IELTS Live - Reading Section - Enough Time for a Band 9

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada surrounded by the amazing pacific ocean welcome kyber hi students welcome members in today's class we are looking at the ielts reading section and i will show you what you need to do um to have enough time so that you can finish the reading section with a band 9. while we wait for some more of your classmates this lesson is presented to you by that's for academic ielts studies visit us there for the general islands check us out at g uh the reading materials that we're using today will be found on these websites later this year hi carolina welcome our moderator our academic ielts website looks like this with the blue background all you need to do to join our premium ielts packages click that big red button it's a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's well worth the investment we are an official british council ielts test registration center and certified agents so you can ask us questions and we will certainly get the answers for you this is our general ielts website here same layout green background click that big red button there to join the premium package all right so if you want to get our apps uh you can download academic ielts help and general aisles help from your app stores our apps will link to the website so this one links to general ielts help links to and that integrates your learning material so it's a really cool way to learn just about anywhere anytime as long as you have internet access and if you have questions send me an email to adrian ae help dot com so we've got lots of classes coming up still this week we've got reading right now and then this will be followed by a listening part 1 and part 2 practice and strategy class and then tomorrow we'll have more reading and we'll have uh more listening and then we'll have a q and a session for members on saturday and a speaking part three for everyone on saturday as well so make sure to join uh for that all right getting into today's reading so here we are this is what we're looking at today let me just maximize our s space here on the screen okay let me get this as big as possible so that you can read it really nice and well all right so there we go maybe a little bit bigger even uh if it's a bit fuzzy for you please set your youtube setting to 720p and then you'll get a sharper uh image okay everyone so again we're developing some new exams you'll have these available later on um here is this one it's titled berlin from 1945 to 1990 so right away we realized that okay this passage is going to be um [Music] in the subject of history right so it's definitely a good idea to read up on some world history before you sit the ielts exam now when we look at this and we try to predict it the years are very interesting so immediately you should realize something here 1945 what happened what significant event happened in 1945 thanks for asking carolina i'm feeling a bit better today still not a hundred percent but uh let's say 65 70 60 percent um all right you're fun welcome to our group of members so you look at this and before so don't just read without thinking okay that's the most important first tip uh that i have to give you so digest the information think about the information so here when you read this title berlin from 1945 to 1990 um what significant event happened in 1945. harwinder says world war ii but be more specific so uh second world war what happened in 1945 with the second world war always says berlin was divided into two parts um yes that's good os so world war ii ended in 1945 people should know that right um world war ii officially went from 1939 to 1945 october i believe um and um that's when world war ii ended and then um europe was divided between east and west uh very very good and berlin was divided into two parts berlin of course being the capital of germany and berlin was divided into eastern and western germany and what did that mean for the system the social system so what was the western system and this kind of information you should know before going into the ielts exam it's quite important um okay yeah so june says world war ii ends germany is separated exactly into east and west and um what social system separated germany and at that time it's still a social system that separates much of the world today when we think of china north korea vietnam cuba united states france germany so what two social systems always says part of it was governed by the soviet union and the other part was governed by the west the usa um yeah os that's true so what's the difference of the social systems that governed uh the two different parts and you have to know this because this is current world history and of course a lot of the world today and the politics today is still in a large part controlled by these two social systems so before you begin reading again the topic of today's lesson is enough time for a band 9 and the only way that you're going to have enough time for a band 9 basically a perfect score in the reading is if you are able to think of the fundamental information that's necessary for this passage okay very good so carolina says it's communism and capitalism or always says capitalism versus socialism which is kind of the same idea right exactly right so eastern germany a lot of eastern europe or the europe can under soviet control was uh influenced by the communist or socialist social system and the western by the capitalists so a little bit of history there and that information you should think about okay so um what happens in 1990 then okay so in 1945 we know that uh berlin is divided along with germany and much of europe the world is divided in a large way following world war ii between these two systems capitalism and communism and then what happens in 1990 so what happens in 1990 okay and again if you think about all of this before you start reading you're going to have a much better chance of being able to read quickly and being able to answer the questions correctly okay okay so thomasvinaud um over in our general english help channel thank you thomas says that berlin is reunited and paulo rhys says the berlin wall falls down and sherwin is asking the fall of the berlin wall yeah it's the same thing shervin as what thomas just said it's reunification uh why does that happen so why does reunification of berlin actually happen why does the wall collapse there okay so nice to see more and more students joining in on our general english help channel as well hopefully you'll become members as well okay so yeah so germany the um the wall it's a very significant event in modern history i'm sure many of you that are maybe a little bit older like myself uh still remember this it was a huge uh media event and uh historical event okay um so why why why why in 1990 so we've got 45 years of these um of this separation and of these two systems and then why does suddenly okay paula reed says 1990 was my first birthday there you go paulo so very significant in your first birthday okay sherwin says there's unrest among the citizens um yeah not just that but soviet union yeah always says so always says after the soviet union is gone um yeah so the soviet uh ussr is coming to its end and a lot of the eastern european regions under uh soviet control are now uh liberating themselves and moving from uh the forced communism back into their capitalist systems or adopting the capitalist system so exactly so the the um danielle says a war maybe it's we can call that a war anybody this is my bonus point for today what is the war called what was the war called between the united states and the soviet union there wasn't actually too much direct physical fighting there was indirect physical fighting like in vietnam so uh what was the war uh between the us and ussr called and please don't google it okay so what was that yeah very good gineal and um gineal good job carolina yeah so uh again name of a war uh capital in this case okay so if you're in the ielts you'd get it wrong if you wrote it small uh or lower case okay so keep in mind that anytime you're answering a name it's capital c capital w so that was the cold war okay jyoti same thing capital w there all right cold war you're fun very good the cold war thomas very nice the cold war absolutely okay so um basically in 1990 right uh just coming back to this real quick we are at the end of the cold war all right that's just it okay awesome so now we've got lots of information lots of prediction and you should think at this level when you read this title okay i can tell that many of you have a pretty good idea of these two key dates and what was happening so take a second to think about all of that because it's going to make it much easier to understand the passage and the questions and that way you will have enough time to comprehend the information because that way even when you have some new words and some confusing sentences your brain can figure out the information based on what it knows does everybody understand the importance of this okay so this is the big tip here for the start of today's lesson so in order to have enough time for comprehension of the passage and questions with one reed it is very important to reference all of your existing knowledge on the topic so that your mind can make sense of new and confusing english quickly and easily okay so everybody sees that right so even though it might take you two minutes to think about this like okay 1945 world war ii ends europe is divided the world is divided two systems communism capitalism all right 1990 soviet union falls cold war comes to an end uh berlin is reunited okay what are these two systems there's competition there's a lot of economic boom communism so you get all this information in your head and then you start reading you're way better off okay i'm sure when yeah world war ii yeah absolutely both of the w's have to be capital yeah good question absolutely yeah just like cold war yeah world war ii all capital and if you write the word to sherwin the t has to be capital as well absolutely always okay all right um so now we look at the questions see if we can get some further help here all right so uh reading passage one it's actually two here um it has seven paragraphs a to g which paragraph contains the following information so write the correct letter a to g in boxes 14 to 20 on your answer sheet okay so here we have the paragraph matching let's read these these are helpful at home practice paraphrasing these okay this is all in the passage somewhere so let's read over them number 14. a treaty which allotted control of german territory to four countries so at home you'd want to paraphrase this an agreement that allowed um control of german regions to four different nations okay 15 a barrier is built between two german nations 16 berliners are cut off from essential goods and services 17 revolutions in other nations cause east germany to demand change 18 the division of germany into two parts 19 a push and pull between soviet and western interests in germany number 20 the allied powers bring millions of tons of supplies to the people of berlin okay all right so here we have these paragraph matching uh these ones you cannot do by skimming and scanning so a really important point here the only way you're going to have enough time for a band 9 not a band 5 or band 6 but a band 9 is if you actually read the passage and these types of questions you cannot skim read for because they're paraphrased and they're not coming in the order of the passage okay so this would be an impossible uh reading passage to try to do by skimming and scanning so don't do that okay all right um and then we have true false not given and we've got lots of true false not given we've got six uh true false not given questions here we're going to just ignore those for now because well we don't know if they're true false or not given so there's no point there all right so now what we can do is we can read the passage and when we read the passage we want to visualize it okay we want to see it so this is berlin imagine that you are a german living in germany more specifically living in berlin um perhaps you are living in eastern germany that's what i would choose here eastern germany living in the east side of berlin under communist rule that's right bakrat no need to read those true false not givens and then we visualize and go from there so here we go um let's read together this is reading so don't just listen to me we'll have a listening practice class next uh in about an hour so for now read with me okay practice your reading let's go from the top uh berlin from 1945 to 1990. after world war ii germany became two countries the western portion controlled by three of the allied powers britain france united states named the federal republic of germany or more commonly west germany and the eastern portion controlled by the final allied power the soviet union named the german democratic republic but more commonly known as east germany the current german capital of berlin then located entirely in east germany was similarly divided between the western powers and the soviets okay so you should visually see this right so you see germany and you see germany is divided west and east okay and berlin is here but it's also divided between east and west okay so uh does everybody see that okay you should have visualized this and this part here is controlled by us uk and france okay and this part here by the ussr and similarly uh this part here by ussr and that part of berlin okay so kind of a weird uh division there definitely you should be able to visualize that okay kyber says yes absolutely gineal says check that um all right so clear picture of that okay all right what a difficult situation for those germans as well all right so let's keep going okay again keep visualizing now the speed that i'm reading is absolutely fast enough to finish the reading passage and get a high bend as long as you are staying calm and paying attention to the information let's do this world war ii ended with the capture of germany by the allied powers the natural question was who would take control of the newly captured territory the four most powerful allied countries britain the united states france and the soviet union came to an agreement at the potsdam conference in may 1945. they divided the country roughly evenly in four parts the british would control the northwest the french would control the southwest the americans would control the south east and the soviets would control the northwest berlin was also partitioned the french in the northwest the british and the west the americans in the southwest and the soviets in the east these divisions were never meant to be maintained in the long term but they were the division of berlin became representative of the division of the world divided between two superpowers west and east the us in the west and the ussr in the east once allies the soviets and the western countries could not agree on a reparations agreement a treaty which would punish the germans through economic means the western countries wanted a relatively open german economy that is they wanted germany to remain self-sufficient the soviets on the other hand wanted to punish the germans for the millions of soviet deaths suffered during the war but such punitive measures are often cited as a key cause of the second world war as german reparations were humiliating and debilitating to the german economy and the german people this resulted in hardship poverty violence and ultimately the rise of hitler the western nations did not want to see a repeat of such a humiliation because of this disagreement negotiations between the two sides collapsed and ultimately diplomatic relations as well the western countries in a response to the collapse in relations merged their zones at a national level in 1947. in their combined zone they advocated the revival of the german economy so that the german people were not completely reliant on financial aid the soviets feared this union because it gave the collective more power than the soviets had in the region the tipping point for the soviets was the introduction of a new currency in the western zones a day after this took place the ussr imposed the berlin blockade the first major international crisis of what came to be known as the cold war in response to the confederation of western sectors the soviets blocked all rail road and marine access to the western controlled sections of berlin with the stroke of a pen berliners 2.5 million of them had no access to their basic needs of food electricity and medicine the western response to this soviet provocation was to institute what came to be known as the berlin airlift a year-long effort that involved 700 aircraft to deliver supplies to the cut-off sections of berlin during this time 270 thousand flights delivered approximately 2.3 million tons of supplies to the city without this effort berliners would have starved the introduction of the new currency and the resulting berlin blockade and airlift were key causes of the hardening of relations between the soviets and the west over the next decade relations between the two sides deteriorated to the point that in 1961 the berlin wall was erected by the east germans and soviets between the two sections of the city separating the soviet-controlled east german section from the western controlled west german section the wall would become a powerful symbol for the conflict between capitalism and communism and between the united states and the ussr the german people once adversaries who drew the soviets and americans into common alliance were now pawns in a dangerous game that was being played across the globe the partition of berlin lasted until 1989. revolutions against communism in other eastern european countries earlier that year brought about change in east germany as well the east german people revolted and after weeks of protest the east german the east uh german government relented and opened up the border on 9 november 1989. over the coming weeks and months people gleefully chipped away at the wall demolition of the wall took 17 months to complete german unification officially took place on 3rd of october 1990 what was once an ideological battleground between east and west would eventually become what we know uh berlin as today a singular cosmopolitan city of people working towards mutual prosperity all right um so we've finished the passage and hopefully all of you realize that doing all of that predicting of what happened in 1945 to 1990 in world history specifically in berlin uh in according to the socialist systems there was a lot of information in there about that right so there was a lot of information about the cold war about capitalism versus communism so really really really helpful right okay kaiper says it's very sad but kyber in the end it's a nice story because germany is reunited the people of berlin are reunited again so um yeah humans take time to figure it out um okay so here we go uh pay attention to this note by the way you may use any letter more than once all right now what we want to do because we visualize we should have a pretty good idea of where this information is contained okay and the a good strategy to think about for this type of question of which paragraph has this information is to think about the passage in thirds so you have this passage and you have paragraph a b c d e f and g okay so the way that you want to think about this is um in thirds so you have a and b as the first third okay you have c d and e as the second third and then you have f and g as the third third so even if you don't know exactly where this information is you should have an idea of the general region within the passage and then you can identify it so rather than skim reading the whole passage which is really time taking okay again the topic here is enough time for band nine um so instead of trying to skim read the whole passage if you're not reading the passage all you have to do now is just look at the region and if you don't find it it's okay go to the next question okay let me show you how to do this all right okay so uh number 14 a treaty which allotted control of german territory to four countries i actually remember which paragraph this was in i'm like 95 sure um i definitely remember the region anybody know was it the first third second third or third third okay so was this an a and b uh c d e or f and g okay so os and harwinder and caroline are saying b i actually remember it was b as well so the first paragraph introduced kind of the history in 1945 and what happened at the end of the war and then paragraph b introduced this treaty but again if you don't know that if you remember that it's in the first third very good os then um you can still figure out pretty quickly that it's gonna be paragraph b right so here i do have a pretty good idea that it's paragraph b okay uh who would take control of the newly captured territory the four most powerful allied countries came to an agreement in may of 1945 okay so there it is so we know that that's b okay and we're able to quickly go to the next question so number 15 a barrier is built between the two german nations okay so this is of course the berlin wall um it's built between um germany uh it's built uh specifically in um berlin between the two sides of berlin it's the berlin wall um is it the first third the second third or the third third so kyber says it's near the end carolina says i think it's um paragraph f yeah that was coming much much later on right so uh it wasn't until almost the end of the passage where basically the situation between east and west is getting so bad um that uh they're like okay let's just put up a wall and it was the soviets here that were like whoa whoa this is too much we're going to put up a wall right anybody remember the year roughly the year the berlin wall was erected so i know it's the last third so i can go back here's the last third the introduction of the new currency and the resulting berlin blockade and airlift were key causes of the hardening of the relations over the next decade uh deteriorated that in 1961 the berlin wall was erected there it is right so 1961 very good and a lot of you even remembered the year fantastic so very nice okay there we go so f it is fantastic okay number 16 berliners are cut off from essential goods and services the more of these you answer the faster you're going to be answering the next ones so if you're a little bit slower answering the first one two three don't worry too much because you're going to get faster when you answer the last ones okay yeah so kyber says second third paulo thinks that it's probably d or e yeah and so we hop back to that part the second third second third is c d and e so once allies the soviets and the western countries could not agree okay so i might skim read this and then um i go to d the tipping points for the soviets was the introduction of a new currency a day after this took place the berlin blockade the first major international crisis known as the cold war the blockade was blocking the rails the roads and access that controlled it so berliners 2.5 million of them had no access to needs of food and so on so definitely it was d very good okay they were cut off that was the berlin blockade and you should have remembered that right the berlin blockade the name of it okay very good all right uh number 17 revolutions in other nations cause east germany to demand uh change this one should be fairly easy fairly quick i don't think that number 17 anybody should be skimming or scanning or looking back because it's very very clear where this last point is made especially when you got this one here the barrier the berlin wall is an f so then revolutions in other nations cause change that's going to be g that's very good okay all right and thomas and bellagion and cao lin keep going sherwin keep going on in the general english as well number 18 the division of germany into two parts all right so that should again be fairly quick and easy all right we know it's the first third okay so now as you notice we're getting faster and faster here so number 18 the division of germany into two parts into east and west yeah so a or b right and this is where i'm going to put a but if i'm not sure i can check after world war ii germany became two countries the western portion okay there we go so it's right away there that's very very quick okay don't waste time when you're not when you know it's the answer stay with it stick with it number 19 a push and pull between soviet and western interests in germany okay so again i think that's going to be the middle part okay a push and pull this is where the soviets and the west are starting to disagree on ideas um os says that's going to be c i agree os that is c that's where they start to introduce the conflict right the middle of this essay deals with the growing conflict of interests in germany so c again you can check that if you're not sure but i think a lot of you are like okay that's that's going to be the right one all right franklin very good with a for the previous and thomas for that one uh for the g yeah okay nice all right um last one uh number 20 the allied powers bring millions of tons of supplies to the people of berlin by this time i'm sure that you remember that was the berlin airlift where there were thousands of airplane flights dropping supplies into berlin so where was that okay os and carolina and kyber all say well we already looked at that once and that was e okay so here you realize you're like okay i'm looking for the berlin airlift right so if you remember the word airlift and you know it's somewhere around the middle then you can check for that too right so at that berlin airlift one word uh berlin airlift a year-long effort that involved 700 aircraft okay sorry 270 000 flights so it certainly is e sorry i keep overshooting that okay uh so there we go and notice how when you've done the right steps and you've done the critical thinking um beginning before you read the passage beginning of the passage and then you go through these you're going to be much much more accurate okay all right so remember this strategy for this type of question right okay let's look at some true false not given so true false not given right very good thomas i love how you're getting the hang of this all right um so true false not given uh you have to first decide whether it's not given or given so this is your first step figure out whether it's given or not given okay so that's step number one and the way you can do that is you need to figure out if the information is important to the passage or not important to the passage so pre-world war ii germany was divided into two separate nations after the war um okay so pre-world war ii so before world war ii uh germany was divided into two separate nations after the war okay is it important for this passage to know uh whether or not pre-world war ii germany was divided into two separate nations after the war okay it is important yeah so here uh this is one sorry this kind of looks confusing this way so pre-world war ii germany's so that means that germany that existed before world war ii was divided into two separate nations after the war so is it important yes it's very important to this passage so that means that it's given okay and then was divided into two separate nations after the war so world war ii comes to the end is divided yeah into east and west germany right so it's true okay you should not be searching for that answer that's the the key okay so pre-world war ii germany this is a collocation here if you will okay was divided into two separate nations after the war yeah it's true okay um number uh 22 the post-damn conference was a chief cause of the world of the cold war so the cold war is the war that uh that emerges between the soviet union and the west and the post dam conference is the conference that divides uh germany into its four parts um is it important for this passage to know uh what was the chief cause of the uh cold war okay kyber says it is important to know what was the cause of the cold war um yes in this case it is important so it might be given okay uh does the paragraph give uh the uh reason for the cold war so janeil says it's not important it kind of is important but here there is another interesting point that i haven't discussed with you with true false not given questions okay and the important point here is logic okay um is there one single chief cause of the cold war so according to your logic if you think about this right so if you think about the problems that are happening uh between um the west and the east so you read this passage you understood that obviously there were some problems between um the soviets and uh the west um so here you have to use logic okay so according to your logic if you have if i ask you this question okay let me let me put it to you this way and this is where you can ask yourself this question okay so think about it this way what was the chief cause of the cold war okay so think about it was it the treaty was it the different social systems was it the currency was it the unification of western germany so um so use your thinking and ielts the only way that you're going to get a band 9 is if you really apply some good critical thinking and that's why i'm always training you for this along with some simple strategies so ask yourself this okay if i were to look at this question this true false not given in the ielts okay and for band 9 you have to think at the university level in the ielts right so here i'm thinking what was the chief cause of the cold war here was it the treaty that they're discussing in this question was it the different social systems that one was communist the other was capitalist was it the introduction of a new currency so that they had a different way of using money was it the unification of western germany by the french british and the us so what was the chief cause that made the soviets really angry and said hey we're gonna put up a wall what do you think so what what would you think is the main reason for uh the push of the cold war so harwinder says it's maybe the currency i don't know harwinder to be honest with you okay so don't guess all right um it's a very um see so paulo says it's the unification of western uh germany rashika says it's the imposing of a new currency we don't know right so nobody really knows what was the main cause of the cold war it was likely a cumulative effect right and so it was most likely a combination of these different pieces okay so if you realize this it's really important to be able to come up with the answer i don't know okay so this is an extremely important skill all right um i don't know uh probably nobody knows okay why because if you come up with that answer if you realize that well nobody would really know the perfect answer to this then you are going to realize that the right answer here is uh not given okay so if you don't know if the author probably doesn't know then it's not given so you do have these rare situations where something might be important but nobody really knows so the author is not going to give you information that they don't know just like you wouldn't right so you wouldn't tell somebody oh that was the chief cause when you don't really know all right does that make sense so it's important in this rare case it would be important to know what was the chief cause but we don't know what was the chief cause nobody really knows so it's not going to be given does that does that make sense okay it's very very important to be able to say i don't know in western culture so for those of you who are planning to study or immigrate to the us or to canada you will find that people are much more comfortable than in many other parts of the world saying i don't know okay so if you ask somebody for directions and they don't know they will look at you and they will say i don't know please ask somebody else i'm not from around here okay um sometimes when i've traveled to other parts of country or other parts of the world and i asked people where's that place they didn't know but they still gave me some weird information and i got even more lost and i don't know why that is but anyway it's important to be able to say i don't know okay all right okay um so number 23 the united states france and the united kingdom wanted an open german economy is it important okay so so far we have true and not given chineo says like in india yeah i've experienced it in many countries jainilla unfortunately um yeah so number 23 definitely important right the economic system of eastern and western uh germany definitely important and did united states france and united kingdom yeah they wanted an open economy because they didn't want to humiliate the german people they knew that that's what led to the world war uh two in the first place okay number 24 the berlin blockade was caused by soviet action in west berlin is it important to know what caused the um is it important to know what caused the berlin blockade yeah cowling kind of like the movie of justice and crime i suppose if you think about it that way franklin yep for 23 good and for 24 is it important to know what caused the berlin blockade yeah it's definitely important so it's given is it true that the berlin blockade was caused by uh soviet action in west berlin yeah it is right because um [Music] the soviets blocked access to uh berlin altogether right it's not false it's true remember that first map that i showed you so here's germany okay so you have west and east and remember how berlin is in east germany but it's also divided into two so what the soviets did is they blocked access from the west into uh berlin so the us france they were not able to get across into east germany so that's why they were flying planes does everybody is everybody clear on what happened here now so the soviets literally blocked the roads and every other access from um uh west germany into east germany and because berlin entirely was in east germany but divided into two this meant that the western berliners so especially the people in west berlin could not get help from either west germany or from the allies of the uk france so is everybody clear on that now okay so yes indeed the berlin blockade was caused by soviet action in west berlin so they blocked west berlin from western germany okay keep that map in mind all right so again ielts is a thinking exam so it's true okay um number 25 west germans and soviets were responsible for the construction of the berlin wall and this should be an easy one is it important uh yes so it's given these should only take you like 10 seconds to to answer correctly west germans and soviets were responsible thomas franklin good job on that last one okay so it's important it's given west germans and soviets yeah so it wasn't the west germans it was the east germans right so it's false okay very good ear fun yeah it was the east germans and the uh soviets that built the berlin wall not the west germans the west germans were on the other side right they were on the side of the uk us and france so that one's false it's a very quick clear false because it disagrees with the writers so it was the the writer says the east germans and the soviets were responsible right so all right yeah paulo it was the east germans if you're not sure so remember here so if you're having difficulty with that one [Music] there was this question here a barrier is built between the two german nations and remember that you have the answer paragraph f here so you know that this so use those questions to help you these questions can really help you with the other questions for that passage so if you go to f you're like well i can't remember um then uh here in f um they explained that it was the east and west so let's see and over the next decade okay so 1961 the berlin wall was erected by east germans and soviets there it is okay so east germans and soviets not west germans all right okay uh and we have one last question remaining uh the complete destruction of the wall took less than a year to complete is it important to know how long the berlin wall took to take down maybe anybody remember how long it took okay so when your answer is maybe you should keep thinking okay i remember because i was actually surprised i was like wow it took that long apollo remembers so paulo says it took 17 months yeah it was i thought it would be a bit faster but 17 months that must have been quite quite the amount of material that they had to build so 17 months and look a lot of you remembered it's 17 months okay so the complete destruction of the wall took less than a year to complete well 17 months is clearly more than a year right um so franklin says no and thomas benod says 17 months as well very good uh so 17 months is obviously greater than a year right so this is false careful not to write no okay don't write no franklin write false or f okay all right so good job everyone that's how you do it okay that's how you complete a passage and get a band 9 in the amount of time given you predict you think you use critical thinking you use good strategy and you just follow the steps to completion thank you so much everybody for watching thank you members for your support coming up in 30 minutes everyone we will have listening practice and strategy for the listening section so come back in 30 minutes and if you like this kind of teaching and these materials join our premium course at for academic outs and for general outs again it's one-time payment well worth the investment we help thousands of students every day uh to improve on their ielts scores i'll be back soon uh take a break get some water uh do a bit of stretching and i'll see you shortly i'm adrienne signing out for now bye you
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Keywords: reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: w1JkbyCBlCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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