PART 1 ANSWERS | IELTS Speaking Exam

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hi my name is julius and welcome to ielts dragon today i will answer the topic questions for the ielts speaking part 1 test but just a disclaimer it's not 100 guaranteed that you're gonna get one of these topics in your actual test but anyway we have nothing to lose so let's just practice let's learn how to answer these questions so that we can be more than prepared without further ado let's begin let's talk about public gardens and parks would you like to play in a public garden or park i'm not sure if we can play in a public garden but i do love playing in a park i love playing on the trapeze bars slides and climbing frames though i'm already an adult i still enjoy playing and hanging out with my friends or my cousins at the park if i have to choose between the two i go for a park because it's fun there are so many pieces of equipment that i can use to enjoy such as seesaws slides swings to name a few this question reminds me of my childhood i just wish i could turn back the clock what do you like to do when visiting a park normally i exercise i go cycling or spend time jogging around a park i actually do that every weekend and it's my way of keeping myself fit also i sometimes play in the park especially if i want to spend time with my cousins i love walking around the park with my dog it's the only place in the city where i can be close to nature the freshness of the air is refreshing which helps me relieve stress and gives me peace of mind how have parks changed today compared to the time when you were a kid obviously most parks these days are crowded when i was little there weren't so many people in the parks where we visited however these days almost all parks are packed during weekends besides in the past we barely saw people during weekdays but these days it's impossible not to see many people in the park even though it's a weekday undeniably parks these days are way better in terms of facilities there are more entertainment tools which both children and adults can enjoy there is a comfortable restroom what else there's a drinkable water fountain and many more convenient facilities looking back parks in the past weren't as convenient as these days would you prefer to play in a personal garden or public garden neither because honestly i don't really see gardens as a playground i mean gardens are a place where people can enjoy the beauty of flowers trees and well-trimmed grass they're mostly well taken care of and playing in a garden is like destroying its main purpose but that's just me anyway i feel more comfortable playing in a personal garden because it's private i don't enjoy playing in a public garden as i feel like a lot of people are looking at me although in reality they're not i don't know i just have that kind of vibe let's talk about concentration is it difficult for you to stay focused on something sadly yes i easily get distracted these days and that's simply because i've become reliant on using my smartphone every single day when i study or when i'm at work my phone is always with me as a result the notifications i get every now and then stop me from focusing on what i actually do no because when i have to do something i make sure to give my hundred percent focus besides i'm the kind of person who is a perfectionist i can't make mediocre things so for me to achieve great results in the things that i do i always give my very best to concentrate what do you do to help yourself concentrate considering my current addiction to using smart devices i think i need to discipline myself that is i have to limit myself when using smartphones or computers i really think that i need to rehabilitate myself so i can focus on doing things better well it's easier said than done but i will challenge myself as i don't have any problem with concentration i will keep my style or my way of doing things since it has proven effective there's nothing to change i'm just glad that i have cultivated an attitude of self-discipline through that i won't easily get distracted what may distract you when you're trying to stay focused well it's always my phone's notifications such as emails likes and comments on my social media accounts or messages from my friends and family i think i'm not the only person in the world who has this kind of problem i guess a lot of people these days are having the same problem as i am since i don't easily get distracted when i do something i believe the only thing that makes me lose a focus is a very serious problem or an emergency i'm pretty sure i won't be able to concentrate if the situation is not in my favor when do you need to focus well let me think since concentration is always my problem i believe when i take an exam of course i don't want to fail an exam as a failing is an indication of ignorance i don't want to be construed as dumb because that's just too embarrassing like i said earlier i'm a perfectionist type of person so in everything that i do i make sure to concentrate but you know what i sometimes realize that i'm being too hard on myself which is of course bad as it greatly affects my mental health that's something that i need to work on improving actually if you are busy with your work and don't have so much time preparing for ideas for each topic in the ielts speaking part 2 i'd like to offer my reviewer to you the things that you can see in my reviewer are the possible ideas that you can use for each cue card lexical resource explanations of the intermediate and advanced words that are naturally used the interactive sample monologues for each cue card and part three practice questions with answers my reviewers helped some students achieve their target band scores they all used my reviewers before taking the exam and successfully passed the ielts speaking test if you are interested in my reviewer just send me an email now let's continue our lesson let's talk about science do you like science not at all i'm more into arts and literature actually i was one of those students who barely passed major exams in science when i was a student i really wondered why i didn't inherit my parents interest in science but later i realized that i was born to love arts and literature so i simply embraced that weakness of mine definitely i enjoy learning all sorts of science but it's the subject of biology that captured my interest when i was a student all those things that i learned then are so helpful now that i'm a nurse when did you start to learn about science well in primary school if i'm not mistaken at the age of seven in this country schools curriculum requires pupils to learn science at a young age because our government wants children to love that subject as you know science plays an important role in developing a nation i think when i was 7 or 8 years old i still remember how fascinated i was learning about growing a plant from seed our teacher asked us to soak the seed in a container and after three days it germinated as a kid that was the most exciting lesson since it developed my ability to question things which science subject is interesting to you i'm sorry i don't like science at all but if i had to choose one i think it would be zoology because it's the study of animals well i love animals i have pets at home a dog two love birds and a cat like i said biology i'm happy learning about how life is formed and understanding how other living organisms survive on this planet earth those things really excite me what kinds of interesting things have you done with science well that's hard as i'm not a fan of learning science but let me think well perhaps when we conducted an experiment on the anatomy of a frog i think i can consider it interesting since i get to know the different parts of a frog when i think about it now i realized that that lesson didn't really add value to my life wow there were so many things but i must say the most interesting one is when i studied a cadaver it was actually preserved in the school's laboratory i was a nursing student then and our teacher wanted us to understand human anatomy better at first i was a bit scared but later on i was able to convince myself that i needed to face my fear as i wanted to become a nurse let's talk about handwriting do you like your handwriting yes i do but i think i can still improve my handwriting though my penmanship is often legible there are times that it isn't sometimes i can't simply understand the notes that i write in my notebook and that really annoys me well that depends on the style of my handwriting if it's sprint handwriting i have no complaints but if it's cursive i have so many issues such as some words are illegible messy penmanship or the size of the letters in a word is not proportionate these issues make me hate my cursive handwriting completely do you think hand writing is important in this digital age i think it's not that important since most of us are now dependent on using computers or smart devices but it doesn't mean that handwriting is completely obsolete now it's still important but not as important as it was in the past i believe so because that's a basic skill despite the advanced technology that we have right now we still need to write by hand such as when we need to sign an official document besides schools are still requiring students to write by hand and because of that handwriting is still very relevant in this computer age which do you prefer handwriting or typing i prefer the latter as it's much easier i can actually type very fast since my work involves typing so typing is more productivity wise than writing by hand that really depends if i have to send letters or cards to my friends or loved ones i love writing personal messages through handwriting other than that i go for typing as it's way more convenient what's the difference between hand writing and typing the simplest way to define the two is that handwriting is manual writing that is writing with the use of one's hand while typing is inputting texts on a computer with the use of a word processing software where a person can delete mistakes without any trace of erasures handwriting is a skill that people learn at a young age it's relying on one's hand when writing or scribbling typing on the other hand is still using one's hand but with the aid of a computer to input text on a word processing software let's talk about pets and animals what's your favorite animal and why i love dogs as they are the most loyal they're always there for you no matter what and they're the ones who lift your spirits whenever you're feeling down no wonder a lot of people consider dogs as their favorite i love birds because i enjoy listening to their chirping especially early in the morning i'm actually living in the countryside and our house is surrounded by different trees so every morning i hear them singing it's very relaxing and it makes me appreciate nature even more what is the most popular animal in your country i think it's the water buffalo because that's our national animal that animal symbolizes hard work in the past they were companions of farmers in killing the land since there weren't any tractors or any advanced farming equipment i'm not sure but i guess dogs since they're almost everyone's favorite actually most single people have their own pet dog in this country because you know they need a companion their pet dog will make them feel happy have you had a pet before yes i had a pet dog for more than 10 years her name was taz i had her when i was a primary schooler but sadly she succumbed to a vargan tumor when i was a college student it broke my heart since we spent so much time from primary school to college after losing her i decided not to have another pet dog sadly not i wanted to have a path when i was a child but our landlord didn't allow us to have any pets now that i'm living on my own i'm actually thinking of getting a pet i'm torn between a dog and a cat where do you prefer to keep your pet indoors or outdoors if i get another pet dog of course i will surely keep him indoors dogs are part of a family they should stay inside and live with all the members of the family i think either i mean i don't mind if my pet dog or cat will live with me inside my house but as you know their animals they want to go out most of the time so it's pretty fine for me if they choose to stay in their own pet house outside let's talk about colors what's your favorite color anything that's pastel i love these colors because they're soft and pleasing in fact our living room is pastel green it looks refreshing and inviting what colors do you dislike and why i just hate nay colors like neon green neon orange and such i get blinded by looking at those colors simply because they're just extremely bright i just can't imagine myself wearing shirts in those colors i don't like black despite its elegance i just don't have a good vibe with a color also i avoid wearing black shirts because they usually have white stains all over when i get sweaty that's too embarrassing what colors do your friends like the most i'm not sure that's something i've never thought about well i guess white since i've seen them wearing something white every now and then i bet that's what they like two of my closest friends love earth tones such as brown dark green and other earthly colors the other friends of mine are more into monochromatic colors well all of them look great whenever they wear shirts in those colors what color makes you uncomfortable in your room well aside from neon colors which i believe are suitable colors in a room i'm not comfortable having the color black in a room for me it's creepy and full of negativity i can't understand why some people paint their room black for sure bright colors a room must have a calming color so one can relax or sleep better i haven't seen someone having a bright color in his room my room is actually painted with a beige color and that's a very common color in most people's rooms before we continue i'd like to congratulate the successful test takers who spend time watching my videos lala band 8 rex ford aygie money band 8 peachy band 7 zakaria slim band seven congratulations everyone i'm very happy that my videos helped you achieve your target band scores thank you so much for watching my videos it means so much to me and to you who is watching this video uh i'm very much hoping that you will be the next person whom i can give a shout out i'm really looking forward to that let's talk about getting lost have you ever lost your way yes so many times as i don't have a sense of direction despite having gps in my car or using a google map i still get lost i'm just poor at directions and i don't think i can change that yes but not as much as in the past with google maps it's impossible that you can't find the direction of your destination well unless you have an internet connectivity problem if that happens expect to be lost how can you find your way when you are lost i ask people because that's much easier than interpreting maps the good thing about asking is that you'll get specific details of the direction where you are heading and if you're lucky they sometimes really take you to the place well that rarely happens to me but looking back to my previous experiences i simply asked people those whom i thought trusted ones such as shop clerks gustation attendance and alike can you read a map when you get lost as i said i'm poor at directions so i'm not dependent on reading maps instead i simply ask people whenever i'm lost as it's way easier and most of the time it does work i don't easily get lost so that rarely happens to me but of course if i get lost i need to read a map or navigate my gps so i can understand exactly where i'm at and how i can get to my destination that's a no-brainer have you ever helped someone who got lost of course i always help whenever someone asks for directions because i empathize with them the only reason it'll help is when they're asking for directions which i really don't know but most of the time i'm very helpful yes and that's the right thing to do but honestly i seldom have that kind of encounter because people these days are too reliant on google maps one can easily find a place with the use of modern technology that's how convenient this world is let's talk about shoes do you like buying shoes how often definitely who doesn't like to i enjoy buying shoes but not often i only buy shoes once or twice a year since i already have a lot of shoes yes i do but not as much as buying clothes i'm more into shopping for clothes than shoes because i don't need so many pairs of shoes i'm happy to have four or five pairs of shoes and i don't need more have you ever bought shoes online yes but i just don't like it i really love going to a shoe shop because i can really see the actual shoes i would know if they fit me or if they look good in me that's something i can't experience online so i'm not a big fan of buying shoes online not even once and i don't want to try i'm just afraid that i might not like the shoes that i buy online i don't like the idea of returning the shoes and asking for a refund because it's too hassle it's just a waste of my time how much money do you usually spend on shoes i spent a lot of money in the past since i was crazy about shoes but these days i'm wiser i don't spend so much i'm happy spending 100 dollars on shoes and sometimes less than that since i usually get a bar gain i haven't spent money on shoes lately because my current four pairs of shoes are still in very good condition normally i bought expensive shoes from 100 to 200 dollars because they are durable so it's fine with me buying expensive shoes because i know that they last longer than buying cheap ones but the quality is terribly poor which do you prefer fashionable shoes or comfortable shoes i don't think the first choice is better than the other and vice versa because for me i always look for comfortable and fashionable shoes it's nice to wear trendy shoes because they make you look attractive and it's great to wear them if they give comfort to your feet so for me comfort and trendy style should go together comfortability is always my priority i don't really care whether or not my shoes are fashionable i want shoes that can protect my feet and can improve my posture i'm not a model or an actor who needs to have fashionable shoes fashion is the least of my priorities let's talk about spending time with others do you like talking with people honestly i'm very selective about the people whom i talk with i avoid those who have an air of superiority because i can't stand with them also i only talk to people who are sensible and like-minded i'm nervous talking with acquaintances but i definitely enjoy talking with my friends and my loved ones because obviously i know them you know what one of my biggest weaknesses is starting a conversation with someone i don't know i really struggle with that a lot how do you like spending time with your friends before the pandemic i often spend time with my friends at a restaurant or at a mall and that was incredibly fun because we got to do the things that we love doing together but that has stopped unfortunately as you know we need to prioritize our health and our safety i'm really looking forward to doing things that we usually did in the past again i consider my closest friends a family so spending time with them is one of the best things in the world during these difficult times we're able to lift each other's spirits and that's just wonderful because we feel the essence of our friendship which do you prefer studying with others or by yourself i'm more effective when i study on my own because my concentration is 100 percent i don't like sitting with my friends because i easily get distracted besides there won't be any study sessions to happen since we simply end up chatting or talking about the latest movie that we watch i'm not really studious but i enjoy studying with my friends or other people because i get motivated i'm really lazy when it comes to studying i don't know but i easily get bored studying some things so having someone to accompany me in studying will be very helpful do you like working with other people not that much i'm an introvert so it's a challenge for me to work with other people i find it hard to express my ideas or feelings to others and i easily get overwhelmed but most of the time i try my best to work harmoniously with others especially if i don't have any choice yes i don't have any problem working with other people because i'm a team player anyway i enjoy learning other's ideas as it helps me widen my perspective on life besides i always believe that no one is an island we need each other to survive let's talk about applications what apps have you recently used lately i've been using utility apps such as a calculator because i've been learning so much math these days and also the weather app since i can't go out without knowing the weather aside from those apps i've been using news apps as well as i want to be updated with the latest happenings in the world i've been a big fan of using social media apps like facebook instagram and tick tock ever since i got to understand how to use them well these social media applications have kept me sane during this pandemic as you know i get to keep in touch with my friends and make myself entertained what kinds of apps are you usually interested in i'm more interested in financial technology or fintech apps because these days i've been doing online banking investing in different financial products or stocks and sending payments to online merchants actually these apps have provided me so much convenience in life and i believe these are the most innovative apps like i said earlier i'm more into using social media applications for the same reason which i mentioned earlier i can't imagine my life without these applications i mean i believe it's going to be very challenging since these apps have been my happy pill most especially in these trying times what was the first app you used wow i don't think i have vivid memories of that i just can't remember perhaps a calculator or a flashlight because early releases of smart devices didn't really have a lot of apps except those utility apps i've mentioned if my memory serves me right it's a photo editing app since i've been so passionate about editing my photos before posting them on my social media accounts well even up to this day i'm enjoying those kinds of apps as i can turn my boring photos into extraordinary ones what kinds of apps would you like to use in the future i believe i will still be using fintech apps as they are already part of my everyday life i don't think i can do financial related tasks efficiently without the help of those applications also i'm pretty sure that in the future there will be more exciting and innovative apps that will capture my interest so i'm very open to using those new apps i still see myself using social media applications as i love them well i'm very sure that there will be new innovations that will help people socialize even more and better compared to the current social media apps and i won't miss using those new apps for sure let's talk about headphones do you use headphones yes i do and it's very often i use them not only for listening to music but also for my work my headphones have a built-in microphone which is pretty convenient as i can use them when i attend some conference calls with my co-workers i'm not sure if we can call earbuds a type of headphones but i do use earbuds since they're extremely convenient unlike the traditional headphones that are heavy and bulky i normally use earbuds when i talk with someone over the phone and when i listen to music to relax what type of headphones do you use well i have over ear headphones and they are noise cancelling the brand is plantronics and they're kind of expensive but the quality is superb the sound is crisp and the built-in microphone doesn't pick up my breathing they are earbuds so basically they're on ear headphones they're tiny and the color of them is identical to my skin tone so normally people won't easily notice me wearing earbuds i got them for less than 50 dollars from amazon when would you use headphones as i said earlier i use them when i spend time listening to music and when i need to attend online meetings honestly i'd never seen them as a necessity until i started working from home i even bought an extra set of headphones in case the other one malfunctions well when i want to relax like listening to music or podcast while i'm traveling or exercising or when i need to chat with my friends or co-workers over the phone thanks to this type of technology we can enjoy listening to something in a more convenient way in what conditions you won't use headphones well when i don't need them like i don't need to attend online conferences or i'm not in the mood to listen to music i actually just use them when i have the need to use them i avoid using them when i'm walking running or cycling wearing earbuds or any kinds of headphones is extremely dangerous when you're outside as you can't hear your surroundings i'm actually afraid for those joggers or rotaries who wear headphones as they can't hear the running cars you know accidents can happen in the most unexpected way so it is a must to know what's happening around you my reviewers for ielts speaking of parts 2 and 3 are currently on sale if you're interested to get sample copies so you can decide whether you need my reviewers or not then please send me an email i'll be waiting well thank you so much for watching this video if you want to support me just give me a like or subscribe to this channel i'll be posting videos related to ielts speaking once again thank you so much until next time have a lovely day bye [Music] you
Channel: ieltsDragon
Views: 9,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking part 1 recent questions and answers, ielts speaking public gardens and parks, ielts speaking concentration, ielts speaking science, ielts speaking handwriting, ielts speaking pets and animals, ielts speaking colors, ielts speaking getting lost, ielts speaking shoes, ielts speaking mobile applications or computer applications, ielts speaking headphones, ieltsdragon by julius, ielts speaking answers band 7, ielts speaking part 1 answers band 7
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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