IELTS Speaking Philippines Band 8.5 to 9 Vocabulary and Correction

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[Music] welcome to academic english helps ielts test preparation videos you will now see tala from the philippines score an incredible band 8.5 for her performance on this computer-based video chat speaking interview this format is used for the ielts indicator as well as the official exam in many parts of the world after the interview i will give you tips on how you can get these high band scores if you sit this format of the speaking test again we have partnered with cambly a world-class app that lets you connect with a native english speaking tutor 24 hours a day seven days a week cambly has generously given us this discount code to save on one three and 12 month plans with this code also in the video description you will get four months of free english when you sign up for a 12 month plan and don't worry for any cancelled minutes on 3 and 12 month plans cambly will give you a refund simply download the app today and begin learning for success cambly has a lesson challenge for you the third person to correctly email us where tala thinks are inexpensive places to exercise will get 60 minutes of one-on-one tutoring with a cambly professional now watch and learn welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test and i will give you instructions for each of the three parts this is being recorded for marking purposes what is your full name my full name is tala aquino but you can call me tala okay talo for part one i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic do you work or study i both study and work i am currently learning to improve my english and get a good score on this ielts exam and i have been working as a freelance graphic designer for the past three years what is your favorite food that's tough because there are so many filipino dishes that i really like the one i prefer most is a well-prepared adobo it's a combination of meat boiled in oil it's really delicious let's talk about cars and bikes do you know how to ride a bicycle yes i do i had learned to ride a bike around the age of five and i really gained an appreciation for it just last week i went for a fun ride with my family how often do you ride a bike i usually ride a bike quite often at least once or twice a week not only it helps me to get healthy but it's also convenient to go around my neighborhood how often do you use a car i use a car frequently whether i am the one driving or my husband we have a comfortable suv and it's really great for running errands and going on road trips where do you usually go by car i usually go by car when i go to the grocery store to do shopping or when we take trips to the park or visit a family or friends just recently i drove to my friend jasmine's house she lived about an hour from me by car is driving in your city easy or difficult and why i would say that driving in mabalakat is okay as long as i'm not driving during rush hour on a very hot day during busy times especially when it's very hot motorists can get quite anxious and rude when is it better to use a bike than a car well when i'm not going far away from my house or i do not need to bring any bags then definitely it's better to use a bike as it also helps me to get healthy and give me a chance to do an exercise if you could buy any car what would it be and why i love our family car but if i could i would probably buy a fully loaded land rover because it is really a good car and quite luxurious okay that is the end of part one now we will continue with part two for part two there's a card in front of you a pencil and some note paper you will have one minute to look at the questions on the card think about your answers take notes in that time if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak i will tell you when to start when to stop okay tala your one minute preparation time begins now go ahead turn over the card tala your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking one really nice place to get some fresh air and improve health is in marina hills gulf and country club this is a small nine-hole golf course located not too far from my house about three kilometers away in the central north part of mabalakat this course has a lot of greenery and many amenities for improving health they also have a really nice walking and jogging path around the course which is i use sometimes to get a bit of cardio work out most of the people who are members here are in their 30s or older if i had to say at least 50 percent of the members are in their golden years people come here to discuss life or business or simply have fun the golfers are usually the people who have done well in life they are the one who usually who can afford to pay for the membership and other amenities the course has a sauna restaurant and a massage center as well so after a long work week it's really great to go relax and unwind your time is up tala i will stop you there please put the note paper and the questions and the pencil to this side and now we will continue with part three for part three i will ask you a couple of questions related to your response and some questions connected to the topic of part two when did you start golfing i started golfing since my teenage years my father brought me before and i really gained an appreciation for it i think he took me golfing first i was around 15 years old how much time does it take to play a round of golf at your local golf club well since marina hills is only a nine-hole golf course it doesn't take much time it's just a couple of hours from start to finish let's talk about health establishments what are some different places where people can go to feel better physically and mentally i think aside from golf clubs people can also go to the parks swimming pools and fitness gyms or even the local park to build their mental and physical fortitude which of these places is the cheapest the cheapest places are the parks because basically it only caused the transit to get there and which of these places are more expensive the more expensive places are golf clubs and fitness dreams why are they so expensive luxury places are expensive because you have to pay for the membership what health centers should be government funded i think hospitals and child care facilities should be paid for by the government as everybody should have an access to medical assistance especially children which ones should be privately operated definitely golf clubs and other luxury places like fitness gyms should be in the private hands because it would be unfair to be funded by the taxpayers money fitness gyms and golf courses are all private in the philippines and other countries as far as i know how have health centers changed in the past 20 years there have been many improvements with the health facilities with their hospitals or gyms for the last two decades i think both equipments and staff have improved much these past generations simply because of better technology and education how are they still the same i think the basic structure of some facilities are are the same in what way members and guests should register and they also have to pay for a membership let's talk about health tourism many people travel to other countries to improve their health what are the reasons for this i think that two major motivators for health tourism is cost and services i mean that for some services it's cheaper to another countries such as dentists in the philippines it stands the cost of dentists in the u.s is it good or bad for a country to offer health services to foreign citizens i think it's not only good to offer a medical assistance to non-citizens but also ethical as the world is an increasingly global community national borders should not create barriers for people's health can you elaborate on this first say a child with cancer and he has to travel to germany for some special treatment he should not be denied his right to life because he's a foreign citizen i think that would be unethical if many people leave the country for health care abroad how does this affect their local health industry i think in the immediate it would have a negative effect on services but it also mean that there is a fundamental flaw of the local healthcare system it is either too expensive or it doesn't give an adequate service to its citizens that's the end of part three that concludes the speaking portion of the exam you will have your mark in about two weeks time with the other sections have a great rest of your day and remember your past portela thank you thank you bye clearly tala is between a very good and an expert user of the english language for this reason she would score a band 8.5 she has excellent fluency and coherence she answers all of the questions completely and accurately she presents a good idea for her part to response and gives a lot of details she answers explains and often gives examples as well tala uses a wide range of grammar including conditionals present perfect past perfect and she uses quite a few different words throughout the interview in addition tala's pronunciation is very clear she could certainly score a band 9 for her pronunciation because it sounds like a native form of the english language so where does tala lose that half band let me explain clearly a band 9 according to the ielts exam is an expert user of the english language this is not everyday english this is english at the highest level where a person uses selective words and grammar to give expression and information in a very clear and professional way many native speakers who would sit the isles and just use casual english would not score band 9. again band 9 is professional english it's the kind of english that you would hear in a university lecture or in a business meeting tala does make a few mistakes in her grammar and in her choice of vocabulary when you watch the video and you're reading the subtitles you will notice some parts of the subtitles are in square brackets these indicate what tala should be saying rather than what she is saying it's these kinds of mistakes in her lexical resource and grammar that cost her that half band go back and check this out again you'll see what i mean nevertheless a band 8.5 is a fantastic score make sure to practice daily use the student partner speaking function on our websites regularly to practice with other students for free you can do it you can get a high band score just like tala on your next ielts exam remember to download cambly today and begin practicing your speaking for your next ielts interview to see many more videos like this one as well as original practice exams a fully interactive course for strategies and tips to get high band scores quickly visit and join our premium ielts package at also follow us on instagram ielts underscore ae help begin learning for success today 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Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 236,784
Rating: 4.9118795 out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, vocabulary, computer, interview, test, Filipino, Philippines, practice, subtitle, cue card, part 2, band 7, band 8, band 9, grammar, tricks tips, phrases, word, 2020, 2021, sentence, high score, IELTS speaking, British, accent, part 1, pass, words, part 3, fluency, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, marking, descriptors, understand, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, tutorial, easy
Id: VZFFY-ij5p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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