IELTS Live - Speaking Part 1 - Band 9 Super Start

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada it's the capital city of the province of british columbia my hometown i hope everybody has had a great start to their week and is looking forward to a fantastic productive week ahead staying healthy staying strong hi janil welcome members welcome aryan jasur bishal good to see many students in the class ready to learn in this lesson we are focusing on ielts speaking part one and i will be telling you some strategies and we will be practicing to have that band 9 super start to your speaking interview while we wait for a few more of your classmates this lesson is presented to you by ae for academic ielts success check us out there for the general ielts visit us at g-i-e-l-t-s help dot com that's general on both of those websites we've got loads and loads of content for you to help improve your score in fact we boast over 60 practice ielts speaking interviews with different kinds of band scores on each website with videos and scripts to help you master english communication and speaking so you can join our premium ielts package by clicking that big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's really really worth it and we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so we definitely know what we're doing um this is our general ielts website here with the green background again you can click that big red button to join us there now students set your youtube to 720 p for the best viewing this is an ultra low latency stream which means that we're almost in real time so you hear me just a few seconds after i actually say what i say and i see your responses and for the best viewing you want 720p i've pinned that comment for everybody to remember that all right um so we've got lots of uh good content coming up for you um we will have my ielts band 9 journey episode 5 premiering um this sunday for you i sat the official ielts exam a few months ago hoping to get a band nine and i got three bad nines ben nine and speaking reading listening but i only got a 7.5 in writing which was disappointing writing section is very subjective in the marking um so episode 5 will be eor and inquiry on results hoping to get a little bit of a better score you can check that out this sunday see what happens we've got apps academically help general alice help those apps power our websites as well you can follow us on instagram ielts underscore a help gl's help precious muchenwa good luck on your speaking on monday the 27th um send me an email if you have questions students adrian ae help dot com i will be happy to respond or one of my colleagues and we've got a full week of classes we will have writing and reading and speaking later on this week you can check out the schedule on instagram or youtube and now let's get into our speaking all right hey very welcome precious muchem make sure to pay attention in this class because we've got lots of great information coming up for you so this is speaking so make sure to speak and repeat all right so um the speaking interview it's done separately from the listening reading writing part of the test it takes about 12 minutes uh you have to show up early for your speaking exam uh how much how how many minutes or how much time before your um speaking interview should you show up at the exam center okay nix um it's absolutely okay to have a fake accent it's actually good to copy an accent like a british or an australian just make sure you stick with one uh if i you know maybe i'm biased because i'm canadian west coast but if i wanted to learn an accent it would definitely be either west coast or east coast north american it's the clearest accent more people understand it than any other accent so either like a los angeles or like a new york accent toronto accent vancouver accent all right angun said show up 30 minutes before precious muchemwa says show up 20 minutes before rama says 20 minutes before i disagree angun and precious muchemwa i say show up an hour before your exam why do i say that okay this is a first big tip here so show up an hour early one hour early to your speaking interview okay why do i say that okay there's a good reason and i think yeah there go arda says show up an hour early jaideep you will be in trouble if you only show up 15 minutes before because you have to register 20 minutes before your speaking interview so you absolutely have to be there at least 20 minutes before um but i suggest show up an hour early aryan says to practice yeah absolutely so show up an hour early to your speaking interview a so you can practice uh speaking with other candidates waiting okay bring some scripts with you and i suggest not just on your phone but actual paper so that you can copy you can practice with other candidates so find another candidate if some of you didn't see the um third episode of my band nine isles journey that's what i did i went to the test center i found another candidate outside the test center because of covid people are outside the test center and i said hey can you practice some speaking with me i have some speaking questions and that candidate was like yeah absolutely that's a great idea so we sat down we asked each other some questions and i met i i never uh included this in the video but actually saw that candidate after my speaking interview and after his speaking interview and he said to me he was like that was really good it made me feel way better when i was in my speaking test i was way less nervous okay um douchey don't ask for water if you feel nervous take water with you okay so take water with you all right vivek i am canadian yes okay um what else what else is important here mkl check out the website send me an email okay so why else do you want to show up one hour early to your speaking interview it's also so that you can get familiar with the test center often the speaking is before the other parts of the test so that you can calm down and gain confidence focus on your goal okay so a lot of people are really nervous and it's hard to shake the nerves in 20 minutes uh before you're speaking interviews so if you're there an hour early then it gives you a lot more time to just get really nervous and then be like okay i've been nervous for like 30 minutes i should just calm down a bit right so if you if you give yourself an hour to calm down because usually people get nervous when they're they arrive and then they get nervous again when they walk into their speaking interview right so when you walk into your speaking interview this is another tip for you okay uh to calm down for your speaking interview imagine that the examiner is your grandpa or grandma they love you and they won't judge you but you have to speak loud and clear in full sentences with clear information okay so calm down twice calm down once by going there an hour early and being like okay i'm here i've been freaking out for the last 30 minutes now i can just chill out and i'm gonna do this speaking interview and then when you walk in to do your speaking interview and you meet the examiner you'll probably get a little bit nervous again so then you go okay that's my grandpa if it's a guy it's a girl that's my grandma and then you'll be like okay grandma loves me i just gotta chill out do my job speak in full sentences and clearly okay adam says eat some chocolate to overcome fear that could work too oral stimulation is a way to calm the nerves some people say eat a candy like a hard candy so that works as well okay and the other step that you need to take um when you're doing this is have a mental checklist this is a super important strategy okay so have a mental checklist with um five to seven items or points to remember now these should be kind of points that you sometimes forget to remember okay and i definitely recommend not having this on your phone but actually again having this on a piece of paper so you need a couple pieces of paper with you for the speaking interview one some questions that you have folded up in your pocket and two is your mental checklist on a small piece of paper a regular piece of paper write down some key points to remember to get those high band scores now for some of the students that are regularly in this class what are some key points that can go on your mental checklist to help you get that high band score so what kind of communication is really important for the ielts speaking interview for those high band 789 band scores so what should you put on that little checklist like point one remember to do this point two remember to do that when we're nervous it's easy to forget having that little list will help you okay so uh partius abu ghashemi says body language yeah maybe so you might have something like okay here's your mental checklist all right and you might have something like open body language yeah if you're one of those people that tends to close up when you speak in nervousness like this okay then it's important to put that on the piece of paper because when you do this you put pressure on your chest so you become quieter and you become more introverted and you speak in short sentences like what is your full name adrian smith where do you work or do you study i study um so you don't want that kind of closed physical posture you want an open posture even put your hands up on the table and use your hands okay in most english-speaking cultures we do use quite a bit of body language so it's absolutely good to do that so you might have that if that's one of your weaknesses what else might you have um yeah so vg pusala says examples when answering especially in part one yeah a lot of students forget that okay so you just have examples like um [Music] what's your favorite food and then you'll say well my favorite food is pizza i love all the different flavors the cheese the meat the bread in fact i had a delicious pepperoni pizza last weekend so you include that smooth example in fact i had a delicious pizza last weekend okay um space odd jobs yeah it's absolutely okay to pause at times between sentences to process information before you speak that's intelligent communication okay um nick hill says use notes during speaking part two yeah and i wouldn't just say notes nick hill i would say and questions so you might have that on your mental checklist absolutely um so many students for part two in the one minute preparation time will write down notes and then the examiner says begin speaking and then they start talking and they get stuck for ideas and then they're like oh what do i do what i say what i say it's like uh your notes are right there and they don't look at their notes and it's so bad and the examiner cannot tell you to look at your notes the examiner will not be like oh if you're stuck just look at your notes um they inside their head feel horrible they're like oh just look at your notes but they'll just keep smiling and being like that's so painful so yeah you might have that on there absolutely nick hill okay actually says frequent eye contact yeah you might have that um as well okay so uh there's lots of good one that i really like that i think students forget no matter how many times i tell them to do this is quantitative language and quantitative language means numbers okay so use numbers in your speaking numbers are super effective for good communication so when the question is like how often do you watch television and you say i frequently watch television i would say about two hours each day at least four days a week okay so that two hours each day four days a week that's really good and quantitative information often will feed back into examples okay so having that mental checklist for the speaking section looking at that just before you go into your speaking interview can help you to pick up even a full band score all right everybody good on that so everybody's clear what you need to do before you're speaking i don't always start these classes with this but i went into a bit more detail this time because we often have lots of new students these are the kinds of strategies you can learn on and in our premium package again so it's worth it okay precious muchemma says yep janelle says yep so precious muchemwa i'm hoping that these tips will help you on that speaking interview coming up on the 27th on monday okay all right um so uh let's get into our ielts speaking practice for today now just before we do that um a quick reminder focus on giving an answer explanation and example okay so whenever you're practicing when you're in your interview this is the foundation this is the cornerstone of your high band score ielts speaking interview okay um rasheed yeah i would definitely give some smooth examples for speaking part three as well absolutely in fact i did that in my official ielts exam and i got a band nine so definitely there was something there that works okay all right um so uh you walk into your speaking interview you're calm you've been there you're practicing you looked at your mental checklist the examiner meets you the first question the examiner is going to ask you is may i see your identification okay they have to ask you this question as part of their administration and you really want to show awesome english from the very beginning okay so you go into your exam and the examiner says welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test the test has three parts i will give you instruction for each part this is candidate number seven nine three five one two we are currently conducting the exam in uh miami the time is uh three o'clock in the afternoon now we shall begin may i see your identification okay harwinder says certainly here you go that's okay harwinder yeah you don't have to be like super fluent right away but you should use these questions to remind you about fluency right so rashika says yes here is my passport that i used to register for this exam please have a look sure mk says yes here's my official passport with my personal information please have a look nice mk so yeah use these questions to build fluency okay i'm harry's saying i'm telling you right now i got band nine all right space odd job says certainly here is my passport with my credential page please have a look yeah very nice that works sure ayush says yes sure here's my passport i used for registration for this exam mm-hmm pawan says of course here you are yeah again that's okay so you can start that way but you should use these uh questions to build fluency so may i see your identification yes uh it's just stuck in my pocket okay got it all right here is my passport that i used to register please take a look okay so be natural um i think this happens to a lot of students uh it gets stuck in their pocket especially if they have jeans i've seen students where they have to kind of stand back up again and be like oh there it is okay um so speak and repeat may i see your identification yes it's just stuck in my pocket okay got it here's my passport that i used to register please take a look and then you show them um your passport uh douchey yes absolutely you want to be as natural and original as possible that is important okay all right um next question they will ask you while you're holding that passport is what is your full name so give them a nice full sentence for this one as well so what is your full name give me your full name okay let's see uh yogesh if you're having difficulty hearing the examiner um you you can so yogesh is asking a good question while everybody's answering this yogesh's question is um can you ask the examiner to speak louder absolutely you can um you can say this okay so i'm a bit hard of hearing would you mind uh speaking up a bit i would really appreciate it now most examiners do speak fairly loud so if they're speaking loud and you can hear them don't say that because they'll be like oh what kind of a weird trick is going on here but if they're soft-spoken okay if somebody is quiet in english we say they're soft-spoken okay um if your examiner is soft spoken then definitely use the phrase above that's going to be kind of rare they usually are instructed to speak loud and clear but if they're soft-spoken then yeah definitely definitely definitely ask them that phrase okay all right let's get back to this what is your full name abdullah al zaruni says my given name is abdullah and my last name is al-zaruni but you can call me abdullah yeah that works i usually think saying please call me is a bit more polite according to english-speaking cultures so it's better okay um arda says my given name is arda and my surname is gerbaz as you can see in my uh passport um please just call me arda okay good uh mk only once so i choose different people at different times out of the chat okay so please don't spam the chat in hopes of me um getting to it i choose different people for different questions so it's everybody gets a turn or maybe not everybody but lots of people chaby says my official full name as is written in all the documents is chaby khalil however i would feel more comfortable being called hamza as my grandma used to refer to me please do this if the policy allows uh chaby very nice natural language good expression good expressive style and fluency that's band nine okay that's how you get band nine when you say that clearly fluently you're on a band nine path kazi says my full name is kazi rai shu zaman roy please call me roy since my first and middle name can be hard to pronounce very good yeah i was i had to look at that um carefully and i probably still mispronounced it qazi so yeah absolutely okay constance munga says my first name is constance my family name is munga please call me connie please call me by my nickname connie okay if you want to be called by your nickname say it's my nickname otherwise they're like why don't i see that name in the passport okay so if you've got if you've got a nickname make sure you tell them that okay so my given name is timothy and my surname is smith but please call me by my nickname jazz as this uh makes me comfortable and relaxed yeah you'll probably be a little bit more chill if uh you're called by your nickname that you're used to and the examiners are totally okay with that they'll be like okay jazz so they do want to kind of have you feeling comfortable and confident so they have no problem calling you by your nickname okay in fact if you don't tell them what they should call you especially if you have a really tricky name then they will ask you and what can i call you or what should i call you okay so here we go uh what is your full name my given name is timothy and my surname is smith but please call me by my nickname jazz as this makes me feel comfortable and relaxed okay jazz all right so one more time everybody make sure to speak and repeat try to copy my pronunciation my intonation my fluency and if you feel that you have some good english skills try to do it without reading okay don't read okay let's do this one more time so what is your full name my given name is timothy and my surname is smith but please call me by my nickname jazz as this makes me feel more comfortable and relaxed okay jazz where do you live give me a nice full sentence answer for this one now these are being marked they're the icebreaker questions the examiner is marking you here they're already getting an idea of your english communication ability so they will say okay now i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic okay um where do you live okay give a nice full sentence answer for this one okay jay neil says i reside in a two-bedroom condo on the third floor in the heart of sarat which is part of the of western india i have been living here with my family for the last five years okay good job neil uh janil you do not need to say of the building that's awkward like you don't have to say third floor of the building just i live on the third floor okay it's clear that it's on the building okay or in the building just says i reside in a cozy two-story yellow house on a nice plot of land with a small green yard in the center of the city of samarkand located in northern uzbekistan okay just sure good be specific so don't just say country of uzbekistan but say northern uzbekistan or eastern or bordering uzbekistan and okay so be a little bit more specific all right rashika says my given name is rashika my family name is kataria you can just call me by my given name rashika that works for the previous one okay says i reside in a three uh bedroom two-story family home in nayum province which is a beautiful tower uh in the on the center of vietnam um a little bit confusing here qn at the end which is a beautiful tower i think you meant town right which is a beautiful town near the center of vietnam okay make sure that pay attention to your typing um to get those high marks i think that's where i maybe lost some scores in my ielts exam okay um shaibin binaj says i live in the outskirts of kerala with in a three-bedroom apartment with my family you live in a three-bedroom apartment with your family okay yashoo kamboj says uh well i'm a [Music] uh i'm a dweller of yamunagar district of haryana state in northeastern part of my country which is famous for its steel and plywood industries yeshua i didn't ask you what your city is famous for instead of telling me what your city is famous for focus on where you live okay so well i reside in the yamu nanagar district of haryana state in a town house with my parents and i have been living there for the past 20 years that will get you a better score always be accurate to the question students okay so be accurate and detailed to the question to get high band scores okay so where do you live i live in a two bedroom three-story uh townhome town house with my lovely wife and two children uh near the downtown area of victoria which is the capital city of bc in western canada and i have been living there for the past 30 years okay so again be specific to the question here we go um where do you live i live in a two-bedroom three-story townhouse with my lovely wife and two children near the downtown area of victoria which is the capital city of bc in western canada and i've been living there for the past 30 years okay or i've been living here it's okay as well all right um next question what do you do to relax very common question it's kind of like what are your hobbies what do you do in your free time so these questions are kind of synonymous okay make sure to practice these there's a very good chance you might get this question most common questions are do you work or do you study or what do you do to relax okay so what do you do to relax what are your leisure time activities what do you do to unwind okay assad decks as well i can listen to my favorite songs uh to relax if i feel exhausted like what what are your favorite songs when the last when is the last time a sub back that you did this okay so clear explanation and example keep that always in your head answer explain example okay um mastermind says while i'm not much of a sporty girl i like to listen to music especially classical music which uh helps me to feel so relaxed um i was listening to a bit of mozart just before this exam to uh be calm and focused right mastermind remember that example jinil says in order to relax i love to both binge watch movies and cook delicious food those activities help me to rejuvenate for the next day from my eight hour job just yesterday i flicked shang chi on uh disney plus okay janil great nice example getting really good all right getting really good with your answers all right um precious says i live in a four-story building on the third floor i live in a three-bedroom apartment with my family our apartment has spacious rooms with enough light very warm in the winter and cool in the summer precious good don't over speak the last part is not directly connected to your answer for the previous one all right what do you do to relax um in order to unwind i like to kick up my feet for a couple of hours in front of the tele and watch uh one of my favorite shows yesterday i saw a couple episodes of vikings and it really helped me to zone out from my stressful day all right so um here is your answer explanation example okay what do you do to relax repeat after me in order to unwind i like to kick up my feet for a couple of hours in front of the telly and watch one of my favorite shows yesterday i saw a couple episodes of vikings and it really helped me to zone out from my stressful day now here we're starting to push that band 9 with a little bit of idiomatic language really good explanation example okay this is really really really important to get a good fluency scores good lexical resource marks coherence marks that's what they're marking you on okay so um notice how i'm using the question in my answer so what do you do to relax in order to unwind i like to kick up my feet kick up my feet means you have your feet and you go well and your feet are up and you're back and now you're just watching television or uh doing some other activity which is relaxing okay so pay attention to that idiomatic language all right uh telly is television yeah um it's uh kind of slang for television and yeah it might be spelt a little bit differently it's more of a british word canadians don't use it as much british like to use it canadians say tv or television british like to say the tube or the telly it doesn't matter if you're using british or american slang both are okay british examiners are familiar with north american and australian slang as are australians and north americans familiar with the slangs of other dialects for the most part not all but the common slangs so it doesn't matter which slang you use it's a good idea to put in just some basic simple idiomatic language and slang okay uh here we go so now that you're done these icebreaker questions the examiner will say okay well now let's talk about gifts how often do you buy a gift okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one so how often do you buy a gift yeah rohit you should definitely use a bit of slang language it makes you feel more natural more fluent so using wanna gonna sometimes is a good idea okay uh definitely use uh phrasal verbs um yukiyan on i think if i'm reading your hiragana correctly um then definitely yeah use phrasal verbs phrasal verbs are considered um to be idiomatic language yuki yukiyan right yuki on if i'm reading your hiragana correctly it's been a while um all right your answers don't need to be super long you just have to focus on answering the question clearly directly full sentences okay all right mastermind says i love buying gifts for others and i feel embraced when someone offers me gifts i buy gifts recently for special birthdays of my friends mastermind you're not answering the question how often uh do you buy a gift okay it's a missing word there how often do you buy a gift okay so you have to answer that question specifically sanjay says i don't buy gifts very often um unless and until there's a special occasion for instance last week my friend had his birthday so i bought him a mobile phone oh that's very nice gift sanjay so how often do you buy gifts not very often once a month once a year how often are there special occasions in your life okay uh shirani says i buy some gifts for my kids to celebrate their birthdays usually i buy toys and books for them a couple of weeks ago i bought a smart mobile phone for my husband um stay away from the smartphones as the examples they're just beaten to death they're used way too often okay so say something else like i bought a toy plane for my son okay all right uh ungun says i occasionally buy gifts to present to my friends for their birthdays like last month i bought a box of chocolates uh to give it to my next door neighbor for her birthday uh nick hill says more often than not i purchase gifts three to four times a month either for my friends on birthdays or their promotion getting a job or my family on their birthday most of the time to show my love and respect last month i bought a watch for my mom on her birthday nick hill that is a beautiful band nine answer okay so that's what you need to do all right so how often do you buy a gift i frequently buy presents either for my friends or my family on special occasions such as birthdays and weddings uh in fact i just bought a nice uh dish set uh for my friend for his wedding present uh last month okay um and then what we want to do here very importantly actually you know what i should ask you so what am i missing this looks like a pretty good answer but i can make it even better all right what am i missing here so the question is how often do you buy gifts and i say i frequently buy presents either for my friends or my family on special occasions such as birthdays and weddings in fact i just bought a nice dish set for my friend for his wedding present last month okay that's a good answer and i would say it's almost a band 9. there's one extra step that i can take to make sure that this is a band nine answer what can i do what am i missing from my response here what can i do ah very good ajaya says i'm not showing quantitative language yeah absolutely nick hill so quantitative language so i can say okay um i would say anywhere from 5 to 10 gifts per month okay yeah that makes it so much clearer for the examiner right so again if we go back to the question how often do you buy gifts now it's a true band nine i frequently buy presents either for my friends or my family on special occasions such as birthdays and weddings i would say anywhere from five to ten gifts per month in fact i just bought a nice dish set for my friend for his wedding present last month okay notice how that quantitative language just makes it so much clearer for your audience what you're talking about okay the other good piece of communication here is the co-related conjunction either or either for my family or or sorry either for my friends or my family so using co-related conjunctions very very useful okay next question who do you usually get presents from so who do you usually get presents from and then why okay all right so give me a nice um full sentence answer for this one nick's collocations are words that are commonly used together in language okay like business deal is a type of collocation okay uh i'm render saying kithen kins is not going to get you a high band score it's not a full sentence answer by any means um pm evening says i actually say that i usually get presents from myself okay p.m evening why okay you still have to explain it so pm evening i would say something like i would actually say i get presents from myself because currently i'm a bachelor i'm living away from home during my university studies so most frequently if i like um an object or some item uh like a new gaming console i go out and buy it for myself and gift it to myself uh last week i bought a really cool uh smartwatch that i've wanted and i gave it to myself for my birthday okay so it's okay to say i usually give presents to myself or get presents from myself explain it okay because it's unusual right so you want to explain that okay all right ahmed wasim says i usually get presents from my friends because they are people who know me better than anyone else in my life i would say i get a gift at least once a month from one of my friends last month my friend muhammad gave me a new t-shirt okay ahmed so finish with a strong explanation and example all right yogesh says i mostly get presents from my family members especially from my mother since my childhood she is offering me several gifts on my smaller or bigger achievements okay very good yogesh can you give me an example of a gift that she has given you recently okay rashika says i usually receive gifts from my husband or my siblings for my birthday or our wedding anniversary last year um i had received a golden ring from my husband for our wedding anniversary very nice rashika that would be past perfect not present perfect i had received okay and it's good to use complex grammar because you're being marked on that most of the time i receive gifts from um either my wife or my father my wife loves me so she buys me gifts at least a couple of times each month to express her emotions and my father often buys me gifts to encourage me to pick up a new hobby last month he bought me a camera to try and get me into photography okay all right um kind of true i guess uh so here we go ielts doesn't have to be true so this is not true about the camera but my dad does encourage me with his gifts so repeat after me who do you usually get presents from why most of the time i receive gifts from either my wife or my father my wife loves me so she buys me gifts at least a couple of times each month to express her emotions and my father often buys me gifts to encourage me to pick up a new hobby last month he bought me a camera to try to get me into uh photography boom there's your band nine answer okay that'll get you high band scores make sure you're fluent all right next question uh which days are common to give gifts to others for you good question now if you've already talked about this make a connection okay so say well as i mentioned in my previous responses okay so if you've already talked about it connect connections are very good because they create coherence so they improve your communication okay give me a nice full sentence answer for this one all right so which days are common to give gifts to others for you uh techie nidhi says generally it is the fall time and christmas time why techie explain that to me okay all right um sh as asking if we want to explain about our short answer what information must we say that's extra to the answer the extra information is your explanation example and it's related to the question sub 2 pewds 12 says i mostly get presents from my relatives usually my for birthdays or when i achieve um a considerable milestone last year i passed a very important test and my family bought me a trip to new zealand okay sub two be specific don't use words like something sometimes somewhere okay doesn't mean anything for your listener okay what thing what time where right so be specific okay yashuu says well i get presents once a year especially on my birthday from my friends and family members as they're the close ones to me to display their love and affection like last birthday i received a digital watch from my parents that i've been wanting for quite some time okay simranjeet says people like to give gifts on their religious holidays such as on the festival dipwali people give sweets to their relatives and friends okay good potato says well for me i consider birthdays would be the common uh to give gifts because we usually celebrate friends and family and also frequently each year all right potato a little bit awkward but you're on the right track artist says basically i would say birthdays and the day before the new year because people like to celebrate these days with lots of happiness and when i give gifts they become happier okay are they good new years in western culture it's not common to give gifts but i know that for example in china for chinese new year's people give little red envelopes with money as uh gifts so yeah you want to always explain clearly rashika says as i mentioned earlier um like others the common days which i give gifts are birthdays weddings anniversaries and national days okay very good yes so which days are common in relation to my previous answers as with many others uh common days uh when i give presents to my relatives and friends our birthdays anniversaries um [Music] religious holidays such as christmas and when they achieve a great goal such as when my sister graduated high school last year i bought her a new car why not let's go big or go home um all right again you don't have to have the truth the examiner has no idea how much money you have and has no idea what kind of car you're buying it could have been a porsche or it could have been a suzuki all right so here we go full sentence answers repeat after me which days are common to give gifts to others for you in relation to my previous answer as with many others common days when i give presents to my relatives and friends are birthdays anniversaries religious holidays such as christmas and when they achieve a great goal such as when my sister graduated high school last year i bought her a new car oh all right so again full sentence answer explain example reflect the question use the grammar of the question here are a couple of more complicated questions for you i'm out of time but i recommend trying these you can use our websites to find ielts students to speak with and practice these questions here's a question how has gift giving changed compared to a few decades before and here's a conditional question if you could give a special gift to any person what would it be and who would you give it to why okay so use the condition if i had the chance to give a present to someone near and dear to me it would definitely be uh for my daughter as her birthday is coming up soon okay so you can practice these questions on our websites this is our general ielts website here the green background you can click that big red button to join our premium package it's not very expensive and it's tons of help and when you are a student on our website you can go into your my student account and in your my student account you can click on student partner speaking accept the terms and uh there you will be able to find other students right now we've got whoa look at that you've got anna md hamidou lorena sima all in there waiting for somebody to chat with um so use the chat function there yujin thank you for all of those fantastic emojis they kind of make the class really happy at the end okay um so that's it for today tomorrow i will be back with more live classes it will be reading for members and task two writing start for everyone of course everybody can join the reading class but you just have to be a youtube member to join the chat that's all okay um okay aya yeah you bought the full premium course via google play yeah you can get our full course through our apps as well so if you get our apps you can access the website so you don't have to pay everywhere you just pay one place and then you get access that's awesome okay cool uh mix you have to click the join button next to the subscribe button on youtube that's it for me for now everyone i'm adrien and i'm signing out from victoria on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has an awesome rest of your day if it's late in your country get some sleep much love to all of you bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 10,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, section, British, accent, part 1, part 2, part 3, high score, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, examination, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning, interview, easy, Band 9, section 230
Id: pifj7urpK9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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