IELTS Live - Reading Section - Band 9 Technique

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody is having a good week so far staying healthy staying strong hi ragov welcome members hi david hi bakarat in this class everyone we are looking at an ielts reading section this reading section is taken from one of our academic ielts exams but for general aisle students reading section 3 is very very similar to the academic reading section so you will certainly benefit by hanging around and going through this lesson with me welcome sammy hi lulu beck nav neet good to see many students this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success visit us there uh for the general ielts success check us out at g that's on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you improve your english your communication your comprehension and i'll quickly show you those while we wait for a few more students to join in the class this is our academic ielts website here at we are a british council outs test registration center and certified agents uh you can click that big red button to join the premium package and it is a one-time payment for lifetime access so it's well worth it you get lots of videos practice exams contract of course for your phone and your computer as well this is our general ielts website here at again just click that big red button to join our premium package uh there hi eugen panda cat today some nice emojis roshan from nepal good to see more students joining in we'll get back to our lesson here um everyone we still have our instagram giveaway going we are giving away two premium courses all you have to do is go to our instagram page ielts underscore a help and gl help and then you have to just like the instagram post that announces our free course giveaway share the post and tag three of your friends go through these steps and you have a chance to get some free courses so thank you to our more than 1 000 followers on instagram that's amazing all right if anybody has questions uh just send me an email adrian ae help dot com i will get back to you in short notice and of course you can get our exam books from amazon as well just search for a helps academic outs or g helps general outs on amazon and you can get our books in digital hard copy versions um this is our new schedule that we are doing this week so we have this class regularly from wednesday to saturday hi abhishek just one time don't spam chat okay everyone so reading here we go uh this is a reading passage one it's taken from our uh second exam and uh as i've said many times before um in ielts reading you should read the passages not just skim scan and search for answers you do have enough time as long as you stay calm focused and you go step by step and that's exactly what we're going to do today i'm going to show you how okay all right um so here we go uh you get to your reading section this is reading passage one you open up your booklet or you start this section in the computer-based exam and of course first of all you read the title always read the title don't just skip the title the title is really important the title gives you an idea of the whole passage okay all right so uh lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong question mark okay um so when you read the title your first step is to think critically about uh the title so get some clear ideas on what this passage might be about so um what do you think students what will this passage be about lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong okay so here again first step is just some critical thinking so um based on the passage title what is this essay it's basically an essay going to be about and i have an answer what do you think it is okay ox say idp british council exactly the same ielts exam doesn't matter which one you go to okay all right now need says betting yeah uh malik pito says maybe getting rich overnight um false hope it's not fake hope malik pillow we say false false hope um rashika says the merits and demerits about lottery not literary lottery kneel says the positive and negative sides of lotteries yeah so um [Music] whether the positives of lotteries and here of course gambling is the word that comes to mind whether the positives of lotteries or gamblings are more than the negatives okay um what's the next question that i should ask so uh here is the key to success on ielts if somebody asked me if somebody says adrian after all your years of ielts experience taking ielts exams teaching ielts what is the single greatest key to getting a high band score on the ielts exam this would be my answer to you the key to getting a great band score on ielts and it's not just for the reading it's for the other sections as well score on ielts is asking good questions okay that's the key asking good questions which basically means good critical thinking okay so having read this title of lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong and we're thinking okay so this passage will be about whether the positives are more than the negatives what would be my next question here what would be a good question to ask okay think about the three key questions of lottery okay my voice crack just let me know so what's the next question specific question here and sammy you're right what why how okay is important so here a why question would be good what is the why question um rahul says what are the consequences of yeah i would ask a why question first sadesh says asking why are lotteries good yeah i'm sure exactly so why might lotteries be good and so the answer people may get rich easily okay um yeah cause you're so very good so why do people participate in lotteries right so people may get rich easily but don't just stop there keep also gives people hope uh and some people have fun right so some people play the lottery because they it gives them hope they have a bit of fun doing it it's an activity some people might get really rich right okay all right and of course we want to ask another why question we want to also ask why are lotteries bad right people can lose a lot of money people can get addicted it can lead to crime and corruption so those questions okay all right very good rashika says maybe addiction as well okay says extremely low probability of winning absolutely okay very good right and then we have one more question which is the how so how are lotteries uh played okay and then of course you think it is a fortune uh people pick numbers people can win millions of dollars okay now very importantly when you are doing your critical thinking make sure to do it in english okay that's the challenging part a lot of people switch back and forth between their own language but you want to do it in your own or sorry you want to do english not in your own language okay um all right uh i'm not sure why the voice is crackling for some people let me try to fix that okay just give me a second all right so let me know if my voice is still crackling all right it could be um yeah okay so it's strange yeah i think it might be the internet for some of you uh so just maybe refresh the page okay all right because it's weird that for some people it's clear and for some people it's not clear um this is almost real time streaming everybody so uh youtube can be a little bit bizarre at times and it's always weird for me when half the people in the chat say it's clear other people say it's not clear so all right but anyway it looks like it's better for most of you hopefully that'll work okay um so here we go everybody so again critical thinking about the title after you do that look at the questions okay so here are the questions uh which paragraph contains the following information so all of this information is somewhere in some of the paragraphs all right so it's a good idea to read these questions before you read the passage because all of it is somewhere in the passage now these are always paraphrased so you will not see the same information and they are not in the order of the passage okay so skimming or scanning for this type of question is highly ineffective meaning it does not work it's not effective okay why because the problem of gambling addiction could be at the end of the passage you might have to skim read the whole passage and they will maybe not even use the words gambling addiction so you have to kind of see the paraphrasing okay so for this kind of question skimming scanning not effective but you should read these questions before the passage so the problem of gambling addiction those less fortunate are more likely to play the lottery the legality of lotteries the financial incentives for governments to run lotteries community initiatives are funded by lottery proceeds okay fine so we have some ideas about some of the content it's going to include information about the government and lotteries the addiction of lottery so we thought a little bit about that with the title then we have true false not given true false not given is a logic question okay we're going to talk about that a little bit more and again uh you cannot skim or scan for these questions why because how do you find something that's not given you cannot okay and you're going to waste a lot of time searching for a piece of information that is not given or that is false so again skimming and scanning highly ineffective for this type of question don't read this type of question just skip it okay why because there's no point in reading false or not given information before the passage does that make sense everybody good on that okay i know that a lot of our members know this bakrat saying uh no uh need to read it okay yeah so um again uh make sure that you do not read uh true false not given okay all right before the passage it doesn't make sense all right now here we have a summary completion type question where you have to fill in the blanks this is good to read before the passage because all of this information is somewhere in the passage so with these questions um you can read it nice and quick okay all right lotteries as reverse insurance pay close attention to the title of these little paragraph completions that will help you locate the information okay so the reason why people play the lottery can be viewed in terms of what is called reverse insurance people buy insurance in order to prevent an accident from making them bankrupt they pay small amounts each month so they don't have to pay the whole price of the something done like the lottery corporations insurance companies turn uh something in the long run with insurance we pay small amounts to avoid paying about massive amount with the lottery we pay small amounts so we might win the something from this perspective the lottery's something makes a lot of sense okay and that's about the speed that you want to read all right okay and this is a reading class so make sure to read with me okay don't just listen to me and if you can read aloud a loud reading is really good practice to improve your english your fluency okay means reading the way i just did where you can hear yourself okay so now we go back and we read the passage and when we read the passage we don't stop to answer questions while we read okay it doesn't make sense you should be able to read a passage comfortably in about 10 minutes okay maximum if you cannot read the passage in 10 minutes you have to improve your reading fluency especially for academic students the reason is is that when you go to college or university in an english-speaking country you have an average of 150 pages each week that you have to read okay so you have to be able to read a passage like this in about 10 minutes okay and then you have 10 minutes to answer the questions and that's lots all right um so here we go from the top read with me and then we'll reflect on each paragraph so lotteries positive good or unnecessary wrong a lottery is a form of gambling where contestants purchase tickets with one or more tickets being drawn as winners at the end of the competition period often there is a jackpot winner who wins most or all of the prize pool today national lottery jackpots can range from millions to hundreds of millions of dollars it wasn't long ago that lotteries were outlawed almost everywhere in the world today lotteries are legal in north america australia and much of europe and asia a question is raised over what has changed to make something previously seen as negative for society become common across the globe if gambling is bad why are lotteries so popular and why do governments support them okay now when you read a paragraph like this okay you should visualize so you should picture this so a long time ago lotteries were banned the governments would shut down lottery establishments you can imagine the police going in and stopping and arresting people and nowadays they're very popular and they're government run okay so um all right now i want to ask myself what is this paragraph about so what is this talking about simply what is it talking about sammy says it's talking about the history of lottery a little bit more specific than that sami but you're on the right track so here i ask myself what is this paragraph talking about okay and sammy you're on the right track sammy says it's about the history of lotteries globally um and it's a little bit more specific than that specifically the what uh lorraine says how lottery is perceived yeah i would say lorraine that even more specifically it's about the legality so it's about the history of lotteries globally specifically being legal or illegal okay does everybody agree with me that that's what this introductory paragraph is about i mean it tells me that a long time ago they were outlawed they were not allowed now it's legal right so it's the history and more specifically this the history of its legality so whether it's allowed or not allowed into society yeah very good so shekhtan saab says the historical legality of lottery so if i want to be more specific or more concise i can say the historical legality of lottery around the world okay so this is your perfect answer and when you're practicing your reading at home and you summarize the idea of a paragraph this is your goal is to be as concise as possible using the english language to summarize the paragraph in your mind the historical legality of lottery around the world okay yeah raghav says the change of legality of lotteries over time very good all right so that's what you want to do and when you do that you're going to remember the information and you'll be very quick when you answer the questions okay all right let's continue reading so people buy lottery tickets for one chief reason they want to win the jackpot in the long run lottery are a bad bet the odds of winning are always stacked against the player that is to say the long-term expected return on the player's money is significantly less than the money paid for the tickets this is how the lottery corporations make money on the lottery the payout is far less than the revenue of the ticket sales and the government takes the difference if one million tickets are sold at five dollars a piece and the jackpot is three million dollars then the government has made two million dollars of profit in the process we are forced to question why lotteries are so popular given their poor value for players it's because of the thrill of the possibility of possibly winning the jackpot the anticipation of a life-changing win for the ticket purchaser is worth the money it's the same reason why people gamble at casinos many people know they are not going to win in the long run at a casino but the short-term thrill makes up for the long-term losses so again i ask myself okay what is this paragraph about okay uh prayat says the popularity of lottery um gulilat says the reason for the acceptance of lottery through time in the world okay and that says why play um and that when you're summarizing a paragraph try not to answer it with a question okay this is an important tip so thank you annette for bringing us to uh our attention here okay so this is a very important tip for this kind of strategy okay so when you are reflecting on what a paragraph is about do not answer with another question okay that won't help you it's much more useful to answer with the ant with a statement okay so do not answer with another question like this paragraph is about why people play lotteries okay so at the end of the day this is still just a question so this paragraph is about why people play lotteries um instead answer it with a statement uh people play lotteries for fun and the grand prize jackpot okay does that make sense okay so does it make sense that it's really important that you focus on the statement of the answer rather than the question why people play lotteries people play lotteries for fun and the grand prize jackpot okay this will help me to quickly answer questions in the exam correctly this will not help because i'm still stuck with the same question even though i recognize the idea it's better to look at it this way so in reality uh it does matter how you look at the apple okay the concept okay that makes sense for everyone all right so let's continue with the next paragraph so the statement the answer okay all right here we go c the main argument against lotteries is that it acts as a tax on the poor and such attacks is unfair this is because statistics show that poor people are by far the most common purchasers of lottery tickets there are two reasons why this could be the case first poor people have the most to gain by winning the lottery second poor people are arguably less likely to have a statistical understanding of the lottery they are less likely to realize that it is a bad bet what is this paragraph about it's about the negative of playing lotteries for poor people okay so again shreya shreya says the disadvantages of lottery be more specific shreya okay so it is the disadvantages of the lottery specifically for poor people okay so for people who don't have much money to begin with that's specifically what it's about so it's very important that you're summarizing these ideas concisely and accurately okay everybody that makes sense so when i tell you a tip like that if you give me a thumbs up or if you say yeah i got it then that uh assures me that you clearly understand the point that i'm giving you or the tip that i'm giving you for your ielts exam okay so look beck says the disadvantage of lotteries for poor people not poor winners but for poor people avtar says gotcha very good that's what i'm looking for jassy is giving me a thumbs up now like okay there we go thank you all right i am really here i am really watching what you're doing okay i'm interacting with you great all right um so here we go with d the main argument in favor of lotteries is that it is harmless fun which results in tax income that often goes straight to community programs such as sports or the arts many community programs rely solely on lottery finances to operate so in this sense the lottery is a positive good however there are many people often poor people who become obsessed with gambling and the lottery and it starts to take over their lives for these people the lottery is detrimental what is this paragraph about the positive of lotteries for the community and the negatives of lottery addiction that's it okay all right let's keep going one interesting way to look at the lottery and why people participate in it is to imagine it as a kind of reverse insurance people buy insurance for their home or cars so that if something bad happens to it they do not have to pay the entire cost of the damage in other words they pay a little bit each month so that they don't have to pay a large amount at one time they pay these smaller amounts to insurance companies and those insurance companies make money in the long run so paying insurance is not a good bet either just like the lottery with the lottery we pay a little amounts every once in a while so that maybe we will hit the jackpot with insurance we pay a little to save a lot and with the lottery we pay a little to win a lot when looked at in this way the popularity of the lottery is more easily understood what is this paragraph about it's an analogy analogy means a comparison an indirect comparison it's an analogy of insurance to lottery whereby uh basically we're betting to either avoid or to desire a certain outcome okay so it's a comparison between paying insurance and buying a lottery ticket okay so here we go paragraph f read with me again read aloud okay so here we go when it comes down to it lotteries are a choice yes they amount to a tax but so do the monthly fees we pay to insurance companies if people want to pay a few dollars here and there for a little fun excitement and a small chance to win a monstrous amount of money then what's the harm additionally lottery monies fund many valuable community programs which otherwise would have trouble operating playing the lottery responsibly is fun exciting and maybe just maybe extremely profitable what is this paragraph about it concludes the author's point of view that lotteries although they have their negatives can be fun and can potentially be a source of a great winning or a jackpot okay all right so now we go to the questions hopefully this is all clear and you'll see this way and think this way all right um so here we have to write the correct letter a to f in boxes one to five on your answer sheet so this essay has uh several paragraphs a b c d e f so six paragraphs and you have to write the paragraph letter that they give you all right so you can see that this is paragraph f so if the answer is here then you write f into the box all right okay um so the problem of gambling addiction which paragraph contained this information now because i did a good job reading and thinking about the what is this paragraph about i remember that one of the paragraphs talked about the positives for the community and the negatives um for poor people who get addicted and i remember that that was somewhere kind of in the middle of this essay so david igerman says e sami says c okay rahul says maybe d rashika says maybe d or c in this case don't panic go back and check which one you remember that it's in the middle so you're not just randomly searching it's somewhere in c or d right remember it's somewhere in the middle so the main argument against lotteries is that it acts as a tax on the poor okay that was not it because i remember that that paragraph also had some information about the community or society so the main argument in favor of lotteries is it's harmless fun which results in tax income that goes to community aha and then i remember it was somewhere near the end here so um people who become obsessed with gambling and the lottery and it starts to take over their lives so this is addiction okay so clearly d is the correct answer and notice how they don't use the word addiction okay so here is a great example of why you have to use good comprehension strategy because if some students right now we're just skimming and scanning for the word gambling addiction you would not find that okay everybody sees that so you wouldn't find the word gambling addiction and you'd start to panic but if you read the paragraph and you have good clear thinking then you realize that it's d okay so here the answer is d okay yeah that's right david oftentimes you will not find the words in the question in the passage okay all right okay um so next question those less fortunate are more likely to play the lottery so less fortunate again poor people right so paraphrasing here so poor people are more likely to play the lottery this one should now be very very quick okay which paragraph contained this information okay prathamesh says we'll see because we just saw that okay so great and here's another important tip that i'm going to give you for the reading section all right when you're taking a little bit more time for the first few questions don't panic okay so here's a little tip okay if you take a bit more time to get the first few questions in each passage correct do not panic because sticking to strategy will improve your speed and accuracy for the latter questions okay so what i mean by that is when we answered this question gambling addiction d correctly we knew it was in the middle of the paragraph we looked at c we realized that c is different information but aha that became useful here so i was basically able to get d and c very quickly one after the next okay does everybody get what i'm talking about there so that's where uh thank you surrender so that's where um i want you to give me like a thumbs up where it's like okay i get you so uh by being more precise and being careful with this answer i get this answer as well okay does that make sense okay so if one question takes you a minute to figure out don't panic because the next one might only take you a few seconds because you reviewed that information while figuring out this question here okay all right good so don't panic okay all right um the legality of lotteries that should be very quick which paragraph was that you you should not search for every answer students that's another big tip okay when i did my ielts exam in february i only looked for about maybe 40 50 percent of the questions back at the passage very good so david and vinay say that was a we talked about that the history of the legality right so you shouldn't be searching for every single uh answer if you're searching the passage for every single answer there's something wrong in your strategy okay that's another important point all right the financial incentives for governments to run lotteries number four so which one is that right so the financial incentive for governments to run lotteries okay chinese says i think that was b yeah so if i have to check i'll go back i think it was b as well all right i remember seeing the word government so the people want to win the jackpot lotteries are a bad bet okay i keep reading this is how lottery corporations make money the payout is far less and the government takes the difference if one million tickets are sold the jackpots three million then the government has made two million yeah b looks good okay so yeah all right uh so let's go with be them community initiatives are funded by lottery proceeds now that's going to be really easy okay um pay really careful attention to this little bit here for this type of question you may use any letter more than once um which one was this okay a lot of you are saying e but i would go with d myself okay and i'm going to show you why all right so check it out so here in d it says the main argument in favor of lotteries is that it is harmless fun which results in tax income that often go straight to community programs such as sports or the arts many community programs rely solely on lottery finances to operate so in this sense lottery is a positive good okay so from here to here it's explaining why lotteries are good for the community as uh tax income all right and some of you said well i think that was e i don't think that there's much in e but in f uh there's a little bit okay um i believe so yeah so here we have a little bit okay so um additionally lottery monies fund many valuable community programs which otherwise would have trouble operating the reason why d is a better answer than f is because d has significantly more information than f does everybody see that so the ielts is more like a college or university test where you have to pick the best answer not just the right answer so while it is true that paragraph f does contain some information about how lotteries benefit community programs paragraph d contains more and more detailed information on how lotteries benefit community programs does everybody see that so you have one short sentence here in d you have one short one long sentence so d is the better answer than f and this is where you have to be careful so this is where you separate the band 8 from the band 9 okay so here this little piece the note by the way you may use any letter more than once uh comes into action and it's d okay it's the better answer right that's again the thumbs up all right okay cool so let's go through we're not given or sorry i shouldn't say that i should say true false not given okay uh lotteries are outlawed almost everywhere is that important to know for this topic yes it is it's important so it's given is it true that lotteries are outlawed almost everywhere today it's present tense no paragraph a tells me that they're legal in north america australia europe and most of asia as well so first i figure out that it's given next i figure out that it's false in the long run a person who plays the lottery should expect to lose money is it important to know whether or not a person who plays the lottery should expect to lose money yes it's important so it is given is it true that a person who plays the lottery regularly will likely lose money yes it is so true okay you should not have to search for most of these true false not given answers in the text true false not given answers you should answer from logic okay after you read the text that is the key strategy step one figure out if they're given or not given by understanding the value for the passage and next figure out if it's true or false does that make sense right bakrat you should not be searching for true false not given answers again all right so lotteries are popular because they serve as a pleasurable diversion from everyday life is it important to know that lotteries are a diversion from everyday life for this passage no and it's too detailed so not given many people play the lottery without an understanding of its statistical background is it important uh to understand why people play the lottery yes so it's given is it true that many people do not understand its statistical background that you have a 1 in 30 million chance of winning yeah it's true the paragraph said that that many people don't realize or don't really understand what that actually means you have 10 times greater chance of being struck by lightning than you do winning the lottery and i think a lot of people don't get that okay all right so again true false not given comes from logic and reading the paragraph okay all right so here we have our paragraphs lotteries as reverse insurance this is coming from paragraph e hopefully i don't have to go back and search for all of these answers i have my choices here damage popularity good bet jackpot insurance benefit profit amount i just put the letter a c e g b d f h into the space now the trick here is to kind of figure out what you think the answer should be and then find the matching choice okay so the reason why people play the lottery can be viewed in terms of what is called reverse insurance people buy insurance in order to prevent an accident from making them bankrupt they pay small amounts each month so they don't have to pay the whole price of the accident done or the damage done all right let's see if there's something that's like accident or damage hey look at that a damage do i have accident nope so damage seems like a good choice okay so i put the letter a in here and then i keep going like the lottery corporations insurance companies turn a profit in the long run you turn a profit okay turn money in the long run turn profit in the long run do i have the word profit or money no money but i have profit here f so i go with that profit with insurance we pay small amounts to avoid paying a massive amount with the lottery we pay small amounts so we might win the jackpot okay or the grand prize do i have grand prize or jackpot i have jackpot right there g okay so again i go with g and on to the last question from this perspective the lotteries something makes a lot of sense the lotteries popularity fun okay i'd say popularity the lottery's fame fad popularity and i have popularity right there which is c be really careful always check the correct letter so i put c into question 13 and i'm off to the races and i can see from um the chat that a lot of you got that as well so for the previous uh uglhan says jackpot prathamesh for that last one says popularity c very good and a lot of you got it david called the nicely done everybody so that's how it works okay that those are the steps to reading keep in mind these important tips uh from today so think critically okay when you're summarizing the paragraphs give statements instead of questions you should read the passage especially when you see these kinds of questions because for this passage skimming and scamming would have been a horrible idea would have wasted a lot of time uh to learn a lot of these great strategies uh for all sections of the ielts exam uh make sure to visit our online uh courses ae help dot com for academic outs and for general ielts our general ielts website looks like this with the green background you just need to click that big red button to join the premium package and again it's a one-time payment for lifetime access this is a same idea we are a british council registration center and certified agent so you're in good hands with us that's it for today i will be back tomorrow with more live classes hopefully i will see you then i'm adrienne i'm signing out from beautiful victoria west coast canada for now i hope everybody has a fantastic rest of the day if it's late in your country then sweet dreams to you much love to everyone bye for now you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 8,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: ojyIisbkfDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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