IELTS Live - Reading Section - Increasing Speed

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and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian I'm streaming to you live from Hungary I hope everybody is having a safe and healthy week so far I hope you're all doing well in this class we are looking at a reading section passage 3 continuing in the same exam from our previous class hi Michael fan hi muck Sood hi Musafir hi-5 Musafir nice to see our members and nice to see our regular students hi Khyber hi is Attila hi flower son this lesson is presented to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS help check us out there and for the general version of the exam check us out at G IELTS help calm that's general IELTS help calm on both of our websites we have loads and loads of materials to help you this is the academic version of our website here with the blue background click that big red button to join the Premium Package get access to our HD video lessons ad free of course as well as practice exams interactive courses the same idea for the general green background click that big red button to join us there hi Sammy rocky good to see more of our regular students in the class students if you have questions don't be shy just send me an email adrian at AE help calm i'll happily answer as soon as i can and you can always look at our schedule on the youtube channel for these live classes they usually go from 1332 16 o'clock Wednesday through to Saturday and then we upload other HD videos during the week so again this class is focusing on the reading section and we will start this in just a moment we are looking at reading passage three from exam number three now this is usually the most challenging passage and the academic test this will be the most scientific passage in most cases don't panic don't freak out just stay calm throughout the whole reading no matter how daunting or challenging the task may seem focus on strategy focus on pacing yourself using good visualization first of all read the title here we have the title FFA's alia Fez Alice what does it mean yeah who knows I bet you if you asked a hundred native English speakers ninety nine of them would have no idea what that means okay that's okay reading passage three is challenging and it's meant to work in such a way that you figure out the meanings of words and ideas charlie senses it's a scientific name when they have these kinds of topics they usually give you a picture to help you a little bit and we do see that picture here as well so when you look at the picture what do you think it is so what is this Fazal UEFA's Alice what do you get from that picture okay so for comprehension today we're focusing on comprehension and reading fluency speed in this class for comprehension number one is use the picture to help you get an idea of the passage when it's available don't just jump through it and don't just ignore it it's there to help you okay kirkin celeea of says it's a creature in the sea tito says it looks like some kind of a jellyfish maybe something to eat who I don't know about that one Tito Sammy says maybe it's some kind of a flowers and federic seems to agree that it's some type of jellyfish okay so a jellyfish is a good first guess let me just zoom in on this picture here so let's see can you see you shouldn't be able to see that clearly yeah let's darken it up a little bit okay um yeah it does look like a jellyfish does it look like an ordinary jellyfish does it just look like any other jellyfish out there okay somebody says it's a hydras Oh an animal that's nice fairies Oh Beckett says some kind of Medusa does it just look like any ordinary jellyfish that you see in the ocean okay good so Bumi and violet says nah it's not an ordinary looking jellyfish and some kind of a special jellyfish yeah sure so what's unusual about it what is unusual about it so looking at it the shape of it is kind of unusual this kind of meaty lower looking body is unusual and when I see jellyfish the living ones anyway they're usually round and they're usually kind of like this they have a radial shape and they're in the ocean not on the ocean like this one right so there's definitely something a little bit special about this jellyfish so keep that in mind okay be critical don't just jump into difficult reading passages without using your brain your brain is the most amazing machine in the universe that's what you need to use okay so before you jump into the passage for comprehension take a moment to critically analyze the picture when you see it okay let's make that jellyfish kind of a happy jellyfish for those of you who are panicking about this reading passage stay positive all right so let's get into it a little bit more than okay so tricky title tricky picture hopefully not so tricky to get a good band score came all right let me brighten this up here a little bit then we'll get into it okay so that's our jellyfish now before we read the passage again for comprehension let's take a peek at the questions so when you look at the questions make sure to read questions that have information which is in the passage ignore questions that have information which is not in the passage this is very important to help your comprehension okay so this one here it says choose no more than two words from the passage for each answer okay clearly all of this will be in the passage so let's read through it reading questions that have information which is in the passage will help you understand the passage 27 the Portuguese man-of-war z' acts as a both defense and attack mechanism hmm nom Gnaeus has a something to the mana wars attack nom Gnaeus is also a very competent something which helps keep it safe from the mana war although they initially look like a jellyfish the mana war is really uh something else the role of this something is as a sexual organ nom uses ability to live around the poisonous something of the mana war is not fully understood okay now I read these questions again some interesting words interesting ideas but I do get a couple of ideas from reading this question set so when you read questions that contain information in the passage okay do not read questions like true false not given which are no in the passage you can get further ideas about the passage okay so here after I read these questions I got a couple of ideas so here we're going to be learning about a couple of animals it looks like so the passage will have information on the behavior and interaction attack and defense of a couple of sea creatures okay so hopefully most of you got that from reading these questions did did some of you understand this from reading these questions that we just read that this passage will have some information about the behavior and interaction the attack the defense of a couple of different sea creatures okay I hope everybody got at least most of that okay all right let's keep going here complete each sentence with the correct ending a2i below now these ones are tricky because this part of the sentence is in the passage but of course the choices you have way more choices you have four eight nine choices and you only have four questions so from the choices five are incorrect so we don't want to read those okay I can see that many of you got that idea from the questions that's good for your comprehension okay so here we only want to read these parts of the question the relationship between the two creatures is best described as while the NAM Gnaeus is resistant to the venom it the NAM uses swimming patterns for the NAM yes man of war also serves as okay so a little bit more about the creatures understanding that there's some kind of a venom or poison that's going on here something about swimming all right now multiple choice again the question is in the passage the answers only one is in the passage three or not so we only read the question the NAM uses main mechanism of defense what does nami is generally used to propel itself alright and finally to make our day even more happy we have some yes no not given these we don't read because we don't know if they're in the passage or not so we just save those for after the passage all right now you can see that so far we've come across numerous kind of scientific words the names of these creatures like nami as' and Fazal UEFA's Alice here's a tip for your reading flu see okay when you see these difficult words don't worry about trying to pronounce them or reading them clearly okay so this is for fluency number one do not get stuck reading challenging scientific words during your IELTS exam the same is true for names simply read through them okay we'll practice that now as we get into reading the passage here we go students so let's read this together we'll read aloud and we'll continue talking about technique and comprehension okay yeah dr. Krishna absolutely this passage has a lot of different types of questions and that can happen in the Ilyich students so in the IELTS you can have a passage that can have four different question types especially with passage three so be very careful with that okay all right here we go and so Fazal UEFA's alice common name Portuguese Man O'War is a unique species of the class side rose OA several characteristics distinguish this species the Fazal UEFA's alice is a free-floating communal polyp it's powerful poison serves as a defense and attack for the species one type of fish however has developed a high level of immunity to this toxin the NA Mia's grom by is capable of withstanding injections of phase Aliya venom ten times the normal strength of that which kills other fishes okay now obviously here I'm reading a long paragraph so I don't just want to keep reading and reading and reading without knowing what I'm reading so for comprehension it's a good idea to stop and do a self check every few sentences practice this technique at home okay so here I'm going to do a stop and I'm going to ask myself what am i reading about so so far what have I read about what did I understand okay can anybody tell me what did you understand until now so first couple of questions what did you get from this okay what did you get from this and AJ I'll answer your question in just a moment okay okay flower son said I got something about a poisonous attack that's good yeah okay BEC John says something about poisons and Frederick says characteristics of the PFAs awliya okay all right musafir says ocean organisms that live and interface between water and air mm-hmm okay all right and so you want to check and if you're not sure you want to go back and read again so here there is Fazal UEFA's Alice Portuguese Man Award so it's one animal okay this is the animal that we saw with that interesting shape okay it's a unique species of the class Hydra ZOA and then it says it's a free-floating communal polyp okay if I don't know this word I'm going to underline it and check it a polyp belongs to the same family as jellyfish but it's not a jellyfish and it has a powerful poison okay so I'm visualizing this and I can see the powerful poison of this creature okay so there we go that's my skull and crossbones I don't know if that's going to be visible for you here more and of course I'm showing you a way to comprehend here as well so you're visualizing this cam and then it says one type of fish however Oh suddenly there's a fish okay so here's my fish all right has developed a high level of immunity to this toxin toxin what is that maybe it's another way to say poison the Nami is grown by okay I can guess that this is the name of the fish it's capable of withstanding injections of fizz aliyah venom ten times the normal strength of that which kills other fish so this fish is a strong fish okay it's a little arm on that fish there and to make it even more special this fish is me okay remember what I said in previous classes always include yourself in the visualization okay so here this fish is able to withstand this animals poison okay now I understand it students especially with the introduction it's very important that you understand what's going on if you read the introductory paragraph and you have no idea what's happening you have to stop and think okay I have to improve my vocabulary here I have to check some words in the dictionary you can't just keep reading alright the introduction is absolutely key to understanding the passage and answering the questions all right okay so visualize practice check your understanding all right this is a really important tip and of course if if you're doing this at home when you're practicing okay so this is for comprehension okay if you do not understand the introductory paragraph stop reading and start using dictionary okay of course this is for home practice alright in the official exam you have to keep going and what I would do if you're in the official exam what do you think let's see how many of you have been practicing some of that great logic and so forth what could you do if you are completely lost in the introduction what do you think might be an interesting and useful strategy to help you before you read the body paragraphs can anybody guess what's in my mind so another tip okay in the official exam if you do not understand the introduction you can do what okay let's say that you've read it you've read it twice or you've skimmed over it again what could you do Rajveer says maybe try to identify the thesis yeah that could help okay so you can read it again sure you can a read it again be identify the thesis and there's another kind of a trick that you could do that might help no guarantees but it could help don't just leave it and go ahead check this out I mean this might not you might know if here we go read the conclusion so read the conclusion read the very last paragraph because not always but in many situation the conclusion at least partly will be a paraphrase and a reflection of the introduction so read the introduction you kind of confused or lost ok read the conclusion and then read the body paragraphs ok does that make sense how that might help you to understand don't read the body paragraphs because those will be more details and you'll just get more lost ok so the conclusion can help you it can hint at the understanding of the paragraph so that's another one for your comprehension all right ok students so let's keep going here all right you got it good ok so here we go from here due to this resistance to the venom again students read with me this is a reading class ok so I'm not just reading for you read with me due to this resistance to the venom and exceptional swimming the two organisms have evolved to form a commensal relationship with one another even though we applied the term commensalism to the symbiosis between these two animals the nature of interaction is not exactly fitting the term as defined by Campbell and Reiss commensalism is when one organism receives benefits while neither harming nor helping the other in any significant way by looking closely at the behavior physiology and symbiosis between Fazal UEFA's Alice and Nam be as graeme we find out the reason for this misleading terminology ok so now it's talking about this relationship between these two people and or these two animals and questioning this relationship all right ok let's keep going here students so again just read through these difficult to understand words and when you're practicing fluency at home just for fun what you can do sometimes is push yourself to read faster than you can faster than you've ever read before so here what I'm suggesting to you is use the same trick that runners use when they're training for the Olympics and the biggest race of their lives they're pushing themselves to run faster than ever before the reason why is because to increase the speed you have to push your limits okay so here's another tip for fluency in your reading in your own language or in English okay in order to read faster in English or your own language push your limits push to read faster than ever before it's okay to fail to fumble and to sound funny okay everybody's probably seen some videos of people running hurdles now this is just for fluency understanding so Nick hem says yes but it creates less understanding that's right Nick hem but in this case you're practicing and we're not focusing on comprehension but we're focusing on fluency to focus on comprehension you have to read slowly Nick Haines that's right so everybody's seen those races where people run hurdles hurdles are those things that people jump over okay and I'm sure many of us have seen those videos where the runners they fall they jump over those hurdles and it looks terrible but some of us can't help but laugh and kind of like look at that guy well that's because they're pushing their limits they're pushing to run faster than than ever before and that happens and that happens with the tongue as well when we're reading really quickly but that's okay it's okay to do that and it's okay to fumble and I'm going to maybe sound funny but I'm going to show you this just for this short body paragraph okay so push yourself to read faster the problem for many students is they get comfortable at a reading speed and then they just keep at that reading speed okay but you shouldn't do that you should push yourself so here we go let me show you what I mean make sure to have a glass of water when you're doing this kind of exercise it definitely helps now remember students with this we're not focusing on comprehension we're just focusing on pushing our reading speed okay and you can do this aloud and internally in your mind okay so the physiology of Fizz alice is unique at first glance they appear to be jellyfish but the Portuguese man-of-war is actually a polyp community of Polish belongs they were decipher which gets common name from the resemblance of an old Portuguese man of worship the man worship he has guests feel blue to pink translucent body called nano floor and it's a single Paulette the crestlake metaphor which may attain a million 27ad acts as a sail line of the colonies is $0.45 used when polyps connect tentacles which is located at the ventral surface of the float there are three types of specialized paws back to the toys for that catch prey with poisonous soon called nana tag a noise to reproduce and gash's was that digest the food like a stomach for the fishing tentacles sometimes as long as 15 meters hanging down like a drift net combining the water for prey okay so I got 50% of the words correct I think okay but that's fine make sure you get some of the words correct so it shouldn't just be like ahh bla la la la okay you should have about a 50% accuracy Elena is like what is that it's just pushing my reading speed obviously I didn't wake up this morning reading at that speed okay and by the way when you practice this you'll eventually realize that you can read entire sentences at one time okay bubi says i'm gonna do that today do it every day students so practice this every day even just 10 minutes and push your speed okay so one really good way to improve your reading is focus on comprehension focus on fluency and then put the two together and that's what I'm showing you today with this passage okay so focusing on comprehension focusing on fluency and then putting the two together all right now notice that these really tricky words like Ghana Zoid and the mad assists I just kind of fumbled through them I don't use these words every day so I just never gonna go no Zoids okay I don't really get stuck on those all right but of course here we want to answer some questions as well so we're going to read this one more time in a calm collected way so that we can understand the paragraph also okay so going back to fluency okay so read faster push your limits about 50% of the words should be comprehensible okay so that's what you're focusing on when you're doing that do this daily for 10 minutes a day for two weeks and suddenly you will realize that you are reading 10% faster okay so that will help you alright here we go so let's read this a one more time now this time we're going to focus on understanding this okay alright so here we go the physiology of fizzle is fizzy fizzy Eliphas alice is unique at first glance they appear to be jellyfish but the Portuguese Man O'War is actually a polyp or community of polyps belonging to the order siphon o fora which gets its common name from its resemblance to an old Portuguese warship oh yeah it looks like a ship for sure the Manowar floats with a gas-filled blue to pink translucent body called a new metaphor part of a single polyp this crest like new metaphor which may attain a length of 20 centimeters acts as a sail and is aligned so that the colony sails at 45 degrees to the wind direction polyps connect tentacles which are located on the ventral surface of the float there are three types of specialized polyps dactyl avoids that find and catch prey with poisonous stingers called nematocysts gana Zoids that reproduce and gastro Zoids that digest the food like a stomach these fishing tentacles sometimes as long as 50 meters hang down like a drift net combing the water for prey okay so here I'm reading about this interesting animal or animals that live together and create this unique type of polyp or jellyfish and it's actually a group of animals so it's not just one animal but it's a group of animals that are stuck together living together one animal creates the bubble that floats another one hangs down to catch the fish and another one uses is used for reproduction and digesting food so okay make sense alright let's keep reading so our goal now is to read the passage and to answer some questions ok students so here we go let's keep reading okay all right Nam Nia's Gras my our tropical fish belonging to the Wraith in fishes of the class osteo Chi sees the fins supported by long flexible rays are modified for new maneuvering defense and other functions the length of this fish at maturity is about 8 centimeters okay so it's tiny the nature of the ability of the NAM biasts to live among the venomous tentacles of the PFAs alia has been likened to that of the relationship between Sein enemies and an enemy fishes this immunity is not yet fully understood okay so now we're getting into this interesting little fish that lives together with this jellyfish alright okay let's keep going I see a couple people thanking me for doing these lessons you're very welcome absolutely we're the happiest when we see people succeed on the IELTS get into school and immigrate to countries that makes us super happy so work hard students are right let's keep reading the relationship between Fazal IAM and nami as' is arguably harmful to both organisms they mutually benefit from another one another but at the same time the symbiosis can be quite damaging to both creatures in this sense the relationship could be better defined as one of mutualism and parasitism in mutualism both organisms benefit in parasitism one organism benefits at the expense of the host what is this about again the relationship between the fish and the jellyfish what's the relationship well it's both good and bad in mutualism they help each other in parasitism they hurt each other okay it's kind of like husband and wife love and hate relationship brother and sister sometimes we get along sometimes we don't mutualism parasitism again visualize okay visualize right okay here we go let's continue on when the NAM Gnaeus is weak it may no longer be able to withstand the venom of the nomads assists in one study a freshly expired na meais was offered to the PFAs alia the carcass was immediately stung taken hold of by a DAC tillis weed and brought up to the gastro Zoids the NA meais although resilient to the toxin is not 100% immune the same study the live NA Mia's began to swim more erratically and move towards the carcass as the gastro Zoids formed their characteristic bag and began to digest the fish the live nom biasts was then caught on the left side by one of the largest deck - lizards this behavior clearly indicates how the symbiosis may deviate from the definition provided by commensalism okay so here it's saying that while the fish is skillful but not a hundred percent safe from this Portuguese Man O'War all right let's keep going okay so here I'm just doing some practice with you follow with me read with me okay on the other hand the NAM BIA says two distinct gains from its innate behavior with Fazal you as an experiment demonstrated upon introduction the NA meais initially swam near the surface and around the PFAs alia in a large circular pattern in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions okay so swimming this way around this Portuguese man-of-war and this way okay this action protects the fish from attack most predatory fishes of nom biasts therefore avoid the man-of-war or sustained serious injury and often death second the PFAs alia provides a food source for the NAM bias in the mention experiment about 15 minutes after release the NAM mia swam closer to the PFAs alia paused as if inspecting it and then began to nip at the edges of the ganas oiz the PFAs alia is able to regenerate the tentacles and so this ingestion is rarely fatal to the organism okay so the fish can actually eat this jellyfish in certain parts as well so this is that love-hate relationship okay all right let's keep going non biases capacity to survive near the poisonous tentacles of the mana war is only partly due to the resilience of the toxin the main reason for this skill is certain swimming behaviors instead of developing protective mucus the fish depends on its swimming abilities as its main mechanism of defense while living in the venomous discharge of the PFAs alia the NA Mia's fish can maneuver with precision to avoid stinging the mat assists this is the case whether the phase Aliya is stationary or in motion ray-finned fishes have a physiology which enables maneuverability the fish displays relative ease in maintaining a safe distance from the dock till avoids even with absurd sharp changes in direction nam bia specimens use the pectoral fins for propulsion while the pelvic fins are spread like a fan the caudal fin is apparently used for only short fast darts this swimming behavior appears to be well suited for existence with Fazal iya so so far again I stop and I check and I go okay what am I really reading here I'm reading about the fish's ability to swim and maneuver to protect itself from the jellyfish I have to make sure that I understand this before I continue reading or I should read it again okay all right so this swimming behavior appears to be well suited for existence with fizz Alya it is therefore apparent that rather than developing an ability to inhibit the discharge of fizzle Yin no Matta cysts or prevent them from stinging na meais uses its swimming ability as its primary means of defense while living in the venomous driftnet of fizz Alya taking into consideration all of the interactions involved in the symbiotic relationship of these two organisms the appropriate term to assign is difficult perhaps we can say marriage just kidding the facts state that commensalism of these two aquatic creatures is one which incorporates beneficial as well as harmful factors depending on the circumstance it is this alternation of prey predator roles of phase alia and omnious that creates a definitive difficulty perhaps the best term we can apply for the moment is that of commensalism given that both animals receive some benefit at varying times during the relationship okay all right so we read it hopefully we understood most of it now if you didn't understand everything that's okay don't worry about it it's passage three it's challenging okay be ready for these let's take a look at the questions and solve them together okay so here we go number 27 the Portuguese MANOWAR's something acts as both a defense and attack mechanism okay so the Portuguese man-of-war z-- something acts as both the defense and attack mechanism can anybody tell me what that could be okay bumi says maybe tentacles BEC Jen says I think poison is better Rajveer says venom okay remember students that there this creature has several types of tentacles and it's only one specific tentacle that's poisonous so poison is the better word okay so poison and in this case because the passage mentions the synonyms they will accept the synonym so venom or toxin okay because the passage mentions all three of these they will take any one of these three answers okay but they won't take tentacles okay yeah no pizza you can see lots of these lessons on our Channel and on our websites okay it's super cool that you like the lesson so a poison toxin or venom those are synonyms and they'll take anyone because all three are mentioned in the passage okay so good number twenty-eight norm is which is the fish of course has a something to the mana wars attack what's the correct answer 428 can anybody remember and again if you visualize this you should be able to have a pretty good idea or a pretty good guess okay Rajveer says resilience and zen federic says resistance yeah absolutely both of those are okay so resilience and resistance are both okay okay yeah remember it even says how much more resistance than other fish anybody remember let's see who is really paying attention to this reading how much more resistant is the NAM bias to the mana wars attack than other fish it actually gives us the number for that Sammy says ten times no not ten it's more than ten it was a hundred times 100 good guess on the ten but multiply it by another ten and you have the right number there's a hundred times right remember that part where it was up here right at the very very beginning somewhere I remember it because I visualized how really strong must be okay oh sorry my mistake you did a better job than I did no banette everybody else is right I'm wrong you guys are like wasn't it ten I saw ten no you're right everybody you're right you're right I'm wrong I admit it I was over visualizing it's ten times I just read it here we go where is it there it is Azealia venom ten times the norm the strength of that which kills other fishes ten times ten times you're right you're right I'm wrong ten times good job all right let's keep going let's keep going good job visualizing okay here we go number twenty-nine UNAM Gnaeus is also a very competent something which helps keep it safe from the Man O'War what is the missing word there that should be a fairly easy one that should be a fairly easy one of course everybody makes mistakes mug suit of course everybody makes mistakes so nominees is also a very competent something what is it yeah a very competent swimmer not very competent fish or akin that would mean that the fish is smart swimmer swimmer very competent swimmer which helps keep it safe right it's swimmer very competent swimmer it's a very good swimmer manami's swim as well all right so far so good notice two students and this is kind of interesting that sometimes when a passive seems like it's really difficult the topic and the ideas the questions aren't necessarily that bad okay so the questions aren't going to be quite as scientific as the passage okay so keep that in mind so the IELTS is still not a third-year University biology exam okay when you get into university and you see a passage like this you can bet that your we'll have much more challenging questions like what's the logic for the naming of the relationship between the NAM biasts and the PFAs alia so let me questions more like that right two sentences okay so please keep in mind students that College University exams can be much more challenging okay these ones aren't so don't panic about the questions okay even though the passage might look scary the questions aren't as bad okay all right so number 30 although they initially look like a jellyfish the Man O'War is really uh what that's an interesting fun question so what is that Man O'War if it's not a jellyfish again that's something coming from the beginning and II see music says it's a polyp yeah polyp very good now the reason why this is so interesting students is because polyps usually grow on the bottom of the ocean and they look like this and maybe you've seen these especially if you're living in a country where you have access to the ocean or this sea you've probably seen these creatures they're quite common just like jellyfish around the world and they feed so they wait for algae and they feed like this and these are called polyps okay now the Portuguese Manowar is a really interesting polyp and now it'll all make sense which is basically inverted so it's like taking these polyps and then turning them upside down like this okay with this one very special polyp that creates this air sac that's why it's floating on top of the ocean it is explained in the passage so does that make sense now that this Portuguese man-of-war is like an inverted polyp it's like an upside-down polyp okay all right so now that makes sense why is that not a jellyfish and it's not in the ocean it's on top of the ocean okay all right a little bit of Science in there for us as well so yeah so number 30 it's really a polyp it's really a polyp it's not a jellyfish okay the role of the something is as a sexual organ okay so this is one part of the fish this is going to be a technical word I know that one paragraph is talking about the different parts of this animal so I'm going to go back to that part I think that was the part that I was actually reading super fast if everybody remembers okay and here we can see it so the gana Zoey's that reproduce yeah gherkin good so her can God it was like go something with the ganas OIG's now careful with the spelling of this word it's Ghana zoo AIDS so the double-o okay ganas would make sure to go back and check the spelling for words like that now notice how it doesn't say sexual organ but it says reproduce so they do paraphrase that okay all right I see a couple students have some questions that are off topic which is okay just send me an email on that students okay you can always send me an email so here it's gone Oh Zoey is as a sexual organ okay now it's singular not ask because the is okay all right number 32 Nam uses ability to live around the poisonous something of the Man O'War is not fully understood what do you think is the word that goes in there you can probably guess that one without looking okay so nam uses ability to live around the poisonous something of the Man O'War is not fully understood Michel fan says I pretty should that ones tentacles coma pre-core agrees and I agree as well tentacles I be shocked agrees as well tentacles okay tentacles if you're not sure what a tentacle is tentacles are those kind of funky appendages appendages that move around without bones right so if you think of an octopus then you will think of those eight beautiful tentacles as well ooh okay this one's missing a few so these are the tentacles tentacles of these animals okay tentacles good for those of you who got it yeah so the fish is able to swim around those tentacles all right good news and bad news students good news I think all of you did a great job and you learned some good tips strict tricks and strategies to improve your band scores that we talked about for comprehension and fluency bad news is we have run out of time so if you'd like to complete the rest of these here are the questions I can post the answer key on the YouTube community board later so I'll post the answer keys there okay on our YouTube community board here are the next four questions here are the choices you can look at this video again and just go to the questions here at the end of the video the video will be on this channel after it processes in about an hour okay here are the multiple choice questions and last but not least here are the yes no not given questions so you can go back to these pause of the video answer them reread again okay students if you like these lessons you want to see some HD lessons without ads properly organized and so forth definitely check us out on our websites and join our premium packages AE help calm for academic outs there's six original practice exams there we're adding four more this year and for Gia let's help calm its the general outs check us out there over 100 hours of video lessons on those and also fully interactive course and also app supported so you're very very welcome everyone thank you so much for participating for watching I hope everybody continues to have a safe and healthy rest of your day I will be back tomorrow with task one and task two maybe I think so but I'll be here tomorrow for more outs either way bye for now much love to all of you from Budapest
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 4,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: q5dmiVEJzHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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