IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Strategy and Practice

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BLTs class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest here in Central Europe I hope everybody's having a good start to their weekend students in this class we are looking at speaking part one some practice and strategy this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch we will have an all chat class coming up for you in about 90 minutes that will focus on the reading section while we wait for some of our members to join in this lesson is presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS check us out there and for the general version of the exam do visit us at G IELTS hai Abhishek I'm doing great I hope you're doing well also students I'll quickly show you our websites this is what the academic looks like here with the blue background click that big red button to join our Premium Package and this is the general website here with the green background click that big red button to join the Premium Package there on both of those websites you have access to over a hundred hours of HD video lessons of course help with the speaking section as well as a fully interactive course a mobile application and six original practice exams hi Tito I'll be shocked I'm happy that you're doing all right boo me nice okay there comes all of our members joining in sure a few more will hop in soon if anybody has questions about the exam or about our products just send me an email adrian at AE you can get our practice exams from amazon for academic students search for a ii helps academic IELTS and for general students search for JEE general IELTS you can actually even find our TOEFL exams on Amazon as well for those doing TOEFL Pedro Angelle garcía-lópez hi a long time you haven't joined the chat pay that we're happy to have you alright everyone so again speaking part one in this class then next class in ninety minutes will be a reading academic reading but useful of course for the other sections as well members this is speaking class viewers so make sure to speak speak and repeat as much as possible so copy my intonation copy my enunciation when you hear new words write them down add them to your vocabulary list let's get cracking you'll get some nice focused attention members for the speaking today let's warm up those speaking brain cells the neurons of English that we have let's get going with some of the starter questions so again members of course as you know the speaking is about 12 minutes 13 minutes interview face to face and you have three parts in part one you'll introduce yourself you'll talk about some general topic that's connected to you let's do that now so um examiner questions what is your full name alright roshni Watts all Pedro Bumi I'll be Shakti toe for Dobbs and Elena what is your full name please give me your full name again I encourage you to try different ways to explain your name in English just so that you can do this naturally quickly and with confidence okay so what is your full name give me a nice answer for this one Bumi says my family name is shut bar and my given name is bhoomika please just call me bhoomika that works boo me I'm sure boo me do you go by bhoomika or boo me because then you can say please call me boo me for short or boohoo me for short not sure if you pronounce that H Tito says my full name is a disease shot Fras but you can call me by my nickname Tito okay good t-tom hope I'm pronouncing those somewhat accurately for DAF says my complete name is nub you have four doves and you can call me by my Russian nickname which is Fedya all right I like it and four doves I like how you said it's your Russian nickname sure that makes sense capital R on Russia right Pedro says my full name is Pedro ángel garcía lópez as it is indicated in my passport very good page you like it okay different again effective I'll be check my full name is Abhishek Jane please call me by my first name which is Abhishek first given name yeah you can say that Abhishek first given name especially when we have a middle name my middle name is Peter so I never use it Elena says my first name is Elena and my last name is Mori please call me Elena simple clear to the point Elena it works practice pronunciation fluency but Saul my name is Vatsa cathuria which is kept by my elder sister not sure what you mean by that but saw the which is kept by my elder sister so careful not to go into a tricky situation or if you do make sure you can explain that clearly I'm Russian he says my last name is Kunta and my given name is roshni please call me by my first name which is roshni nice Russian it's really good I like how you said given name roshni please call me by my first name which is roshni good oh boo me so you don't pronounce the H so it's not boo hoo me it's just booming okay cool I'll remember that for the future thanks for clearing that up I'm glad you caught that and reflect it on that Bhoomi yeah so Bhoomi you can say that just call me boo me for short you can definitely use that all right so repeat after me my full name is Andrew McLeod please just call me by my given name Andrew alright so repeat after me work on fluency what is your full name my full name is Andrew MacLeod please just call me by my given name Andrew had a very good friend at high school named Andrew MacLeod all right next question may I see your identification always students that will be the first two questions or questions in the reverse order so they'll ask for your identification then your full name or full name then identification so be ready for this let's see your answers for Dobbs says certainly here you are this one which I used to register for this exam for Dobbs I would say that a little bit differently to be natural so for Dobbs I would say certainly here's this one okay certainly here's this one which I used to register for the exam it's better if you can say what your ID is Ford of so here's my passport here's my national ID card here's my driver's license okay my library card so whatever you used for your registration I'll be checks is indeed here you are here is my passport this is the same document I used to register for the exam yeah I'll be check also careful a little a little bit with the grammar it's okay to be clear and complete but just be careful with the grammar Tito says yeah here it is this is my ID which I used to register sorry one more time Tito yeah here it is this is my ID which I used for registration purposes please take a look Tito that's really good I'll take that one for today okay so yeah sure here is my ID which I used for registration purposes please take a look okay it's good Tito that works it's a nice one so repeat after me students may I see your identification yeah sure here is my ID which I use for registration purposes please take a look nice natural fluent Pedro says yes sure here you are what Saul says yes absolutely I brought my passport for identification let's all be really careful don't make a verb tense mistake in a simple sentence at the beginning like this okay so yes absolutely I brought not bring I brought because you already did that you're here you brought it okay all right Elena looking good boo me looking good all right so now some icebreaker questions so this is where the examiner will say okay now I will ask you a couple more questions to get to know you better do you have a hobby okay so give me a nice full sentence answer for this one do you have a hobby okay a hobby is an activity that you do regularly mostly for fun and interest okay such as collecting stamps reading certain types of books collecting comics watching a specific genre of movies or making movies okay alright Tito says yeah I have a few different hobbies I play video games and watch flic series for fun in my leisure time it's a nice way to relieve stress like yesterday I played a couple hours of Call of Duty and it was really enjoyable Katie - I made a couple of Corrections there I hope you paid attention members definitely take a look at the time stamp in the video when I'm correcting your sentences okay Elena says certainly I'm very much into reading books I would definitely say that this is my favorite pastime Elena this is where you can throw in an example so I highly encourage you Elena to throw in a quick smooth little example what book you're reading right now okay I'd really like to hear that just so I can give you a little bit better mark for cohesion complete answers and so on okay roshni says yes I have a hobby to play badminton every day in the evening for one hour with my best best friend so mo because it keeps me active and also helps me release stress after a tough day very good roshni just a couple of slight adjustments Charley says yes I have a hobby Charley you make sure you don't forget your subject in English you need to have your subject okay so yes I have a hobby frequently I read detective stories in my leisure time like last night after dinner I read several pages of the book conundrum which is based on the death mystery of one of the greatest leaders Subhash Chandra Bose a-okay that's good charlie I like it and I like how you stopped there so you didn't keep going about the book because then you go off topic and then the examiner will interrupt you okay Abhishek says one of my many hobbies is collecting coins and notes as I love to learn about history through the images on currency yesterday I bought a coin from 1947 it's really amazing okay I'll be chef I like collecting coins too good for you yeah learning history is really cool I'm into collecting old Roman coins these days all right Bumi says yes I've I've got a couple of hobbies boo me remember I've is gonna be your present perfect so you need your past participle so I've got a couple of hobbies which I like to do in my leisure time such as painting abstract images and watching movies last Sunday I went to watch the new release newly released comedy fantasy movie with my family ok boo me good boo me careful with your adjectives adverbs so abstract is often used especially when we're talking about painting is an adjective so abstract paintings or painting abstract pictures okay and then newly-released comedy fantasy movie all right okay but not bad for Dobb says absolutely my hobby is cycling as it not only helps me unwind but also to improve my cardiovascular health and this way I kill two birds with one stone all right good a nice use of idiomatic language for doves Pedro says yes I have a couple of hobbies same thing Pedro that I said a moment ago don't cut out this subject okay you need this subject yes I have a couple of hobbies I like to play basketball in my leisure time also I like to watch documentaries about politics all right Pedro what kind of political doc are you watching these days throw in that example but Saul says I have so many hobbies i watch web series daily I like to play cricket and to eat fast food but Saul I don't know if eating fast food is a hobby but I'll take it maybe give me an example of that like every week I try a different fast-food restaurant this week I had Kentucky Fried Chicken okay so what sell if you tell me that then I can understand how you mean that eating fast food is your hobby if you say something strange students that's not clearly related to the topic like what cell said that the hobby is eating fast food then you have to explain what you mean by that because eating fast food for most people is just eating it's just doing an activity it's not a hobby but if you purposefully choose a different fast-food restaurant each week to try that could be considered a hobby okay so keep that in mind Elena is asking should we just talk about one hobby or more you only need to talk about one Elena it's a good question because it's a hobby but you could mention more if you have more so if one comes to mind like for you Elena was reading books and that's really your main hobby then you can say that one hobby it's okay but if you have a couple and you want to mention both of them that's fine also definitely though Elena it's a good question because you don't want to start listing four or five hobbies that would be too much and most likely the examiner would interrupt you so one maybe two maybe three but no more okay one maybe two maybe three but no more if you start talking about oh I play badminton also I like other sports like basketball plus I collect coins and comics furthermore I go for strolls in the park every Sunday it's also part of mine then the examiner will be like did you misunderstand me and think that I'm talking about activities so don't overdo it okay alright okay so yes I do I've got a couple of hobbies that I pursue in my leisure time one is collecting coins and the other is playing football with my friends on the weekend and yes students sports can be considered a hobby I often get this question like our sports hobbies or is it just playing sports sports can be considered a hobby if you do it regularly and it's not for the purpose of making money or being competitive okay so if you're doing it for money then it's more of a job at that point it could be your hobby too but then it's more of a job so yes I do I've got a couple of hobbies that I pursue in my leisure time one is collecting coin coins and the other is playing football with my friends on the weekend the former keeps my mind sharp as where the latter keeps me physically fit in fact I just had a great game yesterday and scored a couple of goals scored two goals don't want to repeat a couple all right repeat after me do you have a hobby yes I do I've got a couple of hobbies that I pursue in my leisure time one is collecting coins and the other is playing football with my friends on the weekend the former keeps my mind sharp as where the latter keeps me physically fit in fact I just had a great game yesterday and scored two goals okay so answer explain example as I always say you can see that students I really hope you're repeating me okay members are you repeating me when I read these questions and answers yes or no I've never actually asked the members if you're taking a moment to repeat me I want to make sure that you're keeping flow with me so I beat X says yes okay and the follow-up question I have is are you able to repeat so when I'm speaking at this natural pace or speed and I read or say this much information are you able to keep up and follow and then the third question okay is are you repeating me by listening to what I say or are you repeating me by reading the board if you can try to repeat me without reading so try to repeat me just from what you hear okay and also repeat the question not just the answer all right Bhumi says yes I'm doing it I'm doing it loud or aloud that's good boo me do it aloud so don't just do it quietly do it aloud okay teto says reading yeah Tito tried to do it just from listening if you can so try to take your gaze off the screen and then see if you can repeat it repeat what I say without looking at the text if you're having troubles doing it that way then look at the text okay alright but that's good I'm happy to see that you are doing this that's fantastic okay alright next icebreaker question what will you do after this exam Elena says no sometimes you are very fluent I cannot follow you I follow you by reading the board okay Lena yeah I understand that I I'm trying to of course not go too fast but my speed of speech is natural so some native speakers speak faster some slower I'm really focusing on getting that kind of middle middle ground okay alright so let's see what students came up with for this question so again the question is what will you do after this exam Pedro says I will go with my family to have lunch I would like to spend the evening with them I couldn't spend too much time with them during these months because I have been studying for the IELTS pager a really nice grammar for the most part Pedro I couldn't spend too much time would be T Oh Oh too much time T oh okay but otherwise a really nice response Pedro and a good range of grammar I see present perfect in there I see past condition so good Tito says probably after this exam I'll apply for my University which requires IELTS and after getting the evaluation I can move on with my future plans to get my dream job yeah Tito not bad the word apply application application it's a little bit confusing I guess you mean apply for work or for school that's a little bit unclear so careful with that okay let's see roshni says well after this tough speaking exam definitely I'd love to enjoy a few quiet moments and relax I believe that I deserve a treat so I will go to a cafe and have a cold coffee with my elder brother and chitchat with him about this test right so finish what you're saying there roshni good roshni definitely I love to enjoy and relax that's awkward it doesn't make sense grammatically so definitely I'd love to enjoy and relax for a few moments okay you need to reword that for dobbs when I'll have finished my interview in 15 minutes I'll Drive to kindergarten as today it's my turn to pick up the kids and then I'm planning to go to an Italian restaurant too a fun time with my family good for doves yeah it's okay to say I will I will for doves in the speaking section students do use contractions okay so that's my tip and members I can see that most of you are quite skilled in using these higher-level grammar forms of present perfect and so on I highly recommend practicing contractions for the speaking so this is an important tip okay it will help to boost your score so for IELTS speaking use contractions of course contractions means like I will becomes I'll okay or I have got especially the present perfect in natural English we contract it very frequently so I have got would be I've got okay now the trick and this is an important trick is make sure to enunciate your contractions okay especially when you're practicing them in the beginning one difficulty I find with some English as second language speakers is that they don't enunciate their contractions so it's hard to catch them if it's hard to catch the contraction it can become very confusing for the listener so when you're practicing at home really enunciate like I'll have finished my interview in 15 minutes I'll drive to kindergarten and then as you practice this more and more in your speech it will become softer so you'll say I'll so I'll have finished my interview in 15 minutes I'll drive to kindergarten but the sound will be there in the beginning enunciate them a little bit more okay so when I have finished my interview in 15 minutes all drive to kindergarten as today it's my turn to pick up the kids okay all right is that clear is that clear members on the contractions this will increase so this will increase your grammar range and pronunciation scores all right okay cool I'm glad that's clear all right let's get into some other questions so I'll give you an answer for this one before we hurry along what will you do after this exam well I suppose after I'm done this interview I'll go for lunch as I'm famished and being nervous is just making me more hungry then in the evening I will go and watch a movie with some friends for some well-deserved fun and entertainment all right yeah let's fix that all right repeat after me what will you do after this exam well I suppose after I'm done this interview I'll go for lunch as I'm famished and being nervous is just making me hungrier then in the evening I will go and watch a movie with some friends for some well-deserved fun and entertainment all right now the examiner will say okay that is let's continue with part one now I will ask you some more questions on a general topic let's talk about health how often do you exercise how often do you exercise give me a nice full sentence answer for this one how often do you exercise just adjusting our lighting here make it a little bit better alright c'mon says himand welcome to the class I planned to watch a new movie which was released yesterday it's a historical film set in the 1600s today morning I read a fantastic review about it and also stars my favorite actor okay himand I think that's for the previous question careful with your grammar careful not to overcomplicate tito's has to be honest usually I don't get time to exercise probably because of my work and daily routine but I do workout whenever I have time to do so like cardio and push-ups Tito you're speaking a lot but you're not really answering my question how often I get that you don't do it often so not as often as you like but Tito I still don't know how often that is is it once a week once a month so try to be a little bit more quantitative with these kinds of questions boo me chat bar says I mostly go for exercise three to four times a week and go for walks and stretching in the garden near my home it's about five minutes on foot Bumi careful with your grammar okay so I go for exercise three to four times a week which involves walking and stretching in a garden near my home about five minutes on foot okay Bhumi Charlie says I do exercise on a daily basis I spend one hour in the morning and a nearby gym to stretch my body like before coming to this exam I did that okay Charlie don't repeat the same sentence again and again awkward alright okay for daug says I frequently exercise on Monday and Sunday I go swimming and on Saturday and Wednesday I visit my local gym the manager subsidizes my gym membership so I take advantage of this and workout as much as I can okay for dubs it's okay to mention that the manager subsidizes your gym membership but connect that to the original question of how often so finish that statement with so I go as often as I can okay c'mon says I exercise every morning for 25 to 30 minutes I start with simple yoga followed by some stretches and then power yoga to build strength okay himand careful with the details Pedro says I like to exercise three times a week I like to be active and do as much as I can Pedro focus on your explanations and examples okay so what kind of exercise do you do three times a week do you go cycling swimming do you go to the gym aerobics yoga rock climbing what do you do right so here you'll get a sense of what I do so I frequently exercise I workout five to six times each week I not only go to the gym and lift weights but also every other day I go for an 8k run I find that in this way I can improve my overall strength and cardio just yesterday I ran around Margit Island and that's actually what I do alright so again answer explain example that's always what you're going for right so how often do you exercise I frequent the exercise I workout five to six times each week I not only go to the gym and lift weights but also every other day I go for an 8k run I find that this in this way I can improve my overall strength and cardio just yesterday I ran around margit Island one more time and Elena I'm listening to your words in my ear so to maybe slow down just a little bit on the speaking so that you can repeat me a little bit better I do want to push you for natural speed but there's a range of natural speed so one more time I frequently exercise I workout five to six times each week I not only go to the gym and lift weights but also every other day I go for an 8k run I find that in this way I can improve my overall strength and cardio just yesterday I ran around Margot Island it's a very nice running track there Elena what the what is the meaning of every other day it means every second day so each day every other day so that would mean like Monday Wednesday friday-sunday every other day okay Monday Wednesday friday-sunday Tuesday every other days yeah alternating days not alternative days Elena alternating days but we don't say alternating days we say every other day so I'll put it up here okay good question every other day means every second day okay every second day yeah students if you have questions members these are the best classes to ask me okay all right I'll be checks as well every morning between 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. I hit the gym for two hours which is five blocks from my flat not only does it help me relax from my hectic schedule but also keeps me fit very nice I'll be check I like how you said I hit the gym it's a nice natural expression fantastic okay next question good members good let's keep rolling you're doing a fantastic job what do you eat to be healthy so what do you eat to be healthy give me a nice full sentence for this one okay all right Tito says I'm really into fresh salads and fruits for staying healthy and after gaining a lot of weight I started to eat healthy salads with one spoon of apple cider vinegar okay good yeah that cleanses the body right Tito I like it okay so I'm really into fresh salads and fruits for staying healthy especially after gaining too much weight okay instead of the and Tito I would say especially after gaining too much weight these past few years now I started to eat healthier foods like a salad with a spoon of apple cider vinegar good for Doug says I used to consume junk food two years ago but nowadays I not only eat homemade foods but also fruits and vegetables this diet has shown its value as it is both nutritious and energetic for dogs it's a little bit awkward the way that you're giving that answer especially since you start with the negative it's confusing I used to consume junk food two years ago it's like okay so I would do a little bit differently for dogs I would say well these days I'm really into homemade foods I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables not only because it's nutritious but also because it gives me energy and I've been doing much more of this since last year before that I consume too much junk food and felt terrible okay so maybe at the end for dogs you can give the Contra not at the beginning okay I don't recommend it so students answer directly okay that's gonna be a tip for you today because I know that can make a big difference in your outscore so here's an important strategy okay for the speaking and this is a I mean I call it a strategy for the IELTS speaking but it's also communication strategy you'll find that your communication be better received when you answer questions directly in regards to what you are asked so what do you eat to be healthy I eat fruits and vegetables every day to keep fit okay is that clear members I really want you to reflect on that for me so is that clear what I mean by speak directly right away then you can expand but directly answer the question right away so that the examiner can mark off that coherence mark okay does that make sense so especially for the exam I mean it will help you in everyday communication as well but especially for the exam it's really important to give a direct answer what do you eat to be healthy I eat fruits and vegetables every day to keep fit okay so direct right at it all right super important okay Elena says I always prefer home-cooked meals to stay fit not only do I eat at least 2 servings of fruits and vegetables each day but also a bowl of meat which is full of protein and nutrition on top of that I sometimes prefer to drink a glass of milk in the morning after coming back from my run very nice charlie I eat fresh and nutritious vegetables and fruits to keep myself healthy there's a nice direct answer charlie very good like today for lunch I ate a dish of spinach also every afternoon I eat a seasonal fruit very nice charlie I really liked that answer really good ok Pedro says I eat a wide range of vegetables and fruits and also I like to eat superfoods let super foods like nuts that give me energy that I need for the day good roshni says oh gosh to maintain health I eat not only green veggies but also dry sprouts in my brunch because it contains loads of nutrition and vitamins that help me to stay healthy like my mum prepared a nutty yoghurt something like that roshni for the finish okay good all right nice job students let's keep going here's my answer let's repeat this one as well what do you eat to be healthy I definitely pay attention to include a lot of greens in my diet I eat a variety of fruits and vegetables such as lettuce tomatoes and onions to name a few also I eat a multivitamin every morning all right next question do you do any special activities to improve your health give me a nice full sentence answer for this one do you do any special activities to improve your health Bhoomi says yesterday night I had eaten a full bowl of mixed fruits like banana apples and grapes I guess that's the end of what you're saying for the previous one Bhumi that's good yeah roshni so in your speaking you can use to name a few don't use etc and so on but to name a few it's okay don't use that in the writing no roshni okay so to name a few okay teto says well I try to run whenever I come back from work and university as well as I do bicycling for cardio to stay healthy like right yesterday I ran for ten minutes I think that can improve my physical health okay yeah so special activities would be something that's a little bit less common Tito so maybe like you biked up the mountain by your house which is a very steep hill okay so it has to be something unique I see that Pedro came up with something unique here so Pedro says I do mindfulness and yoga training to improve my mental and physical health which is a bit unusual right okay so sometimes people eat certain types of fruits or vegetables that are kind of unique like Moringa okay so yes I put I think it's spelt Moringa like that or maybe Moringa yeah so yes I put in Moringa in my protein shake every morning after I do stretch yoga to maintain a high level of health and a strong metabolism okay if you don't do anything unique then you could say something like well I don't really do any unique activities to stay fit other than the exercise routine that I mentioned earlier okay so again for some questions in the IELTS you might not have an answer and it's okay to say no not really but just be really clear on your no answer so if you're answering no there's nothing unique that comes to my mind which I do to stay fit make that connection because you did say that you go for runs or you do yoga so say other than the exercise routine that I mentioned earlier okay so these are two different possible answers here all right okay let's see some more hey Mont I really like your answer so Hamas says yes I fast every Thursday to detox my body it helps me to maintain my sugar and cholesterol levels moreover it helps me with my medications as I follow the yoga format and fasting has special importance yeah very good home on so fasting would be a special activity not eating solid foods only a liquid diet for a couple of days would be a special activity for dog says certainly I run and cycle I jog three kilometres every morning to enhance my vital signs and on the weekends I ride two hours in the morning to keep fit that's great for dogs okay so you're giving more detail to what you said before that works as well okay so Tito is asking a question other than running in cardio well nothing really comes to mind except for me right Tito so now you're getting the idea I think charlie-san says as I had already mentioned every day I spend about an hour at the gym where the gym instructor guides me to do special exercises after coming home I drink a glass of milk what are this special exercises Charlie can you describe those a little bit that could get you some marks for lexical resource all right yeah Elena absolutely so Elena is asking a good question can we talk about mental health like brain exercises absolutely you can so your health is both physical and mental and it's good to think outside the box Elena definitely so yes absolutely you can so you could give an answer like this Elena so you could say certainly aside from physical fitness I do several brain exercises in the day that some people would consider unique such as mint practice men's exams okay yeah Elena you can definitely do that all right so well I where am i certainly aside from physical fitness I do several brain exercises in the day that some people would consider unique such as practice Mensa exams okay yeah all right let's see what you have Bhoomi says yes I run on the treadmill and meditate aside from walking which not only improves my cardiovascular system but also decreases mental stress Elena I'm looking for what you wrote but I don't see it with the mental exercise I'll scroll up a little bit more see if I can catch it yeah I don't see it Elena I think it might have gotten lost in the void of YouTube if you added that to the chat all right one more question here members one more let's do it together here we go have you ever felt unhealthy okay have you ever felt unhealthy give me a nice full sentence answer for this one have you ever felt unhealthy yeah Elena that works yeah absolutely so for the previous one Elena's saying I often solve crossword puzzles to improve my mental health it's a kind of brain exercise it not only stimulates my brain but also enriches my vocabulary which is helpful to stand out in this exam yeah Elena that works just fine very nice so have you ever felt unhealthy unfortunately yes I've been out of health not so long ago back in 2018 I broke my left leg in a game of floor hockey and for the following six months I gained a lot of weight because I couldn't exercise the same as usual all right so let's see what you have Tito says yeah about a year ago as I told you I gained too much weight and then I decided to join a gym now I've been exercising since then in that gym whenever I get the time so I've lost some pounds not however Tito it's not a contrast there it's an addition therefore I've lost some pounds ffred off says I noticed that I had got issues with my body two years ago when I used to consume junk food as I mentioned earlier from that time I've been trying to eat healthier very good for dobbs okay I have present perfect use the contraction students use the contraction Elena says yes I've felt unfit when I was in my high school I often ate junk food like pizza burgers and I found that I put on five kilos in one month Wow okay Charley says yes several times I've felt unhealthy like last November during the season change I had a fever and I felt unhealthy and weak Charley good Vermont says in my recent trip to leh I felt dizzy and unhealthy since it's at 15,000 feet above sea levels so I had to visit the nearest hospital to take some medication okay home on that works too good all right this is my answer here repeat after me have you ever felt unhealthy unfortunately yes I've been out of health not so long ago back in 2018 I broke my left leg in a game of floor hockey and for the following six months I gained a lot of weight because I couldn't exercise the same as usual alright let's use that I've been out of shape that's a very common expression for feeling unhealthy or unfit I've been out of shape to be out of shape out of shape alright so one more time just this first bit here students unfortunately yes I've been out of shape not so long ago back in 2018 I broke my left leg in a game of floor hockey and for the following six months I gained a lot of weight because I couldn't exercise the same as usual all right then there's a little bit of a follow-up question these are rare in part one but they can happen so the examiner might ask you what did you do and then we have a conditional question here as well if you could change one part of your life to be healthier what would it be I'll leave these questions to you to practice at home members you did a great job in this class fantastic interaction great use of grammar beautiful vocabulary range I'm really liking what you are putting down members good for you good job really you've really improved a lot of you're making great progress I can I can absolutely see the way that your grammar your expressive style your natural language is improving so that's really really good keep it up students and keep speaking okay speak speak speak talk as much English as possible for those of you who have family members at home especially if they speak English I highly highly recommend what I call the English hour okay so this is my last tip before we wrap up this class and it's a really important one so here we go study strategy designate an English hour at home where everybody has to speak English like Monday to Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m. it's only an hour if you think about it all I've said here is four hours in our weekly what like 180 hours or something like that so designate an English hour okay the world speaks English the language of business is English the language of Education is English so using four hours of each week to speak English within the family is healthy for anybody even for a very high level English non-native English speakers okay so make sure to have that English hour okay students that's it in 30 minutes reading session for everyone coming up bye for now hopefully I'll see you soon
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy
Id: Ko9bLX3jQxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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