i plan to enjoy my weekend with my friends okay very good all right so right after this exam i'm going to grab a bite to eat as i'm famished as i will be famished from all of the stress and thinking and in the long term i plan to apply for my postgraduate school either in the us or australia to continue my studies in marketing okay so uh here we go repeat after me what will you do after this exam now really really really uh pay attention to these kinds of elements in the questions because the examiner is already kind of fishing for certain types of grammar and in this case they're fishing for your ability to use the future participle will in your response or of course another way to say will is going to okay those are the same as many of you know and so you notice that i clearly have those appear in my response okay so here we go repeat after me right after this exam i'm going to grab a bite to eat as i will be famished from all of the stress and thinking and in the long term i plan to apply for my graduate school either in the us or australia to continue my studies in marketing so notice all those great sentence elements that's what the examiners are looking for and you really want to show that right out of the gates right from the beginning okay um here is a nice expression grab a bite or grab a bite to eat okay and of course using some more advanced vocabulary famished in this context means you'll be very very hungry okay all right uh naomi if the question is in past tense then you want to use the past tense okay if it's present perfect you want to use the present perfect the key is to reflect the grammar of the questions okay so reflect the grammar of the questions that's super super important okay so again an important tip i'm just going to write that up for you is to reflect the grammar of the questions okay always work on that tip reflect the grammar of the questions in your answers twice okay now if it doesn't work every time for you to do it twice that's fine um but uh try to do it twice okay so in this case what will you do after this exam i use the i will and also i use the i'm going to okay that really helps the examiner to identify your grammar grammar level okay so if you just say it once it's okay but if you say it twice especially if you can paraphrase it like will and going to or for example if the present perfect is used then maybe in one way you use the present perfect like i have done this and then you also use it as a present perfect continuous like i have been doing this then the examiner will be much more certain that you are able to use that grammar well and if you use the grammar a little bit awkwardly in one context or incorrectly but you use it correctly in the second context that will also help you to get a better score than if you just use it once and you use it incorrectly okay so really really really pay attention uh to that okay all right everybody clear on that so everybody pick that up give me a thumbs up or a yes or gotcha so when you have a question if it's a present perfect use the present perfect in your answer and use it twice okay practice this before your exam so practice this use of the grammar twice in your response not just once but twice okay all right now i see some perfecto and some gotcha is coming up thumbs up that's great okay so very good all right that is your way to getting those bad nines okay when i sat my official ielts exam that's exactly what i did is every time i heard a certain grammar i used it at least twice often three times in my response okay all right okay um so uh then the examiner will introduce the topic of uh part one they'll say let's talk about your exercise really pay attention to this your exercises not just let's talk about exercise but let's talk about your exercise part one is about you you so what kind of pronouns should you use uh when somebody is asking about you can anybody tell me kind of pronouns should i be using when somebody is talking about me or the examiners asking about you paulo says i me mine myself my right paulo um absolutely manu says i me my what should you not use okay this is an interesting one because a lot of students do this and it's a mistake we do this in our own language we do this in everyday conversation but it is a communication mistake it's a natural mistake in most people's language to do this when people are asking us about ourselves we often make this mistake um yeah exactly you right so we say oh you can do this you can go there you can do no no no i'm asking about you like me i can go there i like doing this okay so in part one and this is a very important tip okay use the pronouns i me mine my myself okay uh do not use you your yourself okay that would be useful if i was asking about myself right so uh the first question here is how often do you exercise so it's a question of frequency so think about your adverbs of frequency always sometimes rarely never um and um give me a nice full sentence answer with an explanation maybe an example okay so how often do you exercise arda says i frequently exercise especially after waking up to start the day with good energy also i go to the gym not far from my home at weekends because i get more time on saturdays and sundays to get a good workout in just last sunday i went for a couple hours did an upper body workout it was great just sewer says i do my workouts every day as i tend to stay healthy to be consistent with my studies in the morning i did exercise and stayed fresh for the rest of the day uh not stayed with fresh mind that's awkward english just sure so don't use that rashika says i do exercise on a daily basis for an hour before i go to my office from around 6 to 7 a.m this habit has helped me to stay healthy and productive not is helped me rashika but has helped me okay because of the achievement and the experience right halima says usually i don't do any workouts due to my busy schedule but i really want to do some exercise so as to stay healthy yeah and that's a good answer helena um students exercise is the key to success in life our bodies are designed to move our brain works better so don't let a busy lifestyle stop you from exercising find time make time your life will be better okay that's just personal advice sometimes i throw into these lessons okay all right uh swarnesh [Music] i have a schedule for exercise um and as i was in graduation i have little time for exercise but i do short bursts of five minutes whenever i have a chance like some quick push-ups sit-ups or stretches okay swarnesh answer explain example watch your grammar okay all right so again a great way to answer these questions is to start with an adverb of frequency like i regularly exercise at least four to five times a day whether i'm doing yoga or going for a jog i dedicate myself to staying fit and healthy just before this exam i did 30 minutes of stretch yoga and i feel much better for it okay all right um so here's an answer all right again i start with an uh an adverb of frequency so regularly i regularly exercise and then i go into quantitative language meaning numbers numbers are very powerful for clear communication quantifying your language at least four to five times a day sorry i meant to say weak there that's a bit awkward and if you catch a mistake it's good to correct so you can say i meant to say a week okay right so one more time i regularly exercise at least four to five times a week whether i'm doing yoga or going for a jog i dedicate myself to staying fit and healthy just before this exam i did 30 minutes of stretch yoga and i feel much better for it and by the way students i highly recommend that for your ielts exam especially the sit down part of your exam where you're sitting for three hours so doing a bit of light stretching before the sitting part of your ielts exam is a really good idea and it can absolutely have a positive influence on your results on your marks okay um dedicating yourself means that you commit time commit energy or give time give energy to that goal okay so i dedicate myself to staying fit and healthy i hope everybody is speaking and repeating not just watching me all animated in front of the camera okay all right um okay so let's go to the next question what is your favorite place to do exercise okay so this is a where question it's a location question ielts examiner's always fishing for these different kinds of what when where why w questions so be prepared for that so what is your favorite place now favorite place means just one so don't start listing like at the park at home at the gym just one one place talk about where it is why you like it and maybe an example okay all right um [Music] montasha says well i love to do exercise in my garden because i feel happy and take in fresh air moreover um by doing this i spend time in nature very good montasha yeah doing exercise outdoors is a brilliant idea okay uh mohit says as i mentioned running is one of my favorite exercises generally i avoid running on a treadmill instead i prefer to run in an open park as i get exposure to fresh air and greenery right mohit okay good give me an example there bakrat says i do exercise in the morning time and i started doing some new physical exercises to reduce my back pain um bakrat it's you're off topic this is where where is your favorite place okay ha lynn says i hit the gym on a daily basis as it's the perfect place for me to work out and make friends while exercising they have many different kinds of gym equipment which are specially engineered for a full body workout okay haul in yeah the gym is a great place if i were to say the gym i would explain that the reason i enjoy the gym is because it's the right atmosphere for getting a good workout plus it has all the equipment necessary for an intensive effective workout okay so i would include those details talking about the gym so really think about that why question students and think about the logic right uh gyms are sometimes stinky dark little holes in the ground um but yet they're still just great for working out because of that atmosphere and of all the equipment okay so anthony matthews says i like to exercise in my front yard because there's a basketball ring so that after i do some exercise and stretch i have fun shooting some hoops anthony playing basketball another way to say that is shooting hoops i love basketball so we could talk b-ball jargon all day so shooting hoops okay so i love to get a great workout in nature because uh i um taken lots of fresh air and i find the greenery and scenery meditative um so that i can recharge both physically and mentally i just went for a seaside run this morning and the salty fresh air really gave me a great boost for the day all right so here we go repeat after me what is your favorite place to do exercise i love to get a great workout in nature because i take in lots of fresh air and i find the greenery and scenery meditative so that i can recharge both physically and mentally i just went for a seaside run this morning and the salty fresh air really gave me a great boost for the day i love that salty air that's uh near the ocean here not far from my house um so again answer and one way to remind yourself to include an example is just to throw the word because in there so when you're studying your ielts speaking as soon as you give your answer automatically say because and then that will force you to give the explanation okay and then another way to remind yourself to put in that example is by saying i just okay and then that will prompt you to throw in the example okay all right when you see new words students like maybe for some of you you're not used to hearing the word seaside okay make sure to write that down in your vocabulary so any new words or phrases that you're catching in these lessons add it to your vocabulary okay so one more time what is your favorite place to do exercise i love to get a great workout in nature because i take in lots of fresh air and i find the greenery and scenery meditative so that i can recharge both physically and mentally i just went for a seaside run this morning and the salty fresh air really gave me a great boost for the energy this kind of descriptive language will definitely boost you to that band nine score salty fresh air okay all right um so let's skip a couple of questions and let's just go to this present perfect here okay here we go students so um let me get all this scribble off the screen there we go and let's jump to this present perfect has the way you exercise now changed from the past give me a nice full sentence answer for this one i'm going to do the same and then we'll compare all right so let's see what you come up with and then we'll compare okay anthony welcome to our group of members make sure to send me an email so we can hook you up with those perks for those exclusive videos turpati says i regularly do exercise in my garden um so i can breathe the fresh air in the morning time uh it helps me to feel confident and be more active after that i take a shower and have breakfast okay turpati don't go too far off topic right we're talking about where you like to do exercise that was for the previous question let's get to this one okay arda says yes because of the pandemic the way i exercise has changed in a way that i don't go for a walk uh to get fresh air more than before the pandemic so i have to work out at home as i don't have a lot of equipment arta good you're showing me present perfect a couple of times a little bit confusing response so maybe rethink it paulo reese says sure it has changed a lot over the years many years ago i used to go to the gym then i discovered uh calisthenics when i started to work outdoors nowadays i love to jump rope and run very nice okay get this off the screen here okay all right great uh kunal says you can improve your health by eating more of a balanced diet including more vegetables and fruits in your diet and replacing junk food uh canal that's the mistake that i talked about before in the class you probably missed that um so you're answering a different question you're answering the question of what can you do to improve your health and now you're saying you can do this you can do that but i'm not asking about me i'm asking about you okay i actually do all those things so i pay attention to my diet and i get regular exercise so it's awkward to tell me to do that especially since i do it so this is a good example canal of where you want to make sure that you're using i me my and not you and yours okay so i appreciate you for that i can emphasize this point for the students mohit says yes definitely my exercise routine has changed uh from a cup for the past few years now i take care of my injuries and i have become more conscious about my diet compared to before okay diet and exercise are not the same mojit so don't confuse those and your exercise routine has not been changed you changed it it's an active voice okay so careful students not to use the passive voice of present perfect when it's not correct in this case you're doing the exercise okay krish says indubitably i love the pronunciation of that word indubitably my way of exercise has changed a lot because i have developed a great interest in yoga so my interest in going to the gym has declined moreover yoga is cheaper okay krish good uh indubitably means um absolutely so without a doubt indubitably without a doubt okay is the meaning of indubitably all right um here is my answer has the way you exercise now changed from the past yes it has in the past i had gone to the gym for many workouts or for my workouts but these days i have been working out at home in order to reduce the chances of contracting covid also the gym gyms have been closed often due to the pandemic however i have been hoping to get back to the gym once they open now students i do caution you so word of caution in your speaking interview if you mention covid maybe once maybe twice because it makes sense that's okay but don't keep talking about covid okay um it's a beaten topic um it's a dead horse that's been kicked around for the past three years people are aware of it and a lot of students tend to go into their ielts exams they're speaking interviews and talk about kovatkovitkovit also for writing task two don't do that so try to stay away from that topic as much as possible it doesn't impress the examiners it's a beaten topic okay so just be really careful about that what's important here is the present perfect so yes it has very quick way to show that you're using the present perfect had gone past perfect okay have been working out present perfect progressive gyms have been closed passive present perfect okay again present perfect progressive so lots of present perfect in my answer there i'm picking up those um points for grammatical range and accuracy all right students i'm going to stop with this question and i know i skipped a couple of questions and we still have uh one more question here uh if you could choose just one workout what would it be you can practice these on your own okay and you can do that on our websites so if you go to with this green background you can try it for free by clicking the green button of course you can just join the full course click the red button doesn't cost a lot of money and then you have this my student account once you create your account you log in and you've got lots and lots of great materials computer-based practice exams lesson videos apps for your phone and you have this student partner speaking there student partner speaking and you click on that and then you can practice your speaking with other students right now you have uh rojapa and naveen in here and you can video an audio chat with them okay so check that out and uh make a note in your calendar that uh we will be premiering the my old band 9 journey episode 2 test preparation this sunday i'll be back tomorrow okay um and tomorrow we will be focusing on uh task two writing start for members and reading for everyone so join me for that great work everyone thank you carolina for moderating the class thank you members for your support thank you students for watching hopefully you'll be back tomorrow much love to all of you keep it up keep using english i'm adrienne signing out from victoria for now bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 9,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: 71yrccZBvj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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