IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Fluent Band 9 Start

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a fantastic start to their week staying healthy staying strong and optimistic welcome carolina our moderator hi depica welcome members welcome regular students hi kyber nice to see you all in the class ready to learn thank you uh this class everyone is going to be an ielts speaking part one discussing about how to start with that fluent band nine and how to keep going with that band nine while we wait for some of your peers the lesson is presented to you by ae help dot com that's academic english help dot com for your academic ielts needs please visit us there for the general ielts check us out at g i e l t s help dot com that's on both of those websites we have loads and loads of tools and resources to help you improve your band scores with good communication and good english this is our academic ielts website here with the blue background you can click this big red button to join the premium package it's a one-time payment for lifetime access we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so you're in good hands with us for the general ielts it's the green background and again just click that big red button to join us there when you have a my student account and you log in because this is a speaking class i want to show you this you can practice your speaking for free with other ielts students simply click on this student partner speaking it's 100 free and then you will have a chance to video or audio chat with some other people we often have quite a few users in here these days waiting for someone so we have bill goone rahul preet vasil rajvir naveen and lots more in here so check that out vanchica sharma good luck on your speaking test tomorrow literally speaking don't freak out just stay calm and confident remember in one day there's not much more that you can do to speak better so just believe in yourself and do your best and follow some of the tips in this class and good luck when chica on your test tomorrow and good luck for everybody else who's doing their exam tomorrow for speaking all right um so uh you can get our apps academic ielts help and general ielts help you can link those apps to the websites a help and gl's help respectively and if you have questions you can send me an email to adrian and we'll get back to you pretty quick if you want to use uh carbon copy textbooks so physical textbooks you can get our exams from amazon a helps academic outs g helps general outs if you're doing the paper-based test it's a good idea to practice with physical paper-based versions of the exam if you're doing the computer-based exam it's a good idea to practice with digital materials so keep that in mind like it's a good idea to practice um with the medium that you're actually uh doing for the official test so uh that's always a wise and smart idea we have lots of classes this week so right now speaking part one make sure to speak and repeat so copy my intonation my pronunciation my enunciation uh the inflections deflections in my voice uh we'll have reading for members in the early earlier hours tomorrow and then listening part one and part two so we've got some listening uh throughout the week and more speaking on saturday so we have classes today all the way to saturday hi andrei welcome to the class again welcome members thank you for your support okay uh so uh you are going to sit your speaking exam the speaking part of the ielts it's an interview it's uh face-to-face it's one-on-one with an ielts examiner that examiner might have a british accent they might have a canadian accent like mine uh an american accent aussie accent so be ready for different accents from your examiner of course if you're in the us or canada it's much more likely you're going to hear a canadian accent if you're in europe somewhere british accent is going to be more common in asia you might hear an australian accent more often so be ready for that the interview is 12 minutes okay it's three parts they've got speaking part one it's about five minutes or so speaking part two it's three minutes roughly and then speaking part three is about four to five minutes as well all in all it's going to be about 12 minutes the examiner has a set of questions they have to go through okay and they will cover those questions your goal is to show your best english and your best communication okay so that's what you have to keep in mind in this interview remember this is not an esl test so the examiner is not going to speak to you like an esl teacher that's really really important to remember okay so a couple of quick tips right off the bat all right you must show your best communication and english skills okay keep that in mind all right so it's not just about your vocabulary and grammar but it's also about the way that you answer your questions so for those high bands like band 8 band 9 they are judging the content of what you're saying as well so the quality of your answers not just your english okay all right and another tip is ielts a lot of people think it's an english as a second language exam it's not an esl exam okay so ielts is not an esl exam that doesn't say that anywhere when you do your registration um it is an english proficiency exam it is also taken by many native english speakers for the same reasons i just met actually a person yesterday believe it or not so here in victoria i was playing tennis a couple of weeks ago and i was talking to this young man that i was playing tennis with and he was asking me what i do and i said you know i specialize in ielts training and he goes oh yeah i took that exam and i said oh really and he said yeah yeah i took that and the pte um when i went to australia and he's a canadian guy born canadian english speaker so um and he got a 7.5 overall so there you go um so it's also taken by many native english speakers for the same reasons uh immigration school and work okay so keep that in mind uh this means the examiner will speak to you the same as any other native english speaker okay so just be ready for that all right keep that in mind all right they don't slow down all right okay um so those are just a couple of tips uh speak full sentences um use so here's our first strategy okay as we get into our first few questions use the introductory questions um and ice breakers these are like the first three or four questions to build your fluency and confidence this means speak in complete clear formal fluent sentences and i'll show you how to do that so don't freak out okay we're gonna do that right now right so uh you get to your ielts exam and you arrive an hour early you take some speaking questions with you you find some other candidates you're focused you're not chatting about the weather you're not um talking about covid and what happened to you yesterday with other people but you get focused you find someone and you say hey excuse me are you here for the ielts exam and they say yes i am and then you say okay well would you mind doing a bit of speaking practice i have some speaking questions with me this should help us to be more confident warm up and i'm sure somebody there will say yes that's a great idea let's do this so you practice for 20-30 minutes you go to the washroom you hydrate you drink water and you register for your speaking 20 minutes before your interview of course you have your passport with you during the registration process usually the people working at the ielts exam center or somebody from your community do not let they should be speaking english but i discovered that sometimes they don't um keep speaking in english don't switch to your language ask them you know where do i put my wallet my phone um i've brought my passport is this enough can i go to the bathroom before i go into the room so speak in english okay and then eventually 20 minutes later the examiner will call you into the examination room and they will begin the interview so they will say welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrien and i will be your examiner for this part of the test i'm recording this for marking purposes this is candidate number 79351 currently the time is 14 o'clock and we are doing this exam in paris france now we shall begin i will give you instructions for each of the three parts before i ask you questions on these parts may i see your identification so the very first question that they will ask is to see your identification the exact same identification that you use to register for the exam the exact same identification that you used 20 minutes ago to register at the test center so give me a nice full sentence for this again remember this strategy use these introductory questions and icebreakers to build your fluency and confidence okay so charman says yes certainly here is my passport which i used to register for this exam a couple of weeks ago please have a look nice and fluent right charmin that's great okay lydia says certainly here is my passport that i used for registration online a couple of weeks ago please take a look very similar to charmin but hey that works it's natural it's clear okay all right uh riku says yeah sure here's my passport please just allow me a moment to flip to the page with my credentials okay here it is please take a look very nice riku yeah because sometimes it's hard especially with passports to get to that page where we actually see our picture that's good mohit says yes certainly i have my passport right here which i used to register for this exam three weeks back please take a look at my credentials very nice mohit so that's again a little bit different natural your own diction nice and fluent okay they will not interrupt you as long as you're fluent and clear so if you say these responses the way that i'm saying them they're not going to interrupt you but if you get stuck and if you're really having a struggle to say this sentence they will just kind of interrupt you and say okay and what's your name all right they don't want to waste time they have 12 minutes they need to go through the questions so keep that in mind nick hill says certainly here is my id that i used to register for this exam four weeks ago please have a look very good nikhil sure to the point hon han says yes my pleasure here's my passport i used to register for this exam please take a look ah says yes of course here's my passport that i used for registration please have a look yeah those are all good so again and again yeah just finish nicely say please have a look so sometimes i still hear students saying yeah sure and that's not enough so by all means that's a nice expression by the way and by all means is another way to say yes of course or yes sure by all means so by all means uh here is my passport that i've used or that i have used to register for this test please give me a moment to find the page with my credentials okay here it is uh please take a look all right so here's another way um to say this the more the merrier all right here we go so repeat after me again speak and repeat uh repetition is good practice it's not the only practice but it's good practice okay so may i see your identification by all means here's my passport that i've used to register for this test please give me a moment to find the page with my credentials flip flip all right here it is please take a look great next question is uh what is your full name okay so again nice full sentence for this one don't overdo it but definitely give a clear polite response let them know what you want them to call you okay so what is your full name tejasai says my full name is pawan tejasai as you can see my passport you can call me by my first name teja or teja i'm not sure um but if i heard it i would call you as such okay a cyrillic i can't read that so uh please spell it out okay my full name is and you can call me uh by my english nickname jane okay all right uh mohit says my first name is mohit and my family name is nagi please call me by my first name mohit that's when i'm used to being called by my friends and family okay good um yeah by my friends and family the examiner is not really your friend or your family it's okay to say that i would just finish with this is what i'm used to being called mohit uh because it kind of implies like the examiner is becoming a part of your family or friends and it's probably not the case okay um all right hang new in says my full name is lanley so you can call me lan um [Music] so you can call me is a bit direct for a person that you don't know hang so i wouldn't recommend that i would say please call me okay or can you please call me so when we meet somebody new for the first time especially in a professional situation um we usually say please refer to me as or please call me if we're not in a position of seniority if we're in a position of seniority so you're the boss in the company and you have a new employee that's when we say like you can call me or call me this okay all right nick hill says my given name is nick hill and my family name's pasta please just call me by my first name nick hill very good yeah so uh my given name is um roger and then my surname is [Music] mctavish please just call me raj uh for short okay uh it's sometimes tricky for me to keep coming up with new names uh for these uh questions but here we go here's another new one for you today um so another way to say this uh speak and repeat after me so what is your full name my given name is roger and my surname is mctavish please just call me raj for short so uh in uk or british english you will hear surname for family names in american english you will often hear family names so family name mctavish british english they'll say surname mctavish canadians we love mixing american and british english so if you mix the two languages you're really just speaking canadian english welcome to my club um so it's okay either one is good don't worry about it as long as you're nice and clear with this okay all right so then the examiner will ask you a couple more questions to get to know you better help you to feel a little bit more comfortable again use these questions to build your confidence and your fluency look the examiner in the eye and give them nice full sentence answers okay um so next question this could be a typical question what did you do this morning so the examiner will say now i will ask you a couple more questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic so what did you do this morning kyber says this morning i did a summer shred workout and practice some speaking topics with my friends jerry to be fresh as well as to be prepared for this exam kyber very nice some shred workout hey okay that means a very intense workout to build muscle mass all right lydia says um i woke up initially at 8am i headed straight to the bathroom brushed my pearly whites for two minutes with my braun electric toothbrush then i prepared a healthy breakfast to help my brain focus on this exam okay lydia just a couple of slight corrections there but overall very nice i love your use of quantitative language so you said i woke up at 8 00 a.m you didn't just say early morning or mid morning you said 8 a.m uh mohit same idea very nice quantitative language quantitative language means numbers mohit says after i woke up at 5 a.m firstly i made my bed and then i took a cold shower i did ten minutes of meditation then had breakfast at seven after that i took the bus to get to this exam center nice and early so i could practice with some fellow candidates okay very good mohit right dan ewan says uh this morning i woke up and prepared for the speaking exam by practicing with my friends i also had a workout to bump up my energy levels not energy to my mind then but to bump up my energy levels okay terza says after i woke up and made my bed this morning i took a shower and then i continued to prepare for my online class at 8 00 a.m tears uh be very careful with your verb it's all past tense what did you do this morning okay july says this morning after doing some personal hygiene i went jogging for about 30 minutes to improve my energy and then i had breakfast and prepared to get to this exam okay july same thing watch your verb tense a couple of corrections there okay not i go jogging for a while but i went jogging for a while all right rashika says this morning i woke early around 5 a.m i took a quick shower to freshen up and made a healthy breakfast then i hopped on the public bus to come here okay rashika i made a few corrections there for your language to be much more natural review that uh students if you look up and see the time in the video right now it's 23 minutes 42 seconds when i give you feedback and when you hear it's oh this is my response here's some feedback make a note of the time and then you can compare what i say versus what you wrote and you can also practice that and repeat it the same way that i say it you will do well okay all right uh bakrat says i'm not an early bird so i woke up at 10 i went to college classes after finishing breakfast um my breakfast sandwich and after leaving college i took a cab back home before i came to this test okay very good so those are all some good responses so um so i woke up early at 6 00 am took a shower brushed my teeth and then i had a healthy breakfast before sitting down and going over my notes for this exam i hopped on a bus and got here in the last hour okay so here we go nice and fluent again quantitative language is extremely important for good clear communication so saying 6 a.m seven a.m 30 minute bike ride 20 minute breakfast those are all really good ways to clarify your morning routine okay so here we go repeat after me when you're practicing make sure to repeat questions as well as answers so what did you do this morning i woke up early at 6 00 am took a shower brushed my teeth and then i had a healthy breakfast before sitting down and going over my notes for this exam i hopped on a bus and got here in the last hour so really nice sequencing some past perfect okay good fluency here and natural language right okay next question what do you plan to do on the weekend okay so they asked you about the morning it's a good chance they might ask you about the weekend so what do you plan to do on the weekend a good way to start this as well uh this saturday i want to okay and on sunday so there's some of that quantitative and qualitative language where you're actually indicating your weekend saturday sunday or if your weekend is friday saturday then you say friday saturday okay uh narendra cover is asking me what is the meaning of going over going over my notes okay going over my notes means to review so go over is a phrasal verb that means to review good question okay so yeah if you have some questions about what i say then um ask me so it's a phrasal verb or verb phrase and it means to review okay good question i like questions all right ben odd uh says well i haven't made a schedule for the weekend but i guess i will do my household chores such as cleaning uh my room and uh electronic gadgets besides that i'm intending to visit my grandpa's house show some belonging there that's very good bernard okay uh karen says well this uh weekend i plan to spend some valuable time with my friends and uh maybe go to the movies as nowadays there's a very nice movie playing in the theaters what's that nice movie karn i'd love to hear it if you're introducing it okay depica says well this weekend i want to catch up with my studies that i missed this week because i had to travel here for this exam from my hometown so that will take up most of my time on saturday and sunday okay dapica kind of finish that idea all right potato ops says well this weekend i have plans to go to a couple of nearby touristy places with my friends called sud hutar and after spending a couple of hours there we will return home and play some online games okay potato op not bad i made a few corrections there to make it natural and accurate mohit says usually during the weekends i prefer togo own a long drive with my family or to have a party at my friend's house just last saturday i went swimming mohit you're off topic students do not answer off topic what do you plan to do on the weekend means this weekend okay mohit so if you say what you plan to do on like generally on the weekends and what you did last weekend you're not actually answering my question it's very very important that your answers are directly related to the question that you're being asked not parallel not general but directly related okay brahma says well i tend to do lots of activities such as go on picnics and read comic books but this time i'm going to be with my friends because i've not seen them for about a month and i miss them okay brahma not bad again focus directly on the question so start with the this weekend i plan to meet with my friends and then go into that in more detail okay so very very important i'll give you this note because i see a couple of these types of responses your answers for band 9 must be directly related to the question and not in general or off topic of course so you should not answer for this question you shouldn't say something like well there are lots of activities i like to do at the weekend okay dot dot shouldn't do that okay so you have to be direct now uh depending on your examiner whether they're canadian like myself or british or american they will have their own style of diction so if they're american they might say on the weekend if they're british they might say at the weekend uh please do not criticize the examiners don't be like i think they made a mistake right i think okay no they they know what they're doing okay they might be speaking with a different addiction or dialect so don't criticize them focus on yourself only okay again americans canadians will say on the weekend uh british australians will say at the weekend okay so uh what do you plan to do on the weekend all right and i have my start here so well this saturday i want to go whoa i want to go for um a half day hike with my friends um at a nearby forest as i love nature a good workout and on sunday i will kick back and relax at home i will likely watch a movie and read a good book okay all right so nice and fluent full sentence here we go repeat after me what do you plan to do on the weekend well this saturday i want to go for a half day hike with my friends at a nearby forest as i love nature and a good workout and on sunday i will kick back and relax at home i will likely watch a movie and read a good book all right this answer contains a little bit of idiomatic language as well okay so you can see this expression here kick back it is a good idea to use some expressions in some idiomatic language in your speaking exam you will get a better band score for that however do not use complicated idioms out of context okay that's a very very important tip so don't force idioms only use them when they come naturally okay so do not force idioms into your communication just to use them these will lower your scores because they are unnatural and confusing okay so use expressions and idioms naturally and keep them simple okay so just one or two words don't use some really complex idioms they're not looking for that okay phrasal verbs are considered idioms as well all right okay so then the examiner will introduce the topic of um part one so they'll say something like let's talk about helping people okay now when you hear the key word helping you should think about some other ways to express that so you can say that in lots of different ways because these questions will focus on helping what are some other ways to express helping people okay how can you say help or helping a person what are some ways to express that differently let's see what you come up with okay deloitte says supporting yeah so the word support for sure that's a good one aneesh asked the question and if i catch it or if carolina catches it we'll answer that question uh kabita says assist yes assisting is very good uh quinn anyone says lend a hand or give a hand yep lend or give a hand yes very nice okay uh goro space says charity or donation or words that come to mind yeah very nice very good okay uh remedy care for aid very good okay very nice um another way to say support as an idiom by the way is to be a pillar all right you can be a pillar for someone to give support okay advise is another good one great okay so those are good very nice so those are words that should be racing to your mind when you hear the examiner introduce this concept let's talk about helping people okay uh so the first question the examiner might ask you is something like how often do you get help from others okay so how often do you get help from others uh give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so answer explain example that's what you're thinking of here okay answer explain example all right all right uh ancilla that's definitely on off topic answers so think about it again so how often do you get help from others uh terza your answer is off topic as well batista so rethink it um lydia says i usually receive assistance from people every single day especially from my colleagues at university during the previous orientation week of college one of my friends helped me to organize my presentation very good lydia that's exactly what we're looking for okay depica says well almost always i would say i'm a person who believes that somebody's helping us every single minute of our life but to be specific today i sought some help from my uncle um to uh stay in his house and study for this exam depica very nice answer i love it it's natural it's intelligent great explanation and good example smooth example at the end so very good job depica that's that's exactly what examiners are looking for for those high band scores okay ashutosh agrawal thank you for the compliment and thank you for the super chat donation i appreciate that puts a smile on my face and makes me feel positive thank you um okay uh deloitte a little bit of an awkward beginning rethink that okay all right um so when you're asked about frequency use an adverb of frequency and then quantify it so i frequently get help from friends family and colleagues each and every day i would say at least 10 times this is because i need advice on how to build my company as well as help to complete my daily chores in fact yesterday my mom made a big meal to help me save time not having to cook okay so uh here we go uh repeat after me how often do you get help from others i frequently get help from my friends family and colleagues each and every day i would say at least 10 times this is because i need advice on how to build my company as well as help to complete my daily chores in fact yesterday my mom made a big meal to help me save time uh not having to cook okay watch that interesting grammar there and that would be considered a band 9 answer because it answers the question directly it gives an explanation and an example okay ashutosh thank you again for that super chat um uh donation ashitosh says you really did help a lot of ielts aspiring students um it's my pleasure ashitosh i'm happy when students succeed on the outs because i know that's a big stepping stone in life for work and immigration and to live better and enjoy life more so uh what we say in all of our emails and on our websites that your success is our success is very very true thank you for that okay all right um so here we go next question what do you usually need help with so the first question was asking how often this question is asking what do you usually need help with so being specific okay you don't have to be honest here what's important is that you stay fluent okay and if you've mentioned what you need help with then build on that go into more detail okay students who get band-aid band 9 are those that are able to go into detail and digress into their topics digress means go deep down into those topics right okay kabita says well i often get assistance from my friends and my elder brother whenever i get stuck on a silly problem in fact last monday my friend rahul helped me solve a mathematic equation that i was racking my brain on for 30 minutes okay kabita i threw in some idiomatic language racking my brain means like you're stressing you can't figure it out okay saeed says i usually seek help from my university mates on various subjects in fact last week we were working on a project and i needed help to understand a specific topic okay good said yeah that works all right potato op says i usually need advice um on which directions to go in life i'm willing to learn and curious to build my confidence level uh and i watch some motivational videos that help me build confidence virtually okay potato up all right ashutosh awesome you're binge watching that's great for your learning again thank you for those donations on goon mulia says i usually need help with my studies i often ask my friends to explain lectures that i couldn't understand in class on goon that's a really nice response give me an example of that on goon so last week we had a microbiology class on cell organelles i had difficulty understanding that but my friends help me out okay all right so uh in regards uh to my previous uh response i often ask my colleagues to help me with um technical uh situations in my company uh specifically uh related to software issues uh last week eldar helped me to set up a trello a software used to organize projects in the company okay so uh here we go uh what do you usually need help with in regards to my previous response i often ask my colleagues to help me with technical situations in my company specifically related to software issues last week eldar helped me to set up trello a software used to organize projects in the company okay so there again is an answer with an example and that's what you need to do okay let's jump a question here so uh here we go let's try this one uh the reason i'm jumping the question is because i want to get to these questions which are a bit more challenging they're using a bit more advanced grammar so here the question is have you helped someone recently if yes how and here of course you see the present perfect so have you helped as soon as you hear that present perfect make sure to use present perfect okay so have you helped someone recently so for those of you who have pre-loaded answers for this question that's fine you can practice those later but let's get to this one here so have you helped someone recently if you ask how okay and again it's likely that you have most of us help and get help every single day okay lydia girga says yes i recently helped my cousin improve her reading and speaking skills professionally in english i started to provide her with essential steps on how to pronounce the letters a to z okay as her parents hadn't educated her enough when she was in grade one so i teach her every thursday and saturday from 1 30 to 5 15 p.m lydia that's very nice of you and that's great ancillar bonnie says i don't get help everyday basis but occasionally when it's needed like a couple days ago i needed sugar to prepare tea as i was out of it and ask my neighbor and so that's a bit odd but you're off topic there's because have you helped so not have you received help so have you helped someone recently uh kibita again it's have you helped okay all right um rashed says yes recently i've helped my friend with my studies related to biology and mathematics in which i have helped him by solving some math problems which she didn't understand from our online class okay good so here i'll give you an answer as well indeed i have had a bit of assistance uh just the other day to move a dresser from my car to my daughter's bedroom it was really heavy so i asked a passerby to lend me a hand and a young gentleman help me carry the furniture to the room okay uh so true story canadians are quite helpful i was moving a dresser the other day here we go uh importantly it's the present perfect that you have to reflect so have you uh sorry sorry have you helped someone recently how um and here i misread the question i thought it was has someone helped me recently okay um so my bad here it is has someone helped you so indeed i have given i have to change it here now that i reread it my bad and this is what you have to be careful about okay anybody can make mistakes but if you catch it make sure to correct it okay so indeed i have given a bit of assistance uh just the other day to move a dresser uh from a car to my neighbor's bedroom there so i have to correct that i misread that question it was really heavy so he asked me to lend a hand notice i'm changing it all and i helped him carry now if i can't think of an example i can take the example from my own life and switch it and make it like it's somebody else's life so that's a really good trick to come up with answers and again if you make a mistake and you realize after and in this case it's likely the examiner will repeat the question so have you helped someone recently if yes how and then you can say oh sorry my bad yes i have okay and then you go with this so making corrections is okay and you can still get a bad nine if you make this kind of a mistake as long as you correct it okay the examiners know that people are nervous and that is to be expected if you make one or even two mistakes like this you can still get a band-aid band nine as long as you're clear and you correct okay so here we go have you helped someone recently if yes how so i misheard the question oh sorry my bad i misheard the question yes i have indeed i have given a bit of assistance just the other day to move a dresser from a car to my neighbor's bedroom it was really heavy so he asked me to lend a hand and i helped him carry the furniture to the room okay there you go and you can change it in real time all right so for those students who i was criticizing for answering the question wrong my bad okay all right um so next question here if you need assistance during work or school who do you ask for help okay so this is a conditional give me a nice full sentence answer for this one make sure you use the condition in your answer if you need assistance during work or school who do you ask for help give me a nice full sentence answer okay lydia very fast i bet you prepared for this class which is great if i need a helping hand i will consult my older sister an interior designer in a medical center she can deal with difficult situations with different people especially in professional settings just yesterday we spent the night together having a discussion about critical uh thinking for three hours wow okay adomia says in my opinion it's better to ask for someone who has an idea about what we are going to ask after investigation so as to get indispensable informations that can solve what we have faced and not be confused ademias unfortunately i'm really confused with that response i don't know who you ask for help when you need help okay all right i see gaming says it would definitely be my best buddy as he is always my go-to person and without any hesitation he can assist me like yesterday he helped me to complete my math assignment as he is good at arithmetic very good i see so your best friend yeah nice dui puspita sorry welcome to our group of members uh make sure to send me an email so i can hook you up with those videos and exams okay all right um yeah so as i have mentioned in my work i often ask my right hand man eldar for assistance with software and in everyday life i lean on my wife to give me much support yesterday she helped me to do some bookkeeping as well as uh cooked a wonderful meal as i did not have time uh to prepare any food okay so uh if you need assistance during work or school who do you ask for help let's start that with a conditional whenever i need uh help as i have mentioned in my work i often ask my right hand man eldar for assistance with software and in everyday life i lean on my wife to give me much needed support yesterday she helped me to do some bookkeeping as well as cooked a wonderful meal as i did not have time to prepare any food okay so lots of paraphrasing help uh assistance right hand man or right hand woman it's somebody that you often um get help from or give assignments to to divide and conquer okay and then much needed support to lean on someone means they give you support you lean on them okay all right so again that's what you want to do is reflect the grammar when it's present perfect have you ever yes i have um if you could if i had the chance so reflect that grammar in your answers good job everyone that's it for today and if you want to continue practicing your ielts speaking remember you can do that on our websites at for academic ielts and for general ielts the general ielts website once you log in looks like this and you have your student partner speaking option right there academic outs looks like this you can click that big red button to join the premium package there carolina thank you so much for moderating this class you are great help with that on today's topic and thank you members for your support that's awesome i hope everybody has a lovely rest of your day i will be back tomorrow at this time with ielts listening practice and strategy with a listening test from our exams and just before that um i will also host a reading class for our members all right everyone and you can check out the schedule on the youtube community board as well okay take care everyone stay healthy stay strong believe in yourselves much love to you all bye for now you
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Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: G2MPlfdOMuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 16sec (3556 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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