IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Giving Great Answers!

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hi students and welcome to today's alive IELTS class my name is Adrian and I am streaming to you live from a beautiful Budapest I hope everybody is having a good and healthy start to their week in this class we are looking at speaking part one some questions and looking at giving some great answers hiya wise good to see members in the class I khyber hi Kemal hi Pat you and flower son nice to see some regular members as well Salman Aloha tahi be good for you for setting an alarm clock to catch this lesson I saw that when you put that into the chat while we wait for a few more of your fellow students this lesson is presented to you by AE help calm for the academic version of the IELTS exam check us out at AE help calm try out the premium package there to get those high band scores for the general IELTS check us out at G IELTS that's general IELTS hi I'll be shek I'm feeling great thank you went for a nice long run in the morning I'm feeling fresh and energized our websites look like this this is the academic website here with the blue background click that big red button there to get the premium package over a hundred hours of HD video lessons with no ads and original practice exams and fully interactive course for your phone tablet PC this is the general version of our website here it's the green background again click that big red button there to join the Premium Package on the general version of this site students if you have questions about our products just send me an email Adrien at AE and this is the schedule for this week so we have lessons today all the way until Saturday every day today one lesson and then Thursday Friday Saturday we have two lessons each day first lesson is for members second lesson is for everyone chat of course everybody can watch all of these lessons so tomorrow we will start a task to four members that was a member request followed by a listening part 1 and part 2 for an all chat class their students let's get into the speaking lesson of the day hopefully everybody can hear me well and see the questions on the screen so this is speaking make sure to speak and repeat of course because of the quarantine and the lockdown and the restricted home leave that people are experiencing around the world a lot of us are actually speaking and communicating less now that means of course that for many students who are planning to take the IELTS exam as soon as possible it will be a little bit more challenging because many of you have fewer chances to practice your English so it's really important students and this is just kind of a first tip to get us going here that you recognize this discrepancy this difference from the usual you pay attention to it and you try to compensate so you try to make up for those missing classes that missing English and I know that I'm preaching to the choir here because of course this is a big reason many of you joined this class roshni says I'm listening to do lingo test that's great so definitely it's a good time to use software use Skype whatsapp to chat with people and talk as much as possible so just a kind of an important tip I know a lot of you know this but I'm going to say it anyway with the current pandemic people are less social these days so for those of you who are planning to do IELTS ASAP that means as soon as possible you must focus to speak English daily daily weather mirror English talking to yourself or on the phone or with software like Skype Kay software the mirror and so on okay you have to really pay attention to that and one good way of course is you're in this class and you're speaking and you're repeating what you hear okay so the speaking section students of the IELTS exam it has three parts part one some questions on a general topic getting to know you as well and part two is a cue card where you have to speak for two minutes on a specific question topic and then part three which of course is connected to part two more complicated detailed questions dealing with that topic so today we are focusing on part one these general questions okay for these general questions what I really want you to emphasize when you're typing and saying your answers is I really want you to think about a good direct answer a clear explanation and a smooth example okay so that's our target always direct answer using the question vocabulary and grammar okay clear explanation using both qualitative and quantitative numbers okay qualitative quantitative it means like far how far five kilometers okay so that's what it means and then three smooth examples smooth examples what does that mean just give the example use as or like do not use for example okay the examiner will interrupt you if you do that all right because they think you're going to just talk forever and go off-topic so hopefully that's clear so this is our focus for today now I can see that the YouTube stream sometimes is a little bit blurry of course as you can imagine students there's a lot more YouTube streaming going on these days than usual so the YouTube servers are a lot more bogged down so you have to be a bit patient okay if you're experiencing slower streaming all right so again direct answers use the question vocabulary grammar clear explanation numbers and quality so far how far five kilometers and smooth examples let's get into it so the first question the examiner will ask you is what is your full name give me a nice answer just to warm up and don't just write it but also say it always practice saying your name in different ways so that you sound clear with good pronunciation fluent right away okay if you sound like my name is Adrian a Benedict and then the examiner will right away go okay this is probably a band five okay they'll make a judgement right off the bat so you want to start strong okay roshni koonta says my given name is roshni and last name is Khun teh please call me by my nickname Rosh alright that sounds great Sanjay poodle says my full name is Sanjay poodle you can address me by my first name which is Sanjay very nice Sanjay I like the adjective clause okay Kamala Sharma says my full name is Kamal Sharma and you can call me by my given name Kamal you can call me by my given name is okay it's a bit more polite students to say please call me by my first name which is Kamal okay for dobbs na bf says my full name is nub you have four doves however all people call me by my rock Russian nickname Fedya alright had to go back there in the chat four dogs fed yeah good Fedya alright Thanh Ngoc says my full name is no-knock ten you can call me by my nickname which is Tom Thanh use the adjective clause which is Tom okay so my full name is Johnathan McLeod Johnathan lots of spellings Fort Macleod please just call me John for short okay so repeat after me what is your full name my full name is Jonathan McLeod please just call me John for short so if you have a long name and then you have a short version of your name like Jonathan and then you have a short version like John you can use this nice expression for short okay so my full name is Jonathan McLeod please just call me John for short all right and then they'll ask for your identification you can say here it is and we'll jump to the next question here so let's go with this one do you have any hobbies there's a very common question I'm sure you heard it many many times learning English from your classmates and teachers please in the IELTS exam if you hear a question like this do you have any hobbies biess be as excited as the first time that you heard this question so don't be like oh not this question again but be excited be like yes I have several hobbies I like to collect comic books as well as movies on DVD and blu-ray so be really excited okay with questions in the IELTS confident and excited so do you have any hobbies flower son says well when I have time for myself I usually read books or chat with my friends on zalo apps sometimes watching films with my family is also a good idea flower son the second half there make it personal sometimes I also like to watch films with my family okay don't make it passive or indirect so keep it all very direct students for part 1 keep your answers very very direct ok so here's another embedded tip for part 1 keep your answers very direct or very direct and about you you meaning say I me my myself okay these are the pronouns that we like to hear in part one okay so do you have any hobbies let's see a few more answers mm-hmm ranganna says frankly speaking ever since I was a child I have been an avid book reader my favorite genres are mystery and sci-fi these days I'm reading a mystery book called White River ranganna remember we're giving a direct answer an explanation and an example okay that's what we're focusing on be expressive students also using an expression like frankly speaking it's not very good for an answer like this frankly speaking means to tell the truth or to be honest that's kind of an awkward expression for a question like this okay that's something that we would use in a debatable topic okay like do you think it's a good idea to drive to work in the mornings frankly speaking driving everyday to work is not only bad for health but also the environment that's where I would use frankly speaking ranganna where it's more of an opinionated kind of situation so careful students if you just use leading expressions without using them correctly you will lose points okay if you use them correctly you gain points all right all right a reg viewer says yes I have several pastime activities I not only enjoy watching movies but also reading technical books to enhance my knowledge like yesterday I read a book related to connected devices written by Danis really nice read fear that's a nice paraphrased high-band answer okay so yes I have several pastime activities pastime is another way to say leisure time notice Rajveer that pastime is one word and it's spelt I spelt it with two S's spellcheck corrected me it's spelt with one s so past time it's pronounced as one word as well nice use of that the Rajveer good to share that word with everybody else so yes I have several pastime activities not only do I like watching movies but also I like to read technical books to enhance my knowledge and skills these days I'm reading a book on how to invest during a global crisis written by Mark Thompson students please don't start searching for that book I just made that up okay but that's what you can do when you practice giving these answers and you know that you need an answer explanation example you can actually come up with some good information on the fly it means while you're speaking so here we go do you have any hobbies yes I have several pastime activities not only do I like watching movies but also I like to read technical books to enhance my knowledge and skills these days I'm reading a book on how to invest during a global crisis written by Mark Thompson alright so nice job there Rajveer inspiring that answer from me with answer explanation and example all right that's what you're focusing on okay let's skip this next question and go to these part 1 questions so students part 1 okay the examiner will introduce the topic very quickly and they'll say something like let's talk about mobile apps let's talk about mobile apps for this part one now of course again remember this part one is about you so when they say let's talk about mobile apps that means that many questions will likely be about apps and you what kind of apps you use why when how often and so forth okay so keep that in mind part one is about you are right students here we go I see lots of answers coming up and that's fantastic okay I will catch different students at different times the first question here is how often do you use apps on your phone ok so how often do you use apps on your phone clearly this question is fishing for adverbs of frequency like always sometimes never okay all right so let's see some answers for this one mucks ood says well I frequently use apps on my phone about five to six hours on a daily basis as I have a variety of apps for communication and studying as well as working on projects today I came to this exam by using Google Maps on my phone very nice example Maqsood I like it see that's creative visual thinking and speaking students the IELTS is testing your thinking just as much as your English okay so your communication as well so good job I came to this exam using Google Maps on my phone Elena Mori says using mobile apps is very common nowadays without any exception I use my mobile apps every now and then like before entering this exam room I used an uber cab app to book a ride to get here Elena good Elena please start with the direct answer okay so pay attention to this everyone again it's a really good point Elena says using mobile apps is very common nowadays that's too general okay the examiners don't care about that all right and they feel like you're not answering the question if you say that so if you say using apps is very common these days okay let's just stop with this for a second this sentence does not answer this question the question is how often do you use apps on your phone the logic here is that the subject is you okay the subject is not people or society or software programmers okay the subject is you if your answer doesn't deal with the correct subject right away the examiner thinks that you either didn't understand the question clearly or you're unable to communicate directly and clearly both of these are problem okay so you really really must to get those high band scores deal with the correct subject right away alright it's very very important so please students don't say using apps is very common these days that's generalized inaccurate communication all right so start with the direct answer Elena without exception I use mobile apps frequently alright that's what you want to do alright some more answers coming up Musafir hoon Jeroen rien says yes I have many hobbies I love to spend my free time actively and my favorite sport is playing cricket as it helps me to stay active and healthy okay musafir that was for the previous question right so you got it out that's good roshni for this question says well I frequently use mobile apps like Skype zoom as well as Facebook almost six days a week because this helps me prepare for this exam just earlier today I used Facebook to access some classes Roshan II don't use for example okay pipette Chuy says well I usually use mobile apps because there's a lot of apps on my phone for like Facebook YouTube to name a few but every time I turn on my phone I immediately come into apps okay you haven't really explained it so students think about why do you use app some of you said for communication which was good give some reasons right charlie-san says I use apps on my phone all the time I mean every moment currently due to isolation I use my mobile phone apps seven to eight hours a day like studying outs using my phone okay good here I'll give you a nice answer for this as well so I'm constantly using apps on my phone whether it's games like hearthstone let me shrink this a bit for entertainment or udemy for learning I'm accessing these apps at least 10 to 20 times a day for a duration of five or more hours I just used Google Maps to find this exam centre and the voice recorder app to get ready for the speaking interview okay that's your fluent high band English here we go students repeat after me how often do you use apps on your phone I'm constantly using apps on my phone whether it's games like hearthstone for entertainment or udemy for learning I'm accessing these apps at least 10 to 20 times a day for a duration of five or more hours I just used Google Maps to find this exam center and the voice recorder app to get ready for the speaking interview that's fluency okay that's precision that's band nine that's what you want to do students if you have trouble saying this much information you don't need to okay you can do it with less just remember answer explain example next question what app do you use most often and notice the bracket why that's because the examiner will ask you why if you don't automatically answer it's better to automatically give the reason you will get a better band score if the examiner has to ask you why your fluency score goes down if they don't have to say why then your fluency score will be better okay all right so which app do you use most often and why Karen veer says I most frequently use social media apps such as Facebook and Instagram to share my thoughts and chat with my friends as well as utility apps like the calculator Google Maps which not only make my life easy but also they're convenient Karen Vere one problem here your listing apps what app do you use most often this is one app not which apps do you use most often but what app do you use most often it's one app accuracy is really important for the high band score students okay a Wozzeck Madhav's says I mainly use Google Maps in order to find unknown places dub music player when I work out to music as well I was again same thing as with Karen your listing - instead students the higher band score will go to those students who choose one app it doesn't matter which one and it doesn't matter if it's the truth just choose one okay you don't have to be like wait okay I used Facebook one and I used YouTube like one do you know okay please don't try to figure out which app you actually use most often just choose any one of those popular apps and then say it's the one that you use most often okay that's the trick here okay on the IELTS you have to be a little bit tricky because you're being asked questions that you have to answer and you have a time limit okay the IELTS is not a natural conversation a lot of students think it's a natural conversation it's better than TOEFL you're not just speaking to a machine but it's still not a real conversation okay firstly you wouldn't have a conversation like this with a stranger that you met that day okay all right flower Suns as YouTube is the app I use most often because most of the lessons there are informative and relative to my study like this video boat speaking part one taught by teacher Adrienne flower son that is a good answer you're focusing on one app okay most is a superlative and it's dealing with one here with that noun okay Kevin Bowie says I use Facebook most frequently because this platform is vital to keep in touch with my friend circles without having to travel long distances in fact my BFF is currently pursuing her MA in Korea so doing Facebook calls is a useful way for us to see each other and catch up very nice Kevin very nice Kevin that's it focus on the one app good Arlene Arlene says well to be honest every time I turn on my phone I automatically open Instagram first I love surfing Instagram in my spare time because it gets me excited and up to speed on what people are doing that I follow yeah keeps me up to speed keeps me up to speed students repeat these phrases okay keeps me up to speed means keeps you informed with the current situation okay all right buzz Lee Dean again same mistake you're answering too many apps alright just one app here all right Preity yogi our member says these days I use the app most which is Facebook because Preity I want you to redo it with just one app okay the app I use more than any other is text messaging I probably open this app at least 15 times a day to keep in touch with my friends and relatives it is a communication app that is linked to my phone number so I can use it anywhere without necessarily being connected to data just before I walked into this room I checked a message from my mom wishing me good luck all right there we go so repeat after me what app do you use most often the app I use more than any other as text messaging I probably open this app at least 15 times a day to keep in touch with my friends and relatives it is a communication app that is linked to my phone number so I can use it anywhere without necessarily being connected to data just before I walked into this room I checked the message from my mum wishing me good luck all right again answer explanation example target the question be direct that's key all right that's key I can't emphasize that enough still when I do practice speaking interviews with students one of the most common mistakes that I face with students is they're not giving me direct enough answers even when they have good English they have been seven band 8 level English but I can only give them a 6 band score because they're not giving me direct answers ok and coherence and accuracy is a big part of your score especially with the high band scores all right okay next question students don't get frustrated Ramshaw just stay focused and practice here we go students do you play any games on your phone again notice the brackets why or why not okay so give reasons or the examiner will ask you all right all right for Dobbs let me think a bit my answer is no as I have had enough time to entertain myself through apps due to too much working hours as well I'm not keen on virtual games I like to play physical games like football with my friends on the weekends instead okay for dogs not a bad answer it's pretty good you need a little bit more clarity okay so something like simply I don't have enough energy to play games on my phone after I'm done with work especially since much of my work deals with using my phone I don't have really the motivation to keep playing games on it okay four doves a little bit better Charlie says well I used to play eight ball pool an online billiard game but currently I don't play these using my phone because I'd realized that I was addicted and it was wasting my valuable time very good charlie nice explanation it was wasting my valuable time students make sure you're writing down not just what I say or what I put up here this is going to be in the video but if you see some really good expressions and comments from your fellow students write them down repeat them okay Oh Waze says of course I play pub G mobile on my phone at least an hour a day because it's a way for me to relax especially after a tough eight-hour workday very nice it was okay yeah a little bit of time to unwind and entertain yourself okay mal giin joseph says nope I don't play much on my phone because it wastes a lot of my productive time and sleep hours I have uninstalled all game apps on my phone except for Ludo Ludo is not addictive alright mal Jen I don't know if you're trying to convince me or yourself but okay Ludo stayed on the phone it's the only game but it's not addictive I'm just kidding everybody needs a bit of game time I think let's see few more answers Hemant Sharma our member says yes I have installed Marvel Studios games on my cell phone I'm a big fan of their movies so I love playing with those characters I usually play these games for about an hour a day I just played spider-man 3 about an hour before this exam nice himand good answer nice explanation ok now everybody's getting that rhythm of answer explain example and you're doing a good job expressing yourself ok Kavya Reddy says I do play subway surf in my on my phone to be a little bit relaxed and entertained after work and usually I like to do this while I'm commuting also okay while you're commuting means when you're on the subway or on the bus or on the train I think that's what you wanted to say Kavya not in journey but while I'm commuting okay or while I'm in commute okay all right fuzz leading Ze'ev says well of course I play some games like others usually I play online games with my friends like pub G mobile and fortnight okay fuzz Lee Dean don't assume as you can see many students or many people are saying they don't play a game so not everybody plays games I know some of my friends have very strict rules that they never install games on their phone Preity Cena says certainly I play pub G every day at least one hour because it entertains me and after that I feel rejuvenated so I sleep soundly at night okay yes I do as I had just mentioned I play a card strategy game called hearthstone for about 30 thirty minutes each day it's not only it's both entertaining and a way to keep my mind sharp I have been playing this game for over a year and have collected many great cards okay so here we go repeat after me do you play any games on your phone yes I do as I had just mentioned I play a card strategy game called hearthstone for about 30 minutes each day it's both entertaining and a way to keep my mind sharp I have been playing this game for over a year and have collected many great cards all right so notice here a couple of really interesting strategies to help me get that high band score first of all of course in real time I know that I just gave this answer a minute before I'm constantly using apps on my phone whether it's games like hearthstone so here I already mentioned a game of course if there's a question do you play any games on your phone but I'm going to connect with that previous answer and I'm going to elaborate meaning go into more detail so I go into more detail about what kind of game it is it's a card strategy game now doing this I'm also adding what's called complex grammar because one of the criteria for the high band scores is what's called grammar range so using different forms of grammar and so here I'm using past perfect I had just mentioned and then of course I'm using an nice correlative conjunctions it's both entertaining and a way to keep my mind sharp way to keep my mind sharp means to be a quick thinker and this is an idiomatic expression that's getting me banned scores I'm using a contraction which is natural language and here I'm using present perfect progressive I have been playing so present perfect progressive and again using quantitative language over a year okay so these are all enhancing my communication and getting me band scores so that's what you want to do all right next question students here we go have you paid for any apps if yes why okay so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one have you paid for any apps if yes why charlie Sen says yes I pay for the app called cambly to enhance my English speaking skills it is an app where anyone can learn English from a native English speaker as getting a good old score is my goal so I decided to spend some money on it Charlie yeah and don't be shy here you might want to include how much so I so far I've spent about a hundred bucks u.s. to get some private lessons sure okay that's great I think it's paid by the minute right if I'm not mistaken vanity or sorry Vinita Rishi says certainly I had spent some money to purchase a package from cambly which is a language app meant for practicing language skills linguistic skills I do this so that I can have better command of English and become fluent okay Kamal Sharma says well yes I had paid $40 for the academic IELTS app for reading materials good Kamal you bought our app that's super cool come on you can also link your academic IELTS help app to the website and get full access on the website so for us our app links with the website okay it's cool thanks come all for supporting us and of course you can access videos and lots more there as well Tang Yuen says for people living on a small budget like me I have never paid for any apps thanks to the exponential growth of knowledge on the internet I find the source of knowledge without a fee hmm all right without paying money everything has a fee all right quad whoa ah sorry Oh whoo sue says I used to play arcade games on my phone several years back but I seldom do now in recent months owing to the nature of my job I spend that chunk of my day on grueling work which makes me exhausted quad whoo that's for the last question I think and it was good it's a good answer for the last one okay Rajveer Singh says yes I have paid for an application named hot star which is an entertaining app and offers not only recent Hollywood movies but also broadcast live sports events related to cricket and football today I watched a cricket match between India and England and it was a thrilling one through this app very good Rajveer nice I didn't know about that app but good hot star alright we're learning about some interesting apps here as well c'mon says no I haven't paid for any apps till date it is potentially unsafe as I have to link my credit card with the Play Store and in case my phone is hacked I can lose my money in the blink of an eye oh yeah that's true hum on - although digital payments these days if you know you do a little bit of research they're probably safe for them paying in stores with credit cards most credit card theft actually happens in physical stores well online - that's probably not completely true Bruno Race says yes I have paid for the gold version of tinder which is a relationship app I thought that investing some money on finding myself someone nice would be worth it and it actually paid off Bruno yeah that's a great explanation sure why not right I mean if you're looking for the love of your life spending a few dollars on tinder gold is probably not a bad idea right okay oh good all right I'm loving these answers students that's great Alain amore says yes as I mentioned earlier I have been preparing for Alex for the last three months I have purchased an IELTS speaking package last month and I got speaking feedback later and I was able to see sample answers to improve my speaking skills very good Elena so spending a bit of money on IELTS speaking apps good good I like it okay so have you paid for any apps yes [Music] indeed I have paid for a few different apps in the past the game hearthstone which I've been referring to has some in-app purchases for card packs and adventures and I've probably spent a couple hundred bucks on these over the past couple of years I just bought a new adventure pack that I will start later today alright so here we go have you paid for any apps if yes why indeed I have paid for a few different apps in the past the game hearthstone which I've been referring to has some in-app purchases for card packs and adventures and I've probably spent a couple hundred bucks on these over the past couple of years I just bought a new adventure pack that I will start later today yeah students just a little bit of a message from myself if you're using an app for many many hours do consider spending a couple dollars remember these apps are made by people like me and others and programmers and so on and we invest a lot of our energy and time so if you use an app for many many hours maybe spend a couple dollars to show that you support and respect that work it might not be a bad idea definitely I can tell you that developers and companies appreciate that and it helps them to continue to create good content and apps all right next question let's jump to this last one I think it's kind of fun one okay we'll jump to this one if you could make an app for your phone what would it be and why let's jump to that one so if you could make an app for your phone what would it be and why give me a nice full answer for that one okay green Oh Latinos saying you scroll down very faster how can we record what you write you know it's in the video and the video will be on the YouTube channel so you can go back and check it out make sure you're focusing more on speaking than writing it down okay you can go back and review it later at your own time and write out all the key words okay goo you know it's a good question all right Charlie I think you jumped the gun there and you answered a different question Kevin Bowie says given an opportunity to create an exclusive software for my phone I would develop a time tracker to assist me in monitoring my tasks so I could be more productive and beat deadlines also this app would prevent me from juggling responsibilities especially when I'm up to my ears and work Kevin really nice English Kevin if you can say these nice and fluently these responses take the exam you'll get a band 8 9 for sure as long as you're nice and fluent you'll get a great mark puja thanks for becoming a member send me an email so I can hook you up with some perks Elena says if I had a chance I would make a Smart Switch app my app could control off and on lights sometimes I read story books by lying in my bed and I fall asleep this app could help me to turn off my room light without physically going to the switchboard hmm Elena that's a really good idea so an app that can control your smart home I think those exist but that's a great answer it doesn't matter students you don't have to for this kind of a question you don't have to invent a new app that doesn't exist in the world you can just copy an app ok so if I had the chance to program an app I would likely create one that could call me a cab from anywhere at any time yeah this app exists sure but you can say that anyways all right the examiner isn't expecting you to invent a brand new app they just want to hear that you're fluent a for Dobbs WF says if I would have a chance to create an app in the future it would be definitely a rescue app to determine whether someone has kovat 19 and then immediately call assistance for them very clever for Dobbs using the context of today in order to help people sure you just gave me an idea for dogs and I'm going to use what you just said so given the chance to create my own app I would devise a piece of mobile software which could help people strengthen their immune systems by recommending activities and nutrients in their near vicinity which aid in being strong and healthy okay I think this would come in especially handy during this co vid 19 pandemic yeah great clever so think about what's happening in the world what do people need hey an app that helps you to strengthen your immune system there's an app idea probably exists but why not so repeat after me if you could make an app for your phone what would it be and why given the chance to create my own app I would divide I would devise a piece of mobile software which could help people strengthen their immune systems by recommending activities and nutrients in their near vicinity which aid in being strong and healthy I think this would come in handy during this kovat 19 pandemic sure very good or an app that's designed for entertaining people in their home during the lockdown why not some really good ideas the lockdown app how to stay entertained students that's it for today and if you like this lesson download our apps academic IELTS help for the academic exam get this app you can link it to a help calm if you join the full premium account on the app or on the website you can just link them please don't try to buy them in both places it's all one piece of software for general outs is Gia let's help calm and general IELTS help app ok that's it for today tomorrow I will be back with another live class that live class will be tasked to four members and listening parts 1 & 2 for the all chat class of course everybody is welcome to view both of those classes thank you so much everyone see all those thank yous you are most welcome keep up the good studies keep pushing forward of course we will recover humans are strong we'll make our way through this pandemic and then life will return to an even better state hopefully much love to all of you signing out from Budapest my name is Adrian bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 6,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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